#Garaki would’ve done what he could as a medical professional with a wide range of expertise
decarbry · 1 year
i had a random thought. so aizawa's arms were destroyed by the nomu right? what if the doctor added the extra arms to yabureme bc his actual set had nerve damage and he wouldn't be able to use them for fine motor stuff (like his knives) even after nomuification. so he can only use his new set for stuff like that. that would be so confusing for yabureme too he's just have this less functional set of arms but no memory as to why they are like that, just the frustration and pain that comes with it.
You and I have same brain!!! This was exactly my thought process too. Dupli-arms was more meant for expanding the surface area of skin for more eyes but they definitely assist with the busted arm situation. This does become a plot point in the comic so I won’t go further than that!
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