#Hmmm... Hmmmm..
autistickfigure · 2 months
YOU CAN MAKE THE PINBORD BIGGER I CAN PUT SO MUCH crap DO you like the color of the BOB? Let's think about this
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furiousfinnstan · 1 month
I'm not getting the job am I 😶
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yashley · 7 months
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Fearne has seen a version of herself that has gone down a very bad path in EXU. […] She doesn’t know where in the timeline that Fearne was, and if every sort of step that I’m taking, “Is this gonna lead me down to that path - to the bad Fearne?"
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elany · 1 month
Yk what I want? I want a very early stages post canon labrumisu, but from Chilchuck's POV.
Imagine mister 'interparty romance is the devil' visiting court just to see these three circling each other like a pack of uniquely unhinged cats. And of course he sees it immediately, he's nothing if not perceptive and he's seen this happen so, so many times before. Kabru is hardly subtle in his fascination with Laios, who trusts him in turn more than nearly anybody else. He can see how close Mithrun and Kabru still are, even when there's little reason for the former captain to even stay in Melini. He can see where this is going. And he can see the disaster it's gonna end up in.
So he's just staring at them in horror, trying to figure out what in the world the dynamic here even is and glaring daggers at Kabru all the while for seemingly being the linchpin of this entire bullshit situation. King, his adviser and a fucking foreign noble?? Who thought THAT was a good idea! Is nobody else seeing this?? (no lol) Why is nobody objecting to this politically unsound love triangle that could literally ruin the kingdom they've only just established??
The anger! The distress! The despair when he first sees Laios getting all giddy when Mithrun so much as talks to him. Because hell, now he can't even blame the entire situation on one pretty boy insisting on having fingers in every possible pie, on political and personal level both!
And then they just. Quietly get together. All three of them. And Chil's just watching from the sidelines in complete bafflement because he's invented infinite worst case scenarios for how this will implode in all of their faces and destroy their friend group and topple the entire country and--
Instead they do. This. He'd be relieved if he wasn't so goddamn mad that he's spent months worrying about this shit just for them to resolve it in the least dramatic way possible.
Fuck this, he's taking a holiday.
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sysig · 5 months
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It’ll all go fine if you’d just don’t worry about it, probably (Patreon)
#Doodles#Handplates#UT#Fellplates#Gaster#Toriel#And technically Sans and Papyrus are offscreen in that last one but they're there!#Starting with a dress because Gaster always needs some pretty clothes!#His cute little angel wings expanded into a shawl :D With a feather-themed dress as well#I was thinking he'd look good in a bleeding-heart pigeon getup - just a little on the nose symbolism hehe - but it'd be very stark as well#But I mean Monsters don't bleed it's fine probably it's just a pop of bright red! Doesn't mean anything!#Thinking about the symbolism of his decorative wings normal-like as well...and of Gerson talking about the Angel of Death.....hmmmm#I'm sure it's nothing haha :)#Thinking again about Toriel taking issue with Gaster's new hole punches but not necessarily of her knowing what they mean#He has to be careful how much he shares of his progress! If she knew what might she make of him? Of them?#Two new little things to be subjugated? Or worse? All the more reason to keep them secret#I like both so much but hmmm he also wouldn't be held as accountable if he kept them secret#It's interesting as well - Gaster had a lot of growing pains with his experiments initially - I wonder how much Fell!Gaster struggled?#He always seems so placid and put together but surely Something breaks him - hard to avoid where and how he is now#Maybe not forever but just for a moment! A moment of weakness is all it takes after all ♪#All the more reason to have safeguards in place!#Like teaching the boys how to heal! :0 Fellplates!Gaster would be able to heal wouldn't he? But nobody else could haha#Would the boys be able to from the beginning? Or do Fell Monsters have to develop it? :0 Through inaction or through intention? Hm ♪#It'd be nice proof of concept if they could heal :) No time like the present!
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wishfulsketching · 1 year
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NPC time. Library and Scam Likely are hard to hmm visualize. Mark Likely even more so. Well Actually is just a bad dream
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kicktwine · 6 months
getting closer to noodling out a Guy….. still needs more hands though and different wings. I really want to bring black mage into the design a little, and somehow make the neck more clear that it has arms and legs poking out. Maybe I’ll turn it into Amaterasu fire/ice type wing circle on their back
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beeroreo · 1 month
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naturalharmonicas · 9 months
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I adore how their relationship has no romantic strings attached but like ,, could never be me I'd fold for either of them immediately
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emeraldotter · 6 months
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washing his lil paws
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barbiehandlr · 9 months
headcanon that gloria really likes and knows a lot about cars given her driving skills during the chase.
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talesfromthecrypts · 6 months
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Bunny Lake is Missing (1965) dir. Otto Preminger
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nox-sssscraps · 2 months
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Vitamins for my subzboys 🙏🙏🙏🙏
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chebyreksan · 5 months
I hope you’ll like it :,)
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the new amazing jester Pomni!!
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meownotgood · 1 year
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aki usually wakes up before you. he's a morning person, always has been. he's become accustomed to waking up before the sun has even risen, crawling out of bed as quietly as possible as to not wake you. he brews his coffee, he washes his face in the bathroom sink. the hardwood floor in the kitchen is cold under his bare feet. the wind rustles his hair and spins the wipsy grey smoke of his cigarette when he steps out to the balcony for a smoke.
but on days like this, when he has no expectations, and when you're here beside him, he tends to sleep in. on rare occasions, where aki allows himself a bit longer to rest before it's time to start the day, or when he sleeps through the ring of his alarm, you wake up to find he's still fast asleep.
his arm is slung loosely around you, your back is pressed to his chest. you can feel the rise and fall, you can measure the steady beat of his heart. form against form, shape against shape, body against body. in your ear, you can hear the sound of his breathing — in, and then out, deep, long. his exhale tickles the hair on the back of your neck. his body pressed so close to yours feels like safety, his warmth and quiet snores feel like softness.
the sheets rustle and the mattress creaks when aki shifts a little. in his sleep, his arm around you tugs you closer, his face nuzzles into the nape of your neck. his hair tickles your skin, the tip of his nose is cold. he smells like familiar shampoo and laundry soap. like rich cigarettes, like home.
you try to stay awake for a little bit longer. you fight the drowsy tug at your eyelids and watch specks of dust float around the room, illuminated by the rays of rising sun that peek through the gaps in the blinds. you shuffle a bit, and aki holds you tighter, wanting for you not to leave, even in his sleep.
so, you don't. and eventually, you drift off to the warmth of aki's body and the closeness of his soul. you dream of his gentle touch, of his soothing voice. you dream of his lips and his cigarettes and his whispered I love you's, of the softness of his shirt and the bitterness of the ash. and when you wake to his voice and his kiss and his love, all you can think of is how you long to spend every sunrise just like this.
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thebigk-3-y · 18 days
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Mamamia 🤩🤑🤞, big ass boy forever
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