bugsinthebayou · 5 months
giggling and twirling my hair and kicking my legs back and forth <- listening to blood in the bayou again
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navysealt4t · 9 months
SORRY for rambling in your notes i have BRAINROT and i will talk forever about it if presented the opportunity
also. where would you recommend starting for jrwi. because im Curious now
okokok soo there r a few different places u can start :33 there r like 4 campaigns that r easy to access.
there’s the main one Riptide!!! which is what i post about most :3 theres pirates and gay people and idk i’m really bad at summarizing things. but very much found family and a good mix of seriousness and silliness :] this playlist has all the episodes in order (108 episodes…. it’s very daunting. i stared watching at about 80 episodes i think?) it’s currently still going (and according to the dm, grizzly, about halfway through!)
the other on going camping is prime defenders !! idk anything about pd rlly, except that it’s like teenage/young adult superheroes? and i think it starts pretty lighthearted but gets way more serious. i barely know anything about this campaign tbh. i think there’s 5 episodes on the youtube and the rest is on patreon (there may be a totally approved playlist with the patreon episodes though. idk tho) this is the first episode tho !
then one of the two completed campaigns is APOTHEOSIS!!!!! i think apotheosis is tied with riptide for my fav campaign :] i think u might like apoth, idek know how to properly summarize it it’s so so good. like. godslaying, queer people, sex jokes, religion, angst, it’s amazing . i can’t pick a fav pc either it’s so so good. the first episode is on youtube and the rest (12 or 13 i think) are on patreon (i have a link to a totally approved and public playlist tho if u want it). it’s genuinely such a good campaign. i’m not an expert on it tho uhh if u wanna know more my good friend @/scrubbythebubble knows a lot about it :3
and last but not least BLOOD IN THE BAYOU!!!!!!!! ogh. i can’t even start this campaign is amazing. like horror? friendship? middle aged men? bugs? this is the campaign for u. charlie slimecicle is such a good dm. it’s a call of cthulu campaign but if u don’t know the mechanics they’re explained very well through the campaign . it’s genuinely so so good it’s given me the shivers so many times. the first episode is on youtube and the last 3 are on patreon. the last 3 episodes r audio only so i sadly don’t think there’s a totally approved playlist out there 😔 it’s rlly good tho just uh. quite a few content warnings
YEAH!!!! sorry this is so long and took so long i just love love jrwi. uhh if u plan on watching anything i would block the tags ‘jrwi spoilers’, ‘jrwilb’, and ‘[campaign name] spoilers’ if it’s pretty hard to stay unspoiled for like apoth and bitb, but i REALLY recommend going in with no spoilers bc shit just hits soo much harder :3 and jrwilb is the liveblogging tag !!
but yeah!!! councilblr/jrwiblr is (usually) very chill and we like to have fun and leave ominous messages for new ppl to freak about over :3 if u wanna know anything else feel free to dm or send an ask i loveeee talking about jrwi hehe
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Heyyy ty sappho ( @iworshipsappho ) for the taggg (this is veryy late i have been BUSYYY today but thog dont caare) this is probably one of the coolest tag games :3
1. Favourite colour and why: I loveeee pink she is so cutesy and pretty and beautiful and my best friend ever in the world and also orange she is beautifullll and my wife and i love her she makes everything sooo wonderful and is rhe reason i love sunsets so much AND BROWN she is the cosiest girl on earth thee is no cosier colour than brown shes the colour of HOMEEE dude
2. Five comfort movies: ooo man idk i dont watch movies often. But i suppose Brave is one of them its always been suchhh a comfort movie <333 other than thattt idk man haha
3. Favourite season and why: SUMMERRRR SUMMER SUMMER SUMMERRRR I LOVEEEE SUMMER he is my husband and i love him. Summer <333 eveyrhting is so golden and bright and beautiful and amaz g and warm and comfortable and happy and AAA i love summer so much <33333
4. Favourite book(s): ahahahahah fuck i dont read much like. At all. I like the sudoku book i have i suppose ???? And my sketchbook :3
5. Favourite aesthetic and why: imagine. Life is strange. As an aesthetic. All of life is strange. Everything that is life is strange is my aesthetic. I love life is strange. So much
6. Favourite genre and why: oo depends on what. Genre of music ?? Fuckinn. Lemme ask spotify haha one moment. Well my top mixes are Happy Chill Indie Rock Acoustic and Punk so like errrr. Idk man. I like songs that sound good. Like. Video game soundtracks. And. Will wood. Favourite genre of story ??? I likeeee. Actually quite a lot of stuff tbh sooo yea ill just stick 2 music
7. Favourite clothes style: timothy rand from blood in the bayou. I wanna look as horrendous as he does. He is so incredibly awesome. Alsoooo like. Dude idk what to describe it as. My favourite pieces of clothing i own areeee my black tshirt w awesome art of some random californian forest i think, my many tank tops, my denim jacket n my new b&w flannel anddd my black jeans and my denim skirt and my greenblue boots and my VANS :3 anddd my many necklaces and a ton of eyeliner and mascara and eternally black nails anddddd yea :33 but mainly timothy rand ^__^
8. Favourite music genre: well shit i already answered this. Here ill just put my fav story genre. Which is errr. Well. Idk man. I like love stories but mainly the kind that r disguised as love storiez (AND NOT IN A ROMANTIC WAY) as much as i go crazy insane over romances i do fucking love the sorta Power Of Friendship Stories. Like i love riptide and i love doctor who and i love life is strange and i love omori and i love little nightmares bc theyre all like, everything sucks so much. And there are awful people and awful things in tne world. But atleast theres fucking friends and atleast we can love those friends and atleast theres beauty in the world. Love when a storys like. Uh oh the horrors (but also theres friends)
9. Favourite artists: WILL WOODDDD will wood is so fuckin good man his music is like the only music i cant get sick of even after listening to it for like. A week straight. Other than him i cant think of any individual artist i rlly like. Errr lemme check spotify again. C418 is like one of the only other examples i have a lot of the songs of in my Playlist. And cavetown but that was 2020. And crywank oo ig even tho i dont listen much anymore. And good kid but i listened 2 much in july and im sick of them now. And jhariah but thats just 1 album my friend recced. Ok and lemon demon but hes like a free pass. Ok and lovejoy as well but theyre also a free pass. And slaughter beach, dog but that was like a one week obsession n then i overlistened. Ok and toby fox and id say hes a free pass but hes Built Different ok hes more than a free pass. And two door cinema club but that was also just 1 album. Ok and wilbur hes also a free pass shut up. Anyways will woods music is good
10. Favourite fandoms: dude ok like. The mcyt fandom sucks in a way that i also love so much it has such a special place in my heart n despite me being muchhhh more on the outside of the fandom now and only still being here by proximity rlly its definitely like. A good one
11. Hobbies: PHOTOGRAPHY !!!!! and visual art BUT MAINLY PHOTOGRAPHY !!!!! And playing silly video games :3 but photography ^__^
12. Care language u give: i try with words but mostly just spending time together. If someones having a bad time i will spend time with them so they have a good time. But most the time thats not possible soooo i try 2 show i care with like. WAIT. i misread this as. Like. Sympathy. Like what u do when someones havin a bad day. Care language isss. Still spending time together, i will invite the ppl i care abt to hang out :3 anddd infodumping i only infodump to ppl i rlly care abt bc i trust them and want them to know abt the things that make me happy !!!! Bc then they can maybe like it too !!! :3 anddd in person Existing in each others proximity :333
13. Care language u like to recieve: physical touch <3 AND QUALITY TIME SOOO MUCH invite me to things ill love u forever. And like. Ppl thinking of me even if im not around. Love that shit so much
14. Are u more of extrovert/introvert/ambivert: EXTROVERTTTT i loveeeee people so much i love my friends and need them so much and i love meeting new ppl BUT I COME OFF AS AN INTROVERT just bc im scared of rejection and im used 2 ppl hating me for my autistic swag BUT i still love ppl so much <333
15. Morning/night person: a morning person forced 2 be a night person. But i loveeee the morning sooooo much even tho i am better at staying up late i HATEEEE the night and i LOVEEEE the morning
16. City/country/suburbs and why: hmmm i think i like the suburbs bc like dude its just fuckin Home like i hate the city bc its overwhelming and too big and too expensive and too polluted and too PUBLIC. And i do like the country but it feels unfamiliar to me bc i dont go there too often. And ofc theres a lack of easy paths to walk on when it comes 2 roads n shit. So i like the suburbs :3 its just fuckin home as mcuh as they suck
17. Favourire time of day + why: I LOVEEEE 8am so much. And 11am. Comfy times. BUT ONLY WHEN THEY BELONG TO ME if im spending my 8am or 11am doing smth i dont wanna do for someone i dont respect I HATE IT, but when 8am or 11am is MINE to do with as i PLEASE. Best times in the day. And 8pm bc a lotta things happen at 8pm
18. Do u have any religious beliefs: nah not rlly just bc my parents r awful n raised me 2 believe religion is "Evil" and just fuckin. Bad shit. But like even tho i ofc fuckin disagree w them to hell n back, still an atheist and will mostttt likelyyy stay that way i think ?
19. What does your ideal family look like to you: dude fucking Not Blood Family. My family is the ppl i love n the ppl i feel comfortable around and my family is my friends and my Blood Family will be dead to me the moment i move out. My ideal family is a group of ppl who love and care for each other and do not need to fuckin Seal It With Marriage Or Blood or whatever the fuck. Just ppl who look after each other and ppl who love each other whoever the fuck that is
20. Dream future: being happy and never talking to my parents and loving life still
21. Dream place to visit: wherever my friends live :3 never liked travel before so idk where id want to go bc ive always hated travelling so much bc ive never travelled w/o my family so. Yeah. Bad
22. Favourite type of nature: I LOVE RIVERS AND LAKEZ !!!!!! so much. And wetlands. And big meadows.
23. Favourite habitat: ooo ive liked savannahs a lot :33 but mainlyyy forests bc like the Technical Biome of where i live is a forest so its just like. Home yaknow
24. Describe myself in 4 words: IN, LOVE, WITH, LIFE !!!!!!!! :3 (or alternatively: fuck, it, we, ball)
25. If i could be another thing on earth whatd i be: A CAT A KITTY CAT MROW MEOW MEOW MEOW EMOW MEOW MEOWWWW ID BE A KITTY KITTY KITTY CAT A KITTY CAT KITTY CAT !!!!!!! :3c
26. Favourite type of weather: SUMMER THUNDERSTORMS and also veryyyy sunny days with like. 10% cloud cover. Perhaps 20%. But mostly blue sky :3
27. If u could travel anywhere right now where would it be: ANYWHERE ELSE ANYWHERE ELSE I HATE IT HERE !!!!!! but also. The house of one of my friends. So that i can sleep over and then hwng out. Bc im eepy. But also i need my friends.
28. Do u have any fears, serious or otherwise: i am scared offfff my parents and of school and of rejection and of social isolation and of outer space andddd. Of bad things happening to my cat.
29. Dream job: capitalism hater, royalty assassinator.
30. Would you be a pirate/vampire/cowboy/astronaut/werewolf/wizard/witch/knight/cryptid and why: A PIRATEEEE A PIRATEEE ID BE A FUCKINN PIRATEEE I LOVE PIRATES id also be a witch i wanna mix herbs n shit snd make silly magic with potions. And as cool as wizards are, i dont wanna be a technician. Wanna be an alchemist. Witch. Witch pirate. But mainly pirate i LOVEEE PIRATESSS SOOOO MUCH
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