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Amiga 2000 - Amiga Video Slot to HDMI Adapter
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queenrepent · 9 months
since I lost my stylus and have most of it finished anyways, here's the (textless) poster for a hypothetical sequel to UHF I made
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adafruit · 10 months
NES Emulator for RP2040 DVI boards demo 🎮🕹️📺
The original Nintendo Entertainment System remains a popular target for emulation. This project pairs the surprisingly capable RP2040 microcontroller with a super-crisp HDMI display and, if you like, an original NES or SNES gamepad.
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techniktagebuch · 5 months
26. November 2023
Das kann doch niemand ahnen, also niemand außer alle
Ich soll einen Workshop in Berlin in einem Seminarraum mit acht bis zehn Leuten halten. Mein Material besteht aus verschiedenen Tabs, die ich mir in einem neuen Browserfenster schon in der richtigen Reihenfolge zurechtgelegt habe. Slides sind in dem Fall keine Option, weil es um Dinge geht, die im Browser stattfinden und die ich am besten auch dort zeigen kann.
Im Workshopraum steht ein sehr großes Smartboard. "Teil deinen Bildschirm am besten einfach per Zoom", sagt der Veranstalter. "Einfach", sage ich, "schon irgendwie lustig, dass so eine aufwändige Lösung jetzt die einfachste geworden ist. Also, ich versteh schon, was du meinst, aber technisch ist das ja überhaupt nicht die einfachste Lösung. Ist da kein HDMI-Kabel?"
Aber am Smartboard hängt keines, und in der Nähe des Smartboards ist auch keines auffindbar. (Erst beim Schreiben dieses Beitrags denke ich: Vielleicht war dieses Smartboard derartig smart, dass man sich über das WLAN mit ihm hätte verbinden können? Und nur deshalb war kein Kabel da? Aber ich wusste davon nichts, und der Veranstalter offenbar auch nicht.)
Dann eben Zoom. Der Veranstalter mailt mir den Link, ich klinke mich ein und teile meinen Bildschirm. Ein paar Minuten lang erscheinen bei mir Wartesymbole, dann friert das Bild ein, dann bin ich nicht mehr in Zoom. Ich habe den Verdacht, dass das an meinen in einem anderen Browserfenster geöffneten über 100 Tabs (plus 10 für den Workshop) und der dadurch verursachten RAM-Knappheit liegt, behalte das aber für mich.
"Kannst du mir deine Präsentation schicken?", fragt der Veranstalter. "Nein, es sind nur Browsertabs", sage ich. "Kannst du mir eine Liste schicken, dann öffne ich die bei mir?" – "Nein, es sind verschiedene Sachen dabei, wo man sich einloggen muss, das wird auch wieder kompliziert. Hätte ich so vorbereiten können, dass man es nicht muss, aber ich wusste ja nicht, dass das nötig ist ..."
Ein HDMI-Kabel wird gesucht und nach einiger Zeit auch gefunden. Der Veranstalter drückt lange auf dem Smartboard herum, weil er das halt an diesem Ort auch noch nie gemacht hat, oder jedenfalls schon zu lange nicht mehr. Wofür ich großes Verständnis habe, ich vergesse diese Details ja selbst zwischen den Veranstaltungen immer wieder, und sie sind an jedem Ort ein bisschen anders.
Während zwei Leute am Smartboard und am Kabel herumbasteln, erzähle ich schon mal, was in meinen Browsertabs zu sehen wäre, wenn man sie sehen könnte. Zwischendrin sage ich: "Beim nächsten Mal druck ich wieder alles aus und bring es auf Papier mit ... ach so nein, geht ja nicht, ich hab keinen Drucker."
Als es nach einer halben Stunde funktioniert, ist alles so eingestellt, dass man nur die obere linke Ecke meines Browsers sehen kann, also nach Abzug aller eingeblendeten URL- und Werkzeugleisten etwa zwei Zeilen vom eigentlichen Text. "Ich lass das jetzt so, wir leben damit, ich fass jetzt nichts mehr an", sage ich, "nicht dass dann alles wieder zerbröselt!"
Wir leben damit, bis der Veranstalter eine halbe Stunde später beim Anblick eines besonders schlecht in den Bildschirmausschnitt passenden Browsertabs sagt: "Komm, probier es noch ein letztes Mal, stell die Auflösung anders ein." Diesmal funktioniert das, was vorher mehrmals nicht ging, auf Anhieb, und ich weiß von einer anderen Veranstaltung in der Vorwoche, dass es nicht an der Auflösung liegt, sondern an der als Default beim Bildschirm-Mirroring eingestellten Zoomstufe von 200%. Die ändere ich auf 100%, und jetzt passt endlich alles.
Darüber ist eine Workshopstunde vergangen, nicht nur mit Gebastel, aber mit viel zu viel. Ich schäme mich, weil ich das unprofessionell von mir finde und weil ich es hätte ahnen können. Ich weiß ja, dass man sich bei Veranstaltungsorten auf absolut nichts verlassen kann. Ich habe das anscheinend nicht im Techniktagebuch dokumentiert, erinnere mich aber an einen Anlass um 2016 herum, bei dem die Techniker am Veranstaltungsort überrascht waren, dass ich einen Beamer verwenden wollte und nicht den selbstverständlich vorhandenen Overheadprojektor. Aber ich schäme mich nicht sehr intensiv, denn schließlich wissen alle, dass es meistens so läuft, und ich halte auch andere Vortragende nicht für unprofessionell oder schlecht vorbereitet, wenn es ihnen so ergeht. Meistens jedenfalls nicht.
(Kathrin Passig)
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willcodehtmlforfood · 2 months
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cyrohzin · 1 year
HDMI-Upscaled VGA Seaman is so much more colorful 😮
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raspberryconverse · 1 month
So last month the director of marketing decided to try a new thing for the monthly marketing meeting: a fireside chat with someone on the team. I asked my boss if he wanted to do it and he said, "Don't you dare volunteer me!" I mentioned that I wouldn't mind doing it and he said I should. I'm the only one who volunteered, so I'm next.
The first guy (who was kinda voluntold) had a fireplace background on Teams. I do happen to have a fireplace, however, we had it closed off because it was "a danger to society" as my spouse likes to say. I even have the opening covered in plastic (like you do with the windows in the winter) because there's still a cleaning hatch that air gets in and you can hear it rattle when it's really windy. So I had an idea.
At first I was going to put the TV in front of the fireplace and have one of those fireplace YouTube videos playing. Spouse said absolutely not. Then I tried using my personal laptop, but the screen is too small and the only way you could see it was if I had it on a TV tray table right behind me. You could see the tray table, so I wasn't really digging that either because I had to position my pillows just so.
I do have a 23" monitor, but it's so old it doesn't have an HDMI input. I do have a VGA to HDMI adapter, but my spouse is currently using it because their monitor is so poorly designed (the HDMI input is blocked by the mounting plate on their monitor arms- which I bought at cost because my company is an office supply distributor). I don't have a VGA input on either my work or personal laptops, so I wasn't sure what I was going to do except hope my spouse didn't have to do work during the meeting or secretly use the TV like I planned.
Then I remembered my old laptop has a VGA input because it's older than the monitor. I got my new computer in 2018, so I literally haven't booted it up in 6 years. I did have the hard drive files transferred to my new computer when its hard drive died (for the 3rd time 🤬). I tried to boot it up, but for some reason the touch pad was working, but not clicking and the keyboard wasn't working at all. I borrowed my spouse's keyboard (they don't always use it for work) and tried to login.
Well, I got this weird "user profile cannot be loaded" error. I found a fix to it online and after about 20 minutes of the disk error being fixed, it booted up. The track pad was clicking, but the keyboard still wasn't working. Then I remember one of the deciding factors to me getting a new laptop was that only a few of the keys worked and I had already replaced the keyboard twice (the battery also didn't hold a charge, so it had to be plugged in at all times).
Here is the end result:
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I originally had it on an Ikea cardboard storage box, but I didn't like how that looked and again, had to reposition pillows just so to block it. I happened to have this 10x10 plexi cube from when I worked at Bath and Body Works (it has a crack, so it was just going to get thrown away), so it works pretty well. And I kinda like that you can see it's a monitor in front of the fireplace.
I'm kinda hoping the director of marketing asks about it because boy, do I have a story about getting this to work. If anything, it'll be funny when it's my turn to talk.
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187um-killa-trill · 1 year
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Should I plug it into my TV?
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daniel-nerd · 3 months
can discord not try to use my second monitor as an audio device every time it turns off due to inactivity???
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PiStorm HDMI (RTG) and RGB HDMI output switchable via HDMI switch (so no second monitor is required)
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welele · 2 years
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metaljesusrocks · 4 months
Review of the FIXED version of the EON XBHD HDMI adapter for the original Xbox. This will connect to your modern television, but it also adds a bunch of features most people probably don't need at a very high price. In the video I also compare it to cheaper HDMI options like the Hyperkin cables and the excellent XBOX2HDMI adapter. XBOX2HDMI: https://electron-shepherd.com EON XBHD: https://www.eongaming.tech
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adafruit · 4 months
Coming soon - ADV7611 + RP2040 HDMI to TTL RGB Display adapter board
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A replacement for the TFP401 HDMI to RGB adapter (https://www.adafruit.com/product/2219), but this time using the ADV7611 (https://www.analog.com/en/products/adv7611.html), which is kinda old but is still is recommended for new designs. What's nice about the ADV is that, unlike the TFP, it has I2S output, so we're using a CS4334 (https://www.digikey.com/short/vtfjp8jc) to convert the digital audio to a headphone jack. An RP2040 + TSC2007 will provide the I2C configuration code for the ADV - unlike the TFP401, which requires setup to start working - and the touch-to-USB HID conversion. The first version is for RGB-888 displays, we'll do RGB-666 right after.
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queenrepent · 9 months
I was gonna do this when the poster got 27 notes but I got a tag telling me to explain the plot so now's the time to tell you all about that sequel i thought about! (this is just an overview of the plot, so keep that in mind)
-- HDMI: Broadcast of Limited Hope -- (if that second part sounds familiar, that's because it's based of the german subtitle of the first movie ("Transmitter with Limited Hope"). too good not to reuse, no?)
(cracks knuckles)
so! the year is 2011, and ultra high frequencies are even more outdated than they were in 1989 (as in, "channel 62 is flat out off the air now" outdated). george newman and his friends are understandably bummed out by this, and they want a way to bring U-62 back on the airwaves. ofc, because this is george newman we're talking about, he decides to just hijack 'em (instead of making a yt channel or working for another studio or something sane like that). but how?
the answer to that question is "the clanker", a (probably alien) pirate radio hijacking machine they find in a dumpster and take home. george, bob, and pamela all record some material, and the first GN-TV special is aired (and by aired, i mean zapped into 2010-era MTV). you might be wondering "wait, what about stanley?" and the answer is that he's kinda burnt out from celebrity fame and didn't want anything to do with it. hosting a popular children's show from 1989 to 2009 (not consecutively, but still) will do that to ya.
george still wants to work with him, though, and has a chat to convince him to help out. stanley doesn't mind doing things for him, but he's not really sure if he wants to go back into (just-short-of-) show biz. as their convo continues, it eventually works out, but stanley tells him that (if george wants to keep him on there) he'll only be acting in one segment at a time and he shouldn't be recognizable as such. george agrees, and so the second GN-TV special has a new, exclusive interview in its lineup. it's done by "zack dolecki", a bitter former celebrity brought back into the business for another shot at fame (personality-wise, he's the opposite of stanley).
anyways, george and the gang have a pretty good gig going...up until halfway into the fifth special, where the authorities catch onto their pirate radio antics and arrest them (the reason why everyone looks so distraught on the poster). this is also when people mistake stanley for zack, to his dismay/relief ("people aren't trying to get my autograph for once! too bad they're trying to imitate me instead...").
the rest of the (not-)movie regards their exploits to get out of prison. the main plot point here is the four of 'em separating due to george managing to break out of his cell + ruminate on his life choices after licking a suspicious-looking mail stamp, all set to Bohemian Polka (bob left his cell as well because A) he didn't want george to get hurt and B) he was trying to break out anyways). eventually, all four of them leave prison, meet up, and find a car that they can drive their way out of tulsa...just shortly before the authorities find them and drag them back to prison AGAIN.
this time, however, is so they can get a proper trial, courtesy of the warden (johnny sawyer). johnny is a very uptight man, and he's had enough of these dang criminals making a fool out of his dang prison. however, all four of them manage to leave (for real this time) by pissing him off so much he decides it isn't worth it to keep them in and throws 'em out.
and now since I've described the plot, I can mention this: the movie shows the timeline non-linearly (mainly because i thought it would be interesting). it starts with george getting interrogated, moves linearly until the gang gets into an argument about U-62, flashbacks to them before the creation of GN-TV and moves linearly from there until the first special ends, then keeps up a steady stream of them trying to break out of prison, GN-TV segments, and clips of an episode of a trash tv show which they happen to star in (sometime after they got the clanker, but before they got arrested). "what's the trash tv for?" you may be asking now. "you didn't mention it at all during your synopsis!"
well, it's not as plot relevant as the other two points, but it's intended to flesh the four out (*cough cough* especially bob and pam *cough cough*), so in it goes.
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gengamer110 · 9 months
RetroTink 4K Announced and Boy is it Overpriced!
Through his blog, Mike Chi, the engineer behind the RetroTink line of products, announced the next generation. The RetroTink 4K features, you guessed it; 4K HDMI output and even HDMI input, this time. First and foremost, just because I think the RetroTink 4K, at approximately $1000 is overpriced, does not mean that I think it will be anything less than premium. I’ve owned the original as well as…
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