#I actually don’t know if there’s any irl basis for having that kind of foot shape and it correlating to speed
redhotarsenic · 11 months
I lied actually Valantinez has one entire prosthetic leg and one prosthetic foot on their other leg they’re both the same shape just the extra tech in the leg one lets them shoot out of it
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steve0discusses · 6 years
Yugioh S2 Ep 14:  Joey Gets Robbed By a Small Child
It’s officially Day 2 of the competition--despite what Tea said yesterday--and so Yugi and his two very tall friends are logging in their current stats of how many puzzle pieces they’ve earned. Again, how long does a duel seriously take? Wouldn’t you have more than this? But, whatever.
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like Arcana did not have a piece of that puzzle, right? Like we only saw Yugi get one puzzle piece from that guy with no name, but, I’m OK with not having to fast forward through two more duels because yeah no thanks to watching that. I’d be OK if most of the tourney games were talked about in passing but you know this is supposed to be a show about cards even though it’s really hard to tell sometimes.
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Now, to be fair, when this is your protagonist--when your protagonist looks like a kind of lost teenage edgelord hot mess--you do have to sort of up your game in order to try and make the antagonist look at all like...an antagonist. Like our normal go-to’s of edgy villain stereotypes, the sharp edges, the vanity guy liner, the gaudy jewelry, the the bondage choker collar--Yugi already wears that on a daily basis. But uh, somehow this happened:
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I have only seen a chain necklace like this in one other place
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Who wore it better?
Meanwhile, our two most useless characters have missed Yugi by a hair yet again. So hard to do, he has so many hairs.
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I think I’ve been saying this in nearly every episode since the start of this season but Yugi, a dude is threatening to kill you...when are you going to call the police? Never, right? Like never?
On the other side of town, Joey falls for a really easy to see trap--at least really easy for everyone else to see except for Joey, who thinks a lot more of himself then he really should. I mean yeah, he got second in Pegasus’ tourney but he was also dressed up like a dog on TV and that happened a little bit more recently. Anyways, he gets robbed.
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True story, my Freshman year of college there was this girl on my floor who seemed--totally normal. Like a super normie girl who’s weirdest tick was that she was so clean and tidy that she had never lost a bobby pin or hair tie in her life (HOW!???) But one day there was this pedestrian walkway, like you see above, and she was like “what if I jumped off the top? I bet I would survive and it would be really fun.” and not in like a disturbed way, she was just...curious, and felt like copying one of those parkour videos because who needs 12 years of gymnastics experience? What would happen if she jumped off a full story? It’s only max 10 ft, right? Not so bad, right?
Anyway, she broke her foot. Mystery solved. She went the rest of the semester with a huge foot brace and crutches on iced sidewalks.
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Joey takes a blood oath to destroy Weevil, much like how Yugi made a blood oath to destroy Weevil last season. Not sure why the need to make a new reason to have a grudge against this guy they had already sworn as an enemy. Honestly he’d welcome any reason to fight them.
But of course, the real reason this child stole Joey’s deck was to slip a card in it. So he runs back to Weevil who has a slightly different glasses shape this season, I’ve noticed. Interesting that the bug-glasses brand was still in business when he came back in to buy that second pair.
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Weevil is his own brand of weird, but it’s not nearly stabby enough to really make it too far in this tourney, I feel. Especially after that last arc. I’ll be honest, following up Arcana with Weevil is just...part of me is like did that last arc even happen? Is this still the same show?
It just feels a little disorienting. Speaking of which
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I mean I knew they were in a different town but I didn’t realize she was halfway across Japan. Anyways, turns out that Tristan left her his computer to watch the tourney. Problem is, she’s blind. So, she finds a kid who’s hiding from his X-rays to turn it on for her. Like really, Serenity’s storyline is run of the mill kid show stuff about “don’t be afraid of x-rays! You’ll do great!” so I’m gonna gloss riiiight over that, but I just want to focus a little bit on this website here.
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Is this the menu page or is she doing a multiple choice quiz? This is just...this is just the worst web design I’ve seen in a good long time. Makes me feel better about the web choices I’ve made in my life.
Anyway, she turns on the computer just in time to see her brother losing because of a parasite card in his deck. But, I was sort of confused because why would you make a card that will ruin you?
So I looked up the card IRL. Something I rarely ever do just because I don’t really pay to much attention to the rules and like..this card--In Real Life, not in the show, but In Real Life--is one where when you play it, you shuffle it into your opponents deck as part of the card rules.
Like Weevil never had to steal Joey’s deck, the card would have been shuffled in regardless. In fact, by putting the card in Joey’s deck, it would only give Joey the chance to play the parasite on Weevil.
But hey the guys who write this show probably never played this game, much like me, who writes about this show, so who cares?
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Better pull out a knife next episode, Weevil, or you are going to get written right off of this season.
Next week, on Yugioh,
Will Mokuba even interfere with this one or is he just so tired after Arcana that he’s locked himself into a little dark room to recover? Can this please be a two episode duel and not a three parter? Will half of the next episode be Yugi playing charades with this BDSM mime who is just trying to challenge him to a duel but cannot actually physically say the words without breaking mime law?
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not-poignant · 6 years
Back when Augus was a regular Dominant, what kind of clients did he NOT take? Presumably, any that he felt would need long-term attention, of course, or if he didn't have time, but what were the types that he felt he couldn't accept or help? (I don't know if you've even thought about this, sorry!)
I mean he didn’t have a fixed list or anything like that. So while it’s something I’ve thought about, it’s more along the lines of ‘Augus treated it on a case by case basis, and always had other people he could refer clients onto.’
We see an example of this (him referring on a client because he’s unavailable in The Wildness Within), but mostly, Augus has his intake/interview process to determine whether he’ll be helpful or not. He’ll see clients that need long-term care too, he just won’t see them for long-term care, like his qualifying factor is ‘can I help you over 1-4 days in a contained period of time.’ If the answer is yes, then he will. Like Gwyn clearly required long-term care to maintain his heartsong, but the fact remained that Gwyn still benefitted from seeing Augus, so he ‘passed.’
A lot of it also just came down to Augus’ whims - would he be available on that weekend, did he actually feel like taking on a client or would he be trading or working in his lake or hunting instead, etc.
There were no ‘types’ that he felt he couldn’t help. I don’t think Augus would ever be that reductive. Like, some Doms irl turn away ‘needy’ people or ‘depressed’ people, but what do those words mean really? What huge spectrum of hundreds of millions of people are they covering? Augus was warier around some kinds of fae than others, we see that wariness in action when he first meets Gwyn and we encounter several of the things that put Augus on the back foot instantly (that he’s Seelie, that he’s a War General, that he’s stubborn and resistant, that he may be there on a mission from the King) and you can even watch Augus put Gwyn through an initial process that is ‘go away I don’t want you’ because of that - and even then, Augus decides that he can help.
He mostly had hard and fast rules against helping fae that would be dangerous to him to have around (some sea fae, you can see this in Salt Water). Like, if it’s going to rot Augus’ skin off to touch a fae, he’s not going to say yes.
But in terms of personality types? No such thing. It’s humans that need hard and fast rules for things like that, not mercurial waterhorses. Augus always relied more on instinct / sense, which were very well-honed by the time he met Gwyn.
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tellywoodtrash · 6 years
TT do you think your words are being taken out of context? First you're being called a Shrenu hater (not the first time I think) and now anon about why actors are being lazy, when you didn't really imply that. Why are ppl misunderstanding you? Take care!
Hey anon!
Thanks for the nice message, boo! You have a good day too!
Yeaaaaah, it’s a form of confirmation bias. People (especially those who haven’t really interacted with me) have an image of me in their heads based on a few posts they’ve read, and they think they know me and the way I think. They then see me write about something one particular time, in ONE PARTICULAR CONTEXT, and aha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Proof that what they thought about me all along was right!!!!!!!!!!11
Listen up, my dudes. I know it might look like I care about actors a lot coz I have a Tellywood blog, but I don’t. I may say I “love” Surbhi or Shrenu or Surbhi J. or whatever, but come on, it’s just hyperbole. I actually do not really give a shit about these people beyond the characters they play. (Especially when on a day by day basis, most of them keep proving that they’re entitled little dipshits who just live in their own bubble of privilege, unaware of the real world and issues out there. If they haven’t proven it by putting their foot in their mouths YET, I’m just waiting for the other shoe to drop. At the very least, they’re just laaaaaaaame as heck. The only pleasant exception to all this so far has been Namik.) Emotionally, I have zero actual feelings for these people IRL beyond topics to write about on my blog.
Look, I’m a grownass adult with a full-time job and hella lotta adult issues (and none of them the ~fun~ SATC kind that you may be thinking of.) I don’t have time nor the inclination to sit and draw hearts around pics of these people who play make-believe for a living. (I highly doubt they’re going to be devastated about that too. “OHNOE ONE RANDOM ANONYMOUS CAT LADY ON THE INTERNET IS CALLING ME OUT FOR BEING PROBLEMATIC!!!!!!!!!!!”, they’re not lamenting into the sleepless night, believe you me.) The advantage of being mostly dead on the inside is that I’m able to be relatively objective! I don’t “love” any of these people that I’ll be blind to their faults, or “hate” anyone that I can’t acknowledge the good parts of them. Overall, I promise you, the vendetta you think I have against your precious fave is all made up in your head. I simply do not give a fuck about them.
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scadplaysdnd · 7 years
a reflection
aka “holy fuck mom its been a year”
just warning yall now this is about to get hugely personal and if you’d rather not see insight of the worse sides of me or what’s been going on behind the scenes then i fully understand not reading this. i wont be offended. this is kind of as much for myself as it is anyone else.
so there have been a couple times in my life where ive had to look at myself and go “if i dont reach out for help of some kind, something really bad is going to happen”. around this time last year was one of those times. i was three credits shy of getting my degree and the last thing i needed to do was an internship, which would have started around this time and finished up by the end of 2016. i would have finished my education and gotten my degree.
and then i would have died.
id known this fact for a couple months now but as we were reaching two months from the end of the year i had this thought--maybe i should like, not do that??? so i put the internship on hold. i took a semester off on medical leave. while all of this was going on, kelly and erik had come to me asking me if i wanted to play dnd. i said sure, though i was pretty wary. id only ever played dnd once beforehand and it ended really badly--basically my character died and the rest of the party kind of callously left her behind which hurt and sucked.
ANYWAY i came up with the basic concept for tami. i know i wanted to play an orc because it was always weird to me that orcs are like the stereotypical and defacto villains that most parties are pitted against from the very beginning--what must it be like to be one of those people? but i wanted her to also diverge from the typical orc playable character, in that she was going to be quiet, stealthy, dexterous, and “level headed” (in quotes because yknow her emotions are something she’s always struggling with).
basically tami naruto jumping through the trees was always a key character concept from the word go.
but character creation is easy for me. ive been doing it nonstop since i was 10 years old. i also joined a new roleplay group around this same time. creative endeavors are something i can still pursue rather easily even in the throes of the worst mental breakdowns. in fact, its probably the reason ive survived most of them.
and i had no idea how much dnd was going to be that.
by this point, things were getting really bad and we were basically deciding what to do with me. my support network as ill call them (basically my therapists and doctors) were thinking i needed to be admitted into some kind of program and i agreed with them. but they wanted me to go to an inpatient program--essentially either being hospitalized or cut off from everything while i was taught how to yknow. not die.
but i didnt want to be cut off from everything. i wanted to play dnd. it was pretty much the only thing i had going for me at the time, since i wasnt doing any work or school. not to mention most of my irl friends were still in school or just generally busy and it was pretty much the only social thing i had to look forward to.
of course, that wasnt the only thing. in general, i just really didnt like the idea that i wouldnt be able to have a phone or computer for xyz months, quite literally being cut off from everyone and everything, including all of my essential coping mechanisms that have been keeping me alive thus far. but really, i knew that if i left the campaign just as it was starting for what would probably be months, i wouldnt be able to come back. and i didnt want that.
so i put my foot down and we got me enrolled in a local outpatient program. every day for 5 hours, i had to go to group therapy and learn how to Not Die. i had to go completely sober. i had to get drug tests. it was......hard, to say the least. it was scary and frankly humiliating to get to that point where i had to be constantly monitored to make sure i wasnt a danger to myself or others--even more so that it was justified.
every day we’d have to check in, let them know what our level of suicidal ideation was among other things, and i remember for those first few months, it was never none for me. but as long as it was passive, it was alright. in response, we were supposed to take a step back and look for things to live for, and look forward to. every friday we had to write about what we were planning on doing for the weekend.
and every friday i wrote the same thing: dnd.
it was honestly everything i needed during this time. i was going through a pretty rough period of agoraphobia and social anxiety, but once a week every week i got to be social as someone who wasnt myself. my experience with dnd hadnt been much up until that point, but almost none of you guys had played before. i felt almost an obligation to make a character that was somewhat take charge and open, in an effort to coax you guys out for the same. its kind of hard to remember at this point considering where we all are now, but at the beginning there, i know it was rough for a lot of us. i felt like i had to take charge, which was so the opposite of how i was actually living my life at the time.
and it was...nice. tami is much more confident and forthright than i am, and i had to force myself out of a lot of comfort zones to put myself in that place. but as weeks went on, it became easier, both in and out of character. all yall nerds are busy now but back then we were hanging out practically every night and it gave me a chance to not be alone with everything i was going through. unlike with say, the roleplay group, i wasnt just my character--i also got be myself with you guys. i got to rediscover who i was and could be during a time where i really didn’t see myself as anything worthy, let alone anything at all. plus, my connections to others has always been a driving force of me Not Dying and being able to be a part of such a blossoming close group was essential while living at home with little contact to my other friends.
and this went on for months. in that time, through the program, i was able to learn some essential, new coping mechanisms. i discovered some trauma that was affecting me way more than id given it credit for and was able to start working through it in a way that i hadn’t for years. through helping and supporting the others in my group, i was able to do the same for myself.
while all this was going on, i was constantly doodling tami and others in the margins of my notes. i was singing the praises of the group and the campaign to my program, whose members also became somewhat invested in the story and started asking me every week what had happened. it became such a huge part of my identity and every day that soon members of the program began to identify me with the game itself. it played such a huge role in my recovery.
but by march, i had graduated the program. id started up my internship, and was on my way to getting my degree. i got a nepotism job at my dads company, and i was actually leaving my house on a fairly regular basis. i dont want to say that it was all sunshine and rainbows because it wasn’t. i still had some pretty dark periods, and there were times that if you asked for a check in, i wouldnt be able to honestly say that there was no suicidal ideation.
but i kept on. and the only consistent thing throughout all of this was dnd. i started my own campaign on top of all of that, which has been an adventure in and of itself. tami has been through a lot, both through what has happened and general character development. it would be impossible not to after a year, even if it hasn’t been nearly as long in game. 
i thought i had some sort of linear progression to all of this, and this would be the point where i wrap it up all neat and say that im all better and its all because of dnd but that.....isn’t true. its not true in life OR dnd, and i think thats why i like the game so much?? its narrative for sure, but there’s also so much uncertainty and surprise that you don’t get in general writing or roleplay. not everything works out plainly and neatly, with things being completely fucked just by a dice roll. it can be just as messy as life is. which is funny because thats exactly what i used to HATE about the game, and why i didnt want to play in the first place. i didnt want to not have control over the narrative. i didnt want to not have control over MY narrative
but i needed to give up that control if i was ever going to get help. i needed to put my safety, my mental health, my life into other peoples hands. i needed help and i needed connections--and thats kind of what dnd is all about. and in the end, it still might not matter. our characters can still die, the story can still go in a way that not even the dms are prepared for, we might not save the world.
BUT WE ALSO MIGHT!! we’re going to work together and try our best and do everything in our power to fulfill our own quests, help one another, and create a greater good for ourselves and the world around us!!! and its like yeah, im not fully recovered, i dont think full recovery is ever going to really be an option for me, but i can keep going, and i know im always going to have the support of yall and the people who care about me. that means more to me than you could ever know.
and not to be a downer but like...im still going to die, someday. maybe in the ways that i thought, or maybe not. and in the meantime i might not figure out my life plan or get an amazing job or even move out anytime soon. but for once, that thought isnt as paralyzing and world ending as it was this time last year. its okay for things to be uncertain. its okay that things might not work out neatly in the end. and i think dnd played a huge role in helping me come to terms with that.
so remember like four paragraphs ago when i said i was going to start wrapping this up?? lmao for anyone who made it this far, i salute you and thank you. this game has been really important to me but more so its YOU PEOPLE. you guys are just such a wonderful and awesome group of people and its been a privilege taking this journey with you for this last year--and for many more years to come! we’ve been at this for two months in game and who knows where we’ll all be this time next year or the year after or even more after that. i dont know!!!! and thats okay
love yall im gonna go order a pizza now peace  ✌ ✌ ✌ (i have had nothing to drink thanks)
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opendoorlorien · 7 years
If your up for on more how about Kaze/Orochi?
OKAY KAZE AND OROCHI. THIS SUPPORT. (This is long but you have me the opportunity to get deep into this so here we go)
I actually find it to be a pretty interesting support. However I guess I have to get this out of the way first before I talk about these two, but I don’t really like Orochi. Don’t get me wrong I dont hate her or despise her by any means no. It’s just… I don’t agree with the way she goes about doing things. Personally I’ve experienced a few times the phenomenon of “liking a character AS a character, but disliking them on a personal level”. Like if you met them irl you would NOT be friends with them and would keep any interactions to a minimum. There are a few characters I feel that way about in Fates (not many in Awakening now that I think about it) and Orochi is one of them. So I dont really hate her by any means but like I can’t feel???? her hybrid rainbow, if you know what I mean okay (her support with Jakob makes me like mad tho omg. She made him hurt himself and put himself in a dangerous situation just for the lulz. Like geez sister..).
Okay so taking that into account, we know that Orochi likes to have fun. She likes to play her games and manipulate and trick people for her own amusement. And then there’s Kaze. The sweet… soft… goodboy. Who, you could say, words like naive and innocent are not inappropriate to use when describing him, yes. And then you wonder, or perhaps dread, what would come about when someone like him meets a sneaky snek like Orochi. WELL, actually, it’s kind of rather surprising.
Many of Orochi’s supports consist of her playing games and tricks on people, and they usually fall for it HOOK LINE AND SINKER. Because she’s a woman who usually gets what she wants.
However, surprisingly actually, in Kaze’s support that doesnt actually happen. For those who aren’t familiar with the support, it consists of Kaze accidentally scaring and surprising Orochi every time he appears out of nowhere because he’s got his NINJA BUSINESS. Now this kinda frustrates Orochi (it’d probably annoy me too I’m really jumpy lol) so they work out a compromise that Kaze wears a little bell that you can just barely hear, so Orochi can hear him coming, and then eventually catch him like a cat does a mouse, and learn to hear his NINJA BUSINESS.
So this goes on for a little while and it’s all fun and good times for a bit. And during the while you maybe start to think that yeah Orochi really is playin Kaze right now he’s about to get beaned dat boi RIGHT.
BUT THEN, EVENTUALLY, Orochi finally is able to perceive Kaze with the bell on and can hear him coming before he arrives. GOOD JOB OROCHI YOU CAUGHT KAZE. OR… DID SHE.
And then Kaze is probably the most fukkin savage he is in any one of his supports in the entire game and says
[[Orochi: Your days of creeping up on me are over. Now…I can pounce on you! You see? That was my ploy all along. Orochi, a mouse? Never! I just didn’t like getting outcatted by you. Now the hunt begins.Kaze: The hunt…for? Oh, I see.Orochi: You’d better start running, Kaze. Orochi is on the prowl.Kaze: Ah, just one problem.Orochi: Which is?Kaze: You may be able to hear a ninja—with a bell—but can you catch one? I’m fleet of foot. Gone before you can turn around.Orochi: But I trained so hard to outcat you! Maybe if you wear heavy chains…Kaze: Training is over, Orochi. For you… and for me. I’ve learned what I wanted to: what my threshold of detection is. Now I know. So, off with the bell. Back to the shadows. Thank you for playing my little game. It’s made me a better ninja.Orochi: Your game?! But this was MY game!Kaze: Heh. Was it?(Kaze leaves)]]
So honestly I find it really surprisingly refreshing that instead of getting MEGAPLAY’d by Orochi, Kaze is actually the one who plays HER for a change (if we ignore their S rank, which I like to LOL. I’m going to let Kaze have this victory okay lol). Which is also funny when you take into account that Saizo gets SUPERMEGAPLAYED by Orochi in their support together. It’s actually kinda brutal how hard she totally destroys him on every fundamental level. She plays him right to his face and he just accepts it. Get it together Saizo oh my god.
So honestly I find Kaze/Orochi’s support amusing simply because he gets to turn her tricks back on her for a change.
And it shows that while Kaze is naive and innocent about some things, he’s NOT stupid and not gullible I suppose you could say (his naivete comes more from him taking things a bit too seriously and being SRS NINJ) but from this we know Kaze is not someone to be played for a fool. AND ACTUALLY, I have more to say about this.
So now we will proceed into the “I am reading way too deep into Kaze’s character to the point where I’m piecing together things that I’m not entirely sure the game makers even intended to be pieced together when creating his character, but they sure are there yo” section of this ….thing
SO. We all know that Kaze is, on a regular or semi regular basis, attracted by the unwarranted affections of women which range from verbal adoration, gift giving, to even love letters lmao poorguy. Now we never actually find out how long this has been going on for but honestly I think it’d be cute if when he was a kid little girls in the village used to give him love letters and stuff and he’d just be confused like ??????????????
And this is never stated anywhere so it could just fully be me REACHING. But it made me wonder that what if Kaze ended up running into a few bad women before? I mean the deceptive ones who play games and trick people for their own amusement (kinda like Orochi but I mean with more ill intentions. Orochi doesnt actually want to hurt anyone in a super bad way (she says anyway)). I mean like the kind of women who fake loving someone to get something they want (usually money or something like that) And Kaze sure aint rich so I don’t know why a succubus would try to prey on him. but the way he acts in Orochi’s support, and not just hers but Camilla’s too, makes me wonder that if he had a bad experience or two with a woman before.
Like if we look at his support with Orochi again, RIGHT AWAY he knows she’s a trickster and RIGHT AWAY he’s actually much more cool and curt with her than he is with any other rando army member. Like you can tell he has his guard up and is cautious around her, which is why he keeps conversation brief and lacks the usual softnice warmth he usually has when talking to others. Like from his dialogue I just feel that he doesn’t feel relaxed here and isnt going to be casual and chill. He knows to be cautious and careful around her so he doesn’t get played. He displays semi similar behavior in his support with Camilla when she keeps inviting him out for tea (we also know she is provocative by nature. Even in their S rank he said “At first I wasn’t sure what your game was” which implies he thought she had ulterior motives or perhaps ‘not above board’ intent).
This is just generally something I’ve noticed about Kaze in the both of these supports which leads me to believe he’s had one or two sour encounters with his female fanbase before. I like to entertain the thought anyway. Which is why the naturally sweet Kaze doesnt end up getting manipulated like you might think he would in both of these supports.
OKAY, so now aside from that. I don’t care for them together romantically. Like I said Kaze seems like he’s putting up a wall in Orochi’s support and kinda wants to not get too close to her. Though I do think eventually he finds his own enjoyment in the cat and mouse game and I do think he relishes a little in one upping her just this once lol. Because of their spice I’m sure they’d have an okay or so relationship. They have an interesting differing personality balance which I’m sure could lead to one thing or another. Personally it’s not really my taste though.
I’d mention eugenics here too but we know in Fates that eugenics don’t really matter aside from skill inheritance (even then) and hair color. All in all its far from my least favorite Kaze ship, but I generally avoid putting these two together even platonically. Like I said since I dont like Orochi that much I like to opt for using Hayato over her (I do think she has a great design though and I used her the first time I played BR).
So all in all its a ‘interesting food for thought support/10"
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