#I also wanted to read that racer!yoongi again - I just remembered it out of the blue
ggukkiereads · 1 year
Hiii IVE been looking for a jungkook/reader fic for sooo long
I’m pretty sure it was a bullet point fic where the reader is kinda like a nerd and less popular and Jungkook is more popular and so he’s kinda embarrassed to be seen around the reader and hence acts indifferent to her in school (though he secretly keeps things for her in his backpack like pads and an extra sweater) and when she shares this w her bestie tae, he tells her that jungkook should be embracing her so she pushes jungkook to do so but then loses interest in him showing people they’re together and he misunderstands this as her losing interest in him and then stays with her 24/7 regardless of who looks at them also when he tells his friends that he’s dating yn they say it was pretty obvious and they already knew
🌷 Hey there! I think this is by @jiminrings? Never Not? Never Not You? I remember this fic’s title is similar to the Lauv song Jungkook covered in some of his random recordings of himself singing. I can’t find it in the author’s masterlist though. Sorry =( 
Hi Hannah - someone’s looking for your fic =) 
(edit: please check old works on author’s blog using this tag:  old works masterlist) 
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silhouetted-beauty · 7 years
“Run-In”- Part 5
Genre: Angst and Smut
Word Count: 8,628
Theme Song for this Chapter: “Creul Youth- Hatefuck”
“I still can’t believe that you got him to take you on a date.” Hyolyn laughed as she slipped her drink.
“Why is that so shocking? You make it sound like I tricked him into doing it,” You replied tossing a French fry in your mouth. “He was the one that offered.”
“That’s why it’s so shocking. This is your precious ‘Yoongi’ we’re talking about.”
You rolled your eyes. His screaming voice echoing in your head. “He’s not 'my precious Yoongi’.”
“Oh whatever! You two can deny it all y'all like but it’s completely obvious. You two like each other and it’s not just the sex I’m talking about. You’re my best friend so it is easy to read your feelings. But that day when he showed up to drag you away…” Hyolyn took another sip of her drink, shaking her head. “You got that man whipped off of your vagina. You have him all confused that’s why he is doing things that are out of the norm for him.”
You shrugged your shoulders. As much as you wanted to feed into the idea that Yoongi may have feelings for you, you were afraid you’d get hurt again if you confronted him on it. Since he was taking you to dinner, this may be the only chance you’ll have to ask him any and everything, including his behavior lately.
Y/n… Y/n!“ You’re supervisor called you. You blinked, coming out of your thoughts. "You’ve been a little out of it today. Is everything alright?”
You smiled and nodded your head. “Yes, everything is fine. I was just thinking about this date I have.”
“You have a date?” You’re supervisor asked in astonishment which made you laugh. “I thought you would have given up dating after your father sends his minions to crash it.” She laughed.
“Well it’s not really a date. This guy I was seeing asked me to dinner tonight.”
Your supervisor slowly nodded letting you know that she understood. Mina came out from behind the curtain showing off the seventh dress she tried on. You looked at her in amazement. She was really beautiful and it didn’t matter what she wore, it always looked nice on her.
“Did I hear that someone has a date?” Mina teased, making you laugh.
“No, it’s not a date. It’s a… it’s a–”
“A DATE!” Mina and your supervisor stated together. You rolled your eyes and gathered the dresses in your arms to take them to the counter.
“It’s must be dating season because I’m going on a date in an hour.” Mina said, closing back the curtain to change.
“Oh yeah? Sounds fun. Do you know where you are going?” You asked.
“Knowing my ex boyfriend, probably to another one of our favorite restaurants. I just hope everything goes well and we won’t get into any arguments.”
You giggled. “I doubt it. You two are destined to be together.”
Mina opened the curtain to reveal the clothes she walked into the store wearing. “I guess you’re right.” The both of you laughed and walked over to check out. “Have fun on your date. I’ll be back tomorrow and I want details on everything.”
“Deal!” You stated brightly.
“Shit! I forgot the other dress in the changing room. I’ll be right back.”
Mina ran to the back as you continued to ring up her items. A few of the dresses you had stacked on top of each other fell, leaving you to bend down and pick them up. You heard the door open and heard someone walking up to the counter.
“Just a minute. I’ll be with you shortly.” You shouted from below. You jumped up with the dresses in tow. A tall man had his back facing you but when he turned around, you almost dropped the clothes again. “Yoongi?”
He looked almost as surprised to see you there too. He knew almost everything about you but didn’t know you worked at Mina’s favorite clothing store. You were about to ask him what was he doing here but then Mina came back to the counter with her dress.
“Oh great you’re here!” She smiled and went to embrace him. He held her close and placed a kiss on her cheek before looking you back in the eyes. You stood there confused, unsure of what was going on.
“Y/n, this is the guy I have been telling you about. My ex boyfriend who I’m destined to be with, Yoongi.” She laughed, unaware that you and Yoongi were having a stare down. “I’ll wait in the car while you pay.” She told him, kissing his cheek. “I’ll see you later, y/n. Have fun on your date!”
Mina exited the store leaving you and Yoongi alone. You both remained quiet. Your thoughts ran wild as you finished ringing up her clothes while Yoongi studied your facial expressions. Everything she ever told you was hitting you all at once. They were still seeing other despite all the days he spent with you. He fucked you but made love to her. He degraded you but made sweet promises to her. They loved each other! No wonder he was so kind towards her, he loved HER. It all makes sense why he told you that you meant nothing to him. He only had room in his heart for Mina. He was just using you, y/n. You knew this, remember? Even now, they were about to head to a fancy dinner where they were more likely to confess their love for each other. While later on, he was going to take you out, curse and insult you, knowing you would still spread your legs from him. No matter how much you wanted to deny it, you were just his punching bag that had a wet hole for him to stick his dick in.
Yoongi watched your eyes water. He would be lying to himself if he said that seeing you cry didn’t bother him but he was also serious about not wanted to be with you romantically. You didn’t hold that kind of effect on him like Mina did, or so he thought. You were there for him when he was stressed and needed to release his anger. He figured that you would develop feelings for him and hoped you would get over it with time. Yoongi cleared his throat trying to think of something to say. He never had to sugarcoat anything so he just said what came to mind.
“This doesn’t change anything so be ready tonight.”
You tossed your head up in anger to glare at him. Your face was contorted into a frown and your eyes had fire in them to disguise the hurt. Yoongi watched you walk away without saying a single word to him. You went over to your supervisor and told her you suddenly felt ill and could you excuse yourself to the bathroom. You walked away while your supervisor came over to assist Yoongi. He didn’t like how you walked away from him like that. He spoke to you and wanted a reply. He could feel his anger creeping up.
“Do you let all of your employees’ just walk away when they’re helping someone?”
“I apologize, Mr. Min. She wasn’t feeling well.”
“She seemed fine just a second ago and even gave me attitude. I want some kind of disciplinary action filed against her or I will have this place shut down.”
“Of course, sir. Once again, I apologize.”
Yoongi took the bags and left the store. On his way back to the car, he called and had one of his men watch your apartment. The moment you made it home, he would be coming over to put you back in your place.
You paced in the bathroom, fighting with your thoughts. How dare he?!… HOW DARE HE?!… Well no more! You were officially done with Yoongi. If he needed to get off, he better do it inside of Mina. You didn’t need him in your life. You were doing just fine before you met him and you will be fine after. You couldn’t believe that you had been so blinded by lust that you let him get off on treating you like gum under his shoes. You punched and kicked the stall door in anger before falling down to the floor in tears. You hugged your knees, pulling them closer to your chest. To you, this was more than just sex. You hiccupped as you sobbed. It just hurts. Your heart hurts so much and as much as you didn’t want to admit it, you were in love with him too.
You didn’t go home that night. You figured that Yoongi would probably be waiting for you to arrive and you didn’t want to see him. You didn’t want to ever see him again so you turned off your phone and stayed over Hyolyn’s apartment. You cried to her about everything. You even admitted to her that you loved him. She understood and did everything to cheer you up. You didn’t know it but she even canceled her plans for the evening to stay home with you. You were like a sister to her so she hated when you were hurt or in pain.
The two of you settled on having a girl’s night in her living room, watching movies and eating pizza like you both use to do back in high school. She avoided the cheesy romantic movies on purpose, choosing comedy, action, and even horror movies.
“I got it!” Hyolyn yelled out, breaking your attention away from “The Fast and the Furious” movie. “We could quit our jobs and become street racers! We could make so much money and do it looking sexy as hell.”
You burst out in tears, trying to control your laughter. “And who’s going to do the driving? Not me!”
“We could pay someone to drive. I’m too pretty to risk my life for a couple thousand bucks.”
You laughed again. “And what about our driver? He deserves to risk his life?”
“Well, we’ll pay him!”
“But his family could come after us because we are held liable for his death.”
“They would have to catch me first.” She laughed.
“Let’s just stick with what we got and then if it all fails, we’ll start stripping.”
Hyolyn laughed but agreed. You two finished watching the rest of the series, falling asleep in front of the television. You awoke in the early hours of the morning. Hyolyn was still asleep and you looked around to check the time.
“It’s only 4:30.” You mumbled quietly.
You don’t know why but you turned on your phone. After a minute of loading, your phone became bombarded with text and voice messages. Your heart thumped in your chest. You knew who they were from but you were scared to read it. Knowing Yoongi, he was probably calling you every name in the book. You wondered what he was doing at that moment and then the thoughts of him and Mina in bed flooded your mind. Her voice echoing in your head. “I love him and he loves me…”
You shook your head, holding yourself closer. You took a deep breath, feeling the tears fall down your face. You wish you were just like him, numb to the world so you couldn’t feel this pain. You cried silently so you wouldn’t wake Hyolyn. You felt bad for always bothering her with your problems but you also felt so grateful for her being there. It was then that your thoughts were cut short by the vibration of your phone. Yoongi’s nickname in bold white letters on the screen. You didn’t answer and waited until the call ended. Not even a minute later, it vibrated again alerting you that you had a text message. This time you opened it.
4:40am- The Big Asshole: I know you saw that I called. Answer your phone!
You sighed, turning your phone off again. You turned on your side, lost in your thoughts until the sun light was shining into the apartment. Hyolyn was still asleep so you got up and went to her bedroom. After successfully picking out an outfit from her closet, you went to take a shower. You dressed and went to her kitchen where she was sitting on the counter eating fruit.
“Nice fit,” she joked. “Did you sleep well?”
You made a cup of tea with toast and sat on the opposite counter. “I did until I woke up this morning. I couldn’t sleep after that.”
“To be honest with you, I had a panic attack when I woke up and you weren’t there. I thought for a second, he came in and dragged you out of here.”
You couldn’t help but to giggle. Hyolyn was so silly that you almost burned yourself drinking the tea. “And you were gonna let him just take me?” You joked.
“Nope, I would have come on his compound like Rambo, shooting up everyone. But just know, if you accidentally get hit with a bullet, I want you to remember that I tried to save you.”
This time you did laugh. “How do you come to rescue me but kill me in the process?!”
“What ever happened to 'it’s the thought that counts’?”
“Did you think that you were going to kill me?” You laughed as you jumped off the counter.
“No but shit happens.” She laughed.
“That’s good to know,” you said as you placed the dishes in the dishwasher. “I’m going to see my mom. I’ll be back.”
“Ok. If you see your brother, put in a good word for me.”
You shook your head walking out of the front door. You got into your car and headed to your parent’s house. Even though you call them all the time, you haven’t visited in awhile. Your mom would be ecstatic to see you and your dad would be out at work with your brother. You smiled to yourself. You missed them and couldn’t wait to see them.
You pulled into the driveway looking around. You spotted an unknown car and hopped out.
The car was black and the back windows were tinted. It looked a little odd that a car like this was parked at your parent’s house but you shrugged it off. Using your keys, you entered the residence, closing the door behind you. Everything seemed the same since you last been there despite a few new items. You looked around but nobody was in sight. As you walked further into the house, you heard voices coming from the patio in the backyard. You found your mother sitting in one of the wicker chairs looking out at the scenery, your brother was swimming laps in the pool, and your father stood off to the side talking with an unknown man who had his back facing you. He was dressed casually and the only detail you noticed about him was his black hair. Your mom was the first one to spot you standing there.
“Y/n! Oh my goodness! I’ve missed you,” she said standing up to embrace you. “What are you doing here?”
You smiled, hugging her back. “I just wanted to stop by and visit.”
“That’s new. I thought you were too busy living your life.” She joked, making you giggle.
“I’m not that busy. I’ve just been…. living life.”
“Uh huh, what’s his name?”
“Mom! There isn’t a guy, really!” She gave you a look that let you know she wasn’t buying it. “There isn’t! Dad and Matthew scared away all the boys.”
“Oh honey, they’re just looking out for you,” she moved to go into the house. “Well I hope your busy lifestyle won’t call you away before dinner. We’re having a guest over.”
“As long as Hyolyn can be my guest.” You already had your phone out texting her to come over for dinner and how your brother was going to be there.
“Of course! She is always welcome to come over. How is she doing by the way?”
“Hyolyn hasn’t changed one bit. Still the same outspoken girl you remember.”
You followed your mother into the kitchen and helped her prepared dinner. Shortly after everything was done, your father and his guest entered the kitchen with your brother right behind them.
“Y/n? What are you doing here?” Your father asked in surprise.
“Am I not allowed here?” You replied sarcastically, giggling. “I’m staying for dinner.”
Your eyes traveled over to his guest and noticed that his eyes were already on you. He looked young but he held a serious facial expression. His black hair was parted at the side and even though he was dressed casually, he was standing as though he wearing a business suit. He was a very handsome man. His lips widen into a smirk and his eyes crinkled at the ends. The clearing of your father’s throat brought your attention away from the stranger. You looked away embarrassed at the fact that you were caught staring.
“This is Jinyoung. He is a friend of your brother’s.” Your father stated. You looked over at your brother who was drinking a glass of juice.
“Matt has friends?” Your comment made Jinyoung and your mother chuckle but made your father and brother glare at you. “I’m sorry. That was rude of me, let me clarify. It’s nice to meet you Jinyoung, it’s not every day that I meet my brother’s friends. He works a lot.”
Jinyoung nodded and your mother decided it was her turn to talk. “Okay, everyone! Dinner will begin in thirty minutes. Matthew, why don’t you get cleaned up? Y/n, you can help me set the table. Honey, you and Jinyoung can have a seat in the living room.”
You pulled out your phone to text Hyolyn to see how long it would take before she arrived. You had begun decorating the table until your mother distracted you by holding up two cold beer bottles in your face.
“Why don’t you offer your father and Jinyoung a drink?”
You took the bottles and headed towards the living room. You found your father standing by the mantel piece while Jinyoung was seated on the couch. Both of their attention turned to you as you entered the room.
“Mom thought you guys would want something to drink.” You stated handing them the cold beverage. You watched as Jinyoung took a sip before asked him questions. “So, do you work with Matt and my father?”
He cleared his throat before speaking. “No. Actually I am working as a DA. We met when I had to interview him for a case, at the time.”
“Really?! But you look so young!”
“I’ll be twenty-eight later in the year.” He chuckled.
“Yes, he is young but he is very smart. He’s gaining a lot of attention for being the new attorney that won the Ramos’ case. I’m thinking of bringing him in for the Min case.” Your father said proudly. Jinyoung just smiled.
Just the thought of Yoongi’s name made your stomach turn. All the pain from yesterday came flooding back and you felt your eyes water. You haven’t thought about him, or at least tried not to. He stopped trying to call and text you. The messages he’d had already sent, still went unread.
“Well, I’ll let you guys to get back to your discussion. Everything will be ready soon.”
As you walked back, you heard the doorbell and went to answer it. Hyolyn stood there in a sexy but causal outfit. Her hair and makeup was done to perfection. You shook your head, stepping aside to let her in.
“Wow, Hyolyn. What’s the occasion?”
She rolled her eyes. “I haven’t seen your family in so long and I wanted to look nice.”
“Right, are you sure it’s my entire family or just one person in particular?”
“Well you can just call it a bonus. I look presentable for your family and extra good for your brother.”
Your mother came out clapping her hands alerting everyone. “Dinner is ready!”
You all sat around the table in the dining room enjoying the meal. Everything was delicious and there was a lot of small talk going around so that the atmosphere wouldn’t be awkward. Throughout dinner, you felt yourself being watched only to look up and lock eyes with Jinyoung. When he realized he had your attention, he would smile causing you to shift in your seat from nervousness. Hyolyn, who didn’t miss a beat, giggled at you before Matt threw a few questions her way making her turn bright red from the attention.
After dinner, you and Hyolyn helped your mother clean the dishes while chatting with your dad. Matt and Jinyoung remained in the dining room drinking beer and talking. When it was all over and everything was back in its place, everyone settled around the house. Your mother and father sat in the living room, watching a film while the rest of you guys hung out on the backyard patio. It was all going well until Hyolyn gave you a look that threw you off and asked to speak with Matt off to the side. You shook your head and giggled until you realized you were alone with Jinyoung. When you looked over at him, he had his head in his phone and you breathed a sigh of relief.
“So, y/n? Are you normally this quiet?” The mere mention of your name, made your heart pound in your chest. The way his deep voice said it was in a teasing manner.
“Uh… no, I’m just… enjoying the night air.” He sat down in a chair next to you.
“What else do you enjoy?” He asked. You could feel his gaze on you and smiled.
“There’s a lot that I enjoy and but I’m afraid we don’t have a lot of time for me to name it all.”
“How about we make time?” You looked at him confused the moment you heard the words. “Allow me to take you to dinner.”
You giggled. “Are you asking me on a date?”
“Sure, why not. I’ve seen all the pictures your family has on display of you and now that I’ve seen and met you, I want to get to know you better. I spoke with your father and he approved of the idea.” Jinyoung chuckled. Now you were shocked.
“My father? Are you sure you were talking to the right man? My dad likes to keep me on lockdown from guys like I’m eighteen.” You rolled your eyes.
“Is it a bad thing that he wants to protect you?”
“Not really,” you said as you thought everything over. If your father accepted Jinyoung’s offer to take you out, then why couldn’t you go? Why couldn’t you be in the company of someone who actually wants you there? Someone who wants to get to know you. You needed to be away and meet with guys other than Yoongi. “Okay, I accept. I would love to go on a date with you.”
That night you smiled the entire ride back to Hyolyn’s place. You had an actual date. One where you didn’t have to worry about your father or Matt ruining it. Hyolyn was happy for you but she was too busy gushing about her time with Matt.
“OH MY GOD, Y/N! He said that he wasn’t dating and even said we should HANG OUT sometime! We agreed to lunch AND dinner next weekend!” She screeched. You laughed at her giddiness. She suddenly stopped and she had a straight face, staring at you. “You don’t mind, do you? If I dated Matt?”
You looked at her in shock. “Really, Hyolyn?! No, I wouldn’t mind! You’re my best friend! I want you to be happy and if that means it’s with my annoying brother then so be it. I’m really happy you decided to make your move. Looks like all the planning paid off.” You laughed.
She smiled, falling back against the seat. “Enough about me, what about you and Jinyoung? Could he be a potential boyfriend?”
“I don’t know,” you smiled. “There is definitely something there. I’m really excited for my date. We have to go shopping!”
“We can go tomorrow after work.”
You woke up the next morning feeling better than before. You and Hyolyn left her apartment around the same time but headed in different directions. You were excited for the day, mostly to go shopping for a dress. You drove thinking about what color you wanted to wear, what heels, what accessories would all look good together. You managed to get to work twenty minutes later, checking your reflection in the rearview mirror before getting out of your car. When you walked inside, the first person to greet you was your supervisor.
“Good morning!” You said cheerfully. You were about to walk past her but she stopped you.
“Y/n, can we talk for a moment?”
You nodded, following her over to the side away from everybody else. “I want you to take a break. Come back in a week.”
You looked at her confused. “Why do I need to take a break? I’m fine. Besides, I want to save my break time for when I really need it.”
“I’m not offering. I’m telling you.” She replied sternly.
“But why? Can I ask why?”
“Mr. Min did not like the way you assisted him and he wants some kind of repercussions on your behalf.”
“And you agreed?!” You asked in astonishment, trying to mask your anger but it wasn’t working. “That man has made my life a living hell since I met him! He wants to establish control over me! This is MY job! When have I ever been rude with a customer or slacked off at work? My attitude is the same towards everyone that walks through that door. Now you are suspending me because of what he said!”
“And if you keep this up, you are on your way to being unemployed. I told you, this was not an offer. You either take the break or don’t come back at all.”
Your supervisor walked away leaving you there fighting back your emotions. Why would he do this? Why couldn’t he just let you be? This was your job and he managed to take that away temporarily. You tried to hold it all in as your eyes watered. You walked to the door, your shoulders hunched over. Just as you were about to open the door, it flew open automatically. Mina walked in excitedly. You were just the person she wanted to see.
“Y/n! How are you? How was your date? Tell me everything!” She saw a tear roll down your face before you wiped it away. Her smile quickly faded away as she became worried. “What’s the matter?”
You made sure your face was clear before you spoke. “Umm… yes, everything was fine. The date went well but I have to go right now. We can talk later.”
You walked out of the store leaving Mina standing there worried. You avoided telling her the truth because you knew it would bring about more questions. What would happened if you told her that you didn’t go on a date because you were upset that he already belonged to someone else or that in a short period of time, Yoongi got you suspended from your job just because you walked away from him. Now to just anyone, it would seem like nothing, but Mina has been with Yoongi long enough to know him inside and out. You figured that if you told her, Mina would soon be able to deduce that you and Yoongi are closer than she thought.
You sat in your car with your head resting against the steering wheel, feeling like shit. How could you allow a man to have so much power over you and the things you do? You weren’t even sleeping at your apartment because you knew he would show up demanding answers. When were you going to stand up to him and take your life back? For you, this was more than just sex. Yes, you loved and craved the feeling he gave you but it meant nothing if you were miserable majority of the time because of him. You sniffed and started your car, pulling out of parking lot. Since Hyolyn was at work, you were headed to another place that calmed you down when you were upset.
You sat on the floor with your legs tucked under you and your eyes glued to the page. You were sitting in a local bookstore, flipping through your one of your favorite novels. You brought the book closer to your face smiling at the scene.
“It’s because I love you that I can’t be with you. You will find someone else who will be able to love you the way I can’t.” The girl cried.
“I don’t care! I don’t care how anyone feels about me, I’m not letting you go! I refuse to let someone else come along and discover the beautiful things about you!” He held her arm, pulling her towards him but she tried to break away.
“No, let me go! You have to let me go. You’re only making this harder on yourself.”
“If you really think so, why are you crying?” The girl became stunned and the guy used it as his opportunity to pull her into his chest, embracing her tightly. “It’s because you don’t want to leave me, so don’t. I can’t stand the thought of you gone forever. I love you so much that I don’t think I can survive without you.” He pulled back to wipe away her tears. It was then that she could see the tears running down his face. “I love you which is why I can’t let you go. Please don’t go.”
A drop of wetness fell onto the typed page. Then another and another until you couldn’t see anything behind your blurred vision. You gasped, barely touching your cheek. You hadn’t realized that you had been crying and felt so silly. You slowly shook your head, trying to clear out all your thoughts. It was then that soft white cloth dangled in front of your face. You didn’t think much of it until a deep voice spoke out.
“Here, looks like you need this.” You shook your head.
“That’s okay. I’m fine.”
He kneeled in front of you and you were able to see him. Your eyes widen at how handsome he was. His short brown hair was parted but still surrounded his forehead. You could see the gentleness in his dark brown eyes as he stared into your face. His plump pink lips spread into a small smirk.
“No really, take it.” You reached out and took it from him, wiping your eyes.
“Thank you.” You spoke softly, ashamed at your behavior. You figured that he thought you were a crazy love struck girl. Even you had trouble believing that you weren’t. His smirk widened and you were able to see his teeth. He had such a gorgeous smiled and you found your eyes, drawn to his lips.
“No problem. Now what are you reading that has gotten such a beautiful woman so worked up over.” You closed the book and showed him the cover.
“It’s not just the book. I’ve had a bad morning and I thought reading would make me feel better but it just ended up making me emotional. I’m sorry; you must think I’m foolish.”
“Not at all! I honestly hate seeing a woman cry. I’m afraid to say that it’s a weakness of mine.” You dried your eyes and handed him back the handkerchief.
“No keep it, just for emergencies.” You smiled and nodded folding and placing it inside your bag. You straighten out yourself about to stand when he held out his hand to help you up.
“Thank you so much. You are very kind and sweet.” You said, feeling a bit better. You just hoped that Yoongi wouldn’t find another way to ruin your life. He held out his hand for you to shake.
“Park Jimin.”
“Y/n,” you said as you shook his hand. “Is there anything I can help you with? I don’t work here but I know this bookstore like the back of my hand, I can help with whatever you’re looking for.”
He smiled again holding his arm out for you to lead the way. “After you.”
You nodded, walking in front of him. “So what are you looking for?”
“Two things actually. I’m looking for something for a good friend of mine. I thought maybe a book would do since he likes to read. And the second is for his daughter, it’s her birthday.” He chuckled. “Now I have a car full of presents for her but I feel like I could find something here that could capture her attention.”
“Indeed you can. This bookstore has a variety of books and activities for little girls.”
You led Jimin around the store looking at different items and making small talk. He had a very charming energy that drew you in and you couldn’t help but smile every time he did. Unbeknownst to you, he was checking you out as much as he could, gathering information on you. The way you talked, the way you walk, and how you interacted with people in the store. Jimin had to admit that he was quite taken with you. There was something about you that intrigued him. He found you on the floor, crying and reading but now you were happy and cheerful. He wanted to get to know you more and find out what kind of woman you really were.
“So I guess this is it.” You stopped at the door with Jimin after he found what he was looking for and paid for the items.
“Yes, thank you for your assistance. I appreciate the help.” He smiled and so did you. “You know, I wouldn’t mind having a companion to a little girl’s birthday party. What do you say?” It was then that a man in black came to the door, holding it open to speak.
“It’s time to go Mr. Park.”
You giggled. “Thanks for the offer but how about another time.”
“At least there will be another time.” He pulled out a card from his suit jacket and handed it to you. Your hand accidentally brushing against his and his skin felt warm and soft. “Give me a call when you become available.”
He left and you watched as he walked away with his confidence stride to a black car and climbed into the backseat. You looked at the card which only had his name and a number. You smiled to yourself, putting the card in your bag.
“Well, I can always use new friends.” You told yourself.
Later on that day you met with Hyolyn and told her about your day. The two of you went shopping as planned and went out to eat. You chose to go home that night, tired of acting like a fugitive. But strange enough, Yoongi never called or came over. You began to think that he gave up on you and you breathed a sigh of relief but you also felt a bit of sadness. Of course you knew this was a part of the healing process and you needed to let nature take its course. So before bed, you chatted on the phone with Jinyoung and made plans for dinner the following night.
You looked up from your plate at Jinyoung. Everything was going well and the food was delicious. He came, on time, to pick you up from your apartment and helped you into his car like a gentleman. You could tell that he put a lot of thought into his attire. He wanted to look nice but not too fancy so he settled on a navy blue suit and white button up. He even went to the salon and had his hair styled. You had found a nice black dress at the mall. You wanted to wear something different from a skin tight club dress and decided to buy a strapless dress. It was tight around your torso and flared out at your waist, stopping just above your knees. You had your hair pulled up into a bun and you wore your makeup light.
You were enjoying yourself and the conversation was never dull. Jinyoung talked about himself and how he got started as an attorney before asking questions about you. He took an interest in your hobbies and life outside from your father’s work.
“How’s the food?” He asked taking a sip of wine, watching as you ate.
You smiled, sipping from your glass to wash down the food. “Everything’s is very good. Thank you. What about your dinner? Is it good?” Jinyoung sighed, looking down at his plate.
“I think I should have ordered the steak and lobster.” You laughed leaning over to look at his plate.
“What’s wrong with the lamb?”
“I’ve had lamb before and this is not it.” You laughed again, grabbing your fork to cut a piece of your salmon. Holding it up for him to take a bite.
“Here, try this.”
Jinyoung leaned forward and wrapped his lips around your fork. He pulled away, chewing on the piece of meat. He nodded in approval trying to savor the taste in his mouth.
“Mhmm, we should switch plates. You can have the so-called 'lamb’ and I’ll eat the fish.”
“No way!” You giggled cutting another piece. “But I wouldn’t mind sharing it with you.” Jinyoung smiled and reached across the table to take your hand in his. His thumb slowly rubbed over the backside of your hand.
“I’m glad that you agreed to come out with me.” You nodded.
“Me too. I’m having a wonderful time. Thank you for even showing interest in me.”
Your eyes traveled down to his lips and you found yourself wanting to lean over the table and kiss him. Jinyoung has been an amazing date. He is funny and smart and you could definitely see yourself going on a second date with him. No wonder your family approved of him. Suddenly Jinyoung’s eyes traveled past you and his smile quickly faded into a stern stare.
“I don’t believe this.” He mumbled to himself but you were still able to hear him. You turned your head to see what was wrong and your eyes widened at the sight. There stood Yoongi at the door of the restaurant with his arm wrapped around a woman who was not Mina. That asshole! You turned back around in your seat, your heart beating rapidly in your chest. You grabbed your glass and swallowed down the rest of your wine. Jinyoung was too busy watching Yoongi to notice your change in behavior. When he did look back at you, he failed to miss the second glass of wine that you had just finished off.
“Do you know who that is?” He motioned with a nodded of his head in Yoongi’s direction. You look back as the waiter led them to the back of the restaurant. His eyes suddenly locked with yours but he just smiled and looked away, his date clinging tightly to him.
“No, I don’t. Who is he?” You asked turning back to Jinyoung.
“That’s Yoongi, as in Min Yoongi, a well known crime lord. He is bound to take over his father’s empire sooner or later. And when he does, I promise you that the crime in this city will increase.”
“That’s unfortunate.” You stated, trying to hide the irritation in your voice. “Wonder what brings a man like that here.”
“Yeah, I wonder if it’s just a cover.” He asked curiously, looking around for where Yoongi might be seated. Just as luck would have it, all you had to do was look up to make eye contact with Yoongi again. Even though he was on the other side of the restaurant, he had a clear view of you, the table, and Jinyoung. You reached out and grabbed Jinyoung’s hand making him look at you.
“Enough about him. I don’t want to spoil our date talking about a criminal. Besides, bad guys always get caught by the good ones, right?”
Jinyoung chuckled. “That’s right.”
The remainder of dinner, you tried to focus on Jinyoung even though you could feel Yoongi’s eyes drilling a hole in your head. You two had gone back to talking and discussing the food. You were a laughing mess when you both found out that he didn’t order the lamb but goat liver. Jinyoung couldn’t help but laugh either. He gave up and just ordered his original choice.
“You don’t mind that we stay here for awhile, do you?” He asked, worried that you would get bored sitting at the restaurant for so long.
“No, I don’t mind. How can we leave when we haven’t ordered dessert yet?” You smiled and he did too.
During the next conversation, you heard your phone ringing in your clutch purse. You opened it to retrieve your phone but found out it was just a message.
8:37pm- The Big Asshole: You can make time for your date with the DA but can’t make it to our date…
You ignored the text placing your phone back in your purse only for it to ring again.
8:39pm- The Big Asshole: You look beautiful tonight. I wonder if your date knows that you put out on the first night. I bet he is just hoping that you do.
Once again you put your phone in your purse but, of course, you received another message.
8:40pm- The Big Asshole: I’m not satisfied with the way we left things. We need to talk. Meet me by the bathrooms.
You rolled your eyes and scoffed. You had nothing to say to him and didn’t want to talk to him. This time you turned off the sound and were about to put your phone back when another messaged popped. You weren’t about to open it but something quickly told you to.
8:41pm- The Big Asshole: ignoring me will be the biggest mistake of your life.
8:42pm- The Big Asshole: don’t think that because you’re with someone that I won’t have him killed. His blood will be on your hands.
Jinyoung’s voice faded out of your head. Your heart was beating rapidly as you took a look around the restaurant. A big man, dressed in all black, was walking towards the table. You weren’t completely sure but you thought you saw a gun in his waistband. Your breath hitched in your throat as fear took over. Without thinking, you abruptly stood knocking over the bottle of wine, drawing attention to yourself. Majority of it spilled over the table but some of it had also gotten on your dress. Jinyoung looked at you in surprise.
“Are you okay, y/n?”
“Yeah yeah yeah…” you panicked as you tried to brush off your dress, look around for that man, keep your eye on Yoongi, and make sure that Jinyoung was still alive.”I’m going to clean up in the bathroom. I-I’ll be right back.“
You hurried off to the bathroom trying to clean off your dress. Even though you were wearing black, the wine left a noticeable wet spot on the dress. You took a moment to try to calm down. You were so frightened that you were on the verge of tears. You paced back and forth in the bathroom doing breathing exercises. A part of you was scared to go back to the table because you were afraid of what you might find. Jinyoung’s brains might be splattered all over the table. After a while of hiding out, you slowly eased your way out of the bathroom. You peeked around the corner, checking to make sure the man in black wasn’t around. You were able to still see Jinyoung sitting at the table, checking his phone. You breathed a sigh of relief ready to walk back when you were shoved against the wall. You came face to face with Yoongi and the look on his face said that he was rather pleased with himself.
"Here we are.” He stated sarcastically.
“What do you want, Yoongi? Isn’t your date waiting for you? Or isn’t Mina waiting for you to tell her how much you love her?”
He chuckled. “Jealous? All because her place in my life?” You tried to break away from him but his grip held you in place.
“I may not fit into your life, Min Yoongi. But you don’t belong in mine.” You tried to remain calm but you could feel all the pain and anxiety just waiting to break loose. “Let me go.”
“No. We haven’t had our talk yet.” He stated, checking you out from head to toe.
“What do you want?” You pleaded, feeling your eyes water.
Out of nowhere, Yoongi lunged forward attacking your lips with his own. He kissed you roughly breaking away to kiss all over your neck. You didn’t even have time to reaction or brace yourself but your body was already ready for him. Your mind flashed to Jinyoung and you immediately froze up. You couldn’t do this. Not in when you’re on a date. Not when you’re standing in a small narrow hallway with Yoongi where anyone could walk back and see you. You lightly tried to push him away. Not only were you fighting against him, but you were fighting against your own body as well. It was more than ready to welcome him back and welcome all the pleasure he brought.
“Yoongi… Yoongi wait.” You gently pushed on his shoulders. Yoongi stood straight and forcefully turned you around so that you could see out into the restaurant. Your eyes found Jinyoung as he waited patiently for you to return.
“Do you plan on leaving me to go back to your pathetic date?” He growled in your ear, pressing his body against yours while grinding his hard cock against your ass. You briefly shut your eyes enjoying the feeling. “Do you really think that Jinyoung Park can satisfy you like I can?”
You felt his hands work its way up your dress to your panties. He pulled them down your leg until they were resting at your ankles. One of his hands grabbed your bun, yanking your head back to expose your neck. His other hand was already back under your dress, working its way between your legs. You weren’t sure if he eased your legs apart or if you voluntarily spread them for him. Either way, he found exactly what he was looking for. His long fingers played with your clit, pinching and pulling at it before he let his fingers travel to your opening. Just as he predicted, you were already dripping down your thighs. Yoongi leaned his head forward sucking and biting harshly on your neck.
“Fuck, I’ve missed how this pussy purred for me.” He breathed out softly.
You almost missed what was said because you were so caught up in the movement of his fingers. Once again, your eyes found Jinyoung and you could see him checking the time on his watch while looking around. Your mind wanted you to stop but your body was in control. It had shut down all the requests from the brain to only focus on one thing. You close your eyes as Yoongi thrust his fingers inside you. You could feel the anger behind his actions and this time when he spoke, you could hear it in his voice.
“I thought you said you belonged to me, y/n!” You moaned out from the pain to your hair but also from the pleasure of his fingers. “Maybe I should remind you.”
Yoongi removed his hand and replaced it with something thicker. He pushed the head of his cock between your folds before he thrust forward, burying himself deep in your walls. You both moaned out as he stretched you. You held on to the flat surface of the wall as he slammed into you over and over causing you to groan.
“That’s right, y/n. You’re mine. Let me hear you say it!”
You saw Jinyoung get up from his seat and immediately you became alert. You feared that he would walk to the back to where you were and catch you in a compromising situation. Yoongi could feel your body tense up but he only fucked you harder. By now, a small puddle had formed under you and tried not to slip in it as you braced yourself. He was pounding away at your spot and you could feel yourself getting lost in ecstasy.
“Let me hear you say it!” Yoongi repeated roughly. He could feel you tightening around him.
“Fuck,” you squealed to yourself. All it took was one final thrust for you to cream all over his cock. “I’m yours! FU-”
Yoongi held his hand over your mouth as you came undone in his arms. He filled you up to the brim, letting his cum mixed with yours. You both stood there panting trying to catch your breaths. When he disconnected himself from you, all the cum inside you came pouring out. You stood there trying to grasp reality, trying to come to the realization of what you had just done. Yoongi had already straightened himself out and leaned forward to whisper in your ear.
“Give my regards to Mr. Park.”
You could hear the cockiness in his voice and could tell he enjoyed ruining you on your date. He left you there and returned to his table. You stepped out of your panties and tossed them in the trash in the bathroom. With every step you took, you could feel more cum leak from your walls. You tried cleaning yourself up the best way you could. When you were done, you took a look at yourself in the mirror and came face to face with a horrible reality. Not only was your neat bun messed up and your makeup was messy but Yoongi left a big mark on your neck. You undid your hair, hoping that it could camouflage the mark and tried to straighten out your appearance so you didn’t look too crazy when you emerged from the bathroom. You suddenly heard a knock at the door.
“Y/n? Are you in there? Is everything okay?” You heard Jinyoung’s muffled voice on the other side. You felt like shit but still went to him. When you stepped outside, you could see the concern on his face.
“I’m sorry, Jinyoung. I ruined our date.” You thought he would get upset but he just smiled.
“I’m not sure why you changed your look but we could still have our dessert. Then I’ll take you home. You’re probably just tired.”
You agreed because you didn’t want to make this night any worst and you felt as though you owed it to him. You too would be upset if you found out that Jinyoung slip away just to fuck some girl by the bathrooms. Yoongi and his date was nowhere to be found when you made it back to your seat. But you had to sit there the remainder of your date with a fake smile on your face like everything was okay but it wasn’t. You didn’t know what it would take but you made a vow to stay away from Yoongi for good.
©2017 Silhouetted_Beauty
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