#Oh and I think I learnt how cathartic putting frustrations INTO something /the act of creating is 💖
sothischickshe ¡ 3 years
Hi! Do you think there is a before and after in your life after watching Good Girls?
I mean, I know it wasn't the best show ever haha, but what I'm trying to say is if this whole experience and everything we've talked about the plot of the show, do you feel it's taught you anything?
hey sweet, this is SUCH a good question <3
so for me, i think there's definitely a directly before gg because i found the show (only the first season had aired back then) when i was Really Going Through It, and it literally (& quickly!) became very much a comfort show for me. 
and there’s definitely a during-after for me, because it led me back to fandom and to fanfiction. while i had written a couple of fics long ago, i’d never published them or even considered it, so the fact this show led to me publishing fics (20!! apparently!!! huh!!!) AND making writing a part of my life again means it will alllllways have a very special place in my heart <3
i definitely think the experience of watching & discussing the show has taught me a lot about writing & also about me. i think (at least/especially for ff) i enjoy having something to write against, & it’s helped me narrow in on what i find dis/satisfying from a story, as well as what kind of tone resonates with me.
i don’t know i feel like there’s a distinct after for me per se, my experience of watching & discussing the show is so bound up in the experience of rediscovering fandom (i hadn’t been very active in one for a while) & fanfiction (i did read some but i wasn’t actively seeking it out) & actively writing (and publishing!!! ahhh!!! scary!!!!) & just feeling like...shipping-vindicated...? (shoutout to my one friend who’d seen gg back when i watched s1 & was all ‘huh what eyefucking i dont see it’ & basically made the top of my head fall off). and i don’t intend to stop discussing the show (im planning to rewatch s3 at some point soonish) or reading/writing fic, so even though it’s ended, i feel very much like we’re still during, haha. 
plus there’s always the terrifying prospect of reboots or remakes or adaptations or spinoffs or weird word of god announcements, but also fandom events etc, and just fandom generally which doesnt shrivel up just bc canon’s now frozen! in many ways ive enjoyed this show more on hiatus than any other time, and now we’re on permanent hiatus so im in a great mood! haha
& how about for yourself??
#TV#Fandom#I'm trying to think of what else the show taught me#The phrase 'minute in the sack never take it back' or w/e which I had never heard before in my life#I guess I re/MORE learnt a lot of things (such as: it's great watching American stuff when you're not American#Cos when they start saying weird shit about sacks you can just go 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ idk#Are Americans real#And let it wash away)#Oh I vaguely learnt wtf an fcℹ️ Milan is! (every time I'm like... Are you trying to say AC??? What's this got to do with football???? ARE A#ERICANS REAL-- OH!💡 😂)#But I think mainly the dual prongs of loving this show & feeling extremely angered by it were like a masterclass in (ff) writing????#GIVE ME SOMETHING TO FIX AND I'M THRIVING#IT'S ALL THAT STONER ENGINEERING MAN 😂#And I think I relearnt a lot of lessons which is good - most things only sink in that way!#And ultimately I think I learnt... I really like me?! I like my... Attitude? World view? Foci?? Humour??? Writing! 💡#Which is a nice takeaway haha#Oh and I think I learnt how cathartic putting frustrations INTO something /the act of creating is 💖#And I think it gave me bogeymen.... If I'm ever explaining something poorly I'm like... O god am I being like dumber or dumbest??#How EMBARRASSING no DESIST ew#(I did sort of give my colleagues a pov writing class haha#Like your horrible communication skills are wonderful for comedy but you're not in a fucking comedy so you should be ASHAMED 😂😂)#Writing#*AMERICANS
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owl-with-a-pen ¡ 3 years
Prompt where brainy gets very angry over something and nia just wraps her arms around his waist to give him a big hug from behind. That “it’s okay, I’m here” trope. Specific but I’m curious to see how you would write it x
- Okay so this gave me a cute idea that I decided to run with. Hope you enjoy!
Nia knew it was bad the second she saw Alex walking quickly in the opposite direction from the Tower’s lab.
“I wouldn’t go in there if I were you,” Alex warned as she passed Nia by, offering her a strained smile. “He’s in a mood.”
Nia winced.
Right. One of Brainy’s classic moods. The Super Friends had learnt to make themselves scarce when one presented itself. And, oh boy, did they present themselves.
Although Brainy had had a tendency to get moody before removing his inhibitors, this was way different. Anger was still so new to him in this sort of a capacity, and when he needed to focus on something – really focus - distractions were something he just couldn’t stand. Outside stimulus became too difficult to manage when he was in that kind of headspace. It was times like those that he valued his privacy, and would readily snap at whoever didn’t grant it to him.
Nia leant hesitantly in the archway to the lab, digging her shoulder into the brickwork as she watched Brainy worriedly from behind. He was tinkering with something on his workbench; his back and shoulders were rigid, and although she couldn’t see his face, Nia was certain she could hear a distinct crack from how tightly he was clenching his jaw.
It wasn’t good for him to hold everything in like this, but the alternative wasn’t exactly pretty. When Brainy had told her about the broken keyboard, the broken tablet and the very nearly broken TV, it had become clear to her that he’d needed a healthier outlet.
Kelly had spoken to them both about ways to support each other when it came to nightmares or outside stressors, but Brainy was more of a complicated case than Nia, simply because he’d never experienced these emotions before. He had no frame of reference for even half of what he was feeling, and that terrified him.
And so, as much as she wanted to respect Brainy’s unspoken wish, Nia knew she couldn’t let him stay holed up alone in his lab like this. It'd only encourage his emotions to grow even further out of check.
Her concerns were verified when Brainy jerked his hand suddenly, throwing the device he had been working on clean from the table, sending it to the floor with a jarring clang.
“Sprock,” he muttered tightly. He made no move to retrieve it. Instead, he gripped tightly to the workbench’s edge, leaning his full weight into it. He ducked his head, chest heaving with the effort of holding back this newfound rage.
Nia knew the signs well enough by now. He was seconds from bursting wide open, his most unruly emotions reaching an intensity he wouldn’t be able to filter out on his own.
Nia hated seeing him like this, but what hurt her the most was knowing just how helpless all of this made Brainy feel. He didn’t like what these emotions did to him, and most certainly didn’t want to act on his most violent impulses. It was why Kelly had offered her help in the first place, even suggesting some breathing exercises for when things got too volcanic for him to handle. Right now, though? Brainy was barely able to work those exercises through his lungs.
It wasn’t working. This tightly wound, it would be impossible for Brainy to come down organically. Nia’s heart clenched, the urge to do something for him so profound that she could barely stay put in the doorway. But what could she do? It wasn’t exactly like she could rip this anger out of him. She couldn’t control a person’s emotions, her powers didn’t work that way.
If only they could. If only she could offer him something…
Nia frowned suddenly, glancing down towards her hands, the energy filters she wore as bracelets around her wrists.
Surely, it couldn’t hurt to try… right?
Nia pushed herself from the wall, heading carefully across the room. She managed her footing well enough that Brainy didn’t hear her over the laboured pants of his own breathing. By the time she was in reaching distance, she could see the tremors running through his arms, the pinched corners of his lips as he swallowed down the urge to unleash his most tempestuous emotions.
Nia didn’t think. Instead, she took that final step forward, sliding her arms around Brainy’s back, clasping her hands firmly together against his front.
It was a bold move, all things considered. After all, Brainy wasn’t always welcoming to anyone’s touch, not even her own.
Expectedly, Brainy stiffened the second he felt her arms around him, although he didn’t try to move out of her hold. “Nia-?” he managed weakly. “What’re you-?”
“Just breathe, okay?” Nia said softly, tucking her face into the private warmth of his shoulder. She could feel his pulse quivering against her cheek, sidling close enough that she was able to mould herself against the gentle curve of his spine. “Tell me what you’re feeling.”
Her question was clearly enough to throw him off guard. Brainy glanced about himself restlessly before relenting, closing his eyes. “This rage,” he muttered. “It- it won’t stop. Every time I think I have a hold on myself, it comes bubbling back up.” He swallowed hard, baring his teeth. “I can’t stop it, Nia.”
“You got frustrated,” Nia said, holding her voice steady. “You just need to take a break. It’ll pass, I promise.”
Brainy choked out a strained laugh. “I- don’t know how it can. Not without…”
He didn’t finish. He didn’t need to; Nia knew exactly what he was implying. Previously, these attacks had only ended in one way: with him breaking a particularly complex piece of his own equipment, which only furthered his frustrations later on when he inevitably had to rebuild it from the ground up.
Lena had encouraged him to let his emotions out, and maybe at first that had been helpful – cathartic, even. But, Nia knew Brainy. When not directed at a bad guy, the act of violence only made him feel uneasy, reminding him none too gently of the cruelty his ancestral line was capable of. He may have only ever broken inanimate objects when releasing his pent-up rage, but it didn’t stop him from ending every outburst with a tearful comedown. It was usually only then that Brainy would normally let her in, which was why Nia knew exactly how exhausting this was for him.
Every episode was taxing on Brainy, both physically and emotionally, and yet they never got any easier for him to manage. He just couldn’t catch a break. No matter how hard he tried, his anger was always prickling just beneath his skin, ready to burst through at a moment’s notice.
This time, though?
“What if I helped?” Nia suggested, spreading her hands tactfully across his abdomen.
“What do you m-” but Brainy didn’t finish. Instead, he sucked in a sharp breath, arching his back instinctively as Nia closed her eyes, allowing her dream energy to wash across her palms, encouraging Brainy to absorb it in earnest.
Brainy sagged into the desk immediately, the metalwork denting like putty between his fingers. He groaned aloud, his voice distorted against the crackling static of his modulator. When she was certain it was working, Nia summoned more energy, not just to her hands, but to every part of her, willing it to swirl and crackle in the air around them, transferring to Brainy's body in a whirl of blue fog. Brainy laxed further into Nia’s touch as a result, lashes fluttering as he tried to hold himself steady against the workbench.
Nia smirked, running her hands tenderly across Brainy's ribs before slipping them both behind his back, working her fingers carefully into her boyfriend’s shoulders. Her energy looped around every digit like electric blue coils as she continued to massage it through his muscles. The tension inside of Brainy unravelled all at once, enough that his legs very nearly gave out, but not quite. After all, this wasn’t the knock-out potency of her energy that she’d been steadily perfecting against her enemies. Instead, this was something new, a far weaker version Nia hadn’t seen much use for in the field. If anything, it worked as her own brand of Nyquil, instilling a drowsiness that encouraged total relaxation of the host in question. It wasn’t exactly something that could do much on the offensive. But, for this? Nia couldn’t think of anything more perfect.
“How does this feel?” she asked after a long moment, pressing her thumb experimentally into the base of Brainy’s shoulder blade.
“Good,” Brainy murmured, a pleasant shudder rolling down his spine. His voice was still distorted by a mechanised echo, and he showed no signs of trying to correct it. “Really good.”
“Good.” Nia grinned, kissing his throat. She kept kneading circles across her boyfriend’s back, tracing her fingernails down both sides of his spine. When she reached just above Brainy’s tailbone, she bit her lip, slipping her hands quickly beneath his shirt, pressing them against his skin.
Brainy's body ran far warmer than Nia's, even with dream energy burning through her blood. Brainy inhaled sharply at the foreign sensation of Nia's cold fingers before his eyes rolled to a close. The sudden lack of tension in his jaw caused his lips to part, allowing his lungs to unlock. Already, Nia found the steady rise and fall of his chest much improved, allowing him to breathe unrestricted for the first time since this episode had started.
Nia tucked her face against Brainy’s neck, pressing another kiss just above the collar of his jacket. Even her lips were alive with static, potent enough to cause Brainy’s throat to spasm. If the droning hum of contentment issuing from his chest was anything to go by, she figured he was starting to really enjoy this.
She grinned, looping her arms back around his front. “Still angry?” she asked.
Brainy’s eyes were half lidded when he shook his head. “I—thank you.”
“Anytime,” Nia said.
Neither of them were willing to separate just yet, so Nia stayed exactly where she was, feeding gentle waves of energy against Brainy's back the whole while.
Kelly had told them that there was no overnight solution for this, warning that at times, it might feel like they were barely making any progress at all.
Today, though? Nia felt like she’d made enough to be proud of.
And hopefully, Brainy felt the same way, too.
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