jellifysh · 2 years
Fake Love (prequel)
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Or, Namjoon Needs a Break
OT7 x reader, idol!bts x fan!reader, amnesia au, takes place late 2019 and covid never happens, involves heavy manipulation from the boys, reader loses three years of memory (permanently? 👀), dark fluff, mostly cute, Namjoon just loves his boys man 😔, jimin's hornee in this au I will not apologize,, this prequel is about three years before the story starts tho
A/N: sorry for not being so active lately guys, I was busy for the week of my birthday, and then my phone broke and that’s where I do most of my writing, so I got a new one! But this is the prequel to Fake Love :) if u wanna be on the taglist, reply to this post <333
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It was Namjoon who noticed you first.
He was at the end of the table for the meet and greet, the first person the fans talked to when it was their turn. It always felt like a new experience whenever they did meet and greets in the States though, just because of the absolute culture shock. Fans here were so touchy, so ready to grab their hands and lean in across the table towards them and almost always flirty. It was something some of the other members took in stride, Jimin hardly faltering before tossing a flirty comment back and Jin responding with a squeaky laugh and a cheesy joke that he struggled to tell in English, but Namjoon could only smile awkwardly. Especially when he would talk with a fan and notice their eyes were only glancing down the table at members they were clearly more excited to talk to.
To put it simply, Namjoon kind of hated meet and greets. To be honest, the other boys did too, even if they were good at faking it. They loved being performers and having people scream their name. After a while, it started to inflate their egos. Of course they were the most popular group in the world, of course they worked harder than everyone else, of course they deserved everything they got. Their fans practically worshipped at their feet and they had every reason to. The humble attitude they kept up was a disguise, a persona only made to fish for more of the praise they thrived on.
He could see the line of fans clearly from where he sat, boredly inspecting the people in line while waiting for the next fan to take their seat in front of him.
That was when he first saw you.
You weren't necessarily different, not when he first looked at you. You were as fashionably dressed as almost everyone else there, BT21 merchandise of all their characters woven into your outfit, meant to impress them obviously. A cute Koya headband, Mang charms on your bracelet, Shooky charms on your necklace, RJ charms dangling from your ears, small Chimmy and Tata keychain plushes hooked into the front belt loops of your shorts, and a little Cooky ring. Actually, after getting a good look, Namjoon was pretty sure half of that wasn't even merch they sold. You could've made it yourself, fans have done similar things before. Nothing special. But he kept staring, eyes fixed on you. You were alone, not taking to anyone in line like others were, but you seemed perfectly content with that, like you were used to it and made your own peace with it. Namjoon couldn't remember the last time he'd been alone, really alone. He always knows he has the boys to rely on, to go back to when he gets lonely. It made him pity you a little and wonder what it'd be like to live a different life.
This sort of life got monotonous, being constantly surrounded by people and barred from dating by the company led to some irritation with their work. Having someone to spoil, someone to love, someone to have, would make up for all the time they've spent lonely in rooms full of people. He found himself distracted watching you, giving half-hearted answers to the people who sat in front of him, counting them down until it got to you. You were smiling excitedly when it was your turn to walk over to the table, a cute shy thing like you weren’t sure if you were really here right now. You walked over with wonder in your eyes, looking at him as you sat, only at him. He returned the smile, almost surprising himself when it came easier to his face than before. You bit your lip nervously as you sat before him and he found himself focusing on the action.
"Hello, I'm RM." He introduced, realizing he was silent for far too long. His voice seemed to startle you, you choked on air before composing yourself. Cute, maybe you weren't as put together as you seemed, he internally chuckled. The thought that he made you nervous made him weirdly proud.
"Sorry, I just-- Hi, I'm Y/n." You stuck your hand out suddenly, almost knocking over his water bottle. "Nice to meet you." You finished weakly.
Instinctively, he went to respond before stopping himself. It took a moment to realize, but you hadn't answered him in English like he expected. You were speaking Korean. Putting aside his shock, he went to answer. Fans often learned Korean for them, it wasn't anything too surprising, but they usually didn't speak Korean with him, since he spoke the most fluent English. You speaking to him in Korean was something that put him more at ease. His smile grew, even more genuine as he took the chance to tease you. "I'm supposed to be the clumsy one." He chuckled, pulling his water bottle aside to avoid any further accidents. That got a laugh out of you, a cute snort, but judging by the way you covered your mouth after you heard it, you didn't think it was as cute as he did. "You speak Korean?" He said instead, to distract from your embarrassment.
"Ah, yes, I've been learning for a couple years now. I wouldn't say I'm that good though." You said sheepishly, biting your lip nervously again. He chuckled inwardly. You better not do that in front of Jimin. With your cute mannerisms, seeing you bite your lip would probably make the other man determined to fluster you.
"No way, you're a natural." He insisted.
"It’s been a lot of hard work. Thank you, Namjoon-ssi." You responded softly, flustered by the compliment. "You inspired me actually."
"Me?" He blinked in shock. Well, he wasn’t really shocked, he heard people say that he inspired them all day long, but for some reason hearing you say it warmed his heart more than any of what he’d heard before.
You continued, unaware of his internal plight. "Yes. Well, yes and no. I was originally learning because I loved variety shows. I wanted to understand the jokes the way they were told, not just what the captions said." You explained, fidgeting nervously with your hands. He had to hold himself back from grabbing your hands to settle you, something in him racing to comfort you. "But I became quickly unmotivated. When I heard about how you learned English through watching Friends, I thought it was hilarious, and impressive. It reminded me that I only have to take it one step at a time. Or one episode at a time."
"Wow that's," he paused to laugh, his turn to be bashful, as he covered his mouth with a hand. “That's really sweet, actually. Are you this kind to all the other bands you do meet and greets for?" He teased.
"You're the only band I really follow closely. I listen to music of other groups, but there's something about your personalities, they mix so perfectly. Even if you weren't musicians, I'd be drawn to you." Your sweet voice said, and knowing that they were the only band who managed to catch your attention so firmly made him strangely proud.
"Drawn to us, you say?" He asked, voice trailing off as he leveled you with a look that, judging by the tilt of your head, was unreadable to you. But the mysterious look in his eye was a sign of his brain working, cranking out possibility after possibility. A flicker of hope burst inside him that he quickly extinguished. Be realistic, Namjoon, the leader needs a level head.
But his head was telling him only one thing.
Eventually your time was up, you having to move back down the table to his other members, but he kept a close eye on you as you moved. It looked like the rest of the boys were easily charmed by you, too. He could see you conversing with them easily without missing a beat, going from chair to chair with the same energy, leaving a bright smile on each boys face that was different from the practiced ones they usually had.
Jin hadn't laughed louder all day than when you were in front of him, and you and Taehyung seemed to have immediately entered a hushed serious conversation, though a light hearted one if the smile on both your faces was anything to go off of. Jungkook teared up at something you said while you were with him, and judging by the way Jimin was giving you his fuck-me stare (complete with his flirty smile) at the other end of the table, you were charming them exceptionally well. For the rest of the night after you left, the members were distracted, giving stilted conversation to the remaining fans. Namjoon caught himself drifting from reality at least twice, and if he was that bad off, he knew the rest were struggling even more.
When the fanmeet was finally done, they headed to a break room, waiting for the managers and staff to tell them they finished up for the day and were ready to leave. As Namjoon settled on the couch, chugging a bottle of water, the maknaes were still talking about you, huddling together on the floor and giggling like children. Namjoon was both surprised and unsurprised, he knew the boys all took a liking to you, but they weren’t usually so lively after an event like this. Usually they would be drained and be silent or half asleep.
Jimin sighed, melting against the couch as he stared up at the ceiling. "She was so perfect. You know, she said Chimmy was her favorite BT21 character." He sat up, boasting to the other two.
Yoongi chuckled, not moving from his position leaning against Hoseok’s shoulder as he spoke, eyes closed. "That's Jimin for you, give him one compliment and it's the only thing he'll talk about."
"Are they still talking about that girl?" Hoseok asked, cracking open a water bottle.
"You noticed her too?" Namjoon asked him. Hoseok was the impersonal out of all of them, honestly. He didn’t usually pay attention to what girl he was talking to, knowing they all wanted to hear the same generic spiel about how each and every one of them matter and he was just so excited to be meeting all his fans. Playing the happy one got tiring for him, Namjoon knew, and honestly he didn’t envy him.
However, Hoseok was smiling too, a genuine one as he fiddled with his water bottle. “She was nice. She just talked to me like a regular person. She called me Hoseok. Not Hobi, or J-Hope, or anything.”
Jimin sighed, leaning his head back against the couch cushion. “She had the cutest smile when I talked with her, she didn't even get half the stuff I was saying." He chuckled.
"Because she's not a native speaker and you were saying dirty things to her with your accent." Jin pointed out.
"So fucking cute, hyung" Jimin smiled, sliding down until he was laying flat on the floor.
"That girl is my soulmate--" Taehyung said, dreamily gazing at the wall with a twinkle in his eye.
Jungkook cut him off, "You mean my soulmate!"
"Oh, I'm sorry, did you exchange all your deepest secrets in five minutes? I didn't think so." Taehyung gloated.
"That girl was pretty charming. She actually laughed at all my jokes! And she wasn't faking it either." Jin agreed, smiling as he thought back on the pleasant conversation with you.
"She must be insane." Jungkook teased.
Jin huffed. "No! She told me she didn't know all the figurative language and slang. The jokes were all new to her so she found them funny."
"We talked about dance! She said she did ballet when she was younger and looked up to me as her inspiration for getting back into dancing. What I wouldn't do to see her in some tights. And the way she bit her lips, oh my god." Jimin babbled, slapping the floor excitedly.
"Stop being horny, Jimin." Yoongi scolded, flipping through the channels on the TV boredly.
"Like you have any room to talk, hyung. You were staring at her so hard I thought your head would pop.” Jimin teased, Yoongi turning pink.
"Was not!" He denied.
"Was too! What did she say?"
"She just said she liked my music." He replied, not meeting anyone's eyes.
"Bullshit. What did she really say? There’s no way she'd say something generic like that."
Yoongi hesitated for a moment, then said, "She said when she listens to my music, her soul yearns to be comforted."
"And that got you all hot and bothered?" Jimin continued teasing.
"Shut up." He rolled his eyes but continued. "She was just so genuine. The passion in her eyes was... magnetic. I could understand her and see myself in her. It was... an instant connection."
"With me as well. We talked about art. She speaks so many languages, did she tell you hyung?" Taehyung said, turning to Namjoon.
Namjoon shook his head no. "She only told me she learned Korean."
"She also knows Mandarin and Japanese and French and Spanish. She's incredible. She says she envied us for being she to travel the world. It's a dream of hers."
"She wants to travel the world?" Namjoon said, brain overworking again.
"She said that when she heard my story, it made her sad. She heard about my past and how hard I worked to become an idol and she related to it, she said she felt the same way I did. We're the same age but hyung, her life is so sad. She's been so alone for long." Jungkook added, looking up at Namjoon with his puppy eyes. It always made Namjoon’s heart hurt when he had that look on his face.
Hoseok nodded. “That's kinda like what she told me. She said she envied my charisma, my personality. She said she loved my confidence and how I always had the strength to keep going. She told me to never stop loving myself."
"Hyung, we have to see her again." Jungkook turned to Namjoon again, puppy eyes in full force as he pleaded.
"Ah, Jungkook, this has all been good fun, but I don't think that'll be possible." Namjoon scratched the back of his neck. He’d been thinking about it, sure, but Namjoon thinks about a lot of things. Treating this like anything other than an indulgent daydream would be crazy.
But Jungkook was persistent. "No, hyung, you can do something about this, can't you? You always know what to do."
Namjoon could feel his resolve straining, "I don't know, koo."
"It would be nice. Just to see her again, at least once." Yoongi hummed.
"Can't you get her address off of the raffle tickets or something?" Taehyung suggested.
"That’s crossing a couple boundaries." Namjoon said, slightly concerned.
"So? She's a fan, she'd be happy to see us." Jin shrugged.
"And she's already made us so much happier! Please?" Jungkook whined.
"I’ll... see what I can do." He acquiesced finally, unable to deny any longer.
"Yay!" The maknaes cheered, and while the hyungs rolled their eyes at their blatant enthusiasm, Namjoon could see their moods brighten too. He won’t deny he was eager to see you again as well. Having you in their lives would definitely make it better.
After meeting you, he was sure. The impact you had on him, on his band mates. They needed you.
Now they just had to get you to need them.
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jwonsociety · 1 year
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xmas with ot7
genre: fluff! / wc: 0.8k / lowercase intentional
→ happy holidays and merry christmas to those who celebrate <3 it's still xmas in my timezone so hopefully this isn't too late ^^
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jungwon → ugly sweaters
won definitely enjoys a good old ugly holiday sweater and wants you to buy them with him 💘 the cornier, the better. he insists to get you an oversized sweater because he thinks you look so adorable in it :((( if you two are feeling extra festive he’ll get you matching ones!! pictures are definitely a must bc he wants to show off to everyone how cute you two are together 😭 at first you think it’s a little silly but it quickly becomes ur favorite festive tradition with wonie 🫶🫶 plus sometimes you can convince him to wear a santa hat/reindeer headband and he looks so cuteeee :(((
heeseung → xmas market
it may not be as expected but hee is totally the type to love those cozy little holiday markets. he enjoys looking at everything the vendors are selling -- he examines each individual ornament with this adorable amazement 😭 and his eyes light up whenever he sees christmas lights :((( he’s so cute. he’ll grab your hand and always tell you to look at this or look at that and he offers to buy you anything you want 💘 by the end of the day he’s bought you a ton of little gifts and he’s so excited to put the ornaments he bought up on the tree :)
jay → making cookies
this man is talented in the kitchen and his expertise certainly doesn’t stop at holiday baking 😇 he’ll let you pick any recipe you want and then buy all of the ingredients himself <3 you honestly don’t really know what you’re doing but jay is happy to help you 😭 imagine him wrapping his arms around you from behind as you roll out the dough aghhh :((( he splurged on all different cookie-cutter shapes, frosting colors, and sprinkles because he loves to spoil you. you two make gingerbread men and decorate them to look like each other which sort of ends up as a mess but it doesn’t matter bc it’s still delicious 🫶🫶 ALSO jay wiping frosting on your nose like a cheesy hallmark movie UGH my heart
jake → movies
jake is definitely a sucker for the holiday classics -- elf, home alone, you name it. you and him snuggle up on the couch underneath a cozy blanket and just marathon them all day <333 occasionally he can even recite certain scenes word for word and you absolutely tease him for it 😭 but deep down you think it’s endearingly nerdy. he laughs whole heartedly at every corny joke and you can’t help but laugh too <3 as much as jake loves these movies, in reality he’s just happy to spend time snuggling with you :((( after a while you two fall asleep in each other’s arms as the tv plays 🫶
sunghoon → karaoke
we’ve all seen how this boy will go wild when given a karaoke mic 😭 when “all i want for christmas is you” starts playing it’s OVER. you two will be screaming the lyrics so loud your vocal chords might give out. sunghoon is channeling his inner mariah while you try (and fail) to hit the whistle notes. both of you will entertain yourselves for hours singing all of the holiday classics <333 sunghoon will jump up on the coffee table to dance and pull you right up there with him. he’ll hold you in his arms and look you right in the eyes as he sings because he wants to serenade you 😭 you might get some noise complaints from the neighbors but you two don’t care at all 🫶
sunoo → decorating
you already know this boy is a connoisseur at christmas decorating <3 he’s got everything covered from the lights to the wreath to the tree ornaments. sunoo has his heart set on being the best-decorated place in town because he won’t settle for anything less 🫶 you two have so much fun putting up all the lights and making them looking all pretty, and when you can’t reach high enough to place them he helps you out :((( he even has custom ornaments with your name on them to put on the tree!! after you two are done your place looks like something off of a christmas card and you two pass out on the couch after all your hard work 💘
niki → sledding
it doesn’t matter if it’s freezing outside, if there’s snow on the ground niki WILL force you to go outside with him. he insists on going to the steepest possible hill in your neighborhood and sledding for HOURS 😭 tbh you’re scared shitless bc this boy wants to go at maximum speed but he insists it’s fine 😭 niki sits behind you in the sled and wraps his arms around you before he tells you to hold on tight and pushes off. as you two fly down the hill you’re screaming your head off while he’s just maniacally laughing 💀 and even tho you were scared at first once you reach the bottom you’re already asking to go again :)))
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jrueships · 2 years
Jrue so geeky 🥰🥰🥰
#he STILL does the unsheathing sword from the back thing after threes btw#so im guessing he still really REALLY likes the show#him refering to sandro in an old wise man way 😭#good to see jrue embracing his grandpa milfism#hes probably said hes too old for this 50 times a day#dismally carrying away his little suitcase and shaking hia head after a failed tiktok#there seems to be a trend of the younger players being interested in things&jrue including himself in their lil hobbies#tiktok ...lightskin face... dressware.. ninja headbands#now hes intruding on their favorite netflix shows LMAO#probably stands on his tippytoes watching them watch shows on their phone askin them 'watchu watchin young blood?'#then continues peeking out randomly to watch & commentating on little things while acting like hes not getting into it#when everyone knows one day later all hes gonna be talking about is that new show he saw#doin all the shows iconic poses.... hes so#him getting super siked at the actors' message HELP he could barely sit still punchin shit n shit <- expert commentary by the ted Always#he was definitely the naruto kid who would randomly burst into ninjutsu hand signs during the day#he would dye his hair yellow then naruto pose in the mirror saying '🙀!! This🤟🏿🤘🏿👌🏿🤌🏿✌🏿is🤞🏿 EPIC✌🏿!!! BELIEVE IT 👍🏿😁!!!‼️'#ALSO not khris knowing jrue is a dork at heart whos desperately trying and failing to hide it for the press.. SMH instigatin n exposin 😭#smirkin when jrue had to admit which fandom hes in now 😭 so devious#jrue so funny <333 my weird little stinky that adlibs for communication#jrue#sandro and jrue becoming besties over a shared nerd love of a tv show LMAO#Youtube
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aceofspadegrass · 3 years
Soft niragi hours drunk texting gf.
(please, and thank you)
Characters: Niragi Suguru, his girlfriend
Genre: Fluff. Niragi's drunk off his ham.
1.2k words
It’s going to be in the POV of the girlfriend, which is a first for me, since I usually drift towards using the actual characters more. Still don't have a name for her, so it's just... never mentioned once.
Also, we’re going off the basis that phones do work in the Borderlands, but the only numbers that work are within the Beach members because somehow they’re just like that sometimes.
Be notified that there is the barest mention of just sex but it's so briefly glossed over that it's unimportant. Also, mentions of being drunk. Obviously.
Also I am gonna base drunk texting on A) how I imagine soft Niragi would text like, and B) Drunk texts I am reading online. Hope you don’t mind.
Oh, and I was this close to making Niragi’s nickname on the texting section Calf. You know, because baby giraffe.
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The phone sits peacefully on the benchtop as she stirs together leftovers in the pan, wondering where her boyfriend has been. It’s been a while since he left to hang out with the other militants down at the bar, and she came down to the kitchen to make herself dinner. It sucked that she couldn’t have dinner with her beloved, but sometimes things kept them apart and they had to do things on their own. Still, she couldn’t wait to give him all the cuddles when he got back to their room, as well as give him smooches before bedtime.
She pauses her stirring for a second as she hears her phone cheerfully chime with a notification, pulling the pan off the heat as she checks.
Nini: honyyyyyyyyyyyy hiiiiiiiiiiiii mis yiu ;(
She giggles, her lips curling in amusement at the obvious state her boyfriend was in.
Kitten: hi niragi you good?
Nini: i miss youuuuuu
Nini: wannna
Nini: wanna hug you and kisss youu
Nini: wAnt to touch
Kitten: awwwww you miss me that badly? i love you too
Nini: ❤️❤️❤️
Kitten: ❤️❤️❤️ you too!!!
Nini: nuh uh love you more ❤️
Nini: love you soooooo muuuhchh wanan
Nini: can we buy a babyy
That earns a loud snort from her. That was quite a conversation switch. She was lucky nobody was in the kitchen with her. She glances at her leftovers, and slides them back onto the heat to finish cooking. She could watch both. Maybe.
Ah, she was probably gonna burn them. She could still try to multitask.
Kitten: what do we need a baby for?
Nini: so i can hold
Nini: both
Nini: babaabbabya
Nini: i wanna name it belc
Kitten: belc?
Nini: heah
Nini: best bame for best baby
Kitten: haha okay
Kitten: i would love to raise a family with you
Kitten: be the most kickass family of all!!!!!
Nini: yeahhhhhh
Nini: gonna be so strong!!!!!!!
Nini: hey hey hey hey
Kitten: yes?
Nini: imma win this bet watch me
Kitten: okay! you can do it niragi!
There was nothing, leaving her to be able to focus on her food, which somehow hasn’t burnt, and she plates it and heads outside to the tables to eat. Her phone pings with a new text as she sits down and begins to eat.
Nini: i wondid you se did youseee
Kitten: of course! you did it!
Nini: yeha!!!!!!!
Nini: im the greatest person
Kitten: yes you are
Kitten: do you want me to come grab you later so we can cuddle?
Nini: you read my mindd!
Nini: of course i do kitten please i want your cuddledse
Kitten: just let me eat first okay?
Nini: okay take care love you!!!
Kitten: <3
Nini: <333
Kitten: <3333333333
She smiles as she sends that last heart to Niragi, and goes back to eating her food, hurrying just a little more. She couldn’t wait to be with Niragi, even if he was drunk off his mind. Maybe she could get him some water to ease him, and then head down to the infirmary to grab him some hangover pills. She would hate it if he woke up with a headache, it sounded terrible.
She doesn’t even clean up as she shovels the last bit of food into her mouth, getting up and speed walking towards the bar, pulling out her trusted kitty headband from a special pouch she kept on her and putting it on her head to make her search decades easier. It was full of people partying and drinking their cares away in alcohol, and a few mating rituals here and there. She ignores it though, heading over to a rather secluded VIP area near the back of the bar. A few militants were there, some who greet her with a casual wave.
She doesn’t really manage a greeting back as a blur of black pounces on her, the smell of alcohol hitting her nostrils. Niragi giggles happily as he squeezes her, rubbing his face against her, making her laugh.
“ You came~” Niragi purrs happily into her crook of her neck. She cards her fingers through his hair, which was still greasy from the amount of whatever he slapped in there that morning. She lightly tsked at that. She needed to give it a proper cleanse one of these days. Niragi would probably love having the softest hair imaginable than whatever the hell this was.
“ Of course I did! I wouldn’t have left you alone to be drunk on your own!” She gently pushes him away so she could reach his face, kissing his nose, Niragi grinning dopily at that. “ Ready to head back?” “ Fuck yeah I do~ Cuddles with my girlfriend are the best! Hey everyone! Look at my girlfriend!” He shouts out to the entirety of the world that resided there, pulling her close to him. A few just look to them and take a silent acknowledgement, others clapping for him with several different emotions attached. She giggles and wraps her arms around the back of his neck, resting against him.
“ Okay you dork, come on. The longer we stand here, the less we have to- Eep!” She yelps as Niragi scoops her up and starts fucking running, laughing all the while.
“ I wanna cuddle now! Time’s wasting!” She laughs, holding onto him as he runs in his clear drunk state, somehow managing to get quite far. That is, until he trips on literal air and they go flying, landing on the ground. She grunts, her butt taking most of the brunt, Niragi not that far and on the ground face down. He rolls over with a drunken giggle before she could ask if he was alright, grinning at the ceiling.
“ Oopsie.” Niragi slurs quietly, and she comes over, brushing away hair that fell in front of his face. “ No problem! Come on, we’re so close. We can walk normally! Don’t worry, I have my trusty headband on, so we will get there instantly!” Niragi’s eyes brighten despite how far away they were, and his lips curl even higher.
“ Then what are we- We waiting for! Come on!” He tries to get up, stumbling a bit. She giggles and grabs her boyfriend’s hands, carefully pulling him up. She keeps one in her hand as they walk hand and hand down the hall, heading up to their room for much needed cuddles.
“ When we finish cuddling, you’re gonna drink some water so it doesn’t hurt as badly, okay sweetie? Then I can grab you some pills for the morning.”
Niragi hums with his smile still plastered on his face, squeezing her hand a little. “ You’re- You’re soooo good to me. You’re fucking great~” “ So are you! Now come on, it’s about time!” She opens the door, pulling her boyfriend in. Niragi loudly cheers, making her laugh even more.
Man, she loved this sweet man so much.
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imjeralee · 4 years
Wallflower: Chapter 5 - The Long Day
Raihan x F!Reader
Disclaimer: Do not own Pokemon
Note: This is my first Pokemon fanfic. I hope you enjoy it :) Originally posted on Archive of Our Own.
Summary: You’re an unassuming Pokemon breeder who works at the nursery in the Wild Area and he’s Raihan, the fearsome gym leader of Hammerlocke who has more than a million followers.
You don’t want anything to do with him but he’s…persistent.
Rating: Mature/Explicit
Warnings: Lemon, smut, violence, language
It's been a long day.
A match has just finished. He lost, again. The gym challenger jumps up and down happily whilst he recalls his fainted Duraludon and the sandstorm subsides. There's sand in his eyes but he forces himself to blink through it. The crowd's cheers gradually die down as both challengers make their way to the middle of the pitch and shake hands.
"Congrats." Raihan says, before he goes over his rehearsed line. He's said it so many times, he's lost count. He hands out the Dragon badge, gives them a TM as a gift and sends the gym challenger along their merry little way. He'll also keep his eyes peeled whether the gym challenger makes it to the finals or not.
The audience leaves, the stadium grows quiet and Raihan retires to the changing rooms where he pulls off his hoodie, leaving himself in his dragon uniform, plops himself down on a cold, hard bench, removes his headband and checks his phone. He goes through his selfies and opens his trusted app, uses the filters and chooses which one suits his liking. When he's finished with the minor edits, he posts it up on his account and a slew of likes and comments appear within several seconds of being uploaded.
'Great match, Raihan!'
'Ur so hot my king <333'
'Lost again, huh? not surprised'
''I get how u like to use weather in ur battles - sandstorm, rain, hail - but that was a pure shitstorm'
'Sending u so much luv, ur ma precious bby (ง︡'-'︠)ง'
'Marry me!!!'
'Maybe if u spent more time training ur pokemon rather than taking selfies, u wouldn't b a shitty trainer. Just sayin ¯\_(ツ)_/¯'
'can I suck ur cock??'
The comments are mixed, needless to say. He scrolls down the growing list until he spots one from a fan with a username that seems familiar to him. The message says 'Plz go 2 Spikemuth??? I know u lost but I’ll always b ur biggest fan'.
Huh. Interesting. He hadn't been to Spikemuth for a long time and he hadn't seen Piers for a while either. Checking his Rotom calendar, he sees that he doesn't have any matches scheduled until next week. Maybe he should go and unwind, take a quick break. Replying to the message, he says 'Great idea!'. He doesn't even need to pack anything because he'll just be there for one night; instead, he merely books a return ticket from Hammerlocke to Circhester online and grabs his hotel keycard. Being a gym leader meant he had several privileges, including a twenty four seven hotel room courtesy of Macro Cosmos in Hotel Ionia.
Once he arrives in Spikemuth, it's already nighttime and he hits the nightclub after visiting Piers. He doesn't remember the name of the club but he frequents it and before he enters, he snaps another photo of himself and uploads it.
Inside, the nightclub is bustling. He's used to this type of scene and he goes to the bar, orders a drink. The first drink is on the house because he comes here so often. Although he's alone, he's approached various times by attractive women of all shapes and sizes who take selfies with him. In almost every photo, they stick their tongue out and do the peace sign. The amount of people who recognise him and go up to him as the night goes on makes him a little exhausted, so he doesn't stay in one area of the club for long, opting to change seats often. As soon as he's changed seats for the umpteenth time, he's immediately approached by a girl in a black dress; she's very attractive and slim.
"Hi." She says coolly, looking at him through half-hooded eyes.
"Hey." He replies, taking a sip of his drink.
"What are you doing here?"
He shrugs.
She smiles widely. "I'm Louisa. Are you gonna buy me a drink or you gonna leave me hanging?"
He takes another sip of his drink and settles the glass on the counter. "Sure."
Calling the bartender over by waving his hand lazily, Louisa excitedly takes the seat beside him and he allows her to order what she wants. It's something expensive but he puts it on his tab. For a few minutes or so, they chat and flirt, and she orders more and more drinks and her words become garbled and she asks him invasive questions which he’s used to, then she tells him she wants to be as rich and famous as he is and asks him for his secret. When he tells her there is no secret, her demeanour changes - she rubs her foot against the length of his leg before she slips out of her barstool and tugs at his hand playfully, inviting him to dance. He lets her take the lead and once on the dance floor, she begins grinding against his hips and taking his hands with hers and putting them on her waist.
Louisa's pulling some pretty bold moves but he finds himself looking away and it's then Raihan spots a girl sitting amongst a group of women in one corner who are chatting loudly; he remembers that interview he did recently and this girl - he has never seen her before and she is definetely not a gym challenger either - but she fits everything he described. He can't help but stare. She's wearing a tight, black dress which she doesn't seem to be comfortable in as she sits at the very edge, looking rather lost as she holds her drink in hand. She doesn't even look like she's enjoying herself. He watches her for a few moments or so, noticing how she lifts a hand to tuck her hair behind her ear and glance at her companions before she shifts her gaze to her lap. She's clearly not at home here. Raihan stares at her for a little longer than intended, drinking in the sight of her until Louisa steps on his foot with her pencil heel.
"Oh! I'm so sorry - " She says, before she immediately slams a hand over her mouth and rushes away - and promptly projectile vomits all over the floor. Looks like someone’s had too much to drink. She collapses and some concerned members of the public go help her out.
After making sure she's okay, he watches as she's carried out and returns to his seat and orders another drink. He downs it in one sip and wipes his mouth, finding his eyes glued on this other girl who’s captured his eye and piqued his interest; he sees her leaving her seat and walking towards his direction. It appears she's been asked to order drinks because she's the only one sober. Raihan watches her; she walks right past him, not even batting an eyelid.
What the Bidoof? She totally ignored him!
Doesn't she know who he is???
He observes her as she returns to her seat, balancing three drinks on a tray which her friends end up making her drink. A while later, she seems to be drunk as well because she heads to the dancefloor on her own, looking around and swaying slightly. Raihan finishes another drink and his head's throbbing too but what the hell - he wants to talk to her so he heads over and once he reaches her, he slides an arm around her waist and she looks up.
"Hi, do you wanna dance?"
She squints her eyes at him; she didn't hear him over the loud music. "...What?"
He repeats his question.
"I don't...I don't talk to strangers." She manages to slur out.
He's fairly amused; she's so cute, like a little Skitty with her pink cheeks and somewhat dazed expression. "I'm not a stranger, I'm Raihan."
He pauses, momentarily stunned.
Then he grins.
A girl who doesn't know him.
What are the odds, really?
There's a team of investigators at your house; the box has been removed and they opened it.
A pokemon's heart was inside.
You didn't see it but these men dressed in white came and took something red and fleshy out and deposited it into an icebox. The date has ended miserably; you sit on your sofa with the front door open as Looker’s team scour the rest of your house but the culprit is long gone. After taking down your testimony, you wonder what's going to happen next - Looker speaks to a man in scruffy shorts, flip flops, t-shirt, cap and sunglasses. People would've thought this man was a hobo but it was actually Chairman Rose in his civilian disguise. You can't hear what they're talking about but it can't be good. His secretary stands stiffly in silence with her hands clasped together, looking rather solemn.
Raihan sits beside you and you're stuck in his embrace. He's been hugging you the entire time but you feel he needs a hug more than you do because no-one should be facing this alone and also, you are grateful he's here so you wrap your arms around his waist and when you look up at him, he smiles at you reassuringly and pecks you on the forehead before snuggling you, and you do the same. It feels good to be in his arms, even though the date is over and there’s random men in your house, going through your things and trampling over your nice pristine carpet with their mucky boots.
Luckily, your Pokemon were fine - you flung open your door and when you saw Drifloon and Phantump in the living room, you pulled them into a hug and returned them to their pokeballs. Then you looked around for Espie and found her sleeping in your closet so you quickly returned her safely into her ball as well. Poliwag never left the bathroom and was swimming in your bathtub which he had filled with water so you quickly recalled him too. You tucked all your pokeballs into your safe box and counted them  three more times just incase. Everyone's accounted for. Thank Arceus, your Pokemon are unharmed. You will call Glenn later and ask if he can pop by your house and look after your Pokemon if he’s free.
What a shit way to end the first date you have with Raihan. You'll remember this for the rest of your life. Oh boy, what a story to tell the grandkids. Jokes aside, the Chairman's presence here doesn't bode well because you know once he finishes talking to Looker, he will probably speak to the both of you. This is bigger than you, Raihan and Looker...no matter how much you wanted to keep the Dusclops in the closet. More and more people are getting involved and will find out about the one night stand. This is humiliating.
Groaning, you close your eyes and Raihan hugs you even tighter than before that your lungs might pop. "Are you okay?" He's asked you that question a few times now.
You're not okay and you don't know whether to humour him or not, so you utter, "This isn't the first time I've seen a dead pokemon. Did I tell you that too?" Sarcastic, cynical response it is. He doesn't deserve it but you can't help yourself in this situation.
"Yeah," He replies (thank goodness he's not offended), "I'm sorry I got you involved."
"It's not your fault."
You resume your cuddling but it's cut short when Chairman Rose finishes talking to Looker and begins heading towards your house and enters through the front door. His secretary follows silently. Immediately, you climb out of his lap, allowing Raihan to stand up and you follow his example, except you begin to tremble slightly until Raihan squeezes your hand. Once Rose is directly in front of you, he exchanges glances between the two of you before he smiles warmly.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, my name is Rose and I'm the Chairman of the Pokemon League. You must be Raihan's new belle." He says.
Belle? Like the character from the popular, classical movie, Beauty and the Buzzwole? This guy is kind of weird. There's something off about him but you can't just put your finger on it.
Before you can even speak, Rose turns to the gym leader and adds, "Raihan, it's been a while since we last saw each other; usually I have no business in your affairs but this time....well, where do I even begin?" He's smiling but you don't think this conversation is heading to a good direction.
"Chairman Rose." Raihan greets him; he's different when dealing with this man. He's more stoic and serious. "We're taking care of it. I've got Looker helping us."
"I'm taking your word for it, but I'm disappointed in you. Get this sorted out right now. This could ruin everything I've worked for and I'm not taking any chances. Why else do you think the paparazzi aren't going crazy over this? I'm paying them to keep their mouths closed."
Raihan's expression doesn't change. "I'm aware."
"I'm glad you understand the severity of the circumstances here." With that, Rose turns and leaves. The tight-lipped woman doesn't say anything and follows after him.
There's a brief silence between the two of you until Raihan sits down on the sofa again.
"Raihan?" You mutter; he keeps his eyes trained on the floor but he looks up when you sit down beside him. "What did he mean? Is...is that why...when the photo of us got posted online, it just vanished the next day? I mean, okay, I guess it's a godsend something else came up but...did Chairman Rose really pay the press off? I'm sure that man won't do things for free......Is it coming from your pay cut?" Although you're not sure exactly how Raihan's making money - either from being sponsored by various companies or individuals, or from his social media - you're not sure but now that you think about it... well, you didn't think about it until now.
He nods.
Oh, shit. Your lip trembles slightly and you rub your elbow awkwardly. "Oh, Raihan."
"It's fine. I didn't want you to worry or get hurt." Raihan says, smiling gently before he reaches for your hand, entwining your fingers with his. You gaze at him worriedly and when he drops the smile, you carefully pull your hand free from his and taking a deep breath, you attempt to calm your thundering heart as you awkwardly slide your arms around him. This is your first time taking the initiative and your cheeks feel warmer than usual. He realises this too and he looks at you in surprise before you give him a squeeze. So... here you are, showing affection and care.
"I think it's best if we lay low after this." You mutter, "Chairman Rose is right. This is getting worse...and your career might be ruined. It's not worth it."
In response, he gives you a tight squeeze.
You hear someone clearing your throat and that's when you both throw your glances over. It's Looker; he looks slightly disgruntled. "Sorry to interrupt, I just wanted to check if you’re both okay.”
“Thanks, Looker,” Raihan replies, "We're fine."
As he begins to leave, his Rotom hovers into the air and exclaims, "Bzzzt! Confirmed visual! Suspect is at Rose Tower!"
"Thanks, Rotom. Let's go."
You turn to Raihan and your gazes meet. "...Should we go with him?"
Looker leaves Ballonlea and makes his way to Rose Tower; arriving at reception, he shows the receptionist his badge and proceeds to tell her he's looking for someone. He gives a name - a female's - and the receptionist checks internal employee records and informs him this particular employee is located on the fifteenth floor, belonging to the IT department. Looker thanks her and enters the awaiting lift. He's only been to Rose Tower a few occasions and discovers it's quite a sterile environment. He watches various Macro Cosmos employees walking around, all donned in the casual, cool uniform, with the hat and shades and the funky-looking triangle shaped pokeball holders stuck to their hips. They're all role model trainers - friendly, intelligent and hip.
Rotom did an excellent job - Raihan's biggest fan is a Marco Cosmos employee who lives in Spikemuth. It was typical - drunk father, dilapidated environment, hundreds of photos of Raihan in her room... This will be over soon.
Once the lift doors open, Looker finds the next reception desk and asks the lady for the girl and where she sits; the lady asks if she should call her - Looker says no, but asks for access inside - the lady kindly grants permission to enter the IT floor using her pass. Once inside, there are rows and rows of desks in open plan all filled with large computer screens - many employees are looking at two or four screens at one time, tip-tapping away rapidly into their computers. There's numerous Porygon floating around but they don't pay attention to him.
Looker goes up to a random employee and asks if he knows where the girl is. The employee tells him that she's at a booth and points down the hallway. Looker curses and makes his way as quickly as he can to the hot desk area where he sees a lone girl with her back to him, sitting at one of the terminals. Looks like she's in the middle of uploading something. Shit, it's not the video, right? A Banette stands beside her and once it senses Looker's arrival, it tugs on her elbow and hisses, a rattling noise emitting from its body.
"Stop!" Looker yells; he's just a few feet from her and the girl abruptly turns round in her swivel chair. "Don't do it."
It's a young girl; maybe even younger than Raihan's current girlfriend. Looker wasn't sure what to exactly expect but she seems perfectly normal. "Who...who are you??" She demands, clearly stunned by his arrival.
"Don't do it." Looker says sternly; he doesn't bother with any introductions. "I know who you are and what you did. Are you sure you want to do this to Raihan?" Looker points to the computer where the screen is frozen with the commands 'Confirm' or 'Cancel' and she throws her glance to the monitor. "Do you have it in your heart to do something like this to him? Is this something you really want to do? Think about it. If you press that button, you'll ruin everything he's worked for and you know he's worked hard to get to where he is now."
The girl looks annoyed at his words, "I-I don't know what you're talking about. Please leave."
"I went to your home and spoke to your father, and I found the hotel room with the slot behind the light switch where you put the camera. We know what you did to the Deerling. Do you really want to go through with this?"
He's expecting some kind of angry response, some form of retaliation to his claims. However, she merely closes her eyes, re-opens them and says, "You don't understand, nobody does. If I don't do this then he won't even bat an eyelid at me. I did everything for him. He is my everything. I've done everything for him and it's still not enough. He didn't see me at all. He doesn't see me...why doesn't he see me? I do so much for him. I comment on every video and photo, I go to as many matches as I can, I changed myself, I changed my hair, my eyes - but it didn't work, nothing did."
"And are you happy with yourself? With who and what you have become?"
She grows silent.
"You aren't, are you? You probably don't recognise yourself anymore. You probably don't even know who you are anymore. Deep inside, you know this is wrong."
"She was one step ahead. It should've been me, it was supposed to be me."
"But it wasn't. And now you're angry, you're upset and betrayed."
"It doesn't have to be this way."
A brief silence spawns before she casts her morose gaze to the floor. She utters, "He helped me get up every morning....helped me get through the day. If it wasn't for him, I probably would've killed myself a long time ago."
"I understand." Looker replies, "If you really love him, then you would forgive him."
Before the girl can say anything, however, there's the sound of footsteps approaching and Looker turns to see Raihan and his girlfriend standing at the hallway along with a random Macro Cosmos employee - looks like they've just arrived and everyone seems stunned to see each other.
Chaos ensues:
"What's going on here?!" The Marco Cosmos employee demands.
"Goddamnit, what the hell are you two doing here?!" Looker barks angrily; he rarely loses his cool, but this...? Motherfurret!
"What the...what is she doing here?!" The obsessed fan begins to screams; her calm demeanour vanishes at once and her expression turns murderous as she glances at Banette. "Go Banette, attack! Use Shadow Ball!" She promptly turns to the computer and Looker fumbles for a pokeball.
"Growlithe, stop her!" He throws the capsule and releases the puppy pokemon who immediately dashes over and bites on the sleeve of her uniform, pulling her arm away from the mouse but she's able to start the upload.
Banette's Shadow Ball hurtles towards the gym leader's direction; Raihan releases his Duraludon to shield his girlfriend whilst he also throws himself over her. She cannot react in time to Banette's attack but a pokeball stuck to her waist opens up and a burst of light appears, revealing another pokemon that blocks the attack along with Duraludon - it's a Garchomp - and it immediately retaliates with a Dragon Claw, knocking the Banette out in one smooth hit. Looker rushes up to the desk and grabs the mouse, cancelling the upload before it reaches one hundred per cent. Banette's attack bounces off Duraludon and the room grows silent.
”No, Banette!” The obsessed fan screams as Growlithe tugs her away from the computer and Looker quickly pulls out the USB device. With her other hand, she grabs a pokeball off her belt and tosses it forwards, “Druddigon, go!"
As a massive pokemon appears and attacks Growlithe, she is released and she quickly returns her fainted Banette into an Ultra ball before making a run for it. Looker chases after her as she disappears into the emergency exit.
"Beldum, use Take Down!"
From that day on, you took Beldum outside to train everyday. The mountains near your home was an ideal place and after a few days of scouring, you found a small patch of grass containing weak pokemon which you could use to train Beldum, namely Trapinch who are at a level much lower than Beldum. You direct Beldum when to attack and avoid and when the Trapinch faints, you jump and down on the spot with joy.
"Yay! You did it!"
Beldum turns to you, eye curling with happiness. You can't always tell what it's thinking but you know it enjoys training. You can also feel it's growing stronger as the days pass. Beldum is not strong enough to face other pokemon so you only have him face Trapinch and so far, you're also noticing that his attack stats are getting stronger compared to his others.
"Phew! Let's go home!" You exclaim, "It's been a long day."
Beldum nods in agreement. You've used up all your potions to keep his health up; no worries though, because Glenn will be going to the pokemart tomorrow and you can ask him to buy some for you. As you return Beldum to his pokeball, suddenly it disappears from your hand and you're shoved from behind. Landing on the ground, your knees scraping in process, you look up to see a group of boys on their bikes who are clutching Beldum's pokeball. Urgh, if it isn't Graham and his little gang.
"Hey! Give me him back!" You yell angrily as you get up wobbly. Your knees are bleeding and so are your palms, but Beldum was more of your concern.
"You want him? Then come get 'im!" Graham exclaims, before he starts pedalling away on his bike. His cronies follow and you growl under your breath, grabbing the handlebars of your bike and lifting it off the ground. You follow the boys as fast as you could go, going deeper and deeper into the forest and up a steep mountain path until you see them up ahead and looks like they've ditched their bikes to crouch in front of some bushes; once you arrive, you climb off your bike and run up to them, furious.
Before you can even yell, Graham grabs you and slaps his grubby hand over your mouth, silencing you. "Shhhh! It'll hear you!" He hisses and you blink, wide-eyed.
He drags you towards the rest of his group where they're spying on a large dragon pokemon in a cave that is hunched over a Deerling... it's a small, feeble thing - and your eyes widen as you see the large pokemon smash the Deerling's head into the ground and it lets out a weak but horrifying, pained bleat until it stops moving. Growling low, the massive dragon pokemon begins to sink its jaws into its body and tear at the flesh. Using it's massive claws, it proceeds to tear the body apart and you see nothing but blood and entrails. The boys are staring, transfixed, whilst you watch in horror. You try to escape but Graham's grip on you is too strong as he forces you to watch, much to your disgust.
"W-what is it?" One of the boys asks.
"I think it's a Druddigon."
"And it's eating that Deerling!"
In unison, they all coo in awe even though you're horrified and repulsed and you try to escape once more, your foot stepping over a twig and causing it to snap loudly.  Everyone gasps as the Druddigon immediately turns its head to your direction and the boys make a run for it; Graham lets go of you and pushes you to the ground once more and your head smacks against the dirt. As you sit up, your vision is slightly blurred as you watch the boys grabbing their bikes and pedal away, leaving you behind. You don't know where Beldum is until it appears in a burst of light and hovers in front of you protectively.
"Beldum!" You exclaim with relief. Glancing around, you find Beldum's discarded pokeball and grab it, just as a massive shadow covers your form and you look up to see the huge Druddigon before you. It lets out an insanely loud roar and you scream, throwing your arms over your head to brace for impact -
- but nothing happens.
Lowering your arms, you glance over to see a small blue pokemon with a red tummy that has stopped the Druddigon in its rage; it stands alongside your Beldum, facing off against the dragon. It waves it's little arms and snaps its jaws as it attempts to kick sand at the Druddigon and you know it's using Sand Attack.
A Gible?
Standing up, you know neither of the pokemon are a match against the Druddigon so you recklessly grab your Beldum and the Gible and take off running.
Oh crumbs, Looker had almost calmed down the culprit but your group ruined it by waltzing into the scene. Neither of you were aware, of course; you and Raihan had merely arrived at Rose Tower and asked if anyone had seen Looker. A kind Macro Cosmos employee said yes and agreed to take you over to see him. However, the moment you saw that Druddigon and fear gripped you like ice. It's been a long time since you've been afraid and you’re brought to your senses when you hear Garchomp growling and you blink, turning to him.
Garchomp emits another growl; you know he's asking if you're okay.
"Yes, I'm fine. Sorry about that. Thanks for saving me."
He nods and then turns to the Druddigon.
Ah, that's right. A Gible came to save you that day. It just came out from nowhere and once you successfully ran away from the Druddigon, it decided to stay with you and Beldum. Ever since you added Gible to your team, you trained him until he evolved into a Garchomp and now he's one of your most reliable fighters along with Metagross. You smile fondly at Garchomp as he waddles in front of you and you quickly come to realise that Raihan's Duraludon is fighting the Druddigon; he's whittled down the Druddigon's health until it's weak and you hastily issue a command to finish it off: “Garchomp, use Dragon Claw.” You instruct, and your pokemon strikes down your opponent with speed and strength like no other.
Druddigon is quickly knocked out and Raihan turns to you and your pokemon, grinning. "We make a good team."
You're not sure what to think - Looker was handling it fine without you two. "We shouldn't have come. What were we thinking? We're not ten years old anymore. I'm too old for this." You reply, and Raihan chuckles. Turning to the Macro Cosmos employee who has escorted you to Looker, you see he's busy on the phone informing his superiors about an emergency - also, the entire IT hot desk area is in complete disarray. Your skirmish with Banette and Drudiggon has resulted in many upturned computers and chairs and a few broken desks.
"C'mon, we need to help Looker." Raihan says, reaching for your hand.
You nod and you both recall your pokemon, then head towards the direction where Looker and the girl sprinted off to.
Adrenaline pumps through your veins and your pulse is racing. This is definitely a date to remember. You're going to remember this day for a long time. You reach the emergency exit, opening the doors where you see the stairs as well as three lifts. It's eerily silent - if Looker was chasing the girl, you would hear them, right? Two of the lifts are heading up, so naturally you assume they've taken the lift - looks like it's going to the very top floor - and you and Raihan immediately jump into the third lift once it arrives and take it all the way up. This very exciting moment is temporarily put on hold as you stand side by side and listen to dingy elevator music on your way to the top; Raihan even attempts to take a selfie. He tries to include you in the photo too but you're not in the mood for photos so you politely decline.
Once the doors slide to an open, action rears it's ugly head again - you and Raihan find yourself in a huge outdoor arena; the air here is terribly chilly and you can feel strong gusts of wind blowing from the stands. Your breath comes out in short puffs and you begin to shiver but you see Looker and the obsessed fan ahead; they have finished a pokemon battle with Looker recalling his fainted pokemon. You and Raihan rush up to him but he holds his arm out.
"Don't do anything rash." He warns, and you take note of the obsessed fan who is standing a distance away. The moment she sees Raihan, and her eyes widen with fright.
"Thanks, Looker. What's her name?"
Looker tells him.
"Thanks, I'll talk to her." Raihan mutters.
"Wait, don't - " You and Looker speak in unison, but Raihan is already walking towards her. You help Looker stand on his feet and you both watch Raihan approach the girl. The atmosphere feels terse, thick with tension.
"Hi," He says, smiling, "You're my biggest fan, right?"
"Y-yes, I am." Strange, she's very timid all of a sudden.
He says her name and she nods.
"You....you know my name?"
"Of course I do."
She clamps a hand over her mouth in shock before tears begin bubbling in her eyes.
"Thanks for supporting me. If it weren't for you, for all of you, things could've turned out a lot differently for me. Thanks for being there for me. I get a lot of harsh comments, but you've always cheered me on. Thank you."
She nods vigorously. "Yes, yes, of course I will!!! You're so important to me, I-I - " She clutches her chest, "I can't believe this, you're...you-you're actually talking to me. I-I've always imagined this! And it's really happening!" She can't seem to control herself now as she splutters and stutters before she reaches for him. She wants to touch him and she begins making her way towards him. Raihan doesn't move, allowing her to approach. What the hell?! You try to interrupt but it's too late - as soon as she's in arm's length of him, you see her pulling a knife from behind her and Raihan doesn't realise -
You release Garchomp from his pokeball and he executes a Slash, causing the knife to go clattering out from her hand. She whips her head to you, furious; Raihan exchanges glances between the two of you whilst Looker hurriedly collects the knife.
"I challenge you to a pokemon battle!" You find yourself yelling out; you need to avert her attention from Raihan or else she'll try to pull a stunt like that again should she get the chance. Enraged, the obsessed fan accepts the challenge, grabs a pokeball from her belt and releases her pokemon. It's a Garchomp, too.
"Garchomp, use Dragon Tail!" She directs her pokemon to attack first.
"Outrage!" You yell, and you watch as both Garchomp lunge at each other. You will show no mercy. The moment they clash and you wince as the Dragon Tail connects with your pokemon; your Garchomp assaults the opponent at the same time and both pokemon land on the ground. Her Garchomp wobbles slightly before collapsing. Success! The enemy Garchomp is knocked out cold and your Garchomp is still standing!
Annoyed, she recalls her fainted Garchomp whilst yours stands proudly in the arena, victorious. She chooses her next pokeball and throws it high into the air. "Go, Dragonite!"
You return Garchomp, thank him for his hard work and choose your next battler. "Go, Tyranitar!"
Raihan watches you and your pokemon with his arms crossed and a smile; you know he's impressed but there's no time to waste.
"Hyper Beam!" The obsessed fan commands, and the Dragonite begins gathering energy in its mouth.
"Ice Punch!" You yell, and Tyranitar acknowledges your instruction with a roar and slams one arm towards the direction of the Dragonite's belly. A cluster of thick ice surrounds your Tyranitar's claw which proceeds to ram into the Dragonite and it stops in mid-attack, promptly knocking out the dragon pokemon with one hit. It's super effective!!!!
The Dragonite is recalled and there's only one pokeball attached to her belt; the obsessed fan is down to her last pokemon. You wonder what her final pokemon is - and she tosses the ball onto the field. A Hydreigon appears in a burst of light and you stare as she quickly returns it; a bright red light appears on her wrist and begins to gather around her - she has a Dynamax band - and she grabs the ball which has become enlarged and throws it high into the air, revealing the Dynamaxed Hydreigon. It promptly flaps its massive wings and a fierce gust of wind almost knocks you off your feet if Tyranitar didn't help by shielding you.
"Thanks, boy." You say, as Tyranitar growls affectionately at you before turning to face the gigantic Hydreigon. "It's Dynamaxed but don't be afraid."
Tyranitar throws it's glance to the ground, twiddling it's claws together timidly.
"You can do it! I believe in you!!" You pat him on the back, and Tyranitar returns to the field. "Use Stone Edge!"
Your Tyranitar nods and emits a roar; the ground shakes and just as the Hydreigon is beginning it attack, Tyranitar summons enormous pillars of rock that burst out from the ground and slams into the Hydreigon without delay. Although it's not a super effective move, the attack hits the Hydreigon square in the chest and it begins to explode in a glorious display of fire and light before it begins to return to normal size. He did it!!
Raihan and Looker watch as the dust clears away. The obsessed fan is out of pokemon. Your pokemon had completely and utterly decimated her team in minutes and her jaw drops in disbelief.
"No!" She yells, furious. Distraught, she looks around the arena shakily before she runs for the railings - you know what she's trying to do - before she can throw herself off, Raihan has grabbed her, hauling her away from the edge just in time. She lands in his chest as he drops over the floor and she attempts to wriggle free, flailing violently. Although you wonder if she's got another knife hidden somewhere, you get the feeling she's out of options and now she is truly helpless. Raihan sits up with the girl who's crying heavily and she's immediately intercepted by Looker who takes out a pair of handcuffs, slapping them on her wrists.
You recall Tyranitar, rush over to Raihan as he gets up to stand, grinning at you. Without thinking twice, you throw your arms around him; he's taken aback by your action, eyes wide, before he chuckles and quickly wraps his arms around you in return and scoops you off the ground; you find your feet leaving the floor and you quickly adjust yourself to this new position, slipping your arms around his neck whilst he keeps you hoisted up with his arms tucked under your knees, your chest pressed against his.
"You idiot, you could've gotten killed!" You can't help but scold him.
Your faces are close as he clutches you. "I'm sorry I made you worry."
"Not good enough." You retort, "Don't do that ever again!"
"Okay." He leans in and quickly pecks you on the mouth and you find your anger subsiding; you can't stay mad at him.
The two of you then turn to Looker who is escorting the obsessed fan out of the arena and towards the lifts. She's still crying uncontrollably, and Looker glances at you and Raihan. "Good job," Looker grunts out, "Thanks for your help, I appreciate it."
"What's going to happen now?"
"You both need to come with me to the police station." Looker replies, and Raihan - still carrying you - begins to trail after him.
"You can let me down." You tell him but he merely smiles at you cheerfully.
"Nope, I like carrying my princess like this ~ "
At the police station, there's a lot to do but Looker releases both yourself and Raihan after a few hours; you have provided another set of testimony and it does appear the case is closed. He thanks you for your efforts in stopping the obsessed fan and also your assistance with police investigation. Unused to receiving compliments, you stuttered out that you didn't do anything substantial. Meanwhile, there is some damage to Rose Tower but Macro Cosmos will deal with this themselves and Looker will ensure there are no repercussions on you and Raihan. When you ask Looker what will happen next, Looker informs you that the fan is charged with a number of crimes - recording illegally, blackmail, abuse of employee rights, invasion of privacy, attempted murder and pokemon slaughter. It will depend if charges are to be pressed - in a few days, she could stand trial and her pokemon, confiscated.
Attempted murder? It sounds serious and you scratch your head in befuddlement. It's taking a while to sink in that you were in a dangerous situation earlier...it's like something out of a crime drama or an action movie. Again, these sorts of stuff might happen to your friends, yes. Just not...you.
You can't help but wonder how Raihan feels. Is he doing well? Should he see a counsellor after this? Is he traumatised? You stand at the vending machine, slotting in coins for two fresh waters. You collect the drinks and turn round to see Raihan sitting quietly with his gaze trained on the floor. He's not on his phone, either. You sit down beside him and hand him the bottle of water; he thanks you, unscrews the lid and takes a few gulps.
You both sit in silence for a while until you say, "Do you want to talk about it?"
He breathes in and exhales gently then leans back on the seat, resting his elbows on the chair and looks up at the ceiling. You guess he isn’t in a mood to talk - which you will respect so you don't press him any further. However, he reaches for you, lifts you off your seat and eases you into his lap. He lifts you up as though you weighed nothing. You blink owlishly as he encircles his arms around your waist and buries his nose into your hair, inhaling your scent. You're unmoving for a few moments before you slowly wrap your arms around him. Your action prompts him to clutch onto you tighter, his grip on you increasing.
It becomes a full body hug with your chest pressed tightly against his and your hips knocking together, your arms wrapped tightly around his neck whilst he holds you by the waist. You’re so close to him you can feel his breath on your cheeks. You rest your chin on his shoulder and give him a little rub on his back. His muscles are tense. You hope he will loosen up but all Raihan does is hold you close to him and you can feel the warmth that radiates from his body as well as his steady heartbeat. This actually feels...nice.
There's never a dull moment with Raihan, because he begins trailing little kisses over the side of your face as you cling onto him. You can feel him grinning against your skin before he presses another kiss over your cheek and finally, your lips.
Once you return home, you open the door to see Glenn in your living room, playing with your Pokemon. He's wearing a Hydreigon hood with Hydreigon sock puppets on each hand. You bristle at the sight but say nothing. Meanwhile, Espeon sits at his feet, watching. Even Poliwag has left the bathroom and is now sitting in the armchair to his left. Upon your arrival, everyone looks up and Glenn removes the hood and grins widely at you, "Yo!!! How was the date?"
You exhale loudly as you trudge over, removing your bag and collapsing over the couch beside him; you drop your head on his shoulder and groan. "It was fine. I have something for you." You take out Ponyta's pokeball and hand it to him. Glenn has been looking for one for a long time and you know he really wants one, so you figured you'd gift it to him.
"Ohh, a pokemon! This is so exciting! I wonder what's inside?" Glenn takes the pokeball off you and opens it, releasing the horse pokemon and for a few seconds, he's stunned as it lets out a high-pitched whinny and clops its hooves. Glenn's jaw hits the floor. "Oh my Drowzee, whaaaaaat! No way!! Whaaaaaaat? Nooooo, it can't be - whaaaat!"
"Yep, it's a Galarian Ponyta."
He lets out a hoot of joy. "Thanks, sis!!!!" Glenn exclaims cheerfully as he reaches over and pinches at your nose with his fingers hidden behind the Hydreigon puppet before he rushes over to the Ponyta and throws his arms around it. "Ohhh, you're so beautiful, yes you are!! I'm gonna call you 'Sugarplum'."
You giggle as Glenn continues fawning and doting over the Ponyta who neighs in response as he hugs it. It appears to have taken a liking to him immediately and he returns it to the ball, grinning widely. "Thanks, sis!"
"Raihan caught it but he gave it to me.”
He blinks. "Really?! That's amazing! Can you thank him for me?"
"Of course."
You and Glenn settle on the couch again where he continues where he left off with the Hydreigon puppet, "Hydreigon used Dazzling Gleam!"
You wrinkle your nose in response; you don't remember Hydreigon being capable of using this fairy type move, but you're well aware Glenn likes to improvise a lot. "Do you have another puppet?"
"I sure do." Glenn fishes around his bag and gives you a puppet - it's an Espurr with pink beady, glassy eyes - and you promptly drape it over your right hand. Phantump and Drifloon watch, engrossed. "Hydreigon used Dark Pulse!"
"Nooooo, it's super effective!" You cry, shaking your puppet and Espeon hisses angrily at Glenn, "But Espurr clung on using it's Focus Sash! Espurr used Play Rough!"
"It's super effective!!!" Glenn roars, throwing his fists into the air, "Hydreigon regained a little of it's HP using its Leftovers! Hydreigon used Dragon Pulse!"
"Espurr fainted!" You yell, and you make the Espurr puppet squeak with pain before doubling over. Phantump trills loudly in response whilst Poliwag and Drifloon looks between the two of you. And Espeon is still hissing in dismay. When it grows silent, the two of you burst into laughter before you drop to the couch, exhausted.
"Long day, huh?" He asks, when you stop laughing.
"Yeah," You say, "...It was a long day."
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Breaking the Ice
A first date with Jihoon at an amusement park.
△ 1,936 words | fluff | oneshot | college student!woozi | requested by: anon | flower boy date game | beta by: @half-way-happy​
“Your ideas are so refreshing and unique!!” this comment has had me crying in a corner every time i look at my inbox T-T thank you you wonderful anon! ily <333
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Somehow Seoul felt like a brand new city, and it had nothing to do with your peculiar subway route today, but rather the boy sitting at your side, the earphones dangling between the two of you filling the slightly awkward silence.
You still didn’t know what your destination was, and you weren’t keen on bugging Jihoon about it just yet. It felt a little too surreal to be out on a date with the cap-clad boy to begin with, and you had pinched your arm a few times already to make sure this wasn’t another one of your far-fetched daydreams.
But when you glanced to your side, Jihoon was still there. His eyes were cast on the phone he held with both hands on his lap, his neck and shoulders seeming tense. You wish you could help him ease out of his discomfort, but you had reverted back to the shy, quiet you from the first day you two had met.
Back then, it had been next to impossible to speak to the then-bubblegum pink haired Jihoon, the two of you speaking to each other only when necessary and avoiding each other’s gazes. It took a long time for you to break the ice enough to get to know each other, and to find out just how much you and Jihoon had in common and how well you two got along.
It wasn’t long after you and Jihoon felt comfortable enough to joke around together for you to realize how easy he was to like, and how much more there was to him than a pretty face and a pretty voice. He was smart, and his sense of humor constantly kept you in fits of laughter when you were subjected to it. On top of it all, he just had to be beautiful, and when you found yourself staring at him longer than was probably considered normal between friends, you realized how utterly infatuated you were.
The revelation had scared you at first, hoping that your blushes and the way you suddenly tripped over your own words wouldn’t give you away.
Surprisingly, it had been Jeonghan who’d noticed your change in demeanor first. He approached you one day while you made your way across campus, his smile all kinds of mischievous. “So, mind telling me why we’re back to being shy around Jihoon all of a sudden?” he’d asked then.
You had tried to come up with any excuse, but Jeonghan was sharp, and by the time you’d arrived to your destination you had known he couldn’t be fooled. You had been forced to admit your feelings for the music major in your friend group, and from then on were subjected to Jeonghan’s never ending teasing.
In the end, however, he proved to be helpful. You weren’t sure how he managed to do it, but he made sure to get you and Jihoon back on comfortable ground. From there, it had been a lot of awkward flirting around each other until Jihoon seemed to have cracked about two days ago, asking if you were free on Saturday via text.
You’d expected some kind of school related question, only to be completely floored when his next message read do you want to go out?
Followed by a clarification seconds later: with me, I mean. As in on a date?
You’d never admit to how quickly you had sent out a yes I’d love to, in reply.
And so, now you were en route to your date destination, and you didn’t realize how distracted you’d become with your thoughts until Jihoon nudged your arm, “we’re here.” He murmured, avoiding your eyes as he gathered the headphones and tucked them into his jean’s pocket.
You blushed but followed him off the subway and onto the platform. “So now can I know where we’re going?” You asked, trying to keep your voice light.
Jihoon smirked a little, checking something on his phone and keeping it carefully away from your sight. “It’s just a short walk from here.” He told you instead, motioning for you to follow him out of the station.
With a whine, you matched your steps to Jihoon’s, trying to peek at his phone but he caught on to you and refused to let you see.
Jihoon led the way out into the chilly spring morning, the both of you flinching at the change in temperatures. Before you could ask again, Jihoon was already making his way through the streets, his eyes flickering to you every few moments to make sure he hadn’t lost you in the crowd.
There was a particularly busy section of early morning tourists, and you found yourself automatically gripping Jihoon’s black bomber jacket at the elbow, smiling sheepishly when he looked at you in surprise. “Sorry!” You mouthed, trying to keep your feet steady.
Jihoon visibly swallowed, but shook his head. “Don’t worry, we’re almost there.” He assured you instead, and you just caught glance of his reddening ears before he was determinedly picking up the pace, forcing you to look away from him and focus on the crowds in front of you.
It was after a few more minutes that you finally came upon the entrance of the amusement park, and your eyes widened.
The shock was mostly from the fact that Jihoon—I’d-rather-stay-indoors-Jihoon—was currently leading you towards the ticket office of the park. Still, you didn’t say anything because you noticed how much more tense Jihoon suddenly became when he caught your reaction.
“I hope you don’t mind. I saw it was going to be a nice day and I thought maybe we could just...have fun.” Jihoon explained, his hands moving as he spoke in an effort to get you to understand his motives.
You smiled a little, looking at the group of girls in front of you. “I appreciate that,” you admitted, flustered as well. You knew of Jihoon’s dislike of being outdoors, and throngs of people, but you also knew he’d be down to do just about anything and you were excited to see a more laid back Jihoon, one you’d missed since your mutual affection had made things slightly more difficult to navigate for you both.
Jihoon tugged you with the moving line, and it was then you realized you were still gripping his jacket. You slowly let go, a little surprised when Jihoon glanced down immediately. He opened his mouth, as if ready to question your actions, but he quickly closed it and turned back to the moving line.
Jihoon refused to let you pay, sidestepping you to make sure you had no access to the teller window as he asked for two tickets and immediately handed over his card. You had been so distracted trying not to think too hard about the rest of the day, and what it might bring, that you never even saw him pull his wallet out.
You stepped away from the line once Jihoon had your tickets, with him turning to look at you with his lips pressed into a line. “Look, I know we’ve had a hard time with this...whole liking each other stuff.” He started, his hands fiddling with the sleeves of his jacket. “I just wanted us to be able to...go back to having fun together.” He admitted, scratching the back of his neck and looking anywhere but at you.
The blood rushed to your cheeks, and your heart thumped pathetically at his words. You knew there were a lot of things going unsaid, but you felt yourself falling a little more for the man in front of you.
With a deep breath, you purposely reached out to grab at the sleeve of his jacket, offering him a smile. “Then we shouldn’t stand around.” You told him, raising your eyebrows and tugging him towards the park.
Jihoon’s lips twitched up into a smirk but he allowed you to tug him along again. Once you were in the park, you told Jihoon you had to go to the bathroom, and left him awkwardly standing around a group of middle school girls. You snuck into the gift shop and bought headbands that were clearly overpriced, mostly because you figured that if you were going to be that couple—the word sent a thrill up your spine—then you had to do it properly.
With a pair of headbands in your hands, you walked back to Jihoon’s side, carefully slipping one on top of his black cap.
Jihoon made a noise, startled as he turned to look at you. Once your eyes locked, you giggled at the sight of Jihoon with a headband. “You scared me,” he told you, hand on his chest but laughing along with you.
“Sorry,” you said, not sounding sorry at all. He looked at your hand that held the other headband, his own flying up from his chest to touch the headband. “Wha—“
Your laugh got louder, and you missed the way Jihoon softened up, his hand slowly falling to his side to leave the annoying accessory alone.
With a good natured eye roll, Jihoon grabbed you gently at the elbow, towing you in the direction of the rides. “Come on,” he said, sounding playfully exasperated.
The rest of the day found you and Jihoon more relaxed around each other than you had been in a really long time. You took your time going on a handful of rides, and trying to beat each other at the festival-style games.
During lunch, you encountered the first flustering moment in hours. Even though you had spent almost all day clinging to Jihoon’s jacket, and vice versa, you found it hard to control your reaction when Jihoon reached out with his napkin to wipe a bit of the crumbs from your lunch from the corner of your lip. Even though he seemed perfectly calm, you found some solace for your embarrasement in the reddening of his ears and the telltale clench of his jaw.
Thankfully, the awkwardness didn’t last, and you were both able to jump into your previous playful mood as you took on the rest afternoon. Jihoon even indulged you with a few pictures, him taking the phone from you to take most of them. Much later, to your surprise, you would find a picture of you laughing at one of Jihoon’s whispered jabs at a passing group of tourists ruining your shots, while he eyed you with a small smile and fond eyes.
Late in the afternoon, Jihoon finally seemed to be running out of battery, the boy sitting on a bench with his legs spread in front of him and a soft groan.
“Tired?” You teased, though you too flopped on the seat next to him.
Jihoon laughed, his eyes crinkling as he rolled his head back onto the backrest. “I don’t think I’ve moved this much in ages.” He admitted.
You smiled, reaching out to nudge the headband still sitting atop his cap. “Thank you for this. I’ve had a lot fun.” You admitted.
Jihoon sat up slowly, his eyes fixed on you, a claim all on its own that he’d grown more comfortable at your side throughout the day. “I did too.” He said, nodding to himself a little and then abruptly standing up.
“Come on, let’s get you home, then.” He said, holding out his hand for you. You looked at his face, seeing the same hesitation and slight cringing, as if he was afraid you’d reject him.
You grinned at him instead, taking his hand and stepping close to him. “Dinner first?” You asked, squeezing his fingers. “My treat.”
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