#I actually have a million AUs in my OUAT folder on my laptop
capnjay21 · 5 years
Author Interview
I’ve been tagged by @peglegsjones - thanks a bunch hun! <33 
Name: Jay
Fandoms: OUAT and Doctor Who primarily, but a pinch of everything else too. 
Where You Post: AO3 and tumblr.
Most Popular One-Shot: stand on her steps (with my heart in my hand) - 3.5k words of a what-if where Charming and Snow decide to go through the portal in 6x17 and raise Emma themselves. 
Most Popular Multi-Chapter Story: I guess the importance of being idle (my ‘rock n roll’ guitarist!Killian photojournalist!Emma romp) technically has the most kudos, but the boy that stood by the sea is the fic I definitely felt the strongest reaction from lovely readers <33 
Favorite Story You Wrote: the boy that stood by the sea - a tale of three gentle, flawed people trying very hard to love and cherish a little boy who adores fairy tales, but not always getting it right.
Story You Were Nervous to Post: bring walls down, hear my sound - the sequel to ‘the boy’ is one of the angstiest (with a happy ending!) things I have ever put onto paper, touching on themes like miscarriage and difficult relationships with parents, and I was worried I might discourage readers from continuing or make them feel I’d handled these issues poorly - and then I was worried no one would care when I came back 2 years later to finish it! But actually from start to finish anyone that has spoken to me about it has been overwhelmingly supportive, and I felt really empowered to keep exploring challenging places I’d never taken my writing before. What fantastic shipmates you all are! 
How You Choose Your Titles: Very, very poorly. Mostly song lyrics... in fact I realise now all of them are songs, except for Brink and we’re pirates, what did you expect? 
Do You Outline: Yes, but sometimes to my detriment. Plotting for me sometimes functions as a ‘wish fulfilment’ thing, where the whole story plays in my head and then never ends up making it to paper! But sometimes it helps as a form of rudder for me while I work my way through, so plots and I have a bit of a love/hate relationship. I also have like 6 WIPs plotted out completely in my head that one day, I will need to write...
Complete: 3 multi-chapters, 3 one-shots. 
In Progress: 2 multi-chapters, that I am determined to finish up within the next few months as part of a rounding up project I started with bring walls down. 
Coming Soon/Not Yet Started: A lot!
My CS Role Reversal fic! Currently not titled. It’s a Storybrooke ghost story told in both the present day and the past, with quite a few mysteries that need solving. Dark, spooky, and hopefully a great adventure. First chapter drops October 26th, keep your eyes peeled!
Chapter 5 of Brink - here we’ll see a breakthrough in Emma and Hook’s tentative alliance, a little peek into Henry’s new life as a Lost Boy, and just how far Emma is willing to go to get him back.
Continuing with Keeping Up with the Joneses, a fake-family AU where Emma/Killian are pretending to be parents/spouses moving into a small town in Maine - in actuality they are an elite “stealth marketing” team, tasked with convincing their peers to invest in the next big thing. I want to give this fic the attention I couldn’t give it when I first published it, and really get it done right! 
A four-part Battlestar Galactica AU. Space pilots. Sex. The survival of the human race. That is all.
A one-shot based in the ‘the boy that stood by the sea’ verse that I started a long time ago, that I have decided to pick up and finish and dedicate to @carpedzem because of her lovely, lovely words about it over the last few days! <3
... And many, many more...  
Do You Accept Prompts: Oh god, I try. But it always takes me forever to do them and then I feel like the prompter probably forgot/gave up on me and I get too awkward to post them! Eep. I’m so sorry. I’ll be better. 
Upcoming Story You Are Most Excited to Write: My CSRR fic has just been flying onto the page, currently sitting pretty at 11k and I’m not even at the end of part 1 of 3 yet. I want to try and finish all/most of it before I post, to try and get a more regular posting schedule up! 
Tagging: you guys may have done it already, but tagging @hollyethecurious, @wellhellotragic and @awkwardnessandbaseball! 
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