bbomtokki-blog · 10 years
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nonono bomi version ♡ for anon
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bbomtokki-blog · 10 years
PSA that if your native language isn’t English and you took THE TIME TO LEARN ENGLISH AND RP IN ENGLISH you are actually hella cool and I understand if you make typos and grammar errors and I won’t judge you and I’ll probably just be all “Hey for future reference—-” because we all make mistakes. And if anyone is a dick to you about it, challenge them to RP in your native language and laugh when it translates to “Either the fish goes or next Thursday” or some shit.
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bbomtokki-blog · 10 years
Ignition (Remix) - R. Kelly
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bbomtokki-blog · 10 years
Walking over to the customer, she pushed all the negative thoughts from earlier out of her brain and focussed on not letting the rest of her day being ruined. She listened to his query, nodding her head every so often before responding.
"Mhmm. Well, personally I'm not too great with present hunting myself." She laughed a little along side him. "But have you tried the classic perfume, or jewellery? It's far easier than having to guess clothing sizes, which can be awkward if you get a size too big or too small. What sort of thing were you thinking of, sir?"
He gave her a more relaxed smile than he normally did, knowing that she had just met a bad customer, he hoped a better one would make her day.
"Well… I looking for a gift for a female friend of mine." He chuckles and placed the item back onto the shelf. "However… I’m horrible at choosing and hoped you wouldn’t mind helping me out."
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bbomtokki-blog · 10 years
{/her face falls and letting out an audible sigh, she folds up her arms across her chest and juts out her bottom lip} Maple, we could have been so much more, but you playin'
I— I… { — she holds her index finger up, pressing the other one against it horizontally near the top before widening her eyes } I’m sorry, man, I have a boyfriend and he is not with that.
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bbomtokki-blog · 10 years
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bomi @ 140517 music core
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bbomtokki-blog · 10 years
200 Days of music.
Day 52: Vertigo by Jason Derulo feat. Jordin Sparks
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bbomtokki-blog · 10 years
{/she lets out a short laugh, covering her mouth with her hands} Alright, alright. Choose not to believe me, but, you've been warned. Oooh, ice cream. Nice choice. It's one of my personal favourite snacks. {/her eyes widen slightly as her lips curve to form a small 'o' shape} Are you sure? I mean, I'd hate to be a burden.
You make it sound bad but nope,not gonna believe it {`lets out a soft chuckle emit through her lips`}I’m taking a break,so I can rest a bit also thinking of getting ice cream just to cool myself down in the heat.Wanna come along?it’ll be my treat.
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bbomtokki-blog · 10 years
I don't know. Why don't you come over here and find out. {/wiggles her brows}
Are you a romantic fantastic lover though?
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bbomtokki-blog · 10 years
Trust me, you haven't seen a red face until you've seen me blush. {/laughs softly} What's up? The sky. {/she grins, mischievously} Ah, but really nothing much. How about you?
{`mirrors the female’s bow,a warm smile gracing her lips`}Aw,I’m sure you don’t look like a tomato plus I think tomatoes look cute {`nudges her side gently`}So what’s up Bomi?
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bbomtokki-blog · 10 years
{/snorts lightly before bowing her head at the other} It’s nice to meet you, Mei. Most girls look prettier when they blush. I look like a tomato.
Girls look even more prettier when they blush so I wouldn’t mind doing that {`clicks out her tongue playfully`}Nice meeting you,I’m Mei.
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bbomtokki-blog · 10 years
{/pretends to get all flustered and fans her face with her hands} Awe, pretty? You're gonna make me blush. {/laughs} I like this plan. I like this plan very much. I'm Bomi.
Hello new friend,you’re very pretty so let’s be pretty together and be the queens of everything.
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bbomtokki-blog · 10 years
A Beauty to Behold ;; Self Para
Was this creepy? He questioned himself as he entered on his balcony, and sat down so that he could he gaze upon the street across from him. Taekwoon wasn’t one to believe in love at first sight or even that love could appear without knowing of other person; however, he had one minute until a certain female normally would pass before his window on her way to who knows where.  
Infatuation was the name for it. She had began to pop into his dreams- all different versions of him making his existence known to her. The hidden desire for her in his life was only present to him, and all he craved for at the moment was merely a friendship or a beginning of some sort of relationship. His thoughts were innocent and pure. The sight of her only brought sighs of adoration from his lips, and internal mumblings  on how she only grew more beautiful before his eyes.
With his fingers grasping softly on the wooden edge of the railing of his balcony, his eyes widened when she finally came into view. A smile instantly curling upon his visage. What he would give just to have the honor of telling her how beautiful she was! Letting his eyes travel along with her walking figure, he propped his elbow up on the railing and pressed his cheek on his fist. He only had a few moments to take in the beauty of the unsuspecting female.
However, it didn’t take long for her to once again disappear from his sight. His mood had instantly been brighten, and he left the balcony to go back into his apartment. With an arm resting against his wall, his other hand moved up to pinch his forehead. A chuckle leaving his lips as he shook his head.
One day, miss. One day.
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bbomtokki-blog · 10 years
First Encounters || Bomi & Leo
He chuckled quietly. To him, her statement was very true. She seemed naturally geeky, or a woman he could talk on without hours about the weirdest topics without it ever changing to about money, or anything appropriate. Maybe it was his own wishes being pushed upon his impression of her. His experiences with women were bad, and he had hopes that for once he could have met one that would not treat him like a walking money bag. “Natural cute is the best kind.”
Smiling at her, he nod his head at this answer. “Of course, I am. I coach soccer for little children. Soccer is my life.” He nods his head as he looked at her. “How about you?” He motioned with his head for her to walk and talk with him. He still had a lot of shopping together, and maybe this was his way to have fun doing it.
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bbomtokki-blog · 10 years
☆ - fissixn 
Dojin turned to the source of the voice, noticing a younger girl quietly commenting to herself as what seemed to be a rude customer walked away. Dojin smiled to himself, still toying with the object in his hands before he spoke clearly to the female.
"Excuse me, could I have some help?" He said.
Bomi couldn't believe the nerve of some customers. Usually she'd remain calm in these sorts of situations but today she was particularly ticked off. She could feel her frustration building, and she clenched her fists. As soon as the woman's back was turned she couldn't help but mutter under her breath. It was then she heard a voice which snapped her out of her state of anger. Her muscles relaxed, and taking a deep breath in, she plastered a smile on her face and turned to face the man.
"Yes? Sure, what seems to be the problem, sir?" She replied.
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bbomtokki-blog · 10 years
"Mmm." She wrinkled up her nose as she spoke. Bomi hated admitting to any sort of financial difficulties. She believed in working hard for whatever she earned, and it irked her whenever people dismissed those that tried. "It just sucks that people get away with it.  I mean, the people behind the counters have their own lives too. They have their own problems that they're dealing with."
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"True, times are tough." Not that Kyle knew any hardship of the sort. He came from money and earned enough of his own to live wealthily off of.
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bbomtokki-blog · 10 years
Lets out a small laugh, before sighing. "Because I need the money. The last thing I want is my manager seeing that and firing me."
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"If they’re rude why not deny them your business?"
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