#I did legit get all misty-eyed tho lol
phoenixiancrystallist · 8 months
Never thought I'd get weepy over a software presentation keynote and yet, here we are
So for those of you who don't know, I use ProCreate. It's the only art program I've touched in at least five years, and aside from brief stints in my sketchbook, I've done everything in it. The animations I've done last year and this year were all done in ProCreate, which is strictly a drawing and photo editing software and animation was kind of built in as an afterthought. As such, the animation capabilities of ProCreate are kind of... nonexistent. Clunky at best, and I had no way to add sound. And because of how ProCreate's animation worked, I couldn't do long or particularly complex animation. Which is fine, like, I'm still learning how to animate in the first place. But we really are limited by the capabilities of our tools, and as much as I love ProCreate for static art, it left a ton to be desired in the animation department.
But the team that made ProCreate just announced they've made animation software. Not "are making," have made. And it's robust. It covers everything a full animation studio would do with multiple different softwares, all in one app. I can't even begin to say how excited I am for this. And it's only $20, where equally powerful—or hell, even less powerful—desktop animation software would easily cost $500 or more.
I'm so excited! I'll finally be able to follow along in a ton of the animation lessons I own! I couldn't do that before, because of ProCreate's limitations. Mostly the lack of animation timeline and I couldn't add sound—you know, the two most vital aspects of animation. But now I'll be able to! I just have to be patient until the end of November and fork over $20. And then? Then I'll be unstoppable.
I'm gonna conquer the fucking world, y'all.
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