#Glamorous K9s
prattlinpeach · 3 months
It's Wednedsay, back to doggie daycare!
It’s Wednesday and that means it’s doggie daycare time! And they…LOVE it! We started taking them to Glamourous K9s a few months ago, some time after we moved into the house, and…conviently enough, it’s very close to the house, score! They were going every Wednesday and then they stayed at doggie daycamp or they were boarded when we went to the USVI over the holidays. They loved that too! Lots…
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mindseyeinkarnate · 4 years
Portraits of a Serial Killer - “The Cell” turns 20
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I've often reflected how the influence of Art is a key component missing from Modern Horror. The Xenomorph we all know and fear came from the painted nightmares of Swedish surrealist H.R. Giger, the Screamer is said to have influenced the Ghostface Killer mask.  For a further rundown of art's musings over the genre, I would highly recommend 2017's Tableaux Vivants for a look at 60 such portraits and the films they inspired.
In the summer of 2020, The Medium video game appears to correct that oversight with the recent trailer dropping, adapting Polish painter, Zdzislaw Beksinski's frightening paintings.  In the same season of the same year is when The Cell celebrates 20 years (8/17/2020).  This film appeared to feature as many artistic influences as possible into its near two hour runtime.
The sight of chains freaked me out upon watching my first Hellraiser movie, so the sexual perversion of their use in this film did little to alleviate such apprehension, especially as they pulled so tightly to suspend human flesh in the air. Despite a previous scene showing the villain having drowned his victim, this was the true introduction to his villainy - the former showed what he did, that latter why he did it.  Even re-watching this film so many years later, I had to look away from the screen, recoiling from such a grisly display.
Typically, in Horror or any film that assumes a particular aesthetic, it is color that makes the impression to set mood.  Instead, the use of white in this film, from the K9 to the bleached state of the victims is used to ghoulishly haunting effect.
I remember critics remarking that because of Vince Vaughn's comedic history they couldn't take him seriously in this role and relegated his involvement to stunt casting. I take the opposite stance since, for me, every role after this film simply serves as a reminder that he starred in The Cell.  I've always felt that comedy actors do well in dramas - see Robin Williams in "Good Will Hunting" - and I thought that Vaughn did a serviceable job in this film, never distracting from either tone or plot.
I was happy that they just dove into the mechanics behind entering one's mind as an accepted reality, that they didn't get bogged down in techno babble or exposition of the technology.  There is a time and place for the virtual journey into the cerebral frontier, such as The Matrix or a good adaptation of the Lawnmower Man, but for the Cell, I'm happy that they focused more on the story and not so much the science.  The suits do look like Twizzlers, but it was made by Eioka Ishioka (who passed away in 2012), the same costume designer as Vlad Tepes' suit from Bram Stoker's Dracula.  I do like that the two participators are suspended in the air while their minds are linked.  It's an eerie callback to the killer's suspension from chains for sexual release. Also, it does give the technology that space age feel as though they are in a weightless environment.
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Since the 90's, special effects have been criticized as dominating films to the point Stephen King is quoted as remarking that "story supports effects instead of effects supporting story". Similarly, an argument can be made that at times The Cell becomes too indulgent with its usage of famous art that serve no plot function, e.g. the Horse Split, the Three Women of Odd Nerdrum's Dawn painting, Mother Theresa and her Hallmark card, etc.  As the director is quoted as saying "The thing about this film is it’s an opera, and there is no such thing as a subtle opera.”  I don't believe that the script was penned as an excuse to pack in as much gallery portraits as possible or is an hour and fifty minutes of a music video.  I just wish the director would've used each art piece he seeks influence from to develop the story or the character.  The imagery doesn't always portray the killer's psychology or the psychologist's therapeutic technique.  If he wasn't going to utilize subtlety, he should have implored restraint.  He later added "Anyway, I missed the whole plot, just been talking visual all along, ah, where are we?”
Once in the killer's mind, his depiction as the master of his domain is a hauntingly accurate depiction considering the previous scenes of suspension rings in the back of his body, which unwittingly foreshadowed to the audience his royal appearance to come.  Even the name, King Stargher, is a daunting title for a movie monster.  When rising and descending from his throne, the violet robes receding from the walls and tracing along the room is hypnotically unnerving.
As tiresome as the "we're still in the dreamworld" trope can become (The Matrix, DS9 Season 7 episode 23 "Extreme Measures"), this film not only flips it when the psychologist realizes that she's "already in", but does so in a cleverly visual way.
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King Stargher
Horned Stargher
Court Jester/Vatican Clown  
Serpent Stargher
It is interesting to think that a single actor would assume many distinct monstrous characters.  Unlike a Freddy Kreuger or a Pennywise that turn into manifestations of their victims' fears, the figures that Stargher assumes are all avatars of his own warped psyche, his own inner turmoil.  Vincent D'Onofrio really does put in his all with this role.  He's soft spoken and understated when he needs to be and malicious and heartless when the scene demands it.  Along with the visuals of the film, D'Onofrio's performance is worth the price of admission.  It's a shame that his acting as well as the movie's stunning artistry are what have gone overlooked all these years.  Speaking of...
One invalid criticism that has been levied against the film is its attempts to persuade the audience to sympathize with the killer.  My intention with the following statement is neither to flaunt my Horror insight nor to divide the lines between fans within Horror and those without.  Having said that, even as an adolescent seeing this movie in theaters, I at no point felt remorse for the serial murderer and I chalk up this long-held misconception to a bad read on the film.
So off-base is this "critical analysis" that it can't even be regarded as a Jekyll & Hyde dynamic.  The villain is not split down the middle between binary good and evil, where both halves are at war over his soul, or the repressed impulses of his Dark Passenger are manifesting in a heartless butcher.  If there is any distinction, it is between who the antagonist was when a victim as a boy and what the man became as an adult victimizer.  If anything it is the good that is repressed, not the evil.  Furthermore, along with using the film's plot to force Alice down the rabbit hole of the Mad Hatter's mind, this film does address the nature of evil.  When referring to Stargher, even Jennifer Lopez's character remarks "The Dominant side is still this horrible thing".  The Vince Vaughn detective states "I believe a child can experience 100 times worse the abuse than what Gish (a different killer) went through, and still grow up to be somebody that would never, ever, ever hurt another living being."  Thus, these serve as acknowledgement that the abducted criminal is firmly in the driver's seat to the point of its reference as a "thing" and a condemnation of what the killer has become, respectively.
Along with exploring the psychology of the killer, the film does not qualify the villain's innocence, it questions it.
The critics probably missed that pesky detail that would've debunked their headline before they pressed a single word of their denunciation.
These same professional critics wouldn't give a second's hesitation towards throwing Horror under the bus and condemning Scary Movies for inspiring violence if it meant their jobs were only the line, yet they would balk at the notion that continued mental trauma and physical abuse can cause psychopathic behavior.
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There are classics and icons worth praising for their plot and performances, respectively, and then there are some Scary Films that Horror Fans view with the understanding of their heavy material and without your typical fanfare because they're a hard watch.  I can see where people would be fans of Hannibal Lecter not because they or the film glamorizes cannibalism, but because of Anthony Hopkins' acting chops (excuse the pun).  Conversely, John Doe, the serial killer of Se7en, has and will likely never enjoy such admiration because of the cold purity of his calculated evil.  The 2 decade critique of The Cell's villain portrayal is a dark cloud that has unjustly hung over its head.
The motif of "the eyes of a killer" was something applauded in Rob Zombie's Halloween 2, yet ridiculed in The Cell 9 years prior?
This film's premise and the fact that it wasn't fully effectively executed makes it primed for a remake.  Hollywood needs to be issued a Cease and Desist order of such wholesale dependence on Remakes in general, let alone in the Horror genre.  When you consider that so many remakes can't outdo the original and even tarnish the films they attempt to emulate, why not fix the problems of a film that went wrong and take the credit when you get it right?
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iamprotech · 3 years
KKMYWAN Modern Crystal Ceiling Light LED Dimmable Ceiling Chandelier with Remote 5 Rings Flush Mount Light Fixture for Bedroom Living Room Dining Room Foyer Kitchen, 3000k/4000k/6000K Chrome
Price: (as of – Details) Product Description KKMYWAN Modern Crystal Ceiling Light This Contemporary Light Fixture is designed to enhance your home atmosphere; you can freely change the color temperature by the remote or regular switch; the high-quality materials, like K9 crystals and stainless steel, make the light looks glamorous and classy. When you turn on the light at night, you can see…
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mechagalaxy · 3 years
Sten Hugo Hiller - 627184: Mountain Climbing Mecha Combat #1409
(By Sten Hugo Hiller - 627184) Mountain Climbing Mecha Combat #1409 Brought to you by ANN Highlighting the February 3367 Krampus The Gaming Authorities decided the time had yet again come to let the 70 ton Krampus take the center stage. On the eight highest tops it would be the only legal model. -On K9 they were given an unlimited event instead. The Krampus is perhaps not the most glamorous of Mechs, and it have some rather glaring drawbacks. Low speed, low weapon aquisition rate and mediocre targeting being the top three. But it have decent shielding, and good evasive abilities, so it is a pretty survivable ride unless you face Mechs more advanced or heavier than it. The last Krampus event we had was back in January `66, and we had managed to get a Silver back then. But several of the opponents had outmassed us in that event, and since we would be outlicenced by up to 100 by the regulars on K3, having the formation in tip-top shape would be a good idea. A bit before the scramble the formation was brought out of mothballs. To get a feel for the opposition we went over to the arena. We signed up, and a couple strikes saw us claim a spot on the slopes. Few of the opponents had brought their Krampus`es up yet, but could be expected to so before the scramble started. But as I saw it, there were still more than a half-hour until the scramble started. We had gotten some new weapons and equipment since the last time the formation had been in action, so to get the best performance out of them some TLC  would be mandatory. Said TLC took its time, but when I returned to the arena we were as prepared to kick butts and wreck mayhem as we could be. Unfortunately my timing had been off, and the scramble was already over. I was met by the crew as they filed out, and was given plenty of accusing stares. But they also handed over footage from the fighting on all the tops, so at least I could figure out that this events winners had been: Div 1 381+ (32 Commanders): Fabio Favaro, Odin`s Secret Chamber (42m,14s) 2: Ben Rail 3: Bernard Johnson 4: Were Wolf 5: Sherriff Leary Wretham 6: Jeff Haas 7: Sal Vezzosi Jr 8: Gary Muenzel 9: Mk Mathews 10: Randy Taylor Div 2 -380 (7 Commanders): Yusuke Paul Okabayashi, M&L Team Banzai (6h,39m) Div 3 -293 (21 Commanders): Chong Chin, Heroes (9h,10m) Div 4 -188 (19 Commanders): retiredarmyman, Death`s Revenge (13h,37m) Div 5 -140 (13 Commanders): Grego, B.S.L.R. (1h,57m) Div 6 -112 (13 Commanders): Mike Slowenski, Chess Dragons (1h,52m) Div 7  88 (21 Commanders): Markus Eisenhand, Black Star Bandits (26m,33s) Div 8 -61 (18 Commanders): Djohn Ddrake, Death`s Hecklers (1d,10h) Div 9 -36 (24 Commanders): Captain Beefheart, Ronins 2 (18m,19s) On the eight tops where only Krampus`es were allowed to fight 7(G,3S)+0+3(2S)+2S+4(G,1S)+3(2S)+2(1S)+4(3S)= Two Golds, fourteen Silvers and ten Bronzes were awarded to Commanders who might have had pure Krampus formations. Total Contestants: 168 Total medals claimed: 123 (of 135 possible) Compared to the Anzu Chrono, sixteen additional Commanders signed up for the fighting. But despite this influx, this time the imbalance between the tops were actually worse. This resulted in a full dozen of Bronzes, from a trio of tops ending unclaimed. (Those were later returned for resmelting.) The last half-hour saw only the Golds on K7 and K9 being fought over. Four other Golds were held for at least two hours, one of them for more than a day. Was this due to strong winners, or a low participation during the scramble? Hard to say. Perhaps we can get a clue if we look at the number of medals held for more than 30 minutes in this event: .............Silvers......Bronzes Div 1 ....2 of 4.........4 of 10 Div 2 ....4 of 4.........2 of 2 Div 3 ....1 of 4.........8 of 10 Div 4 ....4 of 4.......10 of 10 Div 5 ....4 of 4.........8 of 8 Div 6 ....1 of 4.........4 of 10 Div 7 ....1 of 4.........4 of 10 Div 8 ....3 of 4.........8 of 10 Div 9 ....3 of 4.........6 of 10 We had three tops (K2, K4 and K5) where no successfull medal attacks were launched. On another trio of tops (Mount Olympus, K6 and K7) the action were fierce enough to redistribute most of the medals. A total of thirteen Silvers (36%) and twenty-six Bronzes (33%) changed hands, giving percentages higher than the 22% for the Golds. None of the clans managed to bring home more than one Gold, and none of the unaligned Commanders rose to the top this time either. But we had one repeat winner; Yusuke Paul Okabayashi from Myth and Legends Team Banzai on K2. Upcoming event: SelfSame Here we get an event where everyone are free to choose what model of Mechs they prefer to fight in. But only the chosen model (placed in the pointMech spot) will be active in the fighting. For most Commanders this will be a question of quantity or quality. Do you bring lots of lesser Mechs, or fewer of the top models? Event ends January 9 between 1700 and 1730 New York Time
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jeremystrele · 4 years
51 Crystal Chandeliers to Hypnotize Your Guests
A crystal chandelier is back and more modern than ever, for a good reason. It offers a fantastic way to represent your style while enhancing the atmosphere of any room in your home. It’s not just a plain lighting accessory. A stylish crystal chandelier unites elegance, cutting-edge fashion, and a vintage flair. Furthermore, there’s a crystal chandelier for any kind of interior, including luxury, progressive, or farmhouse charm. You can choose just as much glitz as you like, from an understated sparkle to a full-Dynasty mode.
$159BUY IT Spherical Crystal Chandelier: Exquisitely beautiful raindrop chandelier is a gorgeous ceiling light fixture which is impossible to compliment enough by a picture. Solid construction features fragile-looking, superior quality materials like first-class crystal glass raindrop sleek stainless steel. The modern contemporary chandelier pendant lamp is a functionally beautiful asset to any interior.
$122BUY IT Exquisite Raindrop Crystal Chandelier: This medium size chandelier suitable for a variety of spaces features a 39” high spiral of premium crystal glass. The set of strings is finely crafted, with high sparkle and clarity, to provide astonishing effect day and night. Clear crystal in combination with mirror steel catches and reflects an abundance of light, reflecting a multi-color spectrum around.
$233BUY IT Spiral Raindrop Crystal Chandelier: Impressive and large, this chandelier will bring an extra oomph to any interior with its glitzy spiral of premium crystal glass. Its design is brimming with Hollywood glamour, elevating the luxury vibe together with visibility. Clear parts catch and emit light, sending waves of multicolor reflections all over the room
$640BUY IT Spherical Raindrop Crystal Chandelier: This extravagant flush mount light is suitable for high ceilings, foyer, and stairwell of a two-story house or a villa. If you use warm white bulbs it will create an atmosphere that is soft rather than dazzling. To dress to impress, use cool white bulbs and keep crystals to reflect more light and provide a seriously glamorous effect.
$368BUY IT Square Raindrop Crystal Chandelier: Strikingly beautiful, yet sophisticatedly fragile, this square raindrop crystal chandelier sparkles from every angle. It can do well over a dining table, in a living room, but also in a foyer. Modern contemporary design fits a range of styles and interior design solutions.
$125BUY IT Starlight Crystal Chandelier: The modern and elegant design of this stunning lighting fixture looks fantastic wherever you put it. Try the bathroom and create a glamorously dramatic atmosphere, or hand it as a central focal point over your dining table. It’s such a festive fireworks eye candy that every day will be July 4th.
$600BUY IT Striking Crystal Chandelier: This raindrop crystal chandelier is more than a simple ceiling light. It’s a handmade pendant lighting, composed of adjustable metal aluminum branches, with a gold plated finish. Waterfall of droplet bling crystals glitter like diamonds, elegant, luxurious, chic. It’s clearly very easy to fall in love with this stunning centerpiece.
$149BUY IT Modern Crystal Chandelier: The distinctively modern chandelier features numerous stainless steel lines. Crystal petals extend in every direction from a small sphere, resembling fireworks, or a starburst. The sphere, rods, and petals are made of metal and feature an antioxidant eco-friendly finish, stunning as much as durable.
$318BUY IT Antique Crystal Chandelier: Inspired by the rustic style of a farmhouse full of natural materials, this crystal chandelier combines the look of a round wagon wheel with a modern triangle structure. The result is more than success, embodied in this modern farmhouse chandelier. You can use it as a pendant chain light if you have a high ceiling, or without a chain, if you have a lower ceiling.
$115BUY IT Oil Rubbed Bronze Crystal Chandelier: The orb chandelier lighting comes in a bronze finish as a clean, elegant fixture. This design will look great in a foyer, over a dining table, above a staircase, entryway, or in a kitchen. Its unique shape can pivot freely in order to create your own desired look, making. each light authentic in its own subtle way. The bronze finish is suitable for traditional, warm contemporary, or industrial settings.
$190BUY IT Modern Crystal Chandelier: With its clean and elaborated form, this modern piece boasts a rigid yet classy appearance. Its unique shape fits a range of styles and interiors. Sticks of crystal are arranged in a way that breaks the light into many fragments, sending them to dance over your walls. This chandelier will look great over your dining table, but also in a living room or a bedroom.
$360BUY IT Circular Crystal Chandelier: This stunning piece is the result of a successful fusion of vintage, industrial style with a modern flair. Bold and effective design features clear glass prisms, placed on a large round iron frame with a black finish. This crystal chandelier will lend an extraordinary atmosphere to every home.
$110BUY IT Vintage Crystal Chandelier: If you are looking for a warm and familiar atmosphere of granny’s house but with a modern twist, this crystal chandelier might be the right piece for you. Vintage flair is supported by modern features, and with some fancy lightbulbs, it will easily become the centerpiece of your interior design.
$200BUY IT Flower Shaped Crystal Chandelier: Astonishingly elegant, this crystal chandelier is literally blossoming from your ceiling. Its timeless, both classic and novel design features polished stainless steel, and top-class K9 crystal prisms. This chandelier will find its place in a variety of room styles, creating a glamourous and brilliant ambiance.
$259BUY IT Raindrop Crystal Chandelier: Raindrops come from clouds, so what could make a better design for a modern crystal chandelier? Sleek but striking, it will effortlessly dominate any space, attracting all eyes with its sophisticated flair. It’s an ideal choice for a dining room, but you can easily incorporate it wherever you wish.
$599BUY IT Gold Crystal Chandelier: Glamour and refined style are embodied in this gold crystal chandelier, designed to bring effortless luxury to any room. Its texturized body is made of stainless steel, treated by multiple processes to take out the exquisite and elegant shine. Fine, K9 crystal beads are bright and dazzling to elevate both style and mood of your place.
$37BUY IT Foyer Crystal Chandelier: This mini size crystal chandelier is a perfect flush mount ceiling light for a hallway, or to highlight the vogue of your walk-in closet. Its polished stainless steel base is filled with K9 clear crystal, put together in a geometric shape. The crystal arrangement ensures even distribution of light fragments, creating a gorgeous atmosphere.
$196BUY IT Gold and Crystal Chandelier with Chain: This modern pendant crystal chandelier is energy-saving, non-toxic, and environmentally friendly. A contrasting combination of clear and gold provides an attractive visual feature, while clean lines and geometric form make the fixture suitable for a broad range of interior styles.
$180BUY IT Chrome Crystal Chandelier: A chrome crystal chandelier will never chip, fade, or tarnish. This unique design features a futuristic flair that can still find its place in an eclectic or transitional setting. Dangle this pendant anywhere you need a shot of glamour highlighted with faceted clear crystal balls and diamond-shaped accents.
$801BUY IT Modern Crystal RaindropChandelier: With 26 alluring crystal balls spiraling downward, this modern crystal chandelier will add elegance and ambiance to a staircase, foyer, or any room with a high ceiling. This sparkling work of art takes only a few minutes to install all the crystal balls and light up the room with an amazing effect.
$240BUY IT Modern Crystal Beaded Chandelier: Fashionable design with a plethora of fine crystal elements arranged in a firework lampshade design will surely attract many compliments. The long golden branch features eight large fixtures to provide plenty of light for fragmentation and scattering around a room. Assembling is easy, you just need to hang all wired beads according to the instruction.
$122BUY IT Modern Pendant Crystal Chandelier: The modern and elegant design of this crystal chandelier is a great way to decorate your bedroom, living room, kitchen, even bathroom for some bonus vogue points. The lamp body is a fashionably carved aluminum tube, sturdy and durable. Yet, it provides a slender, fragile appeal, reminiscent of a star when the light is turned on.
$320BUY IT Industrial Modern Crystal Chandelier: This luxury, elaborately designed chandelier is impossible to pass unnoticed. It incorporates tree branch style with the crystal lights finely cut into diverse planes, making a remarkable effect with lights turn on. Its high-end quality, together with, exquisite workmanship will fill your room with a sense of modern, refined luxury.
$166BUY IT Drum Crystal Chandelier: Utterly modern, this crystal chandelier features a clear glass strip and a gray glass strip fixed on a sturdy, stainless steel frame. Its gorgeous yet low key design provides better light efficiency while sleek sparkling crystals create a superior and classy atmosphere for any room.
$194BUY IT Metal Orb Crystal Chandelier: An incredible effective fusion of vintage and modern, this uniquely designed crystal chandelier will elevate the sophistication of your dining room or grand foyer. Its globe-shaped shell features an antique finish and encases a vintage-style lighting fixture. This four-light crystal chandelier comes with a durable, sturdy base with a pull chain for added convenience and easy operation.
$430BUY IT Modern Net Crystal Chandelier: This gorgeous and unique rectangle crystal chandelier effortlessly captures everyone’s attention while doing its job of lighting up your home. It is iron shell is perfectly made to encase a high-grade glass crystal that sparkles from every angle. The fixture is fully dimmable to create the perfect atmosphere.
$280BUY IT Rectangular Crystal Chandelier: This glittering five-light crystal chandelier can look perfect when centered over sprawling dining tables and breakfast bars, bringing sparkle to your space. Faceted crystal details cascade down in a geometric pattern, drawing the eye of your guests, while an iron frame provides a clean, tailored edge on top. It’s compatible with both vaulted ceilings and dimmer switches.
$900BUY IT Crystal Beaded Chandelier: The warm and welcoming glow of this crystal chandelier is a wonderful way to greet your guests in the entryway or elevate the vogue of your dining room for a dinner party. Its frame is a curving branch design finished in mystic gold, while six lights create an even gleam, so that the dripping crystal accents can immerse the room in luminary shine.
$240BUY IT Globe Contemporary Crystal Chandelier: This comprehensive and beautiful globe chandelier will never fail to dazzle your guests. It features an inner cylindrical dome full of sparkling crystals, while the chrome frame houses three candelabra style lights to provide abundant light in your space. Its chain is adjustable and the fixture can be dimmable for diverse mood settings.
$270BUY IT Drum Shade Crystal Chandelier: The beautiful ornate design of this piece will make a strong style statement of your home. Oversized polished nickel drum hosts a plethora of K-9 crystal jewels, making the chandelier a perfect addition to modern or glam decor styles. With a double-layered medallion pattern featuring 76 strands of 335 individual hanging faceted crystal pieces, this luxurious piece is ready for compliments.
$350BUY IT Statement Geometric Crystal Chandelier: It could easily be a part of the scenery for some science fiction movie with its crystal chrome finish and unique, progressive design. This chandelier comes equipped with 5 lights. Their platinum division is constructed to resemble a swirling pattern that is unusual and captivating, as a real statement of fashion-forward taste.
$250BUY IT Modern Beaded Crystal Chandelier: Eight dimmable lights and hundreds of crystals make this chandelier as dazzling as it is unique. It lights up both the room and your mood, with hundreds of jewels glimmering on wires, shooting out from a chrome sphere. Candle size bulbs and a dimmer switch will immerse your space in a special atmosphere and unexpected beauty.
$340BUY IT Square Drum Crystal Chandelier: Dazzle contemporary decor ensures an unbeatable upscale feel for your space, with this elegant linear chandelier. This style delivers sophisticated bling with stunning grade-A K9 crystal rods that orderly cascade from a base with a handcrafted shade. Its modern geometric shape will ideally fit over your dining table, in a living room, or a bedroom.
$570BUY IT Modern Round Drum Crystal Chandelier: The refined and classy shimmering chic of this enchanting crystal chandelier is sure to make a statement in your home. Taking on a drum silhouette, its openwork wire shade is embellished with crystal dots, for a refreshing glamour and fragile charm. Eight candelabra-inspired lights sit inside this gleaming piece, ready to allure your guests.
$340BUY IT Round Drum Shade Crystal Chandelier: Boasting a vintage art deco flair in a modern edition, this crystal chandelier is crafted with a sophisticated translucent double drum shade. The shell showcases a bouquet of glimmering hanging crystals to produce a stunning polka dot shadow when lit. This chandelier adds a polished final layer of oomph to any home space.
$120BUY IT Single Cylinder Pendant Crystal Chandelier: This crystal pendant light will properly showcase your chic style when displayed in your traditional or glamorous abode. It flaunts clear crystals attached to a cylindrical metal shade, hanging from a matching metal download. It is fit even for sloped ceilings, and ready to provide more than just illumination.
$610BUY IT Rectangle Pendant Crystal Chandelier: If a very tidy person would have tried to collect fragments of Pollock’s painting and put them in order, it would result in something like this stunning piece of light. The square drum showcases a plethora of crystals, ready to spark at night in a beautiful and classy manner, making a strong visual accent that attracts many eyes and even more compliments.
$324BUY IT Geometric Raindrop Crystal Chandelier: This chandelier brings a very luxurious futuristic vibe with its galaxy-like design. Nine dimmable lights accompany a plethora of strings, embellished in swirling crystal drops. It will effortlessly elevate the elegant flair of any ambiance, from your stairwell to any room with a high ceiling.
$2440BUY IT Statement Gold Crystal Chandelier: Absolutely gorgeous. It is the only way we can speak about this truly exquisite piece. Like a golden forest canopy, it displays cascades of glistening glass beads, leaves, and branches. Its organic nature comes with a modern twist in a black iron finish. This crystal chandelier doesn’t spark only light, but also curiosity and conversation.
$325BUY IT Candle Style Globe Crystal Chandelier: This industrial-style crystal chandelier is unique in every detail with its vintage inspiration and a touch of glam. A metal sphere boasts industrial chic, gracefully surrounding six shadeless light bulbs in a central display. The unusual setting sparkles with both glamour and a rustic charm.
$460BUY IT Modern Drum Shade Crystal Chandelier: Luxurious light brims from this delightfully dimmable, stylish mount. Hanging from a steel base in a brushed nickel finish, two tiers of clear glass crystals make a perfect fit to any glam-inspired ensemble. A fabric drum shade and a satin white acrylic diffuser secure a subtle ambiance and refined mood of your home.
$233BUY IT Contemporary Round Drum Shade Crystal Chandelier: This modern lighting fixture features beautiful raindrop drippings that glide gracefully down the globe, adding texture in the process. A drum shade is open at the top and bottom to allow ample light flow through, providing brightness against the contrasting dark glass. This chandelier will create a relaxing and inviting atmosphere in your foyer, living room, or even your bathroom.
$630BUY IT Empire Modern Crystal Chandelier: The elegant design of this crystal bouquet makes a beautiful and impressive looking chandelier. Due to the sumptuous and refined appeal of every detail, the fixture as a whole looks like a luxury piece. Nineteen compact fluorescent lights are included to light up your home and your mood in a unique way.
$720BUY IT Modern Square Pendant Crystal Chandelier: This chic four-light crystal chandelier will illuminate your space in dramatic, contemporary fashion. The fancy fixture features an open, clean-lined rectangular outer frame in a crafted, designer finish. A matching inner frame is encrusted with gleaming faceted crystals for a splash of shimmering style.
$960BUY IT Traditional Crystal Chandelier:A warm and welcoming glow characterizes this chandelier that blossoms from the ceiling in a gentle, refined manner. The frame features branches decorated with a plethora of crystal leaf accents, offering a glint of glamour that will surely attract many compliments. It will make an ideal accent point over a dining table but can be equally effective in the foyer or living room.
$3590BUY IT Brass Crystal Chandelier: This showstopping addition to the entryway or formal dining room is a poetic waterfall of crystals on a polished nickel structure. A striking addition to a fashionable interior, this sculpted chandelier is crafted of brass and extravagantly ornamented with crystal beading.
$5790BUY IT Contemporary Crystal Chandelier: This brass chandelier could be the crown jewel of your dining room, living room, or even bathroom interior design. The hardwired structure boasts strong but sleek lines. Modern, faceted crystal sticks reflect a stunning display of light, bouncing off a polished nickel finish.
$37BUY IT Flush Mount Square Crystal Chandelier: This small size crystal chandelier is an excellent choice of ceiling light for a hallway, a bathroom, or a walk-in closet. It’s packed with crystal elements attached to a polished stainless steel base in a geometric shape. The setting creates a charming atmosphere by scattering light fragments all over the place.
$1921BUY IT Beaded Ring Pendant Crystal Chandelier: The Caboche Chandelier is a result of a desire to mimicked the look of a pearl bracelet in a lighting fixture, boasting a transfixing arrangement of spheres. This elaborated setting offers a collage of reflections and refractions, diffusing light to provide full coverage to surrounding areas while sending direct illumination beneath.
$7140BUY IT Statement Birds Crystal Chandelier: The Birds Birds Birds Chandelier by Ingo Maurer creates an enchanted atmosphere in any room where it casts its ambient glow. This chandelier is imagined as a tribute to the first Edison light bulb by elaborating the design of the historical light source. Each bulb features goose feather wings attached to wires and can be easily twisted to create different bird shapes.
$15800BUY IT Angel Fall Crystal Chandelier: Simply hypnotic, the Terzani Angel Falls 36 Suspension casts a divine light on wingless “angels” handcrafted from high-quality lead crystal. All figurines are illuminated by halogen lamps from a canopy, in order to create a unique dance of light and shadows, in an original and identifiable character.
Recommended Reading:  45 Beautiful Modern Chandeliers 51 Linear Pendants and Chandeliers 51 Dining Room Chandeliers With Tips On Right Sizes And How To Hang Them
The post 51 Crystal Chandeliers to Hypnotize Your Guests first appeared on Interior Design Ideas.
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landscapeusa · 5 years
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45 Beautiful Modern Chandelier Lights That Create Glamorous Interiors
There’s nothing that says glamour quite like a chandelier. Multi-armed, multi-faceted and glittering, their traditional homes in entrance foyers and over dining tables make quite the impression. We’ve put together 45 modern takes on the chandelier, built in a variety of materials and décor styles. Hang a silver chandelier that forms a straight line, with LEDs through their centres. Build a chandelier from desk lamps, creeping together to form a spider. Fan your chandelier into a Sputnik, with golden rods that peek out over your desired space for dining. Open imagination and light up your home with these modern, non-conventional chandeliers.
236BUY IT Modern Square LED Chandelier: This chandelier changes for different times of the day. Lay its aluminium tiers flat for business time; play with its height and composition for drinks after work.
330BUY IT Modern Ring-Shaped Chandelier: Prefer rings instead? This circular version is made from the same aluminium and silica gel, but with more rounded features for above your kitchen or dining tables.
368BUY IT Modern 4 Ring Chrome & Crystal Chandelier: Go a step more glamorous. This precision-cut, crystal chandelier can lie flat or form shapes with its concentric circles. Its stainless steel frame comes with a 36-month warranty.
150BUY IT Modern Flush Mount Square Chandelier: Prefer something a little more demure? This diamond-shaped gem features dimmable LEDs, an anti-glare lampshade and zero flickering.
395BUY IT Modern Linear Suspension LED Chandelier: Add slick to your city office. This ultra-modern panel lets you hang it low over a table, or light up the boardroom with a spot up high.
148BUY IT Modern Rectangular Crystal Chandelier: Add glitz to your foyer. This gorgeous, yet simple, chandelier combines crystals and stainless steel, polished in chrome.
198BUY IT Modern Rectangular Raindrop Crystal Chandelier: Make a real statement over your dining table. This design mimics rainfall – with K9 crystal raindrops and clouds in polished chrome.
640BUY IT Modern Glass Crystal Dining Chandelier: Make your crystals form a pyramid. K9 crystals fall from this fixture’s chrome base, perfect for a high dining or bedroom ceiling.
72BUY IT Modern Kitchen Chandelier: Get a modern chandelier with a twist. This LED spindle makes a subtle art piece in your dining or lounge, taking only 15 minutes to assemble.
710BUY IT Stairways Glass Chandelier: Have a super-high ceiling you’d like to accessorize? 11 crystal spheres make up this elegant design, which hangs from the rafters from a stainless steel base.
132BUY IT Modern Double Spherical Crystal Chandelier: Like the look, but don’t have the space? Give these two crystal globes a home, as they hang raindrops off wall-mounted stainless steel.
370BUY IT Artistic Spiral Crystal Chandelier: Create spirals in your home instead. This gorgeous fixture uses K9 raindrop crystals and a stainless steel base to break convention.
3990BUY IT Sculptural Pendant Chandelier: Think outside the box for your home’s lighting. These stencilled chandeliers won 2015’s Elle Decoration International Design Award, by providing visual continuity of lines and light. Constructed with black wire, steel rods and LEDs, each Wireflow Sculptural 3D Octagonal Pendant is made in Spain.
1275BUY IT Vibia Wireflow 2D Pendant Lights: Prefer a 2D version? This vertical chandelier won Interior Design Magazine’s ‘Best of Year’ prize in 2014. Each piece features a 35-degree beam spread and lacquered steel canopy.
1652BUY IT Vibia Match Suspension Lamp: Let your chandelier create its own composition. Designed by Jordi Vilardell and Meritxell Vidal from metal rods and graphite, LEDs are fixed at each line’s end.
729 per ringBUY IT Ring-Shaped Halo LED Chandelier: Get a handle on the right chandelier. Designed and handmade in Canada by Matthew McCormick, these eight-inch copper rings are sold individually or as a set. Order them eight weeks in advance, for a piece that’s truly yours.
1137BUY IT Volta LED Pendant: Get a different angle on the candelabra. More of a pendant than chandelier, this artwork deserved to make our list for its unconventional arches. Buy its aluminium form in black or gold shades.
395BUY IT Golden Finish Mid-Century Modern Sputnik Chandelier: Buy your very own Sputnik. This metallic piece is covered with gold and boasts 20 bulbs.
296BUY IT Modern Brass Chandelier With Glass Globes: Make the bulbs the feature. This similar Sputnik uses glass as its focus, with 12 bulbs lighting up from its metal centre.
899BUY IT Nickel Finish Smoked Glass Chandelier: Don’t like gold tones? Get something similar in nickel, with this chandelier resplendent with smoky glass bulbs. Place it in a mid-century modern bedroom or library.
94BUY IT Modern 5 Light Linear Chandelier In Gold Finish: Take a more structured approach to your chandelier. This electroplated gold gem is hardwired to perfection.
139BUY IT 6 Bulb Contemporary Linear Chandelier: Made by the same brand, this metal fixture lets you turn bulbs any way you please.
498BUY IT Modena 10-Light Sputnik Chandelier: Adjust the arms of your Sputnik for just the right style. This design offers ten bulbs in a natural brass or chrome finish.
340BUY IT Sculptural Modern Sputnik Chandelier: Matte gold or oil-rubbed bronze finishes this twelve-light, mid-century modern design. Crafted in metal, its pulley-inspired cylinders offer a 12-month warranty.
150BUY IT 12-Light Modern Chandelier With Gold Finish: Find more structure. This 12-light beauty is available in electroplated gold or black finishes.
480BUY IT Gold Finish Candle-Like Sputnik Chandelier: Want a candelabra, but not on the table? Hang it in your hallway instead, with this perfectly-symmetrical, gold metal creation. Buy it as a set with two matching wall sconces.
198BUY IT Black & Rose Gold Chandelier: Complement an industrial interior, with this unusual chandelier. Its rugged, copper-washed metal mingles with a 36” chain – and five-year warranty.
1120BUY IT Artsy Modern Chandelier With Cylindrical Bulbs: Think outside the classic bulb. This modern take on the Sputnik style is made with aluminium alloy and dimmable cylinders.
1170BUY IT Brass Finish Cylindrical Chandelier: Hang your chandelier a little closer to the ceiling. This golden design would suit a mid-century modern loft down to the ground.
578BUY IT 8-Light Candle-Style Chandelier: Light up your dining room with a circle of Edisons. This eight-bulb chandelier is available in satin nickel or natural brass.
590BUY IT Presnell 7-Light Sputnik Chandelier: Get your Sputnik bulbs in an unconventional shape. This brass or black fixture lights up your home with seven squat, round bulbs.
Price On RequestBUY IT Sculptural Rod-Shaped LED Chandelier: Love Pick Up Sticks? This Billy Cotton design is considered the height of luxury. Get its metal form and bulb-tapered ends in eight custom-made finishes.
87BUY IT Spider Chandelier: You’ll love this spider on your ceiling. A cacophony of bulbs interlace themselves, in this remote-controlled find for the industrial interior.
162BUY IT Moveable Arm Spider Chandelier: Like a more structured approach? This 12-bulb chandelier offers adjustable iron arms.
569BUY IT Ingo-Style Spider Chandelier: Collect all your desk lamps in one modern piece. Ron Gilads designed this nine-headed fixture in 2003.
70BUY IT Flush Mount Modern Ceiling Chandelier: Spider chandeliers can creep flush with the ceiling. Eight bulbs in black metal complement dining rooms in the industrial style.
110BUY IT Flush Wall Mount White Chandelier: Buy a chandelier that’s whiter and brighter. This simple design is flush with the ceiling – and flusher still with your budget.
216BUY IT Modern Industrial-Style Chandelier: Prefer the drop-down style? This chandelier fuses the spider-style light and traditional crystal tiers in a nine-light, Edison-fixed creation.
4367BUY IT Luxury Linear Suspension LED Chandelier: LEDs travel through this chandelier’s aluminium, creating a light that’s easy on the eyes. They’re made in the US with a five-year warranty.
120BUY IT Gold-Finish Metal Globe Chandelier: Iron and gold foil combine to create this antique-look chandelier, a dining room’s dream with three candle-style bulbs. Hard-wire its halogen for an energy-saving fixture.
119BUY IT Spherical Mesh Aluminium Chandelier: Stainless steel constructed these glowing chandeliers, a perfect bedroom addition with a one-year warranty.
410BUY IT Karst 12-Light Foyer Chandelier: Finished in brushed brass, these 12 lights are supported by a black-painted cage. Hang it above your dining table to inspire conversation.
340BUY IT Candle-Style Chandelier With Swivelling Shades: Shades don’t always make your light softer. Made of iron with a gold brass finish, this contraption swivels out to form a chandelier, swivelling back in for a flat, easy-to-store piece.
195BUY IT Sunburst Chandelier: Sunbursts brighten up a living space. This colourful creation acts as a centrepiece above your bed or table.
70BUY IT Outdoor Chandelier: Have an affinity for sparkler fireworks? These outdoor lights use solar panels and sturdy materials to combat the weather.
Recommended Reading: 40 Unique Dining Room Pendant Lights 50 Unique Kitchen Pendant Lights
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A Set of Extraordinary Lights
from Interior Design Ideas http://www.home-designing.com/buy-modern-chandeliers-for-sale-online
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livingroomtrends · 7 years
New Post has been published on Living Room Ideas
New Post has been published on http://www.living-room-ideas.org/product/colorled-ceiling-flush-mounted-light-kit-crystal-silver-drawing-retractable-42-inch-ceiling-fan-for-living-room-bedroom-restaurant-three-color-changing-fan-chandelier-lighting/
COLORLED Ceiling Flush Mounted Light Kit Crystal Silver Drawing Retractable 42-Inch Ceiling Fan for Living Room Bedroom Restaurant Three Color Changing Fan Chandelier Lighting
From The Manufacturer
•UL Listed Quality Guarantee: Yes; 1:1 Accessories Replacement Against Defects on Materials and Workmanship •Professional Painting Technology That Make Sure Your Table Chandelier Will Remain Fashion for Home, Modern Ceiling Lights Give You Perfect Visual Enjoyment •Simplistic Crystal Ceiling Fan Brushed Nickel with High Quality Guarantee, It is Durable and Safety •Suggestion: We Suggest Installation By A PROFESSIONAL ELECTRICIAN •The Top Rated Ceiling Fan Invisible Chandelier Pendant Will Brings Your Living Room Bedroom A Sense of Fashion and Luxury with This Charming. This Glamorous Lighting Fixtures Chandeliers is A Nice Decorations for Foyer, Bedroom, Dinning Room
Features of Fan Lights
•Type of Light Source: Led Lamp •Switch Type: Remote •Blade Material: Acrylic •Style: Simple •Specifications: 42 Inch •Model: LS-02 •Voltage: AC 110V •Brand: COLORLED •Wind Speed Stalls: 3 Gears •Irradiated Area: 144-255 SQ.FT •Brand: COLORLED Lighting •Average Life: 50000 (h) •Light Body Material: Iron •Application Areas: Living Room, Dining Room, study, Bedroom,foyer, Hotel Rooms
COLORLED Installation Instructions
• Locate The Ceiling Joist or Other Suitable Support in Ceiling. Invisible Ceiling Fan Suitable for Flat Roof Concrete Ceiling House, for The Gypsum Board Ceiling and Wood Ceiling, You Need to Buy a Remodeling Bracket • Identify and Connect Electrical Wires • Lift 110 Pounds Crystal Ceiling Fan with Light is Gorgeous and Restoring Ancient Ways, In Design for Your Lifes, Suitable for Winter and Summer Two Seasons, Keep Your Family Away From Air-condition Diesease, Mute Rotation, Energy-saving and Environmentally Material of Invisible Ceiling Fan: Acrylic Transparent Retractable Blades+hardware Lampbody+high Class K9 Crystal Hanging This Downrod Ceiling Fan Has Special Features: Decoration+Lighting+Fan; Size: 42 Inch (107 Cm); Light Source: 3 Colors Changing Led Chip, Including White Light, Warm Light and Neutral Light Flushmount Ceiling Fan Inside with Steel Made Hanging Rod, Need Expansion Screw to Fix; The Basic Requirement for Installing the Fan Light: The Height of Floor: 2.8 M (110 Inch), The Bearing Heavy Weight: 50kg (110 Lb) Ceiling Fan 42 Inch with Light Suitable for Living Room, Medium Bedroom, Dining Room, Study, Restaurant, Hotel, Kitchen, Corridor, Foyer, Hotel, Guest room [amz_corss_sell asin=”B06XMYQSF9″]
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luxurylifenthings · 7 years
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jeremystrele · 6 years
45 Beautiful Modern Chandelier Lights That Create Glamorous Interiors
There’s nothing that says glamour quite like a chandelier. Multi-armed, multi-faceted and glittering, their traditional homes in entrance foyers and over dining tables make quite the impression. We’ve put together 45 modern takes on the chandelier, built in a variety of materials and décor styles. Hang a silver chandelier that forms a straight line, with LEDs through their centres. Build a chandelier from desk lamps, creeping together to form a spider. Fan your chandelier into a Sputnik, with golden rods that peek out over your desired space for dining. Open imagination and light up your home with these modern, non-conventional chandeliers.
236BUY IT Modern Square LED Chandelier: This chandelier changes for different times of the day. Lay its aluminium tiers flat for business time; play with its height and composition for drinks after work.
330BUY IT Modern Ring-Shaped Chandelier: Prefer rings instead? This circular version is made from the same aluminium and silica gel, but with more rounded features for above your kitchen or dining tables.
368BUY IT Modern 4 Ring Chrome & Crystal Chandelier: Go a step more glamorous. This precision-cut, crystal chandelier can lie flat or form shapes with its concentric circles. Its stainless steel frame comes with a 36-month warranty.
150BUY IT Modern Flush Mount Square Chandelier: Prefer something a little more demure? This diamond-shaped gem features dimmable LEDs, an anti-glare lampshade and zero flickering.
395BUY IT Modern Linear Suspension LED Chandelier: Add slick to your city office. This ultra-modern panel lets you hang it low over a table, or light up the boardroom with a spot up high.
148BUY IT Modern Rectangular Crystal Chandelier: Add glitz to your foyer. This gorgeous, yet simple, chandelier combines crystals and stainless steel, polished in chrome.
198BUY IT Modern Rectangular Raindrop Crystal Chandelier: Make a real statement over your dining table. This design mimics rainfall – with K9 crystal raindrops and clouds in polished chrome.
640BUY IT Modern Glass Crystal Dining Chandelier: Make your crystals form a pyramid. K9 crystals fall from this fixture’s chrome base, perfect for a high dining or bedroom ceiling.
72BUY IT Modern Kitchen Chandelier: Get a modern chandelier with a twist. This LED spindle makes a subtle art piece in your dining or lounge, taking only 15 minutes to assemble.
710BUY IT Stairways Glass Chandelier: Have a super-high ceiling you’d like to accessorize? 11 crystal spheres make up this elegant design, which hangs from the rafters from a stainless steel base.
132BUY IT Modern Double Spherical Crystal Chandelier: Like the look, but don’t have the space? Give these two crystal globes a home, as they hang raindrops off wall-mounted stainless steel.
370BUY IT Artistic Spiral Crystal Chandelier: Create spirals in your home instead. This gorgeous fixture uses K9 raindrop crystals and a stainless steel base to break convention.
3990BUY IT Sculptural Pendant Chandelier: Think outside the box for your home’s lighting. These stencilled chandeliers won 2015’s Elle Decoration International Design Award, by providing visual continuity of lines and light. Constructed with black wire, steel rods and LEDs, each Wireflow Sculptural 3D Octagonal Pendant is made in Spain.
1275BUY IT Vibia Wireflow 2D Pendant Lights: Prefer a 2D version? This vertical chandelier won Interior Design Magazine’s ‘Best of Year’ prize in 2014. Each piece features a 35-degree beam spread and lacquered steel canopy.
1652BUY IT Vibia Match Suspension Lamp: Let your chandelier create its own composition. Designed by Jordi Vilardell and Meritxell Vidal from metal rods and graphite, LEDs are fixed at each line’s end.
729 per ringBUY IT Ring-Shaped Halo LED Chandelier: Get a handle on the right chandelier. Designed and handmade in Canada by Matthew McCormick, these eight-inch copper rings are sold individually or as a set. Order them eight weeks in advance, for a piece that’s truly yours.
1137BUY IT Volta LED Pendant: Get a different angle on the candelabra. More of a pendant than chandelier, this artwork deserved to make our list for its unconventional arches. Buy its aluminium form in black or gold shades.
395BUY IT Golden Finish Mid-Century Modern Sputnik Chandelier: Buy your very own Sputnik. This metallic piece is covered with gold and boasts 20 bulbs.
296BUY IT Modern Brass Chandelier With Glass Globes: Make the bulbs the feature. This similar Sputnik uses glass as its focus, with 12 bulbs lighting up from its metal centre.
899BUY IT Nickel Finish Smoked Glass Chandelier: Don’t like gold tones? Get something similar in nickel, with this chandelier resplendent with smoky glass bulbs. Place it in a mid-century modern bedroom or library.
94BUY IT Modern 5 Light Linear Chandelier In Gold Finish: Take a more structured approach to your chandelier. This electroplated gold gem is hardwired to perfection.
139BUY IT 6 Bulb Contemporary Linear Chandelier: Made by the same brand, this metal fixture lets you turn bulbs any way you please.
498BUY IT Modena 10-Light Sputnik Chandelier: Adjust the arms of your Sputnik for just the right style. This design offers ten bulbs in a natural brass or chrome finish.
340BUY IT Sculptural Modern Sputnik Chandelier: Matte gold or oil-rubbed bronze finishes this twelve-light, mid-century modern design. Crafted in metal, its pulley-inspired cylinders offer a 12-month warranty.
150BUY IT 12-Light Modern Chandelier With Gold Finish: Find more structure. This 12-light beauty is available in electroplated gold or black finishes.
480BUY IT Gold Finish Candle-Like Sputnik Chandelier: Want a candelabra, but not on the table? Hang it in your hallway instead, with this perfectly-symmetrical, gold metal creation. Buy it as a set with two matching wall sconces.
198BUY IT Black & Rose Gold Chandelier: Complement an industrial interior, with this unusual chandelier. Its rugged, copper-washed metal mingles with a 36” chain – and five-year warranty.
1120BUY IT Artsy Modern Chandelier With Cylindrical Bulbs: Think outside the classic bulb. This modern take on the Sputnik style is made with aluminium alloy and dimmable cylinders.
1170BUY IT Brass Finish Cylindrical Chandelier: Hang your chandelier a little closer to the ceiling. This golden design would suit a mid-century modern loft down to the ground.
578BUY IT 8-Light Candle-Style Chandelier: Light up your dining room with a circle of Edisons. This eight-bulb chandelier is available in satin nickel or natural brass.
590BUY IT Presnell 7-Light Sputnik Chandelier: Get your Sputnik bulbs in an unconventional shape. This brass or black fixture lights up your home with seven squat, round bulbs.
Price On RequestBUY IT Sculptural Rod-Shaped LED Chandelier: Love Pick Up Sticks? This Billy Cotton design is considered the height of luxury. Get its metal form and bulb-tapered ends in eight custom-made finishes.
87BUY IT Spider Chandelier: You’ll love this spider on your ceiling. A cacophony of bulbs interlace themselves, in this remote-controlled find for the industrial interior.
162BUY IT Moveable Arm Spider Chandelier: Like a more structured approach? This 12-bulb chandelier offers adjustable iron arms.
569BUY IT Ingo-Style Spider Chandelier: Collect all your desk lamps in one modern piece. Ron Gilads designed this nine-headed fixture in 2003.
70BUY IT Flush Mount Modern Ceiling Chandelier: Spider chandeliers can creep flush with the ceiling. Eight bulbs in black metal complement dining rooms in the industrial style.
110BUY IT Flush Wall Mount White Chandelier: Buy a chandelier that’s whiter and brighter. This simple design is flush with the ceiling – and flusher still with your budget.
216BUY IT Modern Industrial-Style Chandelier: Prefer the drop-down style? This chandelier fuses the spider-style light and traditional crystal tiers in a nine-light, Edison-fixed creation.
4367BUY IT Luxury Linear Suspension LED Chandelier: LEDs travel through this chandelier’s aluminium, creating a light that’s easy on the eyes. They’re made in the US with a five-year warranty.
120BUY IT Gold-Finish Metal Globe Chandelier: Iron and gold foil combine to create this antique-look chandelier, a dining room’s dream with three candle-style bulbs. Hard-wire its halogen for an energy-saving fixture.
119BUY IT Spherical Mesh Aluminium Chandelier: Stainless steel constructed these glowing chandeliers, a perfect bedroom addition with a one-year warranty.
410BUY IT Karst 12-Light Foyer Chandelier: Finished in brushed brass, these 12 lights are supported by a black-painted cage. Hang it above your dining table to inspire conversation.
340BUY IT Candle-Style Chandelier With Swivelling Shades: Shades don’t always make your light softer. Made of iron with a gold brass finish, this contraption swivels out to form a chandelier, swivelling back in for a flat, easy-to-store piece.
195BUY IT Sunburst Chandelier: Sunbursts brighten up a living space. This colourful creation acts as a centrepiece above your bed or table.
70BUY IT Outdoor Chandelier: Have an affinity for sparkler fireworks? These outdoor lights use solar panels and sturdy materials to combat the weather.
Recommended Reading: 40 Unique Dining Room Pendant Lights 50 Unique Kitchen Pendant Lights
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44 Awesome Accent Wall Ideas For Your Bedroom
40 Captivating Kitchen Bar Stools For Any Type Of Decor
A Set of Extraordinary Lights
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drewebowden66 · 6 years
45 Beautiful Modern Chandelier Lights That Create Glamorous Interiors
There’s nothing that says glamour quite like a chandelier. Multi-armed, multi-faceted and glittering, their traditional homes in entrance foyers and over dining tables make quite the impression. We’ve put together 45 modern takes on the chandelier, built in a variety of materials and décor styles. Hang a silver chandelier that forms a straight line, with LEDs through their centres. Build a chandelier from desk lamps, creeping together to form a spider. Fan your chandelier into a Sputnik, with golden rods that peek out over your desired space for dining. Open imagination and light up your home with these modern, non-conventional chandeliers.
236BUY IT Modern Square LED Chandelier: This chandelier changes for different times of the day. Lay its aluminium tiers flat for business time; play with its height and composition for drinks after work.
330BUY IT Modern Ring-Shaped Chandelier: Prefer rings instead? This circular version is made from the same aluminium and silica gel, but with more rounded features for above your kitchen or dining tables.
368BUY IT Modern 4 Ring Chrome & Crystal Chandelier: Go a step more glamorous. This precision-cut, crystal chandelier can lie flat or form shapes with its concentric circles. Its stainless steel frame comes with a 36-month warranty.
150BUY IT Modern Flush Mount Square Chandelier: Prefer something a little more demure? This diamond-shaped gem features dimmable LEDs, an anti-glare lampshade and zero flickering.
395BUY IT Modern Linear Suspension LED Chandelier: Add slick to your city office. This ultra-modern panel lets you hang it low over a table, or light up the boardroom with a spot up high.
148BUY IT Modern Rectangular Crystal Chandelier: Add glitz to your foyer. This gorgeous, yet simple, chandelier combines crystals and stainless steel, polished in chrome.
198BUY IT Modern Rectangular Raindrop Crystal Chandelier: Make a real statement over your dining table. This design mimics rainfall – with K9 crystal raindrops and clouds in polished chrome.
640BUY IT Modern Glass Crystal Dining Chandelier: Make your crystals form a pyramid. K9 crystals fall from this fixture’s chrome base, perfect for a high dining or bedroom ceiling.
72BUY IT Modern Kitchen Chandelier: Get a modern chandelier with a twist. This LED spindle makes a subtle art piece in your dining or lounge, taking only 15 minutes to assemble.
710BUY IT Stairways Glass Chandelier: Have a super-high ceiling you’d like to accessorize? 11 crystal spheres make up this elegant design, which hangs from the rafters from a stainless steel base.
132BUY IT Modern Double Spherical Crystal Chandelier: Like the look, but don’t have the space? Give these two crystal globes a home, as they hang raindrops off wall-mounted stainless steel.
370BUY IT Artistic Spiral Crystal Chandelier: Create spirals in your home instead. This gorgeous fixture uses K9 raindrop crystals and a stainless steel base to break convention.
3990BUY IT Sculptural Pendant Chandelier: Think outside the box for your home’s lighting. These stencilled chandeliers won 2015’s Elle Decoration International Design Award, by providing visual continuity of lines and light. Constructed with black wire, steel rods and LEDs, each Wireflow Sculptural 3D Octagonal Pendant is made in Spain.
1275BUY IT Vibia Wireflow 2D Pendant Lights: Prefer a 2D version? This vertical chandelier won Interior Design Magazine’s ‘Best of Year’ prize in 2014. Each piece features a 35-degree beam spread and lacquered steel canopy.
1652BUY IT Vibia Match Suspension Lamp: Let your chandelier create its own composition. Designed by Jordi Vilardell and Meritxell Vidal from metal rods and graphite, LEDs are fixed at each line’s end.
729 per ringBUY IT Ring-Shaped Halo LED Chandelier: Get a handle on the right chandelier. Designed and handmade in Canada by Matthew McCormick, these eight-inch copper rings are sold individually or as a set. Order them eight weeks in advance, for a piece that’s truly yours.
1137BUY IT Volta LED Pendant: Get a different angle on the candelabra. More of a pendant than chandelier, this artwork deserved to make our list for its unconventional arches. Buy its aluminium form in black or gold shades.
395BUY IT Golden Finish Mid-Century Modern Sputnik Chandelier: Buy your very own Sputnik. This metallic piece is covered with gold and boasts 20 bulbs.
296BUY IT Modern Brass Chandelier With Glass Globes: Make the bulbs the feature. This similar Sputnik uses glass as its focus, with 12 bulbs lighting up from its metal centre.
899BUY IT Nickel Finish Smoked Glass Chandelier: Don’t like gold tones? Get something similar in nickel, with this chandelier resplendent with smoky glass bulbs. Place it in a mid-century modern bedroom or library.
94BUY IT Modern 5 Light Linear Chandelier In Gold Finish: Take a more structured approach to your chandelier. This electroplated gold gem is hardwired to perfection.
139BUY IT 6 Bulb Contemporary Linear Chandelier: Made by the same brand, this metal fixture lets you turn bulbs any way you please.
498BUY IT Modena 10-Light Sputnik Chandelier: Adjust the arms of your Sputnik for just the right style. This design offers ten bulbs in a natural brass or chrome finish.
340BUY IT Sculptural Modern Sputnik Chandelier: Matte gold or oil-rubbed bronze finishes this twelve-light, mid-century modern design. Crafted in metal, its pulley-inspired cylinders offer a 12-month warranty.
150BUY IT 12-Light Modern Chandelier With Gold Finish: Find more structure. This 12-light beauty is available in electroplated gold or black finishes.
480BUY IT Gold Finish Candle-Like Sputnik Chandelier: Want a candelabra, but not on the table? Hang it in your hallway instead, with this perfectly-symmetrical, gold metal creation. Buy it as a set with two matching wall sconces.
198BUY IT Black & Rose Gold Chandelier: Complement an industrial interior, with this unusual chandelier. Its rugged, copper-washed metal mingles with a 36” chain – and five-year warranty.
1120BUY IT Artsy Modern Chandelier With Cylindrical Bulbs: Think outside the classic bulb. This modern take on the Sputnik style is made with aluminium alloy and dimmable cylinders.
1170BUY IT Brass Finish Cylindrical Chandelier: Hang your chandelier a little closer to the ceiling. This golden design would suit a mid-century modern loft down to the ground.
578BUY IT 8-Light Candle-Style Chandelier: Light up your dining room with a circle of Edisons. This eight-bulb chandelier is available in satin nickel or natural brass.
590BUY IT Presnell 7-Light Sputnik Chandelier: Get your Sputnik bulbs in an unconventional shape. This brass or black fixture lights up your home with seven squat, round bulbs.
Price On RequestBUY IT Sculptural Rod-Shaped LED Chandelier: Love Pick Up Sticks? This Billy Cotton design is considered the height of luxury. Get its metal form and bulb-tapered ends in eight custom-made finishes.
87BUY IT Spider Chandelier: You’ll love this spider on your ceiling. A cacophony of bulbs interlace themselves, in this remote-controlled find for the industrial interior.
162BUY IT Moveable Arm Spider Chandelier: Like a more structured approach? This 12-bulb chandelier offers adjustable iron arms.
569BUY IT Ingo-Style Spider Chandelier: Collect all your desk lamps in one modern piece. Ron Gilads designed this nine-headed fixture in 2003.
70BUY IT Flush Mount Modern Ceiling Chandelier: Spider chandeliers can creep flush with the ceiling. Eight bulbs in black metal complement dining rooms in the industrial style.
110BUY IT Flush Wall Mount White Chandelier: Buy a chandelier that’s whiter and brighter. This simple design is flush with the ceiling – and flusher still with your budget.
216BUY IT Modern Industrial-Style Chandelier: Prefer the drop-down style? This chandelier fuses the spider-style light and traditional crystal tiers in a nine-light, Edison-fixed creation.
4367BUY IT Luxury Linear Suspension LED Chandelier: LEDs travel through this chandelier’s aluminium, creating a light that’s easy on the eyes. They’re made in the US with a five-year warranty.
120BUY IT Gold-Finish Metal Globe Chandelier: Iron and gold foil combine to create this antique-look chandelier, a dining room’s dream with three candle-style bulbs. Hard-wire its halogen for an energy-saving fixture.
119BUY IT Spherical Mesh Aluminium Chandelier: Stainless steel constructed these glowing chandeliers, a perfect bedroom addition with a one-year warranty.
410BUY IT Karst 12-Light Foyer Chandelier: Finished in brushed brass, these 12 lights are supported by a black-painted cage. Hang it above your dining table to inspire conversation.
340BUY IT Candle-Style Chandelier With Swivelling Shades: Shades don’t always make your light softer. Made of iron with a gold brass finish, this contraption swivels out to form a chandelier, swivelling back in for a flat, easy-to-store piece.
195BUY IT Sunburst Chandelier: Sunbursts brighten up a living space. This colourful creation acts as a centrepiece above your bed or table.
70BUY IT Outdoor Chandelier: Have an affinity for sparkler fireworks? These outdoor lights use solar panels and sturdy materials to combat the weather.
Recommended Reading: 40 Unique Dining Room Pendant Lights 50 Unique Kitchen Pendant Lights
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