#I don’t think I’m forgetting any info that says ‘oh yeah same exact life growing up till that specific point’
theshadowrealmitself · 11 months
Everyone probably understands this but I’m frustrated that they keep leaving the second bit out, it’s not just “this is who Miles would’ve become if that spider hadn’t bit him,” there’s no way everything would’ve been fine if there had been no Spidey up until a like a year ago around when he was bit
That spider was most likely supposed to bite a Peter Parker years ago, there’s been no Spiderman for years
That’s who Miles would’ve been if he had spent a majority of his childhood in that terrible fucking post-apocalyptic environment
Edit: looking back it does look like in that one scene that that spider was going to bite the other Miles but that,, just doesn’t make any sense to me? either way, that other Miles still would’ve grown up in a wildly different environment, so it’s still not just “who Miles would’ve been without the spider bite”
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dukeofonions · 3 years
So I thought I’d try something a little different (and slightly more fun than my usual saltiness) and do my own little personal ranking of Sanders Sides episodes! 
Now I actually haven’t watched anything from the series for awhile so these rankings are going to be based purely on my own memories of each episode and how much I remember enjoying them. I’ll also be splitting the rankings up so I’ll do season one today and season two later on.
Eventually I want to go back and actually rewatch everything but I’ll probably wait until the season two finale comes out (whenever the heck that will be) but until then I think this will cover it.
Also important to note is that I will not be counting Asides in this since 
1. I’m salty
 2. It’s not supposed to be Sanders Sides anyway so why include it?
and 3. I’m very salty.
Alright, let the ranking begin!
Dang, can you believe season one has seventeen episodes? Starting with My True Identity on October 19th, 2016 and ending with Accepting Anxiety on July 15th, 2017. 
These episodes were a lot shorter too. The longest one, Growing Up, is only about 15 minutes long (14:39 to be exact because I already have the playlist pulled up to get all these references so I might as well use the info I have) and the shortest episode was Way Too Adult that barely makes it to the four minute mark. (Okay it’s 4:18 but that’s still closer to four) 
It’s really interesting to see how much the series changed just throughout season one alone, especially once it shifts from just being a silly series of one shots to a series with more fleshed out characters and beginning to scratch the surface of dealing with heavier topics. 
How did it do for me personally? Well if you made it this far I assume you actually want to know my opinion so I’ll go ahead and tell you...
For real now, let the ranking begin!
*cue drum roll*
#17 I'm in a Disney Show
Yeah this one is pretty forgettable, and it really sticks out like a sore thumb among the other episodes in this series since it’s based on something that happened in real Thomas’s life and later on they try to establish that Sanders Sides isn’t about real Thomas. Not only that there wasn’t much in this episode that stuck out as funny to me. The only bit I actually remember laughing at was when the Sides were throwing around click bait titles. 
So yeah, boring episode, feels out of place, moving on.
#16 Becoming a Cartoon
Like with the last one this one is just very forgettable to me. It also features someone who turned out to be a pretty shitty person so I can’t even watch it without feeling uncomfortable.
The only thing I remember laughing at was Patton holding a potato. 
#15 My True Identity
Okay I know it’s harsh putting the first episode so low on the list, especially when most of my problems with it stem from it being made before there were any intentions to make it a series, but like the first two it’s also kinda boring. I mean on it’s own it does a good job of introducing people to the basic idea of the series and gives an idea of what the characters are like, but they all basically act like the same person (yes I’m aware of the irony) with just one or two minor things to set them apart. 
Can’t really hate this one like the other two since, again, this was made with no intention of plot or character development, so it’s only this low because it doesn’t really stick out to me. But hey, it did its job at getting people interested in the characters so in that aspect it did its job perfectly.
#14 Taking On Anxiety
Oh the second hand embarrassment in this episode is too much to bear. Honestly any episode that has Thomas interacting with someone from real life just feels so weird to me and takes me out of the episode. However, I do actually have a bit more positive things to say about this one. The advice they give is actually helpful, and my gosh I love pre-AA Virgil. 
The snark, the sass, it’s easy to see why he became a fan favorite so fast. And fortunately for me, there’s plenty of episodes for me to love him in before I start to hate him. 
#13 Way Too Adult
This is gonna sound repetitive but again, forgettable. Doesn’t give me second hand embarrassment or make me feel negative in any way so that’s why it’s higher than the others. And hey, 13 is one of my favorite numbers so that’s gotta count for something right?
The best part of this episode is Patton, I really miss the earlier version of him where he actually took on more of a fatherly figure and had more of a serious side. Not that I don’t like him now and I still think he’s one of the better written in the series (more on that in another post) but it’s kinda nice to see him being portrayed in a way that doesn’t feel like he’s being dumbed down for laughs or is just sad and confused.
#12 The Mind vs The Heart
Or as I like to call it “Selfishness vs Selflessness in Five Minutes.” This episode is way too relatable which is both fun but also I don’t need the reminder that I can’t say “no” to people, but that’s a me problem not the episode’s. I like the format of using cutaways to show examples of how Logan and Patton clash in Thomas’s day to day life and honestly I wish they’d use it more since I think they only do it in this episode and in Growing Up but I could be wrong and I’m too lazy to check.
All in all this a cute little episode (and not cute for the reason you might think) and I enjoy it. 
#11 Accepting Anxiety Part One
Honestly not much to say about this one? It’s funny watching Thomas’s antics while the Sides have to try and figure out what’s going on. Which is a nice change of pace from the usual “The Sides are being goofy and zany and Thomas has to try and get them on track” that I kinda notice throughout season one and that starts to change to become the norm in season two, but I’ll get to that later. 
Reason this one isn’t as high as others is just because besides that one gimmick of Thomas saying and doing silly stuff is that there isn’t much beyond that, and of course that’s just because this is the first part of a two part episode so I’ll give it grace for that. Still a great set up though and is funny on its own. 
#10 The Dark Side of Disney
Alright, we’ve made it to the top 10! Here’s where things start to get interesting.
Personally, I find this episode hilarious because I do this kind of stuff to “kid’s films” all the time. Never to actual kids but to adults, it’s fun to see just how dark I’ll go. 
Of course this isn’t really what the episode does, it talks more about the messages in these movies as opposed to talking about how “dark” they are. Which, now that I look back I clicked on this episode thinking that it was going to be a part of the latter and had no idea it was a Sanders Sides episode. Maybe that’s how I found the series? I always forget which episode was my first...
Back to the episode, it also establishes Virgil and Roman’s little dynamic of being rivals and I love it. They have some of the best exchanges in the series and it’s fun watching them go head to head here, and even bonding a little as well. All in all, fun episode that provides some good character moments and some laughs. 
#9 A New Year of Lying to Myself... In Song!
Just the song, man. It slaps. 
But am I the only one miffed that Virgil technically got a villain song (about lying no less) and Janus didn’t? Not even an evil reprise? Yeah that’s some bull spit right there.
#8 Growing Up
Aw, the first name reveal episode on this list! This episode is a lot of fun, mostly because of the scenarios they come up with and the little cutaways they add in. Seriously. Just use these more instead of going to these great lengths to show us something that can be accomplished in six seconds of footage. 
It also has one of my favorite moments with Logan quietly asking Patton what they’re doing wrong after Thomas tries to force himself into the “serious adult role.” I really got a soft spot for this episode and honestly talking about it makes me wanna watch it again, but I’ll hold off for now. 
And I think Patton has one of the best name reveals. Like Thomas really thought his name was Pattoncake, and Patton’s reaction is priceless. I still want to know what “Pattoncake” actually is and how it’s played, but part of me also accepts that it’s probably better if we never know. 
#7 Making Some Changes
Why are Thomas’s friends so good at acting as Thomas acting as his characters? Seriously half the time when I watch this episode my brain doesn’t acknowledge that the Sides are now being played by different people until halfway through. 
This episode is one of the funniest in my opinion, and one I remember coming back to a lot. Do I still want an episode where the Sides pretend to be each other? Yes. Do I know it’ll probably never happen and if it did they’d find some way to just make it full of angst? Yes, yes I do.
#6 Alone on Valentine's Day
The first episode to be officially cowritten by Joan, and it’s great. It’s hilarious, and just seeing all the varying ways each Side tries to portray their idea of romance is the cherry on top. What more can I say about this episode other than I’m curious as to what Janus and Remus would have contributed to a conversation like this, maybe they’ll do another episode like this in the future with their inclusion, but who knows what the heck they’re doing at this point.
#5 Sanders Sides Q&A
Top 5 here we go!!! This is when ranking started to get difficult because I love all of these episodes so much. Especially this one. I think I’ve watched this one more than any of them and why not? It’s just pure goofball shenanigans and seriously, Thomas, why haven’t you done another one yet? Especially with Janus and Remus?! I mean I get if you’re waiting for “all the characters” but come on man! I need more of the energy this episode gives off.
#4 My Negative Thinking
This episode made me realize just how underrated Logan and Virgil’s relationship is. It’s also the second entry in the “Logan Fights Everyone” saga. I do love how this episode has actually helped me with my own negative thinking and I just freaking love Virgil’s sass in this. 
Did I mention I also love Logan and Virgil’s friendship? Ah, good times when they all more or less liked each other. 
#3 Losing My Motivation
The set up of this episode is just brilliant. Having it be a “mystery” for Logan to solve with Patton as his sidekick provided a lot of laughs and one of my favorite Logan moments with his little bit he does after realizing he was the “culprit” in all of this. Ugh, I really wanna watch some of these episodes now but I’m gonna hold out. 
One thing is that I feel like Logan got the short end of the stick with his name reveal. Like Patton just casually calls him by his name like it’s no big deal, yet pretty much all of the other names are revealed after some kind of emotional moment and are treated as a big deal. If Patton was comfortable enough to just call Logan by his actual name and Logan himself was fine with it then why didn’t any of them introduce themselves before? There’s not really an explanation within the series itself as to why this is or why the Sides even have names in the first place, like it makes sense why Virgil or Janus would hide their names but Logan, Roman, and Patton have been there since day one so what gives?
My personal headcanon is that the three of them had a bet going on to see how long they could go without calling each other by their names in front of Thomas and Patton lost because he forgot. 
#2 Am I Original?
Look, Roman is my favorite so of course he’s up here! Not only that but this episode resonates with me a lot as a creative person, and I just love watching the Sides trying all the ideas Roman comes up with.
And his name reveal is also great, probably my favorite one, and of course it’s followed by the now infamous, “You’re my hero” line. But I’m just gonna ignore what became of that and focus on the fact that Roman was actually happy at the end of this episode.
#1 Accepting Anxiety Part Two
What can I say other than this was the perfect way to end this season? Virgil has been the outsider of the group since day one, and seeing him go from this snarky antagonist to gradually being tired with the role until he decides that it would be better if he just wasn’t around at all. This episode has some funny moments too, but what sticks out to me are the more emotional ones. 
Roman’s entire speech to Virgil is just *cheff’s kiss* perfection. Their relationship has finally come full circle and when Virgil smiles at him? Ah it’s so good!!! Like the music, the acting, all of it comes together so perfectly and it makes my heart happy. 
Virgil’s name reveal is also great, after being teased about it over and over again we finally get the real thing and it’s executed perfectly. Although my favorite thing about this episode is probably the end card, it’s so sweet and makes me all sentimental. Why? I dunno, I’m supposed to be heartless but I somehow find my heart melting when Patton gives Virgil the card anyway. Ah, I love Virgil’s relationships with the others by the end of this season, and honestly I would have been satisfied if this had been the end of it.
Just a neat little way to wrap up this neat little series. 
Of course we all know that wasn’t the case and oh boy things certainly took a turn, but that is for another post! 
And that was the first part of my ranking! Like I said this list might change once I go back and watch the series again, but I’m pretty sure things won’t change much then. 
I’m actually surprised at how many happy memories I have with the season, like I seriously want to just go back and watch my favorite episodes again because I’m all up in the nostalgia but again, I’ll hold off for now. 
I hope y’all enjoyed this and I’d be curious to see other people’s rankings of season one. I’m glad I was able to have fun with this and just gush about the series for awhile because oh boy I know things are gonna be very different once I get to season two...
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pug-bitch · 5 years
That’s not why I’m going (8)
Things you can’t control
Book: The Royal Romance
Pairing: Drake Walker x Amara Suarez
Rating: some foul language, some extremely suggestive, a steamy-ish scene! :) This is not appropriate for people under 18.
Word count: 3,405 (let me know if the ‘read more’ cutoff isn’t working well!)
Notes: This picks up right where we left off, with Drake’s POV.
Drake had played it cool with Bastien, and he wasn’t even sure he’d recognized Amara from afar. Even though it was literally his job to recognize faces and to observe every single detail…
Enough. He couldn’t control everything. Plus, Bastien trusted him. He wouldn’t naturally assume there was anything between them, even if he did report seeing them to Liam. Drake’s dad had been Bastien’s mentor, so that must count for something, right? Drake knew he was foolish to think this way. When you weighed in your options, it all came down to it: Liam weighed more.
He’d been silent for a good ten minutes in the car ride home, and Amara was starting to notice he was worried.
‘Are you ok?’
He shakes it off, looks at her, and here comes the smile, as if he couldn’t contain it. To hell with the rest of the world. ‘Yeah. Don’t worry.’
She snuggles up in the car seat. ‘Good. I thought you regretted taking me there for a second.’
‘Never. I had a really good time, Suarez.’
Her face lit up. ‘Me too! It was awesome. Can we go back another time?’
‘Sure. I’d love that. But for now, let’s get you home, and let’s keep you hydrated, Agent Suarez.’
‘Sorry. Detective Suarez, you are hammered. I need to keep you watered.’
She flashes a gorgeous smile, and he melts. He just wants to take her far away, forget about everything else. And right now, he can’t think of a good reason not to.
His phone buzzes. Incoming call from Liam. Ugh. Should he pick up, or…? No. He’ll listen to the voicemail later, if he left one. But suddenly, the thought of Bastien popped back in his mind. Could he have reported them already?
‘You’re not picking up?’
‘Nah, it’s Liam. I don’t want to talk to him right now.’
Amara looks out the window, wistfully. ‘I don’t want to be an obstacle to your friendship.’
He hated that he’d make her think anything was her fault. No, she’d done nothing wrong. His hand looked for hers, and when he found it, he squeezed it tight. ‘Stop. You’re not. There are just things...things you can’t control.’
She scoffs. ‘Yeah.’
They ride in silence, until Amara, still looking out the window, softly says: ‘I have a tendency to destroy, Drake. I ruin things. I hope I don’t ruin anything with you.’
His heart broke a little. How many times had he thought the same about himself? Hell, he’d had that exact thought just earlier this evening. But somehow, when she said it, this beautiful, incredible, funny, smart woman, it hurt him so much. Why did she trust herself so little?
‘Suarez, you could never. I’m not going anywhere, ok?’
They’d decided to head to Drake’s room, which did have a lock. Maxwell’s interruption had taught them a lesson about privacy, even if Drake had been clear about not wanting to take advantage of her while she was inebriated. At the very least they’d have a quiet, relaxing evening without the risk of someone barging in.
Liam had left a voicemail, and just wanted to see if Drake was up for a drink. Nothing alarming. Drake could breathe again.
Against her better judgment, Amara poured herself a glass of wine after pouring Drake one. After all, she didn’t have any commitments in the morning, and it wasn’t that late, or so she argued. Drake looked at her with a smile on his lips, and when she noticed, she rolled her eyes and said ‘Oh come on, just one!’
She looked around his room, and he suddenly felt very naked. He hadn’t had anyone in there in a long time, and he hadn’t tidied up at all. She glanced at the pile of photos and various letters on the desk. A photo of his mom and dad as newlyweds was on top of the bunch, and she studied it intently. It made him smile, and he was surprised to realize that he instinctively opened up, before she even asked anything.
‘That’s my parents. Before they had me. I’ve always loved this photo.’
She takes it in her hand and looks closer. ‘You look like both of them. They looked very happy.’ She pauses. ‘I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to--’
‘No, not at all. I miss my dad a lot, and I enjoy thinking that he was happy.’
‘I get that. Where does your mom live?’
‘She lives in Texas, with her new husband, Barry. They live on the family ranch.’
‘Oh nice! Do you guys get along?’
Drake shrugs. Funny how he had no problem telling her everything. If she asked him for his ATM pin, he’d probably give it to her. ‘Meh. It changed things when my mom remarried. Barry’s a good guy and all, it’s just�� y’know.’
‘He’s not your dad.’
‘Yeah. Although I’m aware it makes me sound like a brat. You know, the whole ‘You’re not my real dad!’ tantrum.’
She laughs, and replies, taking her eyes off the photo and looking directly at Drake. ‘I can understand that. I see things differently, but I get where you’re coming from.’
He walks closer, and sits right next to her at the desk. ‘What do you mean?’
‘Well,’ she says, sitting on the arm of the chair, comfortably close to him, ‘when my dad remarried, I was grateful he had someone to share his life with. To get through...things. It doesn’t mean he loved my mom any less, on the contrary. But he just found a partner, for the next stage of his life. Plus, Nancy is also a widow, and they understand each other’s pain. So, the way I see it, he’s in good hands. Someone other than us--than me--cares for him.’
Drake nods. ‘I didn’t know your mom passed. I’m sorry.’
She gives him a sad smile. ‘When I was ten. Dad married Nancy ten years later. So, there’s also the fact that he had been alone for a while, he was an empty nester...It felt good to know he had companionship.’
He couldn’t keep his eyes off of her. She was beautiful to begin with, but the way she spoke about her family, with so much understanding, so much compassion. And without making him feel like a brat for not fully accepting his stepdad, even though he should probably feel bad about that. Barry was a good guy, after all. ‘That’s actually really good to hear. I needed to hear it.’
She smiles, and puts an arm around him. ‘So, you gonna call Barry tomorrow? Ask him to bond over a soccer game or something?’
He chuckles. Maybe he would, next time he’s in Texas. ‘Heh. Sounds like a plan.’
Amara continues to look at the photos. Drake doesn’t even think of stopping her, when she stumbles upon a picture of Savannah, probably taken a couple of months before she left. He feels a pinch in his heart. ‘Um, that’s my sister. Savannah.’
Amara smiles, and just says ‘She’s very pretty. Kind eyes.’
He notices she doesn’t pry any further, and does not try to know where she is, or anything else. For some reason, he finds it endearing. ‘Yeah. She’s a kind woman. We were extremely close growing up, but I guess I must have become overprotective somewhere along the road.’
‘Well, you guys lost your dad when you were young, right? That’s a reason to be protective, when you lose a family member, you want to make sure it doesn’t happen again.’ Her voice becomes choked up, but she shakes it off.
‘Yeah, I was 18 and Savannah was 16 when our dad passed. But it wasn’t until about 8 years later, so about two years ago, that Savannah left court abruptly. She left a note, and I haven’t been able to contact her since.’
He couldn’t believe he had told her that. He never talked about Savannah. On some level, it was because he felt responsible for her leaving. After all, she allegedly contacted their mom, but never him. She probably needed to be far away from him, and far away from the pressure of court. So, he blamed and resented both: himself, and court.
Amara’s eyes widen in shock. ‘What do you mean, you haven’t been able to contact her? There has been no trace of her at all?’
‘Well, my mom claims she sends an email once in a while, but nothing else. I have never seen the emails, but my mom gave me the address. I sent many messages, but no response.’
‘Drake, I’m sorry, this is a shitty situation. But there are ways to find people. Did you ever think of hiring a detective, or--’
‘Bastien and some other members of the Royal Guards tried to help me at first, but when there were no leads, they quickly gave up.’
‘Well, lucky for you, I’m a detective, and I have my ways. If you give me the email address, and all the info you can think of, I’ll look into it. I can’t promise you anything, but I can try.’
He hadn’t had hope in almost two years. Even when Bastien had tried to investigate, he simply didn’t trust they could do it, or even that they really wanted to find her. But now, looking at this hot detective he had known for less than two weeks, he was hopeful, and legitimately grateful. She cared enough to offer. He gently stroked her hair, and captured her lips in a deep kiss. ‘Thank you, Amara.’
Amara awoke at the sound of her phone going crazy. She’d fallen asleep in Drake’s arms, once again. As she was drifting off to sleep a few hours earlier, she caught herself wondering if she would be able to sleep alone here, without Drake’s reassuring embrace. Two nights in a row they had spent the night together, and she had been completely nightmare-free. That had to mean something.
They had talked about Savannah’s case, and Amara had taken lots of notes on everything Drake could remember. She had gotten extremely excited at the thought of investigating again. In two whole years, she’d never looked back at her old career, but now, the old bug was coming back to her.
Dammit, what did her phone want with her now? Four texts from Maxwell.
Number one. Hey Amara, you can still sleep in, but you have an event scheduled for 10am! Woo!
Number two. You need to be dressed casually but cute, because you’ll see Liam! Woo!
Number three. I know I said you can sleep in but it’s already 7.30 and I haven’t heard from you so maybe you could text back at your earliest convenience?
Number four. Is everything ok??????????
Alright. She needed to text back. She just types Relax Max, I’m up, getting in shower now. Meet you in your room in half an hour to discuss outfits?
He replies right away with YAY see you then, gurl.
She rolls her eyes and smiles. Oh Maxwell. What an intense little guy.
She kisses Drake’s neck, not wanting to wake him up, but kinda hoping he would. ‘I have to go,’ she whispers.
He stretches, and quickly finds her lips. ‘Mmmm can’t you stay a little…?’ He pulls her close, kissing her deeper, and running his hands all over her back.
Fuck, she thinks. Why can’t Maxwell let her be? Plus, does she give two shits about seeing Liam? When she weighs her options, the bulge in Drake’s boxers wins, hands down, not even a question. 
He kisses her neck lazily, his lips trailing towards her chest. She rolls her head back and strokes his hair, enjoying the moment.
‘Mmmm I wish… Maxwell will barge in soon if I don’t meet him in his room, though…’
Drake grunts. ‘Ugh, how long do we have?’
‘I’m meeting him in half an hour in his room.’
Drake rolls his eyes, and plants a kiss on her lips. ‘When this happens, it’s not going to be a quick thing while Maxwell waits outside. I want us to take our time. So...raincheck?’
Amara thinks, she’s gonna have a collection of rainchecks, soon. And somehow, they were all due to Maxwell, that little minx.
‘Deal,’ she says while shaking Drake’s hand. ‘But I don’t know how much longer I can wait.’
‘Heh, same. But hey, anticipation is key, wasn’t it Charles Dickens who said that?’
‘Yeah, well Charles Dickens didn’t have an annoying friend like Maxwell, I bet.’
‘Alright Suarez, go go go. I’ll text you later.’
She sneaks back into her room, careful not to be seen.
It’s Amara’s turn to see Liam, one on one. She and Maxwell--or rather, Maxwell alone--decided on a floral dress for the date. More than ever, she felt like a contestant on The Bachelor. Except that she didn’t want the rose. The rose could eat a bag of dicks.
Speaking of roses, the date was set up in the gardens. Again, she thought. Does he have a topiary fetish?
‘Hello, Lady Amara,’ Liam said enthusiastically, a dashing smile on his lips.
‘Hello, Prince Liam. How are you doing?’
‘I’m great, thank you! Would you care for a cup of coffee?’ He gestures to a small coffee cart, manned by a server dressed up in a tuxedo. At 10am. Amara nods, and gives the guy her order, feeling bad every step of the way for causing a man to dress up to watch someone else’s date and pour the coffee.
‘Shall we walk through the gardens?’ Liam asks, just as enthusiastically.
‘Sure, that sounds lovely.’
She’d have to be careful not to be rude. His relentlessness annoyed her profoundly, but then again, she was a guest here and definitely did not want to end up being kicked out, not with what had been happening between Drake and her.
Liam talked to her about the history of the garden, and she listened intently, relieved that the conversation, so far, steered clear of anything personal.
‘So, Lady Amara, how have you been getting along with the other ladies?’
‘Oh, really great. Lady Hana is amazing, we took to each other right away.’
‘I’m so glad to hear this!’
‘Yeah, and I think Olivia and I are starting to get along really well, too.’
Liam’s eyes widen in surprise. ‘Oh, really? That’s so good to hear, truly. I was concerned, because as you may have noticed, Lady Olivia can be a tad...abrasive.’
Amara chuckles. On the one hand, he wasn’t wrong. But something about the fact that Liam was bitching to her about Olivia irked her somehow. She wanted to tell him that he’d be lucky to have Olivia, but instead she said ‘Well, I find her to be extremely interesting and, pardon my language, but badass.’
Liam laughs lightheartedly. ‘Yes, that’s one word for her. In any case, I’m happy you’re making friends. It can be difficult to arrive in medias res, you know?’
Who says ‘in medias res’ out loud? ‘Yes, I know what you mean. But you can rest assured, I’m fine.’
‘I also wanted to talk to you about the newest suitor. Lady Madeleine. You probably know her history with my family, by now.’
‘Um yes. Olivia filled me in.’
‘Good, good. Well, you should know that, regardless of her link with my stepmother, it doesn’t change the fact that I am still very much interested in you.’
Amara stops dead in her tracks. Oh great. Now she’d have to deal with that, live. ‘That’s a very nice thing to say, Your Royal Highness, but--’
‘Liam.’ He stops walking and grabs her hand. Amara wonders if saying his own name is another one of his kinks. ‘And Amara, please know that I am at your complete and utter disposal. Should you want to escape from the court. Take a break, just the two of us.’
Her stomach churns. This feels wrong. She wants to yank her hand free, but she feels obligated towards him. If she rejects him point blank, she’s out. She’d need to be more subtle about it. Let him think she’s trying, and ultimately, that she’s just not falling for him, if he’s still into her.
She gently takes her hand back. ‘Thank you. I appreciate it. But, you see, I feel uncomfortable about being treated any differently. I actually like the other ladies, and I’m not asking for a special treatment because I’m not from this world.’
Liam seems to buy it, for now. ‘I commend you. You’re a good person.’ Gee, thanks, morality police. ‘Alrighty then, let’s play by the rules. We have a little more time before the end of the date. Would you like a tour of the maze?’
Hoping he doesn’t have a maze fetish, she nods.
Drake sat anxiously at the coffee shop table, painfully aware that, at this very moment, Amara was alone with Liam. He’d bumped into Maxwell earlier who excitedly told him about the date, and he had been bummed out ever since. He couldn’t tell if he was worried Amara might change her mind about the two of them, or if he was just unsettled and uncomfortable with the thought of Liam, a man no one had ever said no to, being alone with the woman he...cared about.
‘Hey Walker, can I sit?’
Before he could answer yes or no, Olivia sits down next to him.
‘Hey Liv. How’s life?’
She takes a sip of her coffee. ‘Fine. What are you sulking about?’
‘Nothing. Just...thinking.’
She stares into his eyes. He feels like a White Walker is poking his nail into his skull to turn him into a wight. ‘Thinking about how Amara is alone with Liam?’
Oh. Straightforward. Olivia Fucking Nevrakis at work. ‘What do you want, Liv?’
‘Look, I’ll be straight with you.’
‘Wouldn’t expect anything less from you, Nevrakis.’
‘I assume Liam asked you to join the group on the trip to Lythikos tomorrow, right?’
‘Yeah. Why?’
‘Look.’ She inches closer. ‘I’m gonna be hosting the festivities for the next two days. I can arrange for alone time between you and Amara. Assign the two of you to neighboring rooms. Keep Liam busy. The works.’
‘And why would you do that?’
She stirs her coffee, even if there’s no cream or sugar in there. ‘No reason.’
‘You said you’d be straight with me. Keep your promise.’
‘Fine. I know Liam is into her. If he had his way, he’d probably choose her. Neither of us is willing to risk it, are we?’
Drake looks down at his coffee mug. She’s right. And Amara isn’t willing either. ‘Go on.’
‘It’s in my best interest to have Liam’s full attention, especially in Lythikos. It’s my turf, I should be the center of attention, but with Suarez around with her big eyes and big boobs, I can guarantee you it’s not gonna happen.’
Drake chuckles. ‘Ok, but it would be more on brand for you to, I don’t know, sabotage her. Not that I want to give you any ideas.’
Olivia snorts. ‘What kind of person do you think I am, Walker? Believe it or not, I actually enjoy the bitch’s company. She’s a good drinking buddy. She’s dark, and not weak like the others. I don’t want her gone, I just want her to get what she wants, so I can get what I want. Win-win.’
Sound reasoning. Drake nods, taking it all in.
Olivia takes a breath, and adds: ‘Not to mention...I owe you one.’
Drake raises an eyebrow. ‘You do?’
‘Kinda. I figured I could have been...nicer to your sister. Maybe she wouldn’t have left if everyone had been less of a dick to her for not being noble.’
He’s surprised. Olivia had never mentioned Savannah again, after she left, much less admitted any kind of fault in her departure. Not that Drake blamed anyone in particular but himself, and the pressure of court, which he could barely handle, let alone his little sister.
Olivia continues: ‘Also, I thought you’d need some help being discreet. My bodyguard was out last night,’ she gestures at the muscular guy who is having coffee two tables over, ‘and he told me he saw the two of you singing Disney songs together at a cop bar.’ She snorts with disgust.
‘It was a Queen song!’ Drake protests.
‘Yeah yeah. In any case, you’re gonna need some lessons in sneakiness. Do we have a deal?’
Drake shakes her hand vigorously. ‘You got it, Liv.’
@andy-loves-corgis , @drakewalkerwhipped , @drakxwalker , @drakewalkerrosenberg , @drakeswalkers , @drakelover78 , @silviasutton1989 , @jovialyouthmusic , @drakeandcamilleofvaltoria , @mariahschoices , @drakesensworld , @thequeenofcronuts , @notoriouscs , @drakewalkerisreal , @nikkis1983 @simsvetements
Thank you for your encouragements, everyone! Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist :)
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alia-turin · 6 years
This chapter is a bit darker, after all things happen after Noct had already disappeared and we all know how the world looks after that. The game doesn’t really touch (even Comrades) on a lot of the things I imagine happen in Lestallum, like provision shortages etc so I kind of tried to add that here. Hope y’all enjoy, Sorry for the angst. 
Fic Title: Back to Life Chapter number: Act IV Previous Chapters: Act I, Act II, Act III Rating/Warnings: M (sex, swearing, drinking, Tredd) Pairing: Tredd x Reader Summary: Reader has nice a career and wants to grow it, relationships are not her thing so meeting Tredd at a bar turns out to be exactly what she needs after a long day at work. Notes: Story  moves to Lestallum, Noct is already gone so the world is sinking into darkness. I always wanted more canon info on how Lestallum was operating, for the normal people, refugees etc. not just the game characters since I cannot imagine it was a fun place considering everything.
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Tagging: @birdsandivory @lazarustrashpit @jojopitcher @yourcoolfriendwithallthecandy @kairakara101 @ladychocoberry @demidemon09  @mysticrainpain @mp938368
It has been one of these long days that you wanted to end as soon as it started. Not that it really mattered, every single day in Lestallum for the past year or so has been the exact same thing. Ever since the darkness happened and people started barricading the city. Going out wasn’t safe and nobody did it unless they had to. Staying in was an absolutely nightmare. It was safe, but wherever you went it was the same faces and you can see the hope vanishing from their eyes with every single day. People had even stopped asking where the young king was.
You were sitting in one of the tents rolling bandages, it was the only thing you had the strength to do. That was your new profession, not rolling bandages but you had learned thing or two about nursing. As it turns out nobody needed an interior designer when the world was ending. Another reminder for you how unprepared you were for a life like that. You often wondered what the point of all that was, you haven’t seen the sun more than two months and it seemed like it would never come around again. At first Lestallum had been a shelter, a place where you hoped that eventually you might rebuild life, but what happens when all life was dying? Lestallum was safe, but you helped in the clinic, you knew what the hunters, crownsguard and leftovers of the glaive were saying. The world was falling into ruins.
At first when you moved to Lestallum you thought you would miss the luxuries in life. Having nice hot bath, gym, hairstylist and clothes that costed more than they should. It wasn’t that, these things are easy to live without after couple of months. The routine was killing you. Nothing was happening. Same people, tired of what life had served them. Sure, every day in the clinic was different. Today someone had broken an arm, the next day someone would come with the flu. But that wasn’t life. Loneliness. That was probably the worst part of it. You never managed to make friends in Lestallum, and everybody you knew from before that was dead. Including him, that bastard.
On days like that you often caught yourself thinking about him. Maybe he got the better deal at the end anyway. He wasn’t sitting here rolling bandages until it was dinner time because there was nothing better to do. Probably lambs at a slaughter house felt better than you since lambs didn’t know what was happening to them, you were aware that if nothing changed, sooner or later you all would be going to the slaughter house.
Your thoughts went to him again. He would call you a spoiled brat and tell you to get a hold of yourself. He has always been right you were a spoiled brat. The only reason you managed to get to Lestallum in the first place is because he told you to do so and you were just stuck here when the darkness came. In a sense he had saved your life and you hated him. Not for saving you but for even having the need to be saved. He was one of the many reasons you were where you were and if he hadn’t died you were going to kill him.
The bandage you were rolling had long been rolled and you left it in the box with the rest. You didn’t want to think about that anymore. You haven’t thought about him in days and now all your thoughts and feelings were rolling in your head like avalanche. Did you still love him? Maybe the thought of him, but you also hated what he did.
You were distracted by shouting coming from outside and decided to check. Maybe there was finally something happening in the monotone day of Lestallum.
You walked just in time to say that Libertus was one of the people shouting, there was a man in front of him that was obviously on the receiving end. Couple more glaives were around them. As you started coming closer, you saw Libertus punching the other man in the gut. The man made a step backwards, his body bending from the hit.
“You were always a stupid dick, Libertus.” The man said and you froze. You were probably going insane, that voice…no it couldn’t be. He was dead. Libertus had seen it, he told you he was dead.
Then the man straightened himself and jumped on Libertus, the other glaives grabbed him and you could finally see him…It was Tredd. Stubble was covering his face and he seemed like he had lost some weight but it was him. He tried to fight the glaives that were holding him, he tried to fight his way to Libertus but it didn’t work.
“Why don’t you tell them to let go of me, huh?” Tredd spat on the ground in front of Lib’s feet. “You are afraid I will rip your fuckin head off. Not so brave when Nyx is not around to save your ass, are you?”
“I don’t have time to deal with you.” Libertus eventually said and started walking away. “Stay around, I’m sure the Marshal would love to chat with you.”
“Yeah I’d gladly tell him as well where he can stick it.” Tredd shouted as the glaives let go of him.
You were standing there finding it hard to believe what was happening. Why was that happening? How was it happening? Tredd noticed you eventually and just stared at you as well.
“Fucking finally someone who is happy to see me.” He said and walked towards you but as soon as he reached you, you slapped him as hard as you could, tears running down your eyes. “What is your fucking problem, what is everyone’s fucking problem?”
“You were dead!” you shouted at him and tried to clean the wetness of your face. It wasn’t tears of grief or happiness, it was tears for everything that had happened so far. Him dying, your life being taken away, living one day for the next without knowing when a demon would just breach the city.
“So, I have been told, feel pretty alive.” he chuckled but there was something sad in his smile. “Come on, I need a rundown on what is happening. I feel like I have massive memory loss.”
You just stared at him wanting to slap him again for your broken heart. You mourned him. You cried for him, and now he was here acting as if he has no idea what was happening. He got you all in that!
You just walked toward the place that you were calling home and you heard his steps after you. He was fucking dead, how was he walking and talking. Sure, there were a lot of people who had vanished under Insomnia and appeared later but…weeks later, not almost two years. Not after someone had seen their dead body. Was Libertus lying? Why would he lie?
Your new home was in one of the older buildings of Lestallum, very small apartment, but it wasn’t like you owned anything to put in it. Just some clothes and that was it.
“You have certainly downgraded.” Tredd said as he walked in and you regretted not having a weapon to just kill him on the spot.
“And whose fault is that?” you kicked one of the two chairs as an invitation for him to sit, he didn’t but you did. “Welcome to my new life, you will be happy to hear I don’t have thirty pairs of overly expensive shoes or a whole drawer with make up. Oh also occasionally I don’t have a meal for couple of days because delivery trucks get attacked by demons and the city is not yet fully self sufficient.”
“How is any of that my fault?” Tredd said absolutely innocent even a bit hurt.
“Really, Tredd? You recall trying to kill the king or something of these lines?” you couldn’t believe it. He had always been stubborn ignorant asshole, but that was beyond him.
“First of all, it was the Captain who did the killing I was otherwise occupied. Second I have massive memory loss and I have no idea what happened between that night in Insomnia and literary three days ago when I just woke up on the side of a road.” He came closer to you grabbing your hands in his almost gently. “Third, if my calculations are correct, I have been out of things for months and judging by the feeling of my balls I haven’t fucked anything in that time so…”
“You should have stayed dead.” You said quietly and pulled your hands away from his. As soon as the words left your mouth you regretted them, but it was too late already.
“Stop being such a bitch? What have I done to you? I told you to leave town, you would be fucking dead if it wasn’t for me.” He got up obviously angry. “Why did I even think you’d be happy to see me? You are most likely riding every fucking cock in that city from the moment you arrived.”
“I mourned you!” you got up kicking the chair behind. “I waited for you, then I started hearing stories about what the Kingsglaive did. About what you did. Then one day I met Libertus and he told me that he saw you dead. Until that moment I was hoping you are alive and just hiding somewhere, but then I realized you were just dead. I mourned you, Tredd, I cried, my heart was broken. I hated you for what you did then I forgave you, then the sun was gone and I hated you again. I tried to forget you. To move on…” your voice broke. Tears were running down your face again and he was just standing there like a statue. “Get out of here!” you shouted at him not wanting to show weakness.
“You know what?” his voice was calm but you could feel the anger. “Fuck you. Go back to riding Libertus’ dick or whoever else you are fucking, I’m done with your ass.”
“I’m not fucking anybody, you ignorant piece of shit!” you shouted after him as he shut the door behind himself.
 Time moved even slower and more painful in Lestallum. Somehow Tredd was always in front of your eyes and people were making sure to point that out to you. You wanted to avoid him, but was impossible. You knew about everything he was doing without actually wanting to find that out. Apparently Libertus brought him to the Marshal. There were several conflicting stories how that went down, and people made sure to tell you every single one of them despite you protesting it. Regardless of what happened in that room, at all ended with Tredd joining the Kingsglaive again. Good for him you thought and returned to your monotone duties in the clinic.
Then it was all the talk about the girls he was flirting on or sleeping with. People would tell you who was the girl they saw him with and then give you the ‘I’m so sorry look’. You weren’t sure if you hated him more or the people who somehow thought that was information you wanted to hear. Turns out you never managed to move on from him, it was just easier not to think about his sorry ass when he was presumed dead. But now he was here, doing what Tredd did and you wished more often than not for a demon to breach these walls and eat him alive. At least like that you can return to silent mourning.
One day as you were walking in the examination room in the clinic, if that tent could be called a room at all, you saw him sitting there, there was a long deep cut on his arm.
“I will call someone else.” You said as your eyes met.
“Why? Scared you will start crying?” he teased you and look for the closest pair of scissors that you can shove in his eye.
“How did that happen.” You were trying to keep your voice completely flat as you reached for bandages and something to clean the wound. It would need stitches as well which was great news since you were low painkillers.
“You know, saving the world.” He chuckled and you raised an eyebrow. It was his fucking fault the world needed saving to begin with. He flinched as you started cleaning the wound but didn’t say anything. Part of you expected that he would call you a bitch and accuse you of causing him pain on purpose, but he didn’t. Tredd just accepted it.
“Heard the Marshal pardoned you.” You said as you started stitching the wound. He was still holding well even if it was obvious he was feeling pain.
“No, he wanted to kill me. Libertus defended me and vouched for me, no idea why.” That was something you didn’t know. “He said I’m useful in a fight and should atone for what I have done. As if I care, ouch!” he shouted as you stuck the needle harder than before. “At first I thought he was really fucking you that’s why he is trying to save my ass.”
“How did you even reach to that conclusion? The only reason I ever talked to Libertus because I saw him in his uniform and wanted to ask what had happened to you. That’s how I met him, the only times he talks to me is when he needs something from the clinic.” You sighed and started bandaging his arm. You had no straight to fight him.
“I was pissed okay?” he raised his voice and you just gave him a tired look. “You said he told you I was dead, and I am obviously not dead. You were angry at me for no reason. I thought…”
“You thought what Tredd? That he seduced me while I was crying over you? Between trying to figure out my life and sobbing over your ass I haven’t had time to figure out who would be invited between my legs.” you checked the bandage and got off the chair you were sitting on. “You are done, you can go. It needs to be changed tomorrow, so make sure you stop by.” You turned around and you were about to leave as he grabbed you by the wrist and squeezed hard. “You are hurting me.” You turned around and looked at him, he wasn’t saying anything, just looking at you and holding your wrist firmly. “Tredd, let go of me.” You repeated trying to free your hand, but you couldn’t.
Eventually he did and started walking toward the exit but then stopped, turned around and pushed you against the examination table making you sit on it.
“Tredd, stop what are you doing…” you moaned as he kissed you and moved his hands on your ass pulling you closer to him.
“Fixing things by trying to fuck you.” He mumbled in your kiss as he started undoing his pants.
“Who said I want you to fuck me?” you said as you pulled your lips away from his, your hands were helping him pull his pants down. “That won’t fix…” you moaned.
“Stop me then.” You didn’t stop him. You are angry with him for everything he had done and messing up your life but you still wanted him and loved him. Funny how two years of living on the essentials makes you brave enough to admit your own feelings at least in front of yourself.
You help him pull his pants down, then you both managed to take yours off and without waiting any further he started fucking you there in the examination room. You moaned louder with each thrust, it has been such a long time and you missed him, feeling him close to you and inside you. You wrapped your arms around his shoulder pulling him closer and you had to dig your teeth in his t-shirt since you were getting too loud.
“Fuck, forgot how nice you feel.” He groaned as he picked up his pace pushing you into an orgasm. It has been too long, that made it too easy for to push you over the end. Took him a bit longer to follow you but once he came he didn’t move, you were both just standing there, his arms around your waist, yours around his shoulders.
As soon as some logical thought appeared in your head you knew that was a mistake. Your problems weren’t going to be fixed with sex, although you had to admit you did feel a bit better now. You had to say something, you had to talk to him because he wasn’t going to do it. You doubted that dead made him more aware of his own emotions.
Eventually he pulled out slowly and started buttoning his pants. You did the same in complete silence, words just didn’t come to your mind. You wanted him back, but you weren’t going to beg for it.
“I will see you around when I come for the bandage tomorrow.” He walked toward the entrance and stopped again. You saw his whole body move as he took a deep breath, held it and then his shoulders sank as if he wanted to say something else, but never did.
You stood there alone realizing that you just made a bigger mess than you had before. You should have either tried to patch things up or end them once and for all but not fuck him just for the sake of fucking him.
“Fuck!” you slammed the table in frustration, your hand hurt but you didn’t care. Apparently, you haven’t grown as much as you thought as a person. What was the purpose of admitting in front of yourself that you loved him, if you couldn’t tell him that. Of course there was the small detail that you were talking about Tredd after all, and saying stuff like I love you was going to force him to make ten offensive jokes and probably pretend to be dead again.
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beyondvapepage · 4 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 273
Click on the video above to watch Episode 273 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Hello everybody and welcome to Hump Day hangouts. Today is the fifth of February 2020. I’m still working on saying 2020 so that’s why I got off well slow but you guys but I keep finding myself right in the last year but I guess that’s just the way it goes. So anyways on to more interesting subjects like answering your questions and seeing what we can help everyone out with. But before we get into that, I want to say hello to the guys. I got some short announcements and then we will jump into it. So starting on my left here, Bradley, how are you doing today?
Bradley: Fantastic, man. I’ve been recording videos all day for the 2xyouragency stuff. Man, I can’t believe we’re selling it for what we’re selling it for. That’s all I gotta say. A lot of content, man.
Adam: If you’re gonna say that but I’m going to say go to 2xyouragency.com.
Chris: Just increase prices.
Bradley: We’re only three weeks into a 12-week course, man, and it’s just a massive amount of value. So anyway, I hope you guys take advantage of our stupidity.
Adam: Well, what Bradley meant to say was, we help digital agency owners get more clients, grow the revenue and scale their teams. All right. So you know, two big things that we find important and I know Bradley’s joking around. But you know, we want to work less and earn more and not that we want to do nothing, but we want to spend our time doing the things we want to do. All right. And that’s what this is all about. So we’ve heard that commonly, from a lot of you guys who are listening, and then people, other people out there, we’ve talked to you, you know, those are the three main things that we can help you do so that you can work less and earn more and spend time doing what you want to do.
Bradley: Yeah.
Adam: Chris, how you doing, man?
Chris: Yeah, like I’m suffering like the temperature struggle here. About 10 days ago, it wasn’t the mountains -17 degrees Celsius. So until for the whole weekend, and until Monday, we had about 19 degrees plus and then Tuesday, a big storm came. And last night we got about half a meter snow dumped out and it’s fucking cold again. So I’m surprised that I’m healthy and like not like having any cold or something like that. But yeah, I don’t know like other than that. Life is good.
Adam: All right. Well, speaking of the cold, Hernan, how are you doing?
Hernan: I’m doing awesome, dude. I’m doing awesome. I’m feeling like shit, but here’s the deal. Okay. Okay, so do two quick things. Stop laughing. It sounds funny. All right. So quick, two quick things. Number one is that thank you guys for the amazing support for the launch of 2xyouragency was awesome. So thank you, guys. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. We’re pouring a lot of value in that Semantic Mastery style. We’re trying to over-deliver 2xyouragency.com. That is number one. Number two is that last week, I went to Funnel Hacking Live and I had the honor and the privilege and the pleasure of getting, on behalf of the whole Semantic Mastery team, the two comma club that we made that possible. Thanks to all of you guys. So I’m feeling like crap, but I’m super proud of the team that we have here. And I’m super proud for, you know, and I don’t have words to thank you, guys, everyone that’s watching the YouTube channel, subscribing, commenting, sharing, you know, buying our product supporting the brand. It’s been quite a ride. And you know, last year, we were sitting with Adam in Nashville, Tennessee, and I was like, dude, I think it would be pretty awesome if we hop on stage together to come to a co or and then lo and behold, we got it. So anyway, I just wanted to say that I’m super proud of that. Super proud of the team. And thank you, guys. Thank you. Thank you.
Adam: Awesome. Yeah, I was too cool for school to go up there with Hernan. I was hanging out in Puerto Rico for a little while. So I had to miss that. But now I’m really glad I didn’t go because apparently I would have gotten sick as hell. Yeah.
Hernan: Yeah. So I went in, I took a bullet for the team, but also, we might have I also got to network with some awesome people, some awesome entrepreneurs, so we might be having them on subsequent hangouts moving forward, so that’s gonna be a blast to some
Adam: awesome good stuff. All right, and Marco, how you doing today?
Marco: Oh, dude, I’m stuck here under almost 20 inches of sun. It’s horrible. Look outside in and not a cloud in the sky 82 degrees. It’ll be around 60, At nightm it’s terrible. I tell you don’t anybody come here. For any of this, you don’t want it. You don’t want paradise, trust me. But what I’m going to do those I’m going to go on a record like to the new house that I just moved into over, there’s a green area and I got two volcanoes in the background to just big mountains. So I’m going to go and do a quick live stream so you guys can see where it is that Marco because it doesn’t get any better than this, man. Eighty degrees in the during the day 60-65 at night. And that’s life guys and what we’re trying to do. You live is that you put whatever you’re POFU is, it doesn’t have to be this. You could it could be that you want to go to Antarctica and set up camp there me you’re more than welcome. That’s your POFU, we’re with you. And we will help you get there. That’s our whole point right behind all this, the 2xyouragency and all of the products and services that we provided so that people can get to the point where they can say, I’m going to do what I want to do rather than what I have to do, to see how the hell I’m gonna make it to the end of the month. I’m going to pay my bills. We don’t want your living that life. We want you living a life where you work less, make more money, and then you could do whatever the fuck you want with your money. And I’ll leave it at that.
Adam: Fair enough. Well, I don’t have too much to add on to that except to say let’s see, nice and sunny. It’s nice to be back home. I enjoy traveling a lot but I don’t know about you guys. I enjoy getting back into the routine as well. Having the flow you know kind of getting out starting my day having that after a week or two on the road and start getting kind of tired and like Okay, I’m ready to get back to it now. I see Bradley shaking his head you feel the same right?
Bradley: Oh my god, dude, there’s so much freedom in routine, I swear to god like I don’t know how you guys are not and you and Chris do it because you trappy the three of you travel so much and work and I just can’t do it. I can’t get motivated. When I’m away from my work environment. It’s very difficult to stay focused for me when I’m outside of this environment. And so, you know, like I said to me, I’m like, I feel so out of sorts, even taking a vacation you know, coming back and getting back into my normal routine is like liberating you know, so I don’t know I get stressed out when I’m on the road. You know when it comes to working stuff so
Adam: but I also see Bradley not being stressed out on the road and that’s it perfectly live. If you want to see Bradley unchained and hit him up for some good off. Off the record info, you need to come to POFU Live. We’ve locked down. We are going to be in Boston this year in 2020. It’s going to be. I forget the exact dates but I believe it’s the last weekend in September and so now is the time to go ahead and lock in your tickets. We’re limiting it to 25 people this year. So if you go to pofulive.com, you can grab your ticket early.
  I’ve got a couple more announcements I want to share with everyone. You heard us talking about double your agency. If you’re new to us, or you’re new to Semantic Mastery, then you know, there are two great places you can get started with us. You’ve already found the first one and that’s Hump Day Hangout show up every Wednesday. If you can’t make it live, you can always ask the question on the page, and then check out our YouTube channel for the answers. So go ahead and hit subscribe on the YouTube channel. Stay up to date with all that. But like I said, we help digital agency owners and consultants get more clients, right? Grow their revenue and scale their teams. All right, so that you can work less and earn more if you want to know more about that. Just go to 2xyouragency.com. All right, and then additionally, a lot of people ask us, you know, Hey, you guys have a step by step process for maybe working with aged domains or how about a new website or how do I use YouTube channels or how do I do GMB stuff? Go check out the Battle Plan if you don’t have the Battle Plan yet, you can find that at battleplan.semanticmastery.com. And last but certainly not least, if you’re doing done for you services or you’re working on your own projects, or you’re working with clients, you need to be checking out mgyb.co. Stuff like link building, the SEO shield, which if you don’t know what that is, head over there, find out press releases, there are more services come in, that’s just the tip of the iceberg. But make sure that you head over there, and you’re putting that to use and that falls into line with what we’re teaching at 2xyouragency.com, you know, as part of the fulfillment and getting yourself out of the fulfillment role and really, and really trying to run business. So with that said, you guys, is there any other announcements before we dive into the questions?
Marco: Let’s do this man.
Bradley: All right, let me grab a screen. Standby. Can you confirm?
Adam: Good to go.
Does The Middle Option In The RYS Drive Stacks Refer To The Classic Or The New Version Of G Sites?
Okay. So looks like Justin is up first. He says for the RYS drive stack. He’s been really active in the Facebook community too. So pretty cool. I love it when people come in and you know, are active and engaged because that’s how you start to grow. Right? So that’s awesome. Justin, he says for the RYS drive stacks for the middle option with the old slash new Google Sites. Is that referring to classic? So you must be talking about when you order from MGYB, he’s asking is that referring to classic/new versions of G sites, both newly created or an aged site as well as a newly created site. That’s the versions, they’re both going to be new.
But we’re talking about classic plus classic Google Sites plus the new Google Sites. Marco was talking about new Google Sites just yesterday with … I saw I’m going to say then, but there’s a so so it’s both in both new sites, but one is on the newer platform. Any old in the other side is on the old Google Sites. So it’s not about aged in new sites if that makes sense.
How Does The Twitter Account For An Extra Hundred Bucks Integrate?
Bradley: Last part of that is how does the Twitter account for an extra hundred bucks integrate? Thanks and Marco I’ll let you take that one.
Marco: Uh, that gets tied to your branded Twitter account. So it becomes a secondary Twitter account that retweets tweets from relevant sources, right? That trusted, authoritative, relevant sources in Twitter, so that your tweets are combined with those relevant, trusted, authoritative tweets so that you draw authority from those and it goes into a tiered network for just your tweets. So that’s what that is. And that’s why we charge extra because you get a persona network, right? A tiered persona network for your tweets and additional tweets to bring back all of that relevance to your website, to your project to wherever it is that you’re sending people when you tweet, your tweet will contain links, it’ll contain information is going to contain, I don’t know, videos, maps, whatever it is that you choose to tweet out. And that’s how you would use that.
  Bradley: There you go, Gordon’s up sup, Gordon? He says, Hey, guys, I have no questions for today. Oh, wow. That’s a rarity, Gordon. He says, even though it’s a little bit late, and I just wanted to wish you much happiness, good health and continued success and prosperity for 2020 and beyond. And also to again, declare a heartfelt thank you for helping your customers by sharing your knowledge with us on these hump days. You’re the best that would be a good one for the testimonials, guys. Thanks, Gordon. We always appreciate you coming in and participating. You’ve been a member or in the audience for many years, a participant for many years, I should say. So thank you for that. We always appreciate you as well. And here comes another superstar, Muhammad. What’s up my buddy? Who said thank you, Al Gore, was turned on to
Should You Use A Unique Title Tags For A Crowded Industry?
and Mohammed, he’s another superstar. He’s been in and out of the mastermind but he’s growing which is awesome. So what’s up man? And he says, hey guys when it comes to the title tags for a crowded industry, do I have to have a unique one my car dealer client is in a big city and all the page one companies seem to have some variations of new cars in city or new that new comma used cars and city. Usually, I try to make my title tag stand out, but in this case, should I just copy what the competition is doing? It’s my focus on uniqueness even justified, I don’t remember learning it. Okay. I’m going to give you my opinion on this and I’m sure that there are probably some differences from some of the other guys.
When it comes to title tags unless it’s a blog post. If it’s a page where you know, for lead generation, I just use the keyword whatever the primary keyword is that I’m trying to target for that page becomes my at least the first part of the title tag. I might include a phone number in the title tag as well as the brand, right? But the first part of the title tag is going to be just that primary keyword, not a modification of it. It’s just the primary keyword, then I’ll have the phone number then the brand or something, some similar variation of that. But it’s always just the primary keyword where I try to have to stand out as in the meta description, right. And that’s where I try to write, you know, I do a lot of Google Ads now. And so I have the benefit of split testing a lot of headlines and descriptions. And because of that, I tend to try to write my meta descriptions as ad copy, so it’s compelling. So that’s what I try to do to stand out. And the reason why I say that is because I want that keyword and the SEO title is a significant ranking factor for a piece of content, at least in my experience, and I’ve kept at that process for many years now. So I always want that primary keyword as the title, the first part of the title tag two, and then I’ll use the ad copy or excuse me, the meta description, optimized that like it’s ad copy to try to entice a click. And that’s typically how I do it. But I’m sure some of the other guys have some other input to put on this. So just to clarify, Mohammed, my opinion would be to do what your competitors are doing when it comes to the title tag, but then try to make your meta description stand out as much as possible. And one of the ways to do that, which may be Marco can touch on this a little bit more if he doesn’t get mad at me for saying this, has to include jump links because they can get pulled into the meta description. Remember, if you have a piece of content and you have like a table of contents, you have jump links within the content, those can actually get pulled into the meta description so it extends your search space, right? The real estate that you take upon the space on and plus it also draws the eyes to it because it’s got a blue clickable link right from within the meta description. So those are also things that you can do to help us kind of stand out. Marco would say you?
Marco: Well on understanding how the algorithm is working right now how it was tweaked how they’re trying to cater to NLP and any neural matching this is when you really have to focus on why brands are becoming more and more important as we go into the Semantic Web. Yeah, you could do it like that. You could do it just focus on the keyword like you said to include the brand and the exact match keyword but the broad match right. So if selling new cars and your domain has new cars, new cars com, so you can’t go new cars, com new cars for sale, it becomes nearly impossible to avoid over-optimizing everything on your website and if you had focused on your brand, which is usually a name, probably a family name, right? And plus, and then the carmaker, and then the location, model, you might want to include the model, if it’s opposed for whatever it is, however it is that you’re trying to frame it, it would be a whole lot easier if you concentrated on the brand. And then once you’re focusing on the brand, to do as much as you can for the entity of that brand around the web, so that now you’re setting yourself up to two ways.
The way Bradley said it becomes unique. Your description is in fact, your ad copy, because you’re in front of a user, and that user is going to look at these results. And the one that catches the eye is the one that’s going to get the click or the one it’s just sometimes that they go to that first one. There’s a lot of people that will go multiples, and that there’s a lot of people where you get that bold, right those descriptions and those titles in bold and maybe that’ll catch their eye. This is why it’s so important to have that keyword that you’re focusing on. But if you’re focusing on brand, you’re not going to run into over-optimization issues. So you have two things, you’re taking care of that ad copy. You’re taking care of that title and that description, and you’re taking care of your entity so that in every way possible, you just differentiated yourself from everyone else in the industry that’s doing the same damn thing. And so now you’re giving the bot a reason to choose your entity over the others when… I don’t know how deep I can get into this, Mohammed, go look at the charity webinars because I went deep into this and into the entity into the fact that all Google is doing is it’s comparing. It’s comparing entities. It’s in a relational database and it relates all of the entities to one another. And all of the whatever vectors it has for that entity, vectors are simply numbers, right? This zero to eight and so whatever it has in its system and its servers, when it’s looking for the entities, which one matches the entity the best, or what it thinks the optimal entity is, if yours is the closest to that, it’s going to draw more attention from the bots. It’s gonna draw more love. That’s why our @ID pages work so fucking well because we’re just feeding the bots all of the information about our entity and we do it over and over and over again. We loop it, we scoop it, and it has no choice but to do what we want it to do. That’s why I’m surprised that he’s not back in our mastermind already asking not only these questions but going deeper into this because we go a whole lot deeper about the entity and all of the different things that you could do to trap that body in there. And just to set yourself completely apart from everybody else. It’s part of our SEO power shield. And as part of what I’m calling worried less SEO, we just don’t worry about updates. It doesn’t matter. We don’t care what Google does, because we’re already optimized for Google. Even though Google says you can’t optimize for natural language processing and AI. Yeah, and I call that bullshit.
Bradley: Yeah. I love that you can’t optimize for the new updates. Okay. All right. The people that say that just don’t have a Marco on their team.
Would It Trigger A Penalty If You Publish An Address For A Service Area GMB Page?
Anyways, Troy’s up. He says, Hello, I have a client’s plumbing GMB since he wasn’t ranking in the three pack he added the physical location of the shop which is also the NAP on his website to the Google My Business as well as leaving the service areas listed are already listed. The Business Services at home and not at the shop location right it’s a service area business meaning the Business Services customers at their location, not at the business location makes sense service area business. How is this going to hurt any listings or rankings should the address be taken off yet?
It should. And the reason why is because it’s clearly stated in Google’s terms, Google My Business Terms of Service that states if you are a service area business, you should not publish your address. There are some exceptions to that.
Which sometimes, by the way, you know, there are some algorithmic or automated suspensions that can occur from that. So, I’m surprised. Well, I mean, I’m not, I’m not surprised that I’m kind of surprised that it didn’t happen already, because I have heard of people adding the physical location for a service area business, and it auto suspending it. So if you didn’t get hit with that, that’s a good thing. I would go in and remove that service area, or excuse me, the physical location from being published. And that’s because of the Google My Business, Terms of Service state that if its service area business, you’re not supposed to publish the address. There can be some exceptions for that, such as for example when I’ve used this example in the past like a kitchen remodel Kitchen Remodeling company, I may have a showroom, right? Kitchen Remodeling happens at the customer location, not at the business location. However, they may have a showroom where people can come in and see, you know, kind of mock kitchen designs and things like that. So that’s, that’s an exception where, and I’ve actually had a client that we had left the service, yet it was a service area business, but we had left the published physical location because they had a showroom, and it got suspended. And we had to contact Google My Business support and, you know, state our case, which was that they had a showroom, and they reinstated it, it was fine. It was fine. It was just a matter of, you know, going through proper channels, but it got reinstated. It was fine. But I just wanted to point that out. I would not publish the address for service area businesses unless it’s one of those rare exceptions. Okay. And that’s because they told you not to do that and I’ve seen it firsthand gets suspended because of it. Okay, any comments on that guys?
No, I agree in terms of service violation you can get yourself in a lot of trouble for that. Yeah.
Is It Okay To Upload Images From The Customer’s Location Or Should You Geotag Them With NAP?
So here’s another one from Troy and this is a great question. He says another one field techs plumbing. The plumbing techs taking pics out at service area jobs will upload directly to GMB and Instagram account since taken by phone and geotagged to that residence location so geotagged from where they took the photo right? So it’s got the GPS data embedded in the imprinted on impressed upon the image okay as part of the metadata. So, is this the best way or should all pics be geotagged with NAP and then uploaded to GMB now? Because now you got conflicting data, right? If you take a photo that was taken on location at a customer location for service area business, and then you wait to upload it till after you’ve geotagged it with additional NAP data, doesn’t that cause conflicting Geo Data on that one image, right? How can that image be taken in two different locations at the same time, it can be, right? So no, don’t do that. The benefit that you’re going to gain from taking photos on location and uploading using the GMB app, by the way, is that it uploads that GeoData from and it starts to paint a picture, right? It starts to prove to Google, that you’re in that service areas indeed, where you’re conducting business, right? If that makes sense. And so that’s one of the ways that we talk about local GMB Pro.
And that’s about as far as I want to talk about it, but and how to expand a map area footprint, if that makes sense. And I don’t mean footprint in a bad sense. I mean, in a good sense, and how you can expand your maps, listing exposure to areas outside of your immediate proximity, right, if that makes sense. Again, remember, over the last year, there have been two occasions that I’m aware of where Google is tightened to that proximity part of the algorithm, the proximity filter, they’ve narrowed it. It’s happened two times now in the last year, one within like the last three months or so two or three months. So the proximity issue is getting harder and harder to overcome. But that is still the way to overcome it is by uploading photos from that are taken from mobile devices in the service area. So out across the areas, and also as Marco teaches, you know, not just the metadata that is imprinted into the meta, you know, the GeoData that’s imprinted in the metadata of the images by uploading them, but also by taking images of known landmarks and things like that can be identified by Google through Google Street View, and things like that Google Earth and all of that, that will also prove that it’s within the service area. So those are two different ways that you benefit from that not by, you know, we talked about geotagging photos using stuff like geo setter or whatever, when you don’t have somebody in the field actually uploading original photos that were taken on location right?
We only use the geotagging software to tag photos, when as a second, you know, the next best option is a second option when we don’t have that first option implemented. So anyway, Marco, I know you want to comment on that.
Marco: Yeah, it defeats the purpose if you tag them from wherever the location is, but let’s say where you work is different from location, wherever the job is just a contractor goes out to a house 10 miles away, does a job takes the pictures, upload them there.
And then Google has all that information, versus going there getting the pictures giving them to you, then you retag I don’t understand why the whole purpose of this is you’re giving Google information from the place that you want to become relevant or related to your business, right? So if it’s 10 miles away, if it’s 20 miles away, whatever it is, you want to make that relevant to you and to your business and the way that you do that is by taking the picture they’re and uploading them there. If you upload them as some other place, and it’s going to change the data and that defeats the purpose of taking them at the location.
Bradley: Yeah, yeah. And it’s really cool. You can test this, guys, you can take a photo from your phone and upload it. Or you know, if you’ve got Google Photos on your phone so that it automatically backs them up to Google Photos I do. I’ve got an Android phone. So if you take a photo out, you know somewhere and then you go look at the metadata, it’ll show you the coordinates where it was taken, like, it’ll show you like a little Google map with a pin where it was taken. If you look at the little eye in the circles, so like the info, it’ll show you like the data that it sees from the image. So it’s pretty cool. It does that with videos too, by the way. So it’s, you know, it’s very, very powerful. And that’s it. That’s how you can kind of create a map for Google to understand like when I say a map like a surface area, by overtime you consistently upload images that are, you know, geotagged from where they were taken, uploaded through the GMB app, especially then that, you know, you can start to kind of train the bot to understand or recognize where your service area truly is. It’s not just claiming it stating it in GMB. But now you’re proving to the bot, that you indeed are servicing those areas because you’re uploading photos that are proof, like with the GeoData. So it’s a great question though.
What Is The Best Way To Index Links And Drive Stacks?
Okay, the next question is Hello there. Thank you for answering our questions. My question is, what is the best way to index links in general, and drive stacks? In particular, nowadays, mygb.co, our store, we have a link indexing service over there that works really, really well. It’s like 10 bucks for 2500 links or something like that. It’s ridiculous. So, you know, go buy an embed gig or excuse me an indexing gig over there and submit them that way. That’s one way to do it. How else could do it, Marco?
I don’t do it any other way. So I can’t say, go do it some other way, I get my legs linked index by dead if I’m looking. If I’m testing, I might try different things. So maybe when we do the heavy hitter club, we can show people the different ways that you can index links. But why am I going to do all that work when it’s not necessary? I could just go tell daddy, I need these links, links index, and then he’s gonna take them, he’s going to get about 60% or more index. And since he does multiple indexing runs, then then they the index over a period of time rather than all at once we had that question, I think, in the mastermind, so I want to make that clear to people that they don’t have to worry about, I don’t know 15 20,000 thousand links showing up all of a sudden, in their link profile. That’s not how it works. He does it over a period of time so that they index 60% Plus, and then you have this great link profile and index link and you can push it even more power if you build tiered link building to those index link, and again, data can take care of all that.
Nathan says just letting you know that some of the links about a plan still point to subspace links don’t work. Well. Thanks, Nathan shade that. As I mentioned the last time I think you made a comment about the battle plan that’s on the block for that’s in the to-do list where after 2xyouragency training is done, that will be updated one thing at a time, my man, so thank you though.
Let’s see what’s next. Troy says I’ll keep it going. Okay, Troy, yeah, might as well. I’m sure I said because there’s no other questions, guys. And by the way, if we run out of questions, we wrap it up early. So it’s up to you guys. You got questions, ask them if there’s only a handful of you here. Feel free. Okay. Otherwise, we’ll wrap it up early. I’m perfectly good with going back to finishing the training for 2xyouragency today. I’ve got a lot left to do.
Troy says I’ll keep going page borders are trending in the IM world. This week are they like what type of page builders HTML fast loading pages or still WordPress, the client needs redesign and I’m pondering page builder because so much quicker to build Google more receptive to HTML now since they weren’t a few years ago. So when you say pal, that’s it hang on. Let me after that because I know Google is not now more receptive to HTML before. They’ve always been very receptive to it to HTML. The thing is that WordPress is so popular that Google does get and I don’t care what they say, you know, they’ll tell you no, but they do give WordPress. It’s a little bit of a boost. Not much, but it’s just so damn popular. But HTML has always worked really well, because of how fast it is. It’s super fast and Google really likes that. I’ve worked in HTML forever, right? But 17-18 years, almost 17 years.
I’ve been doing this and it never stopped working. So let’s make that clear. Google isn’t any more accepted HTML now than it was before.
Yeah, and I really liked HTML, creating pages in HTML because it does they load super quick.
It’s not that hard to it’s just when you have to have dynamic stuff and you know, database and all that I like, I’m not an HTML nerd. I just use notepad plus as an HTML editor. And but I like using HTML pages because they’re quick loading and that kind of stuff. So anyway, uh, page builders are trending HTML, fast loading client needs a redesign.
So I don’t know really what that what the question is there. You know, it’s up to you.
WordPress still works. You know, I’m not crazy about WordPress. The only reason why I still use WordPress is that it’s it is, you know, like, I know it and it makes it easy for blogs and things like that, but I also don’t like WordPress, because of how many fucking updates there is all the time in that ridiculous. It’s just stupid. It’s just stupid and when you have so many damn sites that you manage it just you know, it’s just a pain in the ass. And even if you use something like main WP or whatever, they always end up being issues and every time there’s an update, you know, one or two sites out of the dozens and dozens that you manage end up having some sort of conflict and, you know, it’s just a pain in the balls. That’s why I try to run WordPress sites as light as possible, right? So the like, as little as few plugins as possible, and that kind of stuff because it’s just a nightmare dealing with on a regular basis. So, you know, pick and choose whatever, whatever you feel most comfortable with. You know, I still would build a new client site on WordPress just because of the ease with which I could build it. And then add content and all that kind of stuff. But I do like HTML for the various reasons that I just mentioned. Now that depends on how proficient he is with HTML, you can build a WordPress hybrid with HTML, right? And you can type HTML pages to your WordPress. That’s not a problem.
Yeah, it just depends it depends on on on how far you want to go with it. But I can tell you right now that you can rank WordPress, HTML, and literally just about anything on the web, if you work the entity guy says edit if you’re not doing entity-based SEO right now, if you’re worried about which builder you’re going to use, rather than how you’re going to set up your entity you starting off on the wrong foot. Yeah, I agree with entity-based SEO. It’s for the Semantic Web is that the bot is looking at. You’re not doing that you’re fucking it up.
Nicely said. Nathan says Troy takes the photos via the GMB app on the iPhone. Google loves those photos and you will get more eyeballs on your GMB. Yeah, it doesn’t have to be the app on the iPhone. It could be on your Android to just the GMB app period. right, that’s the point of load. By the way, you know, you can, you can give your field techs access as like a communications manager or whatever they call it a so that they can upload directly to the GMB as a contributor, which means they could not only upload photos, but they could also post GMB posts from through the GMB app directly to your GMB profile for the business. However, you can also upload photos and still get the benefit as a guest like so. In other words, a guest uploaded photos. So even if your texts that field technicians didn’t have manager access to the GMB they could still take photos and upload them with the geotag data, right metadata directly to the GMB as guest photos, user-generated photos right and it still has the same benefit. The only difference is you don’t get to add create a post from it with a call to action and squeeze keywords and such. But that the image SEO still has an effect even as a guest upload, right a user upload as opposed to a manager upload. Okay.
Troy says, Thanks, Jen. It’s always great. How’s it been a few weeks and just saw the pricing on 2xyouragency? Agree with Bradley, you’re nuts. Going to sign up before your sanity comes back? Yeah, Troy, you think I’m nuts? I think I’m nuts. Because I’m the one spending all this time doing all the videos and it’s a lot of fucking time will tell you that a lot of time and I got nine more weeks to go. So anyways,
How Do You Generate More GMB Calls For A Client With 4 Offices In Different Cities?
Next question. I just landed a big client who has four offices in different cities near each other and my main objective is to generate more calls from their GMB pages. So I figured this is where I can show the biggest and fastest results. I was thinking about doing a big SEO shield for the brand first and as local SEO shields for the specific GMB pages. Any better idea?
Well, yeah, I mean, you can do it all underneath the one branded shield. I think I’m pretty sure Marco is going to suggest that and I’m going to let Marco take over this one, I would, I would assume that you can push all of that through the primary SEO shield, which would be your drive stack and all of that. And then you can create location-based optimized folders within the stack instead of having these different stacks and all of that you can do it all under one and you actually get more power out of it that way than having different stacks, at least through my experience. Marco, this one is definitely yours.
Marco: Yeah, well, I mean, we’re thinking brand, I was supposed to be thinking brand, we should be thinking brand. If we don’t. Right now, like what I’m recommending to everyone is thinking of a catchy name because you know, women’s shoes. Chicago is not a brand. That’s a keyword. Right? New women should just, those are not brand. Think of brands think of a name that you want for your company that’s catchy and that’s going to last right? It’s going to stand the test of time. Why? Because if you hit that one, you got that unicorn. If you got that one that for whatever reason, becomes the keyword for the niche. Then not that’s an ATM, that’s a 24 hour, 365 ATM, it’s going to pour money in your pocket and your client, hopefully, it’s your idea. But that’s the way you should all be looking at the project even if you have to do local which is a brand plus location plus keyword association, you’re looking at the brand always. So even if it’s different cities, that should be one main office, right? McDonald’s they differentiate between McDonald’s Corporation and then the franchises and the franchisees and then everything else that McDonald’s does. It’s not one McDonald’s in one place and then another one in orphaned in another place or whatever. No, it’s all one big brand.
Look at how the big boys take on the internet. Look at how they set it all up, look at how they set up the franchise model or the multiple cities, multiple office model and do the do that they do. Because if you don’t, you’re going to be left behind. If you start now and you starting it off, right and you’re working, just praying, just from that aspect, then you’re going to know that everything that you do needs to relate to that brand and to everything that’s under that brand. You claim your footprint, right? You’re going to claim all your social profiles you go and everything that excuses me, everything that you set up, should be with you looking to create that brand plus keyword association. Not everyone is in the eye and I talked about this during the charity webinars, not all of you will be able to make your project the next Amazon, or the next Google or the next, whatever, but you should be working as if that’s going to happen. And the way that we can push power right now the way that we do things at Semantic Mastery. It’s a wide-open field. It’s even it’s an even playing field. So that I’ll be we saw the test cases in, in our mastermind, where Dadia went after Amazon and he’s fighting Amazon, Walmart, you name it, in the e-commerce space, and he’s carved his niche. He’s there and the client is happier than a pig and shit.
Bradley: It’s impressive. I mean, in such a short period of time, to like with ecom to take on Walmart and Amazon and be competitive with them in such a short period of time. It’s absolutely incredible. It’s impressive. So anyway, there you go. And yeah, you know, what’s interesting guys in the 2xyouragency training, the Double Your Agency training, you know, like I said, I should finish today we this training and it’s all about the first four weeks is about to extra pipeline. It’s about increasing, filling your pipeline full of leads, prospects so that you can never have to worry about revenue again for your agency. You can not only sell more clients, close more clients generate more revenue but you can also cherry-pick the best ones. Because the problem is if you only got 10 leads coming in your business, you know, you are desperate to try to close as many of those 10 as possible and it comes across in everything that you say your actions, your tone of voice. Everything it comes across as desperate because you need the revenue and you only got 10 prospects to talk to. If you had 100 prospects to talk to be completely different psychology. So anyway, I taught the reason I brought that up is that the whole first four weeks is about building your brand. Exactly what Marco was talking about, but there is an SEO benefit to it. But I’m not talking about building your brand. In SEO terms, there is a portion of that where I talk about it, but most of it is about building your brand so that you become synonymous with whatever product or service it is that you’re trying to promote.
So for example, I talked about niching down, that’s how I prefer to do it, I think it’s much easier to scale an agency that way. So like associating your primary keyword which may be Tree Service SEO or like for me, for example, or Tree Service marketing or Tree Service, lead generation, whatever it is, with the brand name, and it’s about building that brand in that association and so the whole first four weeks is about really building your own brand first. That’s super important because that’s how you start like Marco said, once you become once the association has been generated, not just within Google, but also within other within you know, prospects’ minds, customer, potential target’s minds that’s like an ATM, it’s a 24-hour machine, you know, cash machine that’s just going to constantly deliver money. That’s where you want to be for your own agency as well as for your clients, you want to be able to reproduce that duplicate that for your clients and have and help them become the branded verb. Do you know what I mean? Like, you want them to be the ones that are associated with their product or service in their local area. And the way that you do that is through what Marco calls entity SEO. It’s about building that brand. And that’s incredibly I mean, that’s absolutely true. It’s about branding, that’s you want to kill it in SEO, build the fucking brand period. That’s just the way it is now, and it’s only going to continue to go further in that direction, in my opinion. So
Marco: Yeah, it’s not just an opinion. It’s what Google is telling you. I mean, that everything that they’ve come out with, and I’m just seeing this all over with people that just they have no clue. And it’s all about into all of these people that saw drops in whatever they were doing is because their entity wasn’t right and those who benefited or didn’t see any changes, or because they’re doing things right. To me, it’s funny because the only way that we find out about updates is like when people come in on Hump Day or in our groups and tell us, you guys see that update? And we’re like, No, no, but let me go and see what it’s about. I know what it’s about, I saw what it’s about Google tells you, what is about Google tells you, I mean, almost to the letter what they want. And then John Mueller will go and tell you the opposite so that you don’t know what to do. So you gotta go sift through all of that to get the right information, because you got a lot of people that are just spreading the Google word, without understanding what it is that they’re saying without even understanding what it is that John Mueller is saying. Cuz a lot of times what John Mueller says and what he means are two totally different things. Don’t pay attention to John Mueller. If you don’t want to believe Marco that then don’t believe Marco go and test and see for yourself. Whether what I’m telling you entity basis seal, whether that’s what’s working right now, and I guarantee you that you’re going to get results. If you do the things right, set up your SEO shield, and then do the things that are in the battle plan that we recommend for your entity. And it’s just a done deal. It’s so simple, it’s ridiculous. And you can go up against anyone I’m telling you right now that you can take on anyone in the internet space and when
Bradley: I think Hernan is gonna contribute?
Hernan: Absolutely. Yeah, I was about to say on a different branding perspective, branding from the perspective of creating a brand to attract customers, not from the SEO perspective, that is something that I’ll be contributing as well with, you know, which is going to be a brand new course for or an email prospecting course for digital agency owners. So basically, how to use my case, which is my wheelhouse, which is going to be Facebook. How do you leverage Facebook and Facebook ads, not the organic stuff, not the fact that you need to post 1000 times a day and be glued to your phone and you know, look like a teenager? Not we’re not talking about that, right? We’re talking about like doing real business. We’re talking about doing real business, not influencer type stuff, but the real stuff. Because you also need to build and run your business, right? So, you know, my idea is to show you real quick how you can build a brand around yourself so that you can pipe those leads into whatever your sales process is, whether it is like talking to you, or if you have a salesperson or a call center, whatever that is. But I’m going to share with you guys how to do that in 2xa. That’s going to be available, you know, next week for sure. So it’s going to be in 2xyouragency as well. So there you go.
Marco: Yeah, no, I would just add to people that when you’re building your brand when you’re talking about your brand, it’s that’s something that you separate from your SEO brand. It’s all your brand. Your brand is how you’re going to do business, but it’s going to be your calling card on the web, and you can’t call yourself Joe Schmo from Kokomo anymore and expect to go up again when Google is benefiting brands. And so again, if you’re not working towards that brand, towards becoming the keyword for the niche, right, like you said to become the verb in your niche, then you’re not. Forget it, you’re gonna have to do so much work. So much work to make it right, that you may as well just start doing it right, as right from the beginning, work on that brand. Think of that print, work with your client on that brand when they tell you well, I want the keyword in the city. No, that’s not the way that you should do things you should think about your business and how it is that you want to present yourself to the customer to the client to people on the web. How do you want your brand to appear to the people who are looking for your products and services or whatever it is that you are selling?
Bradley: Yeah, anyway, that’s, you know, guys, this what’s great about this is. Remember, you’re hearing from multiple agency owners here too. And we all have, you know, we all understand the importance of that whole branding thing. There’s the SEO aspect of it, but it’s all one and the same now you shouldn’t separate the two. Building the brand, and SEOing the brand is one and the same. And so again, it’s good to hear an opinion from Marco and from Hernan, and for myself. We each have our own successful agencies beyond what we do here at Semantic Mastery. So it’s good to know that you know, we’re speaking from experience, right, this isn’t just theory.
Any Thoughts On The Erratic Movement Of Websites In Google Search Console?
Fitz says Good day. Good day, guys. Thanks for this forum. I noticed the three of my sites show in the Search Console are going up and down together. Why do you guess this is happening? They are in different states. Honestly. I have no idea. I mean, there’s there could be a ton of variables there that you know, questions I could have about that fits that we’re obviously not gonna be able to get to the bottom of right now. I can’t imagine what would cause something like that unless they were all three sites were hosted on the same host. And there’s some sort of hosting issue. I don’t know how what the connection there would be. It could just be a coincidence. It’s unlikely, but there’s got to be some. I don’t know. Is there any of you guys have any speculation on any of that? not really enough information there to go on. But no,
Marco: no, because we’d have to go and look at each one specifically and see how they’re related, whether they’re related to why Google created that relationship? Well, if Google created the relationship, why there’s a lot of things that we have to look at.
Bradley: Yeah. Yeah, that’s something would have to be investigated fits. Come join the mastermind and you can submit that to one of our mastermind webinars. And we’ll be happy to audit it and look into it.
How Does Responding To Reviews Help In Ranking GMB?
Muhamed, What’s up buddy says Hey guys, how does responding to reviews and GMB help things is it only good because its activity and GMB type of client was avoiding responding to negative GMB reviews and I’m prodding him to do so both for activity and reputation purposes. Okay, I think there’s, look, we already know we can rank without reviews with none, right? So reviews can be a factor, but they’re not necessary or critical, right? So in my experience, the reason why I suggest responding to reviews both positive and negative, I tell all my clients to respond to reviews positive and negative for two reasons. Number one, it’s additional activity. Number two, it shows to your users, two people that end up seeing your brand that you’re engaged with your customers, right or that the brand is engaging with their customers. And number three, because it gives you the opportunity to now inject additional keywords and location modifiers into a response because a lot of the time, I think about most reviews that customers leave, don’t have any keywords in them whatsoever or location details, right? A lot of them are just saying, hey, it was awesome, thanks, guys. I mean, it might have like, you know, hey, they called these guys to come to remove a tree and they did a really good job, we really, you know, clean up afterward, it was great, I’ll call them again, highly recommend it, but other than saying remove a tree, there’s no other indication there as to what has been done. They’re just saying that they did a great job, which is great. But what I like to do is have, you know, go in and in reply to that and say, you know, thank you for your kind words, it was a pleasure perform, you know, handling that tree removal job for you in Fairfax. You know, we encourage you to contact us and next time you have some tree care work, you know, or tree care needs or something right. So now you squeezed in multiple keywords, as well as a location modifier. So that’s why I like to do that and I have all of my clients, you know, what I’ll do is when I send out monthly reports, I have my VA always take screenshots of GMB insights and stuff like that. And one of the things that we look at is the reviews to see if any new reviews have been posted in the last month and if so have they been responded to? Because if not, then when I send the monthly reports to my clients, I mentioned that in the commentary in the email that I send my clients say, Hey, you know, I noticed that you got two new reviews this month that hadn’t been replied to, here’s the links directly to them, please go reply. And I send that to them. And again, and I’ve trained all of my clients to do exactly what I mentioned, which was to squeeze in a keyword and or location modifier or a couple of keywords if they can, and not a spammy way, but in a very conversational way. But again, it’s not necessary. I think it’s important to do it is something that will move the needle, but it’s not critical. What do you guys think? Any comments on that?
Marco: Yeah, definitely, man because people look at reviews the wrong way. People look at okay, I should have all five-star reviews and that’s all I need to pay attention to and I don’t need to do anything else. But the reviews and responding to reviews, well you’re using the voice of your brand to talk to your customers. Again we go back to the brand, man. This is your voice, right? The voice of your brand reaching out to this dissatisfied customer because they came to you with pain. They came to you with a problem and you did not solve the problem. You didn’t take care of the pain. So now there’s a problem that not only did you not take care of that, but they have a problem with you and with your brand. So this is the perfect time to go in there and say hey, look, yeah, we fucked up. You’re not going to say it in these words. But this is what I tell. This is what I tell the people when I’m in a consultation, and they asked me about reviews. Go tell the person that you fucked up and then you go tell them how can we make it right for you, help us make it right for you. So that may create a dialogue with this person. And then what that does is it makes your brand stand out from the rest. Not only did you respond, but you offered to make it right and now you’re in an open dialogue with this person who gave you a bad review, and you’re looking to make it right you know how that makes it look makes you look like you have the best customer service in the industry, it’s actually a place where you can shine. Even though the review started out being bad. Just by talking to the customer and offering, look let me make it right for you. How can we make it? How can we help you? And sometimes that there’s no fuck off, I don’t need you anymore, right? But then that makes them look shitty. Because you’re being open, you’re being honest. And you’re willing to help and you’re willing to make it right. So that puts it back on them instead of it all being on you leaving that negative review just without response. No chirp, chirp chirp. Make it makes you look really bad.
Bradley: And on rare occasions, you can turn a negative battery review, what initially was a bad review, into a positive and end up turning that customer into a brand advocate. Exactly. It’s a rare occasion that that happens. But if you bend over backward to make something, right that was a fuckup on your part or not, you know, whatever but if you bend over to make it right then sometimes you can turn that customer into, you know, an ambassador for the company because they’ll go out and you know, sing praises about your business and recommend you to friends and family and such because they had what started off as a bad experience, but turned into a good one.
Okay, and so just keep that in mind. Remember, guys, think of setbacks, as you know, Napoleon Hill. I think it was Dale Carnegie that actually said it, but Napoleon Hill was the one that published it and you know, really made it famous. The quote, which was, for every adversity, there’s a seed of equal or greater benefit, right. And so if you think about that, and it’s funny, I’m listening to an audiobook right now that I’m really enjoying, I’m only in chapter two, but it’s called Black Box Thinking. And it’s all about how you know you if you take your failures and analyze them the way the airline industries do with the black box, right? They always admit they don’t ever try to cover up mistakes or hide mistakes or try to downplay mistakes, they take all mistakes head-on, and they analyze the data and make it publicly available for everybody so that they can improve processes and improve how flights you know are handled and things like that. And so anyway, it’s just an analogy to say, hit a challenge head-on. And that’ll make you stand out and figure out a way to learn from that to improve processes so that it doesn’t happen again. It will make it a stronger business stronger, brand stronger, stronger company. And so again, just think about it that way. You know, I love that statement. I say to myself all the time when I run into a challenge, something that, you know, if I mess up, you know, I fail, you know, have some sort of failure or something. You know, for every adversity there’s a seed of equal or greater benefit. So just remember that. Just look for the way to improve upon a process when you’ve been notified of a setback or you know, an insufficiency or whatever. That makes sense. So anyway, all this is covered in 2xyouragency, guys. You should join it. And Muhamed, it says PS my situation is slowly improving, and I will take my stable place back into masterminds. And yes, you’re always welcome. And the door’s always open to you.
What Are The Potential Problems If You Have Multiple Keywords Floating Around Page 2?
Austin says, Do you have multiple if you have multiple keywords just floating around page two? What would you think about the problem maybe? Let’s say the on pages type? Again, that’s kind of a loaded question in that it could be a number of things. I could speculate on, you know, 18 different things that it could be. What I would recommend doing, if you say you’re on pages tight, let’s just assume that it is and you’ve got keywords that are floating on page two, I drive some damn relevant traffic to those pages. Because that is my go-to thing when you’ve done other on-page and you’ve done some off-page stuff and you’re still struggling to get the results that you want. I found ART – activity, relevance, trust, and authority. If you can provide engagement activity to that you will see a significant movement. Right, it will definitely move the needle. And so what I would do is buy some traffic, some relevant traffic from Google to those pages and see what happens. That’s what I would do. Any suggestions on that Marco?
Marco: No, not without knowing the what off-page he’s done. But it could be that the competition is keeping him from page one, right? It could be that he hasn’t pushed enough power to those to go from page two to page one. So I don’t know enough to give an opinion. But absolutely activity, relevance, trust, and authority is all you need. When you’re sitting there on page two ready to jumping into page one but you really haven’t made it yet. If you’re on pages is right. And your entities type then the next step is the is off-page. What’s happening off-page Yeah.
Bradley: Yeah, and you can buy some relevant traffic from YouTube. Although that’s more for views than for clicks, you can get some clicks, and it will be relevant. But you can use the Display Network for Google ads for way less expensive than search ads and drive relevant traffic to your pages. And Google knows is relevant because you set it up through your audience targeting right. So you can set up in-market audiences, custom intent audiences, whatever, layer them, so you bind audiences. It’s called layering. You know, you can do that as well. But my point is, now you’re buying traffic to pages that from a relevant audience that it’s an audience that you’re purchasing from Google, right? You’re tapping into a Google audience that Google is telling you is relevant. So you’re buying relevant traffic directly from Google. And now those are relevant signals that Google is waiting higher than just some random ass traffic if that makes sense. Because Google understands there’s already has a profile developed for those visitors, and it’s already identified them as you know, a relevant audience before they even hit your page is my point. So again, those are highly weighted traffic signals. And I don’t care what Google says about buying traffic from Google Ads doesn’t help SEO. That’s just like telling you that link wheels don’t work and press releases don’t work and guest posts don’t work and all that right. How’s that working out for you guys?
Alright, we’re about out of time. Guys, I’m sorry. There are a couple of good questions. We’re not going to be able to get to
Is Blogger A Good Substitute For WordPress For Blogging?
last one fit says is Blogger a good substitute for WordPress for blogging? Not really, because you’re so limited which you can do with Blogger. You know, the self-hosted WordPress site gives you a lot of functionality. Blogger, I mean, it can be used, but you’re limited in design. Well, I don’t know. I’ve never tried to design within Blogger. I’ve just use default themes or whatever. So I can’t answer that for sure. Except if it was a good substitute, it would probably be a lot more prevalent and I rarely ever see any blogs on Blogger that have any measurable amount of traffic. Any comments on that?
Marco: Yeah, let’s say tested and little know how it turns out because it’s I’d have to speculate since I’ve never used Blogger for anything other than links back to my content.
Alright, so Clint and decline, I don’t know if that’s your name or what anyways, you guys, sorry, I didn’t get to your questions. If you post them in the Facebook group, we can try to answer them over there. Or you can repost them until next for next week’s Hump Day Hangouts and we’ll get to them there. But either way, sorry, guys, we didn’t get to you but we are out of time. So thanks, everybody, for being here. Thank you, guys. Bye, everyone. Go get better, Hernan. Thank you. I’ll try. Alright guys, bye everybody. See ya. See ya.
  Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 273 posted first on http://beyondvapepage.blogspot.com
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angelagiles18 · 4 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 273
Click on the video above to watch Episode 273 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Hello everybody and welcome to Hump Day hangouts. Today is the fifth of February 2020. I’m still working on saying 2020 so that’s why I got off well slow but you guys but I keep finding myself right in the last year but I guess that’s just the way it goes. So anyways on to more interesting subjects like answering your questions and seeing what we can help everyone out with. But before we get into that, I want to say hello to the guys. I got some short announcements and then we will jump into it. So starting on my left here, Bradley, how are you doing today?
Bradley: Fantastic, man. I’ve been recording videos all day for the 2xyouragency stuff. Man, I can’t believe we’re selling it for what we’re selling it for. That’s all I gotta say. A lot of content, man.
Adam: If you’re gonna say that but I’m going to say go to 2xyouragency.com.
Chris: Just increase prices.
Bradley: We’re only three weeks into a 12-week course, man, and it’s just a massive amount of value. So anyway, I hope you guys take advantage of our stupidity.
Adam: Well, what Bradley meant to say was, we help digital agency owners get more clients, grow the revenue and scale their teams. All right. So you know, two big things that we find important and I know Bradley’s joking around. But you know, we want to work less and earn more and not that we want to do nothing, but we want to spend our time doing the things we want to do. All right. And that’s what this is all about. So we’ve heard that commonly, from a lot of you guys who are listening, and then people, other people out there, we’ve talked to you, you know, those are the three main things that we can help you do so that you can work less and earn more and spend time doing what you want to do.
Bradley: Yeah.
Adam: Chris, how you doing, man?
Chris: Yeah, like I’m suffering like the temperature struggle here. About 10 days ago, it wasn’t the mountains -17 degrees Celsius. So until for the whole weekend, and until Monday, we had about 19 degrees plus and then Tuesday, a big storm came. And last night we got about half a meter snow dumped out and it’s fucking cold again. So I’m surprised that I’m healthy and like not like having any cold or something like that. But yeah, I don’t know like other than that. Life is good.
Adam: All right. Well, speaking of the cold, Hernan, how are you doing?
Hernan: I’m doing awesome, dude. I’m doing awesome. I’m feeling like shit, but here’s the deal. Okay. Okay, so do two quick things. Stop laughing. It sounds funny. All right. So quick, two quick things. Number one is that thank you guys for the amazing support for the launch of 2xyouragency was awesome. So thank you, guys. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. We’re pouring a lot of value in that Semantic Mastery style. We’re trying to over-deliver 2xyouragency.com. That is number one. Number two is that last week, I went to Funnel Hacking Live and I had the honor and the privilege and the pleasure of getting, on behalf of the whole Semantic Mastery team, the two comma club that we made that possible. Thanks to all of you guys. So I’m feeling like crap, but I’m super proud of the team that we have here. And I’m super proud for, you know, and I don’t have words to thank you, guys, everyone that’s watching the YouTube channel, subscribing, commenting, sharing, you know, buying our product supporting the brand. It’s been quite a ride. And you know, last year, we were sitting with Adam in Nashville, Tennessee, and I was like, dude, I think it would be pretty awesome if we hop on stage together to come to a co or and then lo and behold, we got it. So anyway, I just wanted to say that I’m super proud of that. Super proud of the team. And thank you, guys. Thank you. Thank you.
Adam: Awesome. Yeah, I was too cool for school to go up there with Hernan. I was hanging out in Puerto Rico for a little while. So I had to miss that. But now I’m really glad I didn’t go because apparently I would have gotten sick as hell. Yeah.
Hernan: Yeah. So I went in, I took a bullet for the team, but also, we might have I also got to network with some awesome people, some awesome entrepreneurs, so we might be having them on subsequent hangouts moving forward, so that’s gonna be a blast to some
Adam: awesome good stuff. All right, and Marco, how you doing today?
Marco: Oh, dude, I’m stuck here under almost 20 inches of sun. It’s horrible. Look outside in and not a cloud in the sky 82 degrees. It’ll be around 60, At nightm it’s terrible. I tell you don’t anybody come here. For any of this, you don’t want it. You don’t want paradise, trust me. But what I’m going to do those I’m going to go on a record like to the new house that I just moved into over, there’s a green area and I got two volcanoes in the background to just big mountains. So I’m going to go and do a quick live stream so you guys can see where it is that Marco because it doesn’t get any better than this, man. Eighty degrees in the during the day 60-65 at night. And that’s life guys and what we’re trying to do. You live is that you put whatever you’re POFU is, it doesn’t have to be this. You could it could be that you want to go to Antarctica and set up camp there me you’re more than welcome. That’s your POFU, we’re with you. And we will help you get there. That’s our whole point right behind all this, the 2xyouragency and all of the products and services that we provided so that people can get to the point where they can say, I’m going to do what I want to do rather than what I have to do, to see how the hell I’m gonna make it to the end of the month. I’m going to pay my bills. We don’t want your living that life. We want you living a life where you work less, make more money, and then you could do whatever the fuck you want with your money. And I’ll leave it at that.
Adam: Fair enough. Well, I don’t have too much to add on to that except to say let’s see, nice and sunny. It’s nice to be back home. I enjoy traveling a lot but I don’t know about you guys. I enjoy getting back into the routine as well. Having the flow you know kind of getting out starting my day having that after a week or two on the road and start getting kind of tired and like Okay, I’m ready to get back to it now. I see Bradley shaking his head you feel the same right?
Bradley: Oh my god, dude, there’s so much freedom in routine, I swear to god like I don’t know how you guys are not and you and Chris do it because you trappy the three of you travel so much and work and I just can’t do it. I can’t get motivated. When I’m away from my work environment. It’s very difficult to stay focused for me when I’m outside of this environment. And so, you know, like I said to me, I’m like, I feel so out of sorts, even taking a vacation you know, coming back and getting back into my normal routine is like liberating you know, so I don’t know I get stressed out when I’m on the road. You know when it comes to working stuff so
Adam: but I also see Bradley not being stressed out on the road and that’s it perfectly live. If you want to see Bradley unchained and hit him up for some good off. Off the record info, you need to come to POFU Live. We’ve locked down. We are going to be in Boston this year in 2020. It’s going to be. I forget the exact dates but I believe it’s the last weekend in September and so now is the time to go ahead and lock in your tickets. We’re limiting it to 25 people this year. So if you go to pofulive.com, you can grab your ticket early.
  I’ve got a couple more announcements I want to share with everyone. You heard us talking about double your agency. If you’re new to us, or you’re new to Semantic Mastery, then you know, there are two great places you can get started with us. You’ve already found the first one and that’s Hump Day Hangout show up every Wednesday. If you can’t make it live, you can always ask the question on the page, and then check out our YouTube channel for the answers. So go ahead and hit subscribe on the YouTube channel. Stay up to date with all that. But like I said, we help digital agency owners and consultants get more clients, right? Grow their revenue and scale their teams. All right, so that you can work less and earn more if you want to know more about that. Just go to 2xyouragency.com. All right, and then additionally, a lot of people ask us, you know, Hey, you guys have a step by step process for maybe working with aged domains or how about a new website or how do I use YouTube channels or how do I do GMB stuff? Go check out the Battle Plan if you don’t have the Battle Plan yet, you can find that at battleplan.semanticmastery.com. And last but certainly not least, if you’re doing done for you services or you’re working on your own projects, or you’re working with clients, you need to be checking out mgyb.co. Stuff like link building, the SEO shield, which if you don’t know what that is, head over there, find out press releases, there are more services come in, that’s just the tip of the iceberg. But make sure that you head over there, and you’re putting that to use and that falls into line with what we’re teaching at 2xyouragency.com, you know, as part of the fulfillment and getting yourself out of the fulfillment role and really, and really trying to run business. So with that said, you guys, is there any other announcements before we dive into the questions?
Marco: Let’s do this man.
Bradley: All right, let me grab a screen. Standby. Can you confirm?
Adam: Good to go.
Does The Middle Option In The RYS Drive Stacks Refer To The Classic Or The New Version Of G Sites?
Okay. So looks like Justin is up first. He says for the RYS drive stack. He’s been really active in the Facebook community too. So pretty cool. I love it when people come in and you know, are active and engaged because that’s how you start to grow. Right? So that’s awesome. Justin, he says for the RYS drive stacks for the middle option with the old slash new Google Sites. Is that referring to classic? So you must be talking about when you order from MGYB, he’s asking is that referring to classic/new versions of G sites, both newly created or an aged site as well as a newly created site. That’s the versions, they’re both going to be new.
But we’re talking about classic plus classic Google Sites plus the new Google Sites. Marco was talking about new Google Sites just yesterday with … I saw I’m going to say then, but there’s a so so it’s both in both new sites, but one is on the newer platform. Any old in the other side is on the old Google Sites. So it’s not about aged in new sites if that makes sense.
How Does The Twitter Account For An Extra Hundred Bucks Integrate?
Bradley: Last part of that is how does the Twitter account for an extra hundred bucks integrate? Thanks and Marco I’ll let you take that one.
Marco: Uh, that gets tied to your branded Twitter account. So it becomes a secondary Twitter account that retweets tweets from relevant sources, right? That trusted, authoritative, relevant sources in Twitter, so that your tweets are combined with those relevant, trusted, authoritative tweets so that you draw authority from those and it goes into a tiered network for just your tweets. So that’s what that is. And that’s why we charge extra because you get a persona network, right? A tiered persona network for your tweets and additional tweets to bring back all of that relevance to your website, to your project to wherever it is that you’re sending people when you tweet, your tweet will contain links, it’ll contain information is going to contain, I don’t know, videos, maps, whatever it is that you choose to tweet out. And that’s how you would use that.
  Bradley: There you go, Gordon’s up sup, Gordon? He says, Hey, guys, I have no questions for today. Oh, wow. That’s a rarity, Gordon. He says, even though it’s a little bit late, and I just wanted to wish you much happiness, good health and continued success and prosperity for 2020 and beyond. And also to again, declare a heartfelt thank you for helping your customers by sharing your knowledge with us on these hump days. You’re the best that would be a good one for the testimonials, guys. Thanks, Gordon. We always appreciate you coming in and participating. You’ve been a member or in the audience for many years, a participant for many years, I should say. So thank you for that. We always appreciate you as well. And here comes another superstar, Muhammad. What’s up my buddy? Who said thank you, Al Gore, was turned on to
Should You Use A Unique Title Tags For A Crowded Industry?
and Mohammed, he’s another superstar. He’s been in and out of the mastermind but he’s growing which is awesome. So what’s up man? And he says, hey guys when it comes to the title tags for a crowded industry, do I have to have a unique one my car dealer client is in a big city and all the page one companies seem to have some variations of new cars in city or new that new comma used cars and city. Usually, I try to make my title tag stand out, but in this case, should I just copy what the competition is doing? It’s my focus on uniqueness even justified, I don’t remember learning it. Okay. I’m going to give you my opinion on this and I’m sure that there are probably some differences from some of the other guys.
When it comes to title tags unless it’s a blog post. If it’s a page where you know, for lead generation, I just use the keyword whatever the primary keyword is that I’m trying to target for that page becomes my at least the first part of the title tag. I might include a phone number in the title tag as well as the brand, right? But the first part of the title tag is going to be just that primary keyword, not a modification of it. It’s just the primary keyword, then I’ll have the phone number then the brand or something, some similar variation of that. But it’s always just the primary keyword where I try to have to stand out as in the meta description, right. And that’s where I try to write, you know, I do a lot of Google Ads now. And so I have the benefit of split testing a lot of headlines and descriptions. And because of that, I tend to try to write my meta descriptions as ad copy, so it’s compelling. So that’s what I try to do to stand out. And the reason why I say that is because I want that keyword and the SEO title is a significant ranking factor for a piece of content, at least in my experience, and I’ve kept at that process for many years now. So I always want that primary keyword as the title, the first part of the title tag two, and then I’ll use the ad copy or excuse me, the meta description, optimized that like it’s ad copy to try to entice a click. And that’s typically how I do it. But I’m sure some of the other guys have some other input to put on this. So just to clarify, Mohammed, my opinion would be to do what your competitors are doing when it comes to the title tag, but then try to make your meta description stand out as much as possible. And one of the ways to do that, which may be Marco can touch on this a little bit more if he doesn’t get mad at me for saying this, has to include jump links because they can get pulled into the meta description. Remember, if you have a piece of content and you have like a table of contents, you have jump links within the content, those can actually get pulled into the meta description so it extends your search space, right? The real estate that you take upon the space on and plus it also draws the eyes to it because it’s got a blue clickable link right from within the meta description. So those are also things that you can do to help us kind of stand out. Marco would say you?
Marco: Well on understanding how the algorithm is working right now how it was tweaked how they’re trying to cater to NLP and any neural matching this is when you really have to focus on why brands are becoming more and more important as we go into the Semantic Web. Yeah, you could do it like that. You could do it just focus on the keyword like you said to include the brand and the exact match keyword but the broad match right. So if selling new cars and your domain has new cars, new cars com, so you can’t go new cars, com new cars for sale, it becomes nearly impossible to avoid over-optimizing everything on your website and if you had focused on your brand, which is usually a name, probably a family name, right? And plus, and then the carmaker, and then the location, model, you might want to include the model, if it’s opposed for whatever it is, however it is that you’re trying to frame it, it would be a whole lot easier if you concentrated on the brand. And then once you’re focusing on the brand, to do as much as you can for the entity of that brand around the web, so that now you’re setting yourself up to two ways.
The way Bradley said it becomes unique. Your description is in fact, your ad copy, because you’re in front of a user, and that user is going to look at these results. And the one that catches the eye is the one that’s going to get the click or the one it’s just sometimes that they go to that first one. There’s a lot of people that will go multiples, and that there’s a lot of people where you get that bold, right those descriptions and those titles in bold and maybe that’ll catch their eye. This is why it’s so important to have that keyword that you’re focusing on. But if you’re focusing on brand, you’re not going to run into over-optimization issues. So you have two things, you’re taking care of that ad copy. You’re taking care of that title and that description, and you’re taking care of your entity so that in every way possible, you just differentiated yourself from everyone else in the industry that’s doing the same damn thing. And so now you’re giving the bot a reason to choose your entity over the others when… I don’t know how deep I can get into this, Mohammed, go look at the charity webinars because I went deep into this and into the entity into the fact that all Google is doing is it’s comparing. It’s comparing entities. It’s in a relational database and it relates all of the entities to one another. And all of the whatever vectors it has for that entity, vectors are simply numbers, right? This zero to eight and so whatever it has in its system and its servers, when it’s looking for the entities, which one matches the entity the best, or what it thinks the optimal entity is, if yours is the closest to that, it’s going to draw more attention from the bots. It’s gonna draw more love. That’s why our @ID pages work so fucking well because we’re just feeding the bots all of the information about our entity and we do it over and over and over again. We loop it, we scoop it, and it has no choice but to do what we want it to do. That’s why I’m surprised that he’s not back in our mastermind already asking not only these questions but going deeper into this because we go a whole lot deeper about the entity and all of the different things that you could do to trap that body in there. And just to set yourself completely apart from everybody else. It’s part of our SEO power shield. And as part of what I’m calling worried less SEO, we just don’t worry about updates. It doesn’t matter. We don’t care what Google does, because we’re already optimized for Google. Even though Google says you can’t optimize for natural language processing and AI. Yeah, and I call that bullshit.
Bradley: Yeah. I love that you can’t optimize for the new updates. Okay. All right. The people that say that just don’t have a Marco on their team.
Would It Trigger A Penalty If You Publish An Address For A Service Area GMB Page?
Anyways, Troy’s up. He says, Hello, I have a client’s plumbing GMB since he wasn’t ranking in the three pack he added the physical location of the shop which is also the NAP on his website to the Google My Business as well as leaving the service areas listed are already listed. The Business Services at home and not at the shop location right it’s a service area business meaning the Business Services customers at their location, not at the business location makes sense service area business. How is this going to hurt any listings or rankings should the address be taken off yet?
It should. And the reason why is because it’s clearly stated in Google’s terms, Google My Business Terms of Service that states if you are a service area business, you should not publish your address. There are some exceptions to that.
Which sometimes, by the way, you know, there are some algorithmic or automated suspensions that can occur from that. So, I’m surprised. Well, I mean, I’m not, I’m not surprised that I’m kind of surprised that it didn’t happen already, because I have heard of people adding the physical location for a service area business, and it auto suspending it. So if you didn’t get hit with that, that’s a good thing. I would go in and remove that service area, or excuse me, the physical location from being published. And that’s because of the Google My Business, Terms of Service state that if its service area business, you’re not supposed to publish the address. There can be some exceptions for that, such as for example when I’ve used this example in the past like a kitchen remodel Kitchen Remodeling company, I may have a showroom, right? Kitchen Remodeling happens at the customer location, not at the business location. However, they may have a showroom where people can come in and see, you know, kind of mock kitchen designs and things like that. So that’s, that’s an exception where, and I’ve actually had a client that we had left the service, yet it was a service area business, but we had left the published physical location because they had a showroom, and it got suspended. And we had to contact Google My Business support and, you know, state our case, which was that they had a showroom, and they reinstated it, it was fine. It was fine. It was just a matter of, you know, going through proper channels, but it got reinstated. It was fine. But I just wanted to point that out. I would not publish the address for service area businesses unless it’s one of those rare exceptions. Okay. And that’s because they told you not to do that and I’ve seen it firsthand gets suspended because of it. Okay, any comments on that guys?
No, I agree in terms of service violation you can get yourself in a lot of trouble for that. Yeah.
Is It Okay To Upload Images From The Customer’s Location Or Should You Geotag Them With NAP?
So here’s another one from Troy and this is a great question. He says another one field techs plumbing. The plumbing techs taking pics out at service area jobs will upload directly to GMB and Instagram account since taken by phone and geotagged to that residence location so geotagged from where they took the photo right? So it’s got the GPS data embedded in the imprinted on impressed upon the image okay as part of the metadata. So, is this the best way or should all pics be geotagged with NAP and then uploaded to GMB now? Because now you got conflicting data, right? If you take a photo that was taken on location at a customer location for service area business, and then you wait to upload it till after you’ve geotagged it with additional NAP data, doesn’t that cause conflicting Geo Data on that one image, right? How can that image be taken in two different locations at the same time, it can be, right? So no, don’t do that. The benefit that you’re going to gain from taking photos on location and uploading using the GMB app, by the way, is that it uploads that GeoData from and it starts to paint a picture, right? It starts to prove to Google, that you’re in that service areas indeed, where you’re conducting business, right? If that makes sense. And so that’s one of the ways that we talk about local GMB Pro.
And that’s about as far as I want to talk about it, but and how to expand a map area footprint, if that makes sense. And I don’t mean footprint in a bad sense. I mean, in a good sense, and how you can expand your maps, listing exposure to areas outside of your immediate proximity, right, if that makes sense. Again, remember, over the last year, there have been two occasions that I’m aware of where Google is tightened to that proximity part of the algorithm, the proximity filter, they’ve narrowed it. It’s happened two times now in the last year, one within like the last three months or so two or three months. So the proximity issue is getting harder and harder to overcome. But that is still the way to overcome it is by uploading photos from that are taken from mobile devices in the service area. So out across the areas, and also as Marco teaches, you know, not just the metadata that is imprinted into the meta, you know, the GeoData that’s imprinted in the metadata of the images by uploading them, but also by taking images of known landmarks and things like that can be identified by Google through Google Street View, and things like that Google Earth and all of that, that will also prove that it’s within the service area. So those are two different ways that you benefit from that not by, you know, we talked about geotagging photos using stuff like geo setter or whatever, when you don’t have somebody in the field actually uploading original photos that were taken on location right?
We only use the geotagging software to tag photos, when as a second, you know, the next best option is a second option when we don’t have that first option implemented. So anyway, Marco, I know you want to comment on that.
Marco: Yeah, it defeats the purpose if you tag them from wherever the location is, but let’s say where you work is different from location, wherever the job is just a contractor goes out to a house 10 miles away, does a job takes the pictures, upload them there.
And then Google has all that information, versus going there getting the pictures giving them to you, then you retag I don’t understand why the whole purpose of this is you’re giving Google information from the place that you want to become relevant or related to your business, right? So if it’s 10 miles away, if it’s 20 miles away, whatever it is, you want to make that relevant to you and to your business and the way that you do that is by taking the picture they’re and uploading them there. If you upload them as some other place, and it’s going to change the data and that defeats the purpose of taking them at the location.
Bradley: Yeah, yeah. And it’s really cool. You can test this, guys, you can take a photo from your phone and upload it. Or you know, if you’ve got Google Photos on your phone so that it automatically backs them up to Google Photos I do. I’ve got an Android phone. So if you take a photo out, you know somewhere and then you go look at the metadata, it’ll show you the coordinates where it was taken, like, it’ll show you like a little Google map with a pin where it was taken. If you look at the little eye in the circles, so like the info, it’ll show you like the data that it sees from the image. So it’s pretty cool. It does that with videos too, by the way. So it’s, you know, it’s very, very powerful. And that’s it. That’s how you can kind of create a map for Google to understand like when I say a map like a surface area, by overtime you consistently upload images that are, you know, geotagged from where they were taken, uploaded through the GMB app, especially then that, you know, you can start to kind of train the bot to understand or recognize where your service area truly is. It’s not just claiming it stating it in GMB. But now you’re proving to the bot, that you indeed are servicing those areas because you’re uploading photos that are proof, like with the GeoData. So it’s a great question though.
What Is The Best Way To Index Links And Drive Stacks?
Okay, the next question is Hello there. Thank you for answering our questions. My question is, what is the best way to index links in general, and drive stacks? In particular, nowadays, mygb.co, our store, we have a link indexing service over there that works really, really well. It’s like 10 bucks for 2500 links or something like that. It’s ridiculous. So, you know, go buy an embed gig or excuse me an indexing gig over there and submit them that way. That’s one way to do it. How else could do it, Marco?
I don’t do it any other way. So I can’t say, go do it some other way, I get my legs linked index by dead if I’m looking. If I’m testing, I might try different things. So maybe when we do the heavy hitter club, we can show people the different ways that you can index links. But why am I going to do all that work when it’s not necessary? I could just go tell daddy, I need these links, links index, and then he’s gonna take them, he’s going to get about 60% or more index. And since he does multiple indexing runs, then then they the index over a period of time rather than all at once we had that question, I think, in the mastermind, so I want to make that clear to people that they don’t have to worry about, I don’t know 15 20,000 thousand links showing up all of a sudden, in their link profile. That’s not how it works. He does it over a period of time so that they index 60% Plus, and then you have this great link profile and index link and you can push it even more power if you build tiered link building to those index link, and again, data can take care of all that.
Nathan says just letting you know that some of the links about a plan still point to subspace links don’t work. Well. Thanks, Nathan shade that. As I mentioned the last time I think you made a comment about the battle plan that’s on the block for that’s in the to-do list where after 2xyouragency training is done, that will be updated one thing at a time, my man, so thank you though.
Let’s see what’s next. Troy says I’ll keep it going. Okay, Troy, yeah, might as well. I’m sure I said because there’s no other questions, guys. And by the way, if we run out of questions, we wrap it up early. So it’s up to you guys. You got questions, ask them if there’s only a handful of you here. Feel free. Okay. Otherwise, we’ll wrap it up early. I’m perfectly good with going back to finishing the training for 2xyouragency today. I’ve got a lot left to do.
Troy says I’ll keep going page borders are trending in the IM world. This week are they like what type of page builders HTML fast loading pages or still WordPress, the client needs redesign and I’m pondering page builder because so much quicker to build Google more receptive to HTML now since they weren’t a few years ago. So when you say pal, that’s it hang on. Let me after that because I know Google is not now more receptive to HTML before. They’ve always been very receptive to it to HTML. The thing is that WordPress is so popular that Google does get and I don’t care what they say, you know, they’ll tell you no, but they do give WordPress. It’s a little bit of a boost. Not much, but it’s just so damn popular. But HTML has always worked really well, because of how fast it is. It’s super fast and Google really likes that. I’ve worked in HTML forever, right? But 17-18 years, almost 17 years.
I’ve been doing this and it never stopped working. So let’s make that clear. Google isn’t any more accepted HTML now than it was before.
Yeah, and I really liked HTML, creating pages in HTML because it does they load super quick.
It’s not that hard to it’s just when you have to have dynamic stuff and you know, database and all that I like, I’m not an HTML nerd. I just use notepad plus as an HTML editor. And but I like using HTML pages because they’re quick loading and that kind of stuff. So anyway, uh, page builders are trending HTML, fast loading client needs a redesign.
So I don’t know really what that what the question is there. You know, it’s up to you.
WordPress still works. You know, I’m not crazy about WordPress. The only reason why I still use WordPress is that it’s it is, you know, like, I know it and it makes it easy for blogs and things like that, but I also don’t like WordPress, because of how many fucking updates there is all the time in that ridiculous. It’s just stupid. It’s just stupid and when you have so many damn sites that you manage it just you know, it’s just a pain in the ass. And even if you use something like main WP or whatever, they always end up being issues and every time there’s an update, you know, one or two sites out of the dozens and dozens that you manage end up having some sort of conflict and, you know, it’s just a pain in the balls. That’s why I try to run WordPress sites as light as possible, right? So the like, as little as few plugins as possible, and that kind of stuff because it’s just a nightmare dealing with on a regular basis. So, you know, pick and choose whatever, whatever you feel most comfortable with. You know, I still would build a new client site on WordPress just because of the ease with which I could build it. And then add content and all that kind of stuff. But I do like HTML for the various reasons that I just mentioned. Now that depends on how proficient he is with HTML, you can build a WordPress hybrid with HTML, right? And you can type HTML pages to your WordPress. That’s not a problem.
Yeah, it just depends it depends on on on how far you want to go with it. But I can tell you right now that you can rank WordPress, HTML, and literally just about anything on the web, if you work the entity guy says edit if you’re not doing entity-based SEO right now, if you’re worried about which builder you’re going to use, rather than how you’re going to set up your entity you starting off on the wrong foot. Yeah, I agree with entity-based SEO. It’s for the Semantic Web is that the bot is looking at. You’re not doing that you’re fucking it up.
Nicely said. Nathan says Troy takes the photos via the GMB app on the iPhone. Google loves those photos and you will get more eyeballs on your GMB. Yeah, it doesn’t have to be the app on the iPhone. It could be on your Android to just the GMB app period. right, that’s the point of load. By the way, you know, you can, you can give your field techs access as like a communications manager or whatever they call it a so that they can upload directly to the GMB as a contributor, which means they could not only upload photos, but they could also post GMB posts from through the GMB app directly to your GMB profile for the business. However, you can also upload photos and still get the benefit as a guest like so. In other words, a guest uploaded photos. So even if your texts that field technicians didn’t have manager access to the GMB they could still take photos and upload them with the geotag data, right metadata directly to the GMB as guest photos, user-generated photos right and it still has the same benefit. The only difference is you don’t get to add create a post from it with a call to action and squeeze keywords and such. But that the image SEO still has an effect even as a guest upload, right a user upload as opposed to a manager upload. Okay.
Troy says, Thanks, Jen. It’s always great. How’s it been a few weeks and just saw the pricing on 2xyouragency? Agree with Bradley, you’re nuts. Going to sign up before your sanity comes back? Yeah, Troy, you think I’m nuts? I think I’m nuts. Because I’m the one spending all this time doing all the videos and it’s a lot of fucking time will tell you that a lot of time and I got nine more weeks to go. So anyways,
How Do You Generate More GMB Calls For A Client With 4 Offices In Different Cities?
Next question. I just landed a big client who has four offices in different cities near each other and my main objective is to generate more calls from their GMB pages. So I figured this is where I can show the biggest and fastest results. I was thinking about doing a big SEO shield for the brand first and as local SEO shields for the specific GMB pages. Any better idea?
Well, yeah, I mean, you can do it all underneath the one branded shield. I think I’m pretty sure Marco is going to suggest that and I’m going to let Marco take over this one, I would, I would assume that you can push all of that through the primary SEO shield, which would be your drive stack and all of that. And then you can create location-based optimized folders within the stack instead of having these different stacks and all of that you can do it all under one and you actually get more power out of it that way than having different stacks, at least through my experience. Marco, this one is definitely yours.
Marco: Yeah, well, I mean, we’re thinking brand, I was supposed to be thinking brand, we should be thinking brand. If we don’t. Right now, like what I’m recommending to everyone is thinking of a catchy name because you know, women’s shoes. Chicago is not a brand. That’s a keyword. Right? New women should just, those are not brand. Think of brands think of a name that you want for your company that’s catchy and that’s going to last right? It’s going to stand the test of time. Why? Because if you hit that one, you got that unicorn. If you got that one that for whatever reason, becomes the keyword for the niche. Then not that’s an ATM, that’s a 24 hour, 365 ATM, it’s going to pour money in your pocket and your client, hopefully, it’s your idea. But that’s the way you should all be looking at the project even if you have to do local which is a brand plus location plus keyword association, you’re looking at the brand always. So even if it’s different cities, that should be one main office, right? McDonald’s they differentiate between McDonald’s Corporation and then the franchises and the franchisees and then everything else that McDonald’s does. It’s not one McDonald’s in one place and then another one in orphaned in another place or whatever. No, it’s all one big brand.
Look at how the big boys take on the internet. Look at how they set it all up, look at how they set up the franchise model or the multiple cities, multiple office model and do the do that they do. Because if you don’t, you’re going to be left behind. If you start now and you starting it off, right and you’re working, just praying, just from that aspect, then you’re going to know that everything that you do needs to relate to that brand and to everything that’s under that brand. You claim your footprint, right? You’re going to claim all your social profiles you go and everything that excuses me, everything that you set up, should be with you looking to create that brand plus keyword association. Not everyone is in the eye and I talked about this during the charity webinars, not all of you will be able to make your project the next Amazon, or the next Google or the next, whatever, but you should be working as if that’s going to happen. And the way that we can push power right now the way that we do things at Semantic Mastery. It’s a wide-open field. It’s even it’s an even playing field. So that I’ll be we saw the test cases in, in our mastermind, where Dadia went after Amazon and he’s fighting Amazon, Walmart, you name it, in the e-commerce space, and he’s carved his niche. He’s there and the client is happier than a pig and shit.
Bradley: It’s impressive. I mean, in such a short period of time, to like with ecom to take on Walmart and Amazon and be competitive with them in such a short period of time. It’s absolutely incredible. It’s impressive. So anyway, there you go. And yeah, you know, what’s interesting guys in the 2xyouragency training, the Double Your Agency training, you know, like I said, I should finish today we this training and it’s all about the first four weeks is about to extra pipeline. It’s about increasing, filling your pipeline full of leads, prospects so that you can never have to worry about revenue again for your agency. You can not only sell more clients, close more clients generate more revenue but you can also cherry-pick the best ones. Because the problem is if you only got 10 leads coming in your business, you know, you are desperate to try to close as many of those 10 as possible and it comes across in everything that you say your actions, your tone of voice. Everything it comes across as desperate because you need the revenue and you only got 10 prospects to talk to. If you had 100 prospects to talk to be completely different psychology. So anyway, I taught the reason I brought that up is that the whole first four weeks is about building your brand. Exactly what Marco was talking about, but there is an SEO benefit to it. But I’m not talking about building your brand. In SEO terms, there is a portion of that where I talk about it, but most of it is about building your brand so that you become synonymous with whatever product or service it is that you’re trying to promote.
So for example, I talked about niching down, that’s how I prefer to do it, I think it’s much easier to scale an agency that way. So like associating your primary keyword which may be Tree Service SEO or like for me, for example, or Tree Service marketing or Tree Service, lead generation, whatever it is, with the brand name, and it’s about building that brand in that association and so the whole first four weeks is about really building your own brand first. That’s super important because that’s how you start like Marco said, once you become once the association has been generated, not just within Google, but also within other within you know, prospects’ minds, customer, potential target’s minds that’s like an ATM, it’s a 24-hour machine, you know, cash machine that’s just going to constantly deliver money. That’s where you want to be for your own agency as well as for your clients, you want to be able to reproduce that duplicate that for your clients and have and help them become the branded verb. Do you know what I mean? Like, you want them to be the ones that are associated with their product or service in their local area. And the way that you do that is through what Marco calls entity SEO. It’s about building that brand. And that’s incredibly I mean, that’s absolutely true. It’s about branding, that’s you want to kill it in SEO, build the fucking brand period. That’s just the way it is now, and it’s only going to continue to go further in that direction, in my opinion. So
Marco: Yeah, it’s not just an opinion. It’s what Google is telling you. I mean, that everything that they’ve come out with, and I’m just seeing this all over with people that just they have no clue. And it’s all about into all of these people that saw drops in whatever they were doing is because their entity wasn’t right and those who benefited or didn’t see any changes, or because they’re doing things right. To me, it’s funny because the only way that we find out about updates is like when people come in on Hump Day or in our groups and tell us, you guys see that update? And we’re like, No, no, but let me go and see what it’s about. I know what it’s about, I saw what it’s about Google tells you, what is about Google tells you, I mean, almost to the letter what they want. And then John Mueller will go and tell you the opposite so that you don’t know what to do. So you gotta go sift through all of that to get the right information, because you got a lot of people that are just spreading the Google word, without understanding what it is that they’re saying without even understanding what it is that John Mueller is saying. Cuz a lot of times what John Mueller says and what he means are two totally different things. Don’t pay attention to John Mueller. If you don’t want to believe Marco that then don’t believe Marco go and test and see for yourself. Whether what I’m telling you entity basis seal, whether that’s what’s working right now, and I guarantee you that you’re going to get results. If you do the things right, set up your SEO shield, and then do the things that are in the battle plan that we recommend for your entity. And it’s just a done deal. It’s so simple, it’s ridiculous. And you can go up against anyone I’m telling you right now that you can take on anyone in the internet space and when
Bradley: I think Hernan is gonna contribute?
Hernan: Absolutely. Yeah, I was about to say on a different branding perspective, branding from the perspective of creating a brand to attract customers, not from the SEO perspective, that is something that I’ll be contributing as well with, you know, which is going to be a brand new course for or an email prospecting course for digital agency owners. So basically, how to use my case, which is my wheelhouse, which is going to be Facebook. How do you leverage Facebook and Facebook ads, not the organic stuff, not the fact that you need to post 1000 times a day and be glued to your phone and you know, look like a teenager? Not we’re not talking about that, right? We’re talking about like doing real business. We’re talking about doing real business, not influencer type stuff, but the real stuff. Because you also need to build and run your business, right? So, you know, my idea is to show you real quick how you can build a brand around yourself so that you can pipe those leads into whatever your sales process is, whether it is like talking to you, or if you have a salesperson or a call center, whatever that is. But I’m going to share with you guys how to do that in 2xa. That’s going to be available, you know, next week for sure. So it’s going to be in 2xyouragency as well. So there you go.
Marco: Yeah, no, I would just add to people that when you’re building your brand when you’re talking about your brand, it’s that’s something that you separate from your SEO brand. It’s all your brand. Your brand is how you’re going to do business, but it’s going to be your calling card on the web, and you can’t call yourself Joe Schmo from Kokomo anymore and expect to go up again when Google is benefiting brands. And so again, if you’re not working towards that brand, towards becoming the keyword for the niche, right, like you said to become the verb in your niche, then you’re not. Forget it, you’re gonna have to do so much work. So much work to make it right, that you may as well just start doing it right, as right from the beginning, work on that brand. Think of that print, work with your client on that brand when they tell you well, I want the keyword in the city. No, that’s not the way that you should do things you should think about your business and how it is that you want to present yourself to the customer to the client to people on the web. How do you want your brand to appear to the people who are looking for your products and services or whatever it is that you are selling?
Bradley: Yeah, anyway, that’s, you know, guys, this what’s great about this is. Remember, you’re hearing from multiple agency owners here too. And we all have, you know, we all understand the importance of that whole branding thing. There’s the SEO aspect of it, but it’s all one and the same now you shouldn’t separate the two. Building the brand, and SEOing the brand is one and the same. And so again, it’s good to hear an opinion from Marco and from Hernan, and for myself. We each have our own successful agencies beyond what we do here at Semantic Mastery. So it’s good to know that you know, we’re speaking from experience, right, this isn’t just theory.
Any Thoughts On The Erratic Movement Of Websites In Google Search Console?
Fitz says Good day. Good day, guys. Thanks for this forum. I noticed the three of my sites show in the Search Console are going up and down together. Why do you guess this is happening? They are in different states. Honestly. I have no idea. I mean, there’s there could be a ton of variables there that you know, questions I could have about that fits that we’re obviously not gonna be able to get to the bottom of right now. I can’t imagine what would cause something like that unless they were all three sites were hosted on the same host. And there’s some sort of hosting issue. I don’t know how what the connection there would be. It could just be a coincidence. It’s unlikely, but there’s got to be some. I don’t know. Is there any of you guys have any speculation on any of that? not really enough information there to go on. But no,
Marco: no, because we’d have to go and look at each one specifically and see how they’re related, whether they’re related to why Google created that relationship? Well, if Google created the relationship, why there’s a lot of things that we have to look at.
Bradley: Yeah. Yeah, that’s something would have to be investigated fits. Come join the mastermind and you can submit that to one of our mastermind webinars. And we’ll be happy to audit it and look into it.
How Does Responding To Reviews Help In Ranking GMB?
Muhamed, What’s up buddy says Hey guys, how does responding to reviews and GMB help things is it only good because its activity and GMB type of client was avoiding responding to negative GMB reviews and I’m prodding him to do so both for activity and reputation purposes. Okay, I think there’s, look, we already know we can rank without reviews with none, right? So reviews can be a factor, but they’re not necessary or critical, right? So in my experience, the reason why I suggest responding to reviews both positive and negative, I tell all my clients to respond to reviews positive and negative for two reasons. Number one, it’s additional activity. Number two, it shows to your users, two people that end up seeing your brand that you’re engaged with your customers, right or that the brand is engaging with their customers. And number three, because it gives you the opportunity to now inject additional keywords and location modifiers into a response because a lot of the time, I think about most reviews that customers leave, don’t have any keywords in them whatsoever or location details, right? A lot of them are just saying, hey, it was awesome, thanks, guys. I mean, it might have like, you know, hey, they called these guys to come to remove a tree and they did a really good job, we really, you know, clean up afterward, it was great, I’ll call them again, highly recommend it, but other than saying remove a tree, there’s no other indication there as to what has been done. They’re just saying that they did a great job, which is great. But what I like to do is have, you know, go in and in reply to that and say, you know, thank you for your kind words, it was a pleasure perform, you know, handling that tree removal job for you in Fairfax. You know, we encourage you to contact us and next time you have some tree care work, you know, or tree care needs or something right. So now you squeezed in multiple keywords, as well as a location modifier. So that’s why I like to do that and I have all of my clients, you know, what I’ll do is when I send out monthly reports, I have my VA always take screenshots of GMB insights and stuff like that. And one of the things that we look at is the reviews to see if any new reviews have been posted in the last month and if so have they been responded to? Because if not, then when I send the monthly reports to my clients, I mentioned that in the commentary in the email that I send my clients say, Hey, you know, I noticed that you got two new reviews this month that hadn’t been replied to, here’s the links directly to them, please go reply. And I send that to them. And again, and I’ve trained all of my clients to do exactly what I mentioned, which was to squeeze in a keyword and or location modifier or a couple of keywords if they can, and not a spammy way, but in a very conversational way. But again, it’s not necessary. I think it’s important to do it is something that will move the needle, but it’s not critical. What do you guys think? Any comments on that?
Marco: Yeah, definitely, man because people look at reviews the wrong way. People look at okay, I should have all five-star reviews and that’s all I need to pay attention to and I don’t need to do anything else. But the reviews and responding to reviews, well you’re using the voice of your brand to talk to your customers. Again we go back to the brand, man. This is your voice, right? The voice of your brand reaching out to this dissatisfied customer because they came to you with pain. They came to you with a problem and you did not solve the problem. You didn’t take care of the pain. So now there’s a problem that not only did you not take care of that, but they have a problem with you and with your brand. So this is the perfect time to go in there and say hey, look, yeah, we fucked up. You’re not going to say it in these words. But this is what I tell. This is what I tell the people when I’m in a consultation, and they asked me about reviews. Go tell the person that you fucked up and then you go tell them how can we make it right for you, help us make it right for you. So that may create a dialogue with this person. And then what that does is it makes your brand stand out from the rest. Not only did you respond, but you offered to make it right and now you’re in an open dialogue with this person who gave you a bad review, and you’re looking to make it right you know how that makes it look makes you look like you have the best customer service in the industry, it’s actually a place where you can shine. Even though the review started out being bad. Just by talking to the customer and offering, look let me make it right for you. How can we make it? How can we help you? And sometimes that there’s no fuck off, I don’t need you anymore, right? But then that makes them look shitty. Because you’re being open, you’re being honest. And you’re willing to help and you’re willing to make it right. So that puts it back on them instead of it all being on you leaving that negative review just without response. No chirp, chirp chirp. Make it makes you look really bad.
Bradley: And on rare occasions, you can turn a negative battery review, what initially was a bad review, into a positive and end up turning that customer into a brand advocate. Exactly. It’s a rare occasion that that happens. But if you bend over backward to make something, right that was a fuckup on your part or not, you know, whatever but if you bend over to make it right then sometimes you can turn that customer into, you know, an ambassador for the company because they’ll go out and you know, sing praises about your business and recommend you to friends and family and such because they had what started off as a bad experience, but turned into a good one.
Okay, and so just keep that in mind. Remember, guys, think of setbacks, as you know, Napoleon Hill. I think it was Dale Carnegie that actually said it, but Napoleon Hill was the one that published it and you know, really made it famous. The quote, which was, for every adversity, there’s a seed of equal or greater benefit, right. And so if you think about that, and it’s funny, I’m listening to an audiobook right now that I’m really enjoying, I’m only in chapter two, but it’s called Black Box Thinking. And it’s all about how you know you if you take your failures and analyze them the way the airline industries do with the black box, right? They always admit they don’t ever try to cover up mistakes or hide mistakes or try to downplay mistakes, they take all mistakes head-on, and they analyze the data and make it publicly available for everybody so that they can improve processes and improve how flights you know are handled and things like that. And so anyway, it’s just an analogy to say, hit a challenge head-on. And that’ll make you stand out and figure out a way to learn from that to improve processes so that it doesn’t happen again. It will make it a stronger business stronger, brand stronger, stronger company. And so again, just think about it that way. You know, I love that statement. I say to myself all the time when I run into a challenge, something that, you know, if I mess up, you know, I fail, you know, have some sort of failure or something. You know, for every adversity there’s a seed of equal or greater benefit. So just remember that. Just look for the way to improve upon a process when you’ve been notified of a setback or you know, an insufficiency or whatever. That makes sense. So anyway, all this is covered in 2xyouragency, guys. You should join it. And Muhamed, it says PS my situation is slowly improving, and I will take my stable place back into masterminds. And yes, you’re always welcome. And the door’s always open to you.
What Are The Potential Problems If You Have Multiple Keywords Floating Around Page 2?
Austin says, Do you have multiple if you have multiple keywords just floating around page two? What would you think about the problem maybe? Let’s say the on pages type? Again, that’s kind of a loaded question in that it could be a number of things. I could speculate on, you know, 18 different things that it could be. What I would recommend doing, if you say you’re on pages tight, let’s just assume that it is and you’ve got keywords that are floating on page two, I drive some damn relevant traffic to those pages. Because that is my go-to thing when you’ve done other on-page and you’ve done some off-page stuff and you’re still struggling to get the results that you want. I found ART – activity, relevance, trust, and authority. If you can provide engagement activity to that you will see a significant movement. Right, it will definitely move the needle. And so what I would do is buy some traffic, some relevant traffic from Google to those pages and see what happens. That’s what I would do. Any suggestions on that Marco?
Marco: No, not without knowing the what off-page he’s done. But it could be that the competition is keeping him from page one, right? It could be that he hasn’t pushed enough power to those to go from page two to page one. So I don’t know enough to give an opinion. But absolutely activity, relevance, trust, and authority is all you need. When you’re sitting there on page two ready to jumping into page one but you really haven’t made it yet. If you’re on pages is right. And your entities type then the next step is the is off-page. What’s happening off-page Yeah.
Bradley: Yeah, and you can buy some relevant traffic from YouTube. Although that’s more for views than for clicks, you can get some clicks, and it will be relevant. But you can use the Display Network for Google ads for way less expensive than search ads and drive relevant traffic to your pages. And Google knows is relevant because you set it up through your audience targeting right. So you can set up in-market audiences, custom intent audiences, whatever, layer them, so you bind audiences. It’s called layering. You know, you can do that as well. But my point is, now you’re buying traffic to pages that from a relevant audience that it’s an audience that you’re purchasing from Google, right? You’re tapping into a Google audience that Google is telling you is relevant. So you’re buying relevant traffic directly from Google. And now those are relevant signals that Google is waiting higher than just some random ass traffic if that makes sense. Because Google understands there’s already has a profile developed for those visitors, and it’s already identified them as you know, a relevant audience before they even hit your page is my point. So again, those are highly weighted traffic signals. And I don’t care what Google says about buying traffic from Google Ads doesn’t help SEO. That’s just like telling you that link wheels don’t work and press releases don’t work and guest posts don’t work and all that right. How’s that working out for you guys?
Alright, we’re about out of time. Guys, I’m sorry. There are a couple of good questions. We’re not going to be able to get to
Is Blogger A Good Substitute For WordPress For Blogging?
last one fit says is Blogger a good substitute for WordPress for blogging? Not really, because you’re so limited which you can do with Blogger. You know, the self-hosted WordPress site gives you a lot of functionality. Blogger, I mean, it can be used, but you’re limited in design. Well, I don’t know. I’ve never tried to design within Blogger. I’ve just use default themes or whatever. So I can’t answer that for sure. Except if it was a good substitute, it would probably be a lot more prevalent and I rarely ever see any blogs on Blogger that have any measurable amount of traffic. Any comments on that?
Marco: Yeah, let’s say tested and little know how it turns out because it’s I’d have to speculate since I’ve never used Blogger for anything other than links back to my content.
Alright, so Clint and decline, I don’t know if that’s your name or what anyways, you guys, sorry, I didn’t get to your questions. If you post them in the Facebook group, we can try to answer them over there. Or you can repost them until next for next week’s Hump Day Hangouts and we’ll get to them there. But either way, sorry, guys, we didn’t get to you but we are out of time. So thanks, everybody, for being here. Thank you, guys. Bye, everyone. Go get better, Hernan. Thank you. I’ll try. Alright guys, bye everybody. See ya. See ya.
  Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 273 published first on your-t1-blog-url https://ift.tt/1WMpNvB February 07, 2020 at 10:09PM Semantic Mastery https://ift.tt/2YeHIxM
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pledje · 4 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 273
Click on the video above to watch Episode 273 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Hello everybody and welcome to Hump Day hangouts. Today is the fifth of February 2020. I’m still working on saying 2020 so that’s why I got off well slow but you guys but I keep finding myself right in the last year but I guess that’s just the way it goes. So anyways on to more interesting subjects like answering your questions and seeing what we can help everyone out with. But before we get into that, I want to say hello to the guys. I got some short announcements and then we will jump into it. So starting on my left here, Bradley, how are you doing today?
Bradley: Fantastic, man. I’ve been recording videos all day for the 2xyouragency stuff. Man, I can’t believe we’re selling it for what we’re selling it for. That’s all I gotta say. A lot of content, man.
Adam: If you’re gonna say that but I’m going to say go to 2xyouragency.com.
Chris: Just increase prices.
Bradley: We’re only three weeks into a 12-week course, man, and it’s just a massive amount of value. So anyway, I hope you guys take advantage of our stupidity.
Adam: Well, what Bradley meant to say was, we help digital agency owners get more clients, grow the revenue and scale their teams. All right. So you know, two big things that we find important and I know Bradley’s joking around. But you know, we want to work less and earn more and not that we want to do nothing, but we want to spend our time doing the things we want to do. All right. And that’s what this is all about. So we’ve heard that commonly, from a lot of you guys who are listening, and then people, other people out there, we’ve talked to you, you know, those are the three main things that we can help you do so that you can work less and earn more and spend time doing what you want to do.
Bradley: Yeah.
Adam: Chris, how you doing, man?
Chris: Yeah, like I’m suffering like the temperature struggle here. About 10 days ago, it wasn’t the mountains -17 degrees Celsius. So until for the whole weekend, and until Monday, we had about 19 degrees plus and then Tuesday, a big storm came. And last night we got about half a meter snow dumped out and it’s fucking cold again. So I’m surprised that I’m healthy and like not like having any cold or something like that. But yeah, I don’t know like other than that. Life is good.
Adam: All right. Well, speaking of the cold, Hernan, how are you doing?
Hernan: I’m doing awesome, dude. I’m doing awesome. I’m feeling like shit, but here’s the deal. Okay. Okay, so do two quick things. Stop laughing. It sounds funny. All right. So quick, two quick things. Number one is that thank you guys for the amazing support for the launch of 2xyouragency was awesome. So thank you, guys. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. We’re pouring a lot of value in that Semantic Mastery style. We’re trying to over-deliver 2xyouragency.com. That is number one. Number two is that last week, I went to Funnel Hacking Live and I had the honor and the privilege and the pleasure of getting, on behalf of the whole Semantic Mastery team, the two comma club that we made that possible. Thanks to all of you guys. So I’m feeling like crap, but I’m super proud of the team that we have here. And I’m super proud for, you know, and I don’t have words to thank you, guys, everyone that’s watching the YouTube channel, subscribing, commenting, sharing, you know, buying our product supporting the brand. It’s been quite a ride. And you know, last year, we were sitting with Adam in Nashville, Tennessee, and I was like, dude, I think it would be pretty awesome if we hop on stage together to come to a co or and then lo and behold, we got it. So anyway, I just wanted to say that I’m super proud of that. Super proud of the team. And thank you, guys. Thank you. Thank you.
Adam: Awesome. Yeah, I was too cool for school to go up there with Hernan. I was hanging out in Puerto Rico for a little while. So I had to miss that. But now I’m really glad I didn’t go because apparently I would have gotten sick as hell. Yeah.
Hernan: Yeah. So I went in, I took a bullet for the team, but also, we might have I also got to network with some awesome people, some awesome entrepreneurs, so we might be having them on subsequent hangouts moving forward, so that’s gonna be a blast to some
Adam: awesome good stuff. All right, and Marco, how you doing today?
Marco: Oh, dude, I’m stuck here under almost 20 inches of sun. It’s horrible. Look outside in and not a cloud in the sky 82 degrees. It’ll be around 60, At nightm it’s terrible. I tell you don’t anybody come here. For any of this, you don’t want it. You don’t want paradise, trust me. But what I’m going to do those I’m going to go on a record like to the new house that I just moved into over, there’s a green area and I got two volcanoes in the background to just big mountains. So I’m going to go and do a quick live stream so you guys can see where it is that Marco because it doesn’t get any better than this, man. Eighty degrees in the during the day 60-65 at night. And that’s life guys and what we’re trying to do. You live is that you put whatever you’re POFU is, it doesn’t have to be this. You could it could be that you want to go to Antarctica and set up camp there me you’re more than welcome. That’s your POFU, we’re with you. And we will help you get there. That’s our whole point right behind all this, the 2xyouragency and all of the products and services that we provided so that people can get to the point where they can say, I’m going to do what I want to do rather than what I have to do, to see how the hell I’m gonna make it to the end of the month. I’m going to pay my bills. We don’t want your living that life. We want you living a life where you work less, make more money, and then you could do whatever the fuck you want with your money. And I’ll leave it at that.
Adam: Fair enough. Well, I don’t have too much to add on to that except to say let’s see, nice and sunny. It’s nice to be back home. I enjoy traveling a lot but I don’t know about you guys. I enjoy getting back into the routine as well. Having the flow you know kind of getting out starting my day having that after a week or two on the road and start getting kind of tired and like Okay, I’m ready to get back to it now. I see Bradley shaking his head you feel the same right?
Bradley: Oh my god, dude, there’s so much freedom in routine, I swear to god like I don’t know how you guys are not and you and Chris do it because you trappy the three of you travel so much and work and I just can’t do it. I can’t get motivated. When I’m away from my work environment. It’s very difficult to stay focused for me when I’m outside of this environment. And so, you know, like I said to me, I’m like, I feel so out of sorts, even taking a vacation you know, coming back and getting back into my normal routine is like liberating you know, so I don’t know I get stressed out when I’m on the road. You know when it comes to working stuff so
Adam: but I also see Bradley not being stressed out on the road and that’s it perfectly live. If you want to see Bradley unchained and hit him up for some good off. Off the record info, you need to come to POFU Live. We’ve locked down. We are going to be in Boston this year in 2020. It’s going to be. I forget the exact dates but I believe it’s the last weekend in September and so now is the time to go ahead and lock in your tickets. We’re limiting it to 25 people this year. So if you go to pofulive.com, you can grab your ticket early.
  I’ve got a couple more announcements I want to share with everyone. You heard us talking about double your agency. If you’re new to us, or you’re new to Semantic Mastery, then you know, there are two great places you can get started with us. You’ve already found the first one and that’s Hump Day Hangout show up every Wednesday. If you can’t make it live, you can always ask the question on the page, and then check out our YouTube channel for the answers. So go ahead and hit subscribe on the YouTube channel. Stay up to date with all that. But like I said, we help digital agency owners and consultants get more clients, right? Grow their revenue and scale their teams. All right, so that you can work less and earn more if you want to know more about that. Just go to 2xyouragency.com. All right, and then additionally, a lot of people ask us, you know, Hey, you guys have a step by step process for maybe working with aged domains or how about a new website or how do I use YouTube channels or how do I do GMB stuff? Go check out the Battle Plan if you don’t have the Battle Plan yet, you can find that at battleplan.semanticmastery.com. And last but certainly not least, if you’re doing done for you services or you’re working on your own projects, or you’re working with clients, you need to be checking out mgyb.co. Stuff like link building, the SEO shield, which if you don’t know what that is, head over there, find out press releases, there are more services come in, that’s just the tip of the iceberg. But make sure that you head over there, and you’re putting that to use and that falls into line with what we’re teaching at 2xyouragency.com, you know, as part of the fulfillment and getting yourself out of the fulfillment role and really, and really trying to run business. So with that said, you guys, is there any other announcements before we dive into the questions?
Marco: Let’s do this man.
Bradley: All right, let me grab a screen. Standby. Can you confirm?
Adam: Good to go.
Does The Middle Option In The RYS Drive Stacks Refer To The Classic Or The New Version Of G Sites?
Okay. So looks like Justin is up first. He says for the RYS drive stack. He’s been really active in the Facebook community too. So pretty cool. I love it when people come in and you know, are active and engaged because that’s how you start to grow. Right? So that’s awesome. Justin, he says for the RYS drive stacks for the middle option with the old slash new Google Sites. Is that referring to classic? So you must be talking about when you order from MGYB, he’s asking is that referring to classic/new versions of G sites, both newly created or an aged site as well as a newly created site. That’s the versions, they’re both going to be new.
But we’re talking about classic plus classic Google Sites plus the new Google Sites. Marco was talking about new Google Sites just yesterday with … I saw I’m going to say then, but there’s a so so it’s both in both new sites, but one is on the newer platform. Any old in the other side is on the old Google Sites. So it’s not about aged in new sites if that makes sense.
How Does The Twitter Account For An Extra Hundred Bucks Integrate?
Bradley: Last part of that is how does the Twitter account for an extra hundred bucks integrate? Thanks and Marco I’ll let you take that one.
Marco: Uh, that gets tied to your branded Twitter account. So it becomes a secondary Twitter account that retweets tweets from relevant sources, right? That trusted, authoritative, relevant sources in Twitter, so that your tweets are combined with those relevant, trusted, authoritative tweets so that you draw authority from those and it goes into a tiered network for just your tweets. So that’s what that is. And that’s why we charge extra because you get a persona network, right? A tiered persona network for your tweets and additional tweets to bring back all of that relevance to your website, to your project to wherever it is that you’re sending people when you tweet, your tweet will contain links, it’ll contain information is going to contain, I don’t know, videos, maps, whatever it is that you choose to tweet out. And that’s how you would use that.
  Bradley: There you go, Gordon’s up sup, Gordon? He says, Hey, guys, I have no questions for today. Oh, wow. That’s a rarity, Gordon. He says, even though it’s a little bit late, and I just wanted to wish you much happiness, good health and continued success and prosperity for 2020 and beyond. And also to again, declare a heartfelt thank you for helping your customers by sharing your knowledge with us on these hump days. You’re the best that would be a good one for the testimonials, guys. Thanks, Gordon. We always appreciate you coming in and participating. You’ve been a member or in the audience for many years, a participant for many years, I should say. So thank you for that. We always appreciate you as well. And here comes another superstar, Muhammad. What’s up my buddy? Who said thank you, Al Gore, was turned on to
Should You Use A Unique Title Tags For A Crowded Industry?
and Mohammed, he’s another superstar. He’s been in and out of the mastermind but he’s growing which is awesome. So what’s up man? And he says, hey guys when it comes to the title tags for a crowded industry, do I have to have a unique one my car dealer client is in a big city and all the page one companies seem to have some variations of new cars in city or new that new comma used cars and city. Usually, I try to make my title tag stand out, but in this case, should I just copy what the competition is doing? It’s my focus on uniqueness even justified, I don’t remember learning it. Okay. I’m going to give you my opinion on this and I’m sure that there are probably some differences from some of the other guys.
When it comes to title tags unless it’s a blog post. If it’s a page where you know, for lead generation, I just use the keyword whatever the primary keyword is that I’m trying to target for that page becomes my at least the first part of the title tag. I might include a phone number in the title tag as well as the brand, right? But the first part of the title tag is going to be just that primary keyword, not a modification of it. It’s just the primary keyword, then I’ll have the phone number then the brand or something, some similar variation of that. But it’s always just the primary keyword where I try to have to stand out as in the meta description, right. And that’s where I try to write, you know, I do a lot of Google Ads now. And so I have the benefit of split testing a lot of headlines and descriptions. And because of that, I tend to try to write my meta descriptions as ad copy, so it’s compelling. So that’s what I try to do to stand out. And the reason why I say that is because I want that keyword and the SEO title is a significant ranking factor for a piece of content, at least in my experience, and I’ve kept at that process for many years now. So I always want that primary keyword as the title, the first part of the title tag two, and then I’ll use the ad copy or excuse me, the meta description, optimized that like it’s ad copy to try to entice a click. And that’s typically how I do it. But I’m sure some of the other guys have some other input to put on this. So just to clarify, Mohammed, my opinion would be to do what your competitors are doing when it comes to the title tag, but then try to make your meta description stand out as much as possible. And one of the ways to do that, which may be Marco can touch on this a little bit more if he doesn’t get mad at me for saying this, has to include jump links because they can get pulled into the meta description. Remember, if you have a piece of content and you have like a table of contents, you have jump links within the content, those can actually get pulled into the meta description so it extends your search space, right? The real estate that you take upon the space on and plus it also draws the eyes to it because it’s got a blue clickable link right from within the meta description. So those are also things that you can do to help us kind of stand out. Marco would say you?
Marco: Well on understanding how the algorithm is working right now how it was tweaked how they’re trying to cater to NLP and any neural matching this is when you really have to focus on why brands are becoming more and more important as we go into the Semantic Web. Yeah, you could do it like that. You could do it just focus on the keyword like you said to include the brand and the exact match keyword but the broad match right. So if selling new cars and your domain has new cars, new cars com, so you can’t go new cars, com new cars for sale, it becomes nearly impossible to avoid over-optimizing everything on your website and if you had focused on your brand, which is usually a name, probably a family name, right? And plus, and then the carmaker, and then the location, model, you might want to include the model, if it’s opposed for whatever it is, however it is that you’re trying to frame it, it would be a whole lot easier if you concentrated on the brand. And then once you’re focusing on the brand, to do as much as you can for the entity of that brand around the web, so that now you’re setting yourself up to two ways.
The way Bradley said it becomes unique. Your description is in fact, your ad copy, because you’re in front of a user, and that user is going to look at these results. And the one that catches the eye is the one that’s going to get the click or the one it’s just sometimes that they go to that first one. There’s a lot of people that will go multiples, and that there’s a lot of people where you get that bold, right those descriptions and those titles in bold and maybe that’ll catch their eye. This is why it’s so important to have that keyword that you’re focusing on. But if you’re focusing on brand, you’re not going to run into over-optimization issues. So you have two things, you’re taking care of that ad copy. You’re taking care of that title and that description, and you’re taking care of your entity so that in every way possible, you just differentiated yourself from everyone else in the industry that’s doing the same damn thing. And so now you’re giving the bot a reason to choose your entity over the others when… I don’t know how deep I can get into this, Mohammed, go look at the charity webinars because I went deep into this and into the entity into the fact that all Google is doing is it’s comparing. It’s comparing entities. It’s in a relational database and it relates all of the entities to one another. And all of the whatever vectors it has for that entity, vectors are simply numbers, right? This zero to eight and so whatever it has in its system and its servers, when it’s looking for the entities, which one matches the entity the best, or what it thinks the optimal entity is, if yours is the closest to that, it’s going to draw more attention from the bots. It’s gonna draw more love. That’s why our @ID pages work so fucking well because we’re just feeding the bots all of the information about our entity and we do it over and over and over again. We loop it, we scoop it, and it has no choice but to do what we want it to do. That’s why I’m surprised that he’s not back in our mastermind already asking not only these questions but going deeper into this because we go a whole lot deeper about the entity and all of the different things that you could do to trap that body in there. And just to set yourself completely apart from everybody else. It’s part of our SEO power shield. And as part of what I’m calling worried less SEO, we just don’t worry about updates. It doesn’t matter. We don’t care what Google does, because we’re already optimized for Google. Even though Google says you can’t optimize for natural language processing and AI. Yeah, and I call that bullshit.
Bradley: Yeah. I love that you can’t optimize for the new updates. Okay. All right. The people that say that just don’t have a Marco on their team.
Would It Trigger A Penalty If You Publish An Address For A Service Area GMB Page?
Anyways, Troy’s up. He says, Hello, I have a client’s plumbing GMB since he wasn’t ranking in the three pack he added the physical location of the shop which is also the NAP on his website to the Google My Business as well as leaving the service areas listed are already listed. The Business Services at home and not at the shop location right it’s a service area business meaning the Business Services customers at their location, not at the business location makes sense service area business. How is this going to hurt any listings or rankings should the address be taken off yet?
It should. And the reason why is because it’s clearly stated in Google’s terms, Google My Business Terms of Service that states if you are a service area business, you should not publish your address. There are some exceptions to that.
Which sometimes, by the way, you know, there are some algorithmic or automated suspensions that can occur from that. So, I’m surprised. Well, I mean, I’m not, I’m not surprised that I’m kind of surprised that it didn’t happen already, because I have heard of people adding the physical location for a service area business, and it auto suspending it. So if you didn’t get hit with that, that’s a good thing. I would go in and remove that service area, or excuse me, the physical location from being published. And that’s because of the Google My Business, Terms of Service state that if its service area business, you’re not supposed to publish the address. There can be some exceptions for that, such as for example when I’ve used this example in the past like a kitchen remodel Kitchen Remodeling company, I may have a showroom, right? Kitchen Remodeling happens at the customer location, not at the business location. However, they may have a showroom where people can come in and see, you know, kind of mock kitchen designs and things like that. So that’s, that’s an exception where, and I’ve actually had a client that we had left the service, yet it was a service area business, but we had left the published physical location because they had a showroom, and it got suspended. And we had to contact Google My Business support and, you know, state our case, which was that they had a showroom, and they reinstated it, it was fine. It was fine. It was just a matter of, you know, going through proper channels, but it got reinstated. It was fine. But I just wanted to point that out. I would not publish the address for service area businesses unless it’s one of those rare exceptions. Okay. And that’s because they told you not to do that and I’ve seen it firsthand gets suspended because of it. Okay, any comments on that guys?
No, I agree in terms of service violation you can get yourself in a lot of trouble for that. Yeah.
Is It Okay To Upload Images From The Customer’s Location Or Should You Geotag Them With NAP?
So here’s another one from Troy and this is a great question. He says another one field techs plumbing. The plumbing techs taking pics out at service area jobs will upload directly to GMB and Instagram account since taken by phone and geotagged to that residence location so geotagged from where they took the photo right? So it’s got the GPS data embedded in the imprinted on impressed upon the image okay as part of the metadata. So, is this the best way or should all pics be geotagged with NAP and then uploaded to GMB now? Because now you got conflicting data, right? If you take a photo that was taken on location at a customer location for service area business, and then you wait to upload it till after you’ve geotagged it with additional NAP data, doesn’t that cause conflicting Geo Data on that one image, right? How can that image be taken in two different locations at the same time, it can be, right? So no, don’t do that. The benefit that you’re going to gain from taking photos on location and uploading using the GMB app, by the way, is that it uploads that GeoData from and it starts to paint a picture, right? It starts to prove to Google, that you’re in that service areas indeed, where you’re conducting business, right? If that makes sense. And so that’s one of the ways that we talk about local GMB Pro.
And that’s about as far as I want to talk about it, but and how to expand a map area footprint, if that makes sense. And I don’t mean footprint in a bad sense. I mean, in a good sense, and how you can expand your maps, listing exposure to areas outside of your immediate proximity, right, if that makes sense. Again, remember, over the last year, there have been two occasions that I’m aware of where Google is tightened to that proximity part of the algorithm, the proximity filter, they’ve narrowed it. It’s happened two times now in the last year, one within like the last three months or so two or three months. So the proximity issue is getting harder and harder to overcome. But that is still the way to overcome it is by uploading photos from that are taken from mobile devices in the service area. So out across the areas, and also as Marco teaches, you know, not just the metadata that is imprinted into the meta, you know, the GeoData that’s imprinted in the metadata of the images by uploading them, but also by taking images of known landmarks and things like that can be identified by Google through Google Street View, and things like that Google Earth and all of that, that will also prove that it’s within the service area. So those are two different ways that you benefit from that not by, you know, we talked about geotagging photos using stuff like geo setter or whatever, when you don’t have somebody in the field actually uploading original photos that were taken on location right?
We only use the geotagging software to tag photos, when as a second, you know, the next best option is a second option when we don’t have that first option implemented. So anyway, Marco, I know you want to comment on that.
Marco: Yeah, it defeats the purpose if you tag them from wherever the location is, but let’s say where you work is different from location, wherever the job is just a contractor goes out to a house 10 miles away, does a job takes the pictures, upload them there.
And then Google has all that information, versus going there getting the pictures giving them to you, then you retag I don’t understand why the whole purpose of this is you’re giving Google information from the place that you want to become relevant or related to your business, right? So if it’s 10 miles away, if it’s 20 miles away, whatever it is, you want to make that relevant to you and to your business and the way that you do that is by taking the picture they’re and uploading them there. If you upload them as some other place, and it’s going to change the data and that defeats the purpose of taking them at the location.
Bradley: Yeah, yeah. And it’s really cool. You can test this, guys, you can take a photo from your phone and upload it. Or you know, if you’ve got Google Photos on your phone so that it automatically backs them up to Google Photos I do. I’ve got an Android phone. So if you take a photo out, you know somewhere and then you go look at the metadata, it’ll show you the coordinates where it was taken, like, it’ll show you like a little Google map with a pin where it was taken. If you look at the little eye in the circles, so like the info, it’ll show you like the data that it sees from the image. So it’s pretty cool. It does that with videos too, by the way. So it’s, you know, it’s very, very powerful. And that’s it. That’s how you can kind of create a map for Google to understand like when I say a map like a surface area, by overtime you consistently upload images that are, you know, geotagged from where they were taken, uploaded through the GMB app, especially then that, you know, you can start to kind of train the bot to understand or recognize where your service area truly is. It’s not just claiming it stating it in GMB. But now you’re proving to the bot, that you indeed are servicing those areas because you’re uploading photos that are proof, like with the GeoData. So it’s a great question though.
What Is The Best Way To Index Links And Drive Stacks?
Okay, the next question is Hello there. Thank you for answering our questions. My question is, what is the best way to index links in general, and drive stacks? In particular, nowadays, mygb.co, our store, we have a link indexing service over there that works really, really well. It’s like 10 bucks for 2500 links or something like that. It’s ridiculous. So, you know, go buy an embed gig or excuse me an indexing gig over there and submit them that way. That’s one way to do it. How else could do it, Marco?
I don’t do it any other way. So I can’t say, go do it some other way, I get my legs linked index by dead if I’m looking. If I’m testing, I might try different things. So maybe when we do the heavy hitter club, we can show people the different ways that you can index links. But why am I going to do all that work when it’s not necessary? I could just go tell daddy, I need these links, links index, and then he’s gonna take them, he’s going to get about 60% or more index. And since he does multiple indexing runs, then then they the index over a period of time rather than all at once we had that question, I think, in the mastermind, so I want to make that clear to people that they don’t have to worry about, I don’t know 15 20,000 thousand links showing up all of a sudden, in their link profile. That’s not how it works. He does it over a period of time so that they index 60% Plus, and then you have this great link profile and index link and you can push it even more power if you build tiered link building to those index link, and again, data can take care of all that.
Nathan says just letting you know that some of the links about a plan still point to subspace links don’t work. Well. Thanks, Nathan shade that. As I mentioned the last time I think you made a comment about the battle plan that’s on the block for that’s in the to-do list where after 2xyouragency training is done, that will be updated one thing at a time, my man, so thank you though.
Let’s see what’s next. Troy says I’ll keep it going. Okay, Troy, yeah, might as well. I’m sure I said because there’s no other questions, guys. And by the way, if we run out of questions, we wrap it up early. So it’s up to you guys. You got questions, ask them if there’s only a handful of you here. Feel free. Okay. Otherwise, we’ll wrap it up early. I’m perfectly good with going back to finishing the training for 2xyouragency today. I’ve got a lot left to do.
Troy says I’ll keep going page borders are trending in the IM world. This week are they like what type of page builders HTML fast loading pages or still WordPress, the client needs redesign and I’m pondering page builder because so much quicker to build Google more receptive to HTML now since they weren’t a few years ago. So when you say pal, that’s it hang on. Let me after that because I know Google is not now more receptive to HTML before. They’ve always been very receptive to it to HTML. The thing is that WordPress is so popular that Google does get and I don’t care what they say, you know, they’ll tell you no, but they do give WordPress. It’s a little bit of a boost. Not much, but it’s just so damn popular. But HTML has always worked really well, because of how fast it is. It’s super fast and Google really likes that. I’ve worked in HTML forever, right? But 17-18 years, almost 17 years.
I’ve been doing this and it never stopped working. So let’s make that clear. Google isn’t any more accepted HTML now than it was before.
Yeah, and I really liked HTML, creating pages in HTML because it does they load super quick.
It’s not that hard to it’s just when you have to have dynamic stuff and you know, database and all that I like, I’m not an HTML nerd. I just use notepad plus as an HTML editor. And but I like using HTML pages because they’re quick loading and that kind of stuff. So anyway, uh, page builders are trending HTML, fast loading client needs a redesign.
So I don’t know really what that what the question is there. You know, it’s up to you.
WordPress still works. You know, I’m not crazy about WordPress. The only reason why I still use WordPress is that it’s it is, you know, like, I know it and it makes it easy for blogs and things like that, but I also don’t like WordPress, because of how many fucking updates there is all the time in that ridiculous. It’s just stupid. It’s just stupid and when you have so many damn sites that you manage it just you know, it’s just a pain in the ass. And even if you use something like main WP or whatever, they always end up being issues and every time there’s an update, you know, one or two sites out of the dozens and dozens that you manage end up having some sort of conflict and, you know, it’s just a pain in the balls. That’s why I try to run WordPress sites as light as possible, right? So the like, as little as few plugins as possible, and that kind of stuff because it’s just a nightmare dealing with on a regular basis. So, you know, pick and choose whatever, whatever you feel most comfortable with. You know, I still would build a new client site on WordPress just because of the ease with which I could build it. And then add content and all that kind of stuff. But I do like HTML for the various reasons that I just mentioned. Now that depends on how proficient he is with HTML, you can build a WordPress hybrid with HTML, right? And you can type HTML pages to your WordPress. That’s not a problem.
Yeah, it just depends it depends on on on how far you want to go with it. But I can tell you right now that you can rank WordPress, HTML, and literally just about anything on the web, if you work the entity guy says edit if you’re not doing entity-based SEO right now, if you’re worried about which builder you’re going to use, rather than how you’re going to set up your entity you starting off on the wrong foot. Yeah, I agree with entity-based SEO. It’s for the Semantic Web is that the bot is looking at. You’re not doing that you’re fucking it up.
Nicely said. Nathan says Troy takes the photos via the GMB app on the iPhone. Google loves those photos and you will get more eyeballs on your GMB. Yeah, it doesn’t have to be the app on the iPhone. It could be on your Android to just the GMB app period. right, that’s the point of load. By the way, you know, you can, you can give your field techs access as like a communications manager or whatever they call it a so that they can upload directly to the GMB as a contributor, which means they could not only upload photos, but they could also post GMB posts from through the GMB app directly to your GMB profile for the business. However, you can also upload photos and still get the benefit as a guest like so. In other words, a guest uploaded photos. So even if your texts that field technicians didn’t have manager access to the GMB they could still take photos and upload them with the geotag data, right metadata directly to the GMB as guest photos, user-generated photos right and it still has the same benefit. The only difference is you don’t get to add create a post from it with a call to action and squeeze keywords and such. But that the image SEO still has an effect even as a guest upload, right a user upload as opposed to a manager upload. Okay.
Troy says, Thanks, Jen. It’s always great. How’s it been a few weeks and just saw the pricing on 2xyouragency? Agree with Bradley, you’re nuts. Going to sign up before your sanity comes back? Yeah, Troy, you think I’m nuts? I think I’m nuts. Because I’m the one spending all this time doing all the videos and it’s a lot of fucking time will tell you that a lot of time and I got nine more weeks to go. So anyways,
How Do You Generate More GMB Calls For A Client With 4 Offices In Different Cities?
Next question. I just landed a big client who has four offices in different cities near each other and my main objective is to generate more calls from their GMB pages. So I figured this is where I can show the biggest and fastest results. I was thinking about doing a big SEO shield for the brand first and as local SEO shields for the specific GMB pages. Any better idea?
Well, yeah, I mean, you can do it all underneath the one branded shield. I think I’m pretty sure Marco is going to suggest that and I’m going to let Marco take over this one, I would, I would assume that you can push all of that through the primary SEO shield, which would be your drive stack and all of that. And then you can create location-based optimized folders within the stack instead of having these different stacks and all of that you can do it all under one and you actually get more power out of it that way than having different stacks, at least through my experience. Marco, this one is definitely yours.
Marco: Yeah, well, I mean, we’re thinking brand, I was supposed to be thinking brand, we should be thinking brand. If we don’t. Right now, like what I’m recommending to everyone is thinking of a catchy name because you know, women’s shoes. Chicago is not a brand. That’s a keyword. Right? New women should just, those are not brand. Think of brands think of a name that you want for your company that’s catchy and that’s going to last right? It’s going to stand the test of time. Why? Because if you hit that one, you got that unicorn. If you got that one that for whatever reason, becomes the keyword for the niche. Then not that’s an ATM, that’s a 24 hour, 365 ATM, it’s going to pour money in your pocket and your client, hopefully, it’s your idea. But that’s the way you should all be looking at the project even if you have to do local which is a brand plus location plus keyword association, you’re looking at the brand always. So even if it’s different cities, that should be one main office, right? McDonald’s they differentiate between McDonald’s Corporation and then the franchises and the franchisees and then everything else that McDonald’s does. It’s not one McDonald’s in one place and then another one in orphaned in another place or whatever. No, it’s all one big brand.
Look at how the big boys take on the internet. Look at how they set it all up, look at how they set up the franchise model or the multiple cities, multiple office model and do the do that they do. Because if you don’t, you’re going to be left behind. If you start now and you starting it off, right and you’re working, just praying, just from that aspect, then you’re going to know that everything that you do needs to relate to that brand and to everything that’s under that brand. You claim your footprint, right? You’re going to claim all your social profiles you go and everything that excuses me, everything that you set up, should be with you looking to create that brand plus keyword association. Not everyone is in the eye and I talked about this during the charity webinars, not all of you will be able to make your project the next Amazon, or the next Google or the next, whatever, but you should be working as if that’s going to happen. And the way that we can push power right now the way that we do things at Semantic Mastery. It’s a wide-open field. It’s even it’s an even playing field. So that I’ll be we saw the test cases in, in our mastermind, where Dadia went after Amazon and he’s fighting Amazon, Walmart, you name it, in the e-commerce space, and he’s carved his niche. He’s there and the client is happier than a pig and shit.
Bradley: It’s impressive. I mean, in such a short period of time, to like with ecom to take on Walmart and Amazon and be competitive with them in such a short period of time. It’s absolutely incredible. It’s impressive. So anyway, there you go. And yeah, you know, what’s interesting guys in the 2xyouragency training, the Double Your Agency training, you know, like I said, I should finish today we this training and it’s all about the first four weeks is about to extra pipeline. It’s about increasing, filling your pipeline full of leads, prospects so that you can never have to worry about revenue again for your agency. You can not only sell more clients, close more clients generate more revenue but you can also cherry-pick the best ones. Because the problem is if you only got 10 leads coming in your business, you know, you are desperate to try to close as many of those 10 as possible and it comes across in everything that you say your actions, your tone of voice. Everything it comes across as desperate because you need the revenue and you only got 10 prospects to talk to. If you had 100 prospects to talk to be completely different psychology. So anyway, I taught the reason I brought that up is that the whole first four weeks is about building your brand. Exactly what Marco was talking about, but there is an SEO benefit to it. But I’m not talking about building your brand. In SEO terms, there is a portion of that where I talk about it, but most of it is about building your brand so that you become synonymous with whatever product or service it is that you’re trying to promote.
So for example, I talked about niching down, that’s how I prefer to do it, I think it’s much easier to scale an agency that way. So like associating your primary keyword which may be Tree Service SEO or like for me, for example, or Tree Service marketing or Tree Service, lead generation, whatever it is, with the brand name, and it’s about building that brand in that association and so the whole first four weeks is about really building your own brand first. That’s super important because that’s how you start like Marco said, once you become once the association has been generated, not just within Google, but also within other within you know, prospects’ minds, customer, potential target’s minds that’s like an ATM, it’s a 24-hour machine, you know, cash machine that’s just going to constantly deliver money. That’s where you want to be for your own agency as well as for your clients, you want to be able to reproduce that duplicate that for your clients and have and help them become the branded verb. Do you know what I mean? Like, you want them to be the ones that are associated with their product or service in their local area. And the way that you do that is through what Marco calls entity SEO. It’s about building that brand. And that’s incredibly I mean, that’s absolutely true. It’s about branding, that’s you want to kill it in SEO, build the fucking brand period. That’s just the way it is now, and it’s only going to continue to go further in that direction, in my opinion. So
Marco: Yeah, it’s not just an opinion. It’s what Google is telling you. I mean, that everything that they’ve come out with, and I’m just seeing this all over with people that just they have no clue. And it’s all about into all of these people that saw drops in whatever they were doing is because their entity wasn’t right and those who benefited or didn’t see any changes, or because they’re doing things right. To me, it’s funny because the only way that we find out about updates is like when people come in on Hump Day or in our groups and tell us, you guys see that update? And we’re like, No, no, but let me go and see what it’s about. I know what it’s about, I saw what it’s about Google tells you, what is about Google tells you, I mean, almost to the letter what they want. And then John Mueller will go and tell you the opposite so that you don’t know what to do. So you gotta go sift through all of that to get the right information, because you got a lot of people that are just spreading the Google word, without understanding what it is that they’re saying without even understanding what it is that John Mueller is saying. Cuz a lot of times what John Mueller says and what he means are two totally different things. Don’t pay attention to John Mueller. If you don’t want to believe Marco that then don’t believe Marco go and test and see for yourself. Whether what I’m telling you entity basis seal, whether that’s what’s working right now, and I guarantee you that you’re going to get results. If you do the things right, set up your SEO shield, and then do the things that are in the battle plan that we recommend for your entity. And it’s just a done deal. It’s so simple, it’s ridiculous. And you can go up against anyone I’m telling you right now that you can take on anyone in the internet space and when
Bradley: I think Hernan is gonna contribute?
Hernan: Absolutely. Yeah, I was about to say on a different branding perspective, branding from the perspective of creating a brand to attract customers, not from the SEO perspective, that is something that I’ll be contributing as well with, you know, which is going to be a brand new course for or an email prospecting course for digital agency owners. So basically, how to use my case, which is my wheelhouse, which is going to be Facebook. How do you leverage Facebook and Facebook ads, not the organic stuff, not the fact that you need to post 1000 times a day and be glued to your phone and you know, look like a teenager? Not we’re not talking about that, right? We’re talking about like doing real business. We’re talking about doing real business, not influencer type stuff, but the real stuff. Because you also need to build and run your business, right? So, you know, my idea is to show you real quick how you can build a brand around yourself so that you can pipe those leads into whatever your sales process is, whether it is like talking to you, or if you have a salesperson or a call center, whatever that is. But I’m going to share with you guys how to do that in 2xa. That’s going to be available, you know, next week for sure. So it’s going to be in 2xyouragency as well. So there you go.
Marco: Yeah, no, I would just add to people that when you’re building your brand when you’re talking about your brand, it’s that’s something that you separate from your SEO brand. It’s all your brand. Your brand is how you’re going to do business, but it’s going to be your calling card on the web, and you can’t call yourself Joe Schmo from Kokomo anymore and expect to go up again when Google is benefiting brands. And so again, if you’re not working towards that brand, towards becoming the keyword for the niche, right, like you said to become the verb in your niche, then you’re not. Forget it, you’re gonna have to do so much work. So much work to make it right, that you may as well just start doing it right, as right from the beginning, work on that brand. Think of that print, work with your client on that brand when they tell you well, I want the keyword in the city. No, that’s not the way that you should do things you should think about your business and how it is that you want to present yourself to the customer to the client to people on the web. How do you want your brand to appear to the people who are looking for your products and services or whatever it is that you are selling?
Bradley: Yeah, anyway, that’s, you know, guys, this what’s great about this is. Remember, you’re hearing from multiple agency owners here too. And we all have, you know, we all understand the importance of that whole branding thing. There’s the SEO aspect of it, but it’s all one and the same now you shouldn’t separate the two. Building the brand, and SEOing the brand is one and the same. And so again, it’s good to hear an opinion from Marco and from Hernan, and for myself. We each have our own successful agencies beyond what we do here at Semantic Mastery. So it’s good to know that you know, we’re speaking from experience, right, this isn’t just theory.
Any Thoughts On The Erratic Movement Of Websites In Google Search Console?
Fitz says Good day. Good day, guys. Thanks for this forum. I noticed the three of my sites show in the Search Console are going up and down together. Why do you guess this is happening? They are in different states. Honestly. I have no idea. I mean, there’s there could be a ton of variables there that you know, questions I could have about that fits that we’re obviously not gonna be able to get to the bottom of right now. I can’t imagine what would cause something like that unless they were all three sites were hosted on the same host. And there’s some sort of hosting issue. I don’t know how what the connection there would be. It could just be a coincidence. It’s unlikely, but there’s got to be some. I don’t know. Is there any of you guys have any speculation on any of that? not really enough information there to go on. But no,
Marco: no, because we’d have to go and look at each one specifically and see how they’re related, whether they’re related to why Google created that relationship? Well, if Google created the relationship, why there’s a lot of things that we have to look at.
Bradley: Yeah. Yeah, that’s something would have to be investigated fits. Come join the mastermind and you can submit that to one of our mastermind webinars. And we’ll be happy to audit it and look into it.
How Does Responding To Reviews Help In Ranking GMB?
Muhamed, What’s up buddy says Hey guys, how does responding to reviews and GMB help things is it only good because its activity and GMB type of client was avoiding responding to negative GMB reviews and I’m prodding him to do so both for activity and reputation purposes. Okay, I think there’s, look, we already know we can rank without reviews with none, right? So reviews can be a factor, but they’re not necessary or critical, right? So in my experience, the reason why I suggest responding to reviews both positive and negative, I tell all my clients to respond to reviews positive and negative for two reasons. Number one, it’s additional activity. Number two, it shows to your users, two people that end up seeing your brand that you’re engaged with your customers, right or that the brand is engaging with their customers. And number three, because it gives you the opportunity to now inject additional keywords and location modifiers into a response because a lot of the time, I think about most reviews that customers leave, don’t have any keywords in them whatsoever or location details, right? A lot of them are just saying, hey, it was awesome, thanks, guys. I mean, it might have like, you know, hey, they called these guys to come to remove a tree and they did a really good job, we really, you know, clean up afterward, it was great, I’ll call them again, highly recommend it, but other than saying remove a tree, there’s no other indication there as to what has been done. They’re just saying that they did a great job, which is great. But what I like to do is have, you know, go in and in reply to that and say, you know, thank you for your kind words, it was a pleasure perform, you know, handling that tree removal job for you in Fairfax. You know, we encourage you to contact us and next time you have some tree care work, you know, or tree care needs or something right. So now you squeezed in multiple keywords, as well as a location modifier. So that’s why I like to do that and I have all of my clients, you know, what I’ll do is when I send out monthly reports, I have my VA always take screenshots of GMB insights and stuff like that. And one of the things that we look at is the reviews to see if any new reviews have been posted in the last month and if so have they been responded to? Because if not, then when I send the monthly reports to my clients, I mentioned that in the commentary in the email that I send my clients say, Hey, you know, I noticed that you got two new reviews this month that hadn’t been replied to, here’s the links directly to them, please go reply. And I send that to them. And again, and I’ve trained all of my clients to do exactly what I mentioned, which was to squeeze in a keyword and or location modifier or a couple of keywords if they can, and not a spammy way, but in a very conversational way. But again, it’s not necessary. I think it’s important to do it is something that will move the needle, but it’s not critical. What do you guys think? Any comments on that?
Marco: Yeah, definitely, man because people look at reviews the wrong way. People look at okay, I should have all five-star reviews and that’s all I need to pay attention to and I don’t need to do anything else. But the reviews and responding to reviews, well you’re using the voice of your brand to talk to your customers. Again we go back to the brand, man. This is your voice, right? The voice of your brand reaching out to this dissatisfied customer because they came to you with pain. They came to you with a problem and you did not solve the problem. You didn’t take care of the pain. So now there’s a problem that not only did you not take care of that, but they have a problem with you and with your brand. So this is the perfect time to go in there and say hey, look, yeah, we fucked up. You’re not going to say it in these words. But this is what I tell. This is what I tell the people when I’m in a consultation, and they asked me about reviews. Go tell the person that you fucked up and then you go tell them how can we make it right for you, help us make it right for you. So that may create a dialogue with this person. And then what that does is it makes your brand stand out from the rest. Not only did you respond, but you offered to make it right and now you’re in an open dialogue with this person who gave you a bad review, and you’re looking to make it right you know how that makes it look makes you look like you have the best customer service in the industry, it’s actually a place where you can shine. Even though the review started out being bad. Just by talking to the customer and offering, look let me make it right for you. How can we make it? How can we help you? And sometimes that there’s no fuck off, I don’t need you anymore, right? But then that makes them look shitty. Because you’re being open, you’re being honest. And you’re willing to help and you’re willing to make it right. So that puts it back on them instead of it all being on you leaving that negative review just without response. No chirp, chirp chirp. Make it makes you look really bad.
Bradley: And on rare occasions, you can turn a negative battery review, what initially was a bad review, into a positive and end up turning that customer into a brand advocate. Exactly. It’s a rare occasion that that happens. But if you bend over backward to make something, right that was a fuckup on your part or not, you know, whatever but if you bend over to make it right then sometimes you can turn that customer into, you know, an ambassador for the company because they’ll go out and you know, sing praises about your business and recommend you to friends and family and such because they had what started off as a bad experience, but turned into a good one.
Okay, and so just keep that in mind. Remember, guys, think of setbacks, as you know, Napoleon Hill. I think it was Dale Carnegie that actually said it, but Napoleon Hill was the one that published it and you know, really made it famous. The quote, which was, for every adversity, there’s a seed of equal or greater benefit, right. And so if you think about that, and it’s funny, I’m listening to an audiobook right now that I’m really enjoying, I’m only in chapter two, but it’s called Black Box Thinking. And it’s all about how you know you if you take your failures and analyze them the way the airline industries do with the black box, right? They always admit they don’t ever try to cover up mistakes or hide mistakes or try to downplay mistakes, they take all mistakes head-on, and they analyze the data and make it publicly available for everybody so that they can improve processes and improve how flights you know are handled and things like that. And so anyway, it’s just an analogy to say, hit a challenge head-on. And that’ll make you stand out and figure out a way to learn from that to improve processes so that it doesn’t happen again. It will make it a stronger business stronger, brand stronger, stronger company. And so again, just think about it that way. You know, I love that statement. I say to myself all the time when I run into a challenge, something that, you know, if I mess up, you know, I fail, you know, have some sort of failure or something. You know, for every adversity there’s a seed of equal or greater benefit. So just remember that. Just look for the way to improve upon a process when you’ve been notified of a setback or you know, an insufficiency or whatever. That makes sense. So anyway, all this is covered in 2xyouragency, guys. You should join it. And Muhamed, it says PS my situation is slowly improving, and I will take my stable place back into masterminds. And yes, you’re always welcome. And the door’s always open to you.
What Are The Potential Problems If You Have Multiple Keywords Floating Around Page 2?
Austin says, Do you have multiple if you have multiple keywords just floating around page two? What would you think about the problem maybe? Let’s say the on pages type? Again, that’s kind of a loaded question in that it could be a number of things. I could speculate on, you know, 18 different things that it could be. What I would recommend doing, if you say you’re on pages tight, let’s just assume that it is and you’ve got keywords that are floating on page two, I drive some damn relevant traffic to those pages. Because that is my go-to thing when you’ve done other on-page and you’ve done some off-page stuff and you’re still struggling to get the results that you want. I found ART – activity, relevance, trust, and authority. If you can provide engagement activity to that you will see a significant movement. Right, it will definitely move the needle. And so what I would do is buy some traffic, some relevant traffic from Google to those pages and see what happens. That’s what I would do. Any suggestions on that Marco?
Marco: No, not without knowing the what off-page he’s done. But it could be that the competition is keeping him from page one, right? It could be that he hasn’t pushed enough power to those to go from page two to page one. So I don’t know enough to give an opinion. But absolutely activity, relevance, trust, and authority is all you need. When you’re sitting there on page two ready to jumping into page one but you really haven’t made it yet. If you’re on pages is right. And your entities type then the next step is the is off-page. What’s happening off-page Yeah.
Bradley: Yeah, and you can buy some relevant traffic from YouTube. Although that’s more for views than for clicks, you can get some clicks, and it will be relevant. But you can use the Display Network for Google ads for way less expensive than search ads and drive relevant traffic to your pages. And Google knows is relevant because you set it up through your audience targeting right. So you can set up in-market audiences, custom intent audiences, whatever, layer them, so you bind audiences. It’s called layering. You know, you can do that as well. But my point is, now you’re buying traffic to pages that from a relevant audience that it’s an audience that you’re purchasing from Google, right? You’re tapping into a Google audience that Google is telling you is relevant. So you’re buying relevant traffic directly from Google. And now those are relevant signals that Google is waiting higher than just some random ass traffic if that makes sense. Because Google understands there’s already has a profile developed for those visitors, and it’s already identified them as you know, a relevant audience before they even hit your page is my point. So again, those are highly weighted traffic signals. And I don’t care what Google says about buying traffic from Google Ads doesn’t help SEO. That’s just like telling you that link wheels don’t work and press releases don’t work and guest posts don’t work and all that right. How’s that working out for you guys?
Alright, we’re about out of time. Guys, I’m sorry. There are a couple of good questions. We’re not going to be able to get to
Is Blogger A Good Substitute For WordPress For Blogging?
last one fit says is Blogger a good substitute for WordPress for blogging? Not really, because you’re so limited which you can do with Blogger. You know, the self-hosted WordPress site gives you a lot of functionality. Blogger, I mean, it can be used, but you’re limited in design. Well, I don’t know. I’ve never tried to design within Blogger. I’ve just use default themes or whatever. So I can’t answer that for sure. Except if it was a good substitute, it would probably be a lot more prevalent and I rarely ever see any blogs on Blogger that have any measurable amount of traffic. Any comments on that?
Marco: Yeah, let’s say tested and little know how it turns out because it’s I’d have to speculate since I’ve never used Blogger for anything other than links back to my content.
Alright, so Clint and decline, I don’t know if that’s your name or what anyways, you guys, sorry, I didn’t get to your questions. If you post them in the Facebook group, we can try to answer them over there. Or you can repost them until next for next week’s Hump Day Hangouts and we’ll get to them there. But either way, sorry, guys, we didn’t get to you but we are out of time. So thanks, everybody, for being here. Thank you, guys. Bye, everyone. Go get better, Hernan. Thank you. I’ll try. Alright guys, bye everybody. See ya. See ya.
  Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 273 published first on your-t1-blog-url
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daynamartinez22 · 4 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 273
Click on the video above to watch Episode 273 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Hello everybody and welcome to Hump Day hangouts. Today is the fifth of February 2020. I’m still working on saying 2020 so that’s why I got off well slow but you guys but I keep finding myself right in the last year but I guess that’s just the way it goes. So anyways on to more interesting subjects like answering your questions and seeing what we can help everyone out with. But before we get into that, I want to say hello to the guys. I got some short announcements and then we will jump into it. So starting on my left here, Bradley, how are you doing today?
Bradley: Fantastic, man. I’ve been recording videos all day for the 2xyouragency stuff. Man, I can’t believe we’re selling it for what we’re selling it for. That’s all I gotta say. A lot of content, man.
Adam: If you’re gonna say that but I’m going to say go to 2xyouragency.com.
Chris: Just increase prices.
Bradley: We’re only three weeks into a 12-week course, man, and it’s just a massive amount of value. So anyway, I hope you guys take advantage of our stupidity.
Adam: Well, what Bradley meant to say was, we help digital agency owners get more clients, grow the revenue and scale their teams. All right. So you know, two big things that we find important and I know Bradley’s joking around. But you know, we want to work less and earn more and not that we want to do nothing, but we want to spend our time doing the things we want to do. All right. And that’s what this is all about. So we’ve heard that commonly, from a lot of you guys who are listening, and then people, other people out there, we’ve talked to you, you know, those are the three main things that we can help you do so that you can work less and earn more and spend time doing what you want to do.
Bradley: Yeah.
Adam: Chris, how you doing, man?
Chris: Yeah, like I’m suffering like the temperature struggle here. About 10 days ago, it wasn’t the mountains -17 degrees Celsius. So until for the whole weekend, and until Monday, we had about 19 degrees plus and then Tuesday, a big storm came. And last night we got about half a meter snow dumped out and it’s fucking cold again. So I’m surprised that I’m healthy and like not like having any cold or something like that. But yeah, I don’t know like other than that. Life is good.
Adam: All right. Well, speaking of the cold, Hernan, how are you doing?
Hernan: I’m doing awesome, dude. I’m doing awesome. I’m feeling like shit, but here’s the deal. Okay. Okay, so do two quick things. Stop laughing. It sounds funny. All right. So quick, two quick things. Number one is that thank you guys for the amazing support for the launch of 2xyouragency was awesome. So thank you, guys. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. We’re pouring a lot of value in that Semantic Mastery style. We’re trying to over-deliver 2xyouragency.com. That is number one. Number two is that last week, I went to Funnel Hacking Live and I had the honor and the privilege and the pleasure of getting, on behalf of the whole Semantic Mastery team, the two comma club that we made that possible. Thanks to all of you guys. So I’m feeling like crap, but I’m super proud of the team that we have here. And I’m super proud for, you know, and I don’t have words to thank you, guys, everyone that’s watching the YouTube channel, subscribing, commenting, sharing, you know, buying our product supporting the brand. It’s been quite a ride. And you know, last year, we were sitting with Adam in Nashville, Tennessee, and I was like, dude, I think it would be pretty awesome if we hop on stage together to come to a co or and then lo and behold, we got it. So anyway, I just wanted to say that I’m super proud of that. Super proud of the team. And thank you, guys. Thank you. Thank you.
Adam: Awesome. Yeah, I was too cool for school to go up there with Hernan. I was hanging out in Puerto Rico for a little while. So I had to miss that. But now I’m really glad I didn’t go because apparently I would have gotten sick as hell. Yeah.
Hernan: Yeah. So I went in, I took a bullet for the team, but also, we might have I also got to network with some awesome people, some awesome entrepreneurs, so we might be having them on subsequent hangouts moving forward, so that’s gonna be a blast to some
Adam: awesome good stuff. All right, and Marco, how you doing today?
Marco: Oh, dude, I’m stuck here under almost 20 inches of sun. It’s horrible. Look outside in and not a cloud in the sky 82 degrees. It’ll be around 60, At nightm it’s terrible. I tell you don’t anybody come here. For any of this, you don’t want it. You don’t want paradise, trust me. But what I’m going to do those I’m going to go on a record like to the new house that I just moved into over, there’s a green area and I got two volcanoes in the background to just big mountains. So I’m going to go and do a quick live stream so you guys can see where it is that Marco because it doesn’t get any better than this, man. Eighty degrees in the during the day 60-65 at night. And that’s life guys and what we’re trying to do. You live is that you put whatever you’re POFU is, it doesn’t have to be this. You could it could be that you want to go to Antarctica and set up camp there me you’re more than welcome. That’s your POFU, we’re with you. And we will help you get there. That’s our whole point right behind all this, the 2xyouragency and all of the products and services that we provided so that people can get to the point where they can say, I’m going to do what I want to do rather than what I have to do, to see how the hell I’m gonna make it to the end of the month. I’m going to pay my bills. We don’t want your living that life. We want you living a life where you work less, make more money, and then you could do whatever the fuck you want with your money. And I’ll leave it at that.
Adam: Fair enough. Well, I don’t have too much to add on to that except to say let’s see, nice and sunny. It’s nice to be back home. I enjoy traveling a lot but I don’t know about you guys. I enjoy getting back into the routine as well. Having the flow you know kind of getting out starting my day having that after a week or two on the road and start getting kind of tired and like Okay, I’m ready to get back to it now. I see Bradley shaking his head you feel the same right?
Bradley: Oh my god, dude, there’s so much freedom in routine, I swear to god like I don’t know how you guys are not and you and Chris do it because you trappy the three of you travel so much and work and I just can’t do it. I can’t get motivated. When I’m away from my work environment. It’s very difficult to stay focused for me when I’m outside of this environment. And so, you know, like I said to me, I’m like, I feel so out of sorts, even taking a vacation you know, coming back and getting back into my normal routine is like liberating you know, so I don’t know I get stressed out when I’m on the road. You know when it comes to working stuff so
Adam: but I also see Bradley not being stressed out on the road and that’s it perfectly live. If you want to see Bradley unchained and hit him up for some good off. Off the record info, you need to come to POFU Live. We’ve locked down. We are going to be in Boston this year in 2020. It’s going to be. I forget the exact dates but I believe it’s the last weekend in September and so now is the time to go ahead and lock in your tickets. We’re limiting it to 25 people this year. So if you go to pofulive.com, you can grab your ticket early.
  I’ve got a couple more announcements I want to share with everyone. You heard us talking about double your agency. If you’re new to us, or you’re new to Semantic Mastery, then you know, there are two great places you can get started with us. You’ve already found the first one and that’s Hump Day Hangout show up every Wednesday. If you can’t make it live, you can always ask the question on the page, and then check out our YouTube channel for the answers. So go ahead and hit subscribe on the YouTube channel. Stay up to date with all that. But like I said, we help digital agency owners and consultants get more clients, right? Grow their revenue and scale their teams. All right, so that you can work less and earn more if you want to know more about that. Just go to 2xyouragency.com. All right, and then additionally, a lot of people ask us, you know, Hey, you guys have a step by step process for maybe working with aged domains or how about a new website or how do I use YouTube channels or how do I do GMB stuff? Go check out the Battle Plan if you don’t have the Battle Plan yet, you can find that at battleplan.semanticmastery.com. And last but certainly not least, if you’re doing done for you services or you’re working on your own projects, or you’re working with clients, you need to be checking out mgyb.co. Stuff like link building, the SEO shield, which if you don’t know what that is, head over there, find out press releases, there are more services come in, that’s just the tip of the iceberg. But make sure that you head over there, and you’re putting that to use and that falls into line with what we’re teaching at 2xyouragency.com, you know, as part of the fulfillment and getting yourself out of the fulfillment role and really, and really trying to run business. So with that said, you guys, is there any other announcements before we dive into the questions?
Marco: Let’s do this man.
Bradley: All right, let me grab a screen. Standby. Can you confirm?
Adam: Good to go.
Does The Middle Option In The RYS Drive Stacks Refer To The Classic Or The New Version Of G Sites?
Okay. So looks like Justin is up first. He says for the RYS drive stack. He’s been really active in the Facebook community too. So pretty cool. I love it when people come in and you know, are active and engaged because that’s how you start to grow. Right? So that’s awesome. Justin, he says for the RYS drive stacks for the middle option with the old slash new Google Sites. Is that referring to classic? So you must be talking about when you order from MGYB, he’s asking is that referring to classic/new versions of G sites, both newly created or an aged site as well as a newly created site. That’s the versions, they’re both going to be new.
But we’re talking about classic plus classic Google Sites plus the new Google Sites. Marco was talking about new Google Sites just yesterday with … I saw I’m going to say then, but there’s a so so it’s both in both new sites, but one is on the newer platform. Any old in the other side is on the old Google Sites. So it’s not about aged in new sites if that makes sense.
How Does The Twitter Account For An Extra Hundred Bucks Integrate?
Bradley: Last part of that is how does the Twitter account for an extra hundred bucks integrate? Thanks and Marco I’ll let you take that one.
Marco: Uh, that gets tied to your branded Twitter account. So it becomes a secondary Twitter account that retweets tweets from relevant sources, right? That trusted, authoritative, relevant sources in Twitter, so that your tweets are combined with those relevant, trusted, authoritative tweets so that you draw authority from those and it goes into a tiered network for just your tweets. So that’s what that is. And that’s why we charge extra because you get a persona network, right? A tiered persona network for your tweets and additional tweets to bring back all of that relevance to your website, to your project to wherever it is that you’re sending people when you tweet, your tweet will contain links, it’ll contain information is going to contain, I don’t know, videos, maps, whatever it is that you choose to tweet out. And that’s how you would use that.
  Bradley: There you go, Gordon’s up sup, Gordon? He says, Hey, guys, I have no questions for today. Oh, wow. That’s a rarity, Gordon. He says, even though it’s a little bit late, and I just wanted to wish you much happiness, good health and continued success and prosperity for 2020 and beyond. And also to again, declare a heartfelt thank you for helping your customers by sharing your knowledge with us on these hump days. You’re the best that would be a good one for the testimonials, guys. Thanks, Gordon. We always appreciate you coming in and participating. You’ve been a member or in the audience for many years, a participant for many years, I should say. So thank you for that. We always appreciate you as well. And here comes another superstar, Muhammad. What’s up my buddy? Who said thank you, Al Gore, was turned on to
Should You Use A Unique Title Tags For A Crowded Industry?
and Mohammed, he’s another superstar. He’s been in and out of the mastermind but he’s growing which is awesome. So what’s up man? And he says, hey guys when it comes to the title tags for a crowded industry, do I have to have a unique one my car dealer client is in a big city and all the page one companies seem to have some variations of new cars in city or new that new comma used cars and city. Usually, I try to make my title tag stand out, but in this case, should I just copy what the competition is doing? It’s my focus on uniqueness even justified, I don’t remember learning it. Okay. I’m going to give you my opinion on this and I’m sure that there are probably some differences from some of the other guys.
When it comes to title tags unless it’s a blog post. If it’s a page where you know, for lead generation, I just use the keyword whatever the primary keyword is that I’m trying to target for that page becomes my at least the first part of the title tag. I might include a phone number in the title tag as well as the brand, right? But the first part of the title tag is going to be just that primary keyword, not a modification of it. It’s just the primary keyword, then I’ll have the phone number then the brand or something, some similar variation of that. But it’s always just the primary keyword where I try to have to stand out as in the meta description, right. And that’s where I try to write, you know, I do a lot of Google Ads now. And so I have the benefit of split testing a lot of headlines and descriptions. And because of that, I tend to try to write my meta descriptions as ad copy, so it’s compelling. So that’s what I try to do to stand out. And the reason why I say that is because I want that keyword and the SEO title is a significant ranking factor for a piece of content, at least in my experience, and I’ve kept at that process for many years now. So I always want that primary keyword as the title, the first part of the title tag two, and then I’ll use the ad copy or excuse me, the meta description, optimized that like it’s ad copy to try to entice a click. And that’s typically how I do it. But I’m sure some of the other guys have some other input to put on this. So just to clarify, Mohammed, my opinion would be to do what your competitors are doing when it comes to the title tag, but then try to make your meta description stand out as much as possible. And one of the ways to do that, which may be Marco can touch on this a little bit more if he doesn’t get mad at me for saying this, has to include jump links because they can get pulled into the meta description. Remember, if you have a piece of content and you have like a table of contents, you have jump links within the content, those can actually get pulled into the meta description so it extends your search space, right? The real estate that you take upon the space on and plus it also draws the eyes to it because it’s got a blue clickable link right from within the meta description. So those are also things that you can do to help us kind of stand out. Marco would say you?
Marco: Well on understanding how the algorithm is working right now how it was tweaked how they’re trying to cater to NLP and any neural matching this is when you really have to focus on why brands are becoming more and more important as we go into the Semantic Web. Yeah, you could do it like that. You could do it just focus on the keyword like you said to include the brand and the exact match keyword but the broad match right. So if selling new cars and your domain has new cars, new cars com, so you can’t go new cars, com new cars for sale, it becomes nearly impossible to avoid over-optimizing everything on your website and if you had focused on your brand, which is usually a name, probably a family name, right? And plus, and then the carmaker, and then the location, model, you might want to include the model, if it’s opposed for whatever it is, however it is that you’re trying to frame it, it would be a whole lot easier if you concentrated on the brand. And then once you’re focusing on the brand, to do as much as you can for the entity of that brand around the web, so that now you’re setting yourself up to two ways.
The way Bradley said it becomes unique. Your description is in fact, your ad copy, because you’re in front of a user, and that user is going to look at these results. And the one that catches the eye is the one that’s going to get the click or the one it’s just sometimes that they go to that first one. There’s a lot of people that will go multiples, and that there’s a lot of people where you get that bold, right those descriptions and those titles in bold and maybe that’ll catch their eye. This is why it’s so important to have that keyword that you’re focusing on. But if you’re focusing on brand, you’re not going to run into over-optimization issues. So you have two things, you’re taking care of that ad copy. You’re taking care of that title and that description, and you’re taking care of your entity so that in every way possible, you just differentiated yourself from everyone else in the industry that’s doing the same damn thing. And so now you’re giving the bot a reason to choose your entity over the others when… I don’t know how deep I can get into this, Mohammed, go look at the charity webinars because I went deep into this and into the entity into the fact that all Google is doing is it’s comparing. It’s comparing entities. It’s in a relational database and it relates all of the entities to one another. And all of the whatever vectors it has for that entity, vectors are simply numbers, right? This zero to eight and so whatever it has in its system and its servers, when it’s looking for the entities, which one matches the entity the best, or what it thinks the optimal entity is, if yours is the closest to that, it’s going to draw more attention from the bots. It’s gonna draw more love. That’s why our @ID pages work so fucking well because we’re just feeding the bots all of the information about our entity and we do it over and over and over again. We loop it, we scoop it, and it has no choice but to do what we want it to do. That’s why I’m surprised that he’s not back in our mastermind already asking not only these questions but going deeper into this because we go a whole lot deeper about the entity and all of the different things that you could do to trap that body in there. And just to set yourself completely apart from everybody else. It’s part of our SEO power shield. And as part of what I’m calling worried less SEO, we just don’t worry about updates. It doesn’t matter. We don’t care what Google does, because we’re already optimized for Google. Even though Google says you can’t optimize for natural language processing and AI. Yeah, and I call that bullshit.
Bradley: Yeah. I love that you can’t optimize for the new updates. Okay. All right. The people that say that just don’t have a Marco on their team.
Would It Trigger A Penalty If You Publish An Address For A Service Area GMB Page?
Anyways, Troy’s up. He says, Hello, I have a client’s plumbing GMB since he wasn’t ranking in the three pack he added the physical location of the shop which is also the NAP on his website to the Google My Business as well as leaving the service areas listed are already listed. The Business Services at home and not at the shop location right it’s a service area business meaning the Business Services customers at their location, not at the business location makes sense service area business. How is this going to hurt any listings or rankings should the address be taken off yet?
It should. And the reason why is because it’s clearly stated in Google’s terms, Google My Business Terms of Service that states if you are a service area business, you should not publish your address. There are some exceptions to that.
Which sometimes, by the way, you know, there are some algorithmic or automated suspensions that can occur from that. So, I’m surprised. Well, I mean, I’m not, I’m not surprised that I’m kind of surprised that it didn’t happen already, because I have heard of people adding the physical location for a service area business, and it auto suspending it. So if you didn’t get hit with that, that’s a good thing. I would go in and remove that service area, or excuse me, the physical location from being published. And that’s because of the Google My Business, Terms of Service state that if its service area business, you’re not supposed to publish the address. There can be some exceptions for that, such as for example when I’ve used this example in the past like a kitchen remodel Kitchen Remodeling company, I may have a showroom, right? Kitchen Remodeling happens at the customer location, not at the business location. However, they may have a showroom where people can come in and see, you know, kind of mock kitchen designs and things like that. So that’s, that’s an exception where, and I’ve actually had a client that we had left the service, yet it was a service area business, but we had left the published physical location because they had a showroom, and it got suspended. And we had to contact Google My Business support and, you know, state our case, which was that they had a showroom, and they reinstated it, it was fine. It was fine. It was just a matter of, you know, going through proper channels, but it got reinstated. It was fine. But I just wanted to point that out. I would not publish the address for service area businesses unless it’s one of those rare exceptions. Okay. And that’s because they told you not to do that and I’ve seen it firsthand gets suspended because of it. Okay, any comments on that guys?
No, I agree in terms of service violation you can get yourself in a lot of trouble for that. Yeah.
Is It Okay To Upload Images From The Customer’s Location Or Should You Geotag Them With NAP?
So here’s another one from Troy and this is a great question. He says another one field techs plumbing. The plumbing techs taking pics out at service area jobs will upload directly to GMB and Instagram account since taken by phone and geotagged to that residence location so geotagged from where they took the photo right? So it’s got the GPS data embedded in the imprinted on impressed upon the image okay as part of the metadata. So, is this the best way or should all pics be geotagged with NAP and then uploaded to GMB now? Because now you got conflicting data, right? If you take a photo that was taken on location at a customer location for service area business, and then you wait to upload it till after you’ve geotagged it with additional NAP data, doesn’t that cause conflicting Geo Data on that one image, right? How can that image be taken in two different locations at the same time, it can be, right? So no, don’t do that. The benefit that you’re going to gain from taking photos on location and uploading using the GMB app, by the way, is that it uploads that GeoData from and it starts to paint a picture, right? It starts to prove to Google, that you’re in that service areas indeed, where you’re conducting business, right? If that makes sense. And so that’s one of the ways that we talk about local GMB Pro.
And that’s about as far as I want to talk about it, but and how to expand a map area footprint, if that makes sense. And I don’t mean footprint in a bad sense. I mean, in a good sense, and how you can expand your maps, listing exposure to areas outside of your immediate proximity, right, if that makes sense. Again, remember, over the last year, there have been two occasions that I’m aware of where Google is tightened to that proximity part of the algorithm, the proximity filter, they’ve narrowed it. It’s happened two times now in the last year, one within like the last three months or so two or three months. So the proximity issue is getting harder and harder to overcome. But that is still the way to overcome it is by uploading photos from that are taken from mobile devices in the service area. So out across the areas, and also as Marco teaches, you know, not just the metadata that is imprinted into the meta, you know, the GeoData that’s imprinted in the metadata of the images by uploading them, but also by taking images of known landmarks and things like that can be identified by Google through Google Street View, and things like that Google Earth and all of that, that will also prove that it’s within the service area. So those are two different ways that you benefit from that not by, you know, we talked about geotagging photos using stuff like geo setter or whatever, when you don’t have somebody in the field actually uploading original photos that were taken on location right?
We only use the geotagging software to tag photos, when as a second, you know, the next best option is a second option when we don’t have that first option implemented. So anyway, Marco, I know you want to comment on that.
Marco: Yeah, it defeats the purpose if you tag them from wherever the location is, but let’s say where you work is different from location, wherever the job is just a contractor goes out to a house 10 miles away, does a job takes the pictures, upload them there.
And then Google has all that information, versus going there getting the pictures giving them to you, then you retag I don’t understand why the whole purpose of this is you’re giving Google information from the place that you want to become relevant or related to your business, right? So if it’s 10 miles away, if it’s 20 miles away, whatever it is, you want to make that relevant to you and to your business and the way that you do that is by taking the picture they’re and uploading them there. If you upload them as some other place, and it’s going to change the data and that defeats the purpose of taking them at the location.
Bradley: Yeah, yeah. And it’s really cool. You can test this, guys, you can take a photo from your phone and upload it. Or you know, if you’ve got Google Photos on your phone so that it automatically backs them up to Google Photos I do. I’ve got an Android phone. So if you take a photo out, you know somewhere and then you go look at the metadata, it’ll show you the coordinates where it was taken, like, it’ll show you like a little Google map with a pin where it was taken. If you look at the little eye in the circles, so like the info, it’ll show you like the data that it sees from the image. So it’s pretty cool. It does that with videos too, by the way. So it’s, you know, it’s very, very powerful. And that’s it. That’s how you can kind of create a map for Google to understand like when I say a map like a surface area, by overtime you consistently upload images that are, you know, geotagged from where they were taken, uploaded through the GMB app, especially then that, you know, you can start to kind of train the bot to understand or recognize where your service area truly is. It’s not just claiming it stating it in GMB. But now you’re proving to the bot, that you indeed are servicing those areas because you’re uploading photos that are proof, like with the GeoData. So it’s a great question though.
What Is The Best Way To Index Links And Drive Stacks?
Okay, the next question is Hello there. Thank you for answering our questions. My question is, what is the best way to index links in general, and drive stacks? In particular, nowadays, mygb.co, our store, we have a link indexing service over there that works really, really well. It’s like 10 bucks for 2500 links or something like that. It’s ridiculous. So, you know, go buy an embed gig or excuse me an indexing gig over there and submit them that way. That’s one way to do it. How else could do it, Marco?
I don’t do it any other way. So I can’t say, go do it some other way, I get my legs linked index by dead if I’m looking. If I’m testing, I might try different things. So maybe when we do the heavy hitter club, we can show people the different ways that you can index links. But why am I going to do all that work when it’s not necessary? I could just go tell daddy, I need these links, links index, and then he’s gonna take them, he’s going to get about 60% or more index. And since he does multiple indexing runs, then then they the index over a period of time rather than all at once we had that question, I think, in the mastermind, so I want to make that clear to people that they don’t have to worry about, I don’t know 15 20,000 thousand links showing up all of a sudden, in their link profile. That’s not how it works. He does it over a period of time so that they index 60% Plus, and then you have this great link profile and index link and you can push it even more power if you build tiered link building to those index link, and again, data can take care of all that.
Nathan says just letting you know that some of the links about a plan still point to subspace links don’t work. Well. Thanks, Nathan shade that. As I mentioned the last time I think you made a comment about the battle plan that’s on the block for that’s in the to-do list where after 2xyouragency training is done, that will be updated one thing at a time, my man, so thank you though.
Let’s see what’s next. Troy says I’ll keep it going. Okay, Troy, yeah, might as well. I’m sure I said because there’s no other questions, guys. And by the way, if we run out of questions, we wrap it up early. So it’s up to you guys. You got questions, ask them if there’s only a handful of you here. Feel free. Okay. Otherwise, we’ll wrap it up early. I’m perfectly good with going back to finishing the training for 2xyouragency today. I’ve got a lot left to do.
Troy says I’ll keep going page borders are trending in the IM world. This week are they like what type of page builders HTML fast loading pages or still WordPress, the client needs redesign and I’m pondering page builder because so much quicker to build Google more receptive to HTML now since they weren’t a few years ago. So when you say pal, that’s it hang on. Let me after that because I know Google is not now more receptive to HTML before. They’ve always been very receptive to it to HTML. The thing is that WordPress is so popular that Google does get and I don’t care what they say, you know, they’ll tell you no, but they do give WordPress. It’s a little bit of a boost. Not much, but it’s just so damn popular. But HTML has always worked really well, because of how fast it is. It’s super fast and Google really likes that. I’ve worked in HTML forever, right? But 17-18 years, almost 17 years.
I’ve been doing this and it never stopped working. So let’s make that clear. Google isn’t any more accepted HTML now than it was before.
Yeah, and I really liked HTML, creating pages in HTML because it does they load super quick.
It’s not that hard to it’s just when you have to have dynamic stuff and you know, database and all that I like, I’m not an HTML nerd. I just use notepad plus as an HTML editor. And but I like using HTML pages because they’re quick loading and that kind of stuff. So anyway, uh, page builders are trending HTML, fast loading client needs a redesign.
So I don’t know really what that what the question is there. You know, it’s up to you.
WordPress still works. You know, I’m not crazy about WordPress. The only reason why I still use WordPress is that it’s it is, you know, like, I know it and it makes it easy for blogs and things like that, but I also don’t like WordPress, because of how many fucking updates there is all the time in that ridiculous. It’s just stupid. It’s just stupid and when you have so many damn sites that you manage it just you know, it’s just a pain in the ass. And even if you use something like main WP or whatever, they always end up being issues and every time there’s an update, you know, one or two sites out of the dozens and dozens that you manage end up having some sort of conflict and, you know, it’s just a pain in the balls. That’s why I try to run WordPress sites as light as possible, right? So the like, as little as few plugins as possible, and that kind of stuff because it’s just a nightmare dealing with on a regular basis. So, you know, pick and choose whatever, whatever you feel most comfortable with. You know, I still would build a new client site on WordPress just because of the ease with which I could build it. And then add content and all that kind of stuff. But I do like HTML for the various reasons that I just mentioned. Now that depends on how proficient he is with HTML, you can build a WordPress hybrid with HTML, right? And you can type HTML pages to your WordPress. That’s not a problem.
Yeah, it just depends it depends on on on how far you want to go with it. But I can tell you right now that you can rank WordPress, HTML, and literally just about anything on the web, if you work the entity guy says edit if you’re not doing entity-based SEO right now, if you’re worried about which builder you’re going to use, rather than how you’re going to set up your entity you starting off on the wrong foot. Yeah, I agree with entity-based SEO. It’s for the Semantic Web is that the bot is looking at. You’re not doing that you’re fucking it up.
Nicely said. Nathan says Troy takes the photos via the GMB app on the iPhone. Google loves those photos and you will get more eyeballs on your GMB. Yeah, it doesn’t have to be the app on the iPhone. It could be on your Android to just the GMB app period. right, that’s the point of load. By the way, you know, you can, you can give your field techs access as like a communications manager or whatever they call it a so that they can upload directly to the GMB as a contributor, which means they could not only upload photos, but they could also post GMB posts from through the GMB app directly to your GMB profile for the business. However, you can also upload photos and still get the benefit as a guest like so. In other words, a guest uploaded photos. So even if your texts that field technicians didn’t have manager access to the GMB they could still take photos and upload them with the geotag data, right metadata directly to the GMB as guest photos, user-generated photos right and it still has the same benefit. The only difference is you don’t get to add create a post from it with a call to action and squeeze keywords and such. But that the image SEO still has an effect even as a guest upload, right a user upload as opposed to a manager upload. Okay.
Troy says, Thanks, Jen. It’s always great. How’s it been a few weeks and just saw the pricing on 2xyouragency? Agree with Bradley, you’re nuts. Going to sign up before your sanity comes back? Yeah, Troy, you think I’m nuts? I think I’m nuts. Because I’m the one spending all this time doing all the videos and it’s a lot of fucking time will tell you that a lot of time and I got nine more weeks to go. So anyways,
How Do You Generate More GMB Calls For A Client With 4 Offices In Different Cities?
Next question. I just landed a big client who has four offices in different cities near each other and my main objective is to generate more calls from their GMB pages. So I figured this is where I can show the biggest and fastest results. I was thinking about doing a big SEO shield for the brand first and as local SEO shields for the specific GMB pages. Any better idea?
Well, yeah, I mean, you can do it all underneath the one branded shield. I think I’m pretty sure Marco is going to suggest that and I’m going to let Marco take over this one, I would, I would assume that you can push all of that through the primary SEO shield, which would be your drive stack and all of that. And then you can create location-based optimized folders within the stack instead of having these different stacks and all of that you can do it all under one and you actually get more power out of it that way than having different stacks, at least through my experience. Marco, this one is definitely yours.
Marco: Yeah, well, I mean, we’re thinking brand, I was supposed to be thinking brand, we should be thinking brand. If we don’t. Right now, like what I’m recommending to everyone is thinking of a catchy name because you know, women’s shoes. Chicago is not a brand. That’s a keyword. Right? New women should just, those are not brand. Think of brands think of a name that you want for your company that’s catchy and that’s going to last right? It’s going to stand the test of time. Why? Because if you hit that one, you got that unicorn. If you got that one that for whatever reason, becomes the keyword for the niche. Then not that’s an ATM, that’s a 24 hour, 365 ATM, it’s going to pour money in your pocket and your client, hopefully, it’s your idea. But that’s the way you should all be looking at the project even if you have to do local which is a brand plus location plus keyword association, you’re looking at the brand always. So even if it’s different cities, that should be one main office, right? McDonald’s they differentiate between McDonald’s Corporation and then the franchises and the franchisees and then everything else that McDonald’s does. It’s not one McDonald’s in one place and then another one in orphaned in another place or whatever. No, it’s all one big brand.
Look at how the big boys take on the internet. Look at how they set it all up, look at how they set up the franchise model or the multiple cities, multiple office model and do the do that they do. Because if you don’t, you’re going to be left behind. If you start now and you starting it off, right and you’re working, just praying, just from that aspect, then you’re going to know that everything that you do needs to relate to that brand and to everything that’s under that brand. You claim your footprint, right? You’re going to claim all your social profiles you go and everything that excuses me, everything that you set up, should be with you looking to create that brand plus keyword association. Not everyone is in the eye and I talked about this during the charity webinars, not all of you will be able to make your project the next Amazon, or the next Google or the next, whatever, but you should be working as if that’s going to happen. And the way that we can push power right now the way that we do things at Semantic Mastery. It’s a wide-open field. It’s even it’s an even playing field. So that I’ll be we saw the test cases in, in our mastermind, where Dadia went after Amazon and he’s fighting Amazon, Walmart, you name it, in the e-commerce space, and he’s carved his niche. He’s there and the client is happier than a pig and shit.
Bradley: It’s impressive. I mean, in such a short period of time, to like with ecom to take on Walmart and Amazon and be competitive with them in such a short period of time. It’s absolutely incredible. It’s impressive. So anyway, there you go. And yeah, you know, what’s interesting guys in the 2xyouragency training, the Double Your Agency training, you know, like I said, I should finish today we this training and it’s all about the first four weeks is about to extra pipeline. It’s about increasing, filling your pipeline full of leads, prospects so that you can never have to worry about revenue again for your agency. You can not only sell more clients, close more clients generate more revenue but you can also cherry-pick the best ones. Because the problem is if you only got 10 leads coming in your business, you know, you are desperate to try to close as many of those 10 as possible and it comes across in everything that you say your actions, your tone of voice. Everything it comes across as desperate because you need the revenue and you only got 10 prospects to talk to. If you had 100 prospects to talk to be completely different psychology. So anyway, I taught the reason I brought that up is that the whole first four weeks is about building your brand. Exactly what Marco was talking about, but there is an SEO benefit to it. But I’m not talking about building your brand. In SEO terms, there is a portion of that where I talk about it, but most of it is about building your brand so that you become synonymous with whatever product or service it is that you’re trying to promote.
So for example, I talked about niching down, that’s how I prefer to do it, I think it’s much easier to scale an agency that way. So like associating your primary keyword which may be Tree Service SEO or like for me, for example, or Tree Service marketing or Tree Service, lead generation, whatever it is, with the brand name, and it’s about building that brand in that association and so the whole first four weeks is about really building your own brand first. That’s super important because that’s how you start like Marco said, once you become once the association has been generated, not just within Google, but also within other within you know, prospects’ minds, customer, potential target’s minds that’s like an ATM, it’s a 24-hour machine, you know, cash machine that’s just going to constantly deliver money. That’s where you want to be for your own agency as well as for your clients, you want to be able to reproduce that duplicate that for your clients and have and help them become the branded verb. Do you know what I mean? Like, you want them to be the ones that are associated with their product or service in their local area. And the way that you do that is through what Marco calls entity SEO. It’s about building that brand. And that’s incredibly I mean, that’s absolutely true. It’s about branding, that’s you want to kill it in SEO, build the fucking brand period. That’s just the way it is now, and it’s only going to continue to go further in that direction, in my opinion. So
Marco: Yeah, it’s not just an opinion. It’s what Google is telling you. I mean, that everything that they’ve come out with, and I’m just seeing this all over with people that just they have no clue. And it’s all about into all of these people that saw drops in whatever they were doing is because their entity wasn’t right and those who benefited or didn’t see any changes, or because they’re doing things right. To me, it’s funny because the only way that we find out about updates is like when people come in on Hump Day or in our groups and tell us, you guys see that update? And we’re like, No, no, but let me go and see what it’s about. I know what it’s about, I saw what it’s about Google tells you, what is about Google tells you, I mean, almost to the letter what they want. And then John Mueller will go and tell you the opposite so that you don’t know what to do. So you gotta go sift through all of that to get the right information, because you got a lot of people that are just spreading the Google word, without understanding what it is that they’re saying without even understanding what it is that John Mueller is saying. Cuz a lot of times what John Mueller says and what he means are two totally different things. Don’t pay attention to John Mueller. If you don’t want to believe Marco that then don’t believe Marco go and test and see for yourself. Whether what I’m telling you entity basis seal, whether that’s what’s working right now, and I guarantee you that you’re going to get results. If you do the things right, set up your SEO shield, and then do the things that are in the battle plan that we recommend for your entity. And it’s just a done deal. It’s so simple, it’s ridiculous. And you can go up against anyone I’m telling you right now that you can take on anyone in the internet space and when
Bradley: I think Hernan is gonna contribute?
Hernan: Absolutely. Yeah, I was about to say on a different branding perspective, branding from the perspective of creating a brand to attract customers, not from the SEO perspective, that is something that I’ll be contributing as well with, you know, which is going to be a brand new course for or an email prospecting course for digital agency owners. So basically, how to use my case, which is my wheelhouse, which is going to be Facebook. How do you leverage Facebook and Facebook ads, not the organic stuff, not the fact that you need to post 1000 times a day and be glued to your phone and you know, look like a teenager? Not we’re not talking about that, right? We’re talking about like doing real business. We’re talking about doing real business, not influencer type stuff, but the real stuff. Because you also need to build and run your business, right? So, you know, my idea is to show you real quick how you can build a brand around yourself so that you can pipe those leads into whatever your sales process is, whether it is like talking to you, or if you have a salesperson or a call center, whatever that is. But I’m going to share with you guys how to do that in 2xa. That’s going to be available, you know, next week for sure. So it’s going to be in 2xyouragency as well. So there you go.
Marco: Yeah, no, I would just add to people that when you’re building your brand when you’re talking about your brand, it’s that’s something that you separate from your SEO brand. It’s all your brand. Your brand is how you’re going to do business, but it’s going to be your calling card on the web, and you can’t call yourself Joe Schmo from Kokomo anymore and expect to go up again when Google is benefiting brands. And so again, if you’re not working towards that brand, towards becoming the keyword for the niche, right, like you said to become the verb in your niche, then you’re not. Forget it, you’re gonna have to do so much work. So much work to make it right, that you may as well just start doing it right, as right from the beginning, work on that brand. Think of that print, work with your client on that brand when they tell you well, I want the keyword in the city. No, that’s not the way that you should do things you should think about your business and how it is that you want to present yourself to the customer to the client to people on the web. How do you want your brand to appear to the people who are looking for your products and services or whatever it is that you are selling?
Bradley: Yeah, anyway, that’s, you know, guys, this what’s great about this is. Remember, you’re hearing from multiple agency owners here too. And we all have, you know, we all understand the importance of that whole branding thing. There’s the SEO aspect of it, but it’s all one and the same now you shouldn’t separate the two. Building the brand, and SEOing the brand is one and the same. And so again, it’s good to hear an opinion from Marco and from Hernan, and for myself. We each have our own successful agencies beyond what we do here at Semantic Mastery. So it’s good to know that you know, we’re speaking from experience, right, this isn’t just theory.
Any Thoughts On The Erratic Movement Of Websites In Google Search Console?
Fitz says Good day. Good day, guys. Thanks for this forum. I noticed the three of my sites show in the Search Console are going up and down together. Why do you guess this is happening? They are in different states. Honestly. I have no idea. I mean, there’s there could be a ton of variables there that you know, questions I could have about that fits that we’re obviously not gonna be able to get to the bottom of right now. I can’t imagine what would cause something like that unless they were all three sites were hosted on the same host. And there’s some sort of hosting issue. I don’t know how what the connection there would be. It could just be a coincidence. It’s unlikely, but there’s got to be some. I don’t know. Is there any of you guys have any speculation on any of that? not really enough information there to go on. But no,
Marco: no, because we’d have to go and look at each one specifically and see how they’re related, whether they’re related to why Google created that relationship? Well, if Google created the relationship, why there’s a lot of things that we have to look at.
Bradley: Yeah. Yeah, that’s something would have to be investigated fits. Come join the mastermind and you can submit that to one of our mastermind webinars. And we’ll be happy to audit it and look into it.
How Does Responding To Reviews Help In Ranking GMB?
Muhamed, What’s up buddy says Hey guys, how does responding to reviews and GMB help things is it only good because its activity and GMB type of client was avoiding responding to negative GMB reviews and I’m prodding him to do so both for activity and reputation purposes. Okay, I think there’s, look, we already know we can rank without reviews with none, right? So reviews can be a factor, but they’re not necessary or critical, right? So in my experience, the reason why I suggest responding to reviews both positive and negative, I tell all my clients to respond to reviews positive and negative for two reasons. Number one, it’s additional activity. Number two, it shows to your users, two people that end up seeing your brand that you’re engaged with your customers, right or that the brand is engaging with their customers. And number three, because it gives you the opportunity to now inject additional keywords and location modifiers into a response because a lot of the time, I think about most reviews that customers leave, don’t have any keywords in them whatsoever or location details, right? A lot of them are just saying, hey, it was awesome, thanks, guys. I mean, it might have like, you know, hey, they called these guys to come to remove a tree and they did a really good job, we really, you know, clean up afterward, it was great, I’ll call them again, highly recommend it, but other than saying remove a tree, there’s no other indication there as to what has been done. They’re just saying that they did a great job, which is great. But what I like to do is have, you know, go in and in reply to that and say, you know, thank you for your kind words, it was a pleasure perform, you know, handling that tree removal job for you in Fairfax. You know, we encourage you to contact us and next time you have some tree care work, you know, or tree care needs or something right. So now you squeezed in multiple keywords, as well as a location modifier. So that’s why I like to do that and I have all of my clients, you know, what I’ll do is when I send out monthly reports, I have my VA always take screenshots of GMB insights and stuff like that. And one of the things that we look at is the reviews to see if any new reviews have been posted in the last month and if so have they been responded to? Because if not, then when I send the monthly reports to my clients, I mentioned that in the commentary in the email that I send my clients say, Hey, you know, I noticed that you got two new reviews this month that hadn’t been replied to, here’s the links directly to them, please go reply. And I send that to them. And again, and I’ve trained all of my clients to do exactly what I mentioned, which was to squeeze in a keyword and or location modifier or a couple of keywords if they can, and not a spammy way, but in a very conversational way. But again, it’s not necessary. I think it’s important to do it is something that will move the needle, but it’s not critical. What do you guys think? Any comments on that?
Marco: Yeah, definitely, man because people look at reviews the wrong way. People look at okay, I should have all five-star reviews and that’s all I need to pay attention to and I don’t need to do anything else. But the reviews and responding to reviews, well you’re using the voice of your brand to talk to your customers. Again we go back to the brand, man. This is your voice, right? The voice of your brand reaching out to this dissatisfied customer because they came to you with pain. They came to you with a problem and you did not solve the problem. You didn’t take care of the pain. So now there’s a problem that not only did you not take care of that, but they have a problem with you and with your brand. So this is the perfect time to go in there and say hey, look, yeah, we fucked up. You’re not going to say it in these words. But this is what I tell. This is what I tell the people when I’m in a consultation, and they asked me about reviews. Go tell the person that you fucked up and then you go tell them how can we make it right for you, help us make it right for you. So that may create a dialogue with this person. And then what that does is it makes your brand stand out from the rest. Not only did you respond, but you offered to make it right and now you’re in an open dialogue with this person who gave you a bad review, and you’re looking to make it right you know how that makes it look makes you look like you have the best customer service in the industry, it’s actually a place where you can shine. Even though the review started out being bad. Just by talking to the customer and offering, look let me make it right for you. How can we make it? How can we help you? And sometimes that there’s no fuck off, I don’t need you anymore, right? But then that makes them look shitty. Because you’re being open, you’re being honest. And you’re willing to help and you’re willing to make it right. So that puts it back on them instead of it all being on you leaving that negative review just without response. No chirp, chirp chirp. Make it makes you look really bad.
Bradley: And on rare occasions, you can turn a negative battery review, what initially was a bad review, into a positive and end up turning that customer into a brand advocate. Exactly. It’s a rare occasion that that happens. But if you bend over backward to make something, right that was a fuckup on your part or not, you know, whatever but if you bend over to make it right then sometimes you can turn that customer into, you know, an ambassador for the company because they’ll go out and you know, sing praises about your business and recommend you to friends and family and such because they had what started off as a bad experience, but turned into a good one.
Okay, and so just keep that in mind. Remember, guys, think of setbacks, as you know, Napoleon Hill. I think it was Dale Carnegie that actually said it, but Napoleon Hill was the one that published it and you know, really made it famous. The quote, which was, for every adversity, there’s a seed of equal or greater benefit, right. And so if you think about that, and it’s funny, I’m listening to an audiobook right now that I’m really enjoying, I’m only in chapter two, but it’s called Black Box Thinking. And it’s all about how you know you if you take your failures and analyze them the way the airline industries do with the black box, right? They always admit they don’t ever try to cover up mistakes or hide mistakes or try to downplay mistakes, they take all mistakes head-on, and they analyze the data and make it publicly available for everybody so that they can improve processes and improve how flights you know are handled and things like that. And so anyway, it’s just an analogy to say, hit a challenge head-on. And that’ll make you stand out and figure out a way to learn from that to improve processes so that it doesn’t happen again. It will make it a stronger business stronger, brand stronger, stronger company. And so again, just think about it that way. You know, I love that statement. I say to myself all the time when I run into a challenge, something that, you know, if I mess up, you know, I fail, you know, have some sort of failure or something. You know, for every adversity there’s a seed of equal or greater benefit. So just remember that. Just look for the way to improve upon a process when you’ve been notified of a setback or you know, an insufficiency or whatever. That makes sense. So anyway, all this is covered in 2xyouragency, guys. You should join it. And Muhamed, it says PS my situation is slowly improving, and I will take my stable place back into masterminds. And yes, you’re always welcome. And the door’s always open to you.
What Are The Potential Problems If You Have Multiple Keywords Floating Around Page 2?
Austin says, Do you have multiple if you have multiple keywords just floating around page two? What would you think about the problem maybe? Let’s say the on pages type? Again, that’s kind of a loaded question in that it could be a number of things. I could speculate on, you know, 18 different things that it could be. What I would recommend doing, if you say you’re on pages tight, let’s just assume that it is and you’ve got keywords that are floating on page two, I drive some damn relevant traffic to those pages. Because that is my go-to thing when you’ve done other on-page and you’ve done some off-page stuff and you’re still struggling to get the results that you want. I found ART – activity, relevance, trust, and authority. If you can provide engagement activity to that you will see a significant movement. Right, it will definitely move the needle. And so what I would do is buy some traffic, some relevant traffic from Google to those pages and see what happens. That’s what I would do. Any suggestions on that Marco?
Marco: No, not without knowing the what off-page he’s done. But it could be that the competition is keeping him from page one, right? It could be that he hasn’t pushed enough power to those to go from page two to page one. So I don’t know enough to give an opinion. But absolutely activity, relevance, trust, and authority is all you need. When you’re sitting there on page two ready to jumping into page one but you really haven’t made it yet. If you’re on pages is right. And your entities type then the next step is the is off-page. What’s happening off-page Yeah.
Bradley: Yeah, and you can buy some relevant traffic from YouTube. Although that’s more for views than for clicks, you can get some clicks, and it will be relevant. But you can use the Display Network for Google ads for way less expensive than search ads and drive relevant traffic to your pages. And Google knows is relevant because you set it up through your audience targeting right. So you can set up in-market audiences, custom intent audiences, whatever, layer them, so you bind audiences. It’s called layering. You know, you can do that as well. But my point is, now you’re buying traffic to pages that from a relevant audience that it’s an audience that you’re purchasing from Google, right? You’re tapping into a Google audience that Google is telling you is relevant. So you’re buying relevant traffic directly from Google. And now those are relevant signals that Google is waiting higher than just some random ass traffic if that makes sense. Because Google understands there’s already has a profile developed for those visitors, and it’s already identified them as you know, a relevant audience before they even hit your page is my point. So again, those are highly weighted traffic signals. And I don’t care what Google says about buying traffic from Google Ads doesn’t help SEO. That’s just like telling you that link wheels don’t work and press releases don’t work and guest posts don’t work and all that right. How’s that working out for you guys?
Alright, we’re about out of time. Guys, I’m sorry. There are a couple of good questions. We’re not going to be able to get to
Is Blogger A Good Substitute For WordPress For Blogging?
last one fit says is Blogger a good substitute for WordPress for blogging? Not really, because you’re so limited which you can do with Blogger. You know, the self-hosted WordPress site gives you a lot of functionality. Blogger, I mean, it can be used, but you’re limited in design. Well, I don’t know. I’ve never tried to design within Blogger. I’ve just use default themes or whatever. So I can’t answer that for sure. Except if it was a good substitute, it would probably be a lot more prevalent and I rarely ever see any blogs on Blogger that have any measurable amount of traffic. Any comments on that?
Marco: Yeah, let’s say tested and little know how it turns out because it’s I’d have to speculate since I’ve never used Blogger for anything other than links back to my content.
Alright, so Clint and decline, I don’t know if that’s your name or what anyways, you guys, sorry, I didn’t get to your questions. If you post them in the Facebook group, we can try to answer them over there. Or you can repost them until next for next week’s Hump Day Hangouts and we’ll get to them there. But either way, sorry, guys, we didn’t get to you but we are out of time. So thanks, everybody, for being here. Thank you, guys. Bye, everyone. Go get better, Hernan. Thank you. I’ll try. Alright guys, bye everybody. See ya. See ya.
  Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 273 published first on your-t1-blog-url
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localwebmgmt · 4 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 273
Click on the video above to watch Episode 273 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Hello everybody and welcome to Hump Day hangouts. Today is the fifth of February 2020. I’m still working on saying 2020 so that’s why I got off well slow but you guys but I keep finding myself right in the last year but I guess that’s just the way it goes. So anyways on to more interesting subjects like answering your questions and seeing what we can help everyone out with. But before we get into that, I want to say hello to the guys. I got some short announcements and then we will jump into it. So starting on my left here, Bradley, how are you doing today?
Bradley: Fantastic, man. I’ve been recording videos all day for the 2xyouragency stuff. Man, I can’t believe we’re selling it for what we’re selling it for. That’s all I gotta say. A lot of content, man.
Adam: If you’re gonna say that but I’m going to say go to 2xyouragency.com.
Chris: Just increase prices.
Bradley: We’re only three weeks into a 12-week course, man, and it’s just a massive amount of value. So anyway, I hope you guys take advantage of our stupidity.
Adam: Well, what Bradley meant to say was, we help digital agency owners get more clients, grow the revenue and scale their teams. All right. So you know, two big things that we find important and I know Bradley’s joking around. But you know, we want to work less and earn more and not that we want to do nothing, but we want to spend our time doing the things we want to do. All right. And that’s what this is all about. So we’ve heard that commonly, from a lot of you guys who are listening, and then people, other people out there, we’ve talked to you, you know, those are the three main things that we can help you do so that you can work less and earn more and spend time doing what you want to do.
Bradley: Yeah.
Adam: Chris, how you doing, man?
Chris: Yeah, like I’m suffering like the temperature struggle here. About 10 days ago, it wasn’t the mountains -17 degrees Celsius. So until for the whole weekend, and until Monday, we had about 19 degrees plus and then Tuesday, a big storm came. And last night we got about half a meter snow dumped out and it’s fucking cold again. So I’m surprised that I’m healthy and like not like having any cold or something like that. But yeah, I don’t know like other than that. Life is good.
Adam: All right. Well, speaking of the cold, Hernan, how are you doing?
Hernan: I’m doing awesome, dude. I’m doing awesome. I’m feeling like shit, but here’s the deal. Okay. Okay, so do two quick things. Stop laughing. It sounds funny. All right. So quick, two quick things. Number one is that thank you guys for the amazing support for the launch of 2xyouragency was awesome. So thank you, guys. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. We’re pouring a lot of value in that Semantic Mastery style. We’re trying to over-deliver 2xyouragency.com. That is number one. Number two is that last week, I went to Funnel Hacking Live and I had the honor and the privilege and the pleasure of getting, on behalf of the whole Semantic Mastery team, the two comma club that we made that possible. Thanks to all of you guys. So I’m feeling like crap, but I’m super proud of the team that we have here. And I’m super proud for, you know, and I don’t have words to thank you, guys, everyone that’s watching the YouTube channel, subscribing, commenting, sharing, you know, buying our product supporting the brand. It’s been quite a ride. And you know, last year, we were sitting with Adam in Nashville, Tennessee, and I was like, dude, I think it would be pretty awesome if we hop on stage together to come to a co or and then lo and behold, we got it. So anyway, I just wanted to say that I’m super proud of that. Super proud of the team. And thank you, guys. Thank you. Thank you.
Adam: Awesome. Yeah, I was too cool for school to go up there with Hernan. I was hanging out in Puerto Rico for a little while. So I had to miss that. But now I’m really glad I didn’t go because apparently I would have gotten sick as hell. Yeah.
Hernan: Yeah. So I went in, I took a bullet for the team, but also, we might have I also got to network with some awesome people, some awesome entrepreneurs, so we might be having them on subsequent hangouts moving forward, so that’s gonna be a blast to some
Adam: awesome good stuff. All right, and Marco, how you doing today?
Marco: Oh, dude, I’m stuck here under almost 20 inches of sun. It’s horrible. Look outside in and not a cloud in the sky 82 degrees. It’ll be around 60, At nightm it’s terrible. I tell you don’t anybody come here. For any of this, you don’t want it. You don’t want paradise, trust me. But what I’m going to do those I’m going to go on a record like to the new house that I just moved into over, there’s a green area and I got two volcanoes in the background to just big mountains. So I’m going to go and do a quick live stream so you guys can see where it is that Marco because it doesn’t get any better than this, man. Eighty degrees in the during the day 60-65 at night. And that’s life guys and what we’re trying to do. You live is that you put whatever you’re POFU is, it doesn’t have to be this. You could it could be that you want to go to Antarctica and set up camp there me you’re more than welcome. That’s your POFU, we’re with you. And we will help you get there. That’s our whole point right behind all this, the 2xyouragency and all of the products and services that we provided so that people can get to the point where they can say, I’m going to do what I want to do rather than what I have to do, to see how the hell I’m gonna make it to the end of the month. I’m going to pay my bills. We don’t want your living that life. We want you living a life where you work less, make more money, and then you could do whatever the fuck you want with your money. And I’ll leave it at that.
Adam: Fair enough. Well, I don’t have too much to add on to that except to say let’s see, nice and sunny. It’s nice to be back home. I enjoy traveling a lot but I don’t know about you guys. I enjoy getting back into the routine as well. Having the flow you know kind of getting out starting my day having that after a week or two on the road and start getting kind of tired and like Okay, I’m ready to get back to it now. I see Bradley shaking his head you feel the same right?
Bradley: Oh my god, dude, there’s so much freedom in routine, I swear to god like I don’t know how you guys are not and you and Chris do it because you trappy the three of you travel so much and work and I just can’t do it. I can’t get motivated. When I’m away from my work environment. It’s very difficult to stay focused for me when I’m outside of this environment. And so, you know, like I said to me, I’m like, I feel so out of sorts, even taking a vacation you know, coming back and getting back into my normal routine is like liberating you know, so I don’t know I get stressed out when I’m on the road. You know when it comes to working stuff so
Adam: but I also see Bradley not being stressed out on the road and that’s it perfectly live. If you want to see Bradley unchained and hit him up for some good off. Off the record info, you need to come to POFU Live. We’ve locked down. We are going to be in Boston this year in 2020. It’s going to be. I forget the exact dates but I believe it’s the last weekend in September and so now is the time to go ahead and lock in your tickets. We’re limiting it to 25 people this year. So if you go to pofulive.com, you can grab your ticket early.
  I’ve got a couple more announcements I want to share with everyone. You heard us talking about double your agency. If you’re new to us, or you’re new to Semantic Mastery, then you know, there are two great places you can get started with us. You’ve already found the first one and that’s Hump Day Hangout show up every Wednesday. If you can’t make it live, you can always ask the question on the page, and then check out our YouTube channel for the answers. So go ahead and hit subscribe on the YouTube channel. Stay up to date with all that. But like I said, we help digital agency owners and consultants get more clients, right? Grow their revenue and scale their teams. All right, so that you can work less and earn more if you want to know more about that. Just go to 2xyouragency.com. All right, and then additionally, a lot of people ask us, you know, Hey, you guys have a step by step process for maybe working with aged domains or how about a new website or how do I use YouTube channels or how do I do GMB stuff? Go check out the Battle Plan if you don’t have the Battle Plan yet, you can find that at battleplan.semanticmastery.com. And last but certainly not least, if you’re doing done for you services or you’re working on your own projects, or you’re working with clients, you need to be checking out mgyb.co. Stuff like link building, the SEO shield, which if you don’t know what that is, head over there, find out press releases, there are more services come in, that’s just the tip of the iceberg. But make sure that you head over there, and you’re putting that to use and that falls into line with what we’re teaching at 2xyouragency.com, you know, as part of the fulfillment and getting yourself out of the fulfillment role and really, and really trying to run business. So with that said, you guys, is there any other announcements before we dive into the questions?
Marco: Let’s do this man.
Bradley: All right, let me grab a screen. Standby. Can you confirm?
Adam: Good to go.
Does The Middle Option In The RYS Drive Stacks Refer To The Classic Or The New Version Of G Sites?
Okay. So looks like Justin is up first. He says for the RYS drive stack. He’s been really active in the Facebook community too. So pretty cool. I love it when people come in and you know, are active and engaged because that’s how you start to grow. Right? So that’s awesome. Justin, he says for the RYS drive stacks for the middle option with the old slash new Google Sites. Is that referring to classic? So you must be talking about when you order from MGYB, he’s asking is that referring to classic/new versions of G sites, both newly created or an aged site as well as a newly created site. That’s the versions, they’re both going to be new.
But we’re talking about classic plus classic Google Sites plus the new Google Sites. Marco was talking about new Google Sites just yesterday with … I saw I’m going to say then, but there’s a so so it’s both in both new sites, but one is on the newer platform. Any old in the other side is on the old Google Sites. So it’s not about aged in new sites if that makes sense.
How Does The Twitter Account For An Extra Hundred Bucks Integrate?
Bradley: Last part of that is how does the Twitter account for an extra hundred bucks integrate? Thanks and Marco I’ll let you take that one.
Marco: Uh, that gets tied to your branded Twitter account. So it becomes a secondary Twitter account that retweets tweets from relevant sources, right? That trusted, authoritative, relevant sources in Twitter, so that your tweets are combined with those relevant, trusted, authoritative tweets so that you draw authority from those and it goes into a tiered network for just your tweets. So that’s what that is. And that’s why we charge extra because you get a persona network, right? A tiered persona network for your tweets and additional tweets to bring back all of that relevance to your website, to your project to wherever it is that you’re sending people when you tweet, your tweet will contain links, it’ll contain information is going to contain, I don’t know, videos, maps, whatever it is that you choose to tweet out. And that’s how you would use that.
  Bradley: There you go, Gordon’s up sup, Gordon? He says, Hey, guys, I have no questions for today. Oh, wow. That’s a rarity, Gordon. He says, even though it’s a little bit late, and I just wanted to wish you much happiness, good health and continued success and prosperity for 2020 and beyond. And also to again, declare a heartfelt thank you for helping your customers by sharing your knowledge with us on these hump days. You’re the best that would be a good one for the testimonials, guys. Thanks, Gordon. We always appreciate you coming in and participating. You’ve been a member or in the audience for many years, a participant for many years, I should say. So thank you for that. We always appreciate you as well. And here comes another superstar, Muhammad. What’s up my buddy? Who said thank you, Al Gore, was turned on to
Should You Use A Unique Title Tags For A Crowded Industry?
and Mohammed, he’s another superstar. He’s been in and out of the mastermind but he’s growing which is awesome. So what’s up man? And he says, hey guys when it comes to the title tags for a crowded industry, do I have to have a unique one my car dealer client is in a big city and all the page one companies seem to have some variations of new cars in city or new that new comma used cars and city. Usually, I try to make my title tag stand out, but in this case, should I just copy what the competition is doing? It’s my focus on uniqueness even justified, I don’t remember learning it. Okay. I’m going to give you my opinion on this and I’m sure that there are probably some differences from some of the other guys.
When it comes to title tags unless it’s a blog post. If it’s a page where you know, for lead generation, I just use the keyword whatever the primary keyword is that I’m trying to target for that page becomes my at least the first part of the title tag. I might include a phone number in the title tag as well as the brand, right? But the first part of the title tag is going to be just that primary keyword, not a modification of it. It’s just the primary keyword, then I’ll have the phone number then the brand or something, some similar variation of that. But it’s always just the primary keyword where I try to have to stand out as in the meta description, right. And that’s where I try to write, you know, I do a lot of Google Ads now. And so I have the benefit of split testing a lot of headlines and descriptions. And because of that, I tend to try to write my meta descriptions as ad copy, so it’s compelling. So that’s what I try to do to stand out. And the reason why I say that is because I want that keyword and the SEO title is a significant ranking factor for a piece of content, at least in my experience, and I’ve kept at that process for many years now. So I always want that primary keyword as the title, the first part of the title tag two, and then I’ll use the ad copy or excuse me, the meta description, optimized that like it’s ad copy to try to entice a click. And that’s typically how I do it. But I’m sure some of the other guys have some other input to put on this. So just to clarify, Mohammed, my opinion would be to do what your competitors are doing when it comes to the title tag, but then try to make your meta description stand out as much as possible. And one of the ways to do that, which may be Marco can touch on this a little bit more if he doesn’t get mad at me for saying this, has to include jump links because they can get pulled into the meta description. Remember, if you have a piece of content and you have like a table of contents, you have jump links within the content, those can actually get pulled into the meta description so it extends your search space, right? The real estate that you take upon the space on and plus it also draws the eyes to it because it’s got a blue clickable link right from within the meta description. So those are also things that you can do to help us kind of stand out. Marco would say you?
Marco: Well on understanding how the algorithm is working right now how it was tweaked how they’re trying to cater to NLP and any neural matching this is when you really have to focus on why brands are becoming more and more important as we go into the Semantic Web. Yeah, you could do it like that. You could do it just focus on the keyword like you said to include the brand and the exact match keyword but the broad match right. So if selling new cars and your domain has new cars, new cars com, so you can’t go new cars, com new cars for sale, it becomes nearly impossible to avoid over-optimizing everything on your website and if you had focused on your brand, which is usually a name, probably a family name, right? And plus, and then the carmaker, and then the location, model, you might want to include the model, if it’s opposed for whatever it is, however it is that you’re trying to frame it, it would be a whole lot easier if you concentrated on the brand. And then once you’re focusing on the brand, to do as much as you can for the entity of that brand around the web, so that now you’re setting yourself up to two ways.
The way Bradley said it becomes unique. Your description is in fact, your ad copy, because you’re in front of a user, and that user is going to look at these results. And the one that catches the eye is the one that’s going to get the click or the one it’s just sometimes that they go to that first one. There’s a lot of people that will go multiples, and that there’s a lot of people where you get that bold, right those descriptions and those titles in bold and maybe that’ll catch their eye. This is why it’s so important to have that keyword that you’re focusing on. But if you’re focusing on brand, you’re not going to run into over-optimization issues. So you have two things, you’re taking care of that ad copy. You’re taking care of that title and that description, and you’re taking care of your entity so that in every way possible, you just differentiated yourself from everyone else in the industry that’s doing the same damn thing. And so now you’re giving the bot a reason to choose your entity over the others when… I don’t know how deep I can get into this, Mohammed, go look at the charity webinars because I went deep into this and into the entity into the fact that all Google is doing is it’s comparing. It’s comparing entities. It’s in a relational database and it relates all of the entities to one another. And all of the whatever vectors it has for that entity, vectors are simply numbers, right? This zero to eight and so whatever it has in its system and its servers, when it’s looking for the entities, which one matches the entity the best, or what it thinks the optimal entity is, if yours is the closest to that, it’s going to draw more attention from the bots. It’s gonna draw more love. That’s why our @ID pages work so fucking well because we’re just feeding the bots all of the information about our entity and we do it over and over and over again. We loop it, we scoop it, and it has no choice but to do what we want it to do. That’s why I’m surprised that he’s not back in our mastermind already asking not only these questions but going deeper into this because we go a whole lot deeper about the entity and all of the different things that you could do to trap that body in there. And just to set yourself completely apart from everybody else. It’s part of our SEO power shield. And as part of what I’m calling worried less SEO, we just don’t worry about updates. It doesn’t matter. We don’t care what Google does, because we’re already optimized for Google. Even though Google says you can’t optimize for natural language processing and AI. Yeah, and I call that bullshit.
Bradley: Yeah. I love that you can’t optimize for the new updates. Okay. All right. The people that say that just don’t have a Marco on their team.
Would It Trigger A Penalty If You Publish An Address For A Service Area GMB Page?
Anyways, Troy’s up. He says, Hello, I have a client’s plumbing GMB since he wasn’t ranking in the three pack he added the physical location of the shop which is also the NAP on his website to the Google My Business as well as leaving the service areas listed are already listed. The Business Services at home and not at the shop location right it’s a service area business meaning the Business Services customers at their location, not at the business location makes sense service area business. How is this going to hurt any listings or rankings should the address be taken off yet?
It should. And the reason why is because it’s clearly stated in Google’s terms, Google My Business Terms of Service that states if you are a service area business, you should not publish your address. There are some exceptions to that.
Which sometimes, by the way, you know, there are some algorithmic or automated suspensions that can occur from that. So, I’m surprised. Well, I mean, I’m not, I’m not surprised that I’m kind of surprised that it didn’t happen already, because I have heard of people adding the physical location for a service area business, and it auto suspending it. So if you didn’t get hit with that, that’s a good thing. I would go in and remove that service area, or excuse me, the physical location from being published. And that’s because of the Google My Business, Terms of Service state that if its service area business, you’re not supposed to publish the address. There can be some exceptions for that, such as for example when I’ve used this example in the past like a kitchen remodel Kitchen Remodeling company, I may have a showroom, right? Kitchen Remodeling happens at the customer location, not at the business location. However, they may have a showroom where people can come in and see, you know, kind of mock kitchen designs and things like that. So that’s, that’s an exception where, and I’ve actually had a client that we had left the service, yet it was a service area business, but we had left the published physical location because they had a showroom, and it got suspended. And we had to contact Google My Business support and, you know, state our case, which was that they had a showroom, and they reinstated it, it was fine. It was fine. It was just a matter of, you know, going through proper channels, but it got reinstated. It was fine. But I just wanted to point that out. I would not publish the address for service area businesses unless it’s one of those rare exceptions. Okay. And that’s because they told you not to do that and I’ve seen it firsthand gets suspended because of it. Okay, any comments on that guys?
No, I agree in terms of service violation you can get yourself in a lot of trouble for that. Yeah.
Is It Okay To Upload Images From The Customer’s Location Or Should You Geotag Them With NAP?
So here’s another one from Troy and this is a great question. He says another one field techs plumbing. The plumbing techs taking pics out at service area jobs will upload directly to GMB and Instagram account since taken by phone and geotagged to that residence location so geotagged from where they took the photo right? So it’s got the GPS data embedded in the imprinted on impressed upon the image okay as part of the metadata. So, is this the best way or should all pics be geotagged with NAP and then uploaded to GMB now? Because now you got conflicting data, right? If you take a photo that was taken on location at a customer location for service area business, and then you wait to upload it till after you’ve geotagged it with additional NAP data, doesn’t that cause conflicting Geo Data on that one image, right? How can that image be taken in two different locations at the same time, it can be, right? So no, don’t do that. The benefit that you’re going to gain from taking photos on location and uploading using the GMB app, by the way, is that it uploads that GeoData from and it starts to paint a picture, right? It starts to prove to Google, that you’re in that service areas indeed, where you’re conducting business, right? If that makes sense. And so that’s one of the ways that we talk about local GMB Pro.
And that’s about as far as I want to talk about it, but and how to expand a map area footprint, if that makes sense. And I don’t mean footprint in a bad sense. I mean, in a good sense, and how you can expand your maps, listing exposure to areas outside of your immediate proximity, right, if that makes sense. Again, remember, over the last year, there have been two occasions that I’m aware of where Google is tightened to that proximity part of the algorithm, the proximity filter, they’ve narrowed it. It’s happened two times now in the last year, one within like the last three months or so two or three months. So the proximity issue is getting harder and harder to overcome. But that is still the way to overcome it is by uploading photos from that are taken from mobile devices in the service area. So out across the areas, and also as Marco teaches, you know, not just the metadata that is imprinted into the meta, you know, the GeoData that’s imprinted in the metadata of the images by uploading them, but also by taking images of known landmarks and things like that can be identified by Google through Google Street View, and things like that Google Earth and all of that, that will also prove that it’s within the service area. So those are two different ways that you benefit from that not by, you know, we talked about geotagging photos using stuff like geo setter or whatever, when you don’t have somebody in the field actually uploading original photos that were taken on location right?
We only use the geotagging software to tag photos, when as a second, you know, the next best option is a second option when we don’t have that first option implemented. So anyway, Marco, I know you want to comment on that.
Marco: Yeah, it defeats the purpose if you tag them from wherever the location is, but let’s say where you work is different from location, wherever the job is just a contractor goes out to a house 10 miles away, does a job takes the pictures, upload them there.
And then Google has all that information, versus going there getting the pictures giving them to you, then you retag I don’t understand why the whole purpose of this is you’re giving Google information from the place that you want to become relevant or related to your business, right? So if it’s 10 miles away, if it’s 20 miles away, whatever it is, you want to make that relevant to you and to your business and the way that you do that is by taking the picture they’re and uploading them there. If you upload them as some other place, and it’s going to change the data and that defeats the purpose of taking them at the location.
Bradley: Yeah, yeah. And it’s really cool. You can test this, guys, you can take a photo from your phone and upload it. Or you know, if you’ve got Google Photos on your phone so that it automatically backs them up to Google Photos I do. I’ve got an Android phone. So if you take a photo out, you know somewhere and then you go look at the metadata, it’ll show you the coordinates where it was taken, like, it’ll show you like a little Google map with a pin where it was taken. If you look at the little eye in the circles, so like the info, it’ll show you like the data that it sees from the image. So it’s pretty cool. It does that with videos too, by the way. So it’s, you know, it’s very, very powerful. And that’s it. That’s how you can kind of create a map for Google to understand like when I say a map like a surface area, by overtime you consistently upload images that are, you know, geotagged from where they were taken, uploaded through the GMB app, especially then that, you know, you can start to kind of train the bot to understand or recognize where your service area truly is. It’s not just claiming it stating it in GMB. But now you’re proving to the bot, that you indeed are servicing those areas because you’re uploading photos that are proof, like with the GeoData. So it’s a great question though.
What Is The Best Way To Index Links And Drive Stacks?
Okay, the next question is Hello there. Thank you for answering our questions. My question is, what is the best way to index links in general, and drive stacks? In particular, nowadays, mygb.co, our store, we have a link indexing service over there that works really, really well. It’s like 10 bucks for 2500 links or something like that. It’s ridiculous. So, you know, go buy an embed gig or excuse me an indexing gig over there and submit them that way. That’s one way to do it. How else could do it, Marco?
I don’t do it any other way. So I can’t say, go do it some other way, I get my legs linked index by dead if I’m looking. If I’m testing, I might try different things. So maybe when we do the heavy hitter club, we can show people the different ways that you can index links. But why am I going to do all that work when it’s not necessary? I could just go tell daddy, I need these links, links index, and then he’s gonna take them, he’s going to get about 60% or more index. And since he does multiple indexing runs, then then they the index over a period of time rather than all at once we had that question, I think, in the mastermind, so I want to make that clear to people that they don’t have to worry about, I don’t know 15 20,000 thousand links showing up all of a sudden, in their link profile. That’s not how it works. He does it over a period of time so that they index 60% Plus, and then you have this great link profile and index link and you can push it even more power if you build tiered link building to those index link, and again, data can take care of all that.
Nathan says just letting you know that some of the links about a plan still point to subspace links don’t work. Well. Thanks, Nathan shade that. As I mentioned the last time I think you made a comment about the battle plan that’s on the block for that’s in the to-do list where after 2xyouragency training is done, that will be updated one thing at a time, my man, so thank you though.
Let’s see what’s next. Troy says I’ll keep it going. Okay, Troy, yeah, might as well. I’m sure I said because there’s no other questions, guys. And by the way, if we run out of questions, we wrap it up early. So it’s up to you guys. You got questions, ask them if there’s only a handful of you here. Feel free. Okay. Otherwise, we’ll wrap it up early. I’m perfectly good with going back to finishing the training for 2xyouragency today. I’ve got a lot left to do.
Troy says I’ll keep going page borders are trending in the IM world. This week are they like what type of page builders HTML fast loading pages or still WordPress, the client needs redesign and I’m pondering page builder because so much quicker to build Google more receptive to HTML now since they weren’t a few years ago. So when you say pal, that’s it hang on. Let me after that because I know Google is not now more receptive to HTML before. They’ve always been very receptive to it to HTML. The thing is that WordPress is so popular that Google does get and I don’t care what they say, you know, they’ll tell you no, but they do give WordPress. It’s a little bit of a boost. Not much, but it’s just so damn popular. But HTML has always worked really well, because of how fast it is. It’s super fast and Google really likes that. I’ve worked in HTML forever, right? But 17-18 years, almost 17 years.
I’ve been doing this and it never stopped working. So let’s make that clear. Google isn’t any more accepted HTML now than it was before.
Yeah, and I really liked HTML, creating pages in HTML because it does they load super quick.
It’s not that hard to it’s just when you have to have dynamic stuff and you know, database and all that I like, I’m not an HTML nerd. I just use notepad plus as an HTML editor. And but I like using HTML pages because they’re quick loading and that kind of stuff. So anyway, uh, page builders are trending HTML, fast loading client needs a redesign.
So I don’t know really what that what the question is there. You know, it’s up to you.
WordPress still works. You know, I’m not crazy about WordPress. The only reason why I still use WordPress is that it’s it is, you know, like, I know it and it makes it easy for blogs and things like that, but I also don’t like WordPress, because of how many fucking updates there is all the time in that ridiculous. It’s just stupid. It’s just stupid and when you have so many damn sites that you manage it just you know, it’s just a pain in the ass. And even if you use something like main WP or whatever, they always end up being issues and every time there’s an update, you know, one or two sites out of the dozens and dozens that you manage end up having some sort of conflict and, you know, it’s just a pain in the balls. That’s why I try to run WordPress sites as light as possible, right? So the like, as little as few plugins as possible, and that kind of stuff because it’s just a nightmare dealing with on a regular basis. So, you know, pick and choose whatever, whatever you feel most comfortable with. You know, I still would build a new client site on WordPress just because of the ease with which I could build it. And then add content and all that kind of stuff. But I do like HTML for the various reasons that I just mentioned. Now that depends on how proficient he is with HTML, you can build a WordPress hybrid with HTML, right? And you can type HTML pages to your WordPress. That’s not a problem.
Yeah, it just depends it depends on on on how far you want to go with it. But I can tell you right now that you can rank WordPress, HTML, and literally just about anything on the web, if you work the entity guy says edit if you’re not doing entity-based SEO right now, if you’re worried about which builder you’re going to use, rather than how you’re going to set up your entity you starting off on the wrong foot. Yeah, I agree with entity-based SEO. It’s for the Semantic Web is that the bot is looking at. You’re not doing that you’re fucking it up.
Nicely said. Nathan says Troy takes the photos via the GMB app on the iPhone. Google loves those photos and you will get more eyeballs on your GMB. Yeah, it doesn’t have to be the app on the iPhone. It could be on your Android to just the GMB app period. right, that’s the point of load. By the way, you know, you can, you can give your field techs access as like a communications manager or whatever they call it a so that they can upload directly to the GMB as a contributor, which means they could not only upload photos, but they could also post GMB posts from through the GMB app directly to your GMB profile for the business. However, you can also upload photos and still get the benefit as a guest like so. In other words, a guest uploaded photos. So even if your texts that field technicians didn’t have manager access to the GMB they could still take photos and upload them with the geotag data, right metadata directly to the GMB as guest photos, user-generated photos right and it still has the same benefit. The only difference is you don’t get to add create a post from it with a call to action and squeeze keywords and such. But that the image SEO still has an effect even as a guest upload, right a user upload as opposed to a manager upload. Okay.
Troy says, Thanks, Jen. It’s always great. How’s it been a few weeks and just saw the pricing on 2xyouragency? Agree with Bradley, you’re nuts. Going to sign up before your sanity comes back? Yeah, Troy, you think I’m nuts? I think I’m nuts. Because I’m the one spending all this time doing all the videos and it’s a lot of fucking time will tell you that a lot of time and I got nine more weeks to go. So anyways,
How Do You Generate More GMB Calls For A Client With 4 Offices In Different Cities?
Next question. I just landed a big client who has four offices in different cities near each other and my main objective is to generate more calls from their GMB pages. So I figured this is where I can show the biggest and fastest results. I was thinking about doing a big SEO shield for the brand first and as local SEO shields for the specific GMB pages. Any better idea?
Well, yeah, I mean, you can do it all underneath the one branded shield. I think I’m pretty sure Marco is going to suggest that and I’m going to let Marco take over this one, I would, I would assume that you can push all of that through the primary SEO shield, which would be your drive stack and all of that. And then you can create location-based optimized folders within the stack instead of having these different stacks and all of that you can do it all under one and you actually get more power out of it that way than having different stacks, at least through my experience. Marco, this one is definitely yours.
Marco: Yeah, well, I mean, we’re thinking brand, I was supposed to be thinking brand, we should be thinking brand. If we don’t. Right now, like what I’m recommending to everyone is thinking of a catchy name because you know, women’s shoes. Chicago is not a brand. That’s a keyword. Right? New women should just, those are not brand. Think of brands think of a name that you want for your company that’s catchy and that’s going to last right? It’s going to stand the test of time. Why? Because if you hit that one, you got that unicorn. If you got that one that for whatever reason, becomes the keyword for the niche. Then not that’s an ATM, that’s a 24 hour, 365 ATM, it’s going to pour money in your pocket and your client, hopefully, it’s your idea. But that’s the way you should all be looking at the project even if you have to do local which is a brand plus location plus keyword association, you’re looking at the brand always. So even if it’s different cities, that should be one main office, right? McDonald’s they differentiate between McDonald’s Corporation and then the franchises and the franchisees and then everything else that McDonald’s does. It’s not one McDonald’s in one place and then another one in orphaned in another place or whatever. No, it’s all one big brand.
Look at how the big boys take on the internet. Look at how they set it all up, look at how they set up the franchise model or the multiple cities, multiple office model and do the do that they do. Because if you don’t, you’re going to be left behind. If you start now and you starting it off, right and you’re working, just praying, just from that aspect, then you’re going to know that everything that you do needs to relate to that brand and to everything that’s under that brand. You claim your footprint, right? You’re going to claim all your social profiles you go and everything that excuses me, everything that you set up, should be with you looking to create that brand plus keyword association. Not everyone is in the eye and I talked about this during the charity webinars, not all of you will be able to make your project the next Amazon, or the next Google or the next, whatever, but you should be working as if that’s going to happen. And the way that we can push power right now the way that we do things at Semantic Mastery. It’s a wide-open field. It’s even it’s an even playing field. So that I’ll be we saw the test cases in, in our mastermind, where Dadia went after Amazon and he’s fighting Amazon, Walmart, you name it, in the e-commerce space, and he’s carved his niche. He’s there and the client is happier than a pig and shit.
Bradley: It’s impressive. I mean, in such a short period of time, to like with ecom to take on Walmart and Amazon and be competitive with them in such a short period of time. It’s absolutely incredible. It’s impressive. So anyway, there you go. And yeah, you know, what’s interesting guys in the 2xyouragency training, the Double Your Agency training, you know, like I said, I should finish today we this training and it’s all about the first four weeks is about to extra pipeline. It’s about increasing, filling your pipeline full of leads, prospects so that you can never have to worry about revenue again for your agency. You can not only sell more clients, close more clients generate more revenue but you can also cherry-pick the best ones. Because the problem is if you only got 10 leads coming in your business, you know, you are desperate to try to close as many of those 10 as possible and it comes across in everything that you say your actions, your tone of voice. Everything it comes across as desperate because you need the revenue and you only got 10 prospects to talk to. If you had 100 prospects to talk to be completely different psychology. So anyway, I taught the reason I brought that up is that the whole first four weeks is about building your brand. Exactly what Marco was talking about, but there is an SEO benefit to it. But I’m not talking about building your brand. In SEO terms, there is a portion of that where I talk about it, but most of it is about building your brand so that you become synonymous with whatever product or service it is that you’re trying to promote.
So for example, I talked about niching down, that’s how I prefer to do it, I think it’s much easier to scale an agency that way. So like associating your primary keyword which may be Tree Service SEO or like for me, for example, or Tree Service marketing or Tree Service, lead generation, whatever it is, with the brand name, and it’s about building that brand in that association and so the whole first four weeks is about really building your own brand first. That’s super important because that’s how you start like Marco said, once you become once the association has been generated, not just within Google, but also within other within you know, prospects’ minds, customer, potential target’s minds that’s like an ATM, it’s a 24-hour machine, you know, cash machine that’s just going to constantly deliver money. That’s where you want to be for your own agency as well as for your clients, you want to be able to reproduce that duplicate that for your clients and have and help them become the branded verb. Do you know what I mean? Like, you want them to be the ones that are associated with their product or service in their local area. And the way that you do that is through what Marco calls entity SEO. It’s about building that brand. And that’s incredibly I mean, that’s absolutely true. It’s about branding, that’s you want to kill it in SEO, build the fucking brand period. That’s just the way it is now, and it’s only going to continue to go further in that direction, in my opinion. So
Marco: Yeah, it’s not just an opinion. It’s what Google is telling you. I mean, that everything that they’ve come out with, and I’m just seeing this all over with people that just they have no clue. And it’s all about into all of these people that saw drops in whatever they were doing is because their entity wasn’t right and those who benefited or didn’t see any changes, or because they’re doing things right. To me, it’s funny because the only way that we find out about updates is like when people come in on Hump Day or in our groups and tell us, you guys see that update? And we’re like, No, no, but let me go and see what it’s about. I know what it’s about, I saw what it’s about Google tells you, what is about Google tells you, I mean, almost to the letter what they want. And then John Mueller will go and tell you the opposite so that you don’t know what to do. So you gotta go sift through all of that to get the right information, because you got a lot of people that are just spreading the Google word, without understanding what it is that they’re saying without even understanding what it is that John Mueller is saying. Cuz a lot of times what John Mueller says and what he means are two totally different things. Don’t pay attention to John Mueller. If you don’t want to believe Marco that then don’t believe Marco go and test and see for yourself. Whether what I’m telling you entity basis seal, whether that’s what’s working right now, and I guarantee you that you’re going to get results. If you do the things right, set up your SEO shield, and then do the things that are in the battle plan that we recommend for your entity. And it’s just a done deal. It’s so simple, it’s ridiculous. And you can go up against anyone I’m telling you right now that you can take on anyone in the internet space and when
Bradley: I think Hernan is gonna contribute?
Hernan: Absolutely. Yeah, I was about to say on a different branding perspective, branding from the perspective of creating a brand to attract customers, not from the SEO perspective, that is something that I’ll be contributing as well with, you know, which is going to be a brand new course for or an email prospecting course for digital agency owners. So basically, how to use my case, which is my wheelhouse, which is going to be Facebook. How do you leverage Facebook and Facebook ads, not the organic stuff, not the fact that you need to post 1000 times a day and be glued to your phone and you know, look like a teenager? Not we’re not talking about that, right? We’re talking about like doing real business. We’re talking about doing real business, not influencer type stuff, but the real stuff. Because you also need to build and run your business, right? So, you know, my idea is to show you real quick how you can build a brand around yourself so that you can pipe those leads into whatever your sales process is, whether it is like talking to you, or if you have a salesperson or a call center, whatever that is. But I’m going to share with you guys how to do that in 2xa. That’s going to be available, you know, next week for sure. So it’s going to be in 2xyouragency as well. So there you go.
Marco: Yeah, no, I would just add to people that when you’re building your brand when you’re talking about your brand, it’s that’s something that you separate from your SEO brand. It’s all your brand. Your brand is how you’re going to do business, but it’s going to be your calling card on the web, and you can’t call yourself Joe Schmo from Kokomo anymore and expect to go up again when Google is benefiting brands. And so again, if you’re not working towards that brand, towards becoming the keyword for the niche, right, like you said to become the verb in your niche, then you’re not. Forget it, you’re gonna have to do so much work. So much work to make it right, that you may as well just start doing it right, as right from the beginning, work on that brand. Think of that print, work with your client on that brand when they tell you well, I want the keyword in the city. No, that’s not the way that you should do things you should think about your business and how it is that you want to present yourself to the customer to the client to people on the web. How do you want your brand to appear to the people who are looking for your products and services or whatever it is that you are selling?
Bradley: Yeah, anyway, that’s, you know, guys, this what’s great about this is. Remember, you’re hearing from multiple agency owners here too. And we all have, you know, we all understand the importance of that whole branding thing. There’s the SEO aspect of it, but it’s all one and the same now you shouldn’t separate the two. Building the brand, and SEOing the brand is one and the same. And so again, it’s good to hear an opinion from Marco and from Hernan, and for myself. We each have our own successful agencies beyond what we do here at Semantic Mastery. So it’s good to know that you know, we’re speaking from experience, right, this isn’t just theory.
Any Thoughts On The Erratic Movement Of Websites In Google Search Console?
Fitz says Good day. Good day, guys. Thanks for this forum. I noticed the three of my sites show in the Search Console are going up and down together. Why do you guess this is happening? They are in different states. Honestly. I have no idea. I mean, there’s there could be a ton of variables there that you know, questions I could have about that fits that we’re obviously not gonna be able to get to the bottom of right now. I can’t imagine what would cause something like that unless they were all three sites were hosted on the same host. And there’s some sort of hosting issue. I don’t know how what the connection there would be. It could just be a coincidence. It’s unlikely, but there’s got to be some. I don’t know. Is there any of you guys have any speculation on any of that? not really enough information there to go on. But no,
Marco: no, because we’d have to go and look at each one specifically and see how they’re related, whether they’re related to why Google created that relationship? Well, if Google created the relationship, why there’s a lot of things that we have to look at.
Bradley: Yeah. Yeah, that’s something would have to be investigated fits. Come join the mastermind and you can submit that to one of our mastermind webinars. And we’ll be happy to audit it and look into it.
How Does Responding To Reviews Help In Ranking GMB?
Muhamed, What’s up buddy says Hey guys, how does responding to reviews and GMB help things is it only good because its activity and GMB type of client was avoiding responding to negative GMB reviews and I’m prodding him to do so both for activity and reputation purposes. Okay, I think there’s, look, we already know we can rank without reviews with none, right? So reviews can be a factor, but they’re not necessary or critical, right? So in my experience, the reason why I suggest responding to reviews both positive and negative, I tell all my clients to respond to reviews positive and negative for two reasons. Number one, it’s additional activity. Number two, it shows to your users, two people that end up seeing your brand that you’re engaged with your customers, right or that the brand is engaging with their customers. And number three, because it gives you the opportunity to now inject additional keywords and location modifiers into a response because a lot of the time, I think about most reviews that customers leave, don’t have any keywords in them whatsoever or location details, right? A lot of them are just saying, hey, it was awesome, thanks, guys. I mean, it might have like, you know, hey, they called these guys to come to remove a tree and they did a really good job, we really, you know, clean up afterward, it was great, I’ll call them again, highly recommend it, but other than saying remove a tree, there’s no other indication there as to what has been done. They’re just saying that they did a great job, which is great. But what I like to do is have, you know, go in and in reply to that and say, you know, thank you for your kind words, it was a pleasure perform, you know, handling that tree removal job for you in Fairfax. You know, we encourage you to contact us and next time you have some tree care work, you know, or tree care needs or something right. So now you squeezed in multiple keywords, as well as a location modifier. So that’s why I like to do that and I have all of my clients, you know, what I’ll do is when I send out monthly reports, I have my VA always take screenshots of GMB insights and stuff like that. And one of the things that we look at is the reviews to see if any new reviews have been posted in the last month and if so have they been responded to? Because if not, then when I send the monthly reports to my clients, I mentioned that in the commentary in the email that I send my clients say, Hey, you know, I noticed that you got two new reviews this month that hadn’t been replied to, here’s the links directly to them, please go reply. And I send that to them. And again, and I’ve trained all of my clients to do exactly what I mentioned, which was to squeeze in a keyword and or location modifier or a couple of keywords if they can, and not a spammy way, but in a very conversational way. But again, it’s not necessary. I think it’s important to do it is something that will move the needle, but it’s not critical. What do you guys think? Any comments on that?
Marco: Yeah, definitely, man because people look at reviews the wrong way. People look at okay, I should have all five-star reviews and that’s all I need to pay attention to and I don’t need to do anything else. But the reviews and responding to reviews, well you’re using the voice of your brand to talk to your customers. Again we go back to the brand, man. This is your voice, right? The voice of your brand reaching out to this dissatisfied customer because they came to you with pain. They came to you with a problem and you did not solve the problem. You didn’t take care of the pain. So now there’s a problem that not only did you not take care of that, but they have a problem with you and with your brand. So this is the perfect time to go in there and say hey, look, yeah, we fucked up. You’re not going to say it in these words. But this is what I tell. This is what I tell the people when I’m in a consultation, and they asked me about reviews. Go tell the person that you fucked up and then you go tell them how can we make it right for you, help us make it right for you. So that may create a dialogue with this person. And then what that does is it makes your brand stand out from the rest. Not only did you respond, but you offered to make it right and now you’re in an open dialogue with this person who gave you a bad review, and you’re looking to make it right you know how that makes it look makes you look like you have the best customer service in the industry, it’s actually a place where you can shine. Even though the review started out being bad. Just by talking to the customer and offering, look let me make it right for you. How can we make it? How can we help you? And sometimes that there’s no fuck off, I don’t need you anymore, right? But then that makes them look shitty. Because you’re being open, you’re being honest. And you’re willing to help and you’re willing to make it right. So that puts it back on them instead of it all being on you leaving that negative review just without response. No chirp, chirp chirp. Make it makes you look really bad.
Bradley: And on rare occasions, you can turn a negative battery review, what initially was a bad review, into a positive and end up turning that customer into a brand advocate. Exactly. It’s a rare occasion that that happens. But if you bend over backward to make something, right that was a fuckup on your part or not, you know, whatever but if you bend over to make it right then sometimes you can turn that customer into, you know, an ambassador for the company because they’ll go out and you know, sing praises about your business and recommend you to friends and family and such because they had what started off as a bad experience, but turned into a good one.
Okay, and so just keep that in mind. Remember, guys, think of setbacks, as you know, Napoleon Hill. I think it was Dale Carnegie that actually said it, but Napoleon Hill was the one that published it and you know, really made it famous. The quote, which was, for every adversity, there’s a seed of equal or greater benefit, right. And so if you think about that, and it’s funny, I’m listening to an audiobook right now that I’m really enjoying, I’m only in chapter two, but it’s called Black Box Thinking. And it’s all about how you know you if you take your failures and analyze them the way the airline industries do with the black box, right? They always admit they don’t ever try to cover up mistakes or hide mistakes or try to downplay mistakes, they take all mistakes head-on, and they analyze the data and make it publicly available for everybody so that they can improve processes and improve how flights you know are handled and things like that. And so anyway, it’s just an analogy to say, hit a challenge head-on. And that’ll make you stand out and figure out a way to learn from that to improve processes so that it doesn’t happen again. It will make it a stronger business stronger, brand stronger, stronger company. And so again, just think about it that way. You know, I love that statement. I say to myself all the time when I run into a challenge, something that, you know, if I mess up, you know, I fail, you know, have some sort of failure or something. You know, for every adversity there’s a seed of equal or greater benefit. So just remember that. Just look for the way to improve upon a process when you’ve been notified of a setback or you know, an insufficiency or whatever. That makes sense. So anyway, all this is covered in 2xyouragency, guys. You should join it. And Muhamed, it says PS my situation is slowly improving, and I will take my stable place back into masterminds. And yes, you’re always welcome. And the door’s always open to you.
What Are The Potential Problems If You Have Multiple Keywords Floating Around Page 2?
Austin says, Do you have multiple if you have multiple keywords just floating around page two? What would you think about the problem maybe? Let’s say the on pages type? Again, that’s kind of a loaded question in that it could be a number of things. I could speculate on, you know, 18 different things that it could be. What I would recommend doing, if you say you’re on pages tight, let’s just assume that it is and you’ve got keywords that are floating on page two, I drive some damn relevant traffic to those pages. Because that is my go-to thing when you’ve done other on-page and you’ve done some off-page stuff and you’re still struggling to get the results that you want. I found ART – activity, relevance, trust, and authority. If you can provide engagement activity to that you will see a significant movement. Right, it will definitely move the needle. And so what I would do is buy some traffic, some relevant traffic from Google to those pages and see what happens. That’s what I would do. Any suggestions on that Marco?
Marco: No, not without knowing the what off-page he’s done. But it could be that the competition is keeping him from page one, right? It could be that he hasn’t pushed enough power to those to go from page two to page one. So I don’t know enough to give an opinion. But absolutely activity, relevance, trust, and authority is all you need. When you’re sitting there on page two ready to jumping into page one but you really haven’t made it yet. If you’re on pages is right. And your entities type then the next step is the is off-page. What’s happening off-page Yeah.
Bradley: Yeah, and you can buy some relevant traffic from YouTube. Although that’s more for views than for clicks, you can get some clicks, and it will be relevant. But you can use the Display Network for Google ads for way less expensive than search ads and drive relevant traffic to your pages. And Google knows is relevant because you set it up through your audience targeting right. So you can set up in-market audiences, custom intent audiences, whatever, layer them, so you bind audiences. It’s called layering. You know, you can do that as well. But my point is, now you’re buying traffic to pages that from a relevant audience that it’s an audience that you’re purchasing from Google, right? You’re tapping into a Google audience that Google is telling you is relevant. So you’re buying relevant traffic directly from Google. And now those are relevant signals that Google is waiting higher than just some random ass traffic if that makes sense. Because Google understands there’s already has a profile developed for those visitors, and it’s already identified them as you know, a relevant audience before they even hit your page is my point. So again, those are highly weighted traffic signals. And I don’t care what Google says about buying traffic from Google Ads doesn’t help SEO. That’s just like telling you that link wheels don’t work and press releases don’t work and guest posts don’t work and all that right. How’s that working out for you guys?
Alright, we’re about out of time. Guys, I’m sorry. There are a couple of good questions. We’re not going to be able to get to
Is Blogger A Good Substitute For WordPress For Blogging?
last one fit says is Blogger a good substitute for WordPress for blogging? Not really, because you’re so limited which you can do with Blogger. You know, the self-hosted WordPress site gives you a lot of functionality. Blogger, I mean, it can be used, but you’re limited in design. Well, I don’t know. I’ve never tried to design within Blogger. I’ve just use default themes or whatever. So I can’t answer that for sure. Except if it was a good substitute, it would probably be a lot more prevalent and I rarely ever see any blogs on Blogger that have any measurable amount of traffic. Any comments on that?
Marco: Yeah, let’s say tested and little know how it turns out because it’s I’d have to speculate since I’ve never used Blogger for anything other than links back to my content.
Alright, so Clint and decline, I don’t know if that’s your name or what anyways, you guys, sorry, I didn’t get to your questions. If you post them in the Facebook group, we can try to answer them over there. Or you can repost them until next for next week’s Hump Day Hangouts and we’ll get to them there. But either way, sorry, guys, we didn’t get to you but we are out of time. So thanks, everybody, for being here. Thank you, guys. Bye, everyone. Go get better, Hernan. Thank you. I’ll try. Alright guys, bye everybody. See ya. See ya.
  Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 273 published first on your-t1-blog-url
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youngwinnertragedy · 4 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 273
Click on the video above to watch Episode 273 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Hello everybody and welcome to Hump Day hangouts. Today is the fifth of February 2020. I’m still working on saying 2020 so that’s why I got off well slow but you guys but I keep finding myself right in the last year but I guess that’s just the way it goes. So anyways on to more interesting subjects like answering your questions and seeing what we can help everyone out with. But before we get into that, I want to say hello to the guys. I got some short announcements and then we will jump into it. So starting on my left here, Bradley, how are you doing today?
Bradley: Fantastic, man. I’ve been recording videos all day for the 2xyouragency stuff. Man, I can’t believe we’re selling it for what we’re selling it for. That’s all I gotta say. A lot of content, man.
Adam: If you’re gonna say that but I’m going to say go to 2xyouragency.com.
Chris: Just increase prices.
Bradley: We’re only three weeks into a 12-week course, man, and it’s just a massive amount of value. So anyway, I hope you guys take advantage of our stupidity.
Adam: Well, what Bradley meant to say was, we help digital agency owners get more clients, grow the revenue and scale their teams. All right. So you know, two big things that we find important and I know Bradley’s joking around. But you know, we want to work less and earn more and not that we want to do nothing, but we want to spend our time doing the things we want to do. All right. And that’s what this is all about. So we’ve heard that commonly, from a lot of you guys who are listening, and then people, other people out there, we’ve talked to you, you know, those are the three main things that we can help you do so that you can work less and earn more and spend time doing what you want to do.
Bradley: Yeah.
Adam: Chris, how you doing, man?
Chris: Yeah, like I’m suffering like the temperature struggle here. About 10 days ago, it wasn’t the mountains -17 degrees Celsius. So until for the whole weekend, and until Monday, we had about 19 degrees plus and then Tuesday, a big storm came. And last night we got about half a meter snow dumped out and it’s fucking cold again. So I’m surprised that I’m healthy and like not like having any cold or something like that. But yeah, I don’t know like other than that. Life is good.
Adam: All right. Well, speaking of the cold, Hernan, how are you doing?
Hernan: I’m doing awesome, dude. I’m doing awesome. I’m feeling like shit, but here’s the deal. Okay. Okay, so do two quick things. Stop laughing. It sounds funny. All right. So quick, two quick things. Number one is that thank you guys for the amazing support for the launch of 2xyouragency was awesome. So thank you, guys. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. We’re pouring a lot of value in that Semantic Mastery style. We’re trying to over-deliver 2xyouragency.com. That is number one. Number two is that last week, I went to Funnel Hacking Live and I had the honor and the privilege and the pleasure of getting, on behalf of the whole Semantic Mastery team, the two comma club that we made that possible. Thanks to all of you guys. So I’m feeling like crap, but I’m super proud of the team that we have here. And I’m super proud for, you know, and I don’t have words to thank you, guys, everyone that’s watching the YouTube channel, subscribing, commenting, sharing, you know, buying our product supporting the brand. It’s been quite a ride. And you know, last year, we were sitting with Adam in Nashville, Tennessee, and I was like, dude, I think it would be pretty awesome if we hop on stage together to come to a co or and then lo and behold, we got it. So anyway, I just wanted to say that I’m super proud of that. Super proud of the team. And thank you, guys. Thank you. Thank you.
Adam: Awesome. Yeah, I was too cool for school to go up there with Hernan. I was hanging out in Puerto Rico for a little while. So I had to miss that. But now I’m really glad I didn’t go because apparently I would have gotten sick as hell. Yeah.
Hernan: Yeah. So I went in, I took a bullet for the team, but also, we might have I also got to network with some awesome people, some awesome entrepreneurs, so we might be having them on subsequent hangouts moving forward, so that’s gonna be a blast to some
Adam: awesome good stuff. All right, and Marco, how you doing today?
Marco: Oh, dude, I’m stuck here under almost 20 inches of sun. It’s horrible. Look outside in and not a cloud in the sky 82 degrees. It’ll be around 60, At nightm it’s terrible. I tell you don’t anybody come here. For any of this, you don’t want it. You don’t want paradise, trust me. But what I’m going to do those I’m going to go on a record like to the new house that I just moved into over, there’s a green area and I got two volcanoes in the background to just big mountains. So I’m going to go and do a quick live stream so you guys can see where it is that Marco because it doesn’t get any better than this, man. Eighty degrees in the during the day 60-65 at night. And that’s life guys and what we’re trying to do. You live is that you put whatever you’re POFU is, it doesn’t have to be this. You could it could be that you want to go to Antarctica and set up camp there me you’re more than welcome. That’s your POFU, we’re with you. And we will help you get there. That’s our whole point right behind all this, the 2xyouragency and all of the products and services that we provided so that people can get to the point where they can say, I’m going to do what I want to do rather than what I have to do, to see how the hell I’m gonna make it to the end of the month. I’m going to pay my bills. We don’t want your living that life. We want you living a life where you work less, make more money, and then you could do whatever the fuck you want with your money. And I’ll leave it at that.
Adam: Fair enough. Well, I don’t have too much to add on to that except to say let’s see, nice and sunny. It’s nice to be back home. I enjoy traveling a lot but I don’t know about you guys. I enjoy getting back into the routine as well. Having the flow you know kind of getting out starting my day having that after a week or two on the road and start getting kind of tired and like Okay, I’m ready to get back to it now. I see Bradley shaking his head you feel the same right?
Bradley: Oh my god, dude, there’s so much freedom in routine, I swear to god like I don’t know how you guys are not and you and Chris do it because you trappy the three of you travel so much and work and I just can’t do it. I can’t get motivated. When I’m away from my work environment. It’s very difficult to stay focused for me when I’m outside of this environment. And so, you know, like I said to me, I’m like, I feel so out of sorts, even taking a vacation you know, coming back and getting back into my normal routine is like liberating you know, so I don’t know I get stressed out when I’m on the road. You know when it comes to working stuff so
Adam: but I also see Bradley not being stressed out on the road and that’s it perfectly live. If you want to see Bradley unchained and hit him up for some good off. Off the record info, you need to come to POFU Live. We’ve locked down. We are going to be in Boston this year in 2020. It’s going to be. I forget the exact dates but I believe it’s the last weekend in September and so now is the time to go ahead and lock in your tickets. We’re limiting it to 25 people this year. So if you go to pofulive.com, you can grab your ticket early.
  I’ve got a couple more announcements I want to share with everyone. You heard us talking about double your agency. If you’re new to us, or you’re new to Semantic Mastery, then you know, there are two great places you can get started with us. You’ve already found the first one and that’s Hump Day Hangout show up every Wednesday. If you can’t make it live, you can always ask the question on the page, and then check out our YouTube channel for the answers. So go ahead and hit subscribe on the YouTube channel. Stay up to date with all that. But like I said, we help digital agency owners and consultants get more clients, right? Grow their revenue and scale their teams. All right, so that you can work less and earn more if you want to know more about that. Just go to 2xyouragency.com. All right, and then additionally, a lot of people ask us, you know, Hey, you guys have a step by step process for maybe working with aged domains or how about a new website or how do I use YouTube channels or how do I do GMB stuff? Go check out the Battle Plan if you don’t have the Battle Plan yet, you can find that at battleplan.semanticmastery.com. And last but certainly not least, if you’re doing done for you services or you’re working on your own projects, or you’re working with clients, you need to be checking out mgyb.co. Stuff like link building, the SEO shield, which if you don’t know what that is, head over there, find out press releases, there are more services come in, that’s just the tip of the iceberg. But make sure that you head over there, and you’re putting that to use and that falls into line with what we’re teaching at 2xyouragency.com, you know, as part of the fulfillment and getting yourself out of the fulfillment role and really, and really trying to run business. So with that said, you guys, is there any other announcements before we dive into the questions?
Marco: Let’s do this man.
Bradley: All right, let me grab a screen. Standby. Can you confirm?
Adam: Good to go.
Does The Middle Option In The RYS Drive Stacks Refer To The Classic Or The New Version Of G Sites?
Okay. So looks like Justin is up first. He says for the RYS drive stack. He’s been really active in the Facebook community too. So pretty cool. I love it when people come in and you know, are active and engaged because that’s how you start to grow. Right? So that’s awesome. Justin, he says for the RYS drive stacks for the middle option with the old slash new Google Sites. Is that referring to classic? So you must be talking about when you order from MGYB, he’s asking is that referring to classic/new versions of G sites, both newly created or an aged site as well as a newly created site. That’s the versions, they’re both going to be new.
But we’re talking about classic plus classic Google Sites plus the new Google Sites. Marco was talking about new Google Sites just yesterday with … I saw I’m going to say then, but there’s a so so it’s both in both new sites, but one is on the newer platform. Any old in the other side is on the old Google Sites. So it’s not about aged in new sites if that makes sense.
How Does The Twitter Account For An Extra Hundred Bucks Integrate?
Bradley: Last part of that is how does the Twitter account for an extra hundred bucks integrate? Thanks and Marco I’ll let you take that one.
Marco: Uh, that gets tied to your branded Twitter account. So it becomes a secondary Twitter account that retweets tweets from relevant sources, right? That trusted, authoritative, relevant sources in Twitter, so that your tweets are combined with those relevant, trusted, authoritative tweets so that you draw authority from those and it goes into a tiered network for just your tweets. So that’s what that is. And that’s why we charge extra because you get a persona network, right? A tiered persona network for your tweets and additional tweets to bring back all of that relevance to your website, to your project to wherever it is that you’re sending people when you tweet, your tweet will contain links, it’ll contain information is going to contain, I don’t know, videos, maps, whatever it is that you choose to tweet out. And that’s how you would use that.
  Bradley: There you go, Gordon’s up sup, Gordon? He says, Hey, guys, I have no questions for today. Oh, wow. That’s a rarity, Gordon. He says, even though it’s a little bit late, and I just wanted to wish you much happiness, good health and continued success and prosperity for 2020 and beyond. And also to again, declare a heartfelt thank you for helping your customers by sharing your knowledge with us on these hump days. You’re the best that would be a good one for the testimonials, guys. Thanks, Gordon. We always appreciate you coming in and participating. You’ve been a member or in the audience for many years, a participant for many years, I should say. So thank you for that. We always appreciate you as well. And here comes another superstar, Muhammad. What’s up my buddy? Who said thank you, Al Gore, was turned on to
Should You Use A Unique Title Tags For A Crowded Industry?
and Mohammed, he’s another superstar. He’s been in and out of the mastermind but he’s growing which is awesome. So what’s up man? And he says, hey guys when it comes to the title tags for a crowded industry, do I have to have a unique one my car dealer client is in a big city and all the page one companies seem to have some variations of new cars in city or new that new comma used cars and city. Usually, I try to make my title tag stand out, but in this case, should I just copy what the competition is doing? It’s my focus on uniqueness even justified, I don’t remember learning it. Okay. I’m going to give you my opinion on this and I’m sure that there are probably some differences from some of the other guys.
When it comes to title tags unless it’s a blog post. If it’s a page where you know, for lead generation, I just use the keyword whatever the primary keyword is that I’m trying to target for that page becomes my at least the first part of the title tag. I might include a phone number in the title tag as well as the brand, right? But the first part of the title tag is going to be just that primary keyword, not a modification of it. It’s just the primary keyword, then I’ll have the phone number then the brand or something, some similar variation of that. But it’s always just the primary keyword where I try to have to stand out as in the meta description, right. And that’s where I try to write, you know, I do a lot of Google Ads now. And so I have the benefit of split testing a lot of headlines and descriptions. And because of that, I tend to try to write my meta descriptions as ad copy, so it’s compelling. So that’s what I try to do to stand out. And the reason why I say that is because I want that keyword and the SEO title is a significant ranking factor for a piece of content, at least in my experience, and I’ve kept at that process for many years now. So I always want that primary keyword as the title, the first part of the title tag two, and then I’ll use the ad copy or excuse me, the meta description, optimized that like it’s ad copy to try to entice a click. And that’s typically how I do it. But I’m sure some of the other guys have some other input to put on this. So just to clarify, Mohammed, my opinion would be to do what your competitors are doing when it comes to the title tag, but then try to make your meta description stand out as much as possible. And one of the ways to do that, which may be Marco can touch on this a little bit more if he doesn’t get mad at me for saying this, has to include jump links because they can get pulled into the meta description. Remember, if you have a piece of content and you have like a table of contents, you have jump links within the content, those can actually get pulled into the meta description so it extends your search space, right? The real estate that you take upon the space on and plus it also draws the eyes to it because it’s got a blue clickable link right from within the meta description. So those are also things that you can do to help us kind of stand out. Marco would say you?
Marco: Well on understanding how the algorithm is working right now how it was tweaked how they’re trying to cater to NLP and any neural matching this is when you really have to focus on why brands are becoming more and more important as we go into the Semantic Web. Yeah, you could do it like that. You could do it just focus on the keyword like you said to include the brand and the exact match keyword but the broad match right. So if selling new cars and your domain has new cars, new cars com, so you can’t go new cars, com new cars for sale, it becomes nearly impossible to avoid over-optimizing everything on your website and if you had focused on your brand, which is usually a name, probably a family name, right? And plus, and then the carmaker, and then the location, model, you might want to include the model, if it’s opposed for whatever it is, however it is that you’re trying to frame it, it would be a whole lot easier if you concentrated on the brand. And then once you’re focusing on the brand, to do as much as you can for the entity of that brand around the web, so that now you’re setting yourself up to two ways.
The way Bradley said it becomes unique. Your description is in fact, your ad copy, because you’re in front of a user, and that user is going to look at these results. And the one that catches the eye is the one that’s going to get the click or the one it’s just sometimes that they go to that first one. There’s a lot of people that will go multiples, and that there’s a lot of people where you get that bold, right those descriptions and those titles in bold and maybe that’ll catch their eye. This is why it’s so important to have that keyword that you’re focusing on. But if you’re focusing on brand, you’re not going to run into over-optimization issues. So you have two things, you’re taking care of that ad copy. You’re taking care of that title and that description, and you’re taking care of your entity so that in every way possible, you just differentiated yourself from everyone else in the industry that’s doing the same damn thing. And so now you’re giving the bot a reason to choose your entity over the others when… I don’t know how deep I can get into this, Mohammed, go look at the charity webinars because I went deep into this and into the entity into the fact that all Google is doing is it’s comparing. It’s comparing entities. It’s in a relational database and it relates all of the entities to one another. And all of the whatever vectors it has for that entity, vectors are simply numbers, right? This zero to eight and so whatever it has in its system and its servers, when it’s looking for the entities, which one matches the entity the best, or what it thinks the optimal entity is, if yours is the closest to that, it’s going to draw more attention from the bots. It’s gonna draw more love. That’s why our @ID pages work so fucking well because we’re just feeding the bots all of the information about our entity and we do it over and over and over again. We loop it, we scoop it, and it has no choice but to do what we want it to do. That’s why I’m surprised that he’s not back in our mastermind already asking not only these questions but going deeper into this because we go a whole lot deeper about the entity and all of the different things that you could do to trap that body in there. And just to set yourself completely apart from everybody else. It’s part of our SEO power shield. And as part of what I’m calling worried less SEO, we just don’t worry about updates. It doesn’t matter. We don’t care what Google does, because we’re already optimized for Google. Even though Google says you can’t optimize for natural language processing and AI. Yeah, and I call that bullshit.
Bradley: Yeah. I love that you can’t optimize for the new updates. Okay. All right. The people that say that just don’t have a Marco on their team.
Would It Trigger A Penalty If You Publish An Address For A Service Area GMB Page?
Anyways, Troy’s up. He says, Hello, I have a client’s plumbing GMB since he wasn’t ranking in the three pack he added the physical location of the shop which is also the NAP on his website to the Google My Business as well as leaving the service areas listed are already listed. The Business Services at home and not at the shop location right it’s a service area business meaning the Business Services customers at their location, not at the business location makes sense service area business. How is this going to hurt any listings or rankings should the address be taken off yet?
It should. And the reason why is because it’s clearly stated in Google’s terms, Google My Business Terms of Service that states if you are a service area business, you should not publish your address. There are some exceptions to that.
Which sometimes, by the way, you know, there are some algorithmic or automated suspensions that can occur from that. So, I’m surprised. Well, I mean, I’m not, I’m not surprised that I’m kind of surprised that it didn’t happen already, because I have heard of people adding the physical location for a service area business, and it auto suspending it. So if you didn’t get hit with that, that’s a good thing. I would go in and remove that service area, or excuse me, the physical location from being published. And that’s because of the Google My Business, Terms of Service state that if its service area business, you’re not supposed to publish the address. There can be some exceptions for that, such as for example when I’ve used this example in the past like a kitchen remodel Kitchen Remodeling company, I may have a showroom, right? Kitchen Remodeling happens at the customer location, not at the business location. However, they may have a showroom where people can come in and see, you know, kind of mock kitchen designs and things like that. So that’s, that’s an exception where, and I’ve actually had a client that we had left the service, yet it was a service area business, but we had left the published physical location because they had a showroom, and it got suspended. And we had to contact Google My Business support and, you know, state our case, which was that they had a showroom, and they reinstated it, it was fine. It was fine. It was just a matter of, you know, going through proper channels, but it got reinstated. It was fine. But I just wanted to point that out. I would not publish the address for service area businesses unless it’s one of those rare exceptions. Okay. And that’s because they told you not to do that and I’ve seen it firsthand gets suspended because of it. Okay, any comments on that guys?
No, I agree in terms of service violation you can get yourself in a lot of trouble for that. Yeah.
Is It Okay To Upload Images From The Customer’s Location Or Should You Geotag Them With NAP?
So here’s another one from Troy and this is a great question. He says another one field techs plumbing. The plumbing techs taking pics out at service area jobs will upload directly to GMB and Instagram account since taken by phone and geotagged to that residence location so geotagged from where they took the photo right? So it’s got the GPS data embedded in the imprinted on impressed upon the image okay as part of the metadata. So, is this the best way or should all pics be geotagged with NAP and then uploaded to GMB now? Because now you got conflicting data, right? If you take a photo that was taken on location at a customer location for service area business, and then you wait to upload it till after you’ve geotagged it with additional NAP data, doesn’t that cause conflicting Geo Data on that one image, right? How can that image be taken in two different locations at the same time, it can be, right? So no, don’t do that. The benefit that you’re going to gain from taking photos on location and uploading using the GMB app, by the way, is that it uploads that GeoData from and it starts to paint a picture, right? It starts to prove to Google, that you’re in that service areas indeed, where you’re conducting business, right? If that makes sense. And so that’s one of the ways that we talk about local GMB Pro.
And that’s about as far as I want to talk about it, but and how to expand a map area footprint, if that makes sense. And I don’t mean footprint in a bad sense. I mean, in a good sense, and how you can expand your maps, listing exposure to areas outside of your immediate proximity, right, if that makes sense. Again, remember, over the last year, there have been two occasions that I’m aware of where Google is tightened to that proximity part of the algorithm, the proximity filter, they’ve narrowed it. It’s happened two times now in the last year, one within like the last three months or so two or three months. So the proximity issue is getting harder and harder to overcome. But that is still the way to overcome it is by uploading photos from that are taken from mobile devices in the service area. So out across the areas, and also as Marco teaches, you know, not just the metadata that is imprinted into the meta, you know, the GeoData that’s imprinted in the metadata of the images by uploading them, but also by taking images of known landmarks and things like that can be identified by Google through Google Street View, and things like that Google Earth and all of that, that will also prove that it’s within the service area. So those are two different ways that you benefit from that not by, you know, we talked about geotagging photos using stuff like geo setter or whatever, when you don’t have somebody in the field actually uploading original photos that were taken on location right?
We only use the geotagging software to tag photos, when as a second, you know, the next best option is a second option when we don’t have that first option implemented. So anyway, Marco, I know you want to comment on that.
Marco: Yeah, it defeats the purpose if you tag them from wherever the location is, but let’s say where you work is different from location, wherever the job is just a contractor goes out to a house 10 miles away, does a job takes the pictures, upload them there.
And then Google has all that information, versus going there getting the pictures giving them to you, then you retag I don’t understand why the whole purpose of this is you’re giving Google information from the place that you want to become relevant or related to your business, right? So if it’s 10 miles away, if it’s 20 miles away, whatever it is, you want to make that relevant to you and to your business and the way that you do that is by taking the picture they’re and uploading them there. If you upload them as some other place, and it’s going to change the data and that defeats the purpose of taking them at the location.
Bradley: Yeah, yeah. And it’s really cool. You can test this, guys, you can take a photo from your phone and upload it. Or you know, if you’ve got Google Photos on your phone so that it automatically backs them up to Google Photos I do. I’ve got an Android phone. So if you take a photo out, you know somewhere and then you go look at the metadata, it’ll show you the coordinates where it was taken, like, it’ll show you like a little Google map with a pin where it was taken. If you look at the little eye in the circles, so like the info, it’ll show you like the data that it sees from the image. So it’s pretty cool. It does that with videos too, by the way. So it’s, you know, it’s very, very powerful. And that’s it. That’s how you can kind of create a map for Google to understand like when I say a map like a surface area, by overtime you consistently upload images that are, you know, geotagged from where they were taken, uploaded through the GMB app, especially then that, you know, you can start to kind of train the bot to understand or recognize where your service area truly is. It’s not just claiming it stating it in GMB. But now you’re proving to the bot, that you indeed are servicing those areas because you’re uploading photos that are proof, like with the GeoData. So it’s a great question though.
What Is The Best Way To Index Links And Drive Stacks?
Okay, the next question is Hello there. Thank you for answering our questions. My question is, what is the best way to index links in general, and drive stacks? In particular, nowadays, mygb.co, our store, we have a link indexing service over there that works really, really well. It’s like 10 bucks for 2500 links or something like that. It’s ridiculous. So, you know, go buy an embed gig or excuse me an indexing gig over there and submit them that way. That’s one way to do it. How else could do it, Marco?
I don’t do it any other way. So I can’t say, go do it some other way, I get my legs linked index by dead if I’m looking. If I’m testing, I might try different things. So maybe when we do the heavy hitter club, we can show people the different ways that you can index links. But why am I going to do all that work when it’s not necessary? I could just go tell daddy, I need these links, links index, and then he’s gonna take them, he’s going to get about 60% or more index. And since he does multiple indexing runs, then then they the index over a period of time rather than all at once we had that question, I think, in the mastermind, so I want to make that clear to people that they don’t have to worry about, I don’t know 15 20,000 thousand links showing up all of a sudden, in their link profile. That’s not how it works. He does it over a period of time so that they index 60% Plus, and then you have this great link profile and index link and you can push it even more power if you build tiered link building to those index link, and again, data can take care of all that.
Nathan says just letting you know that some of the links about a plan still point to subspace links don’t work. Well. Thanks, Nathan shade that. As I mentioned the last time I think you made a comment about the battle plan that’s on the block for that’s in the to-do list where after 2xyouragency training is done, that will be updated one thing at a time, my man, so thank you though.
Let’s see what’s next. Troy says I’ll keep it going. Okay, Troy, yeah, might as well. I’m sure I said because there’s no other questions, guys. And by the way, if we run out of questions, we wrap it up early. So it’s up to you guys. You got questions, ask them if there’s only a handful of you here. Feel free. Okay. Otherwise, we’ll wrap it up early. I’m perfectly good with going back to finishing the training for 2xyouragency today. I’ve got a lot left to do.
Troy says I’ll keep going page borders are trending in the IM world. This week are they like what type of page builders HTML fast loading pages or still WordPress, the client needs redesign and I’m pondering page builder because so much quicker to build Google more receptive to HTML now since they weren’t a few years ago. So when you say pal, that’s it hang on. Let me after that because I know Google is not now more receptive to HTML before. They’ve always been very receptive to it to HTML. The thing is that WordPress is so popular that Google does get and I don’t care what they say, you know, they’ll tell you no, but they do give WordPress. It’s a little bit of a boost. Not much, but it’s just so damn popular. But HTML has always worked really well, because of how fast it is. It’s super fast and Google really likes that. I’ve worked in HTML forever, right? But 17-18 years, almost 17 years.
I’ve been doing this and it never stopped working. So let’s make that clear. Google isn’t any more accepted HTML now than it was before.
Yeah, and I really liked HTML, creating pages in HTML because it does they load super quick.
It’s not that hard to it’s just when you have to have dynamic stuff and you know, database and all that I like, I’m not an HTML nerd. I just use notepad plus as an HTML editor. And but I like using HTML pages because they’re quick loading and that kind of stuff. So anyway, uh, page builders are trending HTML, fast loading client needs a redesign.
So I don’t know really what that what the question is there. You know, it’s up to you.
WordPress still works. You know, I’m not crazy about WordPress. The only reason why I still use WordPress is that it’s it is, you know, like, I know it and it makes it easy for blogs and things like that, but I also don’t like WordPress, because of how many fucking updates there is all the time in that ridiculous. It’s just stupid. It’s just stupid and when you have so many damn sites that you manage it just you know, it’s just a pain in the ass. And even if you use something like main WP or whatever, they always end up being issues and every time there’s an update, you know, one or two sites out of the dozens and dozens that you manage end up having some sort of conflict and, you know, it’s just a pain in the balls. That’s why I try to run WordPress sites as light as possible, right? So the like, as little as few plugins as possible, and that kind of stuff because it’s just a nightmare dealing with on a regular basis. So, you know, pick and choose whatever, whatever you feel most comfortable with. You know, I still would build a new client site on WordPress just because of the ease with which I could build it. And then add content and all that kind of stuff. But I do like HTML for the various reasons that I just mentioned. Now that depends on how proficient he is with HTML, you can build a WordPress hybrid with HTML, right? And you can type HTML pages to your WordPress. That’s not a problem.
Yeah, it just depends it depends on on on how far you want to go with it. But I can tell you right now that you can rank WordPress, HTML, and literally just about anything on the web, if you work the entity guy says edit if you’re not doing entity-based SEO right now, if you’re worried about which builder you’re going to use, rather than how you’re going to set up your entity you starting off on the wrong foot. Yeah, I agree with entity-based SEO. It’s for the Semantic Web is that the bot is looking at. You’re not doing that you’re fucking it up.
Nicely said. Nathan says Troy takes the photos via the GMB app on the iPhone. Google loves those photos and you will get more eyeballs on your GMB. Yeah, it doesn’t have to be the app on the iPhone. It could be on your Android to just the GMB app period. right, that’s the point of load. By the way, you know, you can, you can give your field techs access as like a communications manager or whatever they call it a so that they can upload directly to the GMB as a contributor, which means they could not only upload photos, but they could also post GMB posts from through the GMB app directly to your GMB profile for the business. However, you can also upload photos and still get the benefit as a guest like so. In other words, a guest uploaded photos. So even if your texts that field technicians didn’t have manager access to the GMB they could still take photos and upload them with the geotag data, right metadata directly to the GMB as guest photos, user-generated photos right and it still has the same benefit. The only difference is you don’t get to add create a post from it with a call to action and squeeze keywords and such. But that the image SEO still has an effect even as a guest upload, right a user upload as opposed to a manager upload. Okay.
Troy says, Thanks, Jen. It’s always great. How’s it been a few weeks and just saw the pricing on 2xyouragency? Agree with Bradley, you’re nuts. Going to sign up before your sanity comes back? Yeah, Troy, you think I’m nuts? I think I’m nuts. Because I’m the one spending all this time doing all the videos and it’s a lot of fucking time will tell you that a lot of time and I got nine more weeks to go. So anyways,
How Do You Generate More GMB Calls For A Client With 4 Offices In Different Cities?
Next question. I just landed a big client who has four offices in different cities near each other and my main objective is to generate more calls from their GMB pages. So I figured this is where I can show the biggest and fastest results. I was thinking about doing a big SEO shield for the brand first and as local SEO shields for the specific GMB pages. Any better idea?
Well, yeah, I mean, you can do it all underneath the one branded shield. I think I’m pretty sure Marco is going to suggest that and I’m going to let Marco take over this one, I would, I would assume that you can push all of that through the primary SEO shield, which would be your drive stack and all of that. And then you can create location-based optimized folders within the stack instead of having these different stacks and all of that you can do it all under one and you actually get more power out of it that way than having different stacks, at least through my experience. Marco, this one is definitely yours.
Marco: Yeah, well, I mean, we’re thinking brand, I was supposed to be thinking brand, we should be thinking brand. If we don’t. Right now, like what I’m recommending to everyone is thinking of a catchy name because you know, women’s shoes. Chicago is not a brand. That’s a keyword. Right? New women should just, those are not brand. Think of brands think of a name that you want for your company that’s catchy and that’s going to last right? It’s going to stand the test of time. Why? Because if you hit that one, you got that unicorn. If you got that one that for whatever reason, becomes the keyword for the niche. Then not that’s an ATM, that’s a 24 hour, 365 ATM, it’s going to pour money in your pocket and your client, hopefully, it’s your idea. But that’s the way you should all be looking at the project even if you have to do local which is a brand plus location plus keyword association, you’re looking at the brand always. So even if it’s different cities, that should be one main office, right? McDonald’s they differentiate between McDonald’s Corporation and then the franchises and the franchisees and then everything else that McDonald’s does. It’s not one McDonald’s in one place and then another one in orphaned in another place or whatever. No, it’s all one big brand.
Look at how the big boys take on the internet. Look at how they set it all up, look at how they set up the franchise model or the multiple cities, multiple office model and do the do that they do. Because if you don’t, you’re going to be left behind. If you start now and you starting it off, right and you’re working, just praying, just from that aspect, then you’re going to know that everything that you do needs to relate to that brand and to everything that’s under that brand. You claim your footprint, right? You’re going to claim all your social profiles you go and everything that excuses me, everything that you set up, should be with you looking to create that brand plus keyword association. Not everyone is in the eye and I talked about this during the charity webinars, not all of you will be able to make your project the next Amazon, or the next Google or the next, whatever, but you should be working as if that’s going to happen. And the way that we can push power right now the way that we do things at Semantic Mastery. It’s a wide-open field. It’s even it’s an even playing field. So that I’ll be we saw the test cases in, in our mastermind, where Dadia went after Amazon and he’s fighting Amazon, Walmart, you name it, in the e-commerce space, and he’s carved his niche. He’s there and the client is happier than a pig and shit.
Bradley: It’s impressive. I mean, in such a short period of time, to like with ecom to take on Walmart and Amazon and be competitive with them in such a short period of time. It’s absolutely incredible. It’s impressive. So anyway, there you go. And yeah, you know, what’s interesting guys in the 2xyouragency training, the Double Your Agency training, you know, like I said, I should finish today we this training and it’s all about the first four weeks is about to extra pipeline. It’s about increasing, filling your pipeline full of leads, prospects so that you can never have to worry about revenue again for your agency. You can not only sell more clients, close more clients generate more revenue but you can also cherry-pick the best ones. Because the problem is if you only got 10 leads coming in your business, you know, you are desperate to try to close as many of those 10 as possible and it comes across in everything that you say your actions, your tone of voice. Everything it comes across as desperate because you need the revenue and you only got 10 prospects to talk to. If you had 100 prospects to talk to be completely different psychology. So anyway, I taught the reason I brought that up is that the whole first four weeks is about building your brand. Exactly what Marco was talking about, but there is an SEO benefit to it. But I’m not talking about building your brand. In SEO terms, there is a portion of that where I talk about it, but most of it is about building your brand so that you become synonymous with whatever product or service it is that you’re trying to promote.
So for example, I talked about niching down, that’s how I prefer to do it, I think it’s much easier to scale an agency that way. So like associating your primary keyword which may be Tree Service SEO or like for me, for example, or Tree Service marketing or Tree Service, lead generation, whatever it is, with the brand name, and it’s about building that brand in that association and so the whole first four weeks is about really building your own brand first. That’s super important because that’s how you start like Marco said, once you become once the association has been generated, not just within Google, but also within other within you know, prospects’ minds, customer, potential target’s minds that’s like an ATM, it’s a 24-hour machine, you know, cash machine that’s just going to constantly deliver money. That’s where you want to be for your own agency as well as for your clients, you want to be able to reproduce that duplicate that for your clients and have and help them become the branded verb. Do you know what I mean? Like, you want them to be the ones that are associated with their product or service in their local area. And the way that you do that is through what Marco calls entity SEO. It’s about building that brand. And that’s incredibly I mean, that’s absolutely true. It’s about branding, that’s you want to kill it in SEO, build the fucking brand period. That’s just the way it is now, and it’s only going to continue to go further in that direction, in my opinion. So
Marco: Yeah, it’s not just an opinion. It’s what Google is telling you. I mean, that everything that they’ve come out with, and I’m just seeing this all over with people that just they have no clue. And it’s all about into all of these people that saw drops in whatever they were doing is because their entity wasn’t right and those who benefited or didn’t see any changes, or because they’re doing things right. To me, it’s funny because the only way that we find out about updates is like when people come in on Hump Day or in our groups and tell us, you guys see that update? And we’re like, No, no, but let me go and see what it’s about. I know what it’s about, I saw what it’s about Google tells you, what is about Google tells you, I mean, almost to the letter what they want. And then John Mueller will go and tell you the opposite so that you don’t know what to do. So you gotta go sift through all of that to get the right information, because you got a lot of people that are just spreading the Google word, without understanding what it is that they’re saying without even understanding what it is that John Mueller is saying. Cuz a lot of times what John Mueller says and what he means are two totally different things. Don’t pay attention to John Mueller. If you don’t want to believe Marco that then don’t believe Marco go and test and see for yourself. Whether what I’m telling you entity basis seal, whether that’s what’s working right now, and I guarantee you that you’re going to get results. If you do the things right, set up your SEO shield, and then do the things that are in the battle plan that we recommend for your entity. And it’s just a done deal. It’s so simple, it’s ridiculous. And you can go up against anyone I’m telling you right now that you can take on anyone in the internet space and when
Bradley: I think Hernan is gonna contribute?
Hernan: Absolutely. Yeah, I was about to say on a different branding perspective, branding from the perspective of creating a brand to attract customers, not from the SEO perspective, that is something that I’ll be contributing as well with, you know, which is going to be a brand new course for or an email prospecting course for digital agency owners. So basically, how to use my case, which is my wheelhouse, which is going to be Facebook. How do you leverage Facebook and Facebook ads, not the organic stuff, not the fact that you need to post 1000 times a day and be glued to your phone and you know, look like a teenager? Not we’re not talking about that, right? We’re talking about like doing real business. We’re talking about doing real business, not influencer type stuff, but the real stuff. Because you also need to build and run your business, right? So, you know, my idea is to show you real quick how you can build a brand around yourself so that you can pipe those leads into whatever your sales process is, whether it is like talking to you, or if you have a salesperson or a call center, whatever that is. But I’m going to share with you guys how to do that in 2xa. That’s going to be available, you know, next week for sure. So it’s going to be in 2xyouragency as well. So there you go.
Marco: Yeah, no, I would just add to people that when you’re building your brand when you’re talking about your brand, it’s that’s something that you separate from your SEO brand. It’s all your brand. Your brand is how you’re going to do business, but it’s going to be your calling card on the web, and you can’t call yourself Joe Schmo from Kokomo anymore and expect to go up again when Google is benefiting brands. And so again, if you’re not working towards that brand, towards becoming the keyword for the niche, right, like you said to become the verb in your niche, then you’re not. Forget it, you’re gonna have to do so much work. So much work to make it right, that you may as well just start doing it right, as right from the beginning, work on that brand. Think of that print, work with your client on that brand when they tell you well, I want the keyword in the city. No, that’s not the way that you should do things you should think about your business and how it is that you want to present yourself to the customer to the client to people on the web. How do you want your brand to appear to the people who are looking for your products and services or whatever it is that you are selling?
Bradley: Yeah, anyway, that’s, you know, guys, this what’s great about this is. Remember, you’re hearing from multiple agency owners here too. And we all have, you know, we all understand the importance of that whole branding thing. There’s the SEO aspect of it, but it’s all one and the same now you shouldn’t separate the two. Building the brand, and SEOing the brand is one and the same. And so again, it’s good to hear an opinion from Marco and from Hernan, and for myself. We each have our own successful agencies beyond what we do here at Semantic Mastery. So it’s good to know that you know, we’re speaking from experience, right, this isn’t just theory.
Any Thoughts On The Erratic Movement Of Websites In Google Search Console?
Fitz says Good day. Good day, guys. Thanks for this forum. I noticed the three of my sites show in the Search Console are going up and down together. Why do you guess this is happening? They are in different states. Honestly. I have no idea. I mean, there’s there could be a ton of variables there that you know, questions I could have about that fits that we’re obviously not gonna be able to get to the bottom of right now. I can’t imagine what would cause something like that unless they were all three sites were hosted on the same host. And there’s some sort of hosting issue. I don’t know how what the connection there would be. It could just be a coincidence. It’s unlikely, but there’s got to be some. I don’t know. Is there any of you guys have any speculation on any of that? not really enough information there to go on. But no,
Marco: no, because we’d have to go and look at each one specifically and see how they’re related, whether they’re related to why Google created that relationship? Well, if Google created the relationship, why there’s a lot of things that we have to look at.
Bradley: Yeah. Yeah, that’s something would have to be investigated fits. Come join the mastermind and you can submit that to one of our mastermind webinars. And we’ll be happy to audit it and look into it.
How Does Responding To Reviews Help In Ranking GMB?
Muhamed, What’s up buddy says Hey guys, how does responding to reviews and GMB help things is it only good because its activity and GMB type of client was avoiding responding to negative GMB reviews and I’m prodding him to do so both for activity and reputation purposes. Okay, I think there’s, look, we already know we can rank without reviews with none, right? So reviews can be a factor, but they’re not necessary or critical, right? So in my experience, the reason why I suggest responding to reviews both positive and negative, I tell all my clients to respond to reviews positive and negative for two reasons. Number one, it’s additional activity. Number two, it shows to your users, two people that end up seeing your brand that you’re engaged with your customers, right or that the brand is engaging with their customers. And number three, because it gives you the opportunity to now inject additional keywords and location modifiers into a response because a lot of the time, I think about most reviews that customers leave, don’t have any keywords in them whatsoever or location details, right? A lot of them are just saying, hey, it was awesome, thanks, guys. I mean, it might have like, you know, hey, they called these guys to come to remove a tree and they did a really good job, we really, you know, clean up afterward, it was great, I’ll call them again, highly recommend it, but other than saying remove a tree, there’s no other indication there as to what has been done. They’re just saying that they did a great job, which is great. But what I like to do is have, you know, go in and in reply to that and say, you know, thank you for your kind words, it was a pleasure perform, you know, handling that tree removal job for you in Fairfax. You know, we encourage you to contact us and next time you have some tree care work, you know, or tree care needs or something right. So now you squeezed in multiple keywords, as well as a location modifier. So that’s why I like to do that and I have all of my clients, you know, what I’ll do is when I send out monthly reports, I have my VA always take screenshots of GMB insights and stuff like that. And one of the things that we look at is the reviews to see if any new reviews have been posted in the last month and if so have they been responded to? Because if not, then when I send the monthly reports to my clients, I mentioned that in the commentary in the email that I send my clients say, Hey, you know, I noticed that you got two new reviews this month that hadn’t been replied to, here’s the links directly to them, please go reply. And I send that to them. And again, and I’ve trained all of my clients to do exactly what I mentioned, which was to squeeze in a keyword and or location modifier or a couple of keywords if they can, and not a spammy way, but in a very conversational way. But again, it’s not necessary. I think it’s important to do it is something that will move the needle, but it’s not critical. What do you guys think? Any comments on that?
Marco: Yeah, definitely, man because people look at reviews the wrong way. People look at okay, I should have all five-star reviews and that’s all I need to pay attention to and I don’t need to do anything else. But the reviews and responding to reviews, well you’re using the voice of your brand to talk to your customers. Again we go back to the brand, man. This is your voice, right? The voice of your brand reaching out to this dissatisfied customer because they came to you with pain. They came to you with a problem and you did not solve the problem. You didn’t take care of the pain. So now there’s a problem that not only did you not take care of that, but they have a problem with you and with your brand. So this is the perfect time to go in there and say hey, look, yeah, we fucked up. You’re not going to say it in these words. But this is what I tell. This is what I tell the people when I’m in a consultation, and they asked me about reviews. Go tell the person that you fucked up and then you go tell them how can we make it right for you, help us make it right for you. So that may create a dialogue with this person. And then what that does is it makes your brand stand out from the rest. Not only did you respond, but you offered to make it right and now you’re in an open dialogue with this person who gave you a bad review, and you’re looking to make it right you know how that makes it look makes you look like you have the best customer service in the industry, it’s actually a place where you can shine. Even though the review started out being bad. Just by talking to the customer and offering, look let me make it right for you. How can we make it? How can we help you? And sometimes that there’s no fuck off, I don’t need you anymore, right? But then that makes them look shitty. Because you’re being open, you’re being honest. And you’re willing to help and you’re willing to make it right. So that puts it back on them instead of it all being on you leaving that negative review just without response. No chirp, chirp chirp. Make it makes you look really bad.
Bradley: And on rare occasions, you can turn a negative battery review, what initially was a bad review, into a positive and end up turning that customer into a brand advocate. Exactly. It’s a rare occasion that that happens. But if you bend over backward to make something, right that was a fuckup on your part or not, you know, whatever but if you bend over to make it right then sometimes you can turn that customer into, you know, an ambassador for the company because they’ll go out and you know, sing praises about your business and recommend you to friends and family and such because they had what started off as a bad experience, but turned into a good one.
Okay, and so just keep that in mind. Remember, guys, think of setbacks, as you know, Napoleon Hill. I think it was Dale Carnegie that actually said it, but Napoleon Hill was the one that published it and you know, really made it famous. The quote, which was, for every adversity, there’s a seed of equal or greater benefit, right. And so if you think about that, and it’s funny, I’m listening to an audiobook right now that I’m really enjoying, I’m only in chapter two, but it’s called Black Box Thinking. And it’s all about how you know you if you take your failures and analyze them the way the airline industries do with the black box, right? They always admit they don’t ever try to cover up mistakes or hide mistakes or try to downplay mistakes, they take all mistakes head-on, and they analyze the data and make it publicly available for everybody so that they can improve processes and improve how flights you know are handled and things like that. And so anyway, it’s just an analogy to say, hit a challenge head-on. And that’ll make you stand out and figure out a way to learn from that to improve processes so that it doesn’t happen again. It will make it a stronger business stronger, brand stronger, stronger company. And so again, just think about it that way. You know, I love that statement. I say to myself all the time when I run into a challenge, something that, you know, if I mess up, you know, I fail, you know, have some sort of failure or something. You know, for every adversity there’s a seed of equal or greater benefit. So just remember that. Just look for the way to improve upon a process when you’ve been notified of a setback or you know, an insufficiency or whatever. That makes sense. So anyway, all this is covered in 2xyouragency, guys. You should join it. And Muhamed, it says PS my situation is slowly improving, and I will take my stable place back into masterminds. And yes, you’re always welcome. And the door’s always open to you.
What Are The Potential Problems If You Have Multiple Keywords Floating Around Page 2?
Austin says, Do you have multiple if you have multiple keywords just floating around page two? What would you think about the problem maybe? Let’s say the on pages type? Again, that’s kind of a loaded question in that it could be a number of things. I could speculate on, you know, 18 different things that it could be. What I would recommend doing, if you say you’re on pages tight, let’s just assume that it is and you’ve got keywords that are floating on page two, I drive some damn relevant traffic to those pages. Because that is my go-to thing when you’ve done other on-page and you’ve done some off-page stuff and you’re still struggling to get the results that you want. I found ART – activity, relevance, trust, and authority. If you can provide engagement activity to that you will see a significant movement. Right, it will definitely move the needle. And so what I would do is buy some traffic, some relevant traffic from Google to those pages and see what happens. That’s what I would do. Any suggestions on that Marco?
Marco: No, not without knowing the what off-page he’s done. But it could be that the competition is keeping him from page one, right? It could be that he hasn’t pushed enough power to those to go from page two to page one. So I don’t know enough to give an opinion. But absolutely activity, relevance, trust, and authority is all you need. When you’re sitting there on page two ready to jumping into page one but you really haven’t made it yet. If you’re on pages is right. And your entities type then the next step is the is off-page. What’s happening off-page Yeah.
Bradley: Yeah, and you can buy some relevant traffic from YouTube. Although that’s more for views than for clicks, you can get some clicks, and it will be relevant. But you can use the Display Network for Google ads for way less expensive than search ads and drive relevant traffic to your pages. And Google knows is relevant because you set it up through your audience targeting right. So you can set up in-market audiences, custom intent audiences, whatever, layer them, so you bind audiences. It’s called layering. You know, you can do that as well. But my point is, now you’re buying traffic to pages that from a relevant audience that it’s an audience that you’re purchasing from Google, right? You’re tapping into a Google audience that Google is telling you is relevant. So you’re buying relevant traffic directly from Google. And now those are relevant signals that Google is waiting higher than just some random ass traffic if that makes sense. Because Google understands there’s already has a profile developed for those visitors, and it’s already identified them as you know, a relevant audience before they even hit your page is my point. So again, those are highly weighted traffic signals. And I don’t care what Google says about buying traffic from Google Ads doesn’t help SEO. That’s just like telling you that link wheels don’t work and press releases don’t work and guest posts don’t work and all that right. How’s that working out for you guys?
Alright, we’re about out of time. Guys, I’m sorry. There are a couple of good questions. We’re not going to be able to get to
Is Blogger A Good Substitute For WordPress For Blogging?
last one fit says is Blogger a good substitute for WordPress for blogging? Not really, because you’re so limited which you can do with Blogger. You know, the self-hosted WordPress site gives you a lot of functionality. Blogger, I mean, it can be used, but you’re limited in design. Well, I don’t know. I’ve never tried to design within Blogger. I’ve just use default themes or whatever. So I can’t answer that for sure. Except if it was a good substitute, it would probably be a lot more prevalent and I rarely ever see any blogs on Blogger that have any measurable amount of traffic. Any comments on that?
Marco: Yeah, let’s say tested and little know how it turns out because it’s I’d have to speculate since I’ve never used Blogger for anything other than links back to my content.
Alright, so Clint and decline, I don’t know if that’s your name or what anyways, you guys, sorry, I didn’t get to your questions. If you post them in the Facebook group, we can try to answer them over there. Or you can repost them until next for next week’s Hump Day Hangouts and we’ll get to them there. But either way, sorry, guys, we didn’t get to you but we are out of time. So thanks, everybody, for being here. Thank you, guys. Bye, everyone. Go get better, Hernan. Thank you. I’ll try. Alright guys, bye everybody. See ya. See ya.
  Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 273 published first on your-t1-blog-url
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Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 273
Click on the video above to watch Episode 273 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Hello everybody and welcome to Hump Day hangouts. Today is the fifth of February 2020. I'm still working on saying 2020 so that's why I got off well slow but you guys but I keep finding myself right in the last year but I guess that's just the way it goes. So anyways on to more interesting subjects like answering your questions and seeing what we can help everyone out with. But before we get into that, I want to say hello to the guys. I got some short announcements and then we will jump into it. So starting on my left here, Bradley, how are you doing today?
Bradley: Fantastic, man. I've been recording videos all day for the 2xyouragency stuff. Man, I can't believe we're selling it for what we're selling it for. That's all I gotta say. A lot of content, man.
Adam: If you're gonna say that but I'm going to say go to 2xyouragency.com.
Chris: Just increase prices.
Bradley: We're only three weeks into a 12-week course, man, and it's just a massive amount of value. So anyway, I hope you guys take advantage of our stupidity.
Adam: Well, what Bradley meant to say was, we help digital agency owners get more clients, grow the revenue and scale their teams. All right. So you know, two big things that we find important and I know Bradley's joking around. But you know, we want to work less and earn more and not that we want to do nothing, but we want to spend our time doing the things we want to do. All right. And that's what this is all about. So we've heard that commonly, from a lot of you guys who are listening, and then people, other people out there, we've talked to you, you know, those are the three main things that we can help you do so that you can work less and earn more and spend time doing what you want to do.
Bradley: Yeah.
Adam: Chris, how you doing, man?
Chris: Yeah, like I'm suffering like the temperature struggle here. About 10 days ago, it wasn't the mountains -17 degrees Celsius. So until for the whole weekend, and until Monday, we had about 19 degrees plus and then Tuesday, a big storm came. And last night we got about half a meter snow dumped out and it's fucking cold again. So I'm surprised that I'm healthy and like not like having any cold or something like that. But yeah, I don't know like other than that. Life is good.
Adam: All right. Well, speaking of the cold, Hernan, how are you doing?
Hernan: I'm doing awesome, dude. I'm doing awesome. I'm feeling like shit, but here's the deal. Okay. Okay, so do two quick things. Stop laughing. It sounds funny. All right. So quick, two quick things. Number one is that thank you guys for the amazing support for the launch of 2xyouragency was awesome. So thank you, guys. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. We're pouring a lot of value in that Semantic Mastery style. We're trying to over-deliver 2xyouragency.com. That is number one. Number two is that last week, I went to Funnel Hacking Live and I had the honor and the privilege and the pleasure of getting, on behalf of the whole Semantic Mastery team, the two comma club that we made that possible. Thanks to all of you guys. So I'm feeling like crap, but I'm super proud of the team that we have here. And I'm super proud for, you know, and I don't have words to thank you, guys, everyone that's watching the YouTube channel, subscribing, commenting, sharing, you know, buying our product supporting the brand. It's been quite a ride. And you know, last year, we were sitting with Adam in Nashville, Tennessee, and I was like, dude, I think it would be pretty awesome if we hop on stage together to come to a co or and then lo and behold, we got it. So anyway, I just wanted to say that I'm super proud of that. Super proud of the team. And thank you, guys. Thank you. Thank you.
Adam: Awesome. Yeah, I was too cool for school to go up there with Hernan. I was hanging out in Puerto Rico for a little while. So I had to miss that. But now I'm really glad I didn't go because apparently I would have gotten sick as hell. Yeah.
Hernan: Yeah. So I went in, I took a bullet for the team, but also, we might have I also got to network with some awesome people, some awesome entrepreneurs, so we might be having them on subsequent hangouts moving forward, so that's gonna be a blast to some
Adam: awesome good stuff. All right, and Marco, how you doing today?
Marco: Oh, dude, I'm stuck here under almost 20 inches of sun. It's horrible. Look outside in and not a cloud in the sky 82 degrees. It'll be around 60, At nightm it's terrible. I tell you don't anybody come here. For any of this, you don't want it. You don't want paradise, trust me. But what I'm going to do those I'm going to go on a record like to the new house that I just moved into over, there's a green area and I got two volcanoes in the background to just big mountains. So I'm going to go and do a quick live stream so you guys can see where it is that Marco because it doesn't get any better than this, man. Eighty degrees in the during the day 60-65 at night. And that's life guys and what we're trying to do. You live is that you put whatever you're POFU is, it doesn't have to be this. You could it could be that you want to go to Antarctica and set up camp there me you're more than welcome. That's your POFU, we're with you. And we will help you get there. That's our whole point right behind all this, the 2xyouragency and all of the products and services that we provided so that people can get to the point where they can say, I'm going to do what I want to do rather than what I have to do, to see how the hell I'm gonna make it to the end of the month. I'm going to pay my bills. We don't want your living that life. We want you living a life where you work less, make more money, and then you could do whatever the fuck you want with your money. And I'll leave it at that.
Adam: Fair enough. Well, I don't have too much to add on to that except to say let's see, nice and sunny. It's nice to be back home. I enjoy traveling a lot but I don't know about you guys. I enjoy getting back into the routine as well. Having the flow you know kind of getting out starting my day having that after a week or two on the road and start getting kind of tired and like Okay, I'm ready to get back to it now. I see Bradley shaking his head you feel the same right?
Bradley: Oh my god, dude, there's so much freedom in routine, I swear to god like I don't know how you guys are not and you and Chris do it because you trappy the three of you travel so much and work and I just can't do it. I can't get motivated. When I'm away from my work environment. It's very difficult to stay focused for me when I'm outside of this environment. And so, you know, like I said to me, I'm like, I feel so out of sorts, even taking a vacation you know, coming back and getting back into my normal routine is like liberating you know, so I don't know I get stressed out when I'm on the road. You know when it comes to working stuff so
Adam: but I also see Bradley not being stressed out on the road and that's it perfectly live. If you want to see Bradley unchained and hit him up for some good off. Off the record info, you need to come to POFU Live. We've locked down. We are going to be in Boston this year in 2020. It's going to be. I forget the exact dates but I believe it's the last weekend in September and so now is the time to go ahead and lock in your tickets. We're limiting it to 25 people this year. So if you go to pofulive.com, you can grab your ticket early.
  I've got a couple more announcements I want to share with everyone. You heard us talking about double your agency. If you're new to us, or you're new to Semantic Mastery, then you know, there are two great places you can get started with us. You've already found the first one and that's Hump Day Hangout show up every Wednesday. If you can't make it live, you can always ask the question on the page, and then check out our YouTube channel for the answers. So go ahead and hit subscribe on the YouTube channel. Stay up to date with all that. But like I said, we help digital agency owners and consultants get more clients, right? Grow their revenue and scale their teams. All right, so that you can work less and earn more if you want to know more about that. Just go to 2xyouragency.com. All right, and then additionally, a lot of people ask us, you know, Hey, you guys have a step by step process for maybe working with aged domains or how about a new website or how do I use YouTube channels or how do I do GMB stuff? Go check out the Battle Plan if you don't have the Battle Plan yet, you can find that at battleplan.semanticmastery.com. And last but certainly not least, if you're doing done for you services or you're working on your own projects, or you're working with clients, you need to be checking out mgyb.co. Stuff like link building, the SEO shield, which if you don't know what that is, head over there, find out press releases, there are more services come in, that's just the tip of the iceberg. But make sure that you head over there, and you're putting that to use and that falls into line with what we're teaching at 2xyouragency.com, you know, as part of the fulfillment and getting yourself out of the fulfillment role and really, and really trying to run business. So with that said, you guys, is there any other announcements before we dive into the questions?
Marco: Let's do this man.
Bradley: All right, let me grab a screen. Standby. Can you confirm?
Adam: Good to go.
Does The Middle Option In The RYS Drive Stacks Refer To The Classic Or The New Version Of G Sites?
Okay. So looks like Justin is up first. He says for the RYS drive stack. He's been really active in the Facebook community too. So pretty cool. I love it when people come in and you know, are active and engaged because that's how you start to grow. Right? So that's awesome. Justin, he says for the RYS drive stacks for the middle option with the old slash new Google Sites. Is that referring to classic? So you must be talking about when you order from MGYB, he's asking is that referring to classic/new versions of G sites, both newly created or an aged site as well as a newly created site. That's the versions, they're both going to be new.
But we're talking about classic plus classic Google Sites plus the new Google Sites. Marco was talking about new Google Sites just yesterday with … I saw I'm going to say then, but there's a so so it's both in both new sites, but one is on the newer platform. Any old in the other side is on the old Google Sites. So it's not about aged in new sites if that makes sense.
How Does The Twitter Account For An Extra Hundred Bucks Integrate?
Bradley: Last part of that is how does the Twitter account for an extra hundred bucks integrate? Thanks and Marco I'll let you take that one.
Marco: Uh, that gets tied to your branded Twitter account. So it becomes a secondary Twitter account that retweets tweets from relevant sources, right? That trusted, authoritative, relevant sources in Twitter, so that your tweets are combined with those relevant, trusted, authoritative tweets so that you draw authority from those and it goes into a tiered network for just your tweets. So that's what that is. And that's why we charge extra because you get a persona network, right? A tiered persona network for your tweets and additional tweets to bring back all of that relevance to your website, to your project to wherever it is that you're sending people when you tweet, your tweet will contain links, it'll contain information is going to contain, I don't know, videos, maps, whatever it is that you choose to tweet out. And that's how you would use that.
  Bradley: There you go, Gordon's up sup, Gordon? He says, Hey, guys, I have no questions for today. Oh, wow. That's a rarity, Gordon. He says, even though it's a little bit late, and I just wanted to wish you much happiness, good health and continued success and prosperity for 2020 and beyond. And also to again, declare a heartfelt thank you for helping your customers by sharing your knowledge with us on these hump days. You're the best that would be a good one for the testimonials, guys. Thanks, Gordon. We always appreciate you coming in and participating. You've been a member or in the audience for many years, a participant for many years, I should say. So thank you for that. We always appreciate you as well. And here comes another superstar, Muhammad. What's up my buddy? Who said thank you, Al Gore, was turned on to
Should You Use A Unique Title Tags For A Crowded Industry?
and Mohammed, he's another superstar. He's been in and out of the mastermind but he's growing which is awesome. So what's up man? And he says, hey guys when it comes to the title tags for a crowded industry, do I have to have a unique one my car dealer client is in a big city and all the page one companies seem to have some variations of new cars in city or new that new comma used cars and city. Usually, I try to make my title tag stand out, but in this case, should I just copy what the competition is doing? It's my focus on uniqueness even justified, I don't remember learning it. Okay. I'm going to give you my opinion on this and I'm sure that there are probably some differences from some of the other guys.
When it comes to title tags unless it's a blog post. If it's a page where you know, for lead generation, I just use the keyword whatever the primary keyword is that I'm trying to target for that page becomes my at least the first part of the title tag. I might include a phone number in the title tag as well as the brand, right? But the first part of the title tag is going to be just that primary keyword, not a modification of it. It's just the primary keyword, then I'll have the phone number then the brand or something, some similar variation of that. But it's always just the primary keyword where I try to have to stand out as in the meta description, right. And that's where I try to write, you know, I do a lot of Google Ads now. And so I have the benefit of split testing a lot of headlines and descriptions. And because of that, I tend to try to write my meta descriptions as ad copy, so it's compelling. So that's what I try to do to stand out. And the reason why I say that is because I want that keyword and the SEO title is a significant ranking factor for a piece of content, at least in my experience, and I've kept at that process for many years now. So I always want that primary keyword as the title, the first part of the title tag two, and then I'll use the ad copy or excuse me, the meta description, optimized that like it's ad copy to try to entice a click. And that's typically how I do it. But I'm sure some of the other guys have some other input to put on this. So just to clarify, Mohammed, my opinion would be to do what your competitors are doing when it comes to the title tag, but then try to make your meta description stand out as much as possible. And one of the ways to do that, which may be Marco can touch on this a little bit more if he doesn't get mad at me for saying this, has to include jump links because they can get pulled into the meta description. Remember, if you have a piece of content and you have like a table of contents, you have jump links within the content, those can actually get pulled into the meta description so it extends your search space, right? The real estate that you take upon the space on and plus it also draws the eyes to it because it's got a blue clickable link right from within the meta description. So those are also things that you can do to help us kind of stand out. Marco would say you?
Marco: Well on understanding how the algorithm is working right now how it was tweaked how they're trying to cater to NLP and any neural matching this is when you really have to focus on why brands are becoming more and more important as we go into the Semantic Web. Yeah, you could do it like that. You could do it just focus on the keyword like you said to include the brand and the exact match keyword but the broad match right. So if selling new cars and your domain has new cars, new cars com, so you can't go new cars, com new cars for sale, it becomes nearly impossible to avoid over-optimizing everything on your website and if you had focused on your brand, which is usually a name, probably a family name, right? And plus, and then the carmaker, and then the location, model, you might want to include the model, if it's opposed for whatever it is, however it is that you're trying to frame it, it would be a whole lot easier if you concentrated on the brand. And then once you're focusing on the brand, to do as much as you can for the entity of that brand around the web, so that now you're setting yourself up to two ways.
The way Bradley said it becomes unique. Your description is in fact, your ad copy, because you're in front of a user, and that user is going to look at these results. And the one that catches the eye is the one that's going to get the click or the one it's just sometimes that they go to that first one. There's a lot of people that will go multiples, and that there's a lot of people where you get that bold, right those descriptions and those titles in bold and maybe that'll catch their eye. This is why it's so important to have that keyword that you're focusing on. But if you're focusing on brand, you're not going to run into over-optimization issues. So you have two things, you're taking care of that ad copy. You're taking care of that title and that description, and you're taking care of your entity so that in every way possible, you just differentiated yourself from everyone else in the industry that's doing the same damn thing. And so now you're giving the bot a reason to choose your entity over the others when… I don't know how deep I can get into this, Mohammed, go look at the charity webinars because I went deep into this and into the entity into the fact that all Google is doing is it's comparing. It's comparing entities. It's in a relational database and it relates all of the entities to one another. And all of the whatever vectors it has for that entity, vectors are simply numbers, right? This zero to eight and so whatever it has in its system and its servers, when it's looking for the entities, which one matches the entity the best, or what it thinks the optimal entity is, if yours is the closest to that, it's going to draw more attention from the bots. It's gonna draw more love. That's why our @ID pages work so fucking well because we're just feeding the bots all of the information about our entity and we do it over and over and over again. We loop it, we scoop it, and it has no choice but to do what we want it to do. That's why I'm surprised that he's not back in our mastermind already asking not only these questions but going deeper into this because we go a whole lot deeper about the entity and all of the different things that you could do to trap that body in there. And just to set yourself completely apart from everybody else. It's part of our SEO power shield. And as part of what I'm calling worried less SEO, we just don't worry about updates. It doesn't matter. We don't care what Google does, because we're already optimized for Google. Even though Google says you can't optimize for natural language processing and AI. Yeah, and I call that bullshit.
Bradley: Yeah. I love that you can't optimize for the new updates. Okay. All right. The people that say that just don't have a Marco on their team.
Would It Trigger A Penalty If You Publish An Address For A Service Area GMB Page?
Anyways, Troy's up. He says, Hello, I have a client's plumbing GMB since he wasn't ranking in the three pack he added the physical location of the shop which is also the NAP on his website to the Google My Business as well as leaving the service areas listed are already listed. The Business Services at home and not at the shop location right it's a service area business meaning the Business Services customers at their location, not at the business location makes sense service area business. How is this going to hurt any listings or rankings should the address be taken off yet?
It should. And the reason why is because it's clearly stated in Google's terms, Google My Business Terms of Service that states if you are a service area business, you should not publish your address. There are some exceptions to that.
Which sometimes, by the way, you know, there are some algorithmic or automated suspensions that can occur from that. So, I'm surprised. Well, I mean, I'm not, I'm not surprised that I'm kind of surprised that it didn't happen already, because I have heard of people adding the physical location for a service area business, and it auto suspending it. So if you didn't get hit with that, that's a good thing. I would go in and remove that service area, or excuse me, the physical location from being published. And that's because of the Google My Business, Terms of Service state that if its service area business, you're not supposed to publish the address. There can be some exceptions for that, such as for example when I've used this example in the past like a kitchen remodel Kitchen Remodeling company, I may have a showroom, right? Kitchen Remodeling happens at the customer location, not at the business location. However, they may have a showroom where people can come in and see, you know, kind of mock kitchen designs and things like that. So that's, that's an exception where, and I've actually had a client that we had left the service, yet it was a service area business, but we had left the published physical location because they had a showroom, and it got suspended. And we had to contact Google My Business support and, you know, state our case, which was that they had a showroom, and they reinstated it, it was fine. It was fine. It was just a matter of, you know, going through proper channels, but it got reinstated. It was fine. But I just wanted to point that out. I would not publish the address for service area businesses unless it's one of those rare exceptions. Okay. And that's because they told you not to do that and I've seen it firsthand gets suspended because of it. Okay, any comments on that guys?
No, I agree in terms of service violation you can get yourself in a lot of trouble for that. Yeah.
Is It Okay To Upload Images From The Customer's Location Or Should You Geotag Them With NAP?
So here's another one from Troy and this is a great question. He says another one field techs plumbing. The plumbing techs taking pics out at service area jobs will upload directly to GMB and Instagram account since taken by phone and geotagged to that residence location so geotagged from where they took the photo right? So it's got the GPS data embedded in the imprinted on impressed upon the image okay as part of the metadata. So, is this the best way or should all pics be geotagged with NAP and then uploaded to GMB now? Because now you got conflicting data, right? If you take a photo that was taken on location at a customer location for service area business, and then you wait to upload it till after you've geotagged it with additional NAP data, doesn't that cause conflicting Geo Data on that one image, right? How can that image be taken in two different locations at the same time, it can be, right? So no, don't do that. The benefit that you're going to gain from taking photos on location and uploading using the GMB app, by the way, is that it uploads that GeoData from and it starts to paint a picture, right? It starts to prove to Google, that you're in that service areas indeed, where you're conducting business, right? If that makes sense. And so that's one of the ways that we talk about local GMB Pro.
And that's about as far as I want to talk about it, but and how to expand a map area footprint, if that makes sense. And I don't mean footprint in a bad sense. I mean, in a good sense, and how you can expand your maps, listing exposure to areas outside of your immediate proximity, right, if that makes sense. Again, remember, over the last year, there have been two occasions that I'm aware of where Google is tightened to that proximity part of the algorithm, the proximity filter, they've narrowed it. It's happened two times now in the last year, one within like the last three months or so two or three months. So the proximity issue is getting harder and harder to overcome. But that is still the way to overcome it is by uploading photos from that are taken from mobile devices in the service area. So out across the areas, and also as Marco teaches, you know, not just the metadata that is imprinted into the meta, you know, the GeoData that's imprinted in the metadata of the images by uploading them, but also by taking images of known landmarks and things like that can be identified by Google through Google Street View, and things like that Google Earth and all of that, that will also prove that it's within the service area. So those are two different ways that you benefit from that not by, you know, we talked about geotagging photos using stuff like geo setter or whatever, when you don't have somebody in the field actually uploading original photos that were taken on location right?
We only use the geotagging software to tag photos, when as a second, you know, the next best option is a second option when we don't have that first option implemented. So anyway, Marco, I know you want to comment on that.
Marco: Yeah, it defeats the purpose if you tag them from wherever the location is, but let's say where you work is different from location, wherever the job is just a contractor goes out to a house 10 miles away, does a job takes the pictures, upload them there.
And then Google has all that information, versus going there getting the pictures giving them to you, then you retag I don't understand why the whole purpose of this is you're giving Google information from the place that you want to become relevant or related to your business, right? So if it's 10 miles away, if it's 20 miles away, whatever it is, you want to make that relevant to you and to your business and the way that you do that is by taking the picture they're and uploading them there. If you upload them as some other place, and it's going to change the data and that defeats the purpose of taking them at the location.
Bradley: Yeah, yeah. And it's really cool. You can test this, guys, you can take a photo from your phone and upload it. Or you know, if you've got Google Photos on your phone so that it automatically backs them up to Google Photos I do. I've got an Android phone. So if you take a photo out, you know somewhere and then you go look at the metadata, it'll show you the coordinates where it was taken, like, it'll show you like a little Google map with a pin where it was taken. If you look at the little eye in the circles, so like the info, it'll show you like the data that it sees from the image. So it's pretty cool. It does that with videos too, by the way. So it's, you know, it's very, very powerful. And that's it. That's how you can kind of create a map for Google to understand like when I say a map like a surface area, by overtime you consistently upload images that are, you know, geotagged from where they were taken, uploaded through the GMB app, especially then that, you know, you can start to kind of train the bot to understand or recognize where your service area truly is. It's not just claiming it stating it in GMB. But now you're proving to the bot, that you indeed are servicing those areas because you're uploading photos that are proof, like with the GeoData. So it's a great question though.
What Is The Best Way To Index Links And Drive Stacks?
Okay, the next question is Hello there. Thank you for answering our questions. My question is, what is the best way to index links in general, and drive stacks? In particular, nowadays, mygb.co, our store, we have a link indexing service over there that works really, really well. It's like 10 bucks for 2500 links or something like that. It's ridiculous. So, you know, go buy an embed gig or excuse me an indexing gig over there and submit them that way. That's one way to do it. How else could do it, Marco?
I don't do it any other way. So I can't say, go do it some other way, I get my legs linked index by dead if I'm looking. If I'm testing, I might try different things. So maybe when we do the heavy hitter club, we can show people the different ways that you can index links. But why am I going to do all that work when it's not necessary? I could just go tell daddy, I need these links, links index, and then he's gonna take them, he's going to get about 60% or more index. And since he does multiple indexing runs, then then they the index over a period of time rather than all at once we had that question, I think, in the mastermind, so I want to make that clear to people that they don't have to worry about, I don't know 15 20,000 thousand links showing up all of a sudden, in their link profile. That's not how it works. He does it over a period of time so that they index 60% Plus, and then you have this great link profile and index link and you can push it even more power if you build tiered link building to those index link, and again, data can take care of all that.
Nathan says just letting you know that some of the links about a plan still point to subspace links don't work. Well. Thanks, Nathan shade that. As I mentioned the last time I think you made a comment about the battle plan that's on the block for that's in the to-do list where after 2xyouragency training is done, that will be updated one thing at a time, my man, so thank you though.
Let's see what's next. Troy says I'll keep it going. Okay, Troy, yeah, might as well. I'm sure I said because there's no other questions, guys. And by the way, if we run out of questions, we wrap it up early. So it's up to you guys. You got questions, ask them if there's only a handful of you here. Feel free. Okay. Otherwise, we'll wrap it up early. I'm perfectly good with going back to finishing the training for 2xyouragency today. I've got a lot left to do.
Troy says I'll keep going page borders are trending in the IM world. This week are they like what type of page builders HTML fast loading pages or still WordPress, the client needs redesign and I'm pondering page builder because so much quicker to build Google more receptive to HTML now since they weren't a few years ago. So when you say pal, that's it hang on. Let me after that because I know Google is not now more receptive to HTML before. They've always been very receptive to it to HTML. The thing is that WordPress is so popular that Google does get and I don't care what they say, you know, they'll tell you no, but they do give WordPress. It's a little bit of a boost. Not much, but it's just so damn popular. But HTML has always worked really well, because of how fast it is. It's super fast and Google really likes that. I've worked in HTML forever, right? But 17-18 years, almost 17 years.
I've been doing this and it never stopped working. So let's make that clear. Google isn't any more accepted HTML now than it was before.
Yeah, and I really liked HTML, creating pages in HTML because it does they load super quick.
It's not that hard to it's just when you have to have dynamic stuff and you know, database and all that I like, I'm not an HTML nerd. I just use notepad plus as an HTML editor. And but I like using HTML pages because they're quick loading and that kind of stuff. So anyway, uh, page builders are trending HTML, fast loading client needs a redesign.
So I don't know really what that what the question is there. You know, it's up to you.
WordPress still works. You know, I'm not crazy about WordPress. The only reason why I still use WordPress is that it's it is, you know, like, I know it and it makes it easy for blogs and things like that, but I also don't like WordPress, because of how many fucking updates there is all the time in that ridiculous. It's just stupid. It's just stupid and when you have so many damn sites that you manage it just you know, it's just a pain in the ass. And even if you use something like main WP or whatever, they always end up being issues and every time there's an update, you know, one or two sites out of the dozens and dozens that you manage end up having some sort of conflict and, you know, it's just a pain in the balls. That's why I try to run WordPress sites as light as possible, right? So the like, as little as few plugins as possible, and that kind of stuff because it's just a nightmare dealing with on a regular basis. So, you know, pick and choose whatever, whatever you feel most comfortable with. You know, I still would build a new client site on WordPress just because of the ease with which I could build it. And then add content and all that kind of stuff. But I do like HTML for the various reasons that I just mentioned. Now that depends on how proficient he is with HTML, you can build a WordPress hybrid with HTML, right? And you can type HTML pages to your WordPress. That's not a problem.
Yeah, it just depends it depends on on on how far you want to go with it. But I can tell you right now that you can rank WordPress, HTML, and literally just about anything on the web, if you work the entity guy says edit if you're not doing entity-based SEO right now, if you're worried about which builder you're going to use, rather than how you're going to set up your entity you starting off on the wrong foot. Yeah, I agree with entity-based SEO. It's for the Semantic Web is that the bot is looking at. You're not doing that you're fucking it up.
Nicely said. Nathan says Troy takes the photos via the GMB app on the iPhone. Google loves those photos and you will get more eyeballs on your GMB. Yeah, it doesn't have to be the app on the iPhone. It could be on your Android to just the GMB app period. right, that's the point of load. By the way, you know, you can, you can give your field techs access as like a communications manager or whatever they call it a so that they can upload directly to the GMB as a contributor, which means they could not only upload photos, but they could also post GMB posts from through the GMB app directly to your GMB profile for the business. However, you can also upload photos and still get the benefit as a guest like so. In other words, a guest uploaded photos. So even if your texts that field technicians didn't have manager access to the GMB they could still take photos and upload them with the geotag data, right metadata directly to the GMB as guest photos, user-generated photos right and it still has the same benefit. The only difference is you don't get to add create a post from it with a call to action and squeeze keywords and such. But that the image SEO still has an effect even as a guest upload, right a user upload as opposed to a manager upload. Okay.
Troy says, Thanks, Jen. It's always great. How's it been a few weeks and just saw the pricing on 2xyouragency? Agree with Bradley, you're nuts. Going to sign up before your sanity comes back? Yeah, Troy, you think I'm nuts? I think I'm nuts. Because I'm the one spending all this time doing all the videos and it's a lot of fucking time will tell you that a lot of time and I got nine more weeks to go. So anyways,
How Do You Generate More GMB Calls For A Client With 4 Offices In Different Cities?
Next question. I just landed a big client who has four offices in different cities near each other and my main objective is to generate more calls from their GMB pages. So I figured this is where I can show the biggest and fastest results. I was thinking about doing a big SEO shield for the brand first and as local SEO shields for the specific GMB pages. Any better idea?
Well, yeah, I mean, you can do it all underneath the one branded shield. I think I'm pretty sure Marco is going to suggest that and I'm going to let Marco take over this one, I would, I would assume that you can push all of that through the primary SEO shield, which would be your drive stack and all of that. And then you can create location-based optimized folders within the stack instead of having these different stacks and all of that you can do it all under one and you actually get more power out of it that way than having different stacks, at least through my experience. Marco, this one is definitely yours.
Marco: Yeah, well, I mean, we're thinking brand, I was supposed to be thinking brand, we should be thinking brand. If we don't. Right now, like what I'm recommending to everyone is thinking of a catchy name because you know, women's shoes. Chicago is not a brand. That's a keyword. Right? New women should just, those are not brand. Think of brands think of a name that you want for your company that's catchy and that's going to last right? It's going to stand the test of time. Why? Because if you hit that one, you got that unicorn. If you got that one that for whatever reason, becomes the keyword for the niche. Then not that's an ATM, that's a 24 hour, 365 ATM, it's going to pour money in your pocket and your client, hopefully, it's your idea. But that's the way you should all be looking at the project even if you have to do local which is a brand plus location plus keyword association, you're looking at the brand always. So even if it's different cities, that should be one main office, right? McDonald's they differentiate between McDonald's Corporation and then the franchises and the franchisees and then everything else that McDonald's does. It's not one McDonald's in one place and then another one in orphaned in another place or whatever. No, it's all one big brand.
Look at how the big boys take on the internet. Look at how they set it all up, look at how they set up the franchise model or the multiple cities, multiple office model and do the do that they do. Because if you don't, you're going to be left behind. If you start now and you starting it off, right and you're working, just praying, just from that aspect, then you're going to know that everything that you do needs to relate to that brand and to everything that's under that brand. You claim your footprint, right? You're going to claim all your social profiles you go and everything that excuses me, everything that you set up, should be with you looking to create that brand plus keyword association. Not everyone is in the eye and I talked about this during the charity webinars, not all of you will be able to make your project the next Amazon, or the next Google or the next, whatever, but you should be working as if that's going to happen. And the way that we can push power right now the way that we do things at Semantic Mastery. It's a wide-open field. It's even it's an even playing field. So that I'll be we saw the test cases in, in our mastermind, where Dadia went after Amazon and he's fighting Amazon, Walmart, you name it, in the e-commerce space, and he's carved his niche. He's there and the client is happier than a pig and shit.
Bradley: It's impressive. I mean, in such a short period of time, to like with ecom to take on Walmart and Amazon and be competitive with them in such a short period of time. It's absolutely incredible. It's impressive. So anyway, there you go. And yeah, you know, what's interesting guys in the 2xyouragency training, the Double Your Agency training, you know, like I said, I should finish today we this training and it's all about the first four weeks is about to extra pipeline. It's about increasing, filling your pipeline full of leads, prospects so that you can never have to worry about revenue again for your agency. You can not only sell more clients, close more clients generate more revenue but you can also cherry-pick the best ones. Because the problem is if you only got 10 leads coming in your business, you know, you are desperate to try to close as many of those 10 as possible and it comes across in everything that you say your actions, your tone of voice. Everything it comes across as desperate because you need the revenue and you only got 10 prospects to talk to. If you had 100 prospects to talk to be completely different psychology. So anyway, I taught the reason I brought that up is that the whole first four weeks is about building your brand. Exactly what Marco was talking about, but there is an SEO benefit to it. But I'm not talking about building your brand. In SEO terms, there is a portion of that where I talk about it, but most of it is about building your brand so that you become synonymous with whatever product or service it is that you're trying to promote.
So for example, I talked about niching down, that's how I prefer to do it, I think it's much easier to scale an agency that way. So like associating your primary keyword which may be Tree Service SEO or like for me, for example, or Tree Service marketing or Tree Service, lead generation, whatever it is, with the brand name, and it's about building that brand in that association and so the whole first four weeks is about really building your own brand first. That's super important because that's how you start like Marco said, once you become once the association has been generated, not just within Google, but also within other within you know, prospects' minds, customer, potential target's minds that's like an ATM, it's a 24-hour machine, you know, cash machine that's just going to constantly deliver money. That's where you want to be for your own agency as well as for your clients, you want to be able to reproduce that duplicate that for your clients and have and help them become the branded verb. Do you know what I mean? Like, you want them to be the ones that are associated with their product or service in their local area. And the way that you do that is through what Marco calls entity SEO. It's about building that brand. And that's incredibly I mean, that's absolutely true. It's about branding, that's you want to kill it in SEO, build the fucking brand period. That's just the way it is now, and it's only going to continue to go further in that direction, in my opinion. So
Marco: Yeah, it's not just an opinion. It's what Google is telling you. I mean, that everything that they've come out with, and I'm just seeing this all over with people that just they have no clue. And it's all about into all of these people that saw drops in whatever they were doing is because their entity wasn't right and those who benefited or didn't see any changes, or because they're doing things right. To me, it's funny because the only way that we find out about updates is like when people come in on Hump Day or in our groups and tell us, you guys see that update? And we're like, No, no, but let me go and see what it's about. I know what it's about, I saw what it's about Google tells you, what is about Google tells you, I mean, almost to the letter what they want. And then John Mueller will go and tell you the opposite so that you don't know what to do. So you gotta go sift through all of that to get the right information, because you got a lot of people that are just spreading the Google word, without understanding what it is that they're saying without even understanding what it is that John Mueller is saying. Cuz a lot of times what John Mueller says and what he means are two totally different things. Don't pay attention to John Mueller. If you don't want to believe Marco that then don't believe Marco go and test and see for yourself. Whether what I'm telling you entity basis seal, whether that's what's working right now, and I guarantee you that you're going to get results. If you do the things right, set up your SEO shield, and then do the things that are in the battle plan that we recommend for your entity. And it's just a done deal. It's so simple, it's ridiculous. And you can go up against anyone I'm telling you right now that you can take on anyone in the internet space and when
Bradley: I think Hernan is gonna contribute?
Hernan: Absolutely. Yeah, I was about to say on a different branding perspective, branding from the perspective of creating a brand to attract customers, not from the SEO perspective, that is something that I'll be contributing as well with, you know, which is going to be a brand new course for or an email prospecting course for digital agency owners. So basically, how to use my case, which is my wheelhouse, which is going to be Facebook. How do you leverage Facebook and Facebook ads, not the organic stuff, not the fact that you need to post 1000 times a day and be glued to your phone and you know, look like a teenager? Not we're not talking about that, right? We're talking about like doing real business. We're talking about doing real business, not influencer type stuff, but the real stuff. Because you also need to build and run your business, right? So, you know, my idea is to show you real quick how you can build a brand around yourself so that you can pipe those leads into whatever your sales process is, whether it is like talking to you, or if you have a salesperson or a call center, whatever that is. But I'm going to share with you guys how to do that in 2xa. That's going to be available, you know, next week for sure. So it's going to be in 2xyouragency as well. So there you go.
Marco: Yeah, no, I would just add to people that when you're building your brand when you're talking about your brand, it's that's something that you separate from your SEO brand. It's all your brand. Your brand is how you're going to do business, but it's going to be your calling card on the web, and you can't call yourself Joe Schmo from Kokomo anymore and expect to go up again when Google is benefiting brands. And so again, if you're not working towards that brand, towards becoming the keyword for the niche, right, like you said to become the verb in your niche, then you're not. Forget it, you're gonna have to do so much work. So much work to make it right, that you may as well just start doing it right, as right from the beginning, work on that brand. Think of that print, work with your client on that brand when they tell you well, I want the keyword in the city. No, that's not the way that you should do things you should think about your business and how it is that you want to present yourself to the customer to the client to people on the web. How do you want your brand to appear to the people who are looking for your products and services or whatever it is that you are selling?
Bradley: Yeah, anyway, that's, you know, guys, this what's great about this is. Remember, you're hearing from multiple agency owners here too. And we all have, you know, we all understand the importance of that whole branding thing. There's the SEO aspect of it, but it's all one and the same now you shouldn't separate the two. Building the brand, and SEOing the brand is one and the same. And so again, it's good to hear an opinion from Marco and from Hernan, and for myself. We each have our own successful agencies beyond what we do here at Semantic Mastery. So it's good to know that you know, we're speaking from experience, right, this isn't just theory.
Any Thoughts On The Erratic Movement Of Websites In Google Search Console?
Fitz says Good day. Good day, guys. Thanks for this forum. I noticed the three of my sites show in the Search Console are going up and down together. Why do you guess this is happening? They are in different states. Honestly. I have no idea. I mean, there's there could be a ton of variables there that you know, questions I could have about that fits that we're obviously not gonna be able to get to the bottom of right now. I can't imagine what would cause something like that unless they were all three sites were hosted on the same host. And there's some sort of hosting issue. I don't know how what the connection there would be. It could just be a coincidence. It's unlikely, but there's got to be some. I don't know. Is there any of you guys have any speculation on any of that? not really enough information there to go on. But no,
Marco: no, because we'd have to go and look at each one specifically and see how they're related, whether they're related to why Google created that relationship? Well, if Google created the relationship, why there's a lot of things that we have to look at.
Bradley: Yeah. Yeah, that's something would have to be investigated fits. Come join the mastermind and you can submit that to one of our mastermind webinars. And we'll be happy to audit it and look into it.
How Does Responding To Reviews Help In Ranking GMB?
Muhamed, What's up buddy says Hey guys, how does responding to reviews and GMB help things is it only good because its activity and GMB type of client was avoiding responding to negative GMB reviews and I'm prodding him to do so both for activity and reputation purposes. Okay, I think there's, look, we already know we can rank without reviews with none, right? So reviews can be a factor, but they're not necessary or critical, right? So in my experience, the reason why I suggest responding to reviews both positive and negative, I tell all my clients to respond to reviews positive and negative for two reasons. Number one, it's additional activity. Number two, it shows to your users, two people that end up seeing your brand that you're engaged with your customers, right or that the brand is engaging with their customers. And number three, because it gives you the opportunity to now inject additional keywords and location modifiers into a response because a lot of the time, I think about most reviews that customers leave, don't have any keywords in them whatsoever or location details, right? A lot of them are just saying, hey, it was awesome, thanks, guys. I mean, it might have like, you know, hey, they called these guys to come to remove a tree and they did a really good job, we really, you know, clean up afterward, it was great, I'll call them again, highly recommend it, but other than saying remove a tree, there's no other indication there as to what has been done. They're just saying that they did a great job, which is great. But what I like to do is have, you know, go in and in reply to that and say, you know, thank you for your kind words, it was a pleasure perform, you know, handling that tree removal job for you in Fairfax. You know, we encourage you to contact us and next time you have some tree care work, you know, or tree care needs or something right. So now you squeezed in multiple keywords, as well as a location modifier. So that's why I like to do that and I have all of my clients, you know, what I'll do is when I send out monthly reports, I have my VA always take screenshots of GMB insights and stuff like that. And one of the things that we look at is the reviews to see if any new reviews have been posted in the last month and if so have they been responded to? Because if not, then when I send the monthly reports to my clients, I mentioned that in the commentary in the email that I send my clients say, Hey, you know, I noticed that you got two new reviews this month that hadn't been replied to, here's the links directly to them, please go reply. And I send that to them. And again, and I've trained all of my clients to do exactly what I mentioned, which was to squeeze in a keyword and or location modifier or a couple of keywords if they can, and not a spammy way, but in a very conversational way. But again, it's not necessary. I think it's important to do it is something that will move the needle, but it's not critical. What do you guys think? Any comments on that?
  Marco: Yeah, definitely, man because people look at reviews the wrong way. People look at okay, I should have all five-star reviews and that's all I need to pay attention to and I don't need to do anything else. But the reviews and responding to reviews, well you're using the voice of your brand to talk to your customers. Again we go back to the brand, man. This is your voice, right? The voice of your brand reaching out to this dissatisfied customer because they came to you with pain. They came to you with a problem and you did not solve the problem. You didn't take care of the pain. So now there's a problem that not only did you not take care of that, but they have a problem with you and with your brand. So this is the perfect time to go in there and say hey, look, yeah, we fucked up. You're not going to say it in these words. But this is what I tell. This is what I tell the people when I'm in a consultation, and they asked me about reviews. Go tell the person that you fucked up and then you go tell them how can we make it right for you, help us make it right for you. So that may create a dialogue with this person. And then what that does is it makes your brand stand out from the rest. Not only did you respond, but you offered to make it right and now you're in an open dialogue with this person who gave you a bad review, and you're looking to make it right you know how that makes it look makes you look like you have the best customer service in the industry, it's actually a place where you can shine. Even though the review started out being bad. Just by talking to the customer and offering, look let me make it right for you. How can we make it? How can we help you? And sometimes that there's no fuck off, I don't need you anymore, right? But then that makes them look shitty. Because you're being open, you're being honest. And you're willing to help and you're willing to make it right. So that puts it back on them instead of it all being on you leaving that negative review just without response. No chirp, chirp chirp. Make it makes you look really bad.
Bradley: And on rare occasions, you can turn a negative battery review, what initially was a bad review, into a positive and end up turning that customer into a brand advocate. Exactly. It's a rare occasion that that happens. But if you bend over backward to make something, right that was a fuckup on your part or not, you know, whatever but if you bend over to make it right then sometimes you can turn that customer into, you know, an ambassador for the company because they'll go out and you know, sing praises about your business and recommend you to friends and family and such because they had what started off as a bad experience, but turned into a good one.
Okay, and so just keep that in mind. Remember, guys, think of setbacks, as you know, Napoleon Hill. I think it was Dale Carnegie that actually said it, but Napoleon Hill was the one that published it and you know, really made it famous. The quote, which was, for every adversity, there's a seed of equal or greater benefit, right. And so if you think about that, and it's funny, I'm listening to an audiobook right now that I'm really enjoying, I'm only in chapter two, but it's called Black Box Thinking. And it's all about how you know you if you take your failures and analyze them the way the airline industries do with the black box, right? They always admit they don't ever try to cover up mistakes or hide mistakes or try to downplay mistakes, they take all mistakes head-on, and they analyze the data and make it publicly available for everybody so that they can improve processes and improve how flights you know are handled and things like that. And so anyway, it's just an analogy to say, hit a challenge head-on. And that'll make you stand out and figure out a way to learn from that to improve processes so that it doesn't happen again. It will make it a stronger business stronger, brand stronger, stronger company. And so again, just think about it that way. You know, I love that statement. I say to myself all the time when I run into a challenge, something that, you know, if I mess up, you know, I fail, you know, have some sort of failure or something. You know, for every adversity there's a seed of equal or greater benefit. So just remember that. Just look for the way to improve upon a process when you've been notified of a setback or you know, an insufficiency or whatever. That makes sense. So anyway, all this is covered in 2xyouragency, guys. You should join it. And Muhamed, it says PS my situation is slowly improving, and I will take my stable place back into masterminds. And yes, you're always welcome. And the door's always open to you.
What Are The Potential Problems If You Have Multiple Keywords Floating Around Page 2?
Austin says, Do you have multiple if you have multiple keywords just floating around page two? What would you think about the problem maybe? Let's say the on pages type? Again, that's kind of a loaded question in that it could be a number of things. I could speculate on, you know, 18 different things that it could be. What I would recommend doing, if you say you're on pages tight, let's just assume that it is and you've got keywords that are floating on page two, I drive some damn relevant traffic to those pages. Because that is my go-to thing when you've done other on-page and you've done some off-page stuff and you're still struggling to get the results that you want. I found ART – activity, relevance, trust, and authority. If you can provide engagement activity to that you will see a significant movement. Right, it will definitely move the needle. And so what I would do is buy some traffic, some relevant traffic from Google to those pages and see what happens. That's what I would do. Any suggestions on that Marco?
Marco: No, not without knowing the what off-page he's done. But it could be that the competition is keeping him from page one, right? It could be that he hasn't pushed enough power to those to go from page two to page one. So I don't know enough to give an opinion. But absolutely activity, relevance, trust, and authority is all you need. When you're sitting there on page two ready to jumping into page one but you really haven't made it yet. If you're on pages is right. And your entities type then the next step is the is off-page. What's happening off-page Yeah.
Bradley: Yeah, and you can buy some relevant traffic from YouTube. Although that's more for views than for clicks, you can get some clicks, and it will be relevant. But you can use the Display Network for Google ads for way less expensive than search ads and drive relevant traffic to your pages. And Google knows is relevant because you set it up through your audience targeting right. So you can set up in-market audiences, custom intent audiences, whatever, layer them, so you bind audiences. It's called layering. You know, you can do that as well. But my point is, now you're buying traffic to pages that from a relevant audience that it's an audience that you're purchasing from Google, right? You're tapping into a Google audience that Google is telling you is relevant. So you're buying relevant traffic directly from Google. And now those are relevant signals that Google is waiting higher than just some random ass traffic if that makes sense. Because Google understands there's already has a profile developed for those visitors, and it's already identified them as you know, a relevant audience before they even hit your page is my point. So again, those are highly weighted traffic signals. And I don't care what Google says about buying traffic from Google Ads doesn't help SEO. That's just like telling you that link wheels don't work and press releases don't work and guest posts don't work and all that right. How's that working out for you guys?
Alright, we're about out of time. Guys, I'm sorry. There are a couple of good questions. We're not going to be able to get to
Is Blogger A Good Substitute For WordPress For Blogging?
last one fit says is Blogger a good substitute for WordPress for blogging? Not really, because you're so limited which you can do with Blogger. You know, the self-hosted WordPress site gives you a lot of functionality. Blogger, I mean, it can be used, but you're limited in design. Well, I don't know. I've never tried to design within Blogger. I've just use default themes or whatever. So I can't answer that for sure. Except if it was a good substitute, it would probably be a lot more prevalent and I rarely ever see any blogs on Blogger that have any measurable amount of traffic. Any comments on that?
Marco: Yeah, let's say tested and little know how it turns out because it's I'd have to speculate since I've never used Blogger for anything other than links back to my content.
Alright, so Clint and decline, I don't know if that's your name or what anyways, you guys, sorry, I didn't get to your questions. If you post them in the Facebook group, we can try to answer them over there. Or you can repost them until next for next week's Hump Day Hangouts and we'll get to them there. But either way, sorry, guys, we didn't get to you but we are out of time. So thanks, everybody, for being here. Thank you, guys. Bye, everyone. Go get better, Hernan. Thank you. I'll try. Alright guys, bye everybody. See ya. See ya.
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semanticmastery · 4 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 273
Click on the video above to watch Episode 273 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Hello everybody and welcome to Hump Day hangouts. Today is the fifth of February 2020. I'm still working on saying 2020 so that's why I got off well slow but you guys but I keep finding myself right in the last year but I guess that's just the way it goes. So anyways on to more interesting subjects like answering your questions and seeing what we can help everyone out with. But before we get into that, I want to say hello to the guys. I got some short announcements and then we will jump into it. So starting on my left here, Bradley, how are you doing today?
Bradley: Fantastic, man. I've been recording videos all day for the 2xyouragency stuff. Man, I can't believe we're selling it for what we're selling it for. That's all I gotta say. A lot of content, man.
Adam: If you're gonna say that but I'm going to say go to 2xyouragency.com.
Chris: Just increase prices.
Bradley: We're only three weeks into a 12-week course, man, and it's just a massive amount of value. So anyway, I hope you guys take advantage of our stupidity.
Adam: Well, what Bradley meant to say was, we help digital agency owners get more clients, grow the revenue and scale their teams. All right. So you know, two big things that we find important and I know Bradley's joking around. But you know, we want to work less and earn more and not that we want to do nothing, but we want to spend our time doing the things we want to do. All right. And that's what this is all about. So we've heard that commonly, from a lot of you guys who are listening, and then people, other people out there, we've talked to you, you know, those are the three main things that we can help you do so that you can work less and earn more and spend time doing what you want to do.
Bradley: Yeah.
Adam: Chris, how you doing, man?
Chris: Yeah, like I'm suffering like the temperature struggle here. About 10 days ago, it wasn't the mountains -17 degrees Celsius. So until for the whole weekend, and until Monday, we had about 19 degrees plus and then Tuesday, a big storm came. And last night we got about half a meter snow dumped out and it's fucking cold again. So I'm surprised that I'm healthy and like not like having any cold or something like that. But yeah, I don't know like other than that. Life is good.
Adam: All right. Well, speaking of the cold, Hernan, how are you doing?
Hernan: I'm doing awesome, dude. I'm doing awesome. I'm feeling like shit, but here's the deal. Okay. Okay, so do two quick things. Stop laughing. It sounds funny. All right. So quick, two quick things. Number one is that thank you guys for the amazing support for the launch of 2xyouragency was awesome. So thank you, guys. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. We're pouring a lot of value in that Semantic Mastery style. We're trying to over-deliver 2xyouragency.com. That is number one. Number two is that last week, I went to Funnel Hacking Live and I had the honor and the privilege and the pleasure of getting, on behalf of the whole Semantic Mastery team, the two comma club that we made that possible. Thanks to all of you guys. So I'm feeling like crap, but I'm super proud of the team that we have here. And I'm super proud for, you know, and I don't have words to thank you, guys, everyone that's watching the YouTube channel, subscribing, commenting, sharing, you know, buying our product supporting the brand. It's been quite a ride. And you know, last year, we were sitting with Adam in Nashville, Tennessee, and I was like, dude, I think it would be pretty awesome if we hop on stage together to come to a co or and then lo and behold, we got it. So anyway, I just wanted to say that I'm super proud of that. Super proud of the team. And thank you, guys. Thank you. Thank you.
Adam: Awesome. Yeah, I was too cool for school to go up there with Hernan. I was hanging out in Puerto Rico for a little while. So I had to miss that. But now I'm really glad I didn't go because apparently I would have gotten sick as hell. Yeah.
Hernan: Yeah. So I went in, I took a bullet for the team, but also, we might have I also got to network with some awesome people, some awesome entrepreneurs, so we might be having them on subsequent hangouts moving forward, so that's gonna be a blast to some
Adam: awesome good stuff. All right, and Marco, how you doing today?
Marco: Oh, dude, I'm stuck here under almost 20 inches of sun. It's horrible. Look outside in and not a cloud in the sky 82 degrees. It'll be around 60, At nightm it's terrible. I tell you don't anybody come here. For any of this, you don't want it. You don't want paradise, trust me. But what I'm going to do those I'm going to go on a record like to the new house that I just moved into over, there's a green area and I got two volcanoes in the background to just big mountains. So I'm going to go and do a quick live stream so you guys can see where it is that Marco because it doesn't get any better than this, man. Eighty degrees in the during the day 60-65 at night. And that's life guys and what we're trying to do. You live is that you put whatever you're POFU is, it doesn't have to be this. You could it could be that you want to go to Antarctica and set up camp there me you're more than welcome. That's your POFU, we're with you. And we will help you get there. That's our whole point right behind all this, the 2xyouragency and all of the products and services that we provided so that people can get to the point where they can say, I'm going to do what I want to do rather than what I have to do, to see how the hell I'm gonna make it to the end of the month. I'm going to pay my bills. We don't want your living that life. We want you living a life where you work less, make more money, and then you could do whatever the fuck you want with your money. And I'll leave it at that.
Adam: Fair enough. Well, I don't have too much to add on to that except to say let's see, nice and sunny. It's nice to be back home. I enjoy traveling a lot but I don't know about you guys. I enjoy getting back into the routine as well. Having the flow you know kind of getting out starting my day having that after a week or two on the road and start getting kind of tired and like Okay, I'm ready to get back to it now. I see Bradley shaking his head you feel the same right?
Bradley: Oh my god, dude, there's so much freedom in routine, I swear to god like I don't know how you guys are not and you and Chris do it because you trappy the three of you travel so much and work and I just can't do it. I can't get motivated. When I'm away from my work environment. It's very difficult to stay focused for me when I'm outside of this environment. And so, you know, like I said to me, I'm like, I feel so out of sorts, even taking a vacation you know, coming back and getting back into my normal routine is like liberating you know, so I don't know I get stressed out when I'm on the road. You know when it comes to working stuff so
Adam: but I also see Bradley not being stressed out on the road and that's it perfectly live. If you want to see Bradley unchained and hit him up for some good off. Off the record info, you need to come to POFU Live. We've locked down. We are going to be in Boston this year in 2020. It's going to be. I forget the exact dates but I believe it's the last weekend in September and so now is the time to go ahead and lock in your tickets. We're limiting it to 25 people this year. So if you go to pofulive.com, you can grab your ticket early.
  I've got a couple more announcements I want to share with everyone. You heard us talking about double your agency. If you're new to us, or you're new to Semantic Mastery, then you know, there are two great places you can get started with us. You've already found the first one and that's Hump Day Hangout show up every Wednesday. If you can't make it live, you can always ask the question on the page, and then check out our YouTube channel for the answers. So go ahead and hit subscribe on the YouTube channel. Stay up to date with all that. But like I said, we help digital agency owners and consultants get more clients, right? Grow their revenue and scale their teams. All right, so that you can work less and earn more if you want to know more about that. Just go to 2xyouragency.com. All right, and then additionally, a lot of people ask us, you know, Hey, you guys have a step by step process for maybe working with aged domains or how about a new website or how do I use YouTube channels or how do I do GMB stuff? Go check out the Battle Plan if you don't have the Battle Plan yet, you can find that at battleplan.semanticmastery.com. And last but certainly not least, if you're doing done for you services or you're working on your own projects, or you're working with clients, you need to be checking out mgyb.co. Stuff like link building, the SEO shield, which if you don't know what that is, head over there, find out press releases, there are more services come in, that's just the tip of the iceberg. But make sure that you head over there, and you're putting that to use and that falls into line with what we're teaching at 2xyouragency.com, you know, as part of the fulfillment and getting yourself out of the fulfillment role and really, and really trying to run business. So with that said, you guys, is there any other announcements before we dive into the questions?
Marco: Let's do this man.
Bradley: All right, let me grab a screen. Standby. Can you confirm?
Adam: Good to go.
Does The Middle Option In The RYS Drive Stacks Refer To The Classic Or The New Version Of G Sites?
Okay. So looks like Justin is up first. He says for the RYS drive stack. He's been really active in the Facebook community too. So pretty cool. I love it when people come in and you know, are active and engaged because that's how you start to grow. Right? So that's awesome. Justin, he says for the RYS drive stacks for the middle option with the old slash new Google Sites. Is that referring to classic? So you must be talking about when you order from MGYB, he's asking is that referring to classic/new versions of G sites, both newly created or an aged site as well as a newly created site. That's the versions, they're both going to be new.
But we're talking about classic plus classic Google Sites plus the new Google Sites. Marco was talking about new Google Sites just yesterday with … I saw I'm going to say then, but there's a so so it's both in both new sites, but one is on the newer platform. Any old in the other side is on the old Google Sites. So it's not about aged in new sites if that makes sense.
How Does The Twitter Account For An Extra Hundred Bucks Integrate?
Bradley: Last part of that is how does the Twitter account for an extra hundred bucks integrate? Thanks and Marco I'll let you take that one.
Marco: Uh, that gets tied to your branded Twitter account. So it becomes a secondary Twitter account that retweets tweets from relevant sources, right? That trusted, authoritative, relevant sources in Twitter, so that your tweets are combined with those relevant, trusted, authoritative tweets so that you draw authority from those and it goes into a tiered network for just your tweets. So that's what that is. And that's why we charge extra because you get a persona network, right? A tiered persona network for your tweets and additional tweets to bring back all of that relevance to your website, to your project to wherever it is that you're sending people when you tweet, your tweet will contain links, it'll contain information is going to contain, I don't know, videos, maps, whatever it is that you choose to tweet out. And that's how you would use that.
  Bradley: There you go, Gordon's up sup, Gordon? He says, Hey, guys, I have no questions for today. Oh, wow. That's a rarity, Gordon. He says, even though it's a little bit late, and I just wanted to wish you much happiness, good health and continued success and prosperity for 2020 and beyond. And also to again, declare a heartfelt thank you for helping your customers by sharing your knowledge with us on these hump days. You're the best that would be a good one for the testimonials, guys. Thanks, Gordon. We always appreciate you coming in and participating. You've been a member or in the audience for many years, a participant for many years, I should say. So thank you for that. We always appreciate you as well. And here comes another superstar, Muhammad. What's up my buddy? Who said thank you, Al Gore, was turned on to
Should You Use A Unique Title Tags For A Crowded Industry?
and Mohammed, he's another superstar. He's been in and out of the mastermind but he's growing which is awesome. So what's up man? And he says, hey guys when it comes to the title tags for a crowded industry, do I have to have a unique one my car dealer client is in a big city and all the page one companies seem to have some variations of new cars in city or new that new comma used cars and city. Usually, I try to make my title tag stand out, but in this case, should I just copy what the competition is doing? It's my focus on uniqueness even justified, I don't remember learning it. Okay. I'm going to give you my opinion on this and I'm sure that there are probably some differences from some of the other guys.
When it comes to title tags unless it's a blog post. If it's a page where you know, for lead generation, I just use the keyword whatever the primary keyword is that I'm trying to target for that page becomes my at least the first part of the title tag. I might include a phone number in the title tag as well as the brand, right? But the first part of the title tag is going to be just that primary keyword, not a modification of it. It's just the primary keyword, then I'll have the phone number then the brand or something, some similar variation of that. But it's always just the primary keyword where I try to have to stand out as in the meta description, right. And that's where I try to write, you know, I do a lot of Google Ads now. And so I have the benefit of split testing a lot of headlines and descriptions. And because of that, I tend to try to write my meta descriptions as ad copy, so it's compelling. So that's what I try to do to stand out. And the reason why I say that is because I want that keyword and the SEO title is a significant ranking factor for a piece of content, at least in my experience, and I've kept at that process for many years now. So I always want that primary keyword as the title, the first part of the title tag two, and then I'll use the ad copy or excuse me, the meta description, optimized that like it's ad copy to try to entice a click. And that's typically how I do it. But I'm sure some of the other guys have some other input to put on this. So just to clarify, Mohammed, my opinion would be to do what your competitors are doing when it comes to the title tag, but then try to make your meta description stand out as much as possible. And one of the ways to do that, which may be Marco can touch on this a little bit more if he doesn't get mad at me for saying this, has to include jump links because they can get pulled into the meta description. Remember, if you have a piece of content and you have like a table of contents, you have jump links within the content, those can actually get pulled into the meta description so it extends your search space, right? The real estate that you take upon the space on and plus it also draws the eyes to it because it's got a blue clickable link right from within the meta description. So those are also things that you can do to help us kind of stand out. Marco would say you?
Marco: Well on understanding how the algorithm is working right now how it was tweaked how they're trying to cater to NLP and any neural matching this is when you really have to focus on why brands are becoming more and more important as we go into the Semantic Web. Yeah, you could do it like that. You could do it just focus on the keyword like you said to include the brand and the exact match keyword but the broad match right. So if selling new cars and your domain has new cars, new cars com, so you can't go new cars, com new cars for sale, it becomes nearly impossible to avoid over-optimizing everything on your website and if you had focused on your brand, which is usually a name, probably a family name, right? And plus, and then the carmaker, and then the location, model, you might want to include the model, if it's opposed for whatever it is, however it is that you're trying to frame it, it would be a whole lot easier if you concentrated on the brand. And then once you're focusing on the brand, to do as much as you can for the entity of that brand around the web, so that now you're setting yourself up to two ways.
The way Bradley said it becomes unique. Your description is in fact, your ad copy, because you're in front of a user, and that user is going to look at these results. And the one that catches the eye is the one that's going to get the click or the one it's just sometimes that they go to that first one. There's a lot of people that will go multiples, and that there's a lot of people where you get that bold, right those descriptions and those titles in bold and maybe that'll catch their eye. This is why it's so important to have that keyword that you're focusing on. But if you're focusing on brand, you're not going to run into over-optimization issues. So you have two things, you're taking care of that ad copy. You're taking care of that title and that description, and you're taking care of your entity so that in every way possible, you just differentiated yourself from everyone else in the industry that's doing the same damn thing. And so now you're giving the bot a reason to choose your entity over the others when… I don't know how deep I can get into this, Mohammed, go look at the charity webinars because I went deep into this and into the entity into the fact that all Google is doing is it's comparing. It's comparing entities. It's in a relational database and it relates all of the entities to one another. And all of the whatever vectors it has for that entity, vectors are simply numbers, right? This zero to eight and so whatever it has in its system and its servers, when it's looking for the entities, which one matches the entity the best, or what it thinks the optimal entity is, if yours is the closest to that, it's going to draw more attention from the bots. It's gonna draw more love. That's why our @ID pages work so fucking well because we're just feeding the bots all of the information about our entity and we do it over and over and over again. We loop it, we scoop it, and it has no choice but to do what we want it to do. That's why I'm surprised that he's not back in our mastermind already asking not only these questions but going deeper into this because we go a whole lot deeper about the entity and all of the different things that you could do to trap that body in there. And just to set yourself completely apart from everybody else. It's part of our SEO power shield. And as part of what I'm calling worried less SEO, we just don't worry about updates. It doesn't matter. We don't care what Google does, because we're already optimized for Google. Even though Google says you can't optimize for natural language processing and AI. Yeah, and I call that bullshit.
Bradley: Yeah. I love that you can't optimize for the new updates. Okay. All right. The people that say that just don't have a Marco on their team.
Would It Trigger A Penalty If You Publish An Address For A Service Area GMB Page?
Anyways, Troy's up. He says, Hello, I have a client's plumbing GMB since he wasn't ranking in the three pack he added the physical location of the shop which is also the NAP on his website to the Google My Business as well as leaving the service areas listed are already listed. The Business Services at home and not at the shop location right it's a service area business meaning the Business Services customers at their location, not at the business location makes sense service area business. How is this going to hurt any listings or rankings should the address be taken off yet?
It should. And the reason why is because it's clearly stated in Google's terms, Google My Business Terms of Service that states if you are a service area business, you should not publish your address. There are some exceptions to that.
Which sometimes, by the way, you know, there are some algorithmic or automated suspensions that can occur from that. So, I'm surprised. Well, I mean, I'm not, I'm not surprised that I'm kind of surprised that it didn't happen already, because I have heard of people adding the physical location for a service area business, and it auto suspending it. So if you didn't get hit with that, that's a good thing. I would go in and remove that service area, or excuse me, the physical location from being published. And that's because of the Google My Business, Terms of Service state that if its service area business, you're not supposed to publish the address. There can be some exceptions for that, such as for example when I've used this example in the past like a kitchen remodel Kitchen Remodeling company, I may have a showroom, right? Kitchen Remodeling happens at the customer location, not at the business location. However, they may have a showroom where people can come in and see, you know, kind of mock kitchen designs and things like that. So that's, that's an exception where, and I've actually had a client that we had left the service, yet it was a service area business, but we had left the published physical location because they had a showroom, and it got suspended. And we had to contact Google My Business support and, you know, state our case, which was that they had a showroom, and they reinstated it, it was fine. It was fine. It was just a matter of, you know, going through proper channels, but it got reinstated. It was fine. But I just wanted to point that out. I would not publish the address for service area businesses unless it's one of those rare exceptions. Okay. And that's because they told you not to do that and I've seen it firsthand gets suspended because of it. Okay, any comments on that guys?
No, I agree in terms of service violation you can get yourself in a lot of trouble for that. Yeah.
Is It Okay To Upload Images From The Customer's Location Or Should You Geotag Them With NAP?
So here's another one from Troy and this is a great question. He says another one field techs plumbing. The plumbing techs taking pics out at service area jobs will upload directly to GMB and Instagram account since taken by phone and geotagged to that residence location so geotagged from where they took the photo right? So it's got the GPS data embedded in the imprinted on impressed upon the image okay as part of the metadata. So, is this the best way or should all pics be geotagged with NAP and then uploaded to GMB now? Because now you got conflicting data, right? If you take a photo that was taken on location at a customer location for service area business, and then you wait to upload it till after you've geotagged it with additional NAP data, doesn't that cause conflicting Geo Data on that one image, right? How can that image be taken in two different locations at the same time, it can be, right? So no, don't do that. The benefit that you're going to gain from taking photos on location and uploading using the GMB app, by the way, is that it uploads that GeoData from and it starts to paint a picture, right? It starts to prove to Google, that you're in that service areas indeed, where you're conducting business, right? If that makes sense. And so that's one of the ways that we talk about local GMB Pro.
And that's about as far as I want to talk about it, but and how to expand a map area footprint, if that makes sense. And I don't mean footprint in a bad sense. I mean, in a good sense, and how you can expand your maps, listing exposure to areas outside of your immediate proximity, right, if that makes sense. Again, remember, over the last year, there have been two occasions that I'm aware of where Google is tightened to that proximity part of the algorithm, the proximity filter, they've narrowed it. It's happened two times now in the last year, one within like the last three months or so two or three months. So the proximity issue is getting harder and harder to overcome. But that is still the way to overcome it is by uploading photos from that are taken from mobile devices in the service area. So out across the areas, and also as Marco teaches, you know, not just the metadata that is imprinted into the meta, you know, the GeoData that's imprinted in the metadata of the images by uploading them, but also by taking images of known landmarks and things like that can be identified by Google through Google Street View, and things like that Google Earth and all of that, that will also prove that it's within the service area. So those are two different ways that you benefit from that not by, you know, we talked about geotagging photos using stuff like geo setter or whatever, when you don't have somebody in the field actually uploading original photos that were taken on location right?
We only use the geotagging software to tag photos, when as a second, you know, the next best option is a second option when we don't have that first option implemented. So anyway, Marco, I know you want to comment on that.
Marco: Yeah, it defeats the purpose if you tag them from wherever the location is, but let's say where you work is different from location, wherever the job is just a contractor goes out to a house 10 miles away, does a job takes the pictures, upload them there.
And then Google has all that information, versus going there getting the pictures giving them to you, then you retag I don't understand why the whole purpose of this is you're giving Google information from the place that you want to become relevant or related to your business, right? So if it's 10 miles away, if it's 20 miles away, whatever it is, you want to make that relevant to you and to your business and the way that you do that is by taking the picture they're and uploading them there. If you upload them as some other place, and it's going to change the data and that defeats the purpose of taking them at the location.
Bradley: Yeah, yeah. And it's really cool. You can test this, guys, you can take a photo from your phone and upload it. Or you know, if you've got Google Photos on your phone so that it automatically backs them up to Google Photos I do. I've got an Android phone. So if you take a photo out, you know somewhere and then you go look at the metadata, it'll show you the coordinates where it was taken, like, it'll show you like a little Google map with a pin where it was taken. If you look at the little eye in the circles, so like the info, it'll show you like the data that it sees from the image. So it's pretty cool. It does that with videos too, by the way. So it's, you know, it's very, very powerful. And that's it. That's how you can kind of create a map for Google to understand like when I say a map like a surface area, by overtime you consistently upload images that are, you know, geotagged from where they were taken, uploaded through the GMB app, especially then that, you know, you can start to kind of train the bot to understand or recognize where your service area truly is. It's not just claiming it stating it in GMB. But now you're proving to the bot, that you indeed are servicing those areas because you're uploading photos that are proof, like with the GeoData. So it's a great question though.
What Is The Best Way To Index Links And Drive Stacks?
Okay, the next question is Hello there. Thank you for answering our questions. My question is, what is the best way to index links in general, and drive stacks? In particular, nowadays, mygb.co, our store, we have a link indexing service over there that works really, really well. It's like 10 bucks for 2500 links or something like that. It's ridiculous. So, you know, go buy an embed gig or excuse me an indexing gig over there and submit them that way. That's one way to do it. How else could do it, Marco?
I don't do it any other way. So I can't say, go do it some other way, I get my legs linked index by dead if I'm looking. If I'm testing, I might try different things. So maybe when we do the heavy hitter club, we can show people the different ways that you can index links. But why am I going to do all that work when it's not necessary? I could just go tell daddy, I need these links, links index, and then he's gonna take them, he's going to get about 60% or more index. And since he does multiple indexing runs, then then they the index over a period of time rather than all at once we had that question, I think, in the mastermind, so I want to make that clear to people that they don't have to worry about, I don't know 15 20,000 thousand links showing up all of a sudden, in their link profile. That's not how it works. He does it over a period of time so that they index 60% Plus, and then you have this great link profile and index link and you can push it even more power if you build tiered link building to those index link, and again, data can take care of all that.
Nathan says just letting you know that some of the links about a plan still point to subspace links don't work. Well. Thanks, Nathan shade that. As I mentioned the last time I think you made a comment about the battle plan that's on the block for that's in the to-do list where after 2xyouragency training is done, that will be updated one thing at a time, my man, so thank you though.
Let's see what's next. Troy says I'll keep it going. Okay, Troy, yeah, might as well. I'm sure I said because there's no other questions, guys. And by the way, if we run out of questions, we wrap it up early. So it's up to you guys. You got questions, ask them if there's only a handful of you here. Feel free. Okay. Otherwise, we'll wrap it up early. I'm perfectly good with going back to finishing the training for 2xyouragency today. I've got a lot left to do.
Troy says I'll keep going page borders are trending in the IM world. This week are they like what type of page builders HTML fast loading pages or still WordPress, the client needs redesign and I'm pondering page builder because so much quicker to build Google more receptive to HTML now since they weren't a few years ago. So when you say pal, that's it hang on. Let me after that because I know Google is not now more receptive to HTML before. They've always been very receptive to it to HTML. The thing is that WordPress is so popular that Google does get and I don't care what they say, you know, they'll tell you no, but they do give WordPress. It's a little bit of a boost. Not much, but it's just so damn popular. But HTML has always worked really well, because of how fast it is. It's super fast and Google really likes that. I've worked in HTML forever, right? But 17-18 years, almost 17 years.
I've been doing this and it never stopped working. So let's make that clear. Google isn't any more accepted HTML now than it was before.
Yeah, and I really liked HTML, creating pages in HTML because it does they load super quick.
It's not that hard to it's just when you have to have dynamic stuff and you know, database and all that I like, I'm not an HTML nerd. I just use notepad plus as an HTML editor. And but I like using HTML pages because they're quick loading and that kind of stuff. So anyway, uh, page builders are trending HTML, fast loading client needs a redesign.
So I don't know really what that what the question is there. You know, it's up to you.
WordPress still works. You know, I'm not crazy about WordPress. The only reason why I still use WordPress is that it's it is, you know, like, I know it and it makes it easy for blogs and things like that, but I also don't like WordPress, because of how many fucking updates there is all the time in that ridiculous. It's just stupid. It's just stupid and when you have so many damn sites that you manage it just you know, it's just a pain in the ass. And even if you use something like main WP or whatever, they always end up being issues and every time there's an update, you know, one or two sites out of the dozens and dozens that you manage end up having some sort of conflict and, you know, it's just a pain in the balls. That's why I try to run WordPress sites as light as possible, right? So the like, as little as few plugins as possible, and that kind of stuff because it's just a nightmare dealing with on a regular basis. So, you know, pick and choose whatever, whatever you feel most comfortable with. You know, I still would build a new client site on WordPress just because of the ease with which I could build it. And then add content and all that kind of stuff. But I do like HTML for the various reasons that I just mentioned. Now that depends on how proficient he is with HTML, you can build a WordPress hybrid with HTML, right? And you can type HTML pages to your WordPress. That's not a problem.
Yeah, it just depends it depends on on on how far you want to go with it. But I can tell you right now that you can rank WordPress, HTML, and literally just about anything on the web, if you work the entity guy says edit if you're not doing entity-based SEO right now, if you're worried about which builder you're going to use, rather than how you're going to set up your entity you starting off on the wrong foot. Yeah, I agree with entity-based SEO. It's for the Semantic Web is that the bot is looking at. You're not doing that you're fucking it up.
Nicely said. Nathan says Troy takes the photos via the GMB app on the iPhone. Google loves those photos and you will get more eyeballs on your GMB. Yeah, it doesn't have to be the app on the iPhone. It could be on your Android to just the GMB app period. right, that's the point of load. By the way, you know, you can, you can give your field techs access as like a communications manager or whatever they call it a so that they can upload directly to the GMB as a contributor, which means they could not only upload photos, but they could also post GMB posts from through the GMB app directly to your GMB profile for the business. However, you can also upload photos and still get the benefit as a guest like so. In other words, a guest uploaded photos. So even if your texts that field technicians didn't have manager access to the GMB they could still take photos and upload them with the geotag data, right metadata directly to the GMB as guest photos, user-generated photos right and it still has the same benefit. The only difference is you don't get to add create a post from it with a call to action and squeeze keywords and such. But that the image SEO still has an effect even as a guest upload, right a user upload as opposed to a manager upload. Okay.
Troy says, Thanks, Jen. It's always great. How's it been a few weeks and just saw the pricing on 2xyouragency? Agree with Bradley, you're nuts. Going to sign up before your sanity comes back? Yeah, Troy, you think I'm nuts? I think I'm nuts. Because I'm the one spending all this time doing all the videos and it's a lot of fucking time will tell you that a lot of time and I got nine more weeks to go. So anyways,
How Do You Generate More GMB Calls For A Client With 4 Offices In Different Cities?
Next question. I just landed a big client who has four offices in different cities near each other and my main objective is to generate more calls from their GMB pages. So I figured this is where I can show the biggest and fastest results. I was thinking about doing a big SEO shield for the brand first and as local SEO shields for the specific GMB pages. Any better idea?
Well, yeah, I mean, you can do it all underneath the one branded shield. I think I'm pretty sure Marco is going to suggest that and I'm going to let Marco take over this one, I would, I would assume that you can push all of that through the primary SEO shield, which would be your drive stack and all of that. And then you can create location-based optimized folders within the stack instead of having these different stacks and all of that you can do it all under one and you actually get more power out of it that way than having different stacks, at least through my experience. Marco, this one is definitely yours.
Marco: Yeah, well, I mean, we're thinking brand, I was supposed to be thinking brand, we should be thinking brand. If we don't. Right now, like what I'm recommending to everyone is thinking of a catchy name because you know, women's shoes. Chicago is not a brand. That's a keyword. Right? New women should just, those are not brand. Think of brands think of a name that you want for your company that's catchy and that's going to last right? It's going to stand the test of time. Why? Because if you hit that one, you got that unicorn. If you got that one that for whatever reason, becomes the keyword for the niche. Then not that's an ATM, that's a 24 hour, 365 ATM, it's going to pour money in your pocket and your client, hopefully, it's your idea. But that's the way you should all be looking at the project even if you have to do local which is a brand plus location plus keyword association, you're looking at the brand always. So even if it's different cities, that should be one main office, right? McDonald's they differentiate between McDonald's Corporation and then the franchises and the franchisees and then everything else that McDonald's does. It's not one McDonald's in one place and then another one in orphaned in another place or whatever. No, it's all one big brand.
Look at how the big boys take on the internet. Look at how they set it all up, look at how they set up the franchise model or the multiple cities, multiple office model and do the do that they do. Because if you don't, you're going to be left behind. If you start now and you starting it off, right and you're working, just praying, just from that aspect, then you're going to know that everything that you do needs to relate to that brand and to everything that's under that brand. You claim your footprint, right? You're going to claim all your social profiles you go and everything that excuses me, everything that you set up, should be with you looking to create that brand plus keyword association. Not everyone is in the eye and I talked about this during the charity webinars, not all of you will be able to make your project the next Amazon, or the next Google or the next, whatever, but you should be working as if that's going to happen. And the way that we can push power right now the way that we do things at Semantic Mastery. It's a wide-open field. It's even it's an even playing field. So that I'll be we saw the test cases in, in our mastermind, where Dadia went after Amazon and he's fighting Amazon, Walmart, you name it, in the e-commerce space, and he's carved his niche. He's there and the client is happier than a pig and shit.
Bradley: It's impressive. I mean, in such a short period of time, to like with ecom to take on Walmart and Amazon and be competitive with them in such a short period of time. It's absolutely incredible. It's impressive. So anyway, there you go. And yeah, you know, what's interesting guys in the 2xyouragency training, the Double Your Agency training, you know, like I said, I should finish today we this training and it's all about the first four weeks is about to extra pipeline. It's about increasing, filling your pipeline full of leads, prospects so that you can never have to worry about revenue again for your agency. You can not only sell more clients, close more clients generate more revenue but you can also cherry-pick the best ones. Because the problem is if you only got 10 leads coming in your business, you know, you are desperate to try to close as many of those 10 as possible and it comes across in everything that you say your actions, your tone of voice. Everything it comes across as desperate because you need the revenue and you only got 10 prospects to talk to. If you had 100 prospects to talk to be completely different psychology. So anyway, I taught the reason I brought that up is that the whole first four weeks is about building your brand. Exactly what Marco was talking about, but there is an SEO benefit to it. But I'm not talking about building your brand. In SEO terms, there is a portion of that where I talk about it, but most of it is about building your brand so that you become synonymous with whatever product or service it is that you're trying to promote.
So for example, I talked about niching down, that's how I prefer to do it, I think it's much easier to scale an agency that way. So like associating your primary keyword which may be Tree Service SEO or like for me, for example, or Tree Service marketing or Tree Service, lead generation, whatever it is, with the brand name, and it's about building that brand in that association and so the whole first four weeks is about really building your own brand first. That's super important because that's how you start like Marco said, once you become once the association has been generated, not just within Google, but also within other within you know, prospects' minds, customer, potential target's minds that's like an ATM, it's a 24-hour machine, you know, cash machine that's just going to constantly deliver money. That's where you want to be for your own agency as well as for your clients, you want to be able to reproduce that duplicate that for your clients and have and help them become the branded verb. Do you know what I mean? Like, you want them to be the ones that are associated with their product or service in their local area. And the way that you do that is through what Marco calls entity SEO. It's about building that brand. And that's incredibly I mean, that's absolutely true. It's about branding, that's you want to kill it in SEO, build the fucking brand period. That's just the way it is now, and it's only going to continue to go further in that direction, in my opinion. So
Marco: Yeah, it's not just an opinion. It's what Google is telling you. I mean, that everything that they've come out with, and I'm just seeing this all over with people that just they have no clue. And it's all about into all of these people that saw drops in whatever they were doing is because their entity wasn't right and those who benefited or didn't see any changes, or because they're doing things right. To me, it's funny because the only way that we find out about updates is like when people come in on Hump Day or in our groups and tell us, you guys see that update? And we're like, No, no, but let me go and see what it's about. I know what it's about, I saw what it's about Google tells you, what is about Google tells you, I mean, almost to the letter what they want. And then John Mueller will go and tell you the opposite so that you don't know what to do. So you gotta go sift through all of that to get the right information, because you got a lot of people that are just spreading the Google word, without understanding what it is that they're saying without even understanding what it is that John Mueller is saying. Cuz a lot of times what John Mueller says and what he means are two totally different things. Don't pay attention to John Mueller. If you don't want to believe Marco that then don't believe Marco go and test and see for yourself. Whether what I'm telling you entity basis seal, whether that's what's working right now, and I guarantee you that you're going to get results. If you do the things right, set up your SEO shield, and then do the things that are in the battle plan that we recommend for your entity. And it's just a done deal. It's so simple, it's ridiculous. And you can go up against anyone I'm telling you right now that you can take on anyone in the internet space and when
Bradley: I think Hernan is gonna contribute?
Hernan: Absolutely. Yeah, I was about to say on a different branding perspective, branding from the perspective of creating a brand to attract customers, not from the SEO perspective, that is something that I'll be contributing as well with, you know, which is going to be a brand new course for or an email prospecting course for digital agency owners. So basically, how to use my case, which is my wheelhouse, which is going to be Facebook. How do you leverage Facebook and Facebook ads, not the organic stuff, not the fact that you need to post 1000 times a day and be glued to your phone and you know, look like a teenager? Not we're not talking about that, right? We're talking about like doing real business. We're talking about doing real business, not influencer type stuff, but the real stuff. Because you also need to build and run your business, right? So, you know, my idea is to show you real quick how you can build a brand around yourself so that you can pipe those leads into whatever your sales process is, whether it is like talking to you, or if you have a salesperson or a call center, whatever that is. But I'm going to share with you guys how to do that in 2xa. That's going to be available, you know, next week for sure. So it's going to be in 2xyouragency as well. So there you go.
Marco: Yeah, no, I would just add to people that when you're building your brand when you're talking about your brand, it's that's something that you separate from your SEO brand. It's all your brand. Your brand is how you're going to do business, but it's going to be your calling card on the web, and you can't call yourself Joe Schmo from Kokomo anymore and expect to go up again when Google is benefiting brands. And so again, if you're not working towards that brand, towards becoming the keyword for the niche, right, like you said to become the verb in your niche, then you're not. Forget it, you're gonna have to do so much work. So much work to make it right, that you may as well just start doing it right, as right from the beginning, work on that brand. Think of that print, work with your client on that brand when they tell you well, I want the keyword in the city. No, that's not the way that you should do things you should think about your business and how it is that you want to present yourself to the customer to the client to people on the web. How do you want your brand to appear to the people who are looking for your products and services or whatever it is that you are selling?
Bradley: Yeah, anyway, that's, you know, guys, this what's great about this is. Remember, you're hearing from multiple agency owners here too. And we all have, you know, we all understand the importance of that whole branding thing. There's the SEO aspect of it, but it's all one and the same now you shouldn't separate the two. Building the brand, and SEOing the brand is one and the same. And so again, it's good to hear an opinion from Marco and from Hernan, and for myself. We each have our own successful agencies beyond what we do here at Semantic Mastery. So it's good to know that you know, we're speaking from experience, right, this isn't just theory.
Any Thoughts On The Erratic Movement Of Websites In Google Search Console?
Fitz says Good day. Good day, guys. Thanks for this forum. I noticed the three of my sites show in the Search Console are going up and down together. Why do you guess this is happening? They are in different states. Honestly. I have no idea. I mean, there's there could be a ton of variables there that you know, questions I could have about that fits that we're obviously not gonna be able to get to the bottom of right now. I can't imagine what would cause something like that unless they were all three sites were hosted on the same host. And there's some sort of hosting issue. I don't know how what the connection there would be. It could just be a coincidence. It's unlikely, but there's got to be some. I don't know. Is there any of you guys have any speculation on any of that? not really enough information there to go on. But no,
Marco: no, because we'd have to go and look at each one specifically and see how they're related, whether they're related to why Google created that relationship? Well, if Google created the relationship, why there's a lot of things that we have to look at.
Bradley: Yeah. Yeah, that's something would have to be investigated fits. Come join the mastermind and you can submit that to one of our mastermind webinars. And we'll be happy to audit it and look into it.
How Does Responding To Reviews Help In Ranking GMB?
Muhamed, What's up buddy says Hey guys, how does responding to reviews and GMB help things is it only good because its activity and GMB type of client was avoiding responding to negative GMB reviews and I'm prodding him to do so both for activity and reputation purposes. Okay, I think there's, look, we already know we can rank without reviews with none, right? So reviews can be a factor, but they're not necessary or critical, right? So in my experience, the reason why I suggest responding to reviews both positive and negative, I tell all my clients to respond to reviews positive and negative for two reasons. Number one, it's additional activity. Number two, it shows to your users, two people that end up seeing your brand that you're engaged with your customers, right or that the brand is engaging with their customers. And number three, because it gives you the opportunity to now inject additional keywords and location modifiers into a response because a lot of the time, I think about most reviews that customers leave, don't have any keywords in them whatsoever or location details, right? A lot of them are just saying, hey, it was awesome, thanks, guys. I mean, it might have like, you know, hey, they called these guys to come to remove a tree and they did a really good job, we really, you know, clean up afterward, it was great, I'll call them again, highly recommend it, but other than saying remove a tree, there's no other indication there as to what has been done. They're just saying that they did a great job, which is great. But what I like to do is have, you know, go in and in reply to that and say, you know, thank you for your kind words, it was a pleasure perform, you know, handling that tree removal job for you in Fairfax. You know, we encourage you to contact us and next time you have some tree care work, you know, or tree care needs or something right. So now you squeezed in multiple keywords, as well as a location modifier. So that's why I like to do that and I have all of my clients, you know, what I'll do is when I send out monthly reports, I have my VA always take screenshots of GMB insights and stuff like that. And one of the things that we look at is the reviews to see if any new reviews have been posted in the last month and if so have they been responded to? Because if not, then when I send the monthly reports to my clients, I mentioned that in the commentary in the email that I send my clients say, Hey, you know, I noticed that you got two new reviews this month that hadn't been replied to, here's the links directly to them, please go reply. And I send that to them. And again, and I've trained all of my clients to do exactly what I mentioned, which was to squeeze in a keyword and or location modifier or a couple of keywords if they can, and not a spammy way, but in a very conversational way. But again, it's not necessary. I think it's important to do it is something that will move the needle, but it's not critical. What do you guys think? Any comments on that?
  Marco: Yeah, definitely, man because people look at reviews the wrong way. People look at okay, I should have all five-star reviews and that's all I need to pay attention to and I don't need to do anything else. But the reviews and responding to reviews, well you're using the voice of your brand to talk to your customers. Again we go back to the brand, man. This is your voice, right? The voice of your brand reaching out to this dissatisfied customer because they came to you with pain. They came to you with a problem and you did not solve the problem. You didn't take care of the pain. So now there's a problem that not only did you not take care of that, but they have a problem with you and with your brand. So this is the perfect time to go in there and say hey, look, yeah, we fucked up. You're not going to say it in these words. But this is what I tell. This is what I tell the people when I'm in a consultation, and they asked me about reviews. Go tell the person that you fucked up and then you go tell them how can we make it right for you, help us make it right for you. So that may create a dialogue with this person. And then what that does is it makes your brand stand out from the rest. Not only did you respond, but you offered to make it right and now you're in an open dialogue with this person who gave you a bad review, and you're looking to make it right you know how that makes it look makes you look like you have the best customer service in the industry, it's actually a place where you can shine. Even though the review started out being bad. Just by talking to the customer and offering, look let me make it right for you. How can we make it? How can we help you? And sometimes that there's no fuck off, I don't need you anymore, right? But then that makes them look shitty. Because you're being open, you're being honest. And you're willing to help and you're willing to make it right. So that puts it back on them instead of it all being on you leaving that negative review just without response. No chirp, chirp chirp. Make it makes you look really bad.
Bradley: And on rare occasions, you can turn a negative battery review, what initially was a bad review, into a positive and end up turning that customer into a brand advocate. Exactly. It's a rare occasion that that happens. But if you bend over backward to make something, right that was a fuckup on your part or not, you know, whatever but if you bend over to make it right then sometimes you can turn that customer into, you know, an ambassador for the company because they'll go out and you know, sing praises about your business and recommend you to friends and family and such because they had what started off as a bad experience, but turned into a good one.
Okay, and so just keep that in mind. Remember, guys, think of setbacks, as you know, Napoleon Hill. I think it was Dale Carnegie that actually said it, but Napoleon Hill was the one that published it and you know, really made it famous. The quote, which was, for every adversity, there's a seed of equal or greater benefit, right. And so if you think about that, and it's funny, I'm listening to an audiobook right now that I'm really enjoying, I'm only in chapter two, but it's called Black Box Thinking. And it's all about how you know you if you take your failures and analyze them the way the airline industries do with the black box, right? They always admit they don't ever try to cover up mistakes or hide mistakes or try to downplay mistakes, they take all mistakes head-on, and they analyze the data and make it publicly available for everybody so that they can improve processes and improve how flights you know are handled and things like that. And so anyway, it's just an analogy to say, hit a challenge head-on. And that'll make you stand out and figure out a way to learn from that to improve processes so that it doesn't happen again. It will make it a stronger business stronger, brand stronger, stronger company. And so again, just think about it that way. You know, I love that statement. I say to myself all the time when I run into a challenge, something that, you know, if I mess up, you know, I fail, you know, have some sort of failure or something. You know, for every adversity there's a seed of equal or greater benefit. So just remember that. Just look for the way to improve upon a process when you've been notified of a setback or you know, an insufficiency or whatever. That makes sense. So anyway, all this is covered in 2xyouragency, guys. You should join it. And Muhamed, it says PS my situation is slowly improving, and I will take my stable place back into masterminds. And yes, you're always welcome. And the door's always open to you.
What Are The Potential Problems If You Have Multiple Keywords Floating Around Page 2?
Austin says, Do you have multiple if you have multiple keywords just floating around page two? What would you think about the problem maybe? Let's say the on pages type? Again, that's kind of a loaded question in that it could be a number of things. I could speculate on, you know, 18 different things that it could be. What I would recommend doing, if you say you're on pages tight, let's just assume that it is and you've got keywords that are floating on page two, I drive some damn relevant traffic to those pages. Because that is my go-to thing when you've done other on-page and you've done some off-page stuff and you're still struggling to get the results that you want. I found ART – activity, relevance, trust, and authority. If you can provide engagement activity to that you will see a significant movement. Right, it will definitely move the needle. And so what I would do is buy some traffic, some relevant traffic from Google to those pages and see what happens. That's what I would do. Any suggestions on that Marco?
Marco: No, not without knowing the what off-page he's done. But it could be that the competition is keeping him from page one, right? It could be that he hasn't pushed enough power to those to go from page two to page one. So I don't know enough to give an opinion. But absolutely activity, relevance, trust, and authority is all you need. When you're sitting there on page two ready to jumping into page one but you really haven't made it yet. If you're on pages is right. And your entities type then the next step is the is off-page. What's happening off-page Yeah.
Bradley: Yeah, and you can buy some relevant traffic from YouTube. Although that's more for views than for clicks, you can get some clicks, and it will be relevant. But you can use the Display Network for Google ads for way less expensive than search ads and drive relevant traffic to your pages. And Google knows is relevant because you set it up through your audience targeting right. So you can set up in-market audiences, custom intent audiences, whatever, layer them, so you bind audiences. It's called layering. You know, you can do that as well. But my point is, now you're buying traffic to pages that from a relevant audience that it's an audience that you're purchasing from Google, right? You're tapping into a Google audience that Google is telling you is relevant. So you're buying relevant traffic directly from Google. And now those are relevant signals that Google is waiting higher than just some random ass traffic if that makes sense. Because Google understands there's already has a profile developed for those visitors, and it's already identified them as you know, a relevant audience before they even hit your page is my point. So again, those are highly weighted traffic signals. And I don't care what Google says about buying traffic from Google Ads doesn't help SEO. That's just like telling you that link wheels don't work and press releases don't work and guest posts don't work and all that right. How's that working out for you guys?
Alright, we're about out of time. Guys, I'm sorry. There are a couple of good questions. We're not going to be able to get to
Is Blogger A Good Substitute For WordPress For Blogging?
last one fit says is Blogger a good substitute for WordPress for blogging? Not really, because you're so limited which you can do with Blogger. You know, the self-hosted WordPress site gives you a lot of functionality. Blogger, I mean, it can be used, but you're limited in design. Well, I don't know. I've never tried to design within Blogger. I've just use default themes or whatever. So I can't answer that for sure. Except if it was a good substitute, it would probably be a lot more prevalent and I rarely ever see any blogs on Blogger that have any measurable amount of traffic. Any comments on that?
Marco: Yeah, let's say tested and little know how it turns out because it's I'd have to speculate since I've never used Blogger for anything other than links back to my content.
Alright, so Clint and decline, I don't know if that's your name or what anyways, you guys, sorry, I didn't get to your questions. If you post them in the Facebook group, we can try to answer them over there. Or you can repost them until next for next week's Hump Day Hangouts and we'll get to them there. But either way, sorry, guys, we didn't get to you but we are out of time. So thanks, everybody, for being here. Thank you, guys. Bye, everyone. Go get better, Hernan. Thank you. I'll try. Alright guys, bye everybody. See ya. See ya.
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