fatuismooches · 5 months
AUAUUAGGWGGSFYEUVUDVIBDIBFKN HIIII Giggling about akademiya dottore again...
Like one day theres a group assignment but he finds himself with no partners!!! mostly because he's so difficult to work with. But suddenly reader just jumps out of their seat, strolls over to the teacher, and DEMANDS to be Dottore's partner.
Everyone just kinda goes "huh???" and before the teacher can even answer reader just strolls over and sits next to Dottore with a smile. ACTING LIKE NOTHING EVEN HAPPENED? Dottore is so confused and in shock. I like to think he just STARES at them for a good 3 minutes straight. agauuuaaggh
my brain hasn't thought of anything after that but the brainrot is REAL. MY BRAIN SO BIG AND FULL OF DOTTORE. I need to force myself to write omg 😭 im so lazy.
also im glad u like my art LOL ig u just know who I am now 💀 its funny tho so no worries - 🐓
It's not uncommon for Dottore to be partnerless for group activities. There was probably a point when some scholars tried to be paired with him so they could get good grades thanks to him, but needless to say it... didn't work out the way they planned. So usually it's either he has no partner for group assignments, or the professor picks partners and he's forced to work with someone else (he had zero communication with said partner... this is the only time he gets a less than-perfect grade, for poor collaboration... he's always grumpy about it).
When the professor lets the other students mingle with each other, Zandik doesn't even bother to move from his seat, already planning out everything he needs to do for the project. He just hopes he'll be able to work by himself in peace, and that he won't be bothered by the shallow minds of his fellow classmates. However, he could not have predicted your little... show. Just what do you think you're doing? And who are you even? He can't seem to recall your face.
(Little does he know, you've signed up for this class just because you heard he was enrolled in it, and you've been waiting for a group project to be assigned so you can be his partner, and then (hopefully) befriend him).
Other students are incredibly worried for you, like hey, you can join our group! Three people in a group are totally fine! You don't need to subject yourself to working with the Outcast! But nope, you've already made yourself cozy in the seat next to Zandik's, inwardly SO giddy but meanwhile, your partner has a dozen thoughts running through his mind. Mostly he wonders what's wrong with you and the feeling that this group project won't be the normal kind.
He's right on both of those things because no matter how hard he tries to avoid you, after that day you always seem to pop up out of nowhere, genuinely excited to work on the project with him and listen to his thoughts. (You even came to his dorm room with your part??) It's really weird and you are too.
But by the end of the project, he hates how he wants more.
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aajjks · 2 months
I'd let you kill me if you wanted 🥺 just kidding just kidding (😭😂) yes you can bite and no you better save yourself because you're about to LOSE
why you so cute alina 🥺
“Nooo I’d never kill you noona oh my goodness- ahhhh I’m gonna bite you all over- hehe- NOOO ITS MY TURN RIGHT NOW NOONA LET ME HAVE MY FILL OF MY FAVORITE PERSON!”
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trashlie · 9 months
You're right it's very possible that Nol had a fight with his mother... I was also moved to a different country as a child, and I remember having a phase where I resented my parents for it because I was promised all these good things, but all I got was homesickness and feeling lost in the new environment. It was probably similar for him, and it would make complete sense if he argued with Nessa about it. And related to what you sad about Nol being angry and bitter and hot-headed... I keep thinking about the dialogue that was like "He sent someone's son to the hospital" or something like that. We know it was not Kousuke, because he seemed physically fine after whatever happened. So it must be someone different then. And... Nol must have gone to school, right? Yes they were illegal immigrants, but surely Rand could have pulled some strings to get his son into a school. If he was homeschooled like Alyssa, we would probably know that, right? So, what if before the incident with Kousuke, Nol got into a fight, maybe even multiple times? Maybe those kids in school teased Nol for something. For looking different, the red hair, the freckles, his foreign name, maybe not speaking the language well. Maybe they were rumors going around about his mother, how she is a mistress, how his father is a skirt chaser, how Nol is an illegitimate child, how they're all bad people. Kids can be cruel and probably used less polite words, if you know what I mean. And Nol was already dealing with everything you mentioned. Maybe those kids pushed it too far and he snapped and lashed out. Similarly to what happened with Shin-Ae, basically. Except Shin-Ae was this small girl, she couldn't do *too* much damage (though the boy she fought looked pretty rough), but Nol was always big and tall for his age, so maybe he underestimated his strength and severely injured someone.
Think of it this way, too: One instance of being violent and unstable isn't really enough to justify locking a child into a mental facility for two years, especially with the media involved and the whole story being very public. There are procedures and protocols in place. Sure, Yui could've arranged it regardless. But what I think happened is that she got wind of the fight at school, and used it to her advantage. Made Nol appear like a repeat offender. There were already rumors and even "proof" of him being unstable and aggressive, which makes him getting violent again so much more believable, right. Much easier to convince everyone that putting him in the facility is necessary, that it's the right thing to do. It would also make it easier for Kousuke to believe Yui's narrative, because the kid attacked someone at school and you're his victim too but don't worry he is under control now you're safe. And most importantly, it would make it easier to make Nol believe that about himself. I didn't do anything to Kousuke but everyone keeps telling me that I did, so maybe I'm wrong? I know I lost control and hurt someone before, so maybe they're right and it happened again? Can I even trust what I remember, what I believe? Maybe there really is something very wrong with me? Maybe I am an unstable dangerous person that should be kept away from everyone? That deserves punishment? It would be so much easier to insert these beliefs into his head, mess with his memories and his self-perception, when there is undeniable proof of violent behavior and he probably already feels guilty about that and is starting to question himself...
First off, Nonny 💕 Thank you for sharing your experience 🥺 I can't imagine that must've been easy for you as a child to deal with such a radical change to your life.
But yes, I very much agree with you! I can't remember if I've ever said it on here or if it's only come up in my conversations, but I've been wondering for a while now if Nol DID, in fact, hurt someone. It used to be that I wondered if he really DID hurt Kousuke - quimchee has said before that they've had one fight. But a couple things never made sense. Wasn't it curious that he said "people got hurt"?
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In retrospect, it seems like an odd way to put it - that he had issues plural and that was what kept them apart. People got hurt. Even the article that mentions the heir being attacked doesn't make it sound like Kousuke had to be hospitalized. But right, I agree he very well still could have sent someone's kid to the hospital with everything he had on his plate - his unhappiness, the hot-headed anger, kids being cruel and bullying him, spreading rumors, being xenophobic, etc.
There's also this
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"Especially after hearing how you were treated in middle school."
This has stuck out to me ever since this episode dropped because of what we DO concretely know... nothing really fits that logic, does it? Had Nol ever fought Kousuke, that's not something that he'd think relates to Shinae being bullied and fighting a kid in act of desperation.
But if Nol was fighting kids, had really hurt someone and his very important father pulled weight so Nol got into less trouble... That feels like it could be something he fears will change her perception of him, what he thinks of her. Because right, even if he was lashing out after being pushed too far, the right button was pushed and he attacked, it's SO easy to see how he could turn that on himself. Further to this point, it sounds like he was put through anger management therapy and we know he uses his punching bag to let out his anger, we can absolutely see how very easily he blames himself, how HE could have been convinced of all of this. That he's unstable, he's dangerous, he needs to be subdued.
And further to that, it makes me wonder if punching Sangchul was parallel to what happened in his past. Again, Sangchul was the one taunting him, baiting him because he was certain Nol was too much of a coward to attack, so he pressed his buttons and Nol snapped. And what's more, Kousuke knows a LOT of intimate details about Nol and his family. Plenty of people know rumors about Nol and his institutionalization. Maybe Sangchul figired not only was Nol too much of a coward to act out but because he has a pre-existing record he couldn't lash out without getting into trouble.
And because everything is a parallel and Nol and Shinae are mirrors, it feels very likely that his own incidents with fighting and hurting someone were similar to Shinae's experience, where he reached his limit where it all spilled out where he lashed out at the people who were making his life hell and more miserable than before. Again, it's SO EASY to twist it around on him if he made that first move. "You should have just ignored them. You shouldn't have let their words get to you. You struck first. You hurt someone."
Likewise, it makes it so much easier to kind of brainwash him with this thinking in the hospital. To convince him that he's a bad person who deserves no kindness, who needs to be punished. As readers we get it, we understand. We see how he's been treated by people, reduced to nothing, made to feel like a bother, a mistake, that he only makes things worse. His mother's death looks like suicide, like she took her own life and abandoned him in this foreign country so far away from anyone he knows and left with this cruel family who treats him like he doesn't exist, shouldn't exist, and all of the kids who have bullied him and made him feel like shit. 😭😭😭
How easy it would be to convince this poor kid, this illegitimate bastard of the Hirahara family living as an undocumented immigrant in their shadow, that he is a terrible person who has hurt so many people who doesn't belong here who only hurts people, who can only bring harm to the people he cares about. It also would explain why he worked so hard at absolution - he believes he has so much to atone for.
And that's the worst part, isn't it? To know that he probably did fight, probably did hurt someone after putting up for so long with people taunting him, mocking, bullying him, that no one defended or protected him and when he reached breaking point, he was faulted for how he reacted. It sounds like no one gave him the help he REALLY needed, the understanding and compassion as well as the anger management. All too often when it comes to bullying we see this kind of thing, too. Those children were responsible for pushing his buttons but instead he gets blamed because he couldn't "just ignore them". Instead he was made to feel like a monster, to take all of the blame for not being able to handle what others did to him. Expecting people, especially children, to be able to carry that kind of stress, to live with those kinds of harassment and never to step in or defend them, to try to put a stop to it before it reached that stage. 😭
Once again and as always, these children were all failed by the adults meant to protect them and I will never get over it.
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Heyy I'm the anon who requested for Jinho!
I read the reply really late sorryyy :(( and yes i did mean a oneshot sorry for my poor choice of words :'(
Looking forward to what you'll be writing! <3
perspective (jinho lee x reader)
details: oneshot, gender neutral reader written in 2nd pov, general canon au but if jinho never took that motel job, you and jinho are roommates/friends
warning: themes of existentialism...? jinho and reader have those kinds of "philosophical" conversations !
summary: a conversation leads to jinho feeling like the knot he's had in his mind is slowly beginning to untangle.
a/n: dw, anon, im glad u even came back and replied at all 😭💖 thanks for letting me know, i hope this works for you~ i focused on the last part (the build up of everything) of ur request bc the rest is kinda hard to fit into a oneshot; much apologies T_T
sharing context/og request below:
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A goal to live for; a reason to make life "meaningful."
Out of everything in Jinho's life, that was what he felt like he was missing. It wasn't suffocating him, but it did make him feel... empty. And, well, he felt empty enough as is, he didn't exactly need the lack of a goal to make him even more emptier. The thing was, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't find a satisfactory answer.
Granted, he never asked anyone for their thoughts and only tried to come up with conclusions himself, but he felt like he didn't need to. Aside from believing no one was worthy enough to answer, it was just easy to guess how most people would reply anyway. Something cheesy like, "Work hard and achieve your dreams," is what they would say, probably.
It's not as if that in particular was a bad idea, it just didn't feel like enough for Jinho. Perhaps there was more to his feelings... either way, he couldn't untangle the knot in his mind.
Jinho tilted his head at the building he found himself stopping at to observe. It was an animal shelter of some kind. A brand new building, one he figured couldn't have been but a few months old.
Brightly colored posters were plastered around and he ended up walking closer to read them. He had to bend down a bit before he could properly see what was on them. The posters were asking for volunteers to help the staff.
"Should I sign up?" he wondered, holding his chin as he read the details on the paper. It was volunteer work, so the lack of pay felt like a waste but he could potentially earn himself a few reputation points. Not to mention, it would probably look good on his resume. He also had free time on his schedule and was able to make adjustments here and there so perhaps...
As he thought about it, the sound of the building's door opening made him straighten up and look over. To his surprise, he saw his roommate.
"Bye! See you tomorrow!" you called out to someone from in the shelter before the door shut behind you. The next second, you noticed Jinho and jumped a little. "You scared me!"
"Obviously," he quipped, smiling. He pointed at the poster he was just reading. "Are you a volunteer at this place?"
You sighed at his quick topic change but went along with it. "Yeah, I just discovered it like a few days ago. I was going to tell you about it since you like animals. I think?"
"How thoughtful." Jinho adjusted the grocery bags in his arm and continued to smile at you. "I was considering it. Is the work easy?"
"Well, you just clean and hang around animals mostly. Sometimes the staff force you to talk to the customers to inform them about the animals, but that's about it. So, yeah, I'd say it's easy."
Jinho hummed at your response. "I'll sign up some other day, then. It's a bit late into the evening now."
"Alright." You eyed his bags and then looked back at him. "Are you heading home?"
"Yes, I just came from a grocery store." Before you could say anything, he added, "I only bought things to make me dinner."
"You asshole," you said with a laugh, lightly slapping his arm.
He politely nodded as if to agree with you. "I'll make it up to you by walking home with you."
"If you make dinner for me with what we already have at home, I'll forgive you then."
"I refuse to cook for you unless I get something out of it."
"This guy..." A few more chuckles left you while you moved to walk alongside your roommate as he began to walk off. "I'll forgive you this time only."
"Okay." He gave you that same blank smile.
You shook your head before settling your hands in the pockets of your pants. "Anyways, now that you know about the animal shelter, I wanna talk about it."
"Could you be any more dry?"
"You piece of..."
Despite the bickering, the conversation eventually carried on into what you intended, and it ended peacefully. When the two of you arrived home, it trailed off into other topics.
Jinho started cooking for himself right away while you slid into a seat at the dining table with a snack of your choice in your hand. The two of you continued to speak while busying yourselves.
"I'm jealous of the simple lifestyle animals have," you suddenly brought up.
Jinho couldn't help but laugh a little. "Talking about the animal shelter again?"
"Kind of, I just meant what I said in general, though. Aren't you jealous, too?"
"I suppose. There is less nuance for animals in their black and white world of kill or be killed. No 'morals' to fight over." He stirred up what was in his pot before glancing at you from the lack of a response. You were currently appearing rather bewildered, as if he said something that wasn't correct.
You cleared your throat. "...I was going to say I'm jealous of animals because they don't have to pay rent or deal with capitalism, but you're absolutely right." While Jinho laughed again, you said, "Being an animal would also be kind of scary, though. Every day I would have to be fighting for my survival."
"Don't you already do that?" Jinho glanced at you again, only to make sure you would see the glint in his eye. "You never know when there's a serial killer nearby, after all~"
The sound you made after what he said sounded like you were faking a shiver. "Generally I feel safe, though. I know humanity can be cruel, but at least I'm not living in a kill or be killed situation."
Jinho continued to stir. Wherever this conversation was going, it was starting to become intriguing. "Does it not bother you that humanity is cruel in the first place?"
"Of course, but that's not all there is to humanity. Kindness and being caring is a big aspect of being human. And I think that outweighs the bad, no matter how terrible things get."
"Is that so..." As Jinho turned off the stove, he mulled over your opinion. "Is that how you define humanity, then?"
"Sure, if you wanna put it like that." You munched on your snack for a bit and then blurted, "Oh, and stuff like creativity. Art, cooking, and all that--that's what makes humans human!" You smiled at at your roommate while he stared emotionlessly at you. He had trouble processing your words and only realized he forgot to reply after your smile started to fade. "You're an art student, so you get what I mean, right?"
"Hm." He tried to give you some kind of smile to compensate for his little reaction while he moved about to grab a bowl and spoon. "I'll just say that's an interesting point of view."
You raised a brow. "Is it? I think it's a pretty common view." You timidly asked, "Do you not think the same?"
Jinho let out a small, airy laugh. "I feel like I'm the only human in this world, but I don't think the way you do at all."
A look of concern grew on your face. "Well... what do you think, then?"
"I don't know. I haven't put much thought on it, and even if I did, there's a knot in my head preventing it. All I know is I feel like a human and everyone else feel like... animals."
"Huh." Your look of concern intensified. "I didn't know you thought like that, Jinho."
"Yes, because I've never told you." You shot him a glare, which only earned you a sly smile. Once he got his things together, he left the now empty pot in the sink and joined you at the dining table with his meal. "I'd still like to hear more about your view on humanity. Outside of what defines being human, what do you imagine is the 'most human' goal to have? What is there to strive for in our short, insignificant lives?"
"Woah, this conversation took a very intense turn," you replied, seemingly trying to lighten the mood. "Wait until 1:00 AM or something to give me an existential crisis."
"Very funny, now will you answer my question?"
He watched in amusement as you thinned your lips and shifted in your seat, clearly looking uncomfortable. Still, you ended up giving him an answer, but not before saying, "I don't know if the feeling you were describing earlier means you feel lonely, but I hope you know I'm here for you. We're roommates, but we're friends, too."
Words Jinho had heard millions of times. At least you seemed more truthful about them. As far as he could tell, you "cared" for him more than other people he's met, and you weren't annoying about it or trying to get something out of him.
Still, he ended up shrugging off your kindness. "Don't worry about it. Tell me what your answer to my question is."
A look of pity flashed in your eyes. "Right, uh... I can't speak for everyone, but personally I don't think we even really need to have goals."
"That's boring." Jinho frowned at your unsatisfying answer. He had been waiting all this time for your reply after the interesting things you said, only for this to be your answer? It didn't help him at all. He should've kept to his original idea about never asking anyone what they lived for.
You seemed mildly offended. "Listen, I'm just saying there's nothing wrong with simply living. We all don't need to be main characters going through six training arcs before achieving our goal of beating some bad guy. I mean, maybe some people do have it like that, and good for them to have something to strive for, but me and some other people are fine with just drifting by."
The frown on Jinho's face firmly stayed there. "Isn't that kind of lifestyle empty? What's the point if there's nothing to push you?"
"This probably sounds crazy, but some people just want to live and enjoy life as it is." Now you were just being sarcastic, yet there was a genuineness in your words. "Besides, I'd argue being unsatisfied and bored with life is what's really empty."
Why did that sound like you were indirectly calling him out? Surprising even to himself, it left Jinho unable to say anything in response.
Your words swirled around in his head, and he ended up deciding to just start eating his dinner. Meanwhile you went back to eating your snack and a silence fell over you two.
Of course, there was more Jinho wanted to say, but he was unsure of how to. He had much more to think about anyway.
Weeks had gone by. Things went back to normal after a slight awkward stage. The conversation from then had not been brought up between you two ever since but it stayed in Jinho's consciousness. For too long, if he had to be honest.
Again, he never asked for anyone's thoughts on what they lived for because he didn't think anyone was worthy enough to answer, but the conversation he had with you lead him to asking for your opinion.
Your answer was so strange. Here he was, wandering aimlessly and feeling empty with no direction, and was now being told that was okay. He didn't have to feel empty? He could be content with such a life? It made no sense. Yet you were a living perfect example of what you had described. It was easy for anyone to see how happy you were with your life.
What you thought of humans also fascinated him. Kindness and creativity, those were acts of humanity. He was capable of both, was that what made him human? You were capable of both as well. And his classmates. And the neighbors. And even the lady at the grocery store. But how come your kindness felt so different from his? Because he knew he only acted kind to get what he wanted while you acted kind just for the sake of it? Were you... more human than him?
Curiosity is all he felt. He wanted to understand--he had to understand why you were able to live and think the way you did. Anything but his boring life would be better.
"Who would've thought a simple conversation with some roommate would have me rethinking my entire life?"
It felt ridiculous to him, but he couldn't deny feeling somewhat thankful. The threads in his head were being gently tugged on after all. It could potentially lead to the knot being untangled.
Perhaps the simple insight you gave him that day were the words he had needed to hear to all his life.
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trans-xianxian · 1 year
hello ben been following u for a while love the content great stuff. rewatching cql and wanted to know ur opinion on whether or not u think wwx knew he was in love with lwj b4 his death, after his resurrection, or post-canon? and talking like, IN LOVE. crush he probably knew like idk. during or after the schooling portion as teenagers ?
idk what the book says but cql specifically i think he knew pretty early on. there are a lot of fics about him JUST figuring out his feelings post-canon surprisingly so i wanted to ask u abt it lol
u've probably already said in the past but i either forgot or didnt see when uve all discussed it. thank u much love hope the hair comes out cool as shit
here's my timeline for how I think wei wuxian felt about lan wangji throughout the series/how aware and comfortable he was w those feelings:
I think that wei wuxian knew almost immediately that he was at the very least Attracted to lan wangji. he makes that stupid gay face the first time he sees him. throughout the cloud recesses arc it's pretty clear that wei wuxian has himself a little crush, and I think he definitely knows it. I've seen a lot of interpretations saying that wei wuxian had a crush but wasn't aware of his own feelings, but all of his clumsy attempts at flirting w lan wangji and trying to get his attention make it obvious to me that he knows very well how he feels and is not uncomfortable or in denial of those feelings
I don't think that wei wuxian was necessarily In Love with lan wangji by the time he's thrown into the burial mounds, but I think he's moved on from silly teenage crush to something more. the thing that makes him finally sit up and keep going in the burial mounds is him imaging lan wangji saying his name for fucks sake
during/around the sunshot campaign I think he is somewhere between Very Strong Romantic Feelings and In Love, and the fact that they spend half of that time at odds w each other only complicates his emotions and how much he is able to accept his own feelings. he obviously feels very strongly for lan wangji in a romantic way and is pushing and prodding to see if lan wangji feels the same but a lot is happening and he has just experienced intense emotional and physical trauma, Every emotion he's feeling is intense and complicated and repressed
as for post sunshot campaign pre yiling laozu era wei wuxian... I think this is where his feelings for lan wangji become more complicated. wei wuxian is pushing Everybody away post burial mounds and trying to separate himself from all of his attachments. he went through unspeakable trauma and now the war is over, he is left with a lot of time and space to fester in his trauma in a way he wasn't during the sunshot campaign. wei wuxian is conflicted about All of his relationships, including his relationship with lan wangji. I think he's struggling with being close to and vulnerable with anybody, and accepting new, intense, and, honestly, dangerous emotions for lan wangji is difficult for him. at this point he is very much shutting down emotionally and he very well may be In Love by then but I certainly don't think he's processing it fully. I think their conversation on phoenix mountain speaks to both wei wuxians uncertainty about their relationship and the intensity of his feelings for lan wangji
now. by the time "at least I could be killed by you, that would be worth it" happens, I Do think that wei wuxian is in love if only because that's the most batshit insane romantic thing I've ever heard in my life no other evidence needed. I think by then he's started to process his emotions more but also there's like. a lot going on right now. I don't think it's high on his list of priorities
By The Burial Mounds Arc, I 100% believe that wei wuxian not only knows that he is in love with lan wangji, but is fully aware of the fact that lan wangji is in love with him. for me, part of their tragedy is that by the end they both Knew, but they had simply run out of time. what is the point of saying it now, at the end? what good is that? maybe if they do not say it outloud the fact that they cannot act on their feelings for each other will hurt less
but part of the joy of their relationship post res Is the tragedy that came before it. they thought they had run out of time but they didn't! wei wuxian gets a second chance! they have been given more time!!
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aephalen · 2 years
Okay okay so I just found your stuff last night before I passed out, and I saw your funky fnaf sb oc right. The cool looking black and white jester one. And then I fell asleep. And the man?? Was in my drram???? He called me a little shit (affectionate) and picked me up and carried me around under his arm. And I'm a short human being. I'm 4'10 and everyone at my job teases me for it bc I'm a grown ass adult and one of my coworkers has kids who are taller than me, despite one being like 12. ANYWAYS. he was super tall (like taller than Moon and Sun tall) and he kept saying he was gonna drop me but he never did or tried to jokingly drop me. Before I woke up, he set me down and crouched down to do that cliche head ruffle and asked me to visit him again soon, because he's been so lonely. When I woke up I was so shook and almost cried because he sounded so sad?? And so lonely??
So yeah. Tldr; I found your art last night, fell asleep and had a dream with one of your ocs and woke up in near tears because he sounded so sad
but??? The fact your brain got a weird amount of details right?? Is just????? I-
Like he's a menace. An absolute ass. Would 10/10 pick up short people just to mess with them
Actually just the entire interaction you've had with him is just?? Weirdly accurate ???
And like I always imagined him somewhat taller than sun/moon as well?? Not by like a huge amount but definitely taller
And and
I just???
I don't wanna completely spill his lore yet as I don't even have his ref done but he actually is sad and lonely???? 😭😭
At least in like current-day pizzaplex,, he used to be much more of a carefree mischievous trickster before but uh yeah
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thebrixtons · 2 years
hi! do you have any tips for a new/just starting out royal simblr? anything you can tell me is greatly appreciated.
also, one more thing: any tips for how to place/adjust tiaras using the hat slider? i’m seriously losing my actual mind over here trying to position tiaras and i don’t even know if i’m doing it right 🤣 ty!
hiiiii my lovely anon 💗
my biggest tip would be organizing / mapping out your characters, story, etc ! (i use notion, but milanote is also good) the idea might be a lil daunting, but it can actually provide some good inspo to flesh out your characters and ideas of where you wanna take your story 😋
for me, i forget things easily so this is a HUGEEE help ! plus, it’s cute to write “character x is a scorpio, hates xyz, loves xyz, personality traits abc, has goals of xyz” these little things play a huge role in who they are, how they “speak” etc!
also 😭 i understand the pain of hat slider. it’s tricky !! the creator of the mod has a youtube tut on how to use it so i highly recommend you watch it here! if you want to make sure it looks right / accurate, i always reference irl pictures of royals wearing tiaras — sometimes it’s a lil off in game and you can’t get certain tiaras to look right, but that’s okay !!
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maximotts · 1 year
gnaws ur ankles [affectionate]
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heymrspatel · 1 year
I just noticed that we can also see your Ian’s breath! It is just a different technique (Is that the right term?) I have been staring at it for a long time because it makes me soft and I just noticed it. I love it
oh hi! yea, his breath is swirling out 😌 it just sort of blends in with the background.
mickey also has a little overwhelmed with love puff. you know the one? when someone does something unbearable cute and you just sort of huff out because you can't believe it? brain goes absolutely blank. you can only swoon and huff out a little breath? anyway yea lmao 😮‍💨
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i-luvsang · 1 month
Bro :// I'm sorry you're feeling that way :( do you wanna talk about it?
awe you are too sweet <333 thank you for offering my love! i will take you up on it bc grrrrr ranting will help me process <33 :,) im just upset bc its something ive dreamed of and got really excited about that thought i might actually achieve after saving up for it for so long :// it just feels really disappointing too that i totally could have afforded this the last time when the vip package had the hi touch in 2022 but i didn’t go for it then to save money. not a bad thing per say! just really disappointing that now that im willing to pay the extra money and have saved up for it thats its both far more expensive and not even a possibility this time. i just don’t understand why they wouldn’t include hi touch this tour and then charge so much more. i totally expected tix to be more because they have even higher demand of course after growing more famous and performing at coachella!! but to not include the same benefits as last time makes no sense to me and is just really disappointing :(( i know getting my hopes up isn’t my fault, but i really just wish they’d release official prices and vip packages so i wouldn’t have as much. they did last tour so it feels lame that the fans had to do our own research by snooping around or emailing the venue ourselves etc. it just feels like such a grab for money, which is to be expected of a kpop company but still disappointing. i would’ve paid the money if they just included the same benefits as last time😭
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90sbee · 7 months
i fucking love that you love leon 😭 like it makes me smile and happy laugh every time you post ab him.
i don’t even play this game and i feel the need to love leon bc you love leon.
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THISNISNSO FUCKING SWEET THANK YOU??? anon i love you i am dissolving into tears actually. he is such a stupid little man. looks so tough and he is just. a dork. i'm so glad i came across hisnstupid face bc he made me go back into writing and also made m e come back here and interact with such nice people and !!! SobbiNG !! 😭😭😭 my mind also immediatelt went into this tiktok bc jdkdd ghat's him. a fucking dork i love him
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faithinlouisfuture · 1 year
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iluvpjo · 3 months
Imagine you play a role in pjo maybe silena or something and ure at the pjo premier with everyone else (ure dating charlie) n you and charlie dissapear for a bit and when you come back everyone is confused and is whispering like 'why is she walking so wierd?' SKSKDKDKFK IM SORRY
Also can i be 🌻 anon??
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𝒲𝒶𝓁𝓀𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝐹𝓊𝓃𝓃𝓎 𝒲 / 𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓇𝓁𝒾𝑒 𝐵𝓊𝓈𝒽𝓃𝑒𝓁𝓁
(Walking funny w/ Charlie bushnell)
Synopsis: (read the request basically for a longer version) basically u n charlie hangout n when u come back ur walking funny 😋
Warning(s): NSFW! MDNI, I don’t think um there has to be anymore warnings…
Pairing: Charlie Bushnell x fem reader
Word count: 1,315K
Note: HEHE hi 🌻 anon!!! Welcome n ily, also ur brain is so smart n sexc for this!!!
*also guys just so yk if u can’t tell I write fics differently to how I write THIS kinda stuff beforehand 😭 like I write silly here but not during my fics ^^
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Send me a request! Here’s my req rules :)
Come find me on AO3!
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There were loud yet hushed noises echoing around the bathroom that shielded the two of you from the rest of your cast mates, hiding you both away so you could get a quick quickie in before joining everyone. Inside the bathroom stall the two of you were on each other, your teeth clashing as your skin slapped against skin. It was hot and it was lewd, and you were sure you’d die of embarrassment if the two of you ever got caught like this.
“C-Charlie, hurry.. we’ve gotta get back to the premier!” You complained through your teeth, pouting your makeup covered lips. You were sure that your stylist would kill you for ruining your makeup and hair, your mascara was slightly smudged in the corners from your eyes watering — you couldn’t help tearing up a little when Charlie would stimulate you like this. Your lipstick was also a mess, and Charlie knew he’d have to wash your kiss marks off of his neck at the sink before leaving the bathroom together.
“I know sweetheart, but you wanted this remember?” He asked in a bit of a condescending tone, his lips curling up into a smirk as he kept standing there in front of you between your legs. “I- I know..” You huffed and crossed your arms over your chest, pouting your lips and furrowing your eyebrows at him like you were upset at him. But he knew you weren’t, he simply chuckled and shook his head at your pouty reaction, scoffing and mumbling that you were very ‘cute’ when you acted like this.
“I’m not cu- ah!~” Your complaints were cut off by Charlie when he thrusted deeper inside of you, pressing harshly against your cervix and making your stomach ache a little “Hold that thought sweet girl. Unless you don’t wanna cum?” Charlie tilted his head at you as he asked that with this smug smile on his face. “Of course I do!-“ He cut you off again “Tut. Tut. Then be quiet for me sweet girl, I don’t want anyone catching us like this..” Charlie chuckled a little to himself as he watched you accept and grumble to yourself a little.
Charlie moved you carefully so that you were in a better position for the both of you, you were bent over and your arms were holding yourself against the wall. Charlie was standing behind you, his hands gripped tightly on your hips as he rocked himself back and forth inside of your tight pussy. You weren’t the best at taking it from behind, the position would always be a little too much for you— but Charlie wanted you to take it today. He knew you’d have a harder time staying quiet but he wanted to challenge you, plus he found it really cute how you were trying your hardest to stay quiet (even if you were failing!)
“C-Charlie..~” You groaned out, your legs trembling underneath you as his cock kept hitting against your fleshy insides. Your wet slick was dripping onto him, covering his large cock as well as dripping down your thighs a little. “Yes, my love?” Charlie asked you with a hushed voice, “f-feels good..” You whined out and bit down on your bottom lip to muffle your moans. “Yeah sweetheart? It feels good does it? Let me help you feel even better..” You didn’t have any time to question what he meant, he lifted your right leg up and started hitting inside of you at a different angle which had you close to seeing stars.
You removed one of your arms from holding onto the wall, having to use it to cover your mouth. Your moans were muffled, but it didn’t mean that they were silent “mfhh!~ ah!~ fuckk’” You cried out as Charlie’s cock ruthlessly pounded into you from behind. “Fuck.. Sweet girl, I’m gonna cum..” Charlie warned you and you just nodded at him, encouraging him to just keep going. Charlie hissed under his breath as he had to keep quiet as well, letting out a soft gutters groan when he began to cum.
His cock twitched before spurting out his hot seed which painted your insides white, a bit of his cum dripping from your cunt. Charlie took a moment as he had a breather before he then slammed back inside of you, he felt a little more sensitive but he had a goal to make you cum as well. You threw your head back in pleasure, squirming against him when the tip of his cock entered you deeper and got pressed to the hilt. You couldn’t control yourself anymore and you began to cum, your eyes teary and your legs shakey as your pussy clenched tightly around him and came.
“Fuck’ C-Charlie I love you!~” You cried out as you came, your orgasm hitting you roughly like a huge wave. “I love you too sweetheart.” Charlie helped you as you began to recover from your orgasm, helping you sit up against his chest. Your legs wanted to give out, shaking and hurting from just standing there but luckily Charlie was holding onto your waist now. “Don’t worry sweet girl, I’ve got ‘ya.” Charlie reassured you as he slowly helped you clean up a little and get dressed, pulling your panties up and pulling your dress back down etc..
“T-That felt really good.. L-Let’s get back to the premier before they realise we’re gone!” You told him and tried to hurry, Charlie paused you for a moment as he had to quickly use the sink to wash off the lipstick marks. As he looked in the mirror cleaning himself he replied to you and said “I think it might be a little too late for that dear.” He spoke “What? No.. it’ll be fine, I don’t think they even noticed!!!” You were lying to yourself and Charlie could see it, but he wouldn’t say anything because he didn’t wanna embarrass you.
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(There’s more writing btw)
“Hey, where’s Y/n and Charlie gone? They’ve been gone for a bit now and the premier is about to start!” Leah complained and began to fidget in her seat as she looked around for them, her head turning and trying her best to look behind the rest of the people sitting around hoping to find them each somewhere in the crowd. “It hasn’t been that long, has it?” Walker asked her and squinted his eyes a bit, Leah huffed and pulled her phone out to show him the time.
“Didn’t we get here almost an hour ago?” Walker questioned as he saw the time “Like around five I think. They’ve both been gone almost the entire time we’ve been here!” Aryan joined the conversation as he heard the two of them talking. They were all discussing about where they thought that you and Charlie would be that they didn’t notice when the two of you actually joined them, only turning their heads around to see you two when Dior spoke up.
“Wait— why’s Y/n walking like that?” Dior whispered to herself, blinking in confusion as she watched. Walker and Leah leaned forward to look past Aryan and Dior, Walker letting out a bit of a laugh “Haha! She really is walking weirdly. Why do you think that is?” Walker gossiped to Leah and Aryan “No idea.” Aryan shrugged his shoulders.
“Sorry we were gone guys! I uh— we got held up.” You excused yourself and sat down beside Dior, Dior looked over at you and was about to say something until she noticed your flushed face and messed up hair. She shut her mouth, turning away and gigging a little to herself, she knew exactly why you were walking weirdly now. Aryan heard her laughing and looked over at you too to figure out what was going on, and he sorta got a bit of an idea too but wasn’t quite sure.
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incognit0slut · 3 days
omg neeeed a spencer fic based off of lunch by billie eilish, i feel like that song definitely suites him 😭
Being cornered in the filing room was the last thing you expected when Spencer asked you out for lunch.
Warnings: (18+) oral (f), semi-public (they’re at work) ~1.6k words
A/n: Ty anon I've been listening to this song nonstop and now I have a reason to use it for munch Spence, ily
“What do you want to eat for lunch?” you asked, striding through the bullpen with Spencer at your side. He had a hand on your lower back, and you couldn't help but wonder why he was being so touchy at work when he was usually the one insisting on professionalism. Not that you were complaining; you’d take any small gesture of his affection.
“How about that new sushi place around the corner?” you suggested, leaning into him slightly. “I could go for a salmon skin roll.”
He remained unusually silent, and as you exited through the glass doors, you frowned when he guided you away from the elevator. “What—” you began, looking up at him as he led you down the hallway. “Where are you taking me?”
His silence was starting to unnerve you. He glanced around to make sure no one was nearby before pulling you into the filing room and shutting the door behind you.
“Spencer,” you hissed, eyes darting around the room. “What are you—”
Before you could finish, his lips were on yours, pressing you against the door. His hands cupped your face, holding you in place as he kissed you with a fervor that left you breathless. You hadn’t realized just how much his kisses could affect you until you started dating him—each one was deep, passionate, and downright knee-weakening.
When he finally pulled away, you clung to his arms for balance, your mind reeling. “What was that for?”
He grinned mischievously. “I’m hungry.”
You blinked, confused. “So you decided to eat my face?”
He chuckled, leaning in to peck your lips again. "That was just the appetizer." His hands trailed down your body, and when you felt him run his palm down your legs, you knew you were doomed.
"Spence," you warned, trying to give him your best glare but already melting into him as his fingers slid under your skirt. "I thought you wanted to have lunch."
"I do," he agreed, slipping inside the waistband of your panties. "And I am. I want to eat you."
You really needed to talk to him about his oral fixation—not that you minded, because honestly, you loved it when he went down on you. The problem was, he didn't always pick the right time or place.
Like that one time on a date when he begged to taste you, leaving your food cold when you returned from the bathroom, with the waiter giving you the stink eye you could feel the judgment in their gaze. And now he wanted to do it at work, with your friends practically in the next room.
"We can't—" you tried to protest, but your voice faltered as he nibbled on your earlobe.
"Shh," he whispered, his breath hot against your skin. "I’ll be quick."
Before you could respond, his hand slipped further down, and you let out a gasp, clutching at his shoulders. His touch was electrifying, and you found it increasingly difficult to remember why this was a bad idea.
"We're going to get caught," you managed to say, though it lacked conviction.
"We won't," he murmured, and when his fingers brushed your arousal, he laughed softly, spreading your slickness up and down your folds. "You’re already so wet."
He grinned when he felt your hips thrusting and bucking upwards. He knew you were inviting him to give you more. The flat tips of his fingers begin to dip in your entrance teasingly. You wanted him. You needed him. He knew he had you right where he wanted.
"Spencer, please," you whispered, half in protest, half in desperation.
"Please what?" he asked, his voice husky. "Please stop? Or please don't stop?"
You could barely form coherent thoughts, let alone words. "Please… just..."
He took that as encouragement, intensifying the pressure and speed of his movements. You clung to him, your knees weakening, your breath hitching in ragged gasps. Just when you felt you couldn't bear it any longer, he knelt before you, deftly sliding your panties down your legs. Any resistance dissolved as he gripped one of your legs, hoisting it up over his shoulder.
“Lift your skirt up.”
With trembling hands, you gathered the fabric and lifted it, exposing yourself fully to him. His eyes couldn’t help but rest on the sight, taking note of your swollen, aroused lips and how wet you already were. His fingers traced over your slick folds, teasingly brushing against your sensitive skin before lowering his head between your thighs.
The moment his tongue made contact, you were already lost in a haze of pleasure. Your head spun as nerves and excitement merged into a blissful frenzy in your mind. He teased up and down your slit, briefly dipping inside your dripping entrance before returning to focus on your swollen, aching clit.
"You taste amazing," he grunted, his voice thick with desire. His hands encircled your thighs firmly, keeping you in place as his tongue circled and flicked over your sensitive bud. He sucked lightly, causing you to hold your breath, before releasing it in a ragged gasp. Your hips bucked uncontrollably as you ran your hands through his hair, tugging on the strands, eliciting a deep, rough yet eager moan from him.
This was why he loved tasting you so much. He was addicted to your reactions, the way you whimpered and moaned, and the eager groans he made between your trembling thighs. He reveled in the sensation of your juices against his tongue, thrilled by the chance to please you and watch your legs quiver around him. He adored the way your voice strained when you called out his name, and how tightly you gripped the strand of his hair between your fingers.
He loved it all, making it clear as his tongue sped up, circling your clit even faster. Looking up at you, he saw you trembling, your gaze locking onto his wide, shining brown eyes as he continued to pleasure you. Each flick of his tongue, every gentle suck, drew you closer to the edge.
"Please," you cried out, fingers gripping his hair as you moved your hips against his mouth. "I'm so close," you gasped, your focus entirely on him, feeling the pressure of his tongue against your throbbing cunt.
He responded with a low, satisfied hum, the vibrations sending shivers through your body. The tension built within you, coiling tighter and tighter until you were teetering on the brink of release. Your breaths came in shallow pants, your entire body alight with anticipation.
He held onto your thighs firmly, keeping you in place as he expertly licked your folds, skillfully massaging your clit with the flat of his tongue. The way he moved, the way he tasted you, it was driving you wild. You could feel yourself spiraling, the tension building inside you, pushing you closer and closer to the edge.
With one final, skillful flick of his tongue, he pushed you over the edge. The orgasm hit you like a tidal wave, your body shuddering, your breath catching in your throat. You cried out, a raw, uninhibited sound of pure ecstasy, as the pleasure washed over you in powerful, crashing waves.
Spencer held you through it, his tongue never slowing, drawing out every last bit of your release until you were spent and trembling in his arms. Only then did he finally pull back, looking up at you with a satisfied, almost smug expression.
"You okay?" he asked softly, his hands gently caressing your trembling thighs.
You nodded, your breath still coming in shallow gasps. He rose to his feet, his eyes still locked on yours as he wiped his lips with the back of his hand, his expression one of satisfaction and tenderness. He pulled you into a warm embrace, his hands gently rubbing your back as you steadied yourself, your legs still trembling slightly from the intensity of your release.
You leaned into him, your head resting on his shoulder. "I can't believe we just did that," you said, your voice still shaky. "We could have gotten caught."
"The thrill of almost getting caught makes it even better, doesn't it?"
You groaned and swatted his chest. “I hate you.”
“No, you don’t.” He chuckled softly, his fingers brushing a stray lock of hair away from your face. "Let's get you cleaned up before someone wonders where we are."
Nodding, you straightened your skirt and tried to compose yourself, though the lingering heat between your thighs was a constant reminder of what had just transpired. Spencer handed you your panties with a playful smirk, and you quickly slipped them back on, feeling a mix of embarrassment and exhilaration.
As you both stepped out of the room, the hallway was thankfully empty. He kept a protective arm around your waist as he guided you back towards the bullpen.
"Where did you two go?" JJ asked the moment she saw you. "We just ordered takeout."
Spencer stepped slightly aside from you, but his arm remained reassuringly around your waist. "It's fine, I already had my lunch, anyway," he replied smoothly.
You cleared your throat, trying to regain your composure, and returned to your desk as you ignored JJ’s stare. The slight blush on your face threatened to give you away, and you shot him a discreet but pointed glare.
"Yeah? What did you eat?" JJ asked, her curiosity clearly piqued.
"Oh, just something... incredibly satisfying," he said, his voice dripping with innuendo. “Something I've been craving for a while."
You bit your lip, hoping the warmth in your cheeks wasn't too obvious as you met his eyes briefly, noting the smug look on his face.
You were going to kill him.
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azulpitlane · 5 months
vicious I ln4
pairing: lando norris x reader, a little of charles leclerc x reader🫣 summary: lando's fans always attack you yet he does nothing to defend you, inspired by vicious by sabrina carpenter notes: if youre the anon that requested this sorry it took so long lol! but you were so sweet ty masterlist, part two
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liked by maxfewtrell, charles_leclerc and 1,829,392 others
yourusername lil getaway
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user wait is she dating lando??
user there's been rumors of them dating for months but neither of them have confirmed user hopefully not lol
user i had no idea she went on this trip
user yeah cause lando never posts her or even likes her posts lmfaoaofda
user am i the only one that finds her annoying...
user nooo everyone else does lol shes always leeching off lando
yourbff ur perfect babe liked by yourusername
user pls dont let this be a hard launch🧎‍♀️lando get UP
user of course she has to post lando🤣she needs him for the likes
maxfewtrell spent more time on the ground than actually skiing
yourusername SHHHH it was my first time
user why are all these comments about lando?? im only looking at her😍
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f1gossip Y/n Y/l/n spotted in Bali celebrating New Years at Martin Garrix's show, possibly with Lando Norris. The two have sparked dating rumors for a few months now but no confirmation has been made from either of them.
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user we might have to start accepting that theyre dating☹️
user wait im new to the fandom, whys everyone hating on y/n i love her music...
user shes always posting lando for attention and he clearly has no interest in her, he doesnt even like her posts user plus his ex >>>>>>> y/n
user she doesnt deserve him, he needs someone lowkey and y/n is such an attention whore
user not surprised shes there, always leeching on him
user right like girl give him space, he aint yours
user im a y/n defender idgaf. everyone in these comments are just jealous liked by yourbff
user yikes... user defending someone who needs a man to stay relevant lol ok
user i miss luisinha😭
user im convinced theyre still dating and shes using lando for pr
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y/n hey lan, i safely made it back to the hotel
lando 👍
y/n i still dont understand why you wanted me to leave early though, its not even midnight :(
lando y/n, we talked about this. there was lots of paparazzi there and if they saw us together on midnight they would think we're dating
y/n we ARE dating... why are you acting like we arent?
lando yk what i meant im just trying to protect you from the craziness that comes from dating me baby
y/n im already getting hate, hows hiding me any different?
lando lets just not do this tn. yk how much worse its gonna get it if we confirm anything listen i love you, isnt that enough?
y/n yeah, ily too
lando ill see you later tn❤️
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lando baby where are you? come on it was a drunk mistake, yk i only love you it was just martins friend, you know her
y/n oh the girl you told me not to worry about?
lando it didnt mean anything why are you acting like this?
y/n because you fucking cheated. im leaving and im moving out of the apartment
lando please dont, im sorry baby i love you
y/n you say you love me but you can never prove it you hid me away for a whole year, was it so you could hook up with other girls?
lando of course not wth but since there's clearly no trust in this relationship maybe we should end it i wish you the best y/n read
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liked by charles_leclerc, pietrapilao and 3,295,203 others
yourusername new year same me, wasnt ever the problem
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yourbff YES WIFEY liked by yourusername
user she unfollowed lando omg.
pietrapilao out of sight out of mind🧘‍♀️ liked by yourusername
user is this about lando omg...
luisinhaoliveira99 😍😍 liked by yourusername
charles_leclerc 🖤
user OH?
user what is going on in these comments omg??
user shes finally realized lando will never date a girl like her
user hahaha fr she finally deleted all her posts with him user probably gonna go for piastri now🤣
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liked by charles_leclerc, landonorris and 3,294,234 others
yourusername took some time off music but dont worry, im back and ready to prove i dont need anybody to stay successful
vicious is out now💌
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yourbff sooo back baby
user this has to be about lando...
user the lyrics are heartbreaking omg
user you all owe her a big apology for the way you treated her
charles_leclerc you look good in red this comment has been deleted
charles_leclerc love it! this comment has been deleted
charles_leclerc congrats on the new song!!
taylorswift 💌❤️
user yall better not start switching up!! if you were hating on her, stay away
user are we just going to ignore charles' deleted comments??
user bro was NERVOUS
user we dont know if this is about lando!! they were just friends
user you toxic lando fans need to stay away🙄 she was never seen with anyone else this past year so its clearly about him. hes not some saint you paint him out to be user exactly!! you guys are acting like you know him
user her shirt saying loyal🫣thats gotta be a diss
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liked by carlossainz55, martingarrix and 630,402 others
landonorris pretty vicious life im living rn
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user the caption??? the hard launch??? oh thats not-
maxfewtrell bro. no.
user his own best friend doesnt approve of his behavior😬
user this winter break drama is something else
user lando i cant keep defending you. why would you caption it this.
user yess i found her @ shes martin garrix's friend and she was at that party
user anyone else notice luisa unfollowed him??
user she chose her side HAAHAH user pretty ironic cause so many fans were comparing y/n to her and now theyre friends🤣
user whys everyone mad?? its his private life why do you guys care
user oh so now you guys are giving him privacy?? but when he was rumored to be with y/n you were hating...the hypocrisy
yourbff alexa play obsessed by mariah carey🥱
user OOP user the girls are fightingggg
user not even a y/n fan but this was a bit unnecessary...
user "you dont feel remorse, you dont feel the effects" 🫠
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f1gossip Despite hard launching their relationship just one week ago, Lando's new girlfriend has been spotted getting cozy with a different guy! The leaked pictures have already caused for her to go private on all social medias😬
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user karma is A GOD
user i know y/n is having a good day today
user omfg poor lando :(
user womp womp
user i bet he is regretting his decisions rn😭
user y/n nation won today, ln4 nation taking L after L
user we cant catch a break😩
user craziest winter break yet jeez
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Instagram Messages
charles_leclerc hey y/n! i know we havent spoken much but ive seen how lando treated you the few times you were at races and i apologize for never speaking on it i just wanted to tell you you're a great person and your music is so amazing if you ever need anything please just shoot me a text!
landonorris y/n you blocked my number? im sorry about everything baby can we please just talk?
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liked by charles_leclerc, maxfewtrell and 4,204,214 others
yourusername im soooo sorry for your loss😊
my new single feather is out now!! special thanks to @charles_leclerc for helping me out in the music video, had so much making it <3
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user this mv was so hot omg
user i know a certain someone is FUMING
luisinhaoliveira99 on repeat already!!
yourusername 💋💋 user im convinced luisa reached out after she saw all the comparisons with her and y/n and they became besties user wait that makes so much sense
user f1 twitter is going insane rn
pietra.pilao AHH youre so talented bby liked by yourusername
charles_leclerc had the best time on set with you❤️
yourusername ❤️ user i ship it........
user i want them both
user ofc now shes going for another driver🙄
user oh you guys are OBSESSED with her, get a job user y/n still has them mad LOL
user l**** would never agree to anything like this
user im literally never getting over this, ive watched it 5 times in a row already
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liked by carlossainz55, maxfewtrell and 940,240 others
landonorris a toast to my real friends
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user if this is a charles sneak diss i will cry
user we got carlando content....but at what price
user oh he definitely got blocked by y/n😭
user dw we're on your side lando
user who is we?
user just take the L and move on bro
user the way 2 songs got everyone to switch up on lando HAHA
user not just that but his shady posts too
charles_leclerc posted a story
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user the girls are OFFICIALLY fighting oh gosh
user next season is going to be interesting...
user my roman empire
user what is happening.
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formulafics · 7 months
Scenario: the sweet chaos of dating max verstappen while you’re daniel ricciardos sister - the best of both worlds, right? (requested)
Pairing: max verstappen x fem!ricciardo!reader
A/N: one of my fav duos ❤️ and MY FIRST MAX FIC ‼️ i love him. shoutout to anon for being the first person to request a silly little max fic. i had sm fun with this and i hope you have fun reading it!
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perth, australia
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liked by maxverstappen1, danielricciardo, lando.jpg, oscarpiastri, and 232,627 others
ynricciardo.jpg home is where the heart is <3
view all 3,456 comments
danielricciardo another post without me included. day 456, it’s getting tough
⤷ ynricciardo.jpg i don’t want to mess up my feed with too many pictures of my brother
⤷ rizzciardo yn, the last time you posted daniel was on his birthday…nearly a year ago
⤷ norrisnation HELP ME
maxverstappen1 ❤️
⤷ danielricciardo ew
⤷ ynricciardo.jpg and that’s why there’s a total of 2 posts of you on this account.
f1waglover always a good day when yn posts
⤷ ricciardosiblingsgirlie ME TOO i’ve missed seeing her
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maxverstappen1 and ynricciardo.jpg
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liked by ynricciardo.jpg, danielricciardo, landonorris, redbullracing, and 456,734 others.
maxverstappen1 i got sunshine on a rainy day. i’m talkin about my girl.
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ynricciardo.jpg when it’s cold outside, i got the month of may. i’m talkin bout my boy. ily ❤️
ynricciardo.jpg shoutout to @/landonorris for taking picture 1 & 3
⤷ landonorris thank you. this is why i like you more than max :)
danielricciardo get a room
⤷ ynricciardo.jpg BOOOO OVERDONE
⤷ rizzciardo LMAO i can literally hear this in yn’s voice 😭
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liked by danielricciardo, landonorris, maxverstappen1, alex_albon, pierregasly, and 243,456 others
ynricciardo.jpg were gathered here for the annual danny ric post from this account. happy birthday, brother - 34 going on 4! I love you and I hope you enjoy mine and max’s company as much as we enjoy yours.
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danielricciardo a whole post dedicated to me? man, the waterworks are about to start. i love you too, thank you. ❤️
⤷ rizzciardo they can be so wholesome i love them sm
norrisnation god bless yn for that video of drunk max singing happy birthday to daniel
⤷ ynricciardo.jpg max just sent me a screenshot of your comment and said “what the fuck?” 😁
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