#I already made Xellos post
villain-menagerie · 2 years
Mod H: I feel like writing some x Reader stuff, but I'm not sure what. Something about Slayers' mazoku or baddies from Dragon Ball or Virus digimon, maybe Decepticons... it's been pretty quiet on these sides recently online so I wanted to make some content but I dunno how where to begin. Maybe mazoku lords? Who doesn't wanna date Lady Dolphin, after all
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I feel like the sorcerers in this series favor certain offensive spells? Like, I'm sure Lina knows ice magic and stuff, but she defaults to using Fireball (or the Dragon Slave). Vrumugun and, iirc, Naga, favor ice magic like Freeze Arrow, and Cally here has been repeatedly using Flare Arrow. I think it's a neat little place to put some characterization, by asking what element/specific spells/broad category of magic a character defaults to in a combat situation.
...To turn this post to Rezo, a man who has been dead for seven episodes already but whom I will never shut up about, I kind of think he favors astral shamanistic magic when in combat- in his fight with Xellos in EVO-R, he uses it a lot, although admittedly Xellos is, you know, a mazoku, so it's not like he had a lot of other options. But it makes sense to me that he would favor it regardless, because the more material elements can mess up the terrain around him, and while his senses are pretty sharp I can imagine that being extra inconvenient for a guy who can't see the tripping hazards he's just made.
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luckykoneko · 3 years
"does anyone here know more than one of my fandoms actually" You challenge me??? Alright, gimme Slayers!
I should know better than to challenge you XD had to think about this one for a bit 'cause I haven't been active in this fandom for a while, I REALLY need to rewatch Slayers (and we REALLY need to do a Slayers watch party sometime)
anyway here goes
the first character i ever fell in love with: Zelgadis, hands down.
a character that i used to love/like, but now do not: Filia, I guess? She's a neat character but I don't care about her as much as I did when I first watched the series.
a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not: Xellos/Filia. Don't get me wrong, I still like the ship, but I don't actively ship it anymore and don't actively seek out content either. It just exists.
my ultimate favorite character™: Zelgadis, hands down. (Zel counter: 2)
prettiest character: I was going to say Zel before he became a chimera (Zel counter: 3) but honestly? Xellos is pretty af and honestly enby goals.
my most hated character: Tough question... I don't really hate any characters? Except for characters that are only relevant for like three episodes anyway. I guess Amelia's dad (I can't even remember his name) is mostly just obnoxious so I guess he counts.
my OTP: Rezo/Eris. Those two deserve each other and tbh her having a crush on him is really heckin cute. If only he actually felt something for her.
my NOTP: I don't think I have one, apart from crackships that I've never seen anyone take seriously anyway.
favorite episode: Tough choice, VERY tough choice. I think the finale of Evolution-R is my favorite, but all season finales are Good.
saddest death: Either Rezo or Eris. I can't choose. Both made me cry. Though the first one to come to mind is Eris so I think she wins by a tiny little margin.
favorite season: The first one, though I also have a weak spot for TRY. But all seasons are Good.
least favorite season: I think Revolution. I don't care all that much for Pocota in most of that season and I also didn't care much for the plot when I first watched it. Honestly I didn't give it a fair chance at the time. I should rewatch it.
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate: Pocota, I guess. Also Naga? I don't know how I feel about Naga because I only watched one of the OVAs so idk if she counts.
my ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave: Xellos. I think the entire fandom can agree on this, he's not just a piece of trash, he's the entire freaking dumpster, but we all love him anyway.
my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave: Not going to say he's a beautiful cinnamon roll because he Isn't, but, Valgaav deserved better. Also Zelgadis deserves all the good things because holy frick that boi suffered enough for three entire lifetimes. (Zel counter: 4)
my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship: Valgaav/Filia if it ended up happening in canon 'cause he's a freaking mess and would not treat her right. But if we're going for Redemption Arc Valgaav like I like to do, I can see it becoming kinda cute in the long run. As long as he starts off by already wanting to be better than he is in canon.
my ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship: Zelgadis/Amelia. They're cute, I like seeing fan content, but I don't actively ship this. I see it as more of an one-sided crush from Amelia's side. Zel is too much of a mess to get emotionally invested, imo. It is the ultimate post-canon slowburn material tho. (Zel counter: 5)
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shathereal · 4 years
chp 2 excerpt for ‘something kinda funny’
I’ve been working on this damn fic for years and I swear I did not intend to let 2 years lapse between updates, but depression, work, writing a different but incredibly well-received XL fic that made me wonder if that was the best I could do, more work, other fic and art projects, buying a house, work again, this gd pandemic, life in general, gets in the way. Chp 2 is sooooo close to being done that I’m posting a little excerpt in hopes that it will motivate me to finish it sooner than later. Tumblr being awash with new Xellina content has definitely helped! Thanks, y’all. <kissy face>
Lina savored the tingling feeling of the last drops of whisky on her tongue. She wasn’t tired. Not yet. It was nice to have some time to herself after spending the day explaining fireball over, over, and over, although she supposed she wouldn’t be solo for long.
The tavern was on the verge of bustling, but not overly busy. Men who worked the late shift in the nearby mines were just beginning their search of alcohol’s cool hand to take the edge off the day’s frustrations. Like clockwork, a gentleman suddenly appeared table-side. The stranger was stocky but handsome in a scruffy way with his messy dark hair and thick, toned upper body. Soot covered his trousers, however. Clearly, he was one of the miners coming in for a drink, and Lina was quick to notice the way he leered at her with dark green eyes.
“Anyone sitting here?” His baritone was smooth, silky, as if it could cocoon her like a luxurious blanket that she’d never had to leave. Lina shrugged and waved her hand, ushering him to sit. Maybe she could forgive the “fresh out of the mines” look, but it didn’t matter—he wouldn’t be there for long.
“The name’s Guymon,” He slid into the adjacent seat that Petra had vacated and leaned forward eagerly, “Would you like another drink? It’s on me.”
The corner of Lina’s mouth quirked. It really wasn’t in good conscience could she accept free drinks from a man who wouldn’t last five minutes at her table, but another whisky did sound awfully nice.
“Sure,” she returned the smile. Guymon grinned and called the waitress over. Whisky for her and more lager for him. Lina nodded politely at Wanette, who raised her eyebrows in return. Lina and her apprentices had been staying at this inn for a couple weeks now, and it wasn’t the first time the tavern had produced a handsome stranger offering to buy her a drink.
Being self-conscious about her petite frame seemed like eons ago. Lina learned quickly as an adult woman that it was only Gourry who took issue with her chest—all sorts of men were attracted to her, no matter the size of her breasts. Once her awkward angles filled out, Lina was a striking woman—her years of feasting never caught up with her, what with the metabolic advantage black magic afforded her. She didn’t even consider her current outfit of a faded yellow tunic over black tights tucked into weathered boots to be terribly enticing. Naturally, Guymon must have been lured by her good looks and breezy confidence. It was hard for Lina not to be amused with Guymon, though. He so clearly had one thing on his mind with his lecherous grin.
“Now what did you say your name was?” Guymon’s gaze dropped to her chest and immediately began a greedy roam.
Some men couldn’t play subtle even if they tried.
“I didn’t,” Lina responded cooly as Wanette handed her the new glass of whisky and placed the lager in front of Guymon, “But it’s Lina.” She heard Wanette huff as she walked away. Really, the waitress needed to mind her own business. Lina smiled placidly at Guymon.
“Well, Li-na,” Guymon took his glass in hand snd lifted into it into the air, “Cheers!”
“Cheers,” she clinked her glass against his, and they both drank. Lina let the pleasant tingling sensation of whisky slide over her tongue as Guymon took a long, slurping swig.
His eyes—those handsome dark green eyes that he used to make his intentions quite apparent—shot open suddenly. Guymon appeared confused for a few seconds before that confusion transformed into fear. Lina brought the whisky back to her lips—she already knew the cause of Guymon’s sudden distress.
“I-i-i-I gotta go,” Guymon stuttered, unceremoniously jumping up and running off. His barely consumed lager remained on the table, and spots of soot lay where he had sat.
“Scaring off men again?” Wanette the waitress appeared suddenly. Lina snorted.
“Don’t worry, Wanette, you’ll get your tip,” Lina said as sweetly as she could muster. Wanette huffed and strode off to another table. Lina tapped her fingers, somewhat impatiently, and waited for the culprit to make an appearance.
And sure enough, barely a minute had passed when Xellos suddenly materialized, a happenstance that always went unnoticed, despite the many times the hasty departure of any man daring to sit with Lina Inverse brought attention her way.
Yes, Lina was quite attractive to men, men who would love to woo her,  even handsome men that Lina wouldn’t mind allowing to do so—
—if the Monster she was sleeping with would let them near her, that is.
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