#Gene of AI
gamesline · 9 months
Unlimited Rail Works Episode 118: Hellsing Ultimate
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You ever hear about this Alucard guy? Crazy! Check out our discussion on the 2006-2012 OVA series Hellsing Ultimate; and then stick around for our continuing love of Undead Murder Farce, a look into the mysterious Gene of AI, and all the drama trapped inside of Bang Dream! It's MyGO!!!!! Read the full article
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nijigasakilove · 10 months
I cringed so HARD when he called Ichika Nana 🤦🏽‍♂️ my boy was SO CLOSE to greatness and fumbled it
Second best episode after last week’s emotional roller coaster. I think this one is VERY relevant too as we literally have a strike in Hollywood rn due in large part to the use of AI to replace actors in films. Also the deepfake porn situation with streamers recently.
Using people’s likeness without their consent is wrong. I actually thought the episode would go a little deeper into that situation and examine how porn addictions can make you objectify women.
We saw a little bit of that with how he started looking at Ichika’s chest and just ogling her as a thing rather than a person, but I could’ve done without the Risa simulation stuff and had an episode entirely focused on that. Just love that whole scenario. It is really a sad one tbh. All he’s got to show for all of that is an AI who he can’t even physically touch.
The Hide-Kun situation could’ve been cut too if I’m honest. He fumbled his own bag by cheating multiple times. Once you cheat that many times, a woman is already gonna start moving on mentally. No wonder she fell in love with someone else lol.
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gayanimebitches · 9 months
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girl.............................................this is literally u......................
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redcaplf · 10 months
This is too angry for the MAL forums, but I've got a bone to pick with this week's Ai no Idenshi.
To recap: It's the near future and 10% of the population are "humanoids", either AIs in human-looking chassis or cyborgs, I'm still unsure. Our protagonist is Sudo, a doctor of Humanoid medicine / maintenance, especially of the digital brain.
His patient this week is Yuuta, a young piano prodigy dealing with serious rage issues. He hyperfixates on his piano, lashing out at interruptions and being generally surly and miserable when he's not playing.
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Sudo's AI assistant recommends "tuning his emotional system," which Sudo bluntly calls "forcing a change in his personality." The AI demurs, comparing it to how medication or behavioral conditioning help humans with issues of the central nervous system. The process of fine-tuning the emotional mechanisms of a Humanoid just happens to be faster and generally safer than what humans do to achieve the same thing.
Yuuta's mother is concerned, but after a full-on brawl at school, they go through with the treatment. Afterward, Yuuta is much calmer, able to control his emotions and interact with his peers, even make friends. And he still loves piano, though, he thinks his music sounds a little different now.
Sudo is later listening to music; his nurse comments that it's beautiful, and he explains that it's Yuuta, from before his treatment. The tone is melancholy.
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[Sidenote: way to completely fail at informed consent, DOCTOR. You explicitly had concerns about how the treatment might impact his music, yet not a word to Yuuta or his mother. WTF]
Now, I'm sure my reaction wasn't intended. This series is sci-fi speculation on lots of ethical quandaries, like "is altering someone's memories justified if it gives them the tools to make their lives better?" Or "is it better to reboot your backed-up memory now before the virus renders you non-functional (and only lose two weeks of time), or continue to make memories as you slowly deteriorate, traumatizing your loved ones, and eventually reboot having lost over a month of time?" "is there a functional difference between a living person and an AI with extensive programming?" And the question posed in Yuuta's case is based on a long-standing belief about the nature of art and artists.
BUT, speaking as a fellow neurodivergent creative who also struggled with emotional regulation and often spiraled into rages as a kid:
FUCK YOU, stop scaring people away from medicine!
Sudo never says it outright, but he's skating right up to the line of "MeDiCaTiOnS KiLl ArTiStS' cReAtIvItY!" and that's just irresponsible. This kid is not happy, and if you think his all-consuming rage is necessary for a good performance of Mendelssohn, maybe you don't deserve to hear it!
The idea that real ART exclusively comes from suffering, that madness/mental illness is a divine gift to creatives is fucking poisonous and has likely killed people. It's certainly perpetuated misery. I don't want to hear it from someone who's ostensibly pledged to Do No Harm.
I don't know what I would have been, had I been diagnosed before college. I do know that therapy and antidepressants have markedly improved my life. They have kept the low moods bearable. If they've kept the highs from reaching their potential, I have neither noticed nor cared. I'll take a reliable 7 over once-in-a-blue-moon 10 any day.
The idea is also just plain wrong. It's hard to do anything creative when your body chemistry keeps you dysfunctional. I think Hannah Gadsby said it best: "We have the sunflowers precisely because Van Gogh medicated."
Also, in light of current workers' issues and writers' strikes: No one should have to sacrifice their life or their well-being to make great art. Happy, healthy people create better art than they do starving and hungry. We should appreciate the artists as much as the art.
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stray-ninjas-fandoms · 11 months
Spoilers for Gene of AI anime:
Episode 2 introducing a trans non-binary bi (?) human turned humanoid character in the span of two minutes in the most, and I mean *the most* nonchalant way possible...
Aside from that diversity sweep (that I didn't see coming but was happy about the representation!), the anime story concept is pretty intriguing especially given how much AI is talked about now and the ethics/morals of it all....
But using the three episode test, the execution of the story is still iffy for me.
The first episode was very interesting and gave a good world building basis and strong intro to the MC. But the second episode kinda got drawn out (still raising interesting questions about machine vs biological body and the capabilities) so here's to hoping the third episode gets the momentum of the story going again, especially with that episode preview at the end of episode 2...
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yurisorcerer · 11 months
Seasonal First Impressions: THE GENE OF AI
Gene of AI is part medical procedural, part one man's quest to clear his mother's name.
Seasonal First Impressions is a column where I detail my thoughts, however brief or long, about a currently-airing anime’s first episode or so. From a long, long tradition of manga and anime about humanoid androids, artificial intelligence, and more generally, machines and their minds, comes The Gene of AI. (Probably one of many, many AI / ai puns that have been made in Japanese media over the…
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animemakeblog · 1 year
“AI no Idenshi” The Manga For Gets TV Anime Adaptation
The production and distribution company Nikkatsu unveiled the primary cast, staff, first key image, and first promotional video for the television anime adaptation of Kyuuri Yamada's AI no Idenshi (Gene of AI).
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alwayshinny · 28 days
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Hinny ♥️ - The Chronicles of Harry J. Potter's mind
She's Ron's little sister 😡
She's Ron's sister.😠
She's Ron's... 🫤
She's... 😵‍💫
She's so beautiful. 😍
Shit, she's looking my way. WAIT. DID SHE JUST WINK AT ME? 😳
Stop staring. Look somewhere else. Fuck, I think Dean noticed... Awkward... 😬
Okay, try to act cool. Stand against the wall, cross you arms, and look nonchalant, like you don't care. 😎
*stubbles with hand placement and footing* 🫨
Ginny: "Hi Harry"
tries to cover his dopey smile but ends up swooning instead. 🥴
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aabaacuus · 4 days
im back in the fucking building (jackbox games hyperfixation) again
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namcomuseumonline · 8 months
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cbirt · 1 month
The ability to precisely alter genes with CRISPR technology has revolutionized biomedical research. It does, however, take a thorough grasp of CRISPR technology and sophisticated experimental setups to design effective gene-editing systems. Despite its promise in various tasks, large language models (LLMs) sometimes lack specialized expertise and have difficulty correctly answering biological design puzzles. Researchers from Princeton University, Stanford University, and Google DeepMind present CRISPR-GPT, an LLM agent enhanced with external tools and domain expertise to improve and automate the process of designing CRISPR-based gene-editing studies. 
LLM agents, like CRISPR-GPT, have the potential to help non-expert researchers in gene-editing experiments. They can help choose CRISPR systems, create guide RNAs, suggest cellular delivery strategies, compose procedures, and create validation tests. This program bridges the knowledge gap between novice biologists and CRISPR genome engineering techniques by addressing ethical and regulatory issues related to automated gene-editing design. It also shows the potential of LLM agents in challenging biological discovery tasks.
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fortunaestalta · 1 month
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nijigasakilove · 9 months
“The difference isn’t me, it’s how the world treated me” 😢 damn. Fui deserved better.
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I drop the vid praising this series and they take it to another level. This was the best episode yet story wise. The overarching plot is finally getting going again. We have to get a season 2 because there’s way too much stuff we need answered!
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Absolutely gutted for Risa and Fui. For starters, cloning your daughter’s neural network onto a random person is already messed up, but then abusing her emotionally and physically is even worse. Don’t feel bad at all about Fui taking him out
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Probably not the best idea to just let someone that you’ve never met before that just shows up out of nowhere move in that soon though. Nothing wrong with hanging out, but idk how quickly I’d have shared a living space with them. Shows how desperate for family Risa was.
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Can’t really blame Fui for wanting to take out Risa. It wasn’t right, but she’s basically lived as an imitation of Risa, who for the most part had a happy childhood and positive memories to talk about. Even though they have the same neural network, it’s our experiences that shape who we are as people. Everyone is unique, you can’t just make copies of people like that.
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I believe in one of the earlier episodes(can’t remember which) they had cloning or some type of memory altering mini-arc that dealt with a similar theme. We’re more than just memories and data on a hard drive.
And that’s a nice segue into Sudo’s mother situation. I’m still a little confused on what happened to her. Did the company rat her out? Sudo mentioned making copies of neural links being illegal.. or did the clone do something that caused Sudo’s mom to get locked? Either way, between she and Michi there’s a lot of loose ends.
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Almost thought Sudo himself had been copied with how nice he was being to Risa on that dinner date lmao. Knew something was up, wonder if he’ll really leave her behind 😔
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Finale next week gonna be great
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dianadeadwing · 9 months
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Bob’s Burgers is my life now. Get ready for more hyperfixation art
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ct-multifandom · 2 years
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newtypezaku · 8 months
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