antiqueanimals · 10 months
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The Wildlife of Africa. Jocelyn Arundel. Illustrated by Wesley Dennis. 1965.
Internet Archive
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clawmarks · 1 year
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The animal kingdom - Hugh Craig - 1897 - via Internet Archive
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megatome · 1 year
creatures with horns. you agree. reblog.
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petsincollections · 1 year
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Zookeeper with baby animals, Brookfield Zoo, Brookfield, Illinois, 1940s
CB&Q A-5-3 Record Group A-5 Box 64 Folder 3473
Chicago and the Midwest (Newberry Library)
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afrotumble · 9 months
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📷 Bharath Yuvraj
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aquatic-batt · 1 year
hopefully this’ll work the third time but here’s the first part of my sketchbook tour!
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this first drawing is of Aida (she/her), one of my pirate ocs! she’s a member of the enemy ship, Kraken’s Blood, to the main ship of the story, The Runaway Tyrant. she was sent in as a spy to The Runway Tyrant to help Kraken’s Blood kidnap one of their crew mates, but came to love the crew, and was riddled with guilt with what she was doing
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I drew an aquatic bat as a nod to my username by the suggestion of a friend! I might do this again in the future tbh
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this is just some old concept art of Mothmoon (top cat, they/them) and Frecklefang (bottom cat, she/her)!
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every beginning and end of the school year I draw a cheetah chasing a gazelle, this is the doodle from the beginning of this school year!
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last doodle so far is of some concept art for my ponysona! I haven’t don’t much with her tbh lmao I just made her for PonyTown
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أكثر عبارة أكرهها "وش دخل (الدين)" أصحاب العقول السطحية التي لا تستطيع التأمل في أي شيء حولها و ترى التدبر و التأمل في ما حولنا و ملاحظة آيات الله في كل شيء و محاولة التماس و لو جزء من الحكمة الالهية حولنا، يروه ادخال الدين في غير محله لأنهم يعتقدوا الدين محصور في المساجد و القرآن و الحديث و ليس في جميع أمور حياتنا…
لا يحبوا التفكير بأي عمق، و يسخروا من من يفكر بعمق أكثر منهم.
يروا فقط ظاهر الأمر و لا يدركه باطنه و لا حتى يريدوا الإعتراف به.
كنت أسمع العبارة في فصول الدراسة في المدرسة و حتى كلية الطب "وش دخل…" اذا تحدث أو تحدثت من يعلمنا بأي شيء يربط بين العلم بالدين.
حتى لاشياء وجدانية و روحانية مثل قصة حي بن يقظان التي استوحت منها فلم رسوم متحركة (دبلج للعربية قديمًا باسم جزيرة النور) حتى مع الشارة و ال��ناء بالدف الذي اضيف للنسخة العربية القزيمة الذي يشرحوا فيها القصة لتسهيل فهمها للصغار، حتى و هي تشرح أنها قصة عن الوجود"من جاء بي الى هنا؟ … حكاية الانسان و نشأة الأكوان، في العالم الفتان… بحثًا عن الايمان… يبحث عن مولاه، حتى اهتدى أخيرًا""
من روعة القصة و وجود مشاهد مسلية، مضحكة، و شيقة، يستمتع بها حتى غير المتدين، لكن تبقى جوهر القصة كيف تقود الفطرة السليمة الى ملاحظة أن شيء ما سخر هذا الكون، يودع في الكائنات غرائز تحميها و تعلمها كيف تهرب و توهبها ما تحمي نفسها بها… هي قصة عن الوجود و عن بحث الانسان عن الانتماء و هذه الوحدة و العزلة ليس فقط لنوعه (حي تربى على جزيرة ليس بها سوى الحيوانات، لأن والدته ألقت به في البر لكي لا يقتله أخيه الحاكم الظالم، فاستجابة لدعائها بأن الله يحميه كما حمى موسى عليه السلام، وصل لشاطئ الأمان و أرضعته غزالة) و لكن وحدة الى المعية الإلهية أيضًا.
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emthesky · 2 months
Can someone start domesticating the Gazelles?
i think they're pretty neat as pets
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The majestic world of animals through the eyes of Rosa Bonheur
The majestic world of animals through the eyes of Rosa Bonheur
The text below is the excerpt from the book Rosa Bonheur (ISBN: 9781639197880), written by Vicky Charles, published by Parkstone International. Rosa Bonheur (1822–1899) was a French artist known for her exceptional talent in animal painting, particularly in depicting horses. She gained international acclaim for her detailed and lifelike portrayals of animals, showcasing a deep understanding of…
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podartists · 4 months
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The Persian Gazelle (Gazella subgutturosa) | Joseph Wolf | Zoological sketches v.1 (1861) | Biodiversity Heritage Library | Flickr | Public domain
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antiqueanimals · 1 year
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Elements of Zoölogy: A Text-book. Written by Sanborn Tenney. 1875.
Internet Archive
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louvay · 4 months
the difference between ceddy and arthur is the former accepts being grounded by his dad while the latter grounds his dad
Considering who their dads are in my play-through, Ceddy would want his dad to say SOMETHING remotely related to parenting while Arthur scratches his head after being grounded by his dad thinking “that was you grounding me?”
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daveb · 7 months
Here’s another section from Fragment… and our time is up so please throw the book mark away and reabsorb the book the queue for rebriefing will be on your right and the airlock two doors down on the left and you may enter there if you have the proper stamp but no we haven’t always been so formal you know back when the place was run by the gazelles there were trees growing in all the courtyards…
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ranarh · 8 months
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Watercolour Sketch of Antelopes
A friend says my paintings are all so dark - I don't think of them that way, I just need dramatic shadow-play. This bunch of antelopes in the zoo lives with marabous and giraffes. On my ref photo they looked like uncredited extras; I love the view of a hundred skinny legs of herds. It proved difficult to apply liquid frisket on already painted areas when I use water in the brush to keep it clean - naturally it will lift the paint. Tricky.
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girlgazelle · 11 months
🏃💨💥✨ Beat the Elements: Running in Hot and Cold Weather! 🌞❄️
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Hey there, fellow gazelles! Are you ready to conquer the elements and keep running strong, no matter what Mother Nature throws your way? Whether it's scorching heat or icy cold, I've got the tips and tricks to help you stay motivated, safe, and unstoppable on your running journey! Let's dive in and beat those weather challenges head-on! 💪🌈
Embrace the Sizzle: Running in Hot Weather! ☀️🔥
🌡️ Stay hydrated, my friends! 💦 Sip on water before, during, and after your runs to keep your body cool and well-hydrated. Don't forget to sprinkle in some electrolytes to replenish what you sweat out!
🧢 Protect yourself from the sun's rays! 🌞 Wear a hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen to shield yourself from harmful UV rays. Be sun-smart and rock those accessories while you conquer the pavement!
🔥 Choose the right time for your run! 🕒 Opt for early mornings or evenings when temperatures are cooler. Trust me, it makes a world of difference in maintaining your energy and preventing overheating.
Conquer the Chill: Running in Cold Weather! ❄️🔥
🧣 Layer up like a pro! ❄️ Bundle up with moisture-wicking base layers, insulating mid-layers, and a wind-resistant outer shell. Dressing in layers allows you to adjust your clothing to the changing weather conditions and keep that body heat locked in!
🧦 Don't forget your extremities! 🧤 Keep those fingers and toes cozy with gloves, mittens, and warm socks. It's the little things that make a big difference in cold weather running!
🚧 Stay visible and safe! 🔦 As daylight wanes, be sure to wear reflective gear and utilize headlamps or other visibility tools. Safety first, gazelles!
Embrace Your Inner Gazelle and Conquer the Weather! 🌟🦌
No matter the weather, remember that you have the power of a gazelle within you! 🌈 Embrace the elements, adapt to the conditions, and let your unstoppable spirit lead the way. Stay motivated, stay energized, and keep running towards your goals, one stride at a time! With each step, you become stronger, more resilient, and ready to conquer any challenge that comes your way! 💥🏃
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theplaguedogs · 1 year
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