#I don’t recommend it
theecholegend · 21 days
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Goodnight bunny boy <3
Legend is being held captive bc he won’t stay still and let his injuries heal
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somer-writes · 5 months
I read on one of your post, don’t know which one cause i legit can’t find it anymore lol but you said something about plotting out chapters for fics and i gots ta know, how do you go about doing that? 🤔
Here’s the post https://www.tumblr.com/somer-writes/739896740255334400/hotcheetohatredwastaken-my-chapter-sketch-leaves?source=share
I basically wrote out the main plot points. Who goes where and does what and then numbered them. It leaves me with 57 primary chapters but there will be more just as filler or to break up longer bits.
I typically don’t outline anything so this is new for me XD I just needed some way to keep track of all of the characters during the main story. Subplots and arcs will be my usual wing it method
@hotcheetohatredwastaken @wanderlustmagician @needfantasticstories are much better out outlining and plotting than me! Maybe they’ve got some tips :D
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lezbianz · 8 months
i think one of the worst results of internet lgbt discourse has to be…actually, you know what, let me back this up a little. this needs context.
i’m taking a class this semester (with my fave professor ever <3) on sexuality in judaism, christianity, & islam. it’s a great class, but there’s only like, 9 (obviously gay) people, and we tend to have very open discussions on whatever reading we’re doing. cool, right? our professor is a 50-something year old gay man i should add.
ok. so because we have these open discussions, right, with 9 18-22 year old gay people, internet lgbt discourse has been brought up. multiple times. we had to explain mogai to our professor. awful.
but the thing about like, putting a bunch of people who have obviously participated heavily in internet lgbt discourse together in a classroom, and giving them free-range to talk about it for an hour and a half, is that online lgbt discourse will be regurgitated verbatim, sometimes in the worst ways possible.
anyways, one time in class one of my classmates started throwing around the term “elder queers” and how they felt about certain super online discourse topics. and my 50something year old gay professor was just like🧍i literally don’t know what you’re talking about and i lived through the aids crisis
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khlegacynexus · 3 months
So you know what I realized the biggest failure of the scrapped Pikachu and Zekrom storyline and maybe even the Gen V anime was Trip! He should’ve been flat out scrapped and replaced with N. Because arguably N would have just as much experience if not more than Ash. Having been Groomed and Taught by Ghetsis. And maybe he could have a Zorua that’s his friend from Childhood, Boom! Instant good opponent to Pikachu. Trip looking back is actually Very poorly written, because he always wins against Ash, because of plot armor. Until He faces against literally anyone else where it Will stop working because it only works for Ash.
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Body image hack: simply don’t recognize yourself in the mirror. Hope this helps
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littlegoobus · 10 months
sometimes I think about the magisterium series if it continued at the quality of iron trial and tcg
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once-upon-an-idiom · 4 months
Me , my English minor, the twelve page google doc of unfinished poetry that would 1000% get me locked in a mental hospital, and the six wip novels currently sitting in my google docs IMMEDIATELY pre ordered The Tortured Poets Department deluxe vinyl.
I do not now, nor have I ever owned a record player.
My bank account is lucky I managed to talk myself off pre-ordering the cd purely for the shiny bookmark.
Now is not the time reasonable action ladies, now is the time for dramatic overreactions and petty revenge the cops will never be able to trace back to you.
Forget about his tiers, that three wheels thing is a myth anyway. Put him on the Jehovah’s Witness mailing list. hide lemons in his apartment. Use his email to get all those online shopping coupons. He cheated on you at a chili’s there’s no way he can afford to sue
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bloodbending · 2 months
pms and adhd meds together are……. quite an experience!
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atelier-ephemera · 5 months
I’ve been seriously considering posting my original poetry on here or perhaps a side blog, but I’m self-conscious about anything I create. There’s only a small handful of works that I’m actually proud of.
Plus, my self-confidence has one foot in the grave and one foot on a Hello Kitty roller skate.
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thatdamnokie · 1 year
weaponizing my fictional faves by making them the mean voice in my head
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mrvlbimbo · 2 years
I can’t decide if this sounds like Joe Goldberg or Patrick Bateman
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shitpostmultiverse · 1 year
hey you have some digital art on your account but not much do you just prefer paper art also how do you make the color smooth and not rough on the paper
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My brain had such a problem reading that, I need more then just 2 hours sleep.
First answer, Yes and no. I prefer traditional because it’s less time consuming for me- however I’m only primarily using it due to my computers breaking.
Second, I use hand sanitizer and Cotten swabs/ Cotten tips to smooth the colors out. dipping them in a little of it then making small circles blends the colors however- if you don’t let the ink on the drawing dry first it will also smear the ink. Even when ink dry it can smudge for the same reason the color pencil will so you need to be really careful.
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baroquebtcch · 5 months
ubering to an 8 am emergency therapy session in 10 degree weather is pure misery
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mikiri · 5 months
Being in the hospital, with food allergies, over the holidays is honestly just miserable.
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porch-collapse · 11 months
my number 1 hobby is drinking 3 energy drinks at work and then not getting anything done for the rest of the day cause i feel like shit
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