#He's just deep in denial while Tristan is kinda wallowing in his despair
cedar-sunshine · 2 months
oc questionnaire
thanks for the tag @illarian-rambling! Technically you tagged my main account, but I'll answer it eith my writing one!
My questions are
Are you a sound sleeper?
2. Have you ever owned a pet? If you haven't, what would you get as a pet if you could?
3. What do you think is your problem?
Answering for Tristan and Orion!
Are you a sound sleeper?
T: 'oh, yeah. No. Yeah, not at all. Whenever I fall asleep, the corpses start touching me and half the time I wake up in the middle of the night. Sometimes it's fine, I guess, but I don't like sleep in general. Even without the corpses and blood and nightmares and shit, every second I spend asleep is a second where I could be running. I sleep, but when I do so, I'm aware that I'm wasting time.'
O: 'I guess so? I mean, I wake up in the middle of the night a lot, but I go back to sleep. It's just bad dreams. I'm sure it'll be easier once I find a real town, with an actual bed. God, I can't remember what mattresses feel like. The ground is okay, though!'
Have you ever owned a pet?
T: 'I mean, my family always had a guard dog, but I wasn't allowed to touch it or get close to it. Honestly, I'm not sure why they had it. We lived with the church and nothing would ever really be a threat. I guess paranoia really gets to you. The closest thing I had to a real pet were the songbirds I fed when I was a little kid. Whenever I got an allowance, I'd buy birdseed and watch them eat it. For some reason, I thought I was their only source of food. If I had to choose a hypothetical pet... I'm not sure. I think a cat would be nice.'
O: 'I... nevermind. Yeah, I'm a dog person. I'll get a dog once I find the civilization.'
What do you think is your problem?
T: 'oh, lord. You want a list? I'm fucked in the head, I pretend I'm a boy, I'm on the run from a family that wants nothing from the best for me, I see walking corpses that hang from the trees, there's blood everywhere that doesn't exist, and did i mention that im absolutely fucked in the head? Something is wrong with me. Has been since birth, but... it got worse. I can't tell whether or not any of what I experience or remember is real, I'm scared of everything, and I want to fucking kill myself. I could go on.'
O: 'I don't have- I mean, I guess I could. I don't know. Maybe I'm not as kind to Tristan as I could be? He's clearly scared, and I just wish he wasn't as... bitchy as he is. He seems to think that I'm insane, but I think he's just a little paranoid. Maybe I'm optimistic, but optimism is always good!
Open tag!
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