#Gay Decameron
gaygalore · 8 months
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Leon Fala and Wilfried Knight Decameron: Two Naughty Tales (2005) dir. Lucas Kazan
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queerographies · 2 years
[Gay Decameron][AA. VV.]
Dieci autori prendono le mosse dal Decameron, reinterpretandolo in chiave LGBT e moderna con la massima libertà, mostrando inevitabilmente l’eterna attualità dell’opera originaria.
Il Decameron di Boccaccio narra di un gruppo di ragazzi che decide di ritirarsi in una villa di campagna per sfuggire alla peste e di raccontare ogni giorno, a turno, una storia per sfuggire alla noia. Oggi, in un’epoca segnata dalla pandemia, da un recente passato di confinamenti e restrizioni e da una guerra in atto alle porte dell’Europa, è stato chiesto a dieci autori di prendere il posto di…
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songbird-is-crying · 7 months
the FUCK
is my ineffable head empty no thoughts knight escorting a repressed abbot on a pilgrimage au???
(you should already know who’ll be who)
where is it??
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justletmeon12 · 5 months
Books Read in 2023 - If you're curious about any of them, please ask! I love talking about books
Rebecca (Daphne du Maurier)
Introduction to American Deaf Culture (Holcomb)
The Colour of Magic (Pratchett)
The Autistic Trans Guide to Life
Luda (Morrison)
The Moon is a Harsh Mistress
Genderqueer: Voices From Beyond the Sexual Binary
The Mask of Benevolence: Disabling the Deaf Community
Between Two Worlds (Sinclair)
Under the Skin (Faber)
When Time Stopped: A Memoir of My Father’s War and What Remains
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof
Portnoy’s Complaint 
Being Heumann: An Unrepentant Memoir of An Disability Rights Activist (Judith Heumann)
Sex at Dawn: The Prehistoric Origins of Modern Sexuality
This is Moscow Speaking (Arzhak/Yuli Markovich Daniel; tr by Stuart Hood, Harold Shukman, John Richardson)
The Call-Girls (Koestler)
The Essential Dykes to Watch Out For
A Scanner Darkly
The Trauma of Caste (Soundararajan)
Shards of Honor (Bujold)
The Origin of Virtue
Odd Girls and Twilight Lovers
Children of the Arbat (Rybakov; tr by Harold Shukman)
The Gay Metropolis: The Landmark History of Gay Life in America
Janissaries (Jerry Pournelle)
The Disability Studies Reader (Davis)
Fat Off, Fat On: A Big Bitch Manifesto
The Book of Dust: The Secret Commonwealth
Inseparable (de Beauvoir)
World’s End (T. Coraghessan Boyle)
American Melancholy (Joyce Carol Oates)
Transgender Children and Youth (Nealy)
Disgrace (Coetzee)
The Light Around the Body (Bly)
The Hangman’s Daughter (Pötzsch)
Encounters: Two Studies in the Sociology of Interaction (Goffman)
The Trouble with Tink (Thorpe)
Gender Advertisements (Goffman)
And the Band Played On
Fairy Dust and the Quest for the Egg
The Trouble with Normal: Sex, Politics, and the Ethics of Queer Life
Old Norse Poems: The Most Important Non-Skaldic Verse Not Included in the Poetic Edda (tr. by Hollander)
Arts of the Possible: Essays and Conversations (Rich)
Ladies Almanack (Barnes)
Over the Hill (Copper)
Fairy Haven and the Quest for the Wand
The Poetic Edda (tr. by Bellows)
Paris Peasant (Aragon, tr. by Taylor)
Open Borders: The Science and Ethics of Immigration
Stigma (Goffman)
Rubyfruit Jungle
Fairies and the Quest for Never Land
Sight Unseen (Kleege)
The Homosexuality of Men and Women (Hirschfeld, tr. by Lombardi-Nash)
Bea Wolf
New Selected Stories (Thomas Mann, tr. by Searls)
Gay Bar (Jeremy Atherton Lin)
Patsy Walker, AKA Hellcat
Treatise on Style (Aragon, tr. by Waters)
Diana (Frederics)
The World I Live In (Keller)
Christopher and His Kind (Isherwood)
Put Out More Flags (Waugh)
Reflections of a Nonpolitical Man (Mann; tr. and introduced by Morris, Lilla, Rainey)
On Our Own (Judi Chamberlin)
All Boys Aren’t Blue
Artemis (Weir)
Goethe und die Demokratie
Dress Codes (Howey)
Mrs. Stevens Hears the Mermaids Singing
Forms of Talk (Goffman)
Sister Gin
The Decameron (Boccaccio; tr. by Musa and Bondanella)
Elric of Melniboné (Moorcock)
Paradiso (tr. by Hollander and Hollander)
My Mistress’ Eyes are Raven Black
Mademoiselle de Maupin (Gautier)
The Magic Mountain (Mann, tr. by Lowe-Porter)
Home to Harlem (McKay)
The Sailor on the Seas of Fate (Moorcock)
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scumlafeccia · 1 year
Beste zangers in the Netherlands (and I suppose all other countries who have a program with that format): a decameron-esque organization, YouTube cover artists next to old opera singers next to metal frontwomen, everybody being polite to each others and complimenting the others' talent, people tearing up when hearing a song which means a lot to them being sang by another participant, singers opening up about their personal lives, some lighthearted funny moments like said opera singer performing despacito, duets, the kindest vibe ever
Beste zangers if it was made in italy: the first ten minutes of the episode are the host judging everybody's clothes, someone is insulting the Church, someone sings gli uomini sessuali to the only gay/lesbian participant (given that there is one), malgioglio (or any other similar person) is there, damiano dei maneskin ruins every song he attempts to cover and is also the only "rock musician" present, new artists just go on fake deep rants on how they stand with the outcasts and they come from the road and their generation is more progressive, there are at least three scandals
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girl-bateman · 2 years
WIP Tag Meme
Tagged by: @dont-offend-the-bees <3333
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send  you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a  little snippet of it or tell them something about it! Tag as many people  as you feel like tagging because you haven't had breakfast yet and your  brain is oatmeal.
Ok ok, I can’t post every wip because that would take too much time, but I’ll post the most recent ones in my google docs folder, enjoy ! (I've provided a lil translation for all the swedish titles, dont worrry)
The List:
“Namnlöst document” - (this means "nameless document" and is just the standard naming for all documents. I couldn’t give this story a name because I’m too embarrassed about it LITERALLY)
“pedro försvann :((” - (means: “pedro disappeared”) 
“Implications of Mortality”
“Elefanten i rummet” - (means: “the elephant in the room”)
“World War Skarpnäck” - (ok the title is NOT serious, and Skarpnäck is just the name of where I live lmao)
“The romantic act of hiding a dead body” - (technically not a wip, but I might decide to continue it so...)
“Kortfilm liten” - (means: “short-film small”)
“s.p.y. - Ep1 - Draft 1″ - (This one has 3 drafts)  
“Nimon - an I take you on a date wip”
“The gr8 Gatsby”
Prompt 34, 48, “You come to my room at 4 am and...”
“Christmas movie idea”
“diana skiss”
“Rat Girls”
“The Set Up - Ep1 - Draft1″ - (This one has too many drafts to count)
“Quentin manus - vafan ska jag göra????” - (means: “Quentin script - what the fuck am I supposed to do???”)
“One last job - Ep1 - Draft1″ - (There are 2 drafts)
“Macdennis shit I guess”
“This is not about me - Episode one″
“Svt Watch out - Avsnitt 1 - Skiss 1″ - (does not refer to the kpop band but the swedish television network “SVT”, also “avsnitt” means “episode”)
“Blessing the gays with some quality tv”
Feel free to ask about any of these lil projects :)
I tag @boyloser99,  @mangoslixes and @zine-e bc I know you guys are writers <33 
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When after lunch and sallies gay Like the Decameron folk we lay In sylvan groups; and I—let be! O, dreams he, can he dream that one Because not roseate feels no sun? The plain lone bramble thrills with Spring As much as vines that grapes shall bring.
Herman Melville, from ‘After the Pleasure Party: Lines Traced Under an Image of Amor Threatening’. 
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unreadpoppy · 3 years
Books I have to read (not now, but like they’re on my shelf and all so like I need to read them asap) and small descriptions of what I know of the story
- Todo Dia a Mesma Noite (everyday the same night): A non-fiction book about the fire in the Kiss nightclub, a tragic event that left lots of dead a few years ago. ☑️
- The Decameron: It’s a very old italian novel about 10 people who tell each other stories while trying to survive the plague. It’s currently the biggest book I own (DNF)
- Black Leopard, Red Wolf: Based on african tales, it’s about this man who is sent to track down the possible heir of the place. ☑️
- The Alienist (Caleb Carr’s version): A hungarian alienist helps solve crimes in old New York ☑️
- Exemplary Novels: A bunch of novels written by Miguel de Cervantes. It was that or reading Dom Quixote, which in no way in hell i’m doing (DNF)
- All 5 books in the Hitchicker’s Guide to the Galaxy: The end is near? Also 42 (DNF)
- All The Light We Cannot See: French blind girl and german dude( who I hope is not a nazi cause that would be fucked up) fall in love during ww2 ☑️
- Villette: English girl goes to France to teach, and it’s kinda autobiographal (DNF)
- A Witch in Time: Guy tells girl they have met in different lifetimes and tah dah, you’re a witch now ☑️
- The Rose and the Thorn: Guy gives girl book, and you, the reader, can read both her story, and the book she’s given.☑️
- Midnight’s Summer Dream: This is a reread so, in theory, I should know most plot, but I forgot, so I don’t know what happens ☑️
- Captive Prince: Prince becomes enslaved, and somehow, gay stuff happens (and there’s some triggers as well, but still, it’s gay and thanks to the horrible brazilian cover, I would never know)  ☑️
- Noite na Taverna(night in the tavern): 7 men get together and tell their tales, and each one is worst then the other (seriously, I’ve read one and it has the most awful stuff, which intrigued me to know the rest) (DNF)
Edit: wow this list is like 2 years old now so I’m gonna put a check mark on the ones I did read
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solomontoaster · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Terror (TV 2018), The Terror - Dan Simmons Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: John Bridgens/Harry Peglar Characters: John Bridgens, Harry Peglar Additional Tags: Kid Fic, Developing Relationship, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, the terror decameron Summary:
Dating was difficult as a gay single dad.
Or, the Bridglar fic where Bridgens meets Peglar's kid from a previous marriage.
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dragonomatopoeia · 5 years
Hello again! It's been a very long time, and I have no idea whether you remember me, but my question stands regardless of if you do. I've really been enjoying your podcast, but that's mostly just because you and your co-host are very fun to listen to. However, why do you constantly put yourself in situations that upset you like this? I recognize on some level that this may be played up somewhat for comedy, but it seems as though the vast majority, if not the entirety, of the games and routes on
otome games you choose seem to upset you a fair deal. No one’s asking you to hurt yourself in this way. You seem to be having fun with Madelyn, but maybe you could spice it up with something that you actually enjoy talking about, instead of talking about how cruel and unpleasant all of these boys are. The world’s already a stressful enough place. You’re great, and I’m glad to see you’re doing this, but it seems like you’re not really getting back the energies you put in. -RA
Hey, RA! Long time, no see! 
As touched as I am about your concern, it’s exactly because the world is a stressful place that I enjoy doing this so much. It’s nice to blow off steam by complaining about pieces of media, rather than fixating on bigger issues that I can’t really interact with directly. In a lot of ways, it’s a ‘safer’ outlet to vent societal frustrations and blow off steam.
I got a lot on my plate pretty much all the time (I’m currently working five jobs and trying to graduate a semester early), so it’s pretty cathartic to take an hour to yell about something less close to home with a close friend, and just be loud and openly gay
In addition, I like doing critical analysis of media, and it’s a lot more fun and rewarding to conduct that analysis on stuff I actually care about (video games) than it is to slog through The Decameron in college classes. 
I also do genuinely have fondness for Otome games– It might not shine through clearly when we’re focusing on the critical aspects of it, but I have fun playing them. I think they provide a lot of room for mechanical innovation, they tend to have pretty creative premises, and the character work can be fantastic (when they’re not focusing on creating the Blankest Slate Imaginable)
Plus, they do have some standout moments/prime dialogue: 
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All that aside, the podcast is really just a public version of what I’ve been doing privately for years. I have huge discord and skype logs going back YEARS of me rambling about what otome games have done well and what they’ve historically sucked at. They’re one of my most long-standing special interests.
Basically! I really appreciate the concern, but trust me when I say I get a lot more joy out of doing this than frustration– If it became more work/emotionally draining than I was comfortable with, I’d bow out. As is, it’s a fun way to share critical perspectives on media I engage with anyway
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hayaomiyazaki · 6 years
hello! i was wondering if you had any recommendations for italian films (especially ones with lgbt themes?) :)
hello anon! i’ve always held the opinion that italian cinema has never found a middle ground: it’s either about thieves and poverty or it’s some half-surreal exploration of sensuality. both are great, but i think it often divides people. so i’m not sure what your tastes are, but here’s a little list:
ALL PASOLINI but in the meantime try these…at your own risk:
il decameron (1971)
teorema (1968)
salò, or the 120 days of sodom (1975)
so, so much of the work of luchino visconti, one of the Original Italian Gays™:
the damned (1969)
death in venice (1971)
ludwig (1973)
stan liliana cavani, who delivered the queer & sexy:
beyond good and evil (1977)
the berlin affair (1985)
satyricon (1969) dir. federico fellini
il conformista (1970) dir. bernardo bertolucci
dorian gray (1970) dir. massimo dallamano
a special day (1977) dir. ettore scola
ernesto (1979) dir. salvatore samperi
the flavor of corn (1986) dir. gianni da campo
the turkish bath (1997) dir. ferzan özpetek
his secret life (2001) dir. ferzan özpetek
pasolini (2014) dir. abel ferrara
i am love (2009) dir. luca guadagnino
call me by your name (2017) dir. luca guadagnino
(wow the 70s was Truly a gay time)
there are a lot, a lot, a lot of incredible italian visionaries, but i’m trying to keep this list pretty gay — as most lists should be !
a few recs i would mention that aren’t italian/-language but share the sensibilities of some of the italian art cinema i’ve been talking about include the works of derek jarman like the iconic sebastiane (1976) and caravaggio (1986) and edward ii (1991), melville’s le samouraï (1967) and le cercle rouge (1970) for their incredible asexuality / homosocial tension, ma mère (2004) by the underrated christophe honoré, caligula (1977) for the sheer boldness of it all, and who could forget the dreamers (2003) from the shameless pervert bertolucci himself :/
and some links!
this is a great article that can help find some contemporary italian lgbt films
i love this analysis of gay images in bertolucci’s films
this list of italian classics & this mubi list of choice contemporary italian cinema
here are some of my contemporary foreign lgbt film recs
my general lgbt films tag
resources for discovering lgbt cinema
buona visione!
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attrociteas · 5 years
i'm pissing i'm reading the decameron's fourth story and it really is hilarious to see someone use the word "nightingale" for "dick" anyway i lowkey want some gay forbidden romance shit now,
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tenderlywicked · 6 years
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Oh, Earthman! by Berlynn Wohl is a sci-fi Decameron of a sort - a collection of witty M/M vignettes. Some of them are creepy, some are touching and a bit sad, and some are simply entertaining and filled with easy banter. But all of them are utterly NSFW :) It’s as if Clifford D. Simak’s short stories had lots and lots of sex in them. With each story, I thought it was the best in the anthology - and then I read the next and had the same feeling. In other words - highly recommended if you like to explore the mating rituals of humans (and some other species). Especially because this book is on sale this week :)
A shy scientist from another world can't complete his mission until he falls in love with a human...
Two soldiers, enemies on the galactic battlefield, find comfort in each other's arms while caged in an alien zoo...
An exiled deity has a bodily communion with his last worshipper...
It all happens in Berlynn Wohl's first anthology of scintillating weirdness, Oh, Earthman!
Discover a galaxy full of possibilities with fifteen gay M/M short stories that will expand the boundaries of your known universe. These stories range from hilarious to poignant, but always with a touch of the bizarre. Voyage to astonishing new worlds brimming with exotic experiences and passionate romance, and explore the extraordinary expanse of your own imagination.
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captain-flint · 6 years
Isn't Dameron that old gay book? With like addresses?
old gay book??? addresses???? wait.. u mean the decameron? by boccaccio? where is this coming from lmao
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heyitspablo · 6 years
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It’s all fun and games ✨🌴🌞 • • • #summer #photography #mensfashion #style #instalike #instagood #gay #fun lifestyle (at Royal Decameron Bucerias Nayarit)
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Can you recommend me good (LGTB themed if you know) italian movies or series, I want to learn Italian (a bit at least) and I want to watch something good bc I'm not going to watch call me by your name tbh
Unfortunately I don’t know many italian lgbt movies, mostly documentaries or movies were lesbians are evil and... well, the Satyricon and Decameron but,,no. nope. uuhm no.
So, this is the list of good movies I can think of they are really few im sorry
- Io e Lei (2015) its a movie about two lesbians who have been together for 5 years 
- Latin Lover (2015) i am pretty sure i saw this but honestly i dont remember it at all so i cant vouche for it
- Viola di Mare (2009) love story of two women in the late 1800 sicily, saw it years ago so i dont remember how good it is
 - Rosa e Cornelia (2000) but its the same as viola di mare saw it a long time ago
- Il Vizietto (1978) (its a comical movie and a late 70s movie so take it for what it is) its a movie about an old gay couple who owns a gay club and that will have to deal with the son of one of them getting back into his life
- Ciao (2008) i never saw it tho but it seems nice
- Beyond Love (2014) but ditto with Ciao, never saw it
- Il bagno turco (1996) never watched it but its about an itnerracial couple Sorry i tried my best but italy sucks lol 
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