Today's fuckable dragon of the day is...
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theuser · 1 year
Dragonflight questing
New WoW post on Kor'kron 501st! Dragonflight Questing
Dragonflight’s pre-patch event provided a nice way to level alts. I had 6 max level characters when the pre-patch released, and on the day of Dragonflight’s release, I had 18 level 60 character! And yet I still don’t have a level 50+ highmountain tauren to unlock their heritage armor. Please note that I’ll be discussing quests in this post without regards to spoilers. The expansion release was…
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awakeningiwnd · 11 months
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Gorgonzormu <Cheesemonger>, bronze dragon from Valdrakken
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belastrastravels · 3 months
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Gorgonzormu the cheese vendor
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fio-renze · 7 months
trick or treat!
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There was never a reason for her to stop by Gorgonzormu's merchant stall in Valdrakken -- fine cheese wasn't a necessity at the camp, nor was it ever on the shopping list, but the part of her that had grown up entertaining in her parents' curated salons with delicate cheeses and sharp wines dictated her stopping by anytime she was there.
The cheesemonger was, however, a bronze dragon and she had begun to notice subtle quirks over her visits -- all the ways people would stop and stare for a moment, taken aback by something in stock that they remembered from a time long gone.
It had happened to her once with a particular kaşar, yellow and made soft by the use of whole sheep's milk from a particular cottage farmer that had tenancy in Eversong Woods' Glimmerglen many centuries past.
The human man, if he truly was -- most humans didn't stand quite as marked as the others; the nuances were lost on most, but not her. The subtle quirks of posture and sharp bite of darker magics were all there in the weave that made them them. Cursed, or not depending on the varying point of views.
Fiorenze offered an easy smile to the gent, her bright green eyes a stark reminder of their individual factions current but tentative neutrality. "It's overwhelming at times, no? Not just the smell, I mean," she offered in faintly accented Common.
He only glanced over for a second before turning the small, tightly wrapped wheel over in his hands, offering only a quiet hum under his breath to even note that she'd said anything at all.
Had any of them been able to save their cattle before the plague set in? Did their ways of life live on in Darnassus, and then again with their Southern cousins? So much change in less than half a century, and only survival to show for it.
She nodded toward his cheese as she closed up her own basket over her purchases, "It's worth the coin. The stock rotates, and there's a chance you'll never see it again."
Sometimes the nostalgia was worth the indulgence.
( thanks @comorbidinsomnia! )
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sharpen-jadescythe · 5 months
Basilisk Eggs!
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Meanwhile, on the Valdrakken Foods Co set...
Sharpen: How's this smile?
Lilistrasza: He's gonna eat me!!
Gorgonzormu: That's not going to appeal to our innocent whelp demographic, I'm afraid. Less... eager. I mean, this is an eggs commercial and you're not gonna fool anyone with all that enthusiasm, either.
Sharpen: *squints with a weak smile, as if threatened by a dragon*
Gorgonzormu: Perfect! That's the stereotypical mortal smile we dragons are used to. We grew up with that, we trust it.
Sharpen: Dragons prefer mortals to be terrified? Figures.
Gorgonzormu: Now what sells cheese? Eggs! Eggs for breakfast with dragon cheese slathered on. We can still do this!! Sharpen, thanks for giving this another try.
Sharpen: Well. I do admire you, Gorgonzormu, as the um, aspect of cheese? Also, my cabin is still a smoking heap in Winterspring. I don't know how you got my address or fit yourself through a Goblin teleport machine, but. Yeah...
Gorgonzormu: Eggs!!
Lilistrasza: Eggies! Everyone should eat more, they are tasty and good!
Sharpen: ... You guys are being really intense right now. Whenever it comes to eggs, why are dragons so--
Queen Alexstrasza: *poofs out of nowhere* The eggs!! The innocent, defenseless eggs. So delicious. We worship them.
Sharpen: Huh??? Wait, are we talking about dragon eggs, or breakfast eggs?
Queen Alexstrasza: *Walks up to the camera, almost covering it with her forehead* ... THE EGGS.
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myinventoryisfull · 1 year
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Why everyone talking about Gorgonzormu when this guy is standing right next to him.
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drnosfercatu · 1 year
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I was indecisive about which incredibly important lore character from World of Warcraft I should draw. I decided to draw Gorgonzormu, a Bronze Dragon cheesemonger NPC in Valdrakken with zero backstory.
Unironically, I love the world building of this character - a Bronze dragon using time magic to age cheese is peak creativity. Do other people have obscure WoW NPCs they just adore?
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faux-fires · 2 years
reached level 70 in the new wow expansion!
some dragonflight thoughts:
I really, really enjoyed levelling this expansion. I hit level 70 relatively quickly almost entirely by questing; I did every side quest, detoured to look at any interesting thing I found, stopped to talk to any NPC with a speech bubble and /pet any animal the game would let me.
The quests felt really personal and really thoughtful; I could feel the love the developers have for this game in every little detail. Loved the stronger use of personal dialogue options too, reflecting our individual characters; several times i got unique dialogue options in places where it was appropriate, like a vendor asking me my feelings on shoes and my draenei being able to point at her hooves! i was really drawn into the world and enjoyed it so much.
The newer generation of developers really have an interest in diversity in a way that I genuinely never thought I’d see in this game and I loved it. There was more lgbt content in one zone than wow had in its first six expansions, lmao.
Old characters coming back! it’s really nice to see all these old familiar faces and how they’ve changes (or haven’t). pan the kind returns as a stablemaster in a little camp in the azure span and still calls me huntmaster, the shipwright from kul tiras recruitment quest line is hanging about chatting boat building with the tuskarr, the melon-chopping zandalari has moved ON from melons and will THANK YOU not to bring them up... they didn’t have to be there, they don’t give quests or serve as anything but flavour, but it really helps the world feel more alive. still love the effort on giving wrathion unique bouncy hair, lmfao, although glad to see alexstrasza’s jewellery also moving in cutscenes. also, facial expressions!
other thoughts:
- the tuskarr in the azure span - FINALLY i get to be on the giving end of a “secretly a dragon” questline...
- i really loved the centaur in the plains, their culture was explained to you naturally through the course of the questlines AND there’s an achievement to /pet all their adorable working dogs! plus the khan being Deaf and the devs taking the time to program sign language gestures in for when she communicates with her aide, and put in a whole thing about not distracting her Good Boy service dog while he’s working...
- the black dragonflight bickering, lmao. i mean, im gonna choose wrathion, bro gave me THREE legendaries (step up ur game sab), but it’s good to see wrathion finally getting challenged. even if it feels like,
wrathion: woe is me for i am the last black dragon. woe. my life is terrible and lonely and hard. ebyssian: sup, you’re impulsive sabellion: you’re annoying and impulsive wrathion: wow i wish i was the last black dragon
- the zone art teams and the music designers really knocking it out the park, huh? when merithra let me into the dream area at the end of the plains questline i said “WOW” out loud and not in an accusatory “seriously?” way
- dragon riding is amazing and I love it. It’s so much fun and SO fast. i already sort of played at that system with previous flying - i liked to dive when my winged mounts played their “glide” animation, and weave through trees - so doing it for real has been utterly amazing. i spent hours after dracthyr came out just climbing up high places and yeeting myself off them with soar; soar does not hold a CANDLE to real dragon riding.
- all in all, i absolutely love it
- but blizzard still owe me real life money for subjecting me to the cheese vendor “gorgonzormu”, the wine vendor “zinfandormu” and for the pond full of “mudfin frenzy” piranhas, except for the two extra piranhas hanging out together at the back, who were called “best frienzy”. it’s the Moist Owlette situation all over again.
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trixcuomo · 6 months
Valdrakken Barrel
Gorgonzormu: If you want a taste of aged, ancient cheddar like no other...
Trixany: *seated nearby, in little girl pigtails and a frilly blue gingham dress* Mmm! Cheese!
Gogonzormu: Our cheese was blessed by the Titans, and it has outlasted even mountains crumbling to dust. *crumbles stale, rubbery cheese with his claw*
Trixany: Urrp! I mean... MmmmMmmmm!
Gorgonzormu: Here, try that Trixany. *attempts to scrape the cheese off his claws, several times*
Trixany: *squints as weird dragon cheese globs onto her plate* I... this isn't actual cheese, is it? Do I have to?
Gorgonzormu: *glares* Eat our cheese, or we eat you. Valdrakken Barrel!
Haris Pilton: Cut! Stop filming, this isn't working. Trixany, you are supposed to be a sweet, naive young girl happy to do as she is told and eat the cheese!
Trixany: Okay, F this. The expansion is over anyway. *hops down, waddles away about knee-height*
Gorgonzormu: *snorts laughter, bows his head then laughs hysterically*
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