#His old age and lack of financial security has him eager to marry the girls off
inusmasha · 1 year
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Pride & Prejudice (2005): Edo Period AU ft. SessKik & InuKag
Hi guys! Sorry for being MIA! Has it really been 9 months!?
Life has calmed down a little so I have time to work on AU projects again c: buuut I changed a few things !
I'll be illustrating key parts of the Pride and Prejudice (2005) movie in hopes of opening the fandom's eyes to SessKik romance... but it's going to take place during The Tokugawa era (also known as the Edo Period). I love historical fiction and have been reading up a ton about feudal society.
Originally, in the manga, Inuyasha is set in the Sengoku Period (The Warring States Era) where feudal warlords dropped like flies due to the constant political warfare. Later on, Samurai tried to establish "order" by assigning people into a strict hierarchy of social classes.. Which reminded me of P&P.
On top you have the Emperor, who didn't really wield any political power at this point and was more of a 'figurehead'.
Then there was the Shogun. These military men were the supreme commanders and head of government. I think it makes sense to have the Great Dog Demon be a shogun.
Beneath them were the Daimyo. They were the regional warlords and noble families that ruled over the lowly foot-soldier/samurai. They made up the upper-class but only those with close familial ties to the Shogun would be able to wield political power. Shogun gave land to daimyos to rule in exchange for loyalty. Also! There were "outer" Daimyo who barely hung on to what little perks they had since they had few real allies. Reminds me of the Bennet Fam.
...Everyone else (farmers, merchants, & peasants) weren't respected until the turn of the century brought about that dank rapid economic prosperity.
TBH there was no Japanese 'middle class' like there was in Europe during the time of Pride and Prejudice so I take a lot of creative license.. I'm taking elements I loved from the movie and combining them with the Ukiyo-e art that was so popular during the Edo period. I can't freaking wait to glam everyone up in kimonos, ribbons and pearls.
I hope that made sense! I love overcomplicating things ;p
Dedicated to my dearest friend @magical-campanula who inspired all this with her beautiful mind and HCs!
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