#Hugh was a goner since day 1
housebaylor · 5 years
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❥ ADDICTEDFORBOOKSQUAD EVENT | THE LOVERS' SONG ❥ ⋙ day 5 - war of hearts / enemies to lovers ☷☷☷☷☷ ELARA HARPER & HUGH D'AMBREY ☷☷☷☷☷
“Rabid harpy.” “Bastard.” The pastor stared at them, his mouth slack. “Start the ceremony,” Hugh told him, putting some menace into his voice. “Before we kill each other,” Elara said. The pastor cleared his throat. “Dearly beloved…”
“I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss.” Hugh stepped toward her. “Try to make this look good.” “I’ll do my best not to vomit in your mouth.” Is that so? Okay. He wrapped his hand around the back of her head, feeling the silky strands of her hair slip through his fingers, leaned forward, and kissed her. She gasped a little into his mouth, and he kissed her the way he would kiss a woman he was trying to seduce, enticing, promising, claiming her. She tasted fresh and sweet. What do you know? He had expected poison and ash.
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allisonxmoynihan · 4 years
new beginnings ~ j. hughes
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Request: Can you write a jack one where you move next door to the hughes and it’s the middle of senior year so jack helps you around school and takes you on a tour of much and is proud when he shows you the usa hockey arena. And then you guys start to catch feelings and everyone sees it but u guys and u meet the team and jacks family. And you guys start dating and then like fast forward and you are going to the draft with him and it’s just a happy ending:))
Word Count: 3,470
Your mom wakes you from your slumber as she pulls up the driveway of a blue suburban home with light stone accents, “welcome to your new home honey,” 
You wince at the bright sun, and look straight up at the house, “Can’t wait,” you sigh, opening up the passenger door and going to help your mom unload the moving truck. Your mom joins you, helping you grab boxes and move them into the garage, “Lighten up, you never know what will happen sweetie,”
You give her a weak smile, “yeah, it’ll be great mom. My senior year of high school starts in three days and I don’t know anyone.”
Later that night you were helping your mom unpack the kitchen when the doorbell rang, “y/n can you please get that?”
When you answer the door you’re shocked when you see an older lady and two boys who appeared to be about your age, “um, hi?” you offer
“Welcome to the neighborhood!” The lady says, as the younger of the two boys holds out a plate of cookies. You turn your head back, relieved to see your mom coming into the foyer.
“Hi, I’m Ellen,” the lady says as she shakes your mom’s hands.
You take the cookies from the younger boy, “thanks,”
“Of course, mom said it would be nice to bake for the new neighbors and I really wanted to make a cake but I’m not too good in the kitchen yet. Jack,” the boy says pointing back at the other one, who honestly looks uncomfortable standing on your front porch, his light blue eyes glued to you, “wouldn’t help with the cookies and almost ate all the dough, but mom and I managed to get some for ya. I’m Luke by the way,”
You laugh at how much he shared with you, “Well, thanks for the cookies Luke, I’m sure they’re great. I’m y/n by the way”
“Jack’s a senior too!” Ellen exclaims, pointing back at Jack who redirects his attention to his mom mom. “He’d love to show y/n around town and school and help her out,” she smiles, “right, Jack?”
Jack rolls his eyes and it’s clear to you that he couldn’t be more uninterested in showing you around school, “Mom,” he groans, throwing his head back a little. 
“It’s okay, Mrs. Hughes, really, I’ll be fine on Monday,” you start and she shushes you.
“Right. Jack.” She says again, her voice more stern, her eyebrows raising slightly for emphasis.
Jack turns towards you again, a forced, weak smile gracing his face, “Yeah, I’ll show you around on the first day,”
“So, you ready for school tomorrow?” your mom asks, scooping the two of you a bowl of your favorite ice cream to share, a ritual you’ve been doing every year since first grade.
You shrug, “I don’t know, I’m kind of nervous.”
She smiles, placing a some cherries over the top of the sundae, “You have Jack showing you around,”
You wrinkle up your face, “yeah, that’’ be great. He’s kind of cocky, and doesn’t seem very interested in helping anyone but himself,”
Your mom hands you a spoon, digging in herself and taking a bite of the dessert, “He could be very sweet. Give him a chance, what do you have to lose sweetie?”
A loud honking snaps you out of the daydreams running through your head as you wait for the bus. You turn around and see a car full of boys pull to a stop, and you frown when you see an overly happy Jack stick his head out of the window.
“y/n, get in, I’ll drive you so I can show you where your classes are and everything,”
“I can take the bus, but thanks”
You hear the rest of the car erupt in laughter, “She told you Hughesy,” one of the boys says,
Jack smiles cockily back at you, “You’ll be late, and on your first day, that wouldn’t look to great sweetheart,”
Your cheeks are flaming hot at his statement, and begrudgingly you slide into the back of the car, “thanks” you mutter under your breath.
The boy in the passenger seat turns around, “Damn Jack, thought you said she was cute, but I think you meant to say hot”
Jack glares at his friend, as the boy next to you smiles, “so you’re y/n?” you blush slightly, nodding your head.
Jack clears his throat, “so, uh, y/n, these are my teammates alex, trevor, and pat”
You nod, smiling at each of them, remembering that Mrs. Hughes had mentioned Jack plays hockey for a “really good team” as she put it, which you had just found out from alex was a national development program.
Speeding through the parking lot, Jack quickly turns the wheel so he can park the car and you find yourself gripping the door handle. 
“Oh, sorry,” Jack laughs,
Trevor turns back to look at you, “you’ll get used to it,” he smiles.
Walking up to the front doors Jack comes up right next to you, sticking his hand out, “where’s your schedule?” you hand it over and he quickly glances at it, nodding his head and smiling, “alright, we have some classes together and then you have some with trevor, but we have lunch together so i’ll pick you up at the class before and then trev will pick you up from the cafeteria and take you to you afternoon classes, and alex will take you from last period back to me so I can take you home,” he rambles, holding the door open for you to walk in, before promptly letting it fall behind him onto Pat.
You look back at Jack with wide eyes, “I’m sorry, what?”
He laughs at your confusion, “just follow me, we’ll all help you out today.”
Jack takes you on a tour of the school, pointing out your classrooms, the office, cafeteria, gym and nurse’s office. As Jack is telling you about your teachers and telling you what to expect you hear his friends snickering, “I have a cute new neighbor,” 
“Look at him, he’s a goner,” 
“He’s whipped,” 
“But I thought he said they’re just friends?” 
Jack’s voice snaps you out of the conversation between the boys behind you, “First period’s gonna start soon, so we have 1-3 together, you have fourth with trev, lunch with me, 6th with trev, and 7th and 8th with alex and pat. They’ll help out too, so if you’re ever lost just look for one of us.”
“Yeah, don’t worry about it y/n! Just stay put until one of us comes and finds you,” Trevor reassures you
“Yeah, for sure, we’ll be here for you” Alex adds
“For sure,” Pat says.
You laugh, “Thanks so much guys”
On the way to calculus, your first class of the day, you hear Trevor ask, “Hey, y/n what do you think of Plymouth so far?”
You shrug, “I haven’t really left my neighborhood, so I really don’t know,”
Jack sends a look to Trevor who raises his hands up in defense as the first bell rings. Jack tugs your wrist gently, and you oblige, following him into a classroom as you wave to the other boys.
“They’re really nice,” you smile, taking a seat next to Jack in the back row.
“Yeah, they’re alright,” he mumbles, and you look at him confused, but he just stares at the chalk board at the front of the room, “have you really not seen town yet?” he asks suddenly and you nod, “I’ll show you around Plymouth and the surrounding towns tonight after my practice then. I’ll pick you up at nine”
Jacky Hughes
Hey, i’m on the driveway
“Mom! I’m going out with a friend,” You say, throwing on your converse.
Your mom leans her head out of her office, “At 9:00? Are you going out with Jack?”
You roll your eyes, but your cheeks are as red as a tomato, “Go, have fun, just don’t be out too late,”
You get into Jack’s car and are shocked to see that his hair is still wet with sweat from his probably grueling practice, and his gear is all in the back, “Oh, um, you could have gone home and changed,” you say, suddenly feeling like a burden.
Jack smiles, backing out of your driveway, “Don’t worry about it, this is more important anyway,”
You feel butterflies in your stomach, but quickly disregard them, “So, how was practice?” 
“Good, we did some good off ice training today since it’s still pre-season” He says slowing for a red light, “here you can have the aux, play whatever you want,”
You smile, turning on your favorite music, and by the look on Jack’s face you can tell he isn’t a fan of what you would describe as the most beautiful music on earth.
“I can turn something else on,” you offer
Jack smiles, turning out onto a main street from the subdivision, “Don’t worry about it”
As Jack continues to drive through Plymouth he’s quick to point out all his favorite places: chipotle, the grocery store that has his favorite sour gummy candy, a frozen yogurt place, and so much more. He takes a sharp turn down a side road, “I gotta show you something,”
Jack pulls into a parking lot that’s illuminated by radiant street lights, throwing the car into park Jack sighs and turns to face you, “y/n, this is my home away from home,”
You look straight ahead at the brick arena in front of you, “wow,” you say in amazement, partially in shock that Jack is able to compete in his greatest passion at the highest level for his age.
The rest of the night you and Jack find yourselves talking about everything and anything: your childhoods, the defining moments of your life, sharing your favorite jokes, and talking about your life goals. As the night progressed you no longer thought of Jack as a cocky 17 year old who was immensely talented and had the whole world at his fingertips, and Jack on the other hand was growing more and more fond of you, desperate for any excuse to spend time with you in the near future.
When Jack dropped you off at night, he got out of his car to walk you to your front door, “Thanks again for showing me around Jack, I really appreciate it,”
Jack shoves his hands in his pocket, not really sure what he was supposed to do, “Don’t even worry about it, I liked it,”
You raise your eyebrow, holding back a laugh, “I like driving, especially at night, it’s relaxing, and I guess it was nice to talk to you too…” He stammers, his voice trailing off at the end.
“Goodnight Jack,” you laugh walking into the dark house before you, reliving the night all over again in your head.
A brisk and bitter breeze filled the outside air as early November snows began to dust the floors of Michigan. A new Friday night ritual you found yourself a part of was lounging in the Hughes’s living room with some of his teammates, often having to remind the boys to stop acting like five year olds. 
Tonight in particular, it was just a small group of you, the boys sprawled across the floor watching youtube videos on Alex’s phone and laughing every now and then. You’re laying on the couch, your head resting on Jack’s thigh, one of his hands playing with your hair the other intertwined with yours, as you try to convince the boys that you should make cookies together.
“Y/n, i love you” Luke halts, growing red in the face, “like a sister, y’know, but I’m gonna burn the entire neighborhood down if I bake cookies,”
The boys snicker at Luke, “you love her lukey?” Alex coos
“No no no, like a sister, dude,” Trev adds, slapping his knee as he leans back, loud laughs escaping his mouth.
“Two brothers competing for the same girl?” Alex continues the banter,
“Plymouth was getting a little boring turcs, we needed a scandal to come from somewhere” Trevor laughs again.
Luke buries his face in a throw pillow, “I had a good point, I would burn the house down,”
Jack chuckles, twisting a strand of your hair around his finger and watching as it falls, “yeah, let’s do it”
Pat shrugs, “I’m still here, I can help too”
“Do you think in victorian eras they used flour as baby powder?” Jack asks while scooping heaping spoonfuls of flour into the mixing bowl.
“That’s a good point,” Patty mentions, working on melting the butter, “y/n am i doing this right?”
“Yes, and Jack stop putting so much flour, they’re not going to turn out,”
Jack laughs, “you never answered the question. I think this could be great baby powder, it has the right consistency”
You laugh, “Why don’t you test it out?”
Jack looks at you blankly before continuing to put way too much flour into the bowl and without any warning he comes up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you close to his torso.
“Jacky, what are you doing?” 
You hear him try and stifle some giggles as his hands slowly move closer to your face. You try to escape his firm hold on you, only it’s too late and his hands are smearing flour across your face.
You lean forward and grab an egg from the counter, turning around to face Jack.
“y/n no, please no. I’m having a good hair day and I don’t want a dead baby chicken on me,”
You look at him confused at his logic before cracking the egg above his head. Jack pretends to be mad, but it’s short lived since he can’t help the grin that covers his face.
“OW!” Pat’s scream tears the two of you apart from each other,
“You okay patty?” you ask, walking over to where he was melting butter on the stove.
“The pan is hot, I didn’t know it would be.”
Jack laughs at him, “dumbass, of course the pan is gonna be hot”
Pat glares at his brunette teammate, “well if you two weren’t so lovey dovey you would have heard my questions,” he says before leaving the kitchen.
A light blush dusts Jack’s cheeks at his teammates words, “We’re just friends Pat,” 
“You keep telling yourself that Rowdie,” Luke smiles as he comes into the kitchen, “are the cookies done yet? I’m hungry.”
It was the first game of the new year and Jack had been begging you to come to one of his games for months now. You kept using school as an excuse, but you were technically still on winter break, so you were out of excuses. Jack had dropped off a sweatshirt of his, your favorite, for you to wear tonight, as if you didn’t already have a growing collection in your closet.
You slip into the navy blue sweatshirt, the USA Hockey logo adorned on the front, Jack’s number on the back underneath his name. You loved when he wore this one, he took so much pride in playing for the ntdp and you just loved to see him happy. 
At the rink you quickly find the other friends and girlfriends, glad you wouldn’t have to sit alone. 
Fran sees you and immediately she’s beaming and waving you over, “Hey girl, new sweatshirt for the collection?” she asks, raising an eyebrow at the end.
You blush, “Guess he thought I needed another one”
The boys are already out on the ice warming up, and your eyes are scanning the arena looking for the one and only. You can’t help the butterflies that start racing across your tummy when you finally spot him; he’s by the bench, his helmet off, grabbing a drink of water. You notice he’s also scanning the stands, and his eyes land on you, his eyes lighting up as he smiles goofily up at you.
You feel your breath hitch in your throat, a deep red overtaking your face, “and you say he doesn’t like you,” sydney laughs
You regain your composure, “we’re just friends, I don’t know how many times I have to tell you that,” 
The girls have amused looks on their face, but change the subject anyway. 
It’s a minute left in the third period, and the game is tied 4-4. Suddenly Jack is off on a break away, one v. one with an opposing defender, and he manages to sneak a goal in making it 5-4. Jack’s teammates all run up and jump on top of him, celebrating a victory. Once Jack is free of the excited teenagers he looks back up towards your spot in the arena, and points right at you, smiling widely.
“We’re just friends,” Fran says, mimicking your voice.
You and the group are standing out in the lobby of the arena, waiting for the boys to come out before you all probably go and get food since they were always starving after a game. You see Jack emerge from the locker room, running his hand through his still wet hair. He looks up to see you running towards him and holds his arms open for you to jump into. He holds you close as your arms wrap around his neck, “hey you,” he mumbles into your neck.
You smile as he puts you back down, his one arm still around your waist, “you played really well Jacky,”
“That goal was all for you,”
You hear some fake gagging noises from the guys as the girls all laugh, the only exception being Fran and Alex who are looking at their best friends expectantly.
“So are you going to admit it?” Alex presses
“Admit what? That I played well?”
Fran rolls her eyes, “that you love y/n”
Jack’s cheeks turn red, as do yours, as Fran adds, “and that y/n loves you,”
“And that you’re not just friends,” Trev chimes in
“And haven’t been since September,” Luke chirps.
Your friends all head out to the parking lot, bickering about where they want to go eat, and it’s just you and Jack left in the arena.
“Jack, I don’t actually-”
“I love you, like a lot” Jack cuts you off, his eyes staring at the scuff marks that cover the linoleum tiles.
You’re taken aback, you never for one second actually thought that the boy who had become your best friend, the boy you fell deeply in love with despite all your efforts to fight the feelings, felt the same way.
“You love me?”
Jack looks up, his ocean blue eyes meeting yours, “Of course I do y/n, how could I not?”
It feels like time stops as Jack’s pulling you closer to him, his arms fitting so comfortably around your waist, and everything just feels right. He leans down and gently presses his lips against yours, and in that moment you couldn’t possibly ask for a better fairy tale ending to your senior year.
“What do you say, should we make this official?”
“With the first pick overall, the New Jersey Devils are proud to select from the U.S. program, Jack Hughes,” 
The entire night was a blur, Jack was ecstatic, finally getting the opportunity to live out his childhood dreams and you couldn’t be any happier for your boyfriend of the last six months. You had gone out to dinner with the Hughes family, and some of his old teammates that also got drafted, you and Jack being inseparable the entire night. It was just like old times, only that it was probably the last time the crew would ever fully be together for a long time. It was bittersweet, but as you learned almost a year ago in August, new beginnings can lead to good things, and you knew these boys were going places.
It was late that night, and you and Jack found yourselves in his hotel room, him still in his suit, you sporting his jersey as you’re snuggled up in his bed. 
“Looks like I’m gonna have to get you some devils gear, huh?”
You smile, “looks like it,”
He presses a long, gentle kiss to the top of your head, pulling you impossibly closer to him, “I’m not going anywhere y/n. I know I’ll be in Jersey and you’re going off to school, but I’m not leaving you, I can’t lose you.”
You smile, leaning your head back to press a kiss to his jaw, “I know Jack, I know,”
“You’re my everything,”
You blush, knowing in your heart that you found the one you want to be with forever, “I love you Jack Rowden, so so much,”
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