#Horrorlust Sans
So! Imagine that Beloved is given a chance to come to the surface, though he's definitely gained some more... scary features, unfortunately. Well, for him it will be unfortunately, but imagine that he'll meet a human that just seems so... smitten with him. It'll take a little time, but eventually they'll grow closer, and one day his future datemate will admit that: "You know, when I first met you I just... fell in love with your eyes and your smile. I will admit that I also think you're so incredibly pretty, but it is your lovely charm that has kept me around. You're just so... sweet, and just all around lovely."
>:3 thanks for the ask! This was so fun to write.
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Beloved never thought that they would get out of the underground. For a long time, their looks made them upset, but long ago they shattered all of the mirrors along with their sibling so they never had to look at themselves. Now that they were out, though?
He knew how the people looked at him. Disgust clear on their faces; it always made him want to curl up and disappear. He almost wished that the humans had just dusted him instead of left him armless and ugly.
The first time he looked into a mirror; he tried to cry. He couldn't. Sharp teeth sticking out everywhere, a broken skull. His eyeshines weren't the pretty purple that they used to be, instead now a bleeding red.
He hated himself.
He didn't want to wear the clothing that he used to love. He didn't want to show off; he just wanted to disappear. So he did, for a while. That was until his brother forced him to leave the house for a little while, and he met Y/n! They stared at him, and made him feel uncomfortable, but they came over to greet him and they started to talk.
After that, Y/n became a good friend of his! One of the only people that he, truly, felt close to, you know, other than his brother but that's different!
Today they came over to see him, and when he caught them looking at him again, he puts his arms around himself and decided to ask, "Y/n, why do you stare at me so much?" They perk up and smile weakly, now that they were caught.
"Well…" they thought about how to respond, "You know, when I first met you I just… fell in love with your eyes and your smile. I will admit that I also think you're so incredibly pretty, but it is your lovely charm that has kept me around. You're just so… sweet, and just all around lovely." they put their hands together, smiling at him, "Sorry, I just can't help but stare sometimes."
He blinks a few times, then laughs and turns his head away, putting his hands over his face. Aw man, that wasn't something he was expecting, "You know how to charm a guy." he leans over and gives them a light nuzzle, having to be careful to not accidentally cut them. "I'm glad that I was able to keep you around…" he felt their arms get wrapped around him in a hug, and for the first time in a while?
He felt pretty again.
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julia-jck · 1 month
Hello! Finally finished with the ship-list drawing, Lust x Horror!
I wanted to do a small animation (why it has no shadows and is more simple) for it cause I just had a huge urge to animate someone squishing someone's cheeks (The film might be too big for Tumbr and fu*k up as it's a long MOV instead of a MP4.... Fingers crossed it works!) I started working on this a while ago, aka during the period before my art-style started to change, so it's a mix of old and new.
Next ship will be Ink x Dream!
The ship list:
Swap x Dream
Killer x Nightmare
Horror x Fell ( apyrisol )
Ink x Nightmare
Lust x Horror
Ink x Dream
Error getting cheese (Old request I forgot about)
Fresh x Fell
Fell x Killer
Colour x Killer
Error x Dream
Error x Nightmare
Dream x Lust
Dream x Killer
Lust x Dance
Farm x Horror
Lust x Swap
Error x Swap x Fresh
Reaper x Geno x Dream
Error x Reaper
Error x Outer
Crescent x Gradient
Horror x Dream
Farm x Ink
Swap x Antivirus
Ink x Error
Ccino x Outer/Classic (My choice)
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kris-kim-arts · 4 months
Horrorlust plz :3
Wanna see them again :>
Your art is really soft and cute !
Keep going the good work!!
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thank you^^ here, morning horrorlust for u :3
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nukanametag · 8 months
Hi. Do you remember me ? Probably so ... maybe ... I guess ... whatever.
I have a question. Because as I noticed, you like ship Farmer sans x Horrorr sans, but do you like ship Horror sans x Lust sans? How is he at your place anyway? Lust.
And I also have a question for Horror and Farmer. What do they think about Lust?
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I guess Horror can’t go on anymore...
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joonebugg · 5 months
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I drew uhm..the um....
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choupette-overload · 2 months
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I placed lust next to him so that Horror gets body dysmorphia
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rubiecanbe · 7 months
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They kissed afterwards. 🤷🏿‍♀️
Lust belongs to NSFWShameCave
Horror belongs to Sour-Apple-Studios
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akaneodo · 2 months
Horrorlust #2
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Before: A flirtatious Lust and an annoyed Horror
After: A happily married couple
Yeah, a big change in 21 years, almost, in my version.
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badsanses-quotes · 5 months
Horror: When Lust was born, the gods said, "They're too perfect for this world."
Error:Please. When they were born, the devil said, "Oh, competition."
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annamaystudios · 11 months
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Another redesign. This is Aabid he's a vampire assassin.
forgot to type this but @wr-n drew the mouth and crack in the head. so sorts collab?
The second picture was actually made in 2017
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kyomon0 · 1 year
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i will die for them ❤️
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“Come here, let me hold you.” Beloved
Dude you sent me so many Q3Q
More often than not, you knew that your partner didn't have the best time at calming down and or showing when he needed help calming down. He was good at the blank face. 
It was troublesome sometimes when you knew that he needed help, but for some reason, he just wanted to act as if he was fine! It made you upset. why would he do that? You were his datemate, you were supposed to help him feel better. 
So, lately, you've been having a hard time but you've been studying him. Trying to find little hints that he was either happy, upset, or bothered and a lot of the times, it came from his eyeshine. 
Sometimes the pupil was sharp and a slit, that's when he was on edge or mad, sometimes scared. Sometimes it was big and round, you found that's when he was happiest and relaxed.
Today you noticed that he was pretty jumpy, his eyeshine going into a sharp shaking slit whenever there was a loud noise. It was raining and thundering, so of course he was gonna be nervous. It made you upset that he wouldn't come and just sit with you, instead pacing around the room or walking around the house. 
You had no idea why he was doing that! He should sit down and try to relax. With a sigh you sit up and say to him, hoping he could hear you from the kitchen "Come here. Let me hold you" 
It took a second but quickly you could hear footsteps, and Beloved pokes his head into the room looking over at you. You hold out your arms to him causing him to pause then he slowly walks over to climb into your arms. He nuzzles into your chest, clenching onto the back of your shirt with his hand.
"Are you okay?" you ask him.
He lets out a mrr sound, tightening his grip on you and he breathes out slowly. "I don't... like t-this" he didn't like the thunder and lightning, he liked the rain at least but it also made it hard to smell things out there other than the rain and someone could sneak in if they wanted to.
"I know you don't, but I'm here to keep you safe" You say, leaning down to kiss the top of his skull. He shuts his eyes at the kiss, letting out a soft happy purr.
You gently pull him closer, making sure to be careful with moving him cause he's sore a lot, even more when it rains. You were sure that he would fall asleep soon.
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alan-riu · 1 year
could you do some type of bloodlust ship (lust sans x horror sans) just something wholesome
Sure, here is the couple! (I love this ship, thanks for the excuse)
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Kiss kiss
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kris-kim-arts · 5 months
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their first date uwu
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rosescries · 2 months
Some fluff please, shy!child mc making breakfast for everyone, each plate their favorite type of breakfast. Like eggs, bacon, waffles, pancakes.
I don't know who you meant this for, I've got like... four or five child!Mc stories. I assume you mean Undertale, but I'll just do one for each of them.
The horrors would likely just eat anything she made them regardless, but their favored..
Grey (Horrortale Sans) honestly likes a simple breakfast, eats whatever's made. He does like bacon and eggs though, and will often make it a sandwich for ease.
Lunar (Horrortale Papyrus) still loves the dinosaur oatmeal, and that's his favorite breakfast to have. With some toast and orange juice too, if he's feeling fancy.
Brick (Horrorfell Sans) likes sausage and bacon actually, with a bit of syrup to dip the sausage in.
Birch (Horrorfell Papyrus) has a bit of a sweet tooth admittedly. He likes waffles, they're his go to when he has the time.
Stone (Horrorswap Sans) will honestly eat anything really, though doesn't indulge in his favorite often because.. he doesn't find it healthy. His favorite is cinnamon rolls! Especially homemade ones.
Silence (Horrorswap Papyrus) just likes a simple bowl of cereal honestly. Specifically the one with marshmallows, but the off brand ones that come in large bags.
Pitch (Horrorswapfell Sans) likes French toast, some bacon, and a cup of black coffee. Simple and delicious.
Wolf (Horrorswapfell Papyrus) isn't exactly picky. He'll eat anything you put in front of him. But he does particularly like French toast sticks, with a side of sausage to dip in the syrup too.
Pass (Horrormob Sans) has a bit of an order. Poached eggs, crispy bacon, not too cooked toast, and a cup of black coffee. He prefers making his own breakfast though, because he's very particular about how it's done.
Button (Horrormob Papyrus) is very similar to his brother. Only he'd like oatmeal instead of eggs, and he likes to sweeten his coffee too.
Sunny (Horror G!Sans) likes eggs. Funnily enough, he likes them sunny side up and on toast.
Briar (Horror G!Papyrus) likes a bacon and eggs sandwich, something easy he can just grab and go with but still tastes good. Kind of like a McMuffin.
Poppy (Horrorlust Sans) honestly just prefers a Blueberry bagel with cream cheese, it's his favorite breakfast meal.
Rose (Horrorlust Papyrus) likes chocolate chip pancakes drowned in syrup, sometimes with a side of sausage or bacon and eggs.
Admittedly, they'd prefer to make the breakfast with Mc. Just so she doesn't end up burning herself and it's a fun bonding experience! They find it very cute and sweet she's putting her cooking experience with them into making them breakfast though.
(This is set in a Who Framed Roger Rabbit mob Au, remember!)
Bendy admittedly has a bit of a sweet tooth. He likes pancakes with a side of eggs and bacon. And some coffee to help wake him up.
Boris is a simple wolf who likes simple things, but who also likes cooking. His favorite breakfast, which he doesn't make often, is biscuits and gravy.
Alice is a bit... picky, so to say. She likes her breakfast a specific way. An omlette with bacon and cheese, and some veggies and onions. With a side of toast, lightly buttered, and a black coffee.
Allison likes blueberry waffles with some apple juice, that's it really.
Tom is also a simple wolf who likes simple things, but doesn't like the hassle of cooking. He likes some scrambled eggs and bacon, with a black coffee.
They'd all be flattered (and surprised) and a bit wary of Mc making something for them, that's real sweet but uh... They'll eat it! They're just a bit concerned and would want her to wait until Boris is there to help her, you know so she doesn't hurt herself.
(This'll go probably considerably out of canon, but that's okay. We're just gonna roll with it..)
Lambert is really simple to please. Half of the time they're eating grass sandwiches. But they really like vegetable omlettes, and they'll gobble those right down.
Narinder likes steak and eggs, it's his go to for breakfast when he can eat. Otherwise he usually just skips breakfast entirely.
Leshy likes anything. Some type of veggie dish, a meat dish, any follower that displeased him this morning? All good.... but he'll go for the cinnamon rolls first.
Heket honestly likes a veggie and meat omlette the best, but she's not too picky when it comes down to it.
Kallamar likes Shrimp and Grits honestly, but he'll eat that any time of the day. But it still is his favorite breakfast meal.
Shamura simply likes biscuits and gravy with some toast to go along with it.
Aym likes sticky buns. Just uh, don't tell Narinder.
Baal likes eggs the best, with a side of toast and bacon.
They'd be charmed she got up to make them breakfast, but Lambert would be concerned if she did it herself. That's a lot of cooking and she's very fragile, she didn't burn herself did she? They'd be a bit busy fretting over her than eating... Kallamar and Narinder would be wary, but everyone else would just eat and give many compliments to the cook.
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joonebugg · 3 months
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Drastic art style change‼️
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