sothischickshe · 3 years
Hi! Do you think there is a before and after in your life after watching Good Girls?
I mean, I know it wasn't the best show ever haha, but what I'm trying to say is if this whole experience and everything we've talked about the plot of the show, do you feel it's taught you anything?
hey sweet, this is SUCH a good question <3
so for me, i think there's definitely a directly before gg because i found the show (only the first season had aired back then) when i was Really Going Through It, and it literally (& quickly!) became very much a comfort show for me. 
and there’s definitely a during-after for me, because it led me back to fandom and to fanfiction. while i had written a couple of fics long ago, i’d never published them or even considered it, so the fact this show led to me publishing fics (20!! apparently!!! huh!!!) AND making writing a part of my life again means it will alllllways have a very special place in my heart <3
i definitely think the experience of watching & discussing the show has taught me a lot about writing & also about me. i think (at least/especially for ff) i enjoy having something to write against, & it’s helped me narrow in on what i find dis/satisfying from a story, as well as what kind of tone resonates with me.
i don’t know i feel like there’s a distinct after for me per se, my experience of watching & discussing the show is so bound up in the experience of rediscovering fandom (i hadn’t been very active in one for a while) & fanfiction (i did read some but i wasn’t actively seeking it out) & actively writing (and publishing!!! ahhh!!! scary!!!!) & just feeling like...shipping-vindicated...? (shoutout to my one friend who’d seen gg back when i watched s1 & was all ‘huh what eyefucking i dont see it’ & basically made the top of my head fall off). and i don’t intend to stop discussing the show (im planning to rewatch s3 at some point soonish) or reading/writing fic, so even though it’s ended, i feel very much like we’re still during, haha. 
plus there’s always the terrifying prospect of reboots or remakes or adaptations or spinoffs or weird word of god announcements, but also fandom events etc, and just fandom generally which doesnt shrivel up just bc canon’s now frozen! in many ways ive enjoyed this show more on hiatus than any other time, and now we’re on permanent hiatus so im in a great mood! haha
& how about for yourself??
#TV#Fandom#I'm trying to think of what else the show taught me#The phrase 'minute in the sack never take it back' or w/e which I had never heard before in my life#I guess I re/MORE learnt a lot of things (such as: it's great watching American stuff when you're not American#Cos when they start saying weird shit about sacks you can just go 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ idk#Are Americans real#And let it wash away)#Oh I vaguely learnt wtf an fcℹ️ Milan is! (every time I'm like... Are you trying to say AC??? What's this got to do with football???? ARE A#ERICANS REAL-- OH!💡 😂)#But I think mainly the dual prongs of loving this show & feeling extremely angered by it were like a masterclass in (ff) writing????#GIVE ME SOMETHING TO FIX AND I'M THRIVING#IT'S ALL THAT STONER ENGINEERING MAN 😂#And I think I relearnt a lot of lessons which is good - most things only sink in that way!#And ultimately I think I learnt... I really like me?! I like my... Attitude? World view? Foci?? Humour??? Writing! 💡#Which is a nice takeaway haha#Oh and I think I learnt how cathartic putting frustrations INTO something /the act of creating is 💖#And I think it gave me bogeymen.... If I'm ever explaining something poorly I'm like... O god am I being like dumber or dumbest??#How EMBARRASSING no DESIST ew#(I did sort of give my colleagues a pov writing class haha#Like your horrible communication skills are wonderful for comedy but you're not in a fucking comedy so you should be ASHAMED 😂😂)#Writing#*AMERICANS
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S2 Ep 4 reaction
Lol the boys and Flint broke into Bosco's
They just start unloading bullets hoping something would happen what kings
"I'd kill for a time machine right about now. Of course, I'd kill for just about anything." Oh Max.
Sam and Max fanboying over Flint 😍
"What are ya staring at fellas? You're making me nervous."
"Hot toilet wine! Everything Bosco would need to survive for months." (Is literally wine around a toilet).
Love that his safe house is just the bathroom
Oh hey I figured out the school fair volcano thing really quick... You know, by my standards.
Ah!!!! Why is Bosco a COW???
So THEM are aliens
Also love how casually Sam and Max treat getting abducted
Ok I clicked everything except the elevator
I can't believe I finally get to meet her
"Nations rise, nations fall, but those hot weenies will outlast us all."
The wine is still in the bathroom
Ooh OK that's why it was unplugged before
Laughing at Sam getting genuinely upset over spilled milk
Ok but the baby-maker machine is the perfect excuse for ya'll to make your oc-kids for the boys (if you want them to be biologically theirs)
Also laughing at Sam and Max staring in awe at the guns
She's barely talked and I love her already
Oh boy, she wanted a girl
Oh no, she (understandably) didn't realize Bosco was her son. She only sees some guy who wrecked her store.
"You don't even like girls."
Oh no, she's into Max now!
And now she doesn't even want to have a kid. Does that mean Bosco won't be born?
Oh no, he is fading from existence... and he's still a horrifying cow-human hybrid!
Ok, I got some more time cards. To Stinky's!
GASP Grandpa Stinky!
Double GASP! Soft marketable Sam and Max!
"You're embarrassing when you try to act cynical, Max."
Stinky thinking the boys are the parents of their kid selves 🤣
Sam immediately trying to eat the tar cake
"No shirt, no shoes, no service." "We're being discriminated against, Sam!"
The carbon dater doesn't work on Stinky???
The Devil has apparently gone to Stinky's
"I'm not suppose to talk to strangers." "But we're strangers with candy and cool guns you can play with." "Well, that should be ok."
Oh, Sam built Bluster Blaster.
It's funny that Sam knows less of technology than he did as a kid.
Baby Sam and Max are literally so cute I can't even handle this you guys
Asdfghh Sam almost shot his kid self for calling him fat
"Didn't you guys say I could play with your gun." "We lied, kid." "Remember this, it's a good life lesson."
Just gonna steal kid Sam's screwdriver so I can steal another thing.
Gee, Max, great distraction.
Going to steal some of the tar cake.
Oh! Old men Sam and Max?
Old Sam is, ugh, not all there. It's really sweet that Old Max sticks with him. He kinda seems like a caretaker actually.
Aw, Max wants to build a fort ❤
"The oval office looks the same in our time as it does in the 60s." "Yeah I was hoping you'd take that as a challenge from the other first ladies, but you just never stepped up to the plate."
Oh Superball, your tour was lovely.
"So more about this door..."
Wait... Is Superball Bosco's dad???
How old IS Superball?
Love that out of everything, it was the fact that the president was going to go to Stinky's that shocked Superball
That's also possibly the only time he's raised his voice
Mmm, nope! Superball definitely isn't his dad haha. At least he has hair now, and isn't a cow.
GASP the banang gag
Also, another Superball!
Another Sam just called at us from out the window for a trade.
"Smiletember. Seems like only yesterday it was Gaypril."
"How's the cover up going." "Very good, sir... which is what I would say if there was a cover up."
Did... Superball just mindwipe Sam and Max!
Superball being sus af in general.
"Everytime life closes one door it opens another." "That thought disgusts and terrifies me, sir."
"I'm aging gracefully sir. Clean living."
Lol, we got the patent for Stinky's slop. Let's go make him cease and desist
Oh, the AI fell off!
I bet using the abusive AI will work... Yup!
Wait, ew, did we turn Max het!?
I hope it's just turning him even more annoying and not THAT.
Ew, I hate Max flirting with her! Good thing she hates it too.
Oh good, Max says he'll be back to normal in a month.
Well, Bosco isn't fading out of reality now... but he’s still not bold.
How the actual hell did it take me so long to notice the envelope in the white house???
Yay, we fixed Bosco!
Oh, the aliens are coming?
The mariachi men?
A song????
Bosco is so scared of them
Wait, where are they sending vamp boy?
They gave Bosco a heart attack!
Oh, no, his soul.
"A mariachi can never have a birthday for himself. It is our curse!"
"Hey, lighten up on Sam and Max!" Bosco cares 🥺
Ok, let's show the mariachi the egg and the eulogy
Egg didn't work
I keep making Bosco shrink :(
Oh, am I going back to season 01?
Aw, Sam singing
"It keeps the mystery in our relationship"
I??? They stole the time machine!?
Omg playable Sam and Max had to go through the entirety of Season 01 again.
By meeting future version of themselves does that they've split off into an alternate universe????
Ok I finally got the recording contract, so that's one mariachi down.
I think I know how to get rid of the second one
Superball's birthday is Spetember 6 - A national holiday!
"This has been the best birthday ever" Superball, my love
Ooooh, so the typewriter ribbon from the previous episode was because of what we did in this one
A blank card?
We're at the beginning of the universe!
Why is the chicken here!?
Haha big dog grabbed chicken
He... put Mr featherly into his inventory? OK, we show the last one the bird, right?
Oh, the spaceship is Sombrero shaped
Max adjusting Sam's tie 🥰🥰🥰
So, uh, next episode takes place in hell, huh?
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