#Genius Wiz
runthepigeons · 1 month
Define My Name Today
ILLmatic is Science
Time is illmatic. Nas's debut album Illmatic is the crown jewel of the mid-'90s classics that still define the genre. Unlike Biggie's Ready to Die or Jay-Z's Reasonable Doubt, which were released in its wake, Illmatic was the game-changer that forever transformed the landscape of East Coast hip-hop. Not only did it establish Nas as the Best Rapper Alive for 1994. it raised the stakes for hip-hop production, lyrical technique, content, and overall artistic ambition. As the album's first single announced off top: “It ain’t hard to tell, I excel then prevail.”
Over the last nineteen years, the taut ten-track meditation on the universal struggle of a young man growing up in the Queensbridge Houses has remained resonant and relevant. It was just as likely to be bought on cassette or vinyl as it was on CD, and it revolutionized hip-hop in a way not seen since Run-DMC's seminal debut. On the 19th anniversary of Illmatic, we recount the ways Nasty Nas blew the frame off its hinges.
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Neil: *hugs Odie from behind and nuzzles him* My door's always open, Odie~ Why not visit me often?~
Odie was typing something on his laptop but as he was about to click on something, he tenses feeling someone hug him from behind. He even closed his eyes from the light nuzzles. "...B..because your tend to be busy if I did?" he said even if he was hiding his blush.
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jabbers-wild-world · 1 year
;; So. I’m gonna post a list of my most active muses right now, since I do have way more than just Hunter on here.
Now that list is as follows:
Cassius (Brightwire)
Hunter (The Owl House)
Marquis (Brightwire)
Maverick (Nightwall)
Kade (Plague)
Lawson (Untamed Wilds)
Kess (Animorphs)
Mir (Animorphs)
Kizami (Corpse Party)
Wizardmon (Digimon)
Aaravos (The Dragon Prince)
Envy (FullMetal Alchemist)
Garry (Ib)
Xelloss (The Slayers)
Tokiya (Time Guardian)
Kesseki (My Hero Academia)
Titus (Seven Princes of the Thousand-Year Labyrinth)
Avel (Faded Legends)
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onceuponaroast · 2 years
Hate Hate Hate that writing Smart characters is So Hard when you are Dumb
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djgeniuswiz · 2 months
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macncheesenibblers · 2 months
Just fixed an excel problem in like 1 minute that 3 engineers had been working on 😎
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minoment · 1 year
I saw your Older! Reader and raise you this: Reader that is the youngest. Gen Z little shit who's everyone's little sibling.
(My explanation for how someone so young got on is just that they're a genius. Maybe a tech wiz or engineer or naturally talented sniper idk)
Absolutely oml-
FIRST OFF.. You and Gaz, instantly platonic soulmates..
You're like 18/19 and just enrolled, but because of your skill Price put you in 141.
You and Gaz are complete trouble-makers. Prank wars, running around, yelling at 3am, you name it. Neither of you can cook for shit either. Both of you make fun of Soap and Ghost. You guys both know the Gen-Z slang and constantly make 'your mom' jokes.
Speaking of which, you have NO FEAR. Like, none. You will outright mock Soap's accent and do that annoying little copying/echo thing until Soap has to walk away and take deep breaths. You've probably asked him to have a bath with you and then ask "why not, you're Soap aren't you?" when he refuses. It was the first time anyone had heard Ghost laugh.
You probably call Ghost 'babygirl' and make fun of him for being British (even if you are British yourself).
You make fun of Soap and Alejandro for not being 6'+ but then ask them to teach you curses and swear words in Spanish and Gaelic.
Laswell LOVES you. Like she automatically becomes your mom. You keep 141 on their toes and she loves that.
Price is like your uncle. You can straight up bully him and he will find it absolutely endearing. You make fun of his moustache a lot, I don't make the rules.
Rudy and Roach get very overwhelmed by you, but they love you to the ends of the earth like the perfect older brother figures they are. They probably are the ones who check in with you three times a day and check if you've eaten and drunk enough water.
Hahahaah.. König... he is terrified of you. You never call him by his name. It's always "tree", "beanpole", "massive bratwurst", or "heffalump" (from Winnie the Pooh). He doesn't know what a heffalump is but it scares him. You're also constantly asking him why he's so tall and asking if you can sit on his shoulders when you're practicing your sniper shots.
That conversation usually goes like this:
Y/N: "Oi heffalump.. sit for a minute while I get up.."
König: "E-eh?! What are you doing?"
Y/N: "I need some height to be able to see Soap's silly little mohawk across the training ground. SIT STILL!"
Soap: across the coms "MY MOHAWK IS BEAUTIFUL.."
Ghost: "Johnny shut the fuck up they can see you.."
Y/N: shoots airsoft bullet and hits Soaps target
Everyone: ...
Y/N: "YES! KISS MY ASS... Thanks bratwurst.." gets off of König's shoulders
Gaz and Price: on the floor, laughing
Ghost: pissed
Soap: insulted
König: absolutely baffled
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Y/N after terrorizing the whole team ^
i wrote this on 2 hours of sleep, i apologize for the cringe and incoherency-
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subjectgenesis7days · 8 months
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GENRES: Sci-fi, Mystery, Supernatural thriller, Action
CONTENT WARNING: Blood, Swearing, Violence, Suggestive content
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You awaken in a cold, sterile chamber. You have no memory of your past or how you got here. You step into the harsh, fluorescent-lit facility, you realize that you are alone. Rows of identical chambers line the walls, yet each and every one is empty.
You are Subject Genesis, the result of an ambitious and secretive experiment by the Seven Day Corporation. For years, the corporation has been conducting tests, manipulating the human mind and body, augmenting you with powerful enhancements. Your existence is their most significant achievement, an amalgamation of genetic perfection and technological prowess.
The door to the room slowly opens, one singular scientist standing in the door way. They smile at you with pride before opening their mouth to say...
"Welcome to the world, Subject Genesis"
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Certainly! Here are descriptions, personality traits, and approximate ages for each of the characters:
Luna Vega (Stealth Specialist):
Age: Late 20s
Description: Luna is a lithe, shadowy figure with ebony hair and piercing emerald eyes. She dons sleek black attire, and her every movement is silent, making her nearly invisible in the darkness.
Personality: Luna is an enigmatic and introverted individual who rarely speaks. She communicates through subtle gestures, hand signals, and encrypted messages. Her dedication to the resistance is unwavering, and she is fiercely protective of her teammates.
Dr. Victor Alden (Corporation Scientist):
Age: Early 30s
Description: Dr. Alden is a bespectacled scientist with graying hair and a perpetually furrowed brow. He wears the lab coat and the Genesis Corporation emblem, but his eyes reveal a profound internal conflict.
Personality: Victor is an intelligent and morally conflicted individual. He is determined to help the Awakened as a way of making amends for his past actions. Despite the risks, he believes in the cause and is willing to take chances to expose the corporation's dark secrets.
Sasha Petrov (Tech Wiz):
Age: Mid 20s
Description: Sasha is a tech-savvy genius with vibrant red hair and a wardrobe of bright and eccentric clothing. She always carries an array of hacking tools and gadgets.
Personality: Sasha is energetic, quick-witted, and known for her playful sense of humor. Behind her playful demeanor, she's a formidable hacker and technology expert who is determined to outsmart the corporation's security systems.
General Eliot Stratton (Corporate Military Leader):
Age: Late 30s
Description: General Stratton is a stern, imposing figure with a chiseled jaw and a commanding presence. He wears a crisply tailored military uniform, adorned with numerous medals.
Personality: General Stratton is ruthless, calculating, and loyal to the corporation. But even while loyal to the corporation he knows what they are doing is wrong.
Miranda Chen (Strategic Planner):
Age: Early 30s
Description: Miranda is a poised and thoughtful leader with long, dark hair and a confident air about her. She dresses in practical clothing suitable for tactical planning.
Personality: Miranda is wise, diplomatic, and forward-thinking. She's the voice of reason within the resistance and excels at strategic planning and problem-solving. She's known for her ability to make tough decisions with grace and poise.
Ask welcome
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On this day, 34 years ago... we lost a great man, a creative genius, and a wiz at puppetry, the GREAT Jim Henson...
We, at "The Cartoon CARTOON Show" salute Jim for all the amazing work he's done in his young life, from his start at a local television station in Washington D.C., to the creation of The Muppets, who have inspired many puppeteers across the globe.
And while some of his work has been seen on Cartoon Network on rare occasions, like a recent airing of the live-action Ninja Turtles movies (*to which he helped create the animatronic suits for the films), his legacy will always leave a lasting impact on our lives, especially ours.
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But why does this little green frog from the "Adventure Time" stop-motion episode, "Bad Jubies" kinda remind me of someone...?
Let us know in the comments what you like about Jim Henson and his many fuzzy and furry creations.
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charmixpower · 9 months
what are your hc's when it comes to the specialists hobbies? (+Nabu)
i'm kinda sad we don't really know a lot about them.
YEAH!!! Or if we know their hobbies, WE NEVER GET TO SEE THEM ENJOY THEM??? Unless ur Helia. Pretty people privilege
Listen, I need you to look at Erendor and Samara and tell me if Sky has a life or any real time for hobbies. The answer is no he does not
Listen dragon equestrian is a thing that exists in the magic dimension and he loves it do not argue with me this man loves it. Riding a dragon and doing tricks, what more could you want out of a sport???
He also spends so much time teaching Lady tricks you'd think he was entering her into a competition. He's not, he is simply having fun
Sky really likes running, and walking. With or without Lady, he is content to run around with this thoughts. It's his favorite form of exercise
I think Sky would enjoy at least some of the royalty approved activities pushed on him, like riding horses and dragons obviously, but also dancing. (Though he would hate learning how to play an instrument or something that required sitting without movement)
I think he'd like the fake duel's and mock battles like fencing over real combat but that's just my version of Sky that lives in my head talking
I don't think Sky is really snobby about anything that isn't tea. Does he argue with other people about which tea tastes the best? Maybe. It's like part because he and Diaspro have opposite tastes in tea and they will argue about anything, part because tea was the only meal he wasn't being hovered over because it's supposed to be a bit more informal than a real meal, half because magix doesn't have all that good tea options
He suffers from has no life syndrome too but worse actually bc he's had a government job at 17!!!
Does crafting and maintaining an Instagram presence count as a hobby? I mean I do this as a hobby so I'm gonna say it counts. Making thinking your hot into a hobby, I wish I were him
I have no clue if Brandon genuinely enjoys weightlifting or gymnastics or if he does it because it's literally required of him but I DO think he'd enjoy exercise in general. Like?? He's getting hotter, better able to handle situations, AND it makes him feel great. 10/10 he loves it
I think Brandon would enjoy calligraphy. I have like multiple friends who are on their handwriting bullshit and Brandon would absolutely be one of these people. He'd write exclusively in fancy capital letters while pretending to be Sky, but he also like genuinely knows calligraphy and enjoys it. No one knows cept Sky until Stella wants to write something formally and he writes it for her
Brandon is way too chill of a person, and while I think he's like naturally good at controlling his emotions I also think he does SOMETHING for mindfulness. Reads self help books, does meditation, something that helps him stay so fucking chill all the time
On that topic I also think Brandon likes psychology, like the "why do people act the way they do?" side. Just a little bit, he gets along with way too many insane people to not have at least a little idea
He's the least interesting specialist to me in canon so he's where I'm on my bullshit. Listen man we don't need TWO computer wizs, we can have one computer genius and an engineering nerd. For the sake of everyone around Tecna not being the exact same as her AND for my enrichment
Timmy is obsessed with their air crafts. He can talk for HOURS about types of planes, the Owl assigned to their squad is literally his fucking baby and Riven is NOT allowed to pilot it EVER. He lost his mind just a little bit when he's got to pilot a Hawk with Helia, he was so excited. This is definitely his main hobby and why he's in the RF air force track instead of the engineering track, he WILL fly and nothing will stop him
If Legos exist in the magical dimension he's obsessed with them and makes the most insane builds and you know I'm right
Riven absolutely gets Timmy into lock picking. Lock picking is just a logic puzzle that also has a real life application and they spend so much time trying to pick difficult locks when they need a no think thing to do
And speed running, all the specialists have a tendency to just watch him play a video game stupid fast and it's group bonding
Shooting is a sport and one that Timmy enjoys immensely
Reading. No I'm so serious he's the character shown holding a book the most often. This man reads. Tbh he's probably reading about types of magical animals that specialists are called in to deal with, and their behaviors. That and like lists of forgeable plants
Riven also sews and makes his own clothes! Like it's a restoration thing but also Riven just likes fashion and has very specific ideas for clothes so he just makes them himself.
Riven is the most passionate about sword play and combat. Like it's genuinely fun for him, I think if everyone was set loose they'd drift away from being in the military except Riven. This is his passion. Survivalist stuff is also a huge passion of his. It's his concentration at RF I will never shut up about that hc. His dream job is dealing with magical animal threats in the wilderness, everyone thinks he's just a little insane
That and podcasts. Oh my god the podcasts Riven would have listened to in middle school, cringe worthy, they're EXACTLY what your thinking and it's terrible. Thankfully he listens to calming podcasts and like educational podcasts now, and the occasional true crime one
I'm not sure if lock picking is a hobby for him or if it's just something he HAD to learn, but he takes a lot of pride in it so I'm assuming it's a hobby. Riven likes logic puzzles and that's what lock picking is
Does Riven have an interest in photography or did he print off pictures from Musa's Instagram, the world may never know
We know the most about his hobbies. Painting, origami, and poetry. Helia is well and truly vibing, and by that I mean I bet you he spends hours agonizing about every detail <3
He probably also has a bullet journal, it's the vibes, do you understand where I'm coming from?
I think Helia would be super into general DIY in every area and at one point he gets Timmy into helping refurbish a chair he found, sometimes he just wants to work on something and that something is a chair he picked up off the curb
Helia definitely picked up how to use his string gloves for fun and to have a body active hobby and he loves it? I think Helia would really enjoy doing things that challenge him and he has the most esoteric weapon so it fits
I also think Helia's glove string weapon is as much of a weapon as it can be used for string art? I think he'd like string art
Helia can parkour and that's on wanting to get the PERFECT angle for his reference piece and know he's 40 ft in the air, Saladin slowly lost his mind when he adopted Helia after his parents died because the kid would not stop climbing on RF
Helia is also a chronic people watcher. At least 70% time when he's people watching he's also drawing them but sometimes he's too tired for that XD
Learning about his hyper fixation magic. Listen this man will DEMOLISH a library in a week to learn about the intricacies of runic magic, he is vibrating in his shoes
Okay I know Timmy is the one who you'd assume would like this the most, but I think if you put a ttrpg in front of Nabu he'd fucking love it??? He would either spend 2 million hours world building as the DM or get way into role playing
I think Nabu spends a lot more time fucking around and having fun with his magic than most magic users. Like learning how to make small intricate beautiful things with his magic. I definitely think there would be an art form based around magic that Nabu would be super into that
Nabu absolutely is a history buff too. Like knows about ancient techniques for making things off the top of his head can list most major developments in each century when prompted history buff and I love him
He probably also has a rock collection, this man is autistic and we have rock collections. Sometimes the rocks are magically and that's always exciting
Nabu and Flora spending hours researching a random ass specific phenomenon and having the time of their lives
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falling-star-cygnus · 21 days
the stellaron hunters all have symbolic names and it's actually driving me crazy with how fitting each one is
maybe the curtains are something other than blue, steve
Kafka: it's literally slang for Kafkaesque, which is an allusion to Franz Kafka's world of horror and nightmares. Franz also uses his writing as a way to reflect the dehumanized world that an anxious man lives in as well as the feeling that god and fate are against him -> kafka canonically tends to unnerve and scare people and she was the first Stellaron Hunter that Elio recruited
Silver Wolf: a grey or silver wolf is a symbol of connections and communications but it can also just generally mean intelligence -> she is their tech wiz, after all, and frequently instigates challenges with the Genius Society
Elio: translates directly into 'sun'. This one is a bit of a stretch, just slightly, but the sun is a symbol of divinity. While divinity can mean general exaltation, i think it can also be used in the context of divination -> Elio can see the future and he founded the Stellaron Hunters
Blade: this one was a bit harder to pin down bc there are a lot of differing interpretations; one of which being the Lady Justice. It can also symbolize honor, protection, and death -> seeing that Blade seeks out revenge for his 'condition', his own idea of justice, and acts as a sort of guard dog for the hunters- this name fits too
Firefly: Fireflies are symbols of hope and are often revered as guides or souls of the dead. There's also a Victorian superstition that if a firefly appeared inside a dwelling, someone would soon die. -> i don't wanna state the obvious here but... well. Firefly did join the Stellaron Hunters to find a way to extend her lifespan
This all now begs the question, what is it that Elio wants? Is it that he wants to prove that it's possible to defy fate? Does he have a terrible fate himself? He offered each of his hunters closure, but can he really provide it?
also, we know that Blade is an alias. or- at the very least, we know that it's not his actual name.
did Elio give all his hunters names that fit their roles in his narrative?
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runthepigeons · 1 year
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Tarrence Heard has came a long way from Music Compositions to college dropout to avoiding street life drug dealing & poverty, to being denied 🙅‍♂️ a career opportunity in the media world 🗺️. He survived his way with his unique podcast & exclusive networking abilities and Mastering his Own Space Jam In The World Of Video Gaming. #VideoGameScience 🧪🧫 🧬 is taking a step stone tune of his creative topic formula methods he embraces to ensure that other gamers ignite their networking skills when it comes to NSO which is abbreviated for Nintendo Switch Online. Tarrence also known as Dj Genius Wiz knows the quest & adventures relate to his real life struggle experiences like The Legend Of Zelda, a 80’s Franchise when it comes to solving puzzles 🧩 and Completing Journeys inside mystical dungeons, these courses took a toll on his life road of achieving the master sword 🗡️ and owning his own masters. Obtaining the Tri-Force Of Courage ⚡️Wisdom ⚡️Power became the foundation of his video gaming caviar which makes him BraveHearted ♥️ The life he deserve is the one that was missed in his hero 🦸🏾‍♂️ Era. Credentials 🪪 is evaluate through marching and standing for what was right, earning those Mission & Reward Badges shows the real timing ⏱️ effort put in when it came down to artistry and Earning a Film 🎞️ Score plus the music production & remixes. Now with his podcast he can speak about the story of his life through gaming, the passion that was shattered so many years ago still Rekindles the purpose of being a Exclusive Gamer. In the words of the Female Singer (Aaliyah) “Age is Still Nothing But a Number” So we can game on til the cradle to the grave, the legacy of a gamer true color will show the travels and Milestones it took to complete a lot of Different Legend Of Zelda Series. As you see in the photo above are the badges that were acquired through Nintendo each one represents something with a purpose something that revolves around Nintendo, and you can see a picture of Tarrence inside with his Badges that he created. “The Struggle was real & difficult times within my life Cycles but I Managed to stay afloat and keep my sanity” guilded for the installment of Tears Of Kingdom will be the off spring for this incredible life in 2023. True Gamers know what it takes to get here just about it. -Support The Struggling Gamers
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"Hey, is anyone here?" A familiar voice asked.
(To Archie and Odie) (a friend of theirs) ;3c
Both Archie and Odie heard the familiar voice and goes to check who it was. It couldn't be could it? "Come on Odie!" he goes to find the voice.
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imagines--galore · 3 months
||Mind Over Matter|| Part Thirteen
Summary: Evelyn is Penelope Garcia’s protégé. She is a tech wiz, and knows her way around any kind of security and just like her mentor knows  how to dig deep and get into the past of anyone and has a knack for   anything with a chip in it. Including potato chips. The one thing she fails at is figuring out is the mind and how it works.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Evelyn Richardson(OC)
Rating || Genres || Warnings: T+ Romance. Adventure. Family. Some language, blood and violence in later installments.
Previously - Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven, Part Eight, Part Nine, Part Ten, Part Eleven, Part Twelve
A/N: Well what do you know! Heres another chapter. Random moments happening in between episode really. And please lemme know what you think! Hope you enjoy this chapter!
Takes place during Season 2 Episodes 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8
A low humming sound filled the air as Evelyn put away the last of her files, having gone through them already. They were the files for the Team's most recent case. And Evelyn was of course, in charge of putting them away. One of her minor duties as part of the BAU Team along with being assistant techie. A position that hadn't been randomly made up by her mentor. Stepping out of the room and locking the door behind her, she very nearly bumped into the figure that was rushing by. Rather she did bump into them and instantly started to apologize.
"I'm sorry, I didn't see where I was-"
"Evelyn? What're you doing down here?" The red head blinked, finally catching on who she'd bumped into.
"Spencer?" Her instant reaction was curiosity as she stared at her team member, trying to figure out what was new with him. Spencer stared back at her quizzically and questioningly, raising an eyebrow at her. Realization dawned and the red head grinned.
"You got a hair cut!" Instantly his hand went up to run his fingers through his hair, a nervous habit, Evelyn had noted long ago. "Yeah, I figured it was time to get a new look." The genius replied with a shrug. "So what're you doing here?" He asked, coming back to his previous question.
"I had to box away a few files." She responded with a small smile. "It is part of my job to clean after you guys." She added with a teasing tone, prompting him to smile back at her. Blue eyes flickered to his newly cut hair.
And unable to resist Evelyn reached out to gently run her fingers through the ends of his hair, having pushed herself up to the toes of her shoes so she could reach easily. The position pressed her a little close to him, but neither of them seemed to notice as she smiled at him. "I like it. You look cute."
She'd just called him cute!
As if the realization of her words just hit her, Evelyn stepped back, cheeks flushing, a nervous smile playing at her lips as she avoided Spencer's gaze who only looked back at her which she found more cuter then his haircut. Like that of a confused puppy. The red head however did make the mistake of looking at him, and instantly regretted it as her heart sped up and her voice reached new levels of high pitch as she quickly managed to squeak out a goodbye before dashing past him, leaving a slightly confused Spencer, who was confused by her behavior to say the least, yet none the less pleased at her words.
Evelyn for her part avoided Spencer for the entire day.
Of course they were both back to discussing(arguing) over a new theory the very next day.
Though Evelyn still felt that strange warmth in her cheeks any time their eyes would accidentally meet and she would be reminded of the little run in a few days ago.
So embarrassing!
JJ traced the tip of her finger along the rim of her coffee mug. She was sitting on a stool in a little café a few miles from the office and was waiting for Evelyn to show up. Said red head was making her way towards her friend, holding her own coffee mug and setting it on the small table between them, before hoping onto the stool as well. Outside rain splattered against the glass window of the café, the coldness of it seeping through the window, one that both women felt, yet neither minded. They had their coffees to help keep them warm.
"So how did the assignment go?" JJ asked, once she'd taken a small sip of her beverage.
Evelyn gave a small nod. "It went well. And that is all I can tell you." She said with a slightly pointed look to which JJ chuckled.
"Right! Top secret, I know." The red head gave a low chuckle, before taking a sip of her own drink, frowning as the steam from the coffee fogged up her glasses. Handing her friend a tissue with a smile of sympathy she watched as she wiped the glasses clean.
"So what was it you wanted to tell me?" JJ asked. Evelyn sighed before reaching into her bag and pulling out a magazine from her bag and placing it in front of the blonde. JJ pulled the magazine closer, frowning at the bold title that greeted her in big bold letters.
"After five years of marriage." JJ glanced up at the red head sitting across from her, who had her lips pursed as she stared at the image of the smiling woman on the cover. Along with a man, who was obviously her husband, going by the way they had their arms wrapped around each other. JJ bit her bottom lip before she sighed and reached out to lay a hand atop Evelyn's in a gentle grip.
"I've tried everything I could JJ. But she still refuses to listen to me. Even Gideon has tried to help but she's just so stubborn." Evelyn sounded almost heartbroken as she spoke, finally raising her eyes to meet JJ's gaze.
"I don't know what I did to her JJ, but I wish there was some way I could find out." Her friend sighed.
"I know you're trying Evelyn, but sometimes one person's effort isn't enough. The other party has to put in some effort as well." The younger woman sighed before nodding. "I know, but I was just hoping if I did my best it would get something out of her."
Her gaze, which she now focused on JJ was desperate and hopeless. "Why are people so hard to figure out JJ?" The other woman sighed and shook her head, squeezing the hand she held.
"It's a good thing that we have the BAU then isn't it?" The small joke prompted a smile out of Evelyn. "I wish I could ask their help but I don't want this turning into a professional thing. Its why I've only ever talked to Gideon about it. Penelope doesn't know either, and she's my mentor."
JJ frowned. "Then why tell me?" Blue eyes blinked as they caught JJ's. "Because you asked." The response had a wry smile pulling at JJ's lips, which had Evelyn smiling back and shaking her head.
"I don't know JJ. I'm still surprised I even told you about all of it. But I'm glad I did. It doesn't seem as much of a burden as it did before." JJ smiled at the response. "And I will gladly help wherever and whenever I can."
The smile she was given, sent a surge of affection and protectiveness through the older woman. She understood what Morgan had meant when she spoke to him about Evelyn. There was something so….pure about the red head that a person wanted nothing more then to protect her. Or as Penelope said, wrap her up in a bubble sheet and store her away someplace safe.
"Now! On to other topics, is there anyone you're seeing these days?" The groan of dismal she was rewarded prompted her to laugh loudly, one which Evelyn joined in soon after.
Morgan suddenly slammed his file shut a thought occurring to him. The motion caused Penelope to look away from her screen and frown at him. "What?" The blonde asked. Though he turned his head towards her, his eyes were still trained towards the floor, though they were unseeing.
"Have you ever realized that Reid and Evelyn have the same glass frames?" Penelope looked taken aback at the question. She opened her mouth to say something but then closed it as Morgan finally met her gaze and raised an eyebrow as if questioning her.
"Coincidence?" The blonde suggested, looking and feeling uncertain.
"More like unconscious retention?" The confused look had him explaining further. "Basically he picked them out unconsciously because he's seen Evelyn wear them all the time." Penelope frowned. "He sees me wearing glasses all the time." Her hand raised to touch the side of her own glasses which were a bright orange that day. Morgan nodded.
"Yeah, but you change them all the time. Evelyn never did." Penelope sighed before shrugging and turning back to her computers.
"Unconscious retention it is then." She muttered under her breath before starting to type away on her keyboard. Morgan went back to his own files, pushing the observation to the back of his head.
Cupping her hands around the paper cup she watched it scrunch between her fingers. It was more out of worry and sadness then anything else.
"I take it you heard." Evelyn glanced up just in time to see Gideon take Spencer's unaccompanied desk chair and turn it towards her. The red head shrugged.
"More like saw." Both their gaze turned towards the desk that had been previously taken by Elle. It was completely clear now.
"Its for the best." Evelyn's gaze snapped to look at Gideon. "She knew she couldn't handle the pressure any longer." She only nodded in agreement her face grim.
"Still, doesn't make it any easier does it?" Her superior shook his head at her question.
"Leaving is never easy. Neither is letting go." At that he gave her a slightly pointed look which she countered with a sad smile.
"No. Its never easy."
Hotch glanced up from where he had been signing up the last of his papers to see his wife enter the bullpen. Pushing Jack's pram in front of her. He frowned. Hailey was meant to take Jack to her mother's for the night so that the two of them could go on a date. Quickly standing up he met his wife midway as she walked to his office. "Hailey? Is everything alright?" He asked, once he'd greeted her hello and smiled at his son who made delighted sounds at the sight of his father.
His wife nodded. "Yes, only my mom won't be able to look after Jack for the night. She has a cold, and Jack might catch it." Hotch sighed at the news, looking disappointed. "Great, now what?" He grumbled to which his wife shrugged helplessly. "I called the babysitter, but she's out too." The night was getting better and better with each second.
"Agent Hotch! I managed to scrounge up those reports you asked for. Who in their right mind would file them under X instead of Y when clearly it's a Z and-oh hello Mrs Hotchner! I didn't see you there! Is everything alright?" The woman only ever came when there was something going on, and for a minute Evelyn's heart stopped out of terror. But then restarted once the older woman smiled at her.
"Everything is fine Evelyn. Aaron and I just hit a bit of a snag, since we can't go on our date." The red head frowned, even as Hotch pursed his lips, thinking of the reservations that he would have to cancel.
"Oh? Why is that?" Seemingly catching sight of Jack the red head was quick to move forward and wave at the baby, who seemed fixated on Evelyn's hair. "No babysitter." At the answer Evelyn shrugged.
"I can look after him for a few hours. I used to babysit around the neighborhood when I was a teen."
And that was how Evelyn found herself holding a baby in one arm, the other holding up two baby bags. She turned her head to look at Jack who was looking right back with a fistful of her hair in his chubby fingers.
"That went well didn't it?" The baby only responded with a giggle before proceeding to pull at her hair, making her wince.
For once the Team had the chance to eat together in their little conference room. Chinese take out boxes were set atop the table while they all assembled chairs around it. "I love take out with you guys. Its always so much fun." Penelope said with a grin as she settled into her chair and reached for her box.
"Hey, where're the other three?" Morgan asked, glancing up from his box of chicken. Spencer shrugged through his mouthful of rice. JJ answered for him.
"Gideon had someplace to go, Hotch had a dinner date with Hailey, and Evelyn is-"
"And this is where your Daddy and the rest of the Team are briefed about the cases." The four of them stared as Evelyn entered the room with an inquisitive baby Jack, staring around with wide eyes. The woman holding him looked as if she'd been through some kind of storm that had knocked her glasses askew and her hair to be completely frizzy and her pony tail lopsided and barely holding up.
"Look Jack! Dinner! Excellent! Because I am starving!" So saying she dropped into a chair, and started to drop the two baby bags that were weighing her down onto the floor.
"Jesus! How much stuff does one baby need?" She grumbled to herself as she held Jack around the waist, having set him down on her thigh. The baby had his head turned to look up at her. Evelyn met his gaze and the two had an intense stare down. Which was broken when Evelyn made a face and the baby giggled loudly.
Morgan smirked. "Pint-size? Mind explaining what you're doing with Hotch's kid?" He asked the question that was on everyone's mind. Evelyn grunted as she picked up one of the bags and placed it on the table, doing her best to use only one hand while her other was occupied with keeping Jack secure.
"Babysitting Morgan. Something I happen to be good at. And Spencer? Help a girl out. I can't make his formula without some help." She'd already taken out the thermos with the water and the bottle which already had the formula in it. Jack was starting to fuss so she quickly stood up and cradling the baby to her chest starting to walk around while bouncing him a little. Spencer quickly stood up to do Evelyn's bidding, pouring the water into the bottle. JJ met Penelope's gaze and the two of them smiled at the sight of Spencer standing in front of Evelyn with the bottle in hand. She raised an eyebrow at him.
"Did you check the temperature of the bottle?" Spencer frowned. "No." The two of them were oblivious to the other three members of their team looking at them.
Evelyn sighed. "All those random facts and you didn't read about babies? Honestly Spence, what're you going to do when a case calls for a random baby fact?" She asked, her tone dry, wincing slightly as Jack pulled at her hair yet again.
"Just squeeze a bit out on your arm. If it burns, obviously we wouldn't give it to him." Rolling his eyes Spencer sighed before moving to unbutton his cuff and pulling up the sleeve. A few seconds later, little Jack was greedily drinking from his bottle while Evelyn cradled him, slowly walking around.
"Why don't you sit down honey?" Penelope said, pulling a chair next to her, if only to coo at the baby. Evelyn shook her head. "Can't. Hailey said he likes to drink while walking around."
"So much fuss over a baby." Spencer grumbled as he munched on a piece of carrot, prompting Evelyn to glare at him. "Oh, and aren't you particular about your eating habits Dr. Reid." She only ever called him that when she was especially ticked off. And Morgan had to say, seeing Evelyn jump to defend Jack was hilarious. Especially when Spencer pursed his lips in response, licking them before speaking.
"Aren't you?" The words had the red head glaring at him even more. "I'm not the one calling a baby out on his eating habits." Morgan laughed loudly. "Alright you two. Reid, leave them alone." The man chided earning a look of triumph from Evelyn who turned her attention back to the baby.
"Spencer is just being mean Jack, don't mind him." Of course, Spencer had to ruin her little bubble.
"I doubt he understands you Evelyn." This time it was JJ who chuckled reaching out to pat his shoulder in a reassuring manner. "Let it go Reid. I know you're jealous, but you'll have Evelyn's undivided attention soon enough." The words only reached Reid's ears who turned to stare at his friend, cheeks flushed and mouth agape.
"Why would I be jealous?" He managed to say quietly, despite having the urge to shout the words in surprise. JJ only gave him an amused look before she turned her attention back to her food. Reid glanced at Evelyn, who was now setting the baby on the floor after spreading a small blanket and placing his various toys around him to play with while sneaking in bites of food for herself here and there. "I was just teasing Spence." The blonde beside him spoke up, knowing he would most likely beat himself black and blue trying to find out why JJ would think he was jealous, when he wasn't.
After eating the four of them left to finish up their tasks for the night. While getting ready to go home, Spencer realized he'd forgotten his bag in the conference room. Quickly walking in he very nearly missed the sight of Evelyn and Jack on the floor. Jack was sound asleep, laid out on his back, one hand still clutching his toy. Evelyn was curled around the baby in what Spencer could only describe as a protective manner. She was asleep as well, her hair falling over her face, her glasses placed beside her head. She'd shed her cardigan to drape it over Jack so he wouldn't get cold and she was on the floor while Jack was on the blanket.
Spencer didn't know how long he stood there. Simply watching the two of them sleep. It was strange how the simple sight of Evelyn sleeping so peacefully had him feeling peaceful and somewhat calm. The notion had him frowning in confusion, yet he still didn't walk away. Not until Hotch arrived with his wife after their night out and the scene was disturbed by Hailey waking up Evelyn. At Hotch's questioning look he simply held up his bag and left without glancing at Evelyn, trying to ignore the flush on his cheeks and the calmness that stayed with him every time he'd think of his red haired friend.
Tag List - @cillsnostalgia @kathaaaaaaa @lovelyygirl8
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kaibacorpintern · 8 months
does kaiba ever go to college
no he's a high school drop-out for sure but he has like six honorary degrees from like MIT and Harvard and Oxford and wherever because he's like "here's $50,000,000 in funding for your particle accelerator, i want you to conduct research on quantum physics but namely the theoretical possibilities of other dimensions" and they're like "thank you mr. kaiba. here is your honorary doctorate, please put on this cool velvet gown and take an awkward photo with us"
also i definitely think the education gozaburo gave him was way more advanced than anything you'd learn in high school, and he is SOME kind of genius (at the very least some kind of computer engineering wiz kid?) so i think he's probably out here reading scientific journals and whatnot for the fun of it, keeping up to date on the latest and greatest in mathematics and physical sciences and (ugh) economics.
mokuba might go to college tho!!
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djgeniuswiz · 4 months
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Disability Is Here In Tears Of The Kingdom
Gloom has an aura of Illness that Drains Your Body Energy…….. Pay Close Attention !!!!!!! Resist The Wickedness…… Its Making People Disable ……..
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