#I do really love how Wander hugging her turned out there haha <3 They're so cute
scented-morker · 3 years
hi honeyy! may I request one of the ships please??? I'd like to know who would you choose from txt and enhyphen heh
I'm an 03' capricorn,, my hair length is under my shoulders and right now it's a faded shade of red.. my eyes are dark brown and my height is 5''4..
I like to stay inside and love rainy days 'cause they're perfect for tea or coffee :). I'm a very calm and patient person,, if you see me without knowing me I might seem a little intimidating (that's what my friends say) but I'm actually really nice and I tend to get well with everybody to the point everyone says I'm actually very caring and kids like to hang out with me haha. (I'll add to this that my love language are acts of service and physical touch)
One of my favorites hobbies is drawing and listening to music,, I sing sometimes and get complimented by it, but I'm too shy so I mostly do it for myself when I'm alone. When I draw I like to create new pieces of clothing and that's why I'm into fashion design and hoping I can study the career.
I like languages and learning about cultures too! right now I speak english, spanish, a little french and I'm studying korean heh.
I don't really know what else to say.. I'm not really an outgoing person but if someone asks me to do something and I'm free I don't doubt on saying yes. I might be a little shy if I first meet a person but if they're nice that helps me to be a little more talkative.
ummm I listen to many genres of music(? for you to get an idea of my music taste,, my top 3 are: want you so bad by the vaccines, trust by alina baraz and alleyways by the neighborhood.
i hope that's not too long :( but thank u in advance! take care <3
No it wasn’t too long at all!! This was perfect :D
In txt
I ship you with : Soobin !!
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I know he’s a lil bit older, but I think your aura is very calm and gentle which I think would work really well because he’s kinda the same way
At first he probably thought you were intimidating, which everyone would tease him for since he’s like 2x your size
I think you guys would actually be a really good match, like you’d be the couple that is basically an old married couple by the time they’re in their 20s and everyone laughs at them but is secretly jealous: yeah that’s you guys
lil scenario
Soobin wandered out from his room, it was still a little early in the morning and he was planning on just staying in bed until he realized you weren’t next to him.
He spotted you sitting on the floor against the coffee table, your hair was hanging down your shoulders wildly and you were softly singing Trust. He just stood there in the doorway staring at you like 🥺🥺 he just couldn’t fathom how you kept getting more and more perfect to him.
He waddled over to you, wrapping the blanket around your body as well as his as he squeezed behind you, wrapping his arms around your middle in a back hug.
“Whatcha doin lovebug?”
A peek over your shoulder told him you were sketching out a new dress, something you had thought of as soon as you woke up and needed to get out before you forgot.
You muttered out something along those lines, while he sat there behind you, hands fiddling with the tangles in your hair.
“Do you want a drink?”
He had just realized the extra mug sitting next to yours, and he giggled at the fact that you had thought of him and made him something before he even got up.
He took the warm mug from your hands, taking a sip and then snuggling his head further into your back, perfectly content with sitting like that all day.
In En-
I ship you with : Sunghoon !!
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Okay so hear me out on this one, at first my brain was like Jake, but I think the fact that you kinda remind me of him makes this the better option because we all know how close they are
Like you would be this dudes BABY, like the ‘THIS MY BABY AND AINT NOBODY FINNA TOUCH HER’ ya know 💀
He would treat you so soft and I think that his love language is also acts of service so you guys would go well together. I can see him losing his mind is you start speaking like French or Spanish around him, he just like !?!.&!,$,!!!!!!?!!&,’! that’s my talented s/o, homeboy is such a simp
lil scenario
The first time the boys did out about you was an accident. Sunghoon was a pretty laid back guys and he didn’t see the point in telling everyone just because he got an s/o, so he just didn’t tell anyone, and no one asked.
But then one day they had a free day and he decided to spend it with you, even though it meant turning down the boys.
“Oh sorry guys I actually already have plans, but next time I’ll totally come!”
So he took you to this cute little like street fair, and it had lots of different stands with foods and little trinkets from all sorts of different places because he knew how much you liked learning about different cultures.
He STARED 🥺 when he saw how your eyes lit up and you got so excited to learn about where everything came from. You were definitely all of the vendors favorite that day.
You guys spent a really long time there and it started getting dark so you guys found a bench and sat down, finishing up your last treat of the day.
You were sitting there, excitedly babbling about what it tasted like and the tradition of making it with family, Sunghoon just sitting across from you, the biggest heart eyes ever, and the boys see you guys and they just kinda go ???
They eventually come over and introduce themselves, almost choking when Sunghoon introduces you as his s/o, and you have to put away your shyness for a little bit to get to know them, but of course they’re all extremely kind and they automatically like you, so everything works out in the end. Except Sunghoon gets chewed out for not telling them
Alright that’s it!! You seem like a sweetheart and I hope you enjoyed your ships <3
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taesthetes · 7 years
Hi cat, what advice do you have to keep a writer's inspiration/motivation up and going? Your masterlist has me in awe of how many fics you've written (they're all written very well btw 👌🏽) I've barely written anything all this year, I've finally started something, and it's really messy but I'm excited and yet kinda scared because I've never written something this long 😅😭 Thank youuuuuuu *hugs and kisses* 💓💓
Hello there, sweetpea! 🌸 First of all, thank you for reading my fics!! The thought of people actually wanting to read my writing still seems surreal to me even now haha 😅 And secondly and more importantly, congratulations on starting your first writing piece of the year! 🎉🎉 I’m so proud of you! that’s a huge accomplishment in itself already because the first step (in this case: starting to write) is always the hardest to take, in my opinion.
Pertaining to having constant writing inspiration and motivation, I’ll divide my advice up for the two separate topics. Personally, I constantly have ideas roaming my mind, but I simply lack motivation to write them all. But here are some things I learned about inspiration and motivation.
My advice for inspiration:
Use your personal experiences. I frequently formulate storylines about the things that have happened to me, and in my point in life right now, I’m in college where I have gotten a bunch of crazy experiences. That’s why my recent fics are mostly college au. Sobriquet was written almost identically to my own experience, whereas Caprice stemmed from me seeing a guy in my chem class regularly playing pokemon go instead of paying attention to class and grew in my mind into a fic idea. You can embellish and fluff up your life experience if you don’t think it’s interesting enough, thus whipping it up into great fic inspiration.
Use your dreams. Not everyone remembers their dreams when they wake up, but I remember a lot of the ones I have, and I use them as inspiration for writing. The majority of the dreams I wrote about in The Universe of Us are ones I actually had and then altered them slightly to fit into the storyline. I also have a lot of bizarre dreams that can actually turn into some very interesting fics lmao
Embrace the fangirl life and use it in your stories. Do you like Disney stories? Harry Potter? Anime? Find inspiration within other fandoms you enjoy. Write a hogwarts au, write a hunger games au, write a fic based on The Little Mermaid, etc.
Listen to music. Music is a huge source of inspiration, and you can think up fic ideas based on lyrics for example. Taylor Swift songs always help me when I’m trying to write a angsty scene, like a break up.
Check out prompt blogs. There are many blogs (ex: @/dailyau or this post that compiled a lot of au’s) out there that have writing prompts, which is super handy, if you lack inspiration. You can read through some of the prompts and see if any of them catch your attention.
Read. A lot. Writers get inspired by other writers. A wonderful way to fuel your imagination and inspiration and make them widen their horizons is by learning from other writers.
Be observant. Observe your surroundings, and you might just spot some inspiration. See the two baristas at your local coffee shop always bickering? Or perhaps, notice the boy who made a very creative promposal? Pass by someone and overhear them say something very interesting? You can turn those observations into fic ideas.
Be open to requests or suggestions. Your readers may have interesting ideas, and if you lack inspiration, you can open requests. You are by no means obligated to write them all, but they can spark up some inspiration. You can hold a drabble game, such as having them send in a song to write a song-inspired fic or picking a one-liner prompt. There are a lot of prompt lists out there that you can use for drabble games (ex: here, here, and here)
Daydream. Honestly, just relax somewhere with no distractions that makes you feel calm and stress-free. And let your mind wander. I get inspired as I daydream during car rides or whenever I’m simply sprawled out on my bed, doing nothing except making up ridiculous scenarios in my head.
My advice for motivation:
Be excited about writing. You certainly aren’t going to get any motivation if you’re not excited at all about writing. And, you said you’re excited and a little scared about your writing? That’s great! You should definitely feel excited about what you’re writing. You’re eager and happy to write then. And feeling a little nervous and scared is also good because that adrenaline rush and the feeling of butterflies in your stomach also adds a bit to the excitement, right?
You have to love the idea you’re writing. If you don’t like the prompt you’re writing, you aren’t going to feel very satisfied with your writing. You might even start to dread writing it and lose motivation. So, make sure that you actually genuinely enjoy the idea you’re writing.
Set the mood for writing. Is there a certain time you write best? Is there a certain place that you enjoy writing in? Do you write better when you listen to music? You will feel more motivated to write if the setting is ideal for you.
Write your short fics all in one sitting. This is just something that works for me personally. I have a super short attention span, which leads me to losing motivation quickly. This is why the majority of my fics are 1k to 4k oneshots because I write the entire fic at once. If I get an idea for a short fic, I write it immediately whether it be on my phone or my laptop because I know I won’t be motivated to write it in the future.
When you think of an idea for a long fic or series, wait a day before you write it. This is another thing that personally works well for me, but might not work for others. With long fic or series ideas, I want to know that I will finish it. I know I won’t be writing it all in one sitting since it’s going to be a long af fic, but I don’t want to write like 10k and then suddenly be like “I’m throwing this out. I don’t like this idea anymore.” I’m a very lazy person, and I don’t want to trash 10k of writing that I had spent hours on. So when I want to make a series or simply a long fic, I think of the idea and mull over it for a bit for a day or even weeks. And then, the next day or week, I ask myself, “Am I still interested in this idea?” If it’s a yes, then I begin to write it.
Make an outline of your fic before writing it. I only use this for long fic ideas that I have, but it works with any fic idea. Having an outline is sort of like seeing a schedule or a to-do list, which is quite motivating because of the sense of accomplishment and pride in yourself that comes when you check off something on the list (or checking off a scene you just completed writing from your outline). And studies show that people are more motivated to do something if they have it written down somewhere and see it daily.
Share and talk about your fic ideas with a friend. I never realized this until now, but having a friend hype up your ideas really boosts up your motivation to write them out. I tell all my fic ideas to fae and she’s always super supportive of them. I sometimes ask if I should do this or that, and she gives suggestions (oh, look at that, more inspiration courtesy of friends!!). I also give her various excerpts of the fic I’m working on, and she yells at me about them, so it’s like constant motivation throughout the writing period. So thanks, pablo, even though you show your support by screeching at me in all caps @zephyoongist​
It’s okay to take a break from writing. If you are feeling unmotivated for a certain idea, don’t force yourself to write. Take a break. Go write a different scenario or make a snack or hang out with friends. When you come back, you will feel refreshed and ready to write. You can reread your writing with fresh eyes and may have new ideas or inspiration on how to continue the fic.
Just write. Let out all your emotions and everything you want to say or convey. Don’t be afraid that it won’t make sense. It’s okay for your fic to be messy during the writing process. You can always go back, cross things out, move sentences around, revise it, and fix it up until you think it’s perfect.
I hope these tips are helpful to you! It’s like 3 am for me now, so I should go to bed, but this is also my prime time for writing, so I’m a little conflicted lmao but anyway, once again, CONGRATULATIONS ON STARTING YOUR FIRST WRITING MASTERPIECE!!! ☺️❣️Best wishes for your writing journey, and I know your story will turn out amazing! And I hope you send me a link to your writing if you do publish it because I’d love to read it 💞💞 And, here are lots of hugs and kisses being sent your way from me to you as well 💌
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