chernobog13 · 26 days
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Birdman and the Herculoids by Steve Rude.
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peachybats · 6 months
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you already know tf is going on
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checkerboardfloorwork · 5 months
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tumblr era incoming
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ericmhe · 1 month
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Took a few liberties, gave it a grainy filter because the series is from early color TV days and I find it fun to do that sometimes. Tried to make Gleep and Gloop a little bit see-through because I thought it might be fun, but I should probably look up tutorials on how to be more effective at that.
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Me: I can't wait to go to bed, I'm so tired!!
My bed:
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Guess which side I sleep on?
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raccoonramblings · 2 months
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I just want to take a moment to appreciate how Phil Foglio drew Gleep the dragon in the '84 Myth Adventures comic. I love big, silly, scrungly dragons that act like dogs
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charliecharlington4 · 5 months
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a glorb i made (three assorted lineart flavors)
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nemospecific · 4 months
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Presented without comment
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the-lumpfish-king · 11 months
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emtropi · 1 year
girp zeep ir kab glarpo
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chernobog13 · 5 months
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The Herculoids by Alex Ross.
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Not about the Queen
I have been falling asleep lately to episodes of the Herculoids, and let me tell you, it has quickly become one of my favorite old cartoons.
It is Fuck Around And Find Out: The Series.
Every episode is just some neighboring (or even alien) overlord showing up at Zandor’s place and...
Wait, let me go back a bit. Introductions are in order. Meet our heroes, all lovingly designed by the late, great Alex Toth:
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Zandor is that guy in the middle.  To the left is his wife Tara, to the right is his son Dorno.  (Dorno calls Zandor and Tara by their first names all the time, but the opening narration establishes their relationship).  Zandor has a shield that blocks pretty much anything, and a slingshot that shoots powerful energy rocks, and is the tactician. Tara and Dorno sometimes use similar slingshots, though Tara is unfortunately often a damsel in distress, but not quite as much as you’d expect for a show from this era.
They look very primitive, but they were extremely familiar with advanced civilizations and high technology. There’s a vague implication that Zandor, at least, is from a more advanced society and just wanted to get away from it all by moving to this extremely backwater planet. They don’t even live in a house, they instead have a mostly-open shelter and sleep outside, but Zandor has no trouble piloting spaceships (usually left behind by a previous villain).
Those weird-ass monsters behind the humans are the Herculoids themselves. Despite their monstrous forms, they are definitely the real heroes and the real stars of this show. They don’t talk, but they each have their own distinctive voice for roars despite three of them being played by the same guy (Mike Road, who also voices Zandor). Even the two blobs have different voices, with the larger one having a deeper voice (but, again, both played by the same person, Don “Scooby-Doo” Messick, who also voiced a lot of the villains). They also understand English perfectly, and Zandor understands them.
That’s Tundro on the left: he shoots energy rocks from his horn, that flower-petal-like arrangement around his head blocks things being shot at him, and, though you can’t see it in this picture, he has eight little legs and can charge at high speeds. He’s weirdly cute in motion, because his legs are so stubby (though he can also extend them to become very, very tall).
On the right, Igoo. He’s an ape made of rock. Like if the Thing from the Fantastic Four was ten feet tall and couldn’t talk. He was at a disadvantage at ranged combat (he could just throw things, and everything he threw tended to get shot out of the air), but in melee he was unstoppable.  Very hard to hurt, as well. Because he’s the most humanoid, he’s the most likely to be comic relief (again, sort of like the Thing), but also the most likely to punch a robot’s head off when energy rocks and laser beams aren’t quite doing it.
Gloop and Gleep are the two blob-like things with the big eyes. Gloop is the big one, Gleep the little one. Possibly the least powerful offensively, but impossible to hurt (they often used their bodies to shield the humans) and incredibly versatile, able to stretch and turn into pretty much anything (shades of Mr. Fantastic, speaking of the Fantastic Four — no equivalent to The Invisible Woman or the Human Torch, if you’re wondering). It’s never explained their exact relation to one another. They’ve killed a few folks by squeezing them to death. (I’m not exaggerating, incidentally. The aliens definitely died)
And last but not least, in the back, Zok. He’s a dragon that shoots lasers from his eyes and tail, and he’s exactly as cool as that sounds. Very rarely he breathes fire (which I think only happened in the 1980s episodes), but usually it’s lasers. Slightly less durable than the others, but he can fly.  I mean, look at him:
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I love that guy.
And almost every episode, some villainous idiot shows up and goes “Aha, it is Zandor and the Herculoids!” — yes, they all know who he is already, and call him by name, which makes the impending defeat all the more humiliating — “I believe I will attack them for some reason that has to do with my plan to take over this planet and/or the universe!” And then they usually send out dozens of troops who look mostly like the leader but with slightly simpler costume design. Sometimes they send out robots or even a giant monster instead. Sometimes this is just a distraction while they use a machine to steal the planet’s air (Spaceballs ain’t got nothin’ on these guys) or invade a nearby village to steal their gold, but just as often they just are there specifically to capture and/or kill Zandor and the Herculoids.
And by the end of every single episode, the villain’s troops are all dead, their “unstoppable” gizmo is wrecked, their spaceship or fortress reduced to rubble. Usually, that was it for them, implied to have been killed when their ship crashed or their fortress exploded. (Sometimes they escaped at the end and didn’t return; sometimes they escaped at the end and actually did return once in a later episode. Once the villain returned even though they had seemingly been killed in their previous appearance, and they managed to escape at the end of that episode, too, though that was also their last appearance)
And almost every single episode has a point where the villain has a chance to just surrender and leave, and Zandor often even offers to let them go if they’ll just stop, but they never take it. They always double down. “Sure, the giant nearly-invulnerable monsters easily thwarted my first attack and murdered half my troops”, they say, “But now I shall do exactly the same thing but harder; surely that will work! Go, my remaining loyal minions! Use a slightly larger laser cannon this time!”  Spoiler: it doesn’t work. In another few minutes, they will all be dead, and the leader’s last-ditch attack will also fail, leaving him (or, once, her) also very dead.
They always fuck around and boy do they find out.
(There’s some episodes where a monster is just spontaneously generated out of a swamp or hatches from an egg or something, but the overconfident villains make up the majority.  At least once they crossed over with Space Ghost, which was done by the same animation and writing team)
I honestly love it. I love all the goofy Alex Toth designed 1960s H-B cartoons (Space Ghost, Mighty Mightor, etc) and also the weird in-between series Frankenstein Jr. and the Impossibles (which has character and background design reminiscent of the Jetsons but the writing of their Space Ghost-era superhero cartoons), but The Herculoids is absolutely my favorite.
I find nothing as soothing as old superhero cartoons where you don’t have to focus on the myriad plot twists (because there are none), just watch and enjoy the explosions. Or drift off to sleep while explosions happen.m
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jayridge-art-storage · 10 months
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babyorm · 23 days
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he got a scary phone call
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Gleep Gleep Gleep Gleep my love
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weirdmarioenemies · 11 months
This is a post about GUBBLE
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Gubble is funny, we all know this. Look at Gubble, look and giggle. But Gubble is not just something to laugh at, it is something to laugh WITH! It is a fun little game full of nonsense words and weird little creatures. I highly recommend reading the manual, which you can find here, as it is actually rather funny! I will be talking about some of my favorite Gubble Creatures! So here I am, posting a Gubble. It's Friday, alright!
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Gubble D. Gleep
Oh hell yeah! Look at that rendering. I never want to see Gubble in a "good" rendering style. I don't think he would be able to breathe. Gubble is the main Gubble Creature. He is a funny alien! The gleep glorp kind! He has a wacky skin color and antennae, but his big defining features are his ears, which he is very proud of. I do not know how they work! It is weird to see an alien with antennae AND ears, since I always assume alien antennae are for detecting sound, but maybe Gubble's are like regular animal antennae, and are for smelling!
Gubble makes all sorts of weird noises as he flies around in his, I quote, "mini-spaceship pod thing". He uses that to unscrew screws and pry out nails and anything else he needs to do to detach Zymbots from the surface of the planet Rennigar, and Zymbots are the levels, and you see the word "Zymbot" a LOT in this game, and I think that is wonderful.
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They even put "Zymbot" on the cover of the sequel! That only makes the information more confusing than it otherwise would have been. I am all for it! But what awaits you, among the Zymbots...?
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Wangry Wobot
"They are red and they are angry. Unfortunately, they don't know what they are angry about, but they know they like to follow aliens around."
Look at this! See what I mean? The manual is so delightful! Wangry Wobot... such a wonderful name! This wobot is wangry... or I should say, this wobot is angry, because the description informs us that it is angry, and Wangry Wobot is its name. All it does is walk, but in a funny way, with those legs sliding back and forth on its body, not bending or anything. I love how flat and minimalist this thing is. Built and programmed just to walk around, yet built with the capacity for anger...
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Wangry Wobot Wannabee
"They are not-quite-red (blue actually), but they want to be every bit as angry as the Wangry Wobots. They haven’t learned how to follow aliens yet, so they just wander around aimlessly. Pathetic, really, but oh well…"
Hey! Be nice to them! If Wangry Wobot is Gubble's Goomba, then the Wannabee is Gubble's Goombrat. These are even more endearing with their personality! They look up to Wangry Wobots so much, like a younger sibling or maybe even a child, a freshly hatched robot from a metal egg. I wish we had funny robots like this in real life, but the only ones they make in real life these days are evil. Hopefully it will one day be economically feasible to fund some funny robots that walk around town and do literally nothing but kind of get in the way. Would be cool!
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"These guys like to sneak up on you unnoticed and cause grief and misery."
Wow! I would not have expected to see notable Creature Representation in Gubble of all things, but here we have a platyhelminth that at least I think is pretty clearly a stylized planarian! This one is a funny shape, like a shoehorn, and has a funny depth to it, like it was cut out of a sheet of dough. Now, normally I would be telling you that no animal is morally bad, they don't have the capacity for it, but we are told in FlatWorm's description that it is, indeed, messed up and evil. Just get away from it, please! Get back to the zymbot! Had you forgotten about the zymbot?
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"They just roam around over your head. They're orbs, ya know?"
I am not sure I know! But they are cool orbs! Good job making some orbs! Their eyes make them look like giant ostracods, the most orbtastic creature of all!
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Slug Bug
"An example of the bizarre Rennigar fauna. Man, somebody must have gone pop-eyed when that monster was created."
Created??? These creatures were Created??? Even the non-mechanical ones? By who? Mad scientists? Gubble God? I don't know! Whoever it was, I don't think they know what a slug is, though. Pincers, segments, bristles, this is all bug, no slug! Like some kind of larva to me. The five eyes are goofy, but most insects technically do have five eyes, with two compound eyes and three little ocelli on top!
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"Originally used as repair drones, these spidery-looking things will use their pinchers on you just as effectively. Stay out of their reach!"
Look, it's Drone! Like they keep putting in the cartoons to keep them timely! I am fascinated by the manual for calling these "spidery-looking", since it is clearly some kind of roboshark head with pinchy claws. Did you know? Real spiders do not look like robosharks! However, I am not saying the manual is WRONG. Maybe "spider" means something entirely different than the way we Earthlings use it. After all, we say "level" instead of "zymbot", like a bunch of knuckleheads!
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"The stories go that the Uurrgghhs used to be somebody's eyes and were stolen. Now they roam back and forth looking for their owner. And if they can't find their owner, you would do as well. Want a pair of alien eyes?"
I will bookend this post with another of the silliest enemy names. We really go from Drone right to Uurrgghh. Awesome! Uurrgghh is almost a fantasy creature, a classic eyeball with bat wings, but it has this cool metal exoskeleton or helmet with droopy horns, and three tentacles emerging from the bottom, so it is also fittingly sci-fi, which I think is very fun. I don't think they looked like that when they were just someone's eyes, but put on this protective outfit to stay moist and healthy while flying around with no eyelids. Would you welcome them into your sockets? They don't HAVE to replace your current eyes. They could all be friends!
So those are just some of my favorite silly things from Gubble! If you did not know much about Gubble, I hope you have a new appreciation for it! Be careful out there on those zymbots!
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