#Goddess of Lightning;Ishtar
kemetic-dreams · 8 months
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Almaqah or Almuqh was the Moon god of the ancient Yemeni kingdom of Saba'. He was also worshipped in Dʿmt and Aksum in Ethiopia and Eritrea.
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Almaqah is considered a moon god, but Garbini and Pirenne have shown that the bull's head and the vine motif associated with him may have solar and dionysiac attributes. He was therefore a priest of Ra, the male counterpart of the sun goddess Shamash / Ishtar / Isis, who was also venerated in Saba, but as a tutelary goddess of the royal Egyptian dynasty
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The ruling dynasty of Saba' regarded themselves as his seed.Almaqah is represented on monuments by a cluster of lightning bolts surrounding a curved, sickle-like weapon. Bulls were sacred to him.
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Ethiopia is dedicated to the lunar God Almaqah, and contains an altar which represents a miniature model of the Great Temple in Yeha.
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dragonknightsworn · 9 months
💋 (Ron with... anyone?)
Send 💋 for my muse to attempt to flirt with yours
Ron blushed red while looking at Ishtar, and threw his hood over his face. Turning his head slightly to the right to hide his blush. He tossed a black gem in the air, formed out of shadow and lightning "Ishtar, I can see why they call you a goddess of love. You truly are beautiful as a goddess of love, and beauty. Which makes sense you know?"
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disgracedvessel · 2 years
Disaster’s Portent | Team 4 - Bronze Round
Arena starter for @childofvalla, @arcaeda, @amitieos, & @higaneion
The air smelled alive, the smoky scent of a bonfire but not quite. More sterile. More otherworldly. A flash rent the sky and a great crack followed soon after, startling Julius awake. “Awake,” of course, was not quite the right word once he realized that he was not in his own bed as a storm rolled in, but standing out in the middle of a wide stretch of grassy plains with ominous indigo clouds building overhead. In the distance, a flame flickered at the base of a tree - the result of the lightning strike that had brought his consciousness into lucidity.
He turned to his right with a devilish smile playing across his lips. The words “my dear,” half-formed, died promptly when he realized that the woman who stood nearby was not, in fact, the thunder goddess he had wooed and commanded, but some sapphire-haired knight carrying a lance (not homely by any means, but certainly not his Ishtar). He studied her for a moment while he thought she wasn’t looking, then noted the others that stood around them. Five in total, including himself. One he recognized from a past dream, vaguely; the other three he knew from the academy.
His brown knitted. Had he blacked out during an expedition? Lightning flashed again, thunder cracking behind it, and dragged Julius’ thoughts back to the situation at hand. They were standing in the middle of an open field as a devastating thunderstorm overcame them. Finding cover had to be priority - at least for him - and he took a step back, then another, as he watched the dry grass ignite where the strike had hit.
The lightning lingered longer this time, seeming to congeal into some beastly shape - first arms that ended in hooked claws, then a feline face began to take form. That’s where it stopped. The creature possessed no back half, but it zipped from one place in the air to another faster than the eye could follow. Suddenly aware that he held something in his hands, Julius tore his eyes from the scene long enough to glance down and assess the strange metal L-shaped object. Was it a weapon? It looked like none he had ever seen before, and he pressed down on the hook his index finger rested on. With loud crack like thunder itself, it fired a projectile into the earth in front of him. Julius stared at it.
In the next instant, he raised it toward the creature that had manifested before them and pulled the trigger a second time. The same thunderous bang, but this time the creature let out a pained cry as the projectile shot straight through it.
Julius hits with Imitation Dakka! Roll: 9 + 4 = 13 Thunder Beast takes -1.5HP, inflicted with -3 speed for one turn Current HP: 8.5/10
“Did you see that?” he called out, excitement, pride, and surprise lending a child-like cadence he often tried to hide to his voice. The beast would allow him no time to revel in his beginner’s luck though, and in a single flash, had crossed the entire plains to reappear directly in front of him. It lunged, his eyes widened, and suddenly heat raced through his right arm from shoulder to fingertips.
Thunder Beast hits with Crushing Fangs! Roll: 12 - 4 = 8 Julius takes -1.5HP Current HP: 10.5/12
He dragged his arm - now numb - out from the beast’s mouth and stumbled backwards.
Next: @childofvalla 
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the-primordials · 2 years
The Pantheon(s)
1st Generational Gods(The Primordials/ The Ancients/The Creators)
Void= MC
Time= Invar
Life= Althaia
Death= Mrithun
Space= Christos
Darkness= Ravyn
Light= Astera
2nd Generational Gods(The Titans/The Old Gods)
God of Strength & Wrath= Zotikos
Goddess of Cause and effect= Cassis
God of Wind and storms= Nord
God of Lightning & Travel= Belfast
Goddess of Steel & Craft= Teine
God of Day & Nervana= Lark
God of The Night & Lust= Adrion
Goddess of Pathfinding & the sky= Morwen
God of Justice & order= Gildor
Goddess of Souls & The Pure= Lavada
3rd Generational Gods (The New Gods):
Arum = God of Matter, War & Compassion
Blaze= God of Fire & Strategy
Aragonite= God of Foresight & Truth
Halite= Goddess of Reincarnation & Knowledge
Calcite= Goddess of Magic & Luck
Eligos= God of Chaos & Cruelty
Thorn/Hematite= God of Protection & Hardships
Meopham= God of Architecture & Unity
Ishtar= Goddess of Love & War
Prime= God of the Everlasting
Wróg= God of Pain & Vengeance
Ulsin= God of Remembrance & Honor
Esther= Goddess of Secrets & Lies
Delta= God of Wealth, Contracts & Trade
Ebb= God of Despair & Tricks
Elk= Goddess of Nature & All things small
Karlos, Kader, Kismet= Freedom, Destiny, Fate
Azure = God of the Seas & Rain
Iris= Goddess of Healing & Wisdom
Melody= Goddess of Music & Festivals
Solaris= God of the Sun & Purification
Solana= Goddess of the Sun & Beauty
Sunder= God of Earth & Agricultural
Velock= Goddess of Dreams & Self
Beryl= Deity of Marriage & Sacrifice
Effat: Goddess of Chastity, Kindness & Selflessness
Celestine: Goddess of Miracles & Hope
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fallenstar193 · 10 months
ROR OC Pavlina
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Name meaning: Humble 
Height/Weight: 159cm, 47kg
Origin: Ancient Mesopotamian Mythology
Region: Mesopotamia
Alignment: Chaotic-Neutral
Gender: Female
The goddess of the underworld in Sumerian mythology.
She wields a spear-shaped cage, capable of skewering her enemies, trapping souls, and summoning lightning at will. She is the ruler of the underworld, and is to be feared.
From the day of her birth, she was entrusted with the governance of the underworld. When the Age of Gods ended, she disappeared without ever knowing the surface world or freedom.
She claims her job is simply to watch over the souls of humans as befits a goddess of the underworld.
"...I really don't like it when too many people flock to the underworld all at once. Making cages to trap souls is a pain...and I'm not sure if I can make this place comfortable for everyone..."
As you can see, she doesn't do a spectacular job of hiding just how much she likes taking care of people.
She is truly the underworld's (red) angel.
According to Mesopotamian mythology, she governed the growth and decay of plants, employed snakes and dragons, and controlled the gallû spirits who were the underworld's workers.
Ishtar, the mistress of heaven, and Pavlina, the mistress of the underworld, are rivals.
For Mesopotamians, Ishtar is the goddess of the harvest who represents human life: the Great Earth Mother. Pavlina, on the other hand, represents the death of all humans, making her the Terrible Earth Mother.
Myth tells of Ishtar journeying to the underworld, where Pavlina kills her.
Later, Ishtar is revived, but the reason for Ishtar's journey, and why Pavlina was so angry are never explained. 
"I don't like humans at all. The living give me the creeps. But if you really want to spend time together, I wouldn't mind, as long as you're willing to die first."
She has a passive and introverted personality. Her great pride and intellect cause her to sacrifice every part of herself to her duties as the goddess of death and decay.
She is jealous of all things beautiful, laughs at things that are ugly, and kills the things she desires in order to prevent others from laying claim to them.
However, since she is still very impulsive, she turns back into the terrifying (and disappointing) goddess of myth whenever she gets angry.
This behavior is entirely Pavlina, so she may seem both cooler-headed and yet more self-deprecating.
She may sound a lot like Ishtar, but she also talks like an elegant lady at times.
Whenever she inadvertently acts meekly or goes into a panic, she may overexaggerate and pepper her speech with unnecessary adjectives, but that is a remnant of herself, polite nature. Ishtar, who should have been raised to be prim and proper, talks like a bit of a brat since she was so spoiled and raised as a carefree child. On the other hand, Pavlina, who spent her entire life working hard in the underworld, picked up the mannerisms and speech of a cherished noblewoman.
Even so Pavlina has long been tormented by the fact that no one likes her.
"I want to be able to live freely like Ishtar. I want to meet someone who accepts me for who I am, for being the mistress of the underworld AND for what I am beyond that."
That was her dearest wish, and sounds rather like what a lovestruck maiden might hope for.
"Look, I won't deny I'm playing the heel here, but I'm useful to humanity BECAUSE I'm evil! I don't understand why you're all so frightened of me!"
Even as she moped about, she saw what was happening in Mesopotamia and realized that it was heading towards its end. So she decided to protect humanity in her own way.
After that, a lot of things happened and she sank into the abyss. 
The spear that she holds in her hand is called the Burning Shrine, Meslamtaea.
Its light warms the depths of the earth, and was specially granted to her. 
Power: Meslamtaea is quite a powerful weapon that is remarked as one of the top ten weapons in the realm of gods. Pavlima does not hurl her attack from the heavens themselves, but strikes up from the depths of the underworld, rending the land asunder from beneath its surface. This tremendous blast creates devastating earthquakes and tectonic movement that destroy mount Ebih.
It has quite the firepower, but the true strength of this destruction is that it changes the land, making it part of the underworld.
Quotes: “As long as there are battles to fight, I can be with you. But as long as there are battles to fight, you'll keep getting hurt...
“I didn't realize it because I was having so much fun, but I guess I need to work hard to bring you back to your normal life as swiftly as possible...So...maybe it's best if I just imprison you in the underworld.”
“I'm sorry. I know what I said earlier was weird. Please forget it. ???, you're the sort who lives in the present. I am a goddess who lives in the depths of the earth and has spent so much time looking up at you. Your happiness is my purpose. As eventually all things lose their shine, I will continue to look over you from the shadows. Not as a goddess of the underworld, but as a dear person.”
“Ah... My powers over the sun, transformation, and the underworld have combined, and reached their limit...”
“Teehee. Nothing scares me now! I am Pavlina, goddess of the underworld! I govern the land of the dead and wield a whole lot of power!...Okay, my signature phrase is perfect. Just you watch, ???. No matter what other goddesses may appear in the future, know that none will be better than me at protecting you!”
“What I like? Obviously that would be--
N-no, nothing. I am the Mistress of the Underworld. My hobbies include climbing mountains and making cages... I'm a gloomy woman.”
“Things I don't like... Obviously Ishtar, extravagance, and useless humans.”
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heavenslapse-a · 1 year
@heartsaligned -- yu & ann attempt bonding  🧁
    Like everywhere he went, Yu could always make an impression–one that stuck. He’d LONG stopped caring how he came off to others; the polite young man had gained a silver tongue and it dripped bitter juices.
    UNIMPRESSED and unapologetic, he’d give the benevolent tyrant credit where it was due: only those who wore the scent of timely death should have known the sight of the reaper. A single snap of his fingers and ISHTAR’S lightning came hurdling down, taking out the bulking brute an entire team couldn’t put a dent in. That was barely a fraction of his strength, if he could even register it. The full glory of Yu’s outrageous power could tear apart realities, erase a goddess of death, and probably go even further if he ever bothered to consider it. For the sake of the world, it was probably for the best he didn’t entertain the notion too hard. He was a perfect foil to a man who trapped people in a veil of hazy lies. Yu was deadly, and everything about that stood to reason.
     A SAVIOR to humanity, a beacon of light, none of it was true because Yu knew Maruki could care less as he stared with piercing eyes at the unaware faces along SHIBUYA. Yu may be a god, but he didn’t seek to control the masses with promises and gifts of brainwashing and lies. Humanity didn’t deserve it – whatever that meant. Sympathy, because he understood falsified realities would look pleasing or the idea of being striped of freewill. The good were a low number outweighed on an even greater scale. Akira could worry about freeing humanity, letting it survive. Yu had only ever cared about two people, and that wasn’t liable to change. He liked Akira well enough. But when it came down to it, he was expendable. Yu had even made a point of telling him as much, and he’d taken the information better than anyone else he’d known would. Others had seemed appalled, aghast, and Yu only proceeded to finish his drink while Yosuke had elbowed him.
     Even with attachments, Yu knew he could pick himself back up again and move forward. His heart just didn’t have the room for anyone else. When he was younger, he would have been more bothered by that realization. Now, he’d become really apathetic. He was in it for himself, anyway. Being hated wasn’t a foreign concept. Taking away Yosuke and having to see Adachi, that was a step too far.
     ❝God damn it. It makes me sick,❞ he said. ❝Nobody knows a thing about this world, not us or anyone else.❞ 
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caraidean · 4 years
Ishtar & Jewelry
Leading up to and during the events of FE4 & 5, Ishtar tended towards very extravagant jewelry - both of her own choosing, and as gifts from Julius (frequently as some kind of lavish apology for an act he performed). This typically included bangles, golden chains along her thighs, and her two necklaces - the extravagant golden piece with a ruby in the center, and a smaller choker with a cross, matching her earrings.
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 In the events of her Survives / Seliph AU, she tones down the amount she wears somewhat considerably. She keeps the earrings as the only physical gift from Julius that she acknowledges, having gotten them at their first meeting when their engagement was arranged and announced. She foregoes the more extravagant necklace entirely, eventually leaving it buried in the dirt just under Julius' unmarked gravestone.Instead, she starts to favor more subtle accessories - while the bangles and leg bands stay, they tend more towards bronze or a blackened metal than gold and rubies. She does, however, 'upgrade' her choker - replacing it with a large golden band with two emeralds clasping it shut, a memento from Tine's wedding to Ced.
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After her wedding to Seliph, she does allow herself to wear the admittedly over-extravagant wedding ring they used, a heirloom from her own family and originally planned for Ishtore to use with Liza. While it clashes with her overall aesthetic, she uses it as a combination of status symbol and memorial to her brother and planned sister-in-law. She keeps the more modest band that Seliph gave her embedded in one of her bangles.
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duskroine · 2 years
ladies’ night and run - & team 2
          fate has pulled the strings of their investigation   —   mercury is not brought down by their hand for it is lidiya that takes him and their combined image fades from sight.  the arrest is halted simply by the lack of a culprit.  while her knowledge on magic isn’t as grand as some of her companions, what ophelia does know is that teleportation magic can only take you so far.  especially if utilized on a whim of surprise rather than thought out and processed terms.  in the chaos of flickering lights and overwhelming sounds, the original team sent to enbarr has been separated.  cut down into smaller, not as coordinated groups.
          (   through the rush to set chase, ophelia isn’t able to see if the cast and workers had been evacuated.  so it’s only to the dragons above that she prays for their safety.  it had been quite the delight to meet everyone she’s seen so far, but the mission called for priority   —   that is why she was brought alongside the team.   )
          the villa is a grand area of halls that shift and floors that constantly change.  this chase will not be easy, but it’s difficult to wish for such a condition when trailing after fake identities and agarthans.  a simple and quick glance at her surroundings show that whichever part of the villa that she’s in is by an average and quite rough shaped building.  her gaze sets upon her two companions   —   ishtar and ethlyn.
          “   i’d advise for us to remain together and attempt, our very best, not to separate,   ”   ophelia turns to the two ladies and smiles,   “   lessening the group anymore may prove fatal to any one of us.   ”   while it’s unclear if lidiya will continue utilizing teleportation magic, it’d be best to follow any traces of her spells.  that retrieval incantation used prior had been the first of what she’s seen   —   her magic had been mentioned in the review given to everyone on each team’s own investigation.
          ophelia pulls at her gloves and before she has the chance to guide their direction further, there’s a tremor but the source is far.  too far to push the team off their feet.  she frowns, gaze moving between the ground and the pathways before them.
          “   come forth, comrades!   ”   the heroine beckons them forward and steps into the left corridor, a brisk jog to measure just how far they need to be to hear lidiya and mercury’s next move.
for @mjolnrr & @ladyleonster
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eunyas · 5 years
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❛   TRUTHFULLY …    words  never  gave  me  what  i  truly  wished  for .  i  hope  you  have  a  better  way  with  them  than  i  do ;  after  all ,  such  a  simple  concept  can   grant  so  many  strengths .   ❜                    —–   s.c .   @ragdemon .
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temnadolya · 5 years
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justmenoworries · 3 years
I'm curious, who would you pick for an all female lineup for Records of Ragnorak?
13 Goddesses and 13 Humans
Oh, here we gooooo!!!
Athena (Greek Goddess of wisdom, handicraft and war strategy)
Artemis (Greek Goddess of the hunt, the wilderness, animals, chastity and the moon)
Ishtar/Inanna (Mesopotamian Goddess of sex, war justice and political power)
Durga (Hindu Goddess of strength, protection, power, preservation and energy, also practically the matriarch of the Hindu gods)
Kali (Hindu Goddess of destruction, creation, time and power)
Sekhmet (Egyptian Goddess of war and healing)
Amaterasu (Japanese Goddess of the sun and the universe, as well as the mythological ancestress to the Japanese imperial family)
Fuji (Japanese Goddess of fire)
Chang'e (Chinese Goddess of the moon)
Freyja (Norse Goddess of love, gold, fertility, beauty and war)
Skaði (Norse Goddess of skiing, mountains, winter and bowhunting)
Ọya (Yoruba Goddess of violent storms, death, rebirth, winds and lightning)
Pele (Hawaiian Goddess of fire and volcanoes, the creator of the Hawaiian islands)
Jeanne d'Arc (French lady-knight who played an integral part in the Hundred Years' War)
Anne Bonny (Infamous Irish pirate who operated in the Carribean between 1719 to 1720)
Nakano Takeko (Female Samurai who fought in the Boshin war, leading her own unit of all-female samurai)
Eve (The first woman in Christian mythology. She and her husband Adam were cast out of paradise after they ate from the forbidden fruit from the Tree of Knowledge.)
Triệu Thị Trinh (Third-century Vietnamese warrior who liberated her homeland from the Chinese. She was said to be 9 feet tall and ride into battle on an elephant)
Lozen (Apache warrior who, together with her brother Victorio, raided Spanish settler camps starting around 1877)
Kandake Amanirenas (African queen of the ancient Kingdom of Kush, probably born between 60 and 50 B.C., who succesfully fought back against the Roman Empire when it tried to take over her kingdom. Was blinded in one eye during the war)
Tarenorerer (Indigenous Australian rebel leader who led a guerilla force consisting of both men and women against the British colonists in Tasmania during the Black War)
Fu Hao (Chinese military general and high priestess, one of the wives of King Wu Ding of the Shang dynasty, probably the most powerful Shang general of her time)
Khutulun (Mongolian noblewoman and wrestler, daughter of Kaidu, a cousin of Kublai Khan. Was said to be so amazing at wrestling she defeated every man who challenged her)
Boudica (British queen of the tribe of the Iceni, led an uprising against the Roman Empire in either AD 60 or AD 61)
Lyudmila Pavlichenko (Ukranian sniper who served in the Red Army during World War 2, the most succesful female sniper in history with 309 confirmed kills, nicknamed “Lady Death” for her incredible skill with the sniper rifle)
Freydis Eiríksdóttir (Viking warrior, Daughter of Erik the Red and sister of Leif Erikson, repelled an attack by the Vinland natives all on her own while pregnant when the men fled. In later accounts she is portrayed as much less heroic, but those are heavily believed to have been written solely to villainize her for being a strong woman)
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mythologymadness · 3 years
mythology writing prompts
"You shouldn't touch that Hermes''
Tezcatlipoca rages on Ares
Set and Saturn meet for tea
''What a lovely day to cause some mischief''
Apollo challenges Athena to a spelling bee.
It's Aphrodite's birthday.... and Ares doesn't know what to get her
Triton gets legs
Moros says he could do Thanatos's job better than him. Thanatos retorts with ''i could do it better than you could ever, even with my wings tied''
Momos starts a prank war across the pantheons
Ishtar gets into a fight with Enyo
Eris is forced, as a punishment, to be a goddess of peace
Apollo loses his voice
''Of course I could beat you! I'm fucking Mars!''
Hephaestus gets appreciated
Loki shrinks Thor into a five year old
''You should smile more brother''
Apollo becomes human (again)
''I can't do it''
''Sit your ass down and shut up''
Zeus goes on vacation
Hera has a demigod
Dionysus moves in with Apollo
Tethys decides she doesn't want Amphitrite to be married to Poseidon anymore
Hades trades places with Zeus for a day
Hypnos lays an egg
Nyx gets her first lamp
Persephone sends her kids to high school in Canada
Calliope gets writer's block
Thalia can't seem to make anyone laugh
''I'm a failure okay! I'm a fraud! I never wanted to be this way!''
''I wish I had never birthed you''
Poseidon refuses to chill out after causes mass destruction across Earth
Mount Olympus gets hit with a rocket and the gods move to the rock mountains in Canada
Anubis becomes a puppy
Ragnorak happens but its not like anyone expected
Ra has an allergic reaction to clouds
"I, uh, lost (insert trickster god)" " WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU LOST (insert trickster god)"
Hermes has trouble with a metro card
from one serpent to another: four times Jörmungandr ignored Quetzalcoatl's advice and one time he didn't
Sun Wukong gets arrested
just dance off 2k21
the Jade Emperor discovers Advil
Zhu Bajie (best translation would be Piggy/ Pigsy) meets Circe
Quetzalcoatl decides he's had enough of Tezcatlipoca's BS
Asgard reacts to the Marvel movies
Apollo guest stars on Ellen
The Roman pantheon but as a soap opera
Nymphs file for child tax and Zeus has to go to court
Hermes starts laughing like Spongebob everytine Apollo tries to talk and Apollo has to plan to get him back
Zeus, Thor, Perun, Taranis, Susanoo, Set, and Xolotl have a lightning bolt throwing competition
Hades, Hel and Anubis swap pantheons for a day
Fenrir and Cerberus have a dog-day out (and it’s a mess to clean up)
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missouri-witchcraft · 2 years
Walnut Correspondences & Associations
So fun fact, the Missouri State Tree Nut is the eastern American black walnut (juglans nigra). So it feels right to start off the first post of this blog with a state symbol!
The eastern American black walnut is a deciduous walnut tree native to North America. The range of the eastern American black walnut goes from Ontario all the way down to Florida.
The juglans nigra isn't the only walnut tree common to Missouri - the other most common walnut is the butternut, or white walnut (juglans cinerea), which is native to the eastern United States and southeastern part of Canada. The juglans regia, also known as the Carpathian/common/English/Madeira/Persian walnut, is also known to have been planted in places in Missouri. Why? I dunno, maybe people are hungry. I'm not their parent.
owl (snowy)
Comets & Planets
Deities & Figures
Artemis (Greek)
Athena (Greek)
Belenus (Celtic)
Ceres (Roman)
Cerridwen (Welsh)
Danu (Irish)
Demeter (Greek)
Diana (Roman)
Hekate (Greek)
Hera (Greek)
Hermes (Greek)
Ishtar (Akkadian, Assyrian, Babylonian)
Juno (Roman)
Jupiter (Roman)
Kirke (Greek)
Loki (Norse)
Luna (Roman)
Mercury (Roman)
the Morrígan (Irish)
Osiris (Egyptian)
Persephone (Greek)
Poseidon (Greek)
Proserpina (Roman)
Rhiannon (Welsh)
Saturn (Roman)
Triple Goddess (Wiccan)
Zeus (Greek)
air [wood]
earth [especially wood]
fire [especially wood]
fae [shells]
spirit guides
tree nymphs
water sprites
femininity [wood]
Zodiac Signs
aligning with deities
astral travel [wood]
attracting lightning [especially black, wood]
averting cyclones [wood]
averting hurricanes [wood]
averting lightning [wood]
bad luck
blessings of deities [especially black]
cleansing [wood]
confidence [black]
dispelling [wood]
divine energy access [especially black]
dream work
energy [especially black]
expansion [especially wood]
falling out of love [black]
funerary practices
healing [especially nuts]
health [especially black]
illuminating [wood]
infertility [especially nuts]
intellectual development [black]
knowledge [especially wood]
manifesting goals/realistic wishes [black]
mental clarity
mental powers [especially nuts]
mental strength
protection [especially nuts, shells, wood]
recovering from loss/sorrow
teleportation [wood]
vortices [wood]
warding [shells]
weather magic [wood]
wind magic [wood]
wisdom [wood]
wishes [especially black, nuts]
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grailfinders · 3 years
Fate and Phantasms #182
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Today marks the end of the Dead Heat Summer Race builds as we finish up with today’s sponsor, Ishtar (Rider)! “Ishtar is best girl, and you should give all your grails and QP to her!” Now that the ad copy’s out of the way, let’s get to her build. For this build we’re re-flavoring an old UA to create the Traveler Sorcerer (original names for everything can be found in the character sheet.) We also dip into Monk for a level because the 20th level of sorcerer is bad.
Check out her build breakdown below the cut, or her character sheet over here!
Next up: BB 2: Electric Boogaloo
Race and Background
Ishtar’s still a Protector Aasimar and she’s also still a Goddess Alliance Anarch, which means she starts out with +1 Wisdom and +2 Charisma, Darkvision, Celestial Resistance to necrotic and radiant damage, Healing Hands to slap healing into people as an action, and the Light cantrip to help out racers with dumb human eyes.
She also gets Animal Handling and Religion proficiency from her background, as well as extra spells. We’ll get into detail about that last bit as it comes up though.
Ability Scores
Not a whole lot has changed since last time; make sure your Charisma is as high as possible for good spells and good Tricking People into a Race, then make Dexterity number two to stay on your scooter as you warp between continents. Your Wisdom should also be pretty good if you want to keep an eye on anyone trying to cheat by entering a rocket into a- hold on a second.
Where were we? Oh right, after that is Constitution. Gods don’t die. Your Strength is a bit low, but we’ll make up for that with technique and speed, so dump Intelligence. Once a Useless Goddess, always a Useless Goddess.
Class Levels
Sorcerer 1: First level sorcerers get proficiency with Constitution and Charisma saving throws, as well as two sorcerer skills. Grab Deception and Persuasion so we can get this show on the road. As a sorcerer, your Spells (which you can cast using your charisma) come from a special source, which in your case is the magic of Travel. You picked a pretty bad time for it, but I’m pretty sure gods can’t get sick? Humans can though. Stay home if you’re a human. At first level, you have a Soul of the Race, giving you a swim speed equal to your walking speed, and you can breathe underwater. DHSR is probably the least water-based summer event so far, but you get a bonus in all the other ones too, so it’ll pay off if you’re patient. You can also invoke the Curse of the Race after hitting a creature with a cantrip, lasting until the end of your next turn or until you curse another creature. Once per turn, you can trigger the curse by hitting the creature with a spell that has one of three requirements. If it deals cold damage, their speed is reduced by 15′ for a turn, or by the amount the spell already slows them by, whichever is greater. (You say you don’t play favorites, but that’s a lie.) If it deals lightning damage, it deals extra damage equal to your charisma modifier. If it forces movement, add 15 feet to the distance moved. Perfect for when you have to ground a rocket. You get a lot of spells this level, like Sword Burst for a good melee option while we wait to multiclass, True Strike so your punches can be slightly less bad, Friends to help coerce people into the race, and Prestidigitation to make yourself some free gems. For leveled spells, grab Chaos Bolt and Chromatic Orb for ways to trigger your curse with plausable deniability. Chromatic Orb even uses a diamond to cast, flavor win! You also get plenty of spells from your background for some more... “explosive” results. You get the cantrips Fire Bolt and Produce Flame, and the spells Compelled Duel, Speak with Animals, and Thunderwave.
Sorcerer 2: Compared to level 1, this level’s got a lot less going on. You become a Font of Magic to get your sorcerer level in sorcery points each long rest, which are mostly going to be useful at third level, and you can cast Distort Value to make your gems even more beautiful just by being around you.
Monk 1: Yeah, let’s just slide this in right now, why not? First level monks get Unarmored Defense to make your AC 10 + your dexterity modifier + your wisdom modifier. It’s not quite as good as mage armor, but it’s free. You also get Martial Arts, meaning your unarmed attacks use dexterity instead of strength, deal 1d4 damage, and you can attack as a bonus action if you attack as an action. Honestly you could’ve just used a knife before, but this is more flavorful. You also get to unleash your Radiant Soul as an action. You transform into a fancy shiny version, granting you flight and extra radiant damage once per turn.
Sorcerer 3: Third level sorcerers can spend their sorcery points on Metamagic to mix up your magic in a meta way. Extended Spell doubles the length of a spell’s duration, (very useful later) and Twinned Spell lets you take any spell that hits one target and make it hit two instead. You’re going to make a scooter fly eventually, it might be worth it to make sure you fly too. Fewer broken bones that way. For your first second level spell, grab Alter Self as one last preparation to trick people into racing by transforming into those close to them. You can’t change your general body type though, so you can’t turn into Charon to get Achilles to help out. Alternatively, you can use this to make natural weapons that deal 1d6 magical damage, and get a +1 bonus to your attacks and damage. Even sorcerers can do monk stuff faster than monks. You also get more background spells, like Beast Sense and Shatter. If you need to knock a rocket back to earth in the first place, it deserves to get wrecked.
Sorcerer 4: Use your first Ability Score Improvement to bump up your Charisma for stronger spells. You also learn Dancing Lights to put on a show at the opening ceremonies, and you can cast Find Vehicle from the Modern Magic UA to summon your scooter. Technically it can be any nonmilitary land vehicle, but no matter what it is it comes with some perks. You’re automatically proficient with its handling, and double your proficiency when making ability checks about driving it. Also, spells you cast on yourself can also effect the vehicle, so I guess that twinned spell doesn’t help here. At least it gives you more damage.
Sorcerer 5: Fifth level sorcerers have Magical Guidance, making them just a bit better at everything than normal people. By spending sorcery points, you can re-roll a failed skill check, hopefully doing better. You also learn how to cast Haste to speed up your scooter to the maximum. You also learn Conjure Animals and Conjure Barrage from your background. The latter doesn’t really see play, but the former will make it a lot easier to recreate your final ascension art.
Sorcerer 6: A sixth level Traveler can use their Accel Turn to avoid damage as a reaction. When you get hit by anything dealing bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage, you can reduce it by your sorcerer level plus your charisma score (not your modifier, your entire score) and move 30′ away without provoking attacks. You can use this once per short rest. You can also cast Fly now. I don’t think you ever actually touch the ground, do you? (You get resistance to fire damage too. Suck it, Icarus!)
Sorcerer 7: Seventh level sorcerers get fourth level spells, like Dimension Door. It’s not a fantastical trip through the world’s greatest capitals, but all teleportation has to start somewhere. And for you, that somewhere is 500′ away.
Sorcerer 8: Use your next ASI to become a Magic Initiate to steal a couple spells from the Wizard spell list. Grab the cantrips Gust and Minor Illusion for an easy way to trigger your curse and so you can make cool holograms to go with your communications (coming later). You can also cast Find Familiar once per long rest to make a little doll you that can help out the racers. You can also cast Charm Monster now. It won’t be enough to convince Lobo to change sides, but it’ll make it much easier to find judges for the other legs of the race.
Sorcerer 9: If your DM’s a stickler against UA, you can use your fifth level spell slots to cast Animate Objects instead to bring a chair to life or something. You also learn Destructive Wave. Probably shouldn’t use that one while riding.
Sorcerer 10: Grab the new Metamagic option Seeking Spell for more accurate spells, re-rolling a failed spell attack. Your curse is based entirely on being able to hit people with your spells, so it’d be nice if you could do that. You also learn how to use Message to keep up communications with the racers even if they’re, say, stuck in prison somewhere, and you can use Far Step to teleport you and your scooter around in short bursts, using your bonus action each turn.
Sorcerer 11: Use your fancy new sixth level spell slots to create an Arcane Gate, creating portals between a point within 10′ of you and a point within 500′ of you. You can also spin them around as a bonus action, so feel free to get Looney Tunes with it.
Sorcerer 12: Use this ASI to max out your Charisma for stronger spells, then use that last remaining point to bump up your Dexterity. That doesn’t really help yet, but trust me on this one.
Sorcerer 13: Good news; you can finally Teleport now. The bad news is it’s a seventh level spell. Also, it has a slight chance to mess up, and if you’re traveling across the globe “messing up” by even one percent means you’re several hundred miles off course.
Sorcerer 14: At fourteenth level you finally get another Travel Souvenir, the ability to open a Maana Gate without using spells, making it easier to move around a battle field. When you move on your turn, you take half damage from opportunity attacks, and can move through enemy spaces (as long as you don’t end your turn there.) You can also pass through solid objects, as long as there’s at least a 3 inch diameter space to move through. (again, you can’t end your turn there.)
Sorcerer 15: Fifteenth level sorcerers get eighth level spells, and I highly suggest you go with Sunburst. Being able to teleport all over the place is fun, but if you’re trying to replicate Ishtar’s NP you actually need a payoff at the end, and that’s this spell. Deal tons of radiant damage with all those shiny stars, and blind creatures that fail their constitution save.
Sorcerer 16: Use this ASI to become more Resilient when it comes to dexterity saves. You gain proficiency in them, and you also get +1 dexterity for your troubles. That bumps you up to an even number again, so your AC improves, as do your unarmed strikes.
Sorcerer 17: Seventeenth level sorcerers get their final level 9 spell, and yours is Gate. This lets you create a portal to a precise location for up to a minute, with no chance of mucking up unless a nearby deity isn’t a fan. The downside is this specifically only works on extraplanar trips, but I’m sure you can find enough sightseeing locations to make that work. To make travel even faster, you get your final Metamagic option, Quickened Spell. Cast action spells as a bonus action now, yay.
Sorcerer 18: At eighteenth level you receive your final souvenir, a Traveler’s Soul. Now you don’t need to eat, drink, or sleep, you can ignore critical hits against you, as they only count as normal hits, and you have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage. People seem to focus on the “useless” part of your title way more than the “goddess” part. Show them why they shouldn’t do that.
Sorcerer 19: Use your last ASI for the Tough feat to grab 40 more HP. Goddess or not, nobody wants to get Power Word Killed.
Your various defensive features make you surprisingly tanky for a spellcaster, with plenty of ways to negate common damage types and stay out of trouble.
Speaking of, thanks to your flying moped and teleporting you can be extremely mobile when you want to be, making it a real pain to keep you pinned down long enough to fight you.
You come packed with plenty of social spells giving you plenty of options to get away with stuff you shouldn’t. Break into secure areas, impersonate people, and charm foes.
Your subclass’ features mostly focus on lightning and cold damage. Your damage dealing spells mostly come from your background, which focuses on fire and thunder. This means you can’t use your early subclass features to their fullest potential, which can make early fights difficult if you’re playing to character. That’s why I recommend you start off with Chaos Bolt and Chromatic Orb- they can be used practically at the start, then Ishtar-ly later on.
The curse of the sea is finicky, and it’s the only offensively minded feature you really get. It restricts your damage types, and it comes into play only every third turn unless you’re using nothing but cantrips. You can definitely feel this is a UA class.
You only have about 140 HP, and very little way to deal with magic damage. All of your defenses only worry about damage types associated with physical attacks, so most spells can still chew through you if you’re not careful.
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divaricca · 3 years
God Herself
Unlike religious traditions that posit a God outside the physical earth, the Star Goddess may transcend the earth, but not our cosmos. With intimate connection, She is woven into the fabric of the natural world, in space, time, stars and green growing grass. This is immanence, the Divine in all things. In Her vastness, the Star Goddess may feel transcendent, but God-out-there is not separate from the immanent God-in-all-things that many call Goddess, and Victor and Cora called God Herself. She is akin to Egypt’s Nuit, Babylon’s Ishtar, Hine Turama of the Maori and the Welsh Arianrhod, lovers, creators and Star Goddesses all. She creates from lust and bears from her womb, messy, sticky and full of life. Hers is not the creation from pure intellect, birthed only by wind and word. Feri Tradition names Her Quakoralina. (2)
A Feri practitioner’s beliefs can range from the pure polytheism of many Gods (3), to an adapted monism, in which God Herself functions as the unifying force of all life. The Gods and Goddesses who embody particular energies that work in the world are said to have spiralled out from Her creative impulse. Victor would say that “The Supreme Being is God Herself. She needs no-one to help Her. She is male and female. The male is translated out through the female.”
As Hers was the first act of creation, God Herself – the Star Goddess – is present in all of creation. Immanent, She fills the interstices of our lives with mystery and beauty: in the pineapple weed pushing through the sidewalk cracks, or the flash of lightning, shattering the sky. Immanence is the voice of the breeze in the trees and the pounding of the waves on sand. Immanence is a kiss, a touch, a breath. It is your body sliding across your lover in lust and celebration."
T. Thorn Coyle
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amitieos · 2 years
⚡ - to take shelter from a storm together .
They're both soaked through. Hiding under the shops awning, Elincia blows a piece of dark green hair out of her face. She looks up at Ishtar, radiant as ever even drenched to the bone and smiles.
The storm rages around them, thunder rumbling and resonating over hills and through the streets. Brown eyes gaze up at the inky sky, darkened by the weight of clouds. The rain shows know sign of stopping and lightning darts to and from. It illuminates the firmament above, dazzling and very much alive. Beautiful, powerful and perhaps a little dangerous.
Just like the thunder goddess stood next to her.
"It's lovely, isn't it?" Elincia muses quietly, just loud enough for Ishtar to hear over peals of thunder. She has always loved thunderstorms. The electricity in the air makes her feel alive. When the storm passes, the world feels born anew. Looking at her companion, she feels a similar awe and reverence. "Frightfully damp, of course! But beautiful, all the same. It takes my breath away."
Elincia's fingertips stretch out, catching against Ishtar's. The intertwine, secretly and silently. The sky is raging in her immeasurable elegance. Caught in the eye of the storm, Elincia savours the moment.
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