gothhabiba · 4 months
It is very revealing that Israelis feel able to use their own bodies as preventatives against aid trucks getting into Ghazza. Obviously doing this requires betting on the assumption that your body can work as a barrier or as a shield—that is, that the operator of the machine will agree with your assessment of the mutually agreed-upon value of your body and your life. You cannot physically stop the truck. The only world in which you are stopping the truck is one with the correct personal and political circumstances to cause the operator of a truck to decide not to kill you.
This is something that is not always the case! Many people do not exist in those political circumstances! When nine or so people with the International Solidarity Movement tried to use their bodies to stop Israeli bulldozers from demolishing buildings in the Rafah refugee camp, the driver ran over Rachel Corrie twice, killing her. The activists, who had carried out similar actions in the past, expressed the understanding that they were putting themselves in danger, that there was every risk their lives would not have that agreed-upon, politicised ‘value.’
Israelis talk about feelings of “risk” and “danger”—but no one in Ghazza right now would see putting their body in front of a something as a reasonably sure means of blocking a path. Killing them would be not only acceptable collateral damage, but the point of the presence of the tanks and bombs in the first place. The evidence is clear about who is risking what, and what the real dangers are.
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achromecoveredclone · 4 months
just viewing first hand accounts and documentation of life in Ghazze/Gaza on snapmap and it's like you'll see two lads having a right good laugh in Arabic, another post thanking a familial martyr for the beautiful life they lèad, a video of a few kids playing what seems to be volleyball in the desert, a compilation with the caption 'i hope the get my normal life back', a photo of the sky with missiles going to blow up apartment buildings and then a filtered photograph of a flower growing in the dust with something like "we shall prevail, 100 days of war and in god we shall not die."
the resilience and perseverance of these people is amazing. I wish every single Palestinian the best. I hope normalcy is restored and life is able to fully fully flourish without an apartheid state trying tier hardest to destroy them. But in truth, I don't think they'll be eradicated. Of course not. Their existence and their will to keep hoping and loving and fighting is really a marvel. They're so brave. I wish every Palestinian the best. From the river to the sea.
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ask-jaghatai-khan · 4 years
“I’m bored!” Gurz bemoaned through his helmet’s face-guard, as he pried up his red-hot choppa from the smoldering corpse of a mutilated human, “Nuffin’ but deze lil scrawny ones! It’s like da humies don’ even respect us! Gork, da red ones don’t even ‘ave dat much blood in ‘em! Where’s da fun of it all?”
“Dey’z either runnin’ outta good fightas or dey’z tryin’ ta make us bored! Now dat’s some cruel kunnin’!” Darg agreed, the hulking Nob setting his armored behind down on the wreck of Chimera transport.
All about the retinue of black-armored orkz there was nothing but the devastation of a resolved battle. The mainline of the human defence force had been smashed by the greenskin assault some hours ago, and most of the WAAAGH! had since gone back to camp to prepare for the next big push. Big Nob Skargrut’s gang - of which Gurz and Darg were members - hadn’t been content to wrap up so soon. As grizzled mega-warriors of the Goff clan, their bloodlust was never quite sated. They’d taken to the killing fields to try and hunt down survivors, but now that most dreaded of orkish foes was rearing its disgusting head - boredom.
“Normally I’d krump ya fer moanin’ like a coupla grots-” Skargrut rubbed at his half-metallic chin, the power-armored bulk of that senior ork officer dwarfing the already substantial forms of his comrades, “But I gotta say yer right. I’z gonna ‘ave words wit’ da boss when we get back ta camp. Maybe he finks dis is alright, but if I’d signed up for Big Ghazz’s WAAAGH! an’ dis is da kinda fightin’ I was left with, I’d be right fumin’!” He brought down his power-claw on the mangled corpse of a Skitarii Vanguard, the crunch of metal offering little satisfaction to the incensed alien.
Warriors under Boss Urgron, Skargrut’s boyz were but a handful of the legions upon legions of greenskins who now counted themselves under the banner of Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka’s galaxy-spanning horde. They’d landed on this world - some humie dump by the name of “Benny-dikshun” - to conquer its forges for the Big Boss’ war effort. Yet all in all the fighting had been a massive letdown. To start it had been fun, of course. The initial clashes had seen the skies turned to fire with dogfights thicker than a cloud of squig-flies, and the ground had been a mash of Goff vehicles and sturdy warriors contending with the mechanized human defenders. Yet despite their technological help, the humans could do little to hold off the sheer unkillable brutality of the seasoned Goff horde. The pitiful pink-skins and their red-cloaked allies had retreated to the major hives or even into orbit, leaving the droves of ork infantry with little to do.
“Back in my day ya didn’t ‘ave ta be a flyboy to get all the fun! A proppa ork don’ need anyfing but his choppa an’ a good boss to lead ‘em to a scrap!” Skargrut did some more whining of his own, his colossal size and bellowing tone at odds with his petulant, childlike attitude.
“Urgron listens ta us!” piped in Furgga, their mob’s lead heavy-weapons specialist, launching off a plume of flame from his combo flamer-grinda, “I say we tell ‘im da mob oughta push on. We need ta get to da siege! An’ if he won’t go an’ just wants ta sit on his bitz pile - well, we’ll ‘ave yer back Skargrut!”
A round of grunting agreements and a few cheers went up. Skargrut commanded a sizeable mob of ‘ardboyz who might have been considered for Ghazz’s own retinue had they not been stuck in Urgron’s WAAAGH! The Nob wasn’t one for insubordination in the middle of a campaign, but he had his standards. When he’d heard rumors that they’d be fighting the red-cloaks on this planet, he’d expected big humie stompas and kustom tanks, not just droves of pitiful cyborg dregs. He figured they were hiding the good stuff somewhere, but he and his boyz would never enjoy that kind of scrap if they were stuck pulling up the rear of the main assault.
“Datz it, den!” Skargrut announced, “Stretch dem legs, boyz! We’z headin’ back ta camp, an den da camp is comin’ wif us!”
The clamor of some thirty power-armored orks thundering across the killing-fields together was enough to send snotlings scurrying a mile off.
“Almost dere ladz!” Boss Skargrut hollered, at least to those warriors close enough to hear him. The warboss took a moment to admire his new power-klaw, eager to give it a proper testing in the battle ahead. There were even still bits of red and green gore mashed into some of the joints - Skargrut hoped Urgron’s “lukky klaw” would bring him more luck than its prior owner.
On the horizon, the red glow of war could be seen.
The humie factory-hive was besieged from all angles, the full might of the greenskin horde turned against their stronghold, Skargrut had been sure to let every Nob know over the shouta-channels that he was in charge now, and that anything short of a full-out assault on every last humie bastion was unacceptable. They’d done a good job, the humies, for being a bunch of weaklings. Numerous concentric tiers of fortifications, from barbed trenches to full-on citadel walls had been prepared for the xenos attack, but still the orks pushed in yard by yard. Nothing could stand in the way of a Goff mob on the warpath. Maybe the humies had better shootas here and there, or more flash vehicles, but at the end of the day you couldn’t put a Goff Nob down with anything less than a grenade to the mouth.
As Boss Skargrut gave his orders, sending out bikers and stormboyz on the flanks to take out entrenched guns, he and his melee horde pushed up the middle. Even before the human defensive turrets had been crippled, but a paltry few of Skargrut’s mega-boyz had fallen to the sustained fire.
Yet just as the sheer bloodlust was building in the Warboss’ chest, his beady red eyes set on those outer fortifications where he knew some proper foes to sink his klaw into were huddled, there came a blaring noise that almost managed to deafen the iron eardrums of a greenskin.
Following that klaxon call, there was a thunderclap and a blinding light, and when Skargrut shook the stars from his vision, he noticed a good forth of his vanguard horde was no more. Instead, there was but a heap of bubbling slag.
The Warboss’ gaze shot to the source. A great figure had appeared from behind the ruins of a half-fallen outer bunker - a giant which made even Killa-Kans and Deff-Dreads look like fledgling boyz in comparison.
Its red and white armor gleamed despite the smog of battle, and its skull-face carried cold rage. From some unseen horn within its mechanized guts, another sound pierced through the din of war. To the orks, it was little more than unappealing noise, but all those servants of the Imperium in the vicinity recognized the Hymn of Donna Valkiriya, from the liturgies of the Martian Obikhod. That war-song of the red planet announced the arrival of the first cavalry.
Baron Korsakov of House Taranis lead his knight lance from out of the exurb ruins about the hive, charging forward to meet the orkish assault. Behind his Cerastus Knight-Atrapos came a company of similar machines, tall and swift and outfitted with a mix of enormous lances and devastating heavy weaponry. As if they intended to meet the orks in a straight assault like their primitive namesakes of old, the mighty colossi loped towards Skargrut’s lines as the greenskins reeled and braced in equal measure, unsure of what to make of this new enemy.
Though he’d just watched a great many of his warriors vaporized by just one of these machines in an instant, Skargrut’s brute face split into an eager grin. Now this - this was what he’d been waiting for.
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moisellethefae · 5 years
Ral works endlessly to find another solution to save the world. But not tirelessly. He does dream... Original Story: https://us14.campaign-archive.com/?u=671981442a09c23d267bd602b&id=7b5dcd8afa
Voice Credits: Ral Zarek: Mycroftian https://twitter.com/mycroft__xxx Tall Man: Myles Miller @prodigy-of-vryn​ Short Man: Biomancer Ghazz: Noxshade https://www.youtube.com/noxshade Hekara: Melissa Sheldon https://twitter.com/mrs_missy_ms Harith: David Ford Goblin Woman: Ashe Thurman @pixelsandpins​ Niv-Mizzet: Joe Loof https://twitter.com/alittlealoof Aurelia: Emily "Haz" Dahms @hazoret​ Ferzhin: Penny @mardu-lesbian Dovin Baan: Rhythm Bastard http://rhythmbastard.rocks/ @rhythmbastard Kaya: Nilahni https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AgeWrWUkGPI Priest: VioletLegacy https://twitter.com/TheVioletLegacy
Sound Credits: Sound Editing by Grace Nua @formalcasual "Teller of Tales" "Hit the Streets" Dragon and Toast" "Stormfront" "On the Shore" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ Voice of All is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Wizards of the Coast Fan Content Policy. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast LLC. @wizardsmagic
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tekpoinblog · 4 years
Dinasti Seljuk
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Suku bangsa Tarkuman memiliki kakek bernama Saljuk. Dinasti ini dinamakan dengan namanya. Dinasti Saljuk awalnya berkawan baik dengan Dinasti Gaznawiyah. Namun, karena Sultan Mas’ud al-Gaznawi takut kekuasaannya terancam, dia menyerang Saljuk. Akn tetapi, serangan itu kandas. Dalam waktu singkat, Saljuk pun berkembang dengan pesat.
Negeri asli milik bangsa Turki adalah Ghazz, di Timur Danau…
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Syrian refugees informal settlement damaged by floods in Ghazze, #Lebanon as refugees brace for another wave of bad winter weather, after the winter storm that hit Lebanon last week flooded and destroyed many of their tents. #ontheway #ondeployment #people #places #faces #travel #humanity #humanitariancrisis #syrian (at Ghazzé, Béqaa, Lebanon) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsjSi4eh6Wi/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=m7l98w8n3bz1
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amelngo · 5 years
We would like to thank everyone who was able to donate food and clothes last week after the “Norma” and “Miriam” storms. Last Friday, our team in the Amel Kamed el Loz  development center, started distributing all what was donated in the informal tented settlements in the West Bekaa and the distribution is still ongoing this week.
We are distributing the donations in 22 informal tented settlements reaching around 6,000 people, mostly being children,  in the areas of Jeb Jannine, Kamed el Loz, Haouch el Harimi, Qaraoun and Ghazze.
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We would like to also thank S’AIME Lebanon who contributed in a massive donation that helped us in covering all these areas.
Thanks again for everyone’s support !! #SharingWarmth
#SharingWarmth in West Bekaa We would like to thank everyone who was able to donate food and clothes last week after the “Norma” and “Miriam” storms.
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christywhitley · 5 years
Lebanon: Syrian refugees brace for more floods as new storm nears
Lebanon: Syrian refugees brace for more floods as new storm nears
Bekaa Valley, Lebanon – Syrian refugees in Lebanon are enduring yet another heavy storm, bringing more rains and snowfall to the camps in the country’s eastern and northern regions. 
Warnings of the winter storm have pushed refugees in Ghazze, a town in the Bekaa Valley, to take precautions against the floods, days after the country was hit by Storm Norma on January 6.
Lebanon is home to more…
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apiedecancha · 7 years
El partido del sábado que enfrentaba a Amiab y Bilbao es uno de estos que hacen afición. Un partidazo como la copa de un pino que, aunque tuvo a Amiab por delante en el marcador durante todo el encuentro, no fue hasta el final del encuentro cuando los chicos de Abraham Carrión tuvieron el partido sentenciado.
Porque Bilbao juega, juega mucho. Turek anotó 32 puntos y pescó 8 rebotes, forzó 10 personales. Pero Amiab no se queda atrás en este del viciocesto: 11 Highcock, 13 puntos Ghazz, 18 Kyle Marsh y, ejem, ejem, 19 Manning con 14 rebotes y 30 de eficiencia. Ayer fue el mejor de Amiab, aunque la labor de equipo fue fundamental.
Me explico: Abraham planteó el partido desde la defensa controlando a los jugadores como Asier García; sacó a Almudena desde el primer momento y consiguió lo que quería. Todo ello a pesar de que Bilbao se colaba una y otra vez por la zona albaceteña gracias a los bloqueos y continuación y las jugadas de tiralíneas. Una y otra vez se colaba Bilbao y una y otra vez Amiab se escapaba en el marcador gracias a defensas más acertadas, contraataques y salidas rápidas.
Se estiraba Amiab en el marcador, Bilbao aprovechaba los errores de Albacete para acercarse. Pero el último cuarto fue el definitivo. Varias canastas rápidas en el primer minuto colocaron a Amiab de nuevo a diez puntos y serían definitivos al final del tiempo porque el intercambio de canastas no favorecería a Bilbao que comprobaba cómo el tiempo corría en su contra.
Aunque he destacado a los jugadores que más anotaron, hay que destacar a los que hacen ese otro juego estadísticamente menos visible, como Almudena, Martín Arredondo o Jhon Hernández.
Un partido que hace afición, frenético, lanzado y muy, muy bueno.
Resultado final: BSR AMIAB ALBACETE 79 – 70 BIDAIDEAK BILBAO BSR. Y Amiab invicto líder en solitario.
Por si quieres ver de nuevo este partidazo, aquí lo tienes:
#BSR | Partidazo en las Cocheras que ganó Amiab a Bilbao El partido del sábado que enfrentaba a Amiab y Bilbao es uno de estos que hacen afición.
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christywhitley · 5 years
Lebanon: Syrian refugees brace for more floods as new storm nears
Lebanon: Syrian refugees brace for more floods as new storm nears
Bekaa Valley, Lebanon – Syrian refugees in Lebanon are enduring yet another heavy storm, bringing more rains and snowfall to the camps in the country’s eastern and northern regions. 
Warnings of the winter storm have pushed refugees in Ghazze, a town in the Bekaa Valley, to take precautions against the floods, days after the country was hit by Storm Norma on January 6.
Lebanon is home to more…
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christywhitley · 5 years
Lebanon: Syrian refugees brace for more floods as new storm nears
Lebanon: Syrian refugees brace for more floods as new storm nears
Bekaa Valley, Lebanon – Syrian refugees in Lebanon’s east are bracing for yet another potentially heavy storm which is set to bring rains and snowfall on Sunday.
Warnings of a looming winter storm have pushed refugees in Ghazze, a town in the Bekaa Valley, to take precautions against another round of floods, days after the country was hit by Storm Norma on January 6.
Lebanon is home to more than…
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christywhitley · 5 years
Lebanon: Syrian refugees brace for more floods as new storm nears
Lebanon: Syrian refugees brace for more floods as new storm nears
Bekaa Valley, Lebanon – Syrian refugees in Lebanon’s east are bracing for yet another potentially heavy storm which is set to bring rains and snowfall on Sunday.
Warnings of a looming winter storm have pushed refugees in Ghazze, a town in the Bekaa Valley, to take precautions against another round of floods, days after the country was hit by Storm Norma on January 6.
Lebanon is home to more than…
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christywhitley · 5 years
Lebanon: Syrian refugees brace for more floods as new storm nears
Lebanon: Syrian refugees brace for more floods as new storm nears
Bekaa Valley, Lebanon – Syrian refugees in Lebanon’s east are bracing for yet another potentially heavy storm which is set to bring rains and snowfall on Sunday.
Warnings of a looming winter storm have pushed refugees in Ghazze, a town in the Bekaa Valley, to take precautions against another round of floods, days after the country was hit by Storm Norma on January 6.
Lebanon is home to more than…
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christywhitley · 5 years
Lebanon: Syrian refugees brace for more floods as new storm nears
Lebanon: Syrian refugees brace for more floods as new storm nears
Bekaa Valley, Lebanon – Syrian refugees in Lebanon’s east are bracing for yet another potentially heavy storm which is set to bring rains and snowfall on Sunday.
Warnings of a looming winter storm have pushed refugees in Ghazze, a town in the Bekaa Valley, to take precautions against another round of floods, days after the country was hit by Storm Norma on January 6.
Lebanon is home to more than…
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christywhitley · 5 years
Lebanon: Syrian refugees brace for more floods as new storm nears
Lebanon: Syrian refugees brace for more floods as new storm nears
Bekaa Valley, Lebanon – Syrian refugees in Lebanon’s east are bracing for yet another potentially heavy storm which is set to bring rains and snowfall on Sunday.
Warnings of a looming winter storm have pushed refugees in Ghazze, a town in the Bekaa Valley, to take precautions against another round of floods, days after the country was hit by Storm Norma on January 6.
Lebanon is home to more than…
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