#He's being tough rn
whspermy-name · 6 months
This game is so fucking stupid
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oceanwithouthermoon · 4 months
people who dislike saiki kusuo i need to pick and prod at ur brain. whats going on in there?
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Hi, im researching for a fic im writing, and i want to ask if you know whats up with Jai's messed up connection to the speedforce? and also how the fuck do they use the speedforce to get super strength? how does going fast translate into being strong? Do you know what issues to read to learn more about this? like why do Jai (& Jesse?) have super strength, how did they do this? Why did they do this?
So Jesse's strength is a very quick and easy answer so I'll address that first before jumping into Jai's whole thing.
Jesse's mom is Liberty Belle, a hero with super strength. Jesse inherited her father's speed and her mother's super strength. She's just... I don't want to say that she's better at being a speedster but high key she is. Jesse only figured out her super strength recently and it's still pretty touch and go. She used to only have the speed and then that fizzled out and she only had the strength for a bit and then it switched back to just speed again. She seems to have both powers now though and she seems to know how to use them both so fingers crossed 🤞
Jai is a whole different ballgame.
So Irey and Jai were born as fraternal twins. There were two things wrong when they were born.
A) Only Irey was born with a speedforce connection. Jai technically wasn't born with powers at all. Irey had wrapped her speedforce connection around Jai to share her powers but it was significantly damaging to both of them.
B) Their shared speedforce connection was tainted with Black Flash energy. (Negative Speedforce)
So let's talk about the Negative Speedforce energy. This is the stuff that turns speedsters into Black Flashes. This is what permanently killed Johnny Quick. One touch of this stuff will obliterate a speedster entirely. It's one of the only ways to permanently kill a speedster because it corrupts their speedforce energy in a way that cannot be undone. So there isn't anything left to bring back.
And this stuff was creeping through the twin's shared connection like a virus. That's what caused their fatal aging disease. Their speedforce connection was so out of wack and their bodies didn't know how to fight off this energy and their metabolisms went into overdrive. Aged them both to 100 within six months. Thankfully Wally figured it out and was able to absorb the Negative Speedforce energy. This cured the twins and deaging them down to five ish (but caused some serious problems for Wally).
Okay so back to point A. Their shared speedforce connection. Irey was sharing her powers with Jai subconsciously and that's why she couldn't run. She didn't have enough energy to. She could only vibrate through stuff. Jai also didn't have enough energy to run but he had other serious issues because he wasn't a speedster like Irey. His body wasn't built to handle that much energy.
As a result Jai had some weird stuff going on. Jai's main power was to hyper accelerate the growth of his muscles. This would give him temporary super strength. I say 'super strength' but realistically Jai on par with extreme weight lifters. He wasn't Superman levels of strong. But, again, Jai's body couldn't handle this so everytime he used his power he had about five minutes until he passed out. Then someone would have to feed him or he'd go into shock.
He also had some other strange things. Like his DNA mutating and devolving when he got stressed. Basically his DNA went 'back in time' and Jai shape shifted a bit. This wasn't something he could control and it was very very very bad.
Irey eventually took her half of the speedforce connection back, which cemented her connection and stopped them both from having seizures. Jai was not happy about no longer having powers. Even less happy about Irey being a child prodigy speedster. Although Irey shared her powers with Jai in emergencies (which gave them both superspeed because Irey had a stronger connection and more skill as she grew older), they couldn't do this without Jai being in extreme pain. Also his seizures coming back.
Now we need to talk about the speedforce surge. The speedforce surge is this insane amount of wild speedforce energy that has to go somewhere or it'll explode the world. It's an overload of energy. To explain the scale of this thing, it caused the mass extinction event that wiped out the dinosaurs.
Wally tracked this dangerous surge down before it destroyed reality and he absorbed it until he could figure out what to do with it.
Well he gave it to Jai.
Jai's speedforce connection is the surge. Jai operates on this untamable wild speedforce energy. So Jai now has A LOT of energy to work with but it doesn't really work the same way typical speedforce energy does. That's why he can't run. (yet at least. can't run yet)
Instead, the surge energy ramps up Jai's friction barrier, healing factor and his metabolism. That doesn't sound like much but hoLY FUCK it's op.
Every speedster has a friction barrier that they generate when they run. It stops their skin from melting off when they reach top speeds, the wind from tearing their bodies apart, bugs from hitting them with the force of bullets, their bones from shattering every time they take a step, ect, ect. Their friction barriers can only do so much (they act as a cushion, they don't make them invulnerable. They won't stop a bullet for example) and they only really work when the speedster is actively running.
Jai put all of his goddamn energy into his friction barrier. The child is literally invulnerable. I'm not even joking. And it's constant too, it doesn't switch off.
Jai's metabolism and his healing factor are why he has super strength. Simply put, Jai has a lot of energy. A LOT. And what doesn't go to his friction barrier, goes to his cells. His healing factor is also amped up and would take care of any muscle tears, fatigue, lactic acid build up, dead cells, ect almost instantaneously. What I'm saying here is that Jai's body is in perfect condition always and he has an unlimited amount of energy for his muscles to use.
Jai has super strength because he doesn't have limits. Jai turned Minecraft from Survival Mode to Creative Mode. He can extend any amount of force without any negative consequences on his body. He uses his strength to do his Thunder clap move which is canonically, at 8 years old, stronger than a Kryptonian's Thunder clap. It's confirmed that Jai is still figuring out how to channel the surge energy correctly, so he's not there yet, but one day he will be stronger than the Kryptonians.
Which is insane.
Honestly Wally is the embodiment of 'I will do anything for my children' because Jai was sad about not having powers so Wally gave him a dangerously unstable energy source (that's killed millions of people) that has the equivalent energy of two stars colliding. AT EIGHT. Wally gave a CHILD this unlimited unchecked power!!
Anyway, father of the goddamn year. I love that man. He would truly do anything for his children and now I'm pretty sure his son can't die so 10/10 decision.
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callixton · 1 month
writing these letters feels like drawing blood my god. it’s okay you’re allowed to be sincere and enthusiastic abt your friends dude
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ofalltheginjoints · 2 years
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#my fatal flaw is actually that i will never actually give anyone consequences for treating me like shit#like. you could stab me and i’d probably apologize to you#i got an uber bc i really didn’t want to wait 45min for the bus (plus the hour bus ride)#and like i literally hadn’t even buckled my seatbelt before the driver started complaining to me about how he’s losing so much money on#this trip and how lyft is screwing him over and that i should tip him $10 for his troubles and like.#i asked him if he wanted me to get out and find another one and he just kept avoiding the question#while still telling me how much this trip was costing him and quite literally making me feel like shit for requesting the ride#and i ended up changing the drop off location to somewhere that was like. closer bc i just didn’t want to be in the car anymore#and after i did that he was still going#like. i’m sitting in the back of his car on the fucking highway getting berated bc i just wanted to fucking go home after work#and you know what i did?#gave him 5 stars and 25% tip bc ‘well he shouldn’t lose his job just bc i had a bad experience’#but now im sitting here at a mall waiting for my mom to come pick me up and trying not to cry#and i wish i would’ve like. given a truthful ride review or just skipped it bc like#no i don’t want him to lose his job and if i give him one star he possibly could#but also that guy was literally being a massive dick to me and i literally tipped him for it.#i want to be a nice person always but like. i think sometimes me being nice is just letting ppl do whatever the want and being complacent#and i fucking hate it#after like a while of him going on i stopped him and was like#hey man i get its tough and i feel for you but it’s not my fault and i really don’t feel like talking rn#so im gonna put my headphones in#and this motherfucker goes ‘umm ok i mean thats kind of awkward but ok’#LIKE YOU DIDNT MAKE IT AWKWARD THE MOMENT I GOT IN YOUR CAR#expect maybe im overreacting?????????#anyway. um everything is bad and terrible rn and i just wanna go home but ive still got an hour before my mom gets off work :)#if you actually read all of this i 1) am so sorry and 2) literally love u and also im sorry
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haunted-doodles · 10 months
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not really the type who likes posting their ocs much but here's a Nim :}
#no tags because idk how to tag oc posts- also this account DO just be for saving my art in case my pc ever breaks.#but he's one of my favourite characters i have rn#and the junk hunters in general honestly their dynamic is my favourite.#two old gay men. One (Viktor) who lingers a little on the past but is happy and content as to where he is in the present#the other (Atlas) still mourning his dead mother and having left his abusive home.#A trans girl (Inky) who grew up in a perfectly normal household but became agoraphobic; before being ripped from her home and forced into#outside world#and Nim. someone who grew up in a trash zone with nothing to eat but garbage and is living her best life in the present.#they're literally blorbos from my brain ESPECIALLY the world they're apart of too because GOD i love it so much#What Nim's holding is called a Liabell; most if not all mosnter hunters have them for mobility.#the liabells dont work without a lullader (small-neon glowing stone looking spiders basically) inside. as it uses their incredibly tough we#to pull#but Nim's a cloven (deerways) so she's already got pretty good agility and uses their's for moreso rangling monsters.#i have SUCH a cool scene that I wanna draw (but doesn't fit my style- so i gotta commission it for sure)#where they're standing atop of an elk-like monster#and he's like- spun webs of the liabell around it's horns and its incredibly firey and its night and#GAHH#Nim's liabell isn't even like- purple- his lullader is- the liabell is clear glass with weathering copper when the lullader isnt in it.#I'm so normal about this world and all the races I've made for it. Because simply being a different race means they might use their#tools differently or not need specific ones#for example: I've got one character in my mind that's a possae (something inhabiting another thing basically) and they're a skeleton#with this massive glowing pulsating mass in it's ribcage and its all cowboy motif. (I'm thinking angel posessing it and handing out#their own retrobution in the West Zone)#and basically they use a Liabell similar to Nim but it's a lasso and they have several of them to help tie up more people.
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meadowlarksabove · 1 year
Happy Birthday to me!
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ilonacho · 1 year
the fucking audacity of watching the pixar short film “going home” while i’m home for my grandma’s funeral.
#like….. yeah#2 weeks ago i did not know id be here rn#i did not know she would take a turn for the worse this fast#im very thankful things worked out to where i could be here#for my wife and her support and i guess my boss and coworkers for their understanding#i have been lucky to not have been here for the very tough times#im thankful to be here with my family now#theyre doing a lot of new housing in my town now#many buildings i walked by as a kid have been demolished and are being rebuilt#we emptied my grandmas room today. she had only lived there for about 3 weeks before passing#we drive by my mom olds house. the house i grew up in. the new owner still hasnt torn down my old curtains in my old room#the old curtains my grandma had sewn for me when i was a baby#my dad is thinking about moving too. too many new buildings too many new people too much noise#two of my cousins have kids now! and the third one is getting married soonish? her fiance seems nice. he seems like he cares about her#my nephew and niece are so big now. i still havent met my other niece#i wonder if any of my old classmates have had kids? if they moved too?#ill be leaving again on tuesday. itll be a looong day#my parents have more and more grey hairs every time i see them#i dont see my brother as much as id like. hes following his dreams and im proud of him. hes a good kid#anyway the guy who made said short film is literally just like me fr#from germany and had been in the us 5 years (at the time) and making this short film?#just like me fr#anyway. this became one of those diaries for me posts haha#it just really captured how it is really well
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highwaydiamonds · 1 year
starting a new job tomorrow (monday) morning and am feeling about 72 (million) different things all at once because of it
#scared - so scared i will mess this up too#scared no one will like me#scared i will not be good at this#afraid i will hate the job#what if something happens to make me late - like witht he car tomorrow#just - it's new and there are so many unknowns and i don't like unknowns - they're just SCARY#and i don't want to eat lunch alone and i feel like i'm going to be and rn it's not a comfortable alone - it will be in time i know#but rught now it doesn't feel like alone by choice - it feels like alone by dint of ew no one wants to eat lunch with you - which sucks#and my aunts - or one of them anyway sent congratulations to me via one of the people i live with - who are speaking to them more than i am#the last time the aunts corresponded with me - it was via text abd they basically did tough love intervention style texting#which - they had every right to say how they felt - and i think they were right about some things#but it also felt like they were kicking a puppy when it was down - and well - i was the puppy being kicked#so when i got the job and one of the friends i live with asked if i would call my aunt(s0 to tell them i said no#i know they love me but i'm not interested in putting myself in a position to feel lambasted again#you saying you're proud now doesn't mean much any more - i needed you to say that you loved me then#that you knew i was messing uo but that you loved me regardless and you knew i could do better - not the yelling at via text that i got#you don't get both - i can't handle both. so yes fine i know you love me but it's going to be from a distance#and i love you too in some kind of way - one that right now is hurt and sad because i don't think you care how i feel at all#but i am trying to do right and do better - and i don't want to do things from spite but#i admit there is a part of me that when i get to better place - i want to be able to say - no i'm not contacting them bc idgaf#but i also know that's not likely to be true and isn't kind and not how i realy want to live and be#and wow that really turned into one hell of an emo tangent#anyway - i'm stopping myself now - i got some catharsis there and i need to get ready for bed so i won't be a total mess in the AM#if anyone has actually read this all please wish me luck - i could use it#and i know i will have to make the luck on my own anyway#i just keep thiking of- what if i fall? but oh my darling what if you fly?
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donnyclaws · 1 year
God .. the post abt a kind and warm care + love after an attempt. Wish I had something like that, it feels healing to see it depicted
I'M GLAD. It's a chunk of the story I've been lingering on the longest cause it's very much Damian having a massive breakdown on every level, fucking up really bad with pretty much everything. And idk the comfort of others being like. That hurt me but right now I just want you to be alright, we can talk about it later, I love you. Is SOOO much to me. I can't fathom that kind of support but yknow, it's why you write stuff like this.
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comfortfrogblog · 2 years
i really be wanting a knight in shining armor to save me from myself and heal my wounds and remind me that im worth something and then i realize i forgot about jesus
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trixstriforce · 1 year
the lokomo of st r LITERALLY called Sages i am so slow, there is also concept art of a shadow one but if we make that bryne then that makes 7 lokomo...oh boy
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aquarri · 1 year
#anon#there are very few people i truly hate on the earth and louis is not one of them#really my 'hate' for him comes from a place of love and the want for them to do better#because they deserve better! and they can achieve that#yeah recently i've been hating on him and have been 'unsupportive' but thats how i deal with people who are in my eyes being stupid#making poor decisions#its very hard for me to see something and brush it under the rug#(not supporting the doc bc i dont want a doc that isn't truly authentic or made without the public lies)#im not someone whos gonna sit back and laugh when i see something i dont like ya know?#(please dont call me a solo harrie bc i think you missed my hating harry holivia era :D that was a shit show and harry was acting stupid#and i said that and didnt support that either lol)#not that i need to justify anything but i complain about hshq and tour all the time#im not gonna hate on harry bc hes not pissing me off rn? lol#its tough love sorry anon ik my worth and what i deserve to give to people based on what they give back#is that parasocial? idk but i also dont need to blindly follow and act happy when im not?#also i hate the word “stan” im just here observing the drama talking on my little blog about millionaire men that annoy me sometimes#i really do want better for them thats why im here at least thats what brought me here#i do like louis or at least i liked what he stood for in previous years but idk both of them seem to be kind of lost at the moment#this just turned into a ramble but anon im not a solo harrie nor will i ever be#i would like to be called a hater larrie.#why would i be directing hater energy at harry when he just sang woman after louis did ~that~#im not gonna praise him for stunting with a 22 y/o playing daddy and releasing a copy lg doc lmao
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resaresa · 2 years
since I have castoria, my surfer Mo (gssr prize :D ) can basically 3 turn his way through camelot if I can just get him to 80 and grab him some fous
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muirneach · 2 months
god the early 00s tennis drip was insane. guys were showing up looking like they had a match at 3 and a backyard barbecue at 5. lets see jannik in cargo capris and the baggiest polo shirt known to man
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nobody talks about how fucking tiring it is putting up the tough guy asshole persona
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