#I can never gage how much I am apart of a community
Happy Birthday!!
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398 notes · View notes
angelthefirst1 · 3 years
Beth repeats everywhere.
Okay so I'm back and excited about the upcoming episodes and while bummed we didn't see Beth in 1016. I am super excited about where this is heading...
Even the title names are in your face Bethyl at this point, I mean... Home sweet home?
If the spoilers are accurate-it's actually a good thing...
*Ducks for cover (please don't throw things at me) 🥴🤕
So after a long but very needed break (The world falling apart kinda made analyzing TWD seem very unimportant) I have decided to climb out of my cave to weigh in on the current spoilers that have everyone acting like they just sat on a cactus. 🌵
If correct, these spoilers confirm to me that Beth is just about to be reintroduced and also confirm what i have been saying about how the story is told in TWD for years.
Season 9 and 10 especially has been repeating, major Beth season 4 and 5 plot. And, there is a reason it's getting more and more blatant. It's coming to a head...
We've seen Beth's story on repeat using other characters to remind us of the past, and show us the future to a degree too.
It's called predicative programming, showing a shadow of what's coming before it actually does.
So this Leah...even if she is "real" (more on this a little later) IS BETH showing aspects of the past to subconsciously remind us of past Beth, and aspects of what's to come for future Beth.
On the topic of what's real and what's not, there is a very good case to be made, that this is all in Mr Dixon's (And ultimately Rick's) head.
A bit further on I will go through some of the blatant repeats in the story to remind you just how 'in your face' the repeats from season 4/5 have become in season 9,10.
But first I want to talk through what I think is most likely happening with these potential spoilers.
I see a few possibilities out of this, but none of them are actually bad.
Scenario 1. Leah is real and her and Daryl have a relationship in that cabin.
Why isn't this bad?
This maybe a difficult concept for some to grasp as they see all the characters separately, but...the writers make the characters all one, by moving them in and out of repeating rolls.
So as I stated above, Leah is a Beth fill in and the reason we most likely won't actually see a full Leah and Daryl love scene on screen, is because it's shadowing the real love scene to come which will be with the main fulfillment, Beth.
Leah is the shadow reminding us of Alone and Still, but Daryl's memory, desire and hope are all about Beth, not Leah.
I mean come on... A Cabin? A Dog? Them not getting along to start but then hints of romance? They eat together? She leaves and is never mentioned until years later? and a note? In your face Bethyl.
And this leads into scenario number two...
I've often wondered if all these characters actually originate out of the 'real' Rick's mind (yes i know the comics don't end that way, but that doesn't mean the TV show isn't going down that road potentially)
While unconscious in his hospital bed, the character of Rick comes alive in his mind.
Some might not like this concept, but It does make sense of the constant repeats in story. Which can be likened to a dream state and inception.
If we have been in the character Rick's mind all this time, then once Rick's character "left" in the helicopter season 9, it became "Daryl's" mind we entered (He became the last man standing) and that's when the story shifted and became extremely Beth heavy.
We possibly entered into Daryl's subconscious instead of Rick's and instantly started getting HUGE Beth symbolism.
Why would Daryl's mind/subconscious be showing him in an almost identical setting to what we saw him and Beth in season 4, in Still and Alone but with someone else instead?
Because it seems he has suppressed her memory as much as possible to cope (Leah not being mentioned all this time is another clue that this is actually about Beth), but it's building and building to a climax, which should soon end in the truth exploding from his subconscious and finally revealing that Daryl loved and desires Beth.
Rick's story started and ended with "finding his family"-that was his repeating story.
And until he left and handed the reins over to "Daryl's mind" we were never going to access Daryl's subconscious enough for the truth about Beth to be revealed.
As soon as it becomes Daryl's characters mind in control, we immediately start seeing major Beth repeats beginning.
I'm going back over some major repeats from 9/10 to show you how obvious the repeating story has become.
This became long and it's only the really obvious stuff that I'll cover, there is way more that could be included, and it will become extremely obvious by the time we reach the end, that this IS Beth’s story, just remixed.
Further down i will also explain scenario number 3.
Repeats: Starting with season 9
As soon as Rick's helicopter files away over a barn (which is very similar to the barn Daryl weeps over Beth next to)
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We see Magna who has been a major Beth fill-in with her blond hair and prison tattoo, and in a relationship with a dark haired archer.
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We then meet grown up Judith with her braid and sheriffs hat.
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We first see Daryl in season 9, as he comes across Carol and Henry in the woods
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And he suddenly has a dog.
The camp site is a repeat of Beth and Daryl's "Suck-ass camp" from Still.
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But having Dog there shows Daryl's desire to have Beth there. He desperately wanted to get her that dog in Alone.
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Daryl kills a snake in suck-ass camp number 2 (it’s black and hanging around his neck)
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Just like in Still...
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Carol asks Daryl to take Henry to Hilltop because he wants to learn blacksmithing.
Daryl says he doesn't want to babysit. Repeating the sarcastic line Beth says to Daryl about being her chaperone.
Beth going to get something she wants (get alcohol)
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Is Henry going to learn at the Hilltop blacksmith. In both cases Daryl does go with them even tho he initially protests.
Before they leave Henry hurts his ankle in a trap and Daryl provides an ointment to help it heal, a repeat of Beth's ankle in Alone and Daryl bandaging it for her.
Soon after we see Jesus get killed in a dark misty graveyard, Daryl's the one to immediately kill Jesus's murder. This was a combination of the Alone graveyard and Beth/Dawn at Grady.
We then see Henry get drunk on moonshine at Hilltop, and when Gage says they should have some more fun, his idea of fun is showing disrespect to the dead walker they trap in a pit. Henry kills it- just like Beth killing the walker in Still that Daryl was "having fun with".
Because of the moonshine Henry gets stuck in the cell block with Lydia (think Daryl saying "home sweet home") and in Still and Beth says "if we are going to be trapped (prisoners) again, might as well make the best of it".
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We find out Lydia was abused like Daryl, and Henry keeps saying Lydia is a good person. Just like Beth and Daryl.
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Henry and Lydia are young Beth and Daryl, who bond during this time in the cell block, they get separated due to the prisoner exchange with Alden and Luke.
The introduction of Alpha (An evil twisted Beth) who looks like she is dead. Same with Beta being Daryl with his double knives and who would follow Alpha anywhere. Their roles are reserved in that he is the musical one with a singing career and has released albums (sounds familiar to Emily right?).
Alpha is referred to as Mother by Lydia, and the whisperers refer to themselves as a pack (symbolic of wolf's) which is fulfillment of the song at the end of Still about 'Mother being absent' and a 'party when the Wolf comes home'.
We see the prisoner exchange (Luke and Alden for Lydia) from a nomad group and a fixed community. A repeat of Grady
We then see a Henry, Lydia rescue mission from Connie and Daryl in a building with a elevator shaft that Daryl pushes Beta into (Grady) repeating Beth pushing the officer down the elevator.
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As Daryl and Beta fight, Daryl stabs him where Beth stabs Dawn.
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Beta keeps yelling at Daryl "Where is she?" Daryl then stabs Beta in the same spot as Beth stabs Dawn. Repeating Daryl's desperate search for Beth from season 5 and how it ends.
Just before Beta gets pushed into the elevator he says "All I want is the girl", referring to Lydia but it shows Daryl's subconscious desire when going to Grady was just wanting the girl too (Beth).
The song at the beginning of 914 when pregnant Michonne is looking for Rick, is about dream catchers and dreaming. Which could be a hint at this being a dream state.
The episode also repeats the theme from the Grove, messed up children (Lizzy) willing and even happy about killing (Mica). The episode focuses on children killing dear just like The Grove and Josalin teaches them they must be strong, not weak just like Carol taught the kids in season 4. The timeline in this episode includes Henry getting his leg patched up at Alexandria with Lydia (another repeat of Beth's ankle injury) which would have happened around the same time as the events in the Grove.
We see Miles and Hilda running from walkers through the woods, him wearing plaid and her a cardigan just like Beth and Daryl in Still/Alone
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They just happen to come across somewhere safe (Hilltop) but that eventually leads to her being scalped and Miles gets his face turned into a whisperer mask so he effectively ends up "walking around like a dead man" which is a reminder of what Len says to Daryl in season 4 referring to Daryl being miserable due to losing Beth.
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Connie and Kelly fight about Connie not saying goodbye when she leaves with Daryl to rescue Henry. A reminder of  Beth and Daryl's conversation about not saying goodbye at the prison.
When next we see Beta and Daryl realises he survived being pushed into the elevator shaft.
Beta says to Daryl "You just had to give me the girl, no one else had to die, now that deal is done".
Same theme and mentality of Daryl when planning to rescue Beth from Grady.
He wanted everyone to go home and no one to die so he rejected Rick's plan of quietly slitting everyone's throats and hoped for a peaceful trade . But once Beth was lost to him, that deal was done and he instantly opens fire on Dawn.
The whisperers then kill Henry and the other's by quietly sneaking into Kingdom, taking them, and eventually slitting their throats and cutting their heads off.
All because they couldn't get Lydia back. The tactics were reversed. And in both situations the main Dr was not killed (Edwards and Siddiq)
Henry is killed and Lydia is miserable enough to almost commit suicide while the group is traveling through a snow storm from Kingdom to Alexandria. This is a repeat and reverse of the group traveling from Alexander in a heat wave and drought while Daryl was miserable.
Season 10
We see Siddiq keep having flashbacks about those that were killed at the fair.
Negan in prison at Alexandria is a repeat of Beth as a prisoner in Grady.
In 10.02 (1010) we get Alpha and Beta's back story from 7 years earlier. They are both in a addiction treatment Facility with hallways reminiscent of Grady, Beta has written on the walls 'Why am I STILL ALONE'. hint much?
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Alpha tells Beta that she doesn't die easily. A repeat of Beth telling Daryl that even tho he looks at her like just another dead girl, she isn't.
Alpha starts singing/humming when she hears Beta humming and he tells her to stop singing and never do it again. Repeating Daryl yelling at/mocking Beth about her singing in Still, and a reverse of Alone when he tells her to keep on singing.
Beta asks for Alpha's name and she responds with "The dead don't have names". Reinforcing the theme from Still of Beth telling Daryl that she knows he sees her as just another dead girl, and that's why he's afraid to get too close to her.
We see the introduction of the whisperer sisters (twisted versions of Maggie and Beth from season 4/5) one of which-a blond, has just lost a baby (Beth and Judith) and she eventually dies.
Beta and Alpha talk about what the dead feel, Alpha says "nothing" repeating Beth yelling at Daryl "Do you feel anything?"
Later we find out Beta's brother was being treated in that facility for addiction, repeating Daryl telling Beth about Merle and how he was always high. Alpha is the one to kill Beta's brother, repeating Beth telling Daryl "You got away from it" meaning Merle and his influence, and Beth's insistence on him staying who he is, kept him from becoming his brother.
The very next scene is current time and shows Beta telling Alpha (Just after the satellite hits) that he saw smoke at the boarder. Insinuating the fire from the satellite also represents the fire from the cabin in Still which was also right after Beth and Daryl's talk about Merle and how he got away from him.
Alpha and Beta then interlock fingers just like Beth and Daryl in Alone.
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The Whisperer sisters also have a conversation about how Alpha killed Lydia (which she lied about) and Alpha told them that she didn't shed one tear when Lydia died. One of the whisperer sisters says "She is Alpha, she doesn't cry."  repeating Beth's "I don't cry anymore Daryl".
Beta finds out Alpha lied about Lydia being dead and yells at her "she is never coming back, she is GONE! Alpha." Repeating Daryl and Rick's conversation about Beth being just gone.
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The beginning of 1003 shows Alexandria get wave after wave of walkers because of the fire from the Satellite (Sill cabin) which is a repeat of the walkers being drawn to the cabin while Beth and Daryl are still watching it burn. 413 opens with Maggie, Sasha and Bob fighting waves of walkers in the fog, and the Grove episode which happened on the same timeline showed burned walkers coming to the cabin Carol, Ty and the girls were in.
It's repeating that era.
The fighters at Alexandria are exhausted and Gabriel tells Aaron he has to use Negan to fight because they are low on fighters, he says pointing to Negan then Aaron "Peanut butter meet jelly" repeating the peanut butter Beth eats in Alone and Jelly Daryl eats.
Carol, Daryl and Michonne stay the night at Barnett academy home of the foxhound. Repeating the dog theme from Alone.
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The description of the episode says "The group stays at the academy but Carol falls into a trap." Once again Repeating the Alone/foot trap/dog/Grady/trap theme.
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Carol calls for Daryl to help her once she steps in the trap.
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This trap causes Carol to fall and hurt her arm badly repeating Beth's arm injury from season 5 when she wakes up with her arm in a cast.
Rosita and Eugene have an argument about how he loves her, and he says that he wished she would would re-zone him into love town, and hoped she'd changed her mind. (Changed your mind? Love? Yeah not spelling this one out for you)
This same episode Carol "wakes up" smiling but actually dreaming of domestic bliss with Daryl preparing her food, they have run out of jam/jelly. Probably because Daryl ate it all lol (once again Alone on repeat)
1006 Carol and Daryl go looking for Negan (the missing prisoner) a repeat of consumed 506 with Daryl and Carol searching for Beth.
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At the same time we see a focus on the doctors/medical ward of Alexandria due to the contaminated water making everyone sick. A reminder of Grady.
We also have Eugene on the radio broadcasting to try and reach a new community, which eventually leads to him and the others in 1016 ending up at the end of the train tracks with train cars and the meeting of a new group.
Which is repeating terminus, who were broadcasting on the radio too.
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He is on a mission to meet the new potential love of his life (Stephanie) at the same time Daryl and Carol are out on their search for the missing prisoner.
We see the whisperer doctor (Dante) plant himself into Alexandria and he eventually kills the second doctor (Siddiq) repeating but twisting the Grady story of Dr Edwards using Beth to kill the new doctor that comes into Grady.
Before he kills Siddiq however, Dante uses poison and kill another whisperer who gets put in the jail cell at Alexandria, he then blames the mistaken medication that killed the whisperer on Siddiq. Repeating Dr Edwards poisoning the new Dr that came into Grady while blaming Beth.
Lydia runs away from Alexandria during the time Dante kills Siddiq.
While Lydia (the girl) is missing and no one knows where she is, father Gabriel oversees Siddiqs funeral. Repeating Ty's funeral from season 5 while no one knew what became of Beth. The funeral scene emphasizes the sprinkling of dirt into the grave just like we saw with Ty.
Next we see a father Gabriel watching a video log of Dante when he first arrived at Alexandria
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repeating the groups from seasons 4/5 arriving at Alexandria and doing video logs with Diana.
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Aaron and Gracie are seen taking about vehicle registration plates and the different states, repeating Aaron and Eric's obsession with collecting them all in season 4/5
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While searching for Alpha, Carol almost steps in an animal trap and Daryl saves her. Another repeat of Beth's animal trap.
Soon after the animal trap, Carol then runs after Alpha leading the group into a trap in the cave, repeating her running into the trap at Grady and being hit by the car and the leading of the group to Grady.
While in the cave we see a bird cage, like we see in Beth's cell back at the prison, the bird cage representing her at Grady.
Carol is rash wanting revenge and stupidly drops the explosive causing the group to think Connie and Magna are dead. Beth at Grady rashly stabs Dawn, causing the group to think she is dead.
We next see a depiction of resurrection when Beta comes out the grave while sneaking into Alexandria.
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Daryl and Alpha fight, Alpha after fighting with Daryl wakes up from passing out, she is reborn stronger.
Eugene takes to Rosita about the probability of never seeing Father Gabriel and the others from Alexandria again because Alpha's horde is coming to Hilltop. Rosita tells Eugene to stop, repeating Beth and Daryl's argument in Still about never seeing Maggie again and Beth yelling at him to stop.
Eugene and Rosita then share some alcohol (moonshine) depicting Beth and Daryl doing the same.
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Rosita tells Eugene he has no romantic game which we all know applies to Daryl too.
Before the fight/fire at Hilltop, Daryl tells Judith that he is afraid a little bit. With Beth he wouldn't admit he was afraid of losing people, he cared about.
We then see Hilltop get drenched in a clear flammable liquid (tree sap) and set on fire (The Hilltop fire represents the cabin Daryl and Beth Burn)
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The episode with Virgil and Michonne is fascinating and aspects in it, could well be repeated with Daryl and Leah. This episode could be a foreshadow of: Scenario number 3. It's in part a hallucination.
In the Virgil/Michonne episode we see Michonne get drugged and she sees what the past would have been like if she'd chosen a different road. She describes what she saw in her hallucinations to Virgil, as losing her family and that it was Hell to see.
Virgil has taken the drugged tea before and he describes it as heaven because it reunited him with his family and he hoped it would do that for her. After coming out of the hallucination, Michonne spares Virgil's life and that act, ends up leading her to Rick's boots
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And the phone with the picture of her and Judith on it.
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The end of the episode ends in Michonne going to "Find him."
So the theme at play is: a Hallucination, then having mercy could lead to clue of a lost loved one finding the other. Interesting...
The note Daryl apparently leaves Leah says "Find me".
If Daryl is in some kind of drugged state during this episode, it could combine his immediate situation (Leah actually being there) and his memory and desire of Beth in a similar setting (Alone). If this scenario plays out Leah could take something of Daryl's and the follow on effect may well lead Beth to a clue about Daryl, leading to her finding him.
Just putting this idea out there as the hallucination theme is reinforced in season 10 with Siddiq and in the very next episode when Carol hallucinates Alpha, just after Alpha has been killed. Princess also mentions not being sure if she is hallucinating or not when she meets Eugene, Ezekiel and Yumiko, and wonders if they are real. And Beta hallucinates the walkers all looking to him and saying "this is the end of the world".
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So the Leah events maybe half true, half hallucination and this might be what leads to a clue and eventual reunion just as we assume Michonne's clues will eventually lead to a reunion with Rick.
After this episode the repeats in Bethyl themes get even more obvious.  
Beta takes Alpha's head and goes off on his own to listen to music (Emily's song, a love song with lyrics about going to Hell to find your missing girl) Beta makes a mask of half her face. She's with him even when she's gone.
The last words Beta says to Alpha are "Thank you, I see now, thank you". Repeating the thank you note and how she taught Daryl to believe there are still good people.
Eugene's group going into the city and then on to meet the new group at the train yard, is a mix of the group traveling to Atlanta to get Beth and also traveling to Terminus. Both times at the train tracks with train cars and the group ends up surrounded and with weapons pointed at them.
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The hospital location in 1015 and 16 or "Tower" as they call it, and what happens especially with Judith and Daryl, is in my opinion the biggest clue we are close to her return.
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The hospital is in your face Grady and it's meant to remind you of that time.
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In the hospital we see Lydia patting cats
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A reminder of the claimers and Joe the claimer leader asking Daryl if he was a cat person, just after losing Beth at the funeral home, but before Grady.
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Lydia has just lost Henry, repeating that time. Also if you recall in season 4 just before the Daryl meets the Claimers, Michonne and Rick were separated he was injured and she eventually finds a clue to him and Carl. Michonne is currently looking for Rick again due to the clues she finds with Virgil.
Luke is working on fixing up a speaker system to play music. Music/Beth inside the hospital.
Outside the hospital, in the woods Judith finds Daryl and tells him she doesn't like it inside it smells like cat pee (another reminder of the claimers era) she then tells Daryl she wants to learn what he does.
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Just like Beth learning to track, we even get Judith tracking and identifying what she tracks as a walker while Daryl looks on proudly.
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The group's whole plan for 1016 is to safely get "The music" speaker system out of the tower/hospital, to lead the huge horde of walkers surrounds them away.
Exactly what we didn't get to see in the aftermath of Grady. Getting Beth (music) out of the hospital.
Carol putting the knife up her sleeve is repeating Beth putting the scissors in her cast.
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Carol ends up getting her revenge without getting killed (Unlike Beth with Dawn) but ultimately it's Negan and Daryl that do the revenge killing for Carol and Beth. Carol says to Negan regarding killing Alpha" What took you so long", where as Daryl's reaction was instantaneous, in a split second and he had put a bullet in Dawn's head.
We also see Negan go down the elevator shaft with a rope, just like Beth did.
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The music they play to get the walkers away from the hospital is "Burning down the house", another repeat of the Still cabin.
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When Negan comes across Beta, Beta runs at him immediately to kill him. Pushing him down he pulls out his knife and is about to kill Negan as he say "For Alpha". Beta Repeating Daryl's instant revenge on Dawn.
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The title of 1016 is A Certain Doom, which is actually what Coda should have been called, considering this episode actually went to plan (mostly) for our group. Hardly anyone dies, only Beatrice from Oceanside and they get rid of Beta and Alpha's horde.
Beta dies as Daryl kills him before he can kill Negan. As Beta dies we see Alpha flashbacks of her telling him, he is not broken, that they love nothing, fear nothing, feel nothing and it makes them free. This is the exact opposite of what Beth taught Daryl. She called him out on being afraid of feeling and loving/caring about others.
Season 9 and 10 culminates with Lydia (Daryl) saving Carol (Beth) from certain death, by not letting her go over the cliff with all the walkers.
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And standing on the edge of the cliff watching the horde fall down-along with Alpha's mask, Lydia and Carol interlink hands, just like Daryl and Beth in front of the grave. The Grave Beth and Daryl stand in front of says Father, while Lydia and Carol are looking at the end of Mother (Alpha)
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Hopefully soon we get to see the original version of all this, and not just a repeated shadow of Daryl unknowingly doing something that helped Beth survive in the aftermath of Grady.
The upcoming episodes have me itching to see, I'm already seeing more repeats from Alone, Coda and 510 to name a few.
Beth is absolutely spilling out of the story right now through all these parallels, I haven't even covered them all here but just the main standouts of season 9 and 10.
So no matter what happens with this Leah character, Beth is still coming back and it's going to be massive
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fallout4holmes · 3 years
Nuka-World 5
Holmes held off on putting up a flag in Kiddie Kingdom; he wanted to give Oswald plenty of time to round up his remaining friends and leave town before raiders moved in. Holmes also wanted to see more of Nuka-Town's exterior, keep going before we attracted attention with his absence. I think part of him was hoping to see some chink in the wall, some flaw we could use to our advantage. Heck, I know I was.
All we found was a foul-tempered deathclaw.
"Did you ever hear Danse's recommendation for how to hunt deathclaws?" Holmes hissed as I got a stimpack in him afterward. "'Return to base and forget about it. You'll live longer.'"
I chuckled, "Man's got a sense of humor I never give him credit for. You alright?" He nodded. "Honest answer, Sherlock," I said with a small smile.
Holmes frowned and admitted, "There is a ringing in my ears, but the rest of me will be fine as soon as the stimpak does its work."
I gently tilted his head back to get a look at his eyes. "Vision blurry?"
He hesitated, "Slightly."
"I want that Dr. Mackenzie to check you out. Might have a concussion."
"We can't waste the opportunity—"
"I'm not risking you being hurt worse than you look," I said, firm. "I know I'm killing a great chance for intel, make a plan, get the hell out of this place… but damn it, Sherlock, it doesn't do me any good if you wind up getting hurt beyond repair."
"If it meant you at least could get home—"
"You're gonna stop that kind of talk right now. You're seeing the doc," I helped him up, "and we'll figure something out."
I helped him back, but he insisted on going in through the front gate on his own. He pulled it off too, not that I thought he wouldn’t. The guy’s impressively stubborn. Maybe I should have said “infuriatingly,” but I guess it’s a bit of both. The doc checked him over, with the marketplace guards looking curious all the while. No one asked any questions, and Dr. Mackenzie said he probably suffered a mild concussion and needed to take it easy a couple days.
“Limited physical exertion and mental concentration, if possible,” she suggested. I guess it’s hard for a doctor to be firm with her patient when she’s got a shock collar around her neck.
Holmes sighed, “Unfortunately, I don’t think that’s going to be an option.”
With that, we headed back to the Overboss’s room. Gage was waiting for us by the lift and followed us up. As soon as we were safely above listening ears, Gage helped himself to the bar. “Shit,” the raider chugged a swallow of what was probably vodka, “The fuck were you thinking, boss?! Everyone’s talking about how all of a sudden Kiddie Kingdom ain’t got a rads problem anymore, you can see the fucking park instead of a green haze! Then you come walking back in, go straight to the doc, and she tells you to take it easy?”
He slammed the bottle down on the bar and started pacing. “So you went in, cleaned out the park, nearly got yourself killed, and didn’t put up a flag. What the Fuck am I supposed to do with that?” He turned to me, “Shut up, I don’t want an answer, I got an answer already lined up. You gotta understand, the new Overboss getting his ass kicked doesn’t look good.” He turned back to Holmes, “You made it here without help, that’s good, but you look like shit. Cleaning out Kiddie Kingdom, rads central. Makes sense you’d get sick. I can run that angle. No flag? Eh, who wants the kid town anyway. Besides, wanna give it time to air out or whatever. That’ll keep folks… not happy, but not angry, which is the important part. Soon as you're ready, we’ll head out for one of the other parks." Gage walked right up to Holmes then, "This time, I’m coming with. Can’t let anyone get the idea I don’t care about the Overboss’s health.”
So much for finding a way out on our own.
The Galactic Zone was west of Nuka-Town and, according to Gage, the traders used to scavenge for scrap in the space-themed park before the raiders moved in. The dead bodies by the entrance weren’t encouraging.
Holmes looked at Gage. Gage shrugged, “I dunno what killed ‘em, they were here when we took over the place.”
Holmes searched the bodies and found a holotape. It was a diary; the dead traders had come to salvage the tech in the park, but something had gone wrong. Something called a "Star Control."
"The fuck is a star control?" Gage grumbled.
"I don't know," Holmes said, pistol drawn, "but activating it somehow caused these people's deaths."
Gage was not impressed, "Killing a bunch of traders already running away don't mean much."
"I have found it is best to be cautious when dealing with technology one does not understand," Holmes said flatly.
We headed in. Considering the theme of the park, the hostile robots weren't much of a surprise, but the number and variety was a bit of a shock.
"Didn't think I'd be getting shot at by a walking refrigerator today!" I shouted to Holmes as we took cover from the bot's blue blasts.
"Is it really shooting that Quantum shit??" Gage sounded offended. He got off a few shots with his rifle, shattering the display screen on top of the fridge. It didn't seem to slow it down. “Never did have the aim to knock the batteries out of 'em,” Gage shouted, “Always had to take down robots the hard way!”
Holmes drew Oswald's sword and charged. I swore, loudly, “Damn it, Gage, don’t give him ideas!!” Gage and I rushed after Holmes as he crippled the robot. Then I saw the eyebots. And the protectron. “We got company!”
“C’mere, spare parts!” Gage growled and opened fire.
I’ll give Gage some small credit; the man’s good in a fight, even if I hate how he shanghaied us into this mess. The three of us took the robots out, but that was just the welcoming committee. The whole park was populated by modified models of robots, painted in Nuka colors. Holmes wanted to find the Star Control, figuring that whatever it was probably had something to do with the robots run amok, and the dead traders out front.
None of us were expecting it to be a huge military-grade computer mainframe.
Gage whistled low, “Well ain't this somethin'. Probably don't all work, but... I'm gonna keep my hands to myself just the same.”
“You’re smarter than you look,” I muttered.
“Least I look like something, instead of falling apart.”
“Enough,” Holmes ordered. He approached a corpse holding a black circuit board with glowing red lights. The board was the same size and shape as the empty panels all across the mainframe. Holmes placed the board in one of the panels, and the mainframe powered up.
“Guess shooting it won’t do the trick, huh?” Gage joked as Holmes accessed the terminal.
“Shooting things is rarely an effective way to gain information, Mr. Gage,” Holmes said.
“Sure it is,” Gage shrugged, “you just gotta be careful not to kill ‘em on the first shot.”
While Holmes read, I looked around. The building was a military and space exhibit, a diorama of a Quantum-blue suit of power armor on the moon enclosed by glass in the middle. The fella Holmes had taken the gadget from had a holotape on him. Turned out he was the one that turned on the robots to defend his people from Colter's raiders, before making sure that the system could handle it. ‘What’s the worst that could happen,’ he wondered.
Holmes stepped away from the terminal and gestured to the panels, “The system is a Systemized Telemetry for Automated Robot Control, or S.T.A.R. Control. These cores enable communication to all of the robots in the park. If we can find the cores, we can shut the robots down and eventually disable the defense mode they’re currently in.”
“Find the shiny rectangle things? That’s it?” Gage said.
“And not get killed by rampaging robots in the process,” Holmes nodded.
“Right. I’m so glad we picked this park to start off,” Gage headed toward the entrance, “who’s bright idea was that?”
“Yours,” I said.
It’s hard to imagine Nuka-World as a place families once came to when you’re shooting robots alongside a raider who essentially kidnapped you and your partner to force you into being his front for power… but the Galactic Zone was probably pretty impressive back in its day. RobCo sponsored a battle arena to show off its robots, there was a movie theater featuring whatever sci-fi flick of the day, a space-adventure roller coaster, everything a kid with a fascination for robots and astronauts could want. There was also a Vault-Tec exhibit.
The attraction was obviously just a way to attract customers to purchase spots in vaults. I got a kick out of the "Mutations: It Could Happen To You” pamphlet we found behind a desk. Of course, it’s not really Vault-Tec if there’s not some sort of immoral experimentation going on, and sure enough this facsimile of a vault had all the requirements. Vault-Tec used the ride to experiment on visitors. After everything we’ve found in Vaults, you’d think I’d stop being surprised.
“You ask me, whole idea of these ‘Vaults’ was messed up,” Gage grumbled as we walked through. “Sure, stick me underground with no control over anything... What could go wrong?”
“You would have made a fascinating specimen for some of the horrific experiments I’ve seen,” Holmes muttered.
Gage frowned, “I don’t know if that was an insult or not, so I’m gonna keep my mouth shut this time. But if—”
Whatever threat was lined up got cut off by the protectrons on display coming to life.
We fought our way through the park, explored the nooks and crannies of every ride and exhibit until we’d collected a hefty haul of star cores. Once we were back at the Star Control, Holmes loaded them into the panels. There were only a few empty spots left, and that was more than enough for our purposes.
“There,” Holmes announced as he accessed the terminal again. “The robots have been taken off defense mode.”
“Good,” Gage said. “Means they won’t cause any trouble for whatever gang gets this place, right?”
“Yes.” Holmes kept neutral.
“So which is it gonna be?”
“I hadn’t given it much thought.”
Gage rolled his eyes, “Well start thinkin’, boss. Sooner you hoist a flag, the sooner we can get back to Nuka-Town and get ready for the next park.”
Holmes thought for a moment. He rifled through the pack of flags and pulled out a tattered sheet with a red knife crossing four black blades painted in the middle. As he headed up one of the ramps to the second floor of the building, Gage laughed, “Shit, the Disciples? Really? Figured you’d be more fond of the Operators.”
I was frowning as Holmes came back down. He gestured that we leave. The three of us got moving, Gage leading the way back to town. “Disciples?” I asked in a low voice.
“To paraphrase something Gage said earlier, raiders aren’t good with technology. I don’t imagine the Disciples will find much relief for their bloodlust in fighting robots.”
“Unless they make the robots fight other people.”
“That’s something the Pack might attempt, but not the Disciples. They enjoy getting their own hands dirty too much. And if any of these raiders could figure out how to use the Star Control system, I imagine it would be the Operators.”
“So you gave it to the gang that would get the least use and satisfaction out of it.”
He nodded.
I smiled, just a little.
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kyberphilosopher · 4 years
Chapter Thirteen
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I am frightened initially, but that’s to be expected. Luckily, it doesn’t take long for my brain to communicate to the rest of my body that I need to remain calm. I can’t show him that I’m frightened, and even then, there’s nothing much to be frightened of. Situations like these are exactly why I train as often as I do. Situations like these are exactly why I’ve worked to refine my skills with a lightsaber in the previous month.
The figure decides to speak first, letting me know that they feel they are in control of the conversation. This is definitely a ‘he who strikes first, wins’ scenario, and so far I am losing 0-2.
“I believe a greetings are in order, though first an explanation,” he says. His voice comes out distorted from under his helmet, which is black and lined with silver detailing in a rather horrific feeling pattern. “I haven’t come to rob you- not that there’s anything here worth robbing, anyway.”
Okay, a little sassy. Nothing I can’t take though.
“Do you know why I am here?”
He’s asking you a question, Keres. It’s okay to answer. “No.”
The man hums a little, as if he were amused. “Are you telling me the truth?”
I swallow dryly. Then I weigh the pros and cons of each answer I can give him, and all the possible scenarios birthing from me saying each. Finally, I decide on a simple, “no.”
The man takes a step directly forward. His boot comes down against the fish and the stick and the fire all the same, snapping through each as if it were nothing. The flame extinguishes immediately. “You’re a good girl then. For telling me the truth.”
He must’ve seen the darkening of my eyes. There’s a certain hatred developing from me to him, all because of a two word phrase I can’t stand in the slightest. I want to kill him then and there for making me relive something I’m in denial about. I want to make him suffer.
“Did I touch a nerve there?”
I’ll fucking kill you. “No.”
He takes another step forward. Now, I can get a better gage of his height compared to mine. He looms over me, but I doubt he’s over six feet. He’s letting the intimidation speak instead of his size. Funny.
“You should smile. For me.”
I draw my lightsaber without thinking. The green end comes out first, pointing directly at the center of his chest. Emerald light ripples across our features, flickering and expanding in the blades wake. I don’t think before the words come out next.
“I will kill you if you come any closer to me.”
The man’s head tilts down. I try to picture his face underneath, but all I can imagine is something hideous and vile, just like his words. “Are you sure you want to do this girl? Cross a future Sith Lord?”
My brain goes blank. The left side of my lips twitch up into a calm smirk. Slowly but clearly, I look him where I picture his eyes to be. “I can’t cross myself more than I already have.”
A red lightsaber ignites slowly against the green. They skim each other, but I don’t let my eyes wander from his mask. He’s a coward. Hiding behind a mask instead of looking at me with his full eyes. I want him to memorize the face that is responsible for his death. I want him to memorize every detail, as if we were lovers, as he chokes on his own blood.
I don’t have the space to do it here. I need to lead us out of the cave if we’re going to have an honest to Maker duel. He seems to be on the same page at least. One of my feet reaches backwards a step, and another follows. His own move in sync until I break into the open air, and rain makes him appear blurry.
“You are not nearly as good a girl as I thought you to be,” his voice oozes, almost like a promise.
I have nothing to say to him. I have taken abuse in the past. But now I have to show myself that I have not lived all this time and allowed myself to still take abuse from men.
I narrow my eyes. I can see my plan being executed now. First, I do a simple string of jabs to throw him off guard. When he’s comfortable, I jump and kick his face. A punch to the neck will discombobulate him further. Some more strikes to tire him, then choke him upwards with the Force, slam him into the mud, and stab him through his mask  before he can say the word ‘Empire’.
I’m about to do it… I’m about to-
I whip to the side, igniting the second half of my lightsaber just in time. It clashes against a blue forcefully. On the other end, I can see the angered and determined face of a pale man with slim eyes and bushy eyebrows, biting his lip in frustration.
“Ah,” the other one chuckles. “Yutaro. I was beginning to wonder when I’d see you again.”
The man with the blue lightsaber softens his power before he speaks. He has just enough time to say, “It’s never soon enough with-” before I twist and kick him so hard he flies backwards.
“I was listening to that,” the first man growls. He pushes his saber against mine so hard I jump back and disconnect. I snap my lightsabers apart so I am holding each in my hand. One green, one red. I twirl the green in my hand once before using it to block his attacks.
They are sharp and powerful. Not slow, but still calculated. They rely more on brute force. I can use this to my advantage. I just need to make a plan.
They’re forcing me to walk backwards, showing his dominance over me. From the left corner of my eye, I see a flash of blue and I jump back quickly.
When the Jedi raises his blue sword over his head, I slip out of the way and watch as he meets the red blade. They’re just as against each other as they are me. I could use this to my advantage too, I know it. The question is, how can I give myself enough time to formulate a plan and get myself out of this? I can’t just run away, there’s no way they wouldn’t notice and stop me. I could attempt to outsmart them, but how? I could use the environment, I suppose. Scale a tree? No. The Sith would just cut it down or follow me. Anywhere I run as long as they’re alive, they’re sure to be right behind me. I just know it.
While the Sith defends himself against the Jedi- who’s sweat is dripping off his forehead way heavier than it should mixed with the rain- his right hand shoots out towards me. Immediately, I am flying through the air for one, two, three seconds until a splitting pain runs through my vertebrae. A hoarse shriek escapes my lips as I fall to the ground after hitting the tree, my lightsabers coming to a close on their own. When I crash into the ground, wet dirt enters my mouth and my fingerless gloves have ripped at my palms to reveal thin streaks of blood. The injury stings, but it’ll be worse if I don’t move.
The black clothed hand becomes a tight fist, and I’m thrown stiff and upright again. I can hear my back crack and wince in protest, but there’s nothing I can do for it. Then it begins- the sudden realization that I can’t breathe.
My hands find their way to my throat, as if ripping it open would give me air. Oh, air. Sweet, sweet air. How I’ve taken you for granted for so long! If I live through this, I promise I’ll never let you go again.
          Ah, it burns. My senses are drying up, my nose feels sore and enflamed like I inhaled water. In fact, I’m almost certain I am. The rain is burning away at my skin and my insides slowly but surely. My eyes feel teary and everything is gradually becoming darker. And my throat, gods my throat. It feels tighter. It feels like someone poured salt directly down my esophagus. Force, don’t let me die, not like this. Not after all that time, all those months and years I’ve spent wandering around the galaxy. This can’t be my ending- can it? Dying without really knowing where I stand?
Weakly, I tell my right hand to feel the Force around me. After a second of my choking and my fingers wiggling slightly- it clicks. My lightsaber surges into my palm. I flick the switch and hear the unsheathing of the blade. I feel the shadows Force fingers around my throat loosen for a split moment, and then my hand slashes out behind me.
The two men stop themselves to see the giant, red barked tree falling towards them. They both leap out of the way, giving me the air I’ve needed to fling myself out of the way of the tree and away from either of them. I land about 15 feet away from the crashing wood. I don’t see either of them, but I can feel them. The darker robed one must be Aegus. The other one was referred to as Yutaro. Let’s just see if this will be a fair fight.  
If I can sense Aegus, he can definitely sense me as well. There’s no use in running or attempting to hide- that could just give away my location faster. I’m not sure I could beat him in battle. To do that, first I would have to match him in anger to match him in strength. I don’t know if I could do that, physically. It’s best I stick to aiming to outsmart him for the moment.
As soon as I ignite the other blade of my saber, the red one, I hear twigs snapping behind me. Whirling around, I raise my saber with two hands to block Aegus’s attack. He presses me down, edging his blood colored blade closer to my face, separated only by part of my own red sword. Behind his mask, his seething expression radiates through. He hates me. Hates me for both rejecting and accepting the Dark side. Hates me for rejecting the Jedi and not being able to give him the satisfaction of killing one. He absolutely loathes me for being in that gray area. He wants me dead.
Fine by me. I’ve wanted him dead the moment the words “good girl” fell from his foul lips.
I push my saber up, hitting his mask with the hilt of my weapon. He falls back slightly, just enough to take pressure off me. I strike up again, this time cracking his mask. Underneath, I can see skin so pale it’s nearly snow white. It’s haunting to see, but I have no time to contemplate or analyze it. I bring my lightsaber overhead to finish him, but he throws me back again. I hit my back against another tree- harder than the last time. I can’t afford to feel pain though, because he’s in front of me again, ready to aggressively finish me off.
I flip back, my toes slipping back in the mud clumsily. When I raise my head, I can see him edging towards me, a scowl evident on his pale lips. I can do this, I can take him.
Where’s that other Jedi? I need to keep an eye on him as well. If he’s staying back, he’s either injured, or hiding until Aegus or I kill each other, and since I didn’t see a blue and red saber clashing after the tree fell, I’m guessing it’s the former. I have to double my guard then. 
As if on cue, I feel his presence behind me. I twirl around, meeting his fierce expression. This close, I can see his eyes are amber, slanted, and framed by thick eyebrows. He hates me too. He thinks I’m a Sith, because I haven’t committed myself to the Light. I block his strike, then counter with my own.
He’s fast. It becomes a pattern, a quick, rigorous dance of taking turns blocking and attacking- sometimes at the same time. I can feel Aegus lurking behind us, like a hunter-seething, loathing, hating. He’s analyzing my every move. Every time I hop, twirl, defend, attack- he sees. I know this will give him some sort of advantage when he reaches me, but there’s nothing I can do about it at the moment. 
I begin to match Yutaro’s speed. The force tells me when to jump, dodge, when to attack. I can tell he’s taken aback between thrusts. He sees how fast I change between a double-bladed saber and just the one blade. He sees how I dodge. Does he worry the force is stronger with me then he anticipated? He must at least wonder about it now.
I throw my right hand out, and the Jedi stumbles back just enough to let me twist my body around, and slip the green end of the light saber through his abdomen. He makes a choking noise, and I attempt not to wince. I can already feel the twinge of guilt creeping up my throat, but I silence it by pushing my blade through him even more, and listen to him crumple to the ground. Then I twirl my lightsaber in my hand, loosening up the cramps in my fingers.
Aegus’s lips twist up into a cold smirk, illuminated by his blade. He surges forward without warning. I raise my lightsaber just in time, but not without sacrifice.
His red lightsaber passes right through the bound together hilts of my two sabers. They come apart in my hands, both blades flickering. My shock gives him the time needed to kick me back into the dirt. Both the red and the green blades fall from my hands and close on their own. I tumble back, dirt covering my face and clouding my vision. My lightsabers! I treasured that dual bladed advantage.
A screech pulls me from my loss. Aegus.
On instinct, I throw both my palms over my head, squinting my eyes as I watch ants slip in the blades of grass I kneel on.
This next part is not for those with weak stomachs.
Aegus grips into my right palm, reigniting the burning sensation from all the scars on top. He pulls it backwards, and my fingers spread on instinct. One moment, I had all five of them. The next moment, I did not.
My right ring finger erupts like a volcano. It burns and hisses and seems to scream all on its own. It is warm and wet for a moment, but then two rows of teeth descend upon it, just above my knuckle.
My back arches in agony, and I can’t help but cry out. My voice goes hoarse in an instant, but the scream doesn’t end. I can’t push him away, no matter how hard I try. My left hand drops the saber, and my mind goes blank with nothing but searing pain and shock.
My knees and boots clamber against the mud as I struggle and cry. I try to tear my finger away without thinking about the situation, and I’m abhorred to find I succeed. My vision narrows like a tunnel, and my heartbeat drums all too loudly in my ears. When I look down, my right hand is covered in thick, red juice. My right ring finger was half of what it was a moment ago, separated in the most raw and unclean way I could think of.
I have just enough time to grab the lightsaber at my side with my left hand before he kicks me down. Then I watch him bolt at me with a loud hiss, and my throw both my palms over my head on instinct. I prepare myself for death.
The blade pierces me, but no pain comes. A tickling sensation follows. Furrowing my eyebrows, I lift my head up and am greeted with a surprise.
Aegus’s blade is trapped in my palms, but stopped from going any further. Besides my finger, I am not injured or impaled. The light that comes from his lightsaber being so close blinds me slightly, and the heat radiating off of it singes, but I’m alright. I’m… blocking his lightsaber with my hands. I can do that? I can do that? Yes! I can do that!
Aegus’s face falls for a moment, then he grits his teeth again and pushes on me more. It’s no use.
I take one hand away from above my head and feel the electric shocks run through my palm. With a thrust, the hand shoots out- more to the Dark side than him- and I wince slightly in pain as the lightning surges out from my fingers like coils and cages Aegus inside. He screams out, and the indigo arcs carry him up and away as he rears in agony. This is it. This is my chance.
I throw my left hand out, pulling a lightsaber towards me. The red one answers my call immediately. As I sprint through the foliage and towards my kill, I notice how beautiful it looks today. Still rainy, but beautiful.
I flip the switch and hear the buzz of the blade spring to life. Reaching Aegus, I see his eyes widen and his lips part in fear. Quickly, mercilessly, I swing the lightsaber at his knee. He falls onto his side, then flat on his back.
Aegus lifts a hand up as if to stop me. His mouth begins to form the word ‘stop’. With a flick of my wrist, he is silenced. The lightsaber goes straight through his chest. I twist it for good measure.
Aegus twitches. Then he stays still.
Once I am sure that he is not faking his death, my knees buckle against each other. The pain coursing from my finger is raw and unmatched by anything I have ever felt. It’s not something I can just repair either. My finger was bitten off. Aegus may have swallowed it.
I still hate him for what he did to my sabers. I’ll find the green one, which is something broken I know I can at least try to repair, but it won’t be as clean as the Haxion Brood’s work. I’m frustrated and upset by the loss. I really enjoyed having a dual bladed saber!
I do eventually find the green bladed weapon. The end of the hilt is damaged and sparking, and the leather I bound it with is singed. When the beam erupts from the emitter, it looks unstable and flickering. There’s no way I’ll be able to fix that. It’s still usable all together, but I don’t know for how long.
After standing still for a while, I decide my best course of action is to begin to make my way back to the cave. My injuries continue to sting and protest, but I don’t blame them for that part. Least of all my right hand.
It seems I have to change planets again.
Maybe it was my exhaustion that brought me to him. It clouded what I could sense and see. I suppose it doesn’t matter how I came across him, looking back on it. All that matters is that I did- that I do.
I stand and watch the river for a while. I watch the cool, spring waters toss over rocks and flow downstream. The color is a mix between pale blue and glistening silver- like a lightsaber. It’s strikingly different from his own weapon, I’d come to realize.
When I finally turn around to continue my journey to my cave, I am stopped in my very tracks.
I’ve turned around just in time to see his lightsaber come to light. It contrasts the fleeting light in the sky. It’s… unlike any I’ve seen before.
Purple. His lightsaber is purple. The hilt is polished silver, but I can’t make out details from this distance. The blade casts a violet glow on its closest surroundings.
“Going somewhere?” he muses.
I didn’t know it in that moment, but I could sense it. This one would change my life. He would change me.
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cancerianprincess · 6 years
Birkin Bag (3)
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|Part Two|
Summary: Erik finds out he might’ve rubbed off on his best friend a tad too much and that she’s really with the shits
Warning: Language, Angst, Kidnap Mention(s), Violence
“I bought my bitch a Birkin Bag so she could hold my fucking strap..”
“We got movement on the sensors over at Stevens’ place,” Jay announced. He’d been in charge of monitoring the cameras they’d planted in the early stages of their operation. Tracee halted mid-swing at the news, a wicked grin spreading across her face. She looked to Trey, who was also relishing in the fact that their scheme was going according to plan.
“Well, what’re we waiting for then? Let’s send baby girl her invite to the party.” He nodded at Tracee, indicating that it was okay to pause in her task at hand. Though hesitant, she obeyed the order, releasing the death grip she’d had on the front of Erik’s shirt. Before heading over to send their demands to the girl now exploring the ransacked apartment, Tracee was caught by a firm but comforting hand.
“Don’t worry, Tee,” Trey reassured. “I’ll be sure to deliver the same level of enthusiasm in entertaining our guest of honor here while you handle that.” Faith restored after sizing him up one good time, Tracee continued on the to communications setup with a content smile on her face. A smile that derived from the sound of Trey’s footsteps echoing in the opposite direction, followed by the low grunt coming from Erik as Trey’s fist connected with his jaw.
You sat in the driver’s seat, scoping out the parking lot of the abandoned warehouse. Adrenaline had been the sole reason you reached the secluded location a whole fourteen minutes ahead of the estimated arrival time, your foot rarely letting off the gas the entire way. However, with the drive being over an hour and some change away from the city, it wasn’t like you necessarily had time to spare. Eyes darting to the digital clock on your dash, you took note of the time: 11:17.
Enough time had passed already. You still had to make your way inside and find Erik so it was now or never to get moving. Shutting the car off, you pocketed the keys and reached for the clutch lying in the passenger’s seat, reviewing the instructions on its transformation for what had to be the millionth time.
Erik swiped tears of laughter from his eyes. “Are you done beating on me now? Because I still ain’t show you how to work the thing yet.”
Your own laughter died down as you furrowed your brow at him. “Show me how what works? The purse?” Your eyes fell to the bag still in your lap and then looked back to Erik.
“It’s a purse, E. I’m pretty sure I know how to use it. Put stuff in, carry it around, repeat,” you stated matter-of-factly.
“Oh yeah, so why is it buzzing then--and don’t say ‘because of the vibranium,’ either.”
You opened your mouth to say something but nothing came to mind. Erik smirked at rendering you silent. “Exactly, so shut up and listen ‘cause this surprise ain’t gonna be as simple as the first one.”
He carefully explained to what to do; instructing you to grasp the handle firmly, actually mash the jaguar medallion with your thumb this time, and snap it out like a Frisbee when you were ready. You, still somewhat fried from the weed, glanced at him crazily trying to figure what the hell he had in store for you now. But Erik only nodded to give you the go ahead, so you merely shrugged and did as he said. What happened next looked like a scene straight out of a movie.
As the clutch launched forward, it started transforming right in the palm of your hand. The end result, was a highly advanced semi-automatic pistol, similar in color to the clutch that it had been only seconds ago. Careful not to set it off in the confined space, you turned it over repeatedly in your hands, examining every inch of it. Somewhere in the middle of doing so, you saw that one side of the gun’s handle bore the jungle cat pin, right where your thumb would rest in a normal grip. Still reeling in disbelief, you addressed Erik without taking your eyes from the weapon.
“Y-You got me a gun??”
“What the hell it look like, Niya?” Erik confirmed, flashing his canines. He watched your reaction with amusement, comparing it to that of a kid in a candy store.
 “It’d be messed up for me to fight so hard in getting these sent out to the rest of the world and not even bring yo’ crazy, violent ass one back to have, too.”
“Hey! I am not violent nor crazy,” you denied. But Erik knew better. All he did was shoot you that ‘nigga please’ look of his, causing you to slightly change your tune. “I just...know how to properly channel my adrenaline at a moment’s notice when the situation calls for it.”
Erik only smacked his teeth. “Yeah okay, believe that bullshit if you want to, but I know you better than that. You know you a little messed up in the head just like I used to be and that’s exactly we became cool in the first place,” he retorted, tapping his temple.
“I’m sorry, but USED to be?” you challenged. “Nuh uh, don’t even try it. You may be doing good and all, but yo block headed ass still got a few screws loose up there, N’Jadaka.”
The exaggeration of his birth name made Erik’s head jerk wildly in your direction. “Aight lil girl,” he warned. “Better watch that mouth of yours.”
Despite the commanding tone he took, you couldn’t help but start cracking up again at knowing you’d get away with it, as you always did.
The buzz of your phone pulled you out of the daydream, and suddenly hurled you back to the harsh reality you were currently facing. Shelving your emotions with a shake of your head, you climbed out the vehicle and closed the door, checking the latest message that had come in.
‘Level 2, Workshop 4. Tick tock...your boy isn’t looking too good.’
Okay, so these bitches wanted to play. Like it wasn’t already enough that they’d taken Erik and done who knows what to him for whatever reason, but now they were mocking you?? In that split second, something inside you snapped. Not in an angry way, not in a emotional way; you’d skipped right over any of that.
At this point, you were lividt. So much so, that when you walked from your car to the side of the building, you looked squarely over top the rear entrance, and smiled calmly into the surveillance camera suspended over the door.
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Because if it was games they were interesting in playing, you were going to show them that you weren’t a new player in the slightest.
You turned the knob and found it was unlocked, your arrival obviously expected. But while it may have been welcomed, didn’t necessarily mean it would be friendly. Though they may have been waiting a few floors above, your senses still remained razor sharp, inspecting the vast space as you searched for the elevator. While keeping an eye out for any unordinary movements among the abandoned auto parts littered everywhere, you successfully found it and mashed the button labeled ‘2’, initiating your ascent from the basement level. Your quick ride in the lift was spent securing the few weapons you possessed, ensuring they were well concealed but also easily accessible.
Dual pocket knives, one in the front pocket of your jeans while its twin was strategically hidden in the curly pineapple on your head, and the purse that would be preserved as a last resort, hanging on your right shoulder by its chain. As you loaded and cocked back the standardized gun that you, in fact, ended up retaining temporary custody of for Erik, his voice rang back in your head in regards to your own modified firearm.
“It operates just like any other one you’ve handled before,” he’d communicated.
“The pin only responds to your thumbprint so it’ll react to it right away. Just remember: click the jaguar once to activate the kinetic boost, twice to deactivate, and lastly, press and hold with the safety on to camouflage it back altogether.”
A jerk of the floor signified that you’d reached your destination, so you quickly double checked the safety of the pistol before the doors could open, stowing it carefully beneath your hoodie it wouldn’t accidentally blow your ass cheek off while tucked in the waistband of your pants.
“Once for kinetic, twice for traditional…” Your voice was barely above a whisper as you stepped off the elevator, muttering the instructions back to yourself just to be certain they were ingrained in your memory. There were six doors in total, all evenly spaced out between the entry point and humongous floor-to-ceiling window at the end of the corridor. Thanks to the moonlight shining through the glass overlook, you singled out the one you were focused on without needed to strain your eyes against the darkness.
‘Workshop 4.’ Second door on the right, as designated by the sign perched above its banister. Waiting no longer you approached the sliding door, steeling your nerves one last time as you latched around the handle to tug it back with all your might. And boy were you subconsciously glad for the brief preparation, because if not for it, the sight in front of you would’ve turned your world upside down.
You hadn’t even wrenched it halfway open before seeing a practically lifeless Erik, sitting near the middle of the room tied to a chair. Even with his head hung low you could gage that he had taken a real beating. Your face twisted up in despair, hand covering your mouth to keep from yelling out his name. If you weren’t so eager to check on the prince’s condition, your feet probably would have stayed glued at the entrance rather than tearing across the floor of the lair.
But before you could reach the spotlight Erik had been baking under, a baritone voice echoed from the direction in which you’d just come from.
“That’s far enough,” it said. “Hands where I can see ‘em.”
Your sprint halted to a few staggering steps, then quickly to a complete standstill. As first the rebel in you wanted to do the exact opposite, just reach open fire with Erik’s gun. Yet it soon became clear that wouldn’t be the smartest option when a warning shot was fired into the ceiling in response to your hesitation.
“I said,” he emphasized, “that’s far enough.”
Reluctantly complying much faster than previously, you gradually raised your arms to imitate a football goal, making no sudden movements as instinct advised. When it was determined that you were done acting up, heavy footsteps reverberated on the concrete, growing louder with every stride.
As the man rounded in front of you, his appearance was finally revealed under the light. The figure had deep mocha skin, and possessed girthy muscles essentially everywhere to compliment his height of at least six-foot seven. Still, his build didn’t intimidate you in the slightest, even as his eyes intensely raked over your body. Because although strength may have been his specific attribute, speed in this moment would be yours.
And his third mistake since meeting you, was assuming it would be enough to overpower you.
The second mistake, had been giving you an unauthorized pat down, and a rather poor one at that. Not that you would’ve permitted him to touch you anyway, but if done right then maybe he would have kept his eyes trained on you as he squatted to search your lower region. And maybe avoided the slash brought down through the eye with the blade stashed in your hair. But he didn’t. So instead he paid for his faults.
Which is why a broken arm and deep thrust to the thigh was compensation for mistake number one: blocking your view of Erik when that was the only thing your brain was focused on.
You bent down over the wailing stranger, leaning close for your petty side to speak in his ear.
“Might wanna leave that in there, big fella,” you mockingly referred to the knife still lodged in his leg. “‘Cause when I yank that knife out, that artery’s gonna empty in under two minutes and you’ll have bled out cold. So just keep it warm for me ‘til then, mkay?”
Winking at him, you gave him two little love taps to the unsliced side of his face and stood up straight once more. The sensation of satisfaction didn’t remain long though, ending when you whipped your gun out at cowboy speed, and aimed it at two new voices starting up behind you.
“Damn Trey, guess you was right about her,” one chuckled venomously. “She really ain’t nothing to play with.”
“What I tell you, Tee? Told you shawty not as innocent as she looks.”
The first voice was unfamiliar and came from a woman, whose left hand was fisted in Erik’s loose dreads, while the right had a switchblade pressed to his exposed neck. And that had you seething for more reasons than you could explain. However, the second voice was one you unfortunately recognized. The man emerged from the shadows and stood in the light next to the woman and over Erik, sadly confirming your suspicion and making your thumb click off the safety.
“‘The fuck are YOU doing here?” You spat at him, pupils dilating.
What the fuck was your ex doing there???
|Part Four|
@iamrheaspeaks @princesskillmonger @eriknutinthispoosy @youreadthatright @wheredidallthedreamersgo @sonofnjobu @bidibidibombaclaat @turn-thy-paige @theunsweetenedtruth @chaneajoyyy @marvelpotterlove @ayellepea @another-imaginesblog @pandigirl11 @tiava143 @hold-me-like-a-heart-beat @allhailnjadaka 
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companionhell · 6 years
How about we get the companions reacting to Sole being transgender?
For this one, I’m gonna write it like all the companions are not trans. This is because a trans person and a cis person would have different reactions, and writing both for each character would be a bit of a pain. Assuming all the companions are cis for this one specific reaction is not putting down anyone’s interpretation, not implying that I interpret them all as cis, and definitely not saying no one can send me requests about the companions being trans. In fact, I have one right now (about a trans Gage) that I am very excited to write. Now that my annoyingly long disclaimer is over, here you go:
Cait: She may not understand what Sole was talking about at first, but she got the concept easily enough. It wasn’t rocket science. Cait would continue to treat Sole as she always did, from the gratuitous teasing to the occasional heart-to-heart, and it wouldn’t affect her perception of Sole in the slightest.
Codsworth: He’d known, from his time in their family before the war- Sole had mentioned it to him offhandedly, and that had been that. Codsworth’s etiquette protocols prevented him from treating Sole any differently- not that he would, regardless- and they were just the same old lovable sir/mum to him.
Curie: Curie knew of transgender people, because apart from one trans scientist she knew, she’d also read a few psychology papers authored by trans folks. Sole would still be Sole to her, though she may ask a few questions on the nature of being transgender- she was just curious for a human perspective.
Danse: Odds are, Danse knows one or two trans soldiers in the Brotherhood, but he never asked them about it- it just never occurred to him. So Sole might need to explain a little, but once they did, Danse would be totally fine with it. After all, gender identity didn’t matter much if one was such an excellent soldier.
Deacon: Of course Deacon knew what trans people were. He’d met all sorts of people, infiltrated all kinds of communities, not to mention the synths who wanted to be altered to look like a different gender- Deacon was definitely aware of the concept. It wouldn’t phase him at all that Sole was transgender.
Dogmeat: As a dog, Dogmeat generally didn’t think about gender. Especially not human gender. It didn’t matter much to him. Sole was still Sole, transgender or not, so he’d have no reaction.
Gage: In the raider gangs, gender identity was almost never discussed openly. Someone was the gender they said, and you didn’t protest unless you wanted a missile in the back. So Gage had never heard the word “transgender,” but he knew of the concept, and he’d leave Sole alone about it. Didn’t matter.
Hancock: Given that all kinds of people lived in Goodneighbor, there was no cisgender requirement. Even apart from KLE0, Hancock had met plenty of trans people in his time, and he didn’t give a damn. Transgender people were included in Goodneighbor’s motto, after all. Whatever Sole identified as, he was fine with.
MacCready: It might take some explaining for MacCready to get what Sole was talking about, but once he figured it out, he’d be fine with Sole being transgender. But, if he was closer to Sole, he might add trans puns into his itinerary. “Hey, if you were see-through, you’d be a trans parent. Get it?”
Nick: Nick was too observant to not know about trans people. And in accordance with his kindness and general irritation at discrimination of any kind, he’d barely even react to the news. The man’s a unique synth prototype with quite a few better things to do than interrogate people on their gender, after all.
Piper: Piper knew the dirt on half the people in the Commonwealth, so Sole’s being transgender didn’t surprise her. She knew of the concept and was totally accepting, but she might ask a few questions about it- nothing invasive, just for curiosity’s sake.
Preston: Although Preston had met plenty of people as a Minuteman, he’d rarely paid much attention to gender, because there were so many other things to do. The same would apply to Sole. They were a kind, generous General, and a good leader- Preston would accept their trans-ness as part of them.
Strong: Super Mutant genders were complicated. Technically, none of them had a gender or a sex to speak of, but most were still referred to by male pronouns- out of habit, maybe, or lack of English skill. Strong definitely wouldn’t care about human gender conceptions, so trans people were the same to him.
X6-88: Humans were humans to X6. Sole was already important, as Father’s parent, and their gender didn’t matter to him. He would, though, proudly relate the story of when the BioScience department had given a transgender scientist reassignment surgery- and cybernetic advancements, while they were at it.
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Blog Post #2
Feeling: A mellow blue Weather: Cloudy & pleasant Last thing I ate: Sugar-free chocolate with nuts Last thing I drank: Hot chocolate/tea/coffee fusion For some reason I’m feeling a bit emotionally refreshed, having drank last night (’cause this is a public platform, I’ll make it clear right now that I never condone drinking as a consistent coping mechanism and never will, I am only being open and honest with my experiences; I usually feel like absolute garbage after drinking). Some coffee is helping my brain today, though it’s doing a number on my guts at the moment. Made a well-rounded meal for myself this morning; grapefruit, bell pepper and apple slices, spinach, celery, three types of cheeses, a pepperoni stick, and a piece of sugar-free chocolate. Who knows how healthy that all is in reality, but the only bit of nutritional advice that ever stuck in my head was “create a rainbow of healthy foods,” so that’s what I do. Weirdly enough, I’m feeling relieved to be depressed today. Maybe because my anxiety has been so amped up the last several days that a “downer” mental health issue is feeling like a vacation. I feel like I can breathe a little better. I feel like I shoved so many unhealthy things into my system at once, the last two days, that it did a “hard reset” for my brain and now not having that blast of unhealthiness is clearing my head. I washed my face and brushed my teeth. I’m supposed to go to karate today, ‘cause I was invited to by my peer, but I think I’m gonna pass for mental health reasons. It’s one of those situations where despite genuinely wanting to go, I think it would be counterproductive for my brain because of my lack of energy and drive. Gonna try to exercise a bit at home anyway, to compensate. I always lapse on exercise when I get depressed, even though exercise helps combat my depression. My poor mental health got in the way of my communication skills, yesterday. I got so anxious that I didn’t communicate the way I prefer to. I wanted to reach out to some people I’m close to for support, but my anxiety talked me out of it. One person even asked if I wanted to chat, and while I said yes, I gave a ton of reasons why it was making me anxious, and she concluded with, “Let’s just chat another day.” I can’t tell if she was saying that for my benefit or hers; something that would ideally be mutually discussed, but again, I didn’t do so, I just left her on read ‘cause I knew that I either shut up or my anxiety would say something for me that I’d regret later. I’ll try to bring it up to her sometime later. Next week, my therapist and I plan to start delving into my past traumas. I’m scared. I’ve done it before, but this will hopefully be with a therapist who will be long-term, which means we’ll be gradually deep-diving into that stuff. I want to sort it out as much as possible. It’ll be so ugly. I feel like I gotta warn the people I’m closest to that I’m going to be doing that, so they know why I’m going to be reacting the way I will. I’m debating sending that message to that guy I like; the one I mentioned in my previous entry, who has only been talking to me when he’s drunk, lately. I can’t tell if it’d be worth it, I honestly don’t know him well enough to gage whether he’d be okay with me doing that or not, though he’s thus far only been welcoming to open, honest communication between us. He’s even expressed interest in working with better communication with me, when I brought it up. So perhaps I will let him know. I need to get another job. I’ve been unemployed during COVID; I did have a job before COVID, and during school too. It was the first time I worked while doing school, I usually don’t so I can focus on studying. But I need a job so I can save up some money to move into my first apartment with a friend. I applied to one a few weeks ago, but they were not clear in the ad, and they ended up wasting their time and mine in the interview as they said, “So we didn’t share some things in the ad, and this is why,” and I ended up not being qualified. That was irritating, and disheartening. I probably could’ve dealt with it just fine if other things in life weren’t getting me down as well. A good friend of mine ended up in the hospital and needed a huge blood transfusion. She’s being looked after by some of my former abusers, because that’s what narcissists do, they opportunize people’s weaknesses to better their public image. These former abusers spread some of the information about this woman being hospitalized by starting with a few paragraphs about how they were doing so much to help her, and o by the way can you all send her some flowers too? It was gross, I’m angry about it. But there’s nothing I can really do when the lady herself feels like she needs them in her life. All the best to her. And fuck narcissists. And fuck my trauma conditioning that made me prone to absolving and welcoming narcissistic behavior. But that’s what therapy is for, I guess. There’s really nothing left when most people in our communities refuse to do anything about known abusers.
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sbaldwinmua · 6 years
Hi Everyone,
The bridal preview is upon you, and I have to say it is a very exciting time for you, and us the makeup artist.
Most people are not entirely sure what to expect from a bridal preview/consultation, therefore I thought I would share with you how mine work, and this should help give you an understanding of what to expect from yours.
The first question my clients ask me after booking my services is, "how far in advance shall I book in my preview"? this differs from person to person. Personally I always recommend 6 months. I have had brides see me a year in advance, some I see a few months before (it depends on each persons circumstances). It is very different is my client is living abroad, in this instance we have to try and fit in a preview when they arrive in Scotland. But inbetween this, we are communicating over e mail regarding the makeup. 
 6 months is a great time, this is because we then have time to work on any skin issues you may have. I always keep in touch with my brides in the lead up to the wedding, so I am able to discuss and help with any skin problems. This is also a nice time frame to build up a good relationship before the wedding day. 
 I have helped numerous brides with skin issues i.e acne, redness, dryness, uneven skin. This is all done in the lead up to the wedding day. We have to make sure the skin is in it's absolute best condition, so the makeup sits well and lasts. Skincare is always NO1. I love turning up on the wedding day and seeing what a transformation some of my brides have made to their skin with my guidance, compared to what it was like at the preview, worlds apart. The leg work beforehand really does pay off. 
 All my brides get a bridal skincare document at the preview and e mailed to them upon the booking of my services, this is also given to the bridal party so we can be sure everyone is putting in the leg work ahead of the big day. 
 You should have a communication, e mail or phone call from your makeup artist a week or so before with instructions such as - 
- Please wear a white or ivory top
- Please have with you images of your dress and any fabric samples you have 
- Please have with you images of your bridesmaids/bridal party dresses and fabric samples (if possible)
- Please have the makeup on, that you would usually wear on a daily basis
- Please have with you images of any makeup looks you like. (Not essential) but it does help give the artist a good understanding of the makeup you like. I always advise it is not essential as I have a bridal pinterest board I use for reference, and bridal magazines. 
 I ask a lot of questions relating to the makeup, fake tan and lashes in my booking form, so I can get a head start before the preview takes place. I also ask on the day if my client knows what hairstyle she is having. 
 Being able to see my client in the makeup she usually wears really helps me in designing her bridal makeup look. I always go through looks on my Pinterest board with my client, to get a gage of the ones she likes. We can then discuss this, and I can advise what will suit my client's features and her day. Below are 4 very different bridal looks I have on my board - 
  Sometimes if my client's do not wear much makeup, but come to me with a heavy look in mind (like image 2 above), I advise it maybe a shock when they see themselves, so I advise to start light, they can then see themselves at the end, and we then have room to add more if need be.
Remember you want to look and feel like yourself, so going for a look that is not usually you, will feel very odd on as would asking for a red lip if you never wear lipstick. Bridal makeup is all about making YOU feel like YOU at your most beautiful. 
On the other hand, I have had client's who are very sure they want a really light look, but when they see themselves they ask for more. But this is great, as this is what the preview is for, not just to see how you will look on your special day but to be able to try different things, see what you like and really importantly what you do not like. 
Me and my client sit down and discuss all elements of her wedding, I get to see the colour themes, images of the dress, and bridal party dresses. We have a chat about her skincare in detail, and recommend any extra things she needs to do. I give her skincare samples to take home to try if required. I show my bride the touch up kits they are able to purchase for herself and the bridal party. 
 Once this is all done, we move onto the makeup applications, very exciting. 
 Always in good light, I carry out the preview, my client is not able to see the makeup being done. Until it is all finished.
Your preview should feel relaxed and fun, and you should enjoy the process. 
I always ask my clients once they have seen themselves, at the end, how do you feel with the makeup on? have you any areas you would like to tweak? whats your overall impression? This is very important as it allows me to make sure my client is happy and leaves happy, it also gives my client the chance to speak up if she would like any adjustments. 
   Always speak up if you want changes, makeup artists are their to make sure you get exactly what you want and to leave feeling 100% happy. 
 On the other hand if your artist is totally off the mark and you do not like the whole look, then it maybe time to choose someone else who is a better fit for you. But if there are a few minor changes you would like making, then always say as this is very easily adjusted for you. 
Example below - 
My client arrived asking for more on the eyes than she usually wears. Image below, is the look we first did. She loved it, it looked great on her, her skin looked amazing, and her eyes popped, but she felt she actually wanted less on the eyes (sometimes when you see yourself with what you had in your mind, it can look very different seeing it on)
 We had a chat and tweaked some areas on the eyes, and she actually ended up having way less on the eyes, no lashes just a little cream shadow and highlight, and waterproof mascara. So really, it was great she saw herself with more on because she then knew, she actually wanted something different. Below is my client on her wedding day, as you can see the eyes are very different than in the original preview. 
   You must click with your makeup artist and feel comfortable with them, the artist will be with you on the morning of your wedding, so you must feel at ease and comfortable. It is a real honour being able to make over my brides, and I always make them feel relaxed on the day. 
 All makeup artists will run their previews slightly differently, but this should help give you a insight into what to expect. Every makeup artist I feel should be doing all that is listed in this blog, it is all very important in getting to know you, your style and designing your look. 
 Honesty is always best, please do always speak up in what you want and do not want. We are here to make sure you look and feel your absolute best 
 Any questions please feel free to ask, here to help answer any you may have
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90sgrungewriter · 7 years
3. Untitled - Eddie Vedder
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Status: Unedited
Most of the walk was spent in silence. Well, that and smelling his cologne through his flannel. He smelt pretty damn fine.
"You let me know if you get chilly. I'll give this back to you." You motioned to the article of clothing with your finger. He chuckled, not making eye contact.  
"I'm alright. Still a bit sweaty from that show to be honest." He murmured. He was doing that fucking thing he does with his cheekbones again. Or maybe he wasn't doing anything at all. Either way it seemed to captivate you and  you were most likely staring like a lunatic at this point. He noticed and squinted his eyes a bit.
"You ok? What, I got something on my face?" His hand rose to greet his nose, as he felt around his face. There was a certain playfulness to his tone. You giggled. 
"Are you playing a joke on me?" You questioned, stiffling your laughter. His face broke out into a smile, and there it was again. Those pearly whites. 
He was cute.
Your cheeks flushed and you felt the need to look away. It was then you noticed you were on your street. 
"Well, this is my street. My building is a couple down, I'll be fine from here." You slowed your pace, maybe he didn't even want to walk you and he was just doing it to make Stone happy, so you didn't want to make him do more than he had to. He kept walking though, ignoring you completely.
"I promised Stone I'd walk you to your door and if I don't he'll have my head on a platter...He really likes you." He said the last part rather crudley. There it was again, the Stone liking me thing. What fucking mushrooms have these guys been taking and where the hell could you get some?
"Why the hell do people keep saying that to me tonight?" You sped up to catch up with him. "My apartment is in the building across the street." You motioned, making your way down to the road. 
Eddie shrugged his shoulders. "S'Obvious isn't it?" He said nonchalantely. You exhaled loudly. "I'm pretty sure if it was obvious I would fucking know by now. I've known the guy since grade school." Your voice laced with annoyance. Eddie stayed silent till we reached the door of my building.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to make you upset. I shouldn't have said anything." He pinched the bridge of his nose, guilt was evident. You grabbed his arm gently and removed his hand from his face, and watched it fall gently back to his side. He was looking directly at you and it almost made you feel nervous. You tried to play it cool.
"Its okay. I'll see you around, alright? Have a good rest of your night, man." You spoke softly. He nodded. 
You both turn and went your separate ways. 
Finally getting into your apartment, you take off your boots and remember the flannel you bore over your shoulders. You curse under your breath. Why didn't he ask for it back? Its not like he wasn't looking right at you wearing it. You sighed. You would just have to give it back tomorrow or something. You threw the article on your bed and started to get ready for some Zzz’s.
You did your nighttime routine, you weren't very drunk or stoned at this point anymore, which was a good thing. When the time came you got to finally lay down and get some rest. You were exhausted and definitely weren't looking forward to going to work tomorrow.
The next morning came, and you awoke to a pleasant aroma. Your eyes still being shut, pictured a shirtless Eddie laying next to you. But you knew that wasn't the case. And why the fuck were you thinking this shit anyway? Oh my god, get a grip Dani. You scolded yourself, and decided to finally open your eyes. Your face was laying in Eddie's flannel, explaining the heavenly scent. You looked at your clock. 8:46 AM. It was now or never.
Once you were fully awake, you showered and got dressed. You worked at a dingy art store just around the corner from here. It was an ok job, and you were by yourself most of the time as the store rarely got busy. You just did whatever most of the time. You only worked on weekends, sometimes evenings, since you had classes during the week. You were a student at the Gage Academy of Art, and currently had a bachelors degree in graphic design.
Needless to say, the first half of your shift went by pretty quickly. It was nearing 2:30, and there had actually been a decent amount of people that came in. Your shift was done at 4:00, and you were certain an hour and a half would go by quickly. 
You had just finished eating your lunch when none other then Stone Gossard waltzed in to the store.
You decided to fuck with him a bit. 
"Hey there, lover." You said in a mock-flirtatious tone. His eyes widened slightly and he stammered a bit, but quickly recovered. You brushed if off and punched his arm when he made it to the counter.
"W-what? The fuck are you talking about?" He wouldn't look directly into your eyes and your smile faltered a bit, confused. Maybe he was offended? You couldn’t believe he wasn’t saying something ‘insulting’ to you. Was he feeling okay?
"You won't believe what I've been told by three different people." You spoke as though you were going to tell him the best joke he would hear in his lifetime. Well, you kinda were. "Get a load of this shit." You laughed plopping right back onto your stool. Stone approached you closer and leaned on the desk, intrigued. 
"Go on."
"Apparently, you're totally in - love with me!" You snorted, laughing like a fucking mad person. "I mean, according to Kim, Chris and Eddie."
Stone laughed too, but not as much as you did. You took a minute to catch your breath, you put a hand on his shoulder.
"I mean, can you believe that? What fucking drugs are you guys taking behind my back? I want some." Your voice laced with sarcasm, this was all so funny to you. He still stayed a bit quiet, but a small smile lay upon his lips.
"I mean, Eddie's been here five minutes and says its 'obvious'? I mean come on!" I shook him jokingly. "I'm pretty sure I would have known by now if you were in god damn love with me!" You spoke again, your hands heading for your coffee that was in front of you.
"Yeah, thats ridiculous. Love you? You suck." He mocked. 
You just shook your head. "Anyway, what are you doing here Stoney?"
"Well, the boys brought a few cases of beer over, and we were going to order pizza and have a chill night. Things have been pretty hectic, y'know? Eddie's barely had a second to actually communicate with people outside of a venue." He explained, looking around the store. He rarely came in here, so you guessed he was just observing a bit.
You thought about it for a second. You had to give Ed back his plaid anyway, so why not? 
"Sure, I'll be there. Your place right?" 
"Yeah." There was a honk outside. "Sorry, Dave is in the car, we couldn't find a parking nearby so I told him to just drive around a few times while I was in here." He started to make his way to the door, with so little as a glance your way.
"See you later, Danica." And he left.
You had a strange feeling in the pit of your stomach. He never called you Danica. Maybe you made him uncomfortable? 
In all the time you've known him, you never thought of him that way. Not because he wasn't good looking or anything, cause in truth he was a handsome guy. But because you didn't want to risk ruining the best friendship you would probably ever have. He meant a lot to you and if that were to fall apart over stupidity, you wouldn't be able to live with yourself. And you pretty certain he didn't see you that way anyway, which was a good thing.
The rest of your shift flew by and before you knew it, you were at home changing your clothes to go to Stone's. You wore your dark ripped jeans, a Soundgarden shirt and a dark baseball cap. Knowing the walk would be cool, you grabbed your dark green hoodie and put it on. You laced up your boots and made sure to grab Eddie's flannel before you left the apartment. 
The walk was a quick one. Stone only lived about 20 minutes away, and you enjoyed them. You were smoking a cigarette and finished it as you approached the door. Without knocking you entered. There were boys sprawled all out in the living room, all with beers in their hands, watching some movie. Their eyes darted toward you in the doorway and you smiled, waving your hand. So far, it was just the Mookie boys. 
"Hello boys." 
There was a chorus of greetings, and Jeff made his way over, grabbing your purse and the flannel, setting it down on the table. He engulfed you in a bear hug. 
"Glad you could make it! Pizza should be here any minute. Let me get you a cold one." He stalked over to the fridge.
"Me too. Who else is supposed to be here? I thought this was going to be for Eddie to meet some new people." You questioned. Eddie already knew everyone in the house.
"The Alice guys are going to be here any minute. They haven't met Eddie yet, but Soundgarden is playing another show at the Off Ramp tonight so they won't be here. Maybe they'll show up later. I think Mark said he would try and make it but that’s yet to happen." He spoke cheerfully, leading you to the living room. 
You and Ed made eye contact and he gave you a tight lipped smile.
"Hey you. I brought your flannel. Why didn't you remind me last night? I don't want to steal your things." You joked, taking a seat next to him on the couch. It was the only spot that was available actually, because Jeff was in it beforehand. 
But he had gone off somewhere, maybe the pizza was here.
"Thanks. I didn't want to say anything. It looked better on you anyways." His eyes that were glued to the TV took a minute to meet yours and it was a sweet moment. It was funny how he could literally just look at you and have you feel this weird mushy feeling in your stomach. You didn't like it. It scared you.
Before you could say anything about his comment, Jeff shouted that the pizza was here. Yes it was, and it smelled like fucking heaven. You were pretty hungry. You took a swig of your beer and stood up, along with everyone else and made your way into the kitchen.
"How are things, Krusen?" You smiled politely at the band member you were  the least closest to. It wasn't anything personal, you just hadn't known him your entire life like the other guys (minus Eddie, obviously). 
"Not bad. Still above the ground." He joked. You snorted. You always thought his sense of humor was hilarious.
"Yeah, I feel you bud." You patted his arm gently. 
"And you Dani? How are things up your alley?" You's made your way toward the couch with your beer and pizzas. This was going to be a good night. 
"Alright, I guess. Nothing ever really happens." And that was true, nothing ever happened to you. Your life was actually pretty boring. But when you hung out with these guys, it was different. It was never a dull moment with them. And you loved it. You always had a good time.
"Well well well, digging into the pizza before we even get here? Didn't your parents ever teach you manners!" Jerry Cantrell.
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5sos-bitches-blog · 7 years
Tying His Tie
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*** Just a fair warning this contains strong language and some sexual themes! Thank you so much to whoever requested this! I had so much fun writing this, I hope you love it. Please feel free to send in more requests!***
Calum (AU)
You step out of your shower lightly, being careful not to drip anywhere but the fluffy green towel that lay below your feet. You grab a separate towel and wrap your hair up carefully inside it, letting the swirl sit on top of your head. Grabbing one more towel, you dry yourself off before wrapping it around yourself and walking into your bedroom.
“Good morning,” You greeted, throwing your dirty clothes in the hamper.
“Babe, I’m freaking out,” Calum whined, “I don’t even know how to use a copier. How am I ever going to do this? I’m just not ready.” He was half dressed in a starch white shirt, collar up, and no pants.
“Sweetie, you're going to do great. My dad loves you, and he believes in you- just like I do.” You affirmed, gliding over and running your hand down his chest. Calum recently finished college, gaining his degree in communications. When your father offered him an interview at Verizon, Calum couldn’t thank him enough. Your father had the same degree, and ended up as one of the heads of the company.
Calum sat down on the edge of your bed, his pants clutched in his hands. His dark hair cascaded down the side of his face, the light from the window illuminating his profile as you sat next to him. You place your hand on his thigh, giving him your silent support.
“Y/N… I just don't want to let you down. This is the best opportunity I’m going to get right now now,” He explains, turning to face you. You set your hand on his face, running your thumb over his cheek.
“You will not let me down if you don’t get this job,” You urge, looking straight into his eyes. He gives you a weak smile, taking your hand off his face and standing up to put his pants on.
You smile at him, finishing getting dressed yourself. You pull on a sweater, along with a pencil skirt and flats. You pulled up your hair and swiped on your makeup quickly.
“Kitten?” Calums soft voice echos, you look over your shoulder and see him adorned in his crisp white shirt tucked neatly into his black slacks, and his freshly buffed black shoes. “I uh- I don’t know how to tie this,” he admits sheepishly, holding up his dark grey tie you got him for his graduation present. You got him that along with the 50 Shades of Grey series, and this wasn’t the first time he used it.
“Don’t worry Mr. Grey,” You joked, walking over and setting the tie under his stiff collar. Your breath hitches in your throat as he grabs your hips and pulls your groin to his. You smirk up at him with shaky hands, trying to appear confident. You finish up the knot, pulling it straight for him smoothing out his shirt.
“We will finish this later.” He growls, kissing you hard and quick, before heading off.
“I love you!” He calls over his shoulder, while you sat breathlessly. I guess he found his confidence again
“God.. fuck-” Luke's voice projects through the apartment. You set your tray cheese down on the kitchen counter quickly going to investigate.
“Luke?” You chimed, quickly turning into your bedroom to find in sat in front of your mirror, his phone in his large hand and a tie around his neck. He quickly paused his video upon hearing you enter, twisting his neck to look at you. “What's going on?” You inquire, looking at his flushed cheeks and disheveled hair.
“Nothing,” He rumbled, “you can go back to the kitchen, I’ll be there in a second.” You notice how fake the smile he was giving you was, and decided to press further.
“Is this about meeting my parents?” You blurt out. Your eyes get big, trying to gage his reaction to your question. His shoulders slouched slightly while he let out a breath.
“Yes... And no,” He admits, giving a sheepish grin. You had noticed him acting a little weird ever since you made plans with your mom and dad to come over and have dinner with you and Luke.
“I-I can probably still cancel…” You stammered, looking down at your feet. You and him had only been dating a few months, maybe he just wasn’t ready yet.
“No! I want them to come,” He blustered, “Why would you think I didn’t?” He walked over to you, tipping your chin up to look him in the eye.
You take a deep breath in, chewing on your bottom lip.
“I mean, you've just been acting weird since I invited them. I thought maybe you would think it’s too soon,” you explain, shrugging your shoulders.
“What? No, I just… I want this to be perfect. I’m really nervous and-” He runs a hand through his hair, frustrated, “I don’t know how to tie a tie. My dad never taught me and my mom always did it and I just can’t figure it out.” He professed, watching your face carefully. You burst out laughing, looking at him like he's an idiot.
“Seriously? This is what you've been stressing about?” You giggle, while he looks at you annoyed.
“Yeah, it’s a big deal.” He growls, sulking over to the mirror and trying to knot the damn thing himself.
“Luke, don’t be upset. I’ll help you.” You quickly sober up and walk over in front of him.
“It’s easy once you do it a few times,” You explain, grabbing his blue tie and start to knot it for him. He looks down and watched your delicate fingers move gracefully. You pull the knot up to his neck smiling up at him.
“You are amazing,” He states, looking down at you. “I know, now you have to come help me in the kitchen. They’ll be here any minute.”  
Michael (AU)
You watched Michael lazily from your shared bed. The sun had just started coming through the blinds while the birds outside started singing good morning. Michel had just landed his first big boy job at a record label, mostly getting everyone coffee and making copies, but he was finally getting into his field. He was excruciatingly talented, but nobody wanted to give him a chance, until recently. You were beyond proud of him.
You on the other hand, had the day off, so you just watched him from the comfort of your warm blanket cocoon.
“What tie?” He asks, noticing you sitting up. He holds up two ties, trying to decide what would go best with his outfit.
“The green, I’ll bring out your eyes.” You choose, smiling warmly. You watch him nod i agreement, putting it around his neck and tiring it up.
“How do I look?” He asks nervously, spreading his arms out and turning slowly. He was wearing tan slacks with a navy shirt and, of course, his green tie. You look closely, noticing his tie was tied like a five year old did it,
“Oh honey, what is wrong with your tie?” You immediately crawl out of bed, looking at the abomination around his neck. You quickly untie it and start to work your fingers to redo it.
“Was it that bad?” He chortles, looking down at you.
“Probably the worst I’ve ever seen,” You admit, pulling it tight for him. You take a step back, admiring how sexy your boyfriend really is. Even dressed in a suit, he was still the hottest guy around.
“You look so sexy,” You admit, your cheeks flushing with your bold statement. His gaze turns to your barely clothed body, making your face turn even darker scarlet.
“You're the sexy one. I better come home not you in less than this though.” He demands, giving you a wink.
You look around nervously, trying to catch a glimpse of Ashton anywhere. He had gone to the bathroom over 30 minutes ago and you were growing worried he had left you here to fend for yourself. Just as your reached the point of anger, your phone buzzes on the table.
‘Can you come to the bathroom?’  Your phone lit up with a text from Ashton. You were his date to the Grammys this year, and the boys were up for Song of the Year. It was huge deal, and Ashton hadn’t been sleeping right since it was announced. You knew he was nervous, you could feel his palms sweating all night.
All the boys were at the table with you, so you quickly made an excuse and got up to find Ashton. You walked briskly through the corridor, finding the men's room at the back.
“Ashton?” You call, looking around and only seeing an older couple sitting on a bench.
‘I’m outside’ you shoot him a text, nervously tapping your stiletto clad foot on the floor.
“Y/N,” You see Ashton walking towards you, his hair disheveled and his bowtie undone.
“What’s going on?” You ask, alarmed. As he got closer you noticed his eyes were bloodshot and his nose a little red.
“I’m just… really nervous.” He admits, pulling you to his chest. You accept his hug, letting him hold you. Whenever he was really upset, he would just hold you until it passed. It was one of the best things in your relationship. He would always be calmed down with a hug.
“Sweetie, we have to go back, your category is coming up.” You pull back, looking up at him with concern. It was closing in on 12, and you knew it would be awful if he missed the announcement.
“I know… I just don't know how to tie this thing.” He motions to his cherry red bow tie hanging around his neck. “I undid it to breath better and now I can’t figure it out.” He runs his hands through his blonde curls with a nervous sigh.
“I can do it, hold my purse.” You demand, giving him your small black clutch. He takes it gratefully while you go to work on his bow tie. “Now, you look handsome as ever.” You lean up to kiss his cheek.
“Thank you… I don't know what I would do without you.” He gushed, grabbing your hand in his.
“You would probably die,” you joke, walking with him back to the ceremony.
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citizentruth-blog · 5 years
"A Tale of Two Countries," Or, the 2019 State of the Union Address
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Donald Trump preached unity in the 2019 State of the Union and shared an agenda based on a vision of America. Unfortunately, it's a vision for an America which doesn't exist coming from a man who actively divides his constituents. (Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore/Flickr/CC BY-NC 2.0) President Donald Trump finally got to deliver his State of the Union address with the recent partial government shutdown in the rear-view mirror (although we could totally have another one in the near future if we don't figure out how to decouple the subject of a border wall from funding federal agencies, so yay?). The good news is the president stopped short of calling for a state of emergency to advance construction of a border wall. The bad news is Trump had a national platform by which to spew his rhetoric at the American people. Before we get to the veracity of what Trump said or lack thereof, let's first address what the man spoke about. Trump's agenda, at least in principle, was devoted to the areas where members of both parties can find consensus. These major topics included promoting fair trade and other policies which help American jobs/workers, rebuilding our infrastructure, reducing the price of health care (including prescription drugs), creating a more modern and secure immigration system, and advancing foreign policy goals that align with American interests. On the economy, it was jobs, jobs, jobs! Wages are rising! Unemployment is declining! Regulations are going away! Companies are coming back! And it's all because of me! So let's stop all these needless investigations into my affairs. You don't want THE AMERICAN PEOPLE to suffer on account of me, do you? Trump also addressed tariffs and the USMCA, but rather than calling out countries like China for abuse of workers' rights or currency manipulation or anything like that, he expressed respect for Xi Jinping and instead laid blame at the feet of past leaders and lawmakers. As always, thanks, Obama. On immigration, well, you probably know the story by now. Immigrants enrich our society in many ways—except when they don't, taking away jobs, lowering wages, bringing drugs and violent crime, encouraging the trafficking of human beings, and taxing our public services. ICE is a bunch of heroes, gosh darn it! And we need that wall! On infrastructure, Trump indicated we need both parties to work together and that he is "eager" to work with Congress on new, cutting-edge investments that the country requires to keep pace in a rapidly developing world. That's it. Not a lot of what these infrastructural improvements would look like or how we'd go about funding them. But, huzzah, infrastructure! On lowering drug prices/health care, Congress, wouldja put something together already? Sheesh? Also, HIV and AIDS—why are they still a thing? Let's cut that out. Cancer? You're next. Really, we need to recognize that all life is precious. Looking at you, Democrats, and your whole insistence on women's right to choose. #NotMyAbortions Lastly, on foreign policy, Trump extolled the virtues of our Armed Forces and thus explained why we need to shower them with money on an annual basis. Also, NATO was being very mean to us but now its members are going to spend more on defense. Also also, Russia is being a doo-doo head and that's why we pulled out of the INF Treaty. Also also also, Kim Jong-un and I are BFFs and we're going to bring peace to the Korean Peninsula. Also also also also, Guaidó > Maduro and socialism never works. Also 5x, Israel is super cool, the Holocaust was bad, ISIS is defeated, and did I mention we love our troops? In conclusion, America is awesome and greatness awaits us. So ladies and gents, let's not screw the pooch on this one and work together. Because if we fail, it will because you all couldn't figure out how to rise above our differences. #NotMyFault Depending on your political views, it may not surprise you to know that several of President Trump's remarks were characterized as either "false" or "misleading" by fact-checkers. Among Trump's misrepresentations, according to The New York Times: Our economy isn't growing twice as fast today as when Trump took office, and in fact, American economic growth in 2018 fell short of that of even Greece. Greece! Trump claimed his administration has cut more regulations than any other administration in U.S. history, but according to experts, these rollbacks aren't at the level of the Carter and Reagan administrations. Job creation during Trump's tenure isn't some miraculous, near-impossible feat. It's roughly on par with the state of affairs during the Obama administration and down from job creation in the 1990s. Also, more people are working in the United States than ever before because more people live here. Unless he wants to take credit for helping populate America too. On immigration, phew, where do we start? El Paso was never one of America's most dangerous cities. San Diego's border fencing "did not have a discernible impact" on lower border apprehension rates, according to the Congressional Research Service. In addition, the idea that "large, organized caravans" of migrants are on their way to the U.S. is exaggerated. Not only has the USMCA not been approved by Congress yet, but it might not bring as many manufacturing jobs back to America—or for that matter, the North American continent—as anticipated. On Nicolás Maduro and Venezuela, it's not so much that Maduro is a socialist as much as he's a dictator whose rule has been marked by corruption, deficiency in the rule of law, and the circumvention of democracy. But keep parroting conservative talking points. Trump claimed we'd be at war with North Korea if he hadn't been elected. Bullshit. Especially in the incipient stages of his presidency, Trump notably egged on Kim Jong-un, referring to him as "Little Rocket Man." Back the trolley up there, Mr. President. On abortion, more misleading remarks. Trump suggested New York's Reproductive Health Act allows abortions until shortly before birth, but rather, the law permits abortions after 24 weeks in cases where the fetus is not viable or the mother's health would be imperiled. Trump also invoked Virginia governor Ralph Northam's comments about discussing abortion with physicians up until birth and end-of-life care in instances where a child wouldn't live, though Trump treated them as tantamount to advocating for babies' execution after birth. Sadly, Northam's ongoing controversy involving whether or not he appeared dressed in blackface or a Ku Klux Klan costume in a college yearbook photo was not part of Trump's deceptive commentary. That's on you, Ralph, and I wish you would resign already. The State of the Union address, especially under Pres. Donald Trump, is a bizarre bit of theater. Here is a function outlined in the Constitution and adapted by means of tradition that makes for much pomp and circumstance amid the formal procedures and recognitions which occur within, presided over by a president who consistently flouts convention and other semblances of decorum. The Trump presidency has been one marked by chaos and one which encourages division within the electorate. The very date of the address was postponed by a shutdown characterized by partisan gridlock—which went curiously unmentioned during Trump's speech—and was a bone of contention between the president and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. To have members of Congress from both parties smiling and clapping for him seems rather jarring. It's particularly jarring to witness this spectacle and the parade of "Lenny Skutniks" that presidents trot out in the name of bolstering their credibility (Trump called upon World War II veterans, a minister who had her non-violent drug offense commuted by Trump, another former inmate who sold drugs and has since reformed, the family of victims of a undocumented immigrant's violence, an immigrant-turned-ICE special agent, a cancer survivor, the father of someone lost in the attack on the USS Cole, a SWAT officer on the scene at last year's synagogue shooting in Pittsburgh, and a Holocaust survivor) when the Democrats offered an official rebuttal, as is custom. Stacey Abrams, who came within two percentage points of winning the 2018 Georgia gubernatorial election and might've won if not for then-Secretary of State Brian Kemp's shenanigans, delivered the Dems' response. She assailed the Republican Party for crafting an immigration plan that tears families apart and puts children in cages, for working to dismantle the Affordable Care Act, for failing to take action on climate change, for rigging elections and judiciaries, and for repeatedly attacking the rights of women, people of color, and the LGBTQ community, among other things. Abrams closed her speech with these thoughts: Even as I am very disappointed by the president’s approach to our problems—I still don’t want him to fail. But we need him to tell the truth, and to respect his duties and the extraordinary diversity that defines America. Our progress has always found refuge in the basic instinct of the American experiment—to do right by our people. And with a renewed commitment to social and economic justice, we will create a stronger America, together. Because America wins by fighting for our shared values against all enemies: foreign and domestic. That is who we are—and when we do so, never wavering—the state of our union will always be strong. Abrams's sentiments may seem a bit schmaltzy at points, but alongside Trump's rhetoric since he began his presidential campaign, she is much better equipped to talk about the state of the union and bipartisan solutions than our Commander-in-Chief. And while this message serves an obvious partisan purpose, criticism of Trump's divisiveness is deserved, notably in light of his numerous falsehoods and distortions. That's what makes this all so disorienting. Donald Trump speaks to solving problems which may or may not exist, leaving existing problems unaddressed and creating phantoms where bogeymen are needed. As senator Richard Blumenthal wrote on Twitter, Trump's State of the Union speech was a "tale of two countries." To entertain the absurdities of his presidency with any degree of normalcy, applauding him and dignifying his comments with formality and a primetime audience, is therefore to acknowledge two different speeches: the one that the president gave and the one that Americans actually deserved. It creates a sort of cognitive dissonance that requires some degree of mental gymnastics to try to sort out. Is Trump the uniter and Democrats the dividers? Was it all a farce, his plea for unity and his presidential tone an exercise in cynicism? Or was it just an unofficial rally for his base and potential voters heading into 2020? Does anything he say truly matter? Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? The questions abound, as do the anxiety, probable headaches, and possible additional Queen references. I'm not sure what the answer is here, if there is only one. I chose not to watch the live broadcast and to read a transcript, view photos, and watch video clips after the fact. I would've liked to see more lawmakers do the same, though I suppose Nancy Pelosi did get in some epic eye-rolls. Maybe we should do away with the whole spectacle altogether. At least as far as Trump is concerned, he's already made his true feelings known via social media countless times over. Why bother with the charade when we can just read a written report or his tweets instead? If nothing else, it would save time. Read the full article
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lexxikitty-blog1 · 6 years
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Whirlwind Romance by Kris Bryant Read: January 2016 Rating: 4.25 Stars
*I received this book from NetGalley in return for a fair review.*
My first book by this author.  
This was a strange one for one specific reason - I've been reading so many books lately wherein the author felt the need to tell the story through many many points of view.  This one?  Just one point of view.  From Tristan 'Tris' Stark.  I guess 'strange' isn't exactly the correct word to use there.
The book has just one point of view, so let's start with her:
Tristan 'Tris' Stark is a 28/29 year old woman who works as a storm chaser during the storm season, and a university professor during the fall semester.  If I recall one conversation correctly, Tris works as a teacher during the fall semester, a storm chaser during the spring semester, then spends the summer going over the data/film/pictures recovered during the storm chasing season.
What storms are chased?  Well anything really, but mostly tornadoes.  She does live and work where tornadoes are quite common.  
Tris has worked for the last six years as a storm chaser, the entire time (unless I missed something) with a short-haired woman who looks like a lesbian, named Hunter.  That particular aspect, about how attractive to the same sex Hunter could be, is brought up once or twice (or more).  She's not actually a lesbian though (nor bisexual, nor interested in anyone but her musician boyfriend).
I got side tracked there mentioning Hunter. I had only meant to say:  Tris has worked the last six years as a storm chaser with Hunter.  Several times in the book two other people are mentioned, their parts are so small that I will probably get their names wrong.  I believe it's Adam and Ryan.  Also, 'teams' gets mentioned.  About how there are teams sent out under the grant Tris got (and then failed to secure for the next season - major plot point here).  But I am uncertain how the team system works.  Since they never interact as a team.  There's even a passage wherein Tris asked what the plans were for this other two person storm chasing team was for that night, with the expectation that she wouldn't get any information about which direction they planned to go or anything like that. Then internal mention that the storm might go north or south.  I kind of got confused here.  Two teams.  Storm might go north or south. But they don't expect to coordinate at all?  Granted, maybe I was wrong, but the reason for my confusion is the simple fact that I thought Tris was talking with people from her own university - on her own extended team.  I must have gotten that part wrong.
Hmms. I kind of ruined the 'characters' section, didn't I? Mmphs.
Tris - 28/29 (she has a birthday during the storm season).  Storm chaser. University teacher ('relatively new' at that, and forced to teach the 'boring' classes).  Works with a woman named Hunter.  Tris, apparently, is the one in charge of getting funding - which is a major plot point for two reasons: (1) funding for next season, a grant, fell through and Tris blames herself greatly for this failure; (2) there are trust issues wrapped up in the funding, tied directly to a former girlfriend, Julie, who 'stole' research, about 4 years ago, and screwed Tris -- therefore Tris is kind of naturally distrustful of motives/etc. when it comes to women/girlfriends and funding.
Hunter is a storm chaser who works with Tris.  Despite looking like a lesbian (apparently), she has a boyfriend back home.  Boyfriend doesn't 'mind' too much that she's on the road during storm season because he himself is a musician and has to go out on the road.  
Maddox is a dog, a pitbull mix (I believe). He doesn't have his own point of view or anything like that, nor does the story follow him as he runs around. I've included him because he <i>is</i> quite important to Tris, Hunter, and, to a certain extent, the story.
Kate Brighten is a graduate student at a rival university who Hunter and Tris bump into (along with Gage, her storm chasing partner) while at a . . um . . . I'd like to say 'gas station/truck stop/food place'.  Kate seems kind of stand offish and not particularly interested in Tris.  Though there are some mixed signals going on.  Which I mention because Tris kind of drools over Kate.  Finds it hard to pull her eyes off of her.
Gage is the man Kate is chasing storms with.  He doesn't really have much scenery to chew, so to speak.  He's just there so that there's a reason Kate is out and about chasing storms, then to suddenly need to disappear because of an accident to his girlfriend, so that Kate has to ride with Tris/Hunter/Maddox.  Then, later, be shown to be dangerously wild and reckless.  He doesn't really have much of a personality or character beyond being a pivot point for other characters and plot points to pivot off of.
Others: there are, in fact, other people in this book.  
Plot Tris, Hunter, and Maddox the dog are out driving around the midwest chasing storms.  Getting caught in massive hail storms.  Watching clouds to see if tornadoes form, watching radar. Etc.  There is some exciting moments while this occurs.
While taking a break from driving, they pull into a rest area (I believe it's a gas station that has food, bathrooms, etc.).  They bump into two other storm chasers, Kate and Gage.  They interact, then all four go to dinner together (mostly because Tris wants to spend more time drooling over Kate).
Time passes but it isn't always possible to tell how much time has passed; at some point Tris and Hunter encounter Kate and Gage hurriedly rushing from a hotel (might have jumped the gun on conveying that 'time passing' part, since this might be the next morning).  Gage had received a call that his girlfriend had been in an auto accident and he needs to get to her hospital.  Unlike her normal attitude on having students in her car (isn't keen on the idea), Tris suggests that Kate ride with Hunter and herself until Gage can get back.  Everyone agrees.
So, for two weeks or so, Kate, Hunter, Tris, and Maddox drive around chasing storms.
More or less immediately, the story turns. One night, Tris' birthday night to be exact, the not-very-talkative Kate follows Tris when Tris takes a break from the party.  To get air.  To walk Maddox.  The 'story turns' part involves what happens next.  Apparently Kate was, in fact, also attracted to Tris.  Unlike herself, Tris finds herself in a rather public sexual situation out in a parking lot.  So, yes, the story turns.  From being one that follows storm chasers, to one that does that plus has lots and lots of sex.  
Naturally, to continue the plot section, 'something' occurs to cause 'issues' with this budding romance.  Time must pass before the relationship might move to the next level.  If it can.
Romance The romance in this book was between Tris, a woman of 28/29, and Kate, a woman of, if I recall correctly, 23.  I might not recall the ages correctly.  I liked how both were described out on the road. I . . um . . . lost my train of thought.
On the one hand, the romance isn't one I've seen, personally, a lot.  It's quite possible that others have read stories like this numerous times and will be quite bored with it.  But, for me personally, the romance was somewhat refreshing.  Two women find that they are attracted to each other, they are in a difficult situation in that it is difficult to find alone time; and in that both are a long way from home in a 'roadtrip' type situation.  Instead of just pining away, they actually do something (to a certain extent, that is somewhat the refreshing part; so many times I read something like this and they don't do anything . . . for hundreds of pages).  On the other hand, they sure did things backwards. They were friendly-ish with each other first, true, but sex did come before a romantic relationship.
I'm not really sure what I'm trying to convey in this section.  There was a romance, it involved Tris and Kate.  Not that far apart in age, but 4 or 5 or 6 years is a biggish gap when you are in your twenties (well, see, I lifted that almost directly from the book, that concept).  They both find the other attractive. They act on it.  One has issues that keep them closed off more than they might otherwise be, while the other has trust issues that can be violated, and if violated will find it difficult to move past the feeling of broken trust.  
Scenery/location The book wasn't located in any one location - even when the storm chasing season was over, the activity still wasn't in the same location.  Since Kate lived an hour and a half away from where Tris lived.  
I did have a strong sense, most of the time, of being out on the road, of being in the storms, or near, of being next to farmlands, small towns, and the like. Quite well conveyed there.  
I had a strongish sense of what Tris's house was like, and what Kate's apartment . . . well, that it . . hmms.  I had a strong sense of what Tris' house was like.  Kate's place, ah, it's coming back to me. Up scale.  Amenities.  Located so that the sound of the wind isn't as hearable.  I had no sense of the location, the 'place' Tris' house was located. I mean, the town/city/rural area.  Nor do I have any impression of what might surround Kate's apartment.  
Not necessarily the most important thing in a story like this - more important that the time on the road conveyed what it needed to convey, which it did.
Overall First off, in terms of the relationship, there were two cliches that popped up that seem to be used in romance books.  I liked how they were used in this book here because they both seemed somewhat natural (to a certain extent) and weren't, in the case of the not actually mentioned storm related injuries, not used as a magical relationship cure.  The two somewhat cliche like elements being miscommunication and I'm not actually sure what to call the second one (accidents? injuries/massive traumatic events that cause feelings to bounce around).  The miscommunication here was more failure to communicate and was reasonable under the circumstances (I'm not sure if I should be purposely vague or not).
Right, so, now that I wrote a gibberish paragraph, let's move on.  There was more sex than I expected.  Having just one point of view was both somewhat refreshing, and somewhat limiting.  Limiting in that I only had Tris view of Kate, and not Kate's own thoughts and desires.  Though everything was conveyed quite well.  Probably better, on one level, because I kind of ended up liking Kate, while my 'liking' for Tris was on a smaller level.  Well, I liked both well enough.
In the end, I rather enjoyed the book and would give it a solid 4 stars (out of 5).  
Review Written: January 27 2016
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