#Garage for rent London
Rental Garages Are More Than A Vehicle Spot: Here Is How
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Are you a city dweller and suburbanites lacking personal storage space? Securing an affordable rented garage delivers numerous advantages. Renting lockable Garages To Rent London locations offer protection from weather and theft for vehicles, valuables, inventory, and more on a flexible month-to-month basis. But what exactly can small businesses, families, and individuals reliably store within a best garage for rent London facility?
Read on for 9 ideal items to organize within your own clean, accessible rented garage space.
Vehicle Storage One of the most common uses of Garages
Rent London spaces are for protecting cars, motorcycles, boats, ATVs, and other vehicles from snow, storms, falling debris, and theft during seasons not in use. Storing specialty vehicles safely maximizes longevity when not being actively driven.
Business Equipment & Inventory
For small retail businesses or service providers like contractors, stashing inventory, tools, machinery, spare parts, archived documents, and other operational items centrally in a Garage for rent London provides cheaper, neater offsite capacity scaling as companies grow beyond main premises.
Personal Valuables Like Antiques
For households needing supplemental protected space, rental garages conveniently store items not actively utilized but too precious to discard like family heirlooms, antiques, collectibles, holiday decorations, memorabilia storage boxes and off-season clothing wardrobes neatly organized and insured.
DIY & Home Improvement Tools
DIYers and hobbyists needing workspace can rent Garages To Rent London spots to create personalized workshops suited to their creative projects. Store all tools, materials, craft supplies, welding equipment, spare lumber, and other gear conveniently together.
Event Equipment Rentals & Catering Ops
Mobile catering businesses, DJs, wedding planners, and event rental companies avoid expensive commercial kitchens and warehouses by operating out of an affordable rented garage space customized with any water/electricity/storage needs to stage equipment between bookings.
University Student Belongings
College students needing a place to stash personal belongings like furniture, electronics, bicycles, and off-season clothes while away at school can utilize rented garages so items remain protected versus dumping them in a friend's basement.
E-Commerce Product Inventory
Online selling entrepreneurs can run small web business inventory out of rented garages functioning as mini fulfillment centers for picking, packaging, and shipping orders without the overhead of formal warehouses.
Music & Entertainment Industry Resources
Aspiring entertainers and creative pros like musicians, filmmakers, and photographers can transform rented garage spaces into fully equipped studios for developing artistic projects and storing expensive specialized gear securely.
Renting an enclosed, lockable garage space offers much more storage flexibility than just vehicle protection. Garage for Rent London locations cater to startups, creative enterprises, households needing additional capacity, and small operations wanting workspace with customization options. Renting instead of buying traditional warehouse square footage cuts costs significantly while providing security. So optimize your storage with a Garage for Rent London tailored exactly to your needs.
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jokeroutsubs · 3 months
📝ENG Translation: The band Joker Out has gotten used to London
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Article published today, 13.3.2024, by Primorske Novice, available here.
The guys from Joker Out have been living in London, where they've been working on new songs, for almost two months now. The first one of them, 'Everybody's Waiting', has just recently been released to the public "Our routine is quite music-oriented", the Jokers, who live in a shared house, told us.
LONDON > "We found a lovely house in a nice area of London. It's very comfortable, not the most spacious, but it gives us a closeness we've never had before," said the musicians, who go to bed around 3am, which is why they wake up late, and then slowly get ready for the day. Then, after lunch and coffee, they head to the rehearsal space.
Vrhnika bolognese by Jan Peteh
"Janči is the main cook in our house. Since we've been in London, he's fallen under the influence of Jamie Oliver, but otherwise we rotate a few recipes, our favourite being the Vrhnika bolognese, which is a risotto with minced meat that we highly recommend," told us the boys, who also love rice cooked with milk¹ and popcorn - but not together of course! A bigger challenge than the house was finding a place to rehearse.
¹ T./N.: 'mlečni riž' = a simple dish made by cooking rice with milk instead of with water. Usually a bit of butter is added for better taste. It can be additionally sweetened with some sugar and other additions, like cocoa or chocolate powder.
"Our main requirement was to find a place where we could rehearse 24 hours a day, every day of the week, which is more challenging in London than we imagined. Obviously bands here rent spaces by the hour, not like we do in Slovenia, where we have a permanent space. Neighbours are also usually a big problem in London, because it's a metropolis.Then, luckily, we found a place where we can rehearse in the middle of the night, but it's more of a garage setting, so it's reminiscent of the early days of our band life."
Camden is their favourite
After rehearsals, the boys usually head home, but sometimes they go out to explore the city and London's musical scene a bit. "Out of everyone we've met, the musicians were actually in the minority, but on the other hand we've made friends with some really great people, including a photographer who has become our friend. We've also already found out that Camden is an area of London where practically everyone is involved in music, which is why it's now our favourite part of the town," said our Jokers, who set off on their European tour last week.
❗ DO NOT REPOST, and if you quote, please link back to this post.
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sofasoap · 1 year
Happy ever after, please stay for a while
Pairing: Simon “Ghost ” Riley x f!Reader ( OC aka Mini MacTavish )
Summary : interlude to "Love, do not pass me by" . Mini and Emma moving into the new place. Johnny is the best big brother you can have.
Warning: Mature theme , pregnancy. London/UK landmarks described in this fic are just made up by me for plot purposes. English isn’t my first language so expect a lot of mistakes with tenses. Not beta'ed.
A/N : Kind of Continuation/parallel universe of @saltofmercury ’s ““The Favorite MacTavish” , where the reader/OC is Soap’s little sister. PLEASE GO READ HER STORY first to make sense of this story. Thank you for lending me your character!  “masterlist” for more stories to this Mini MacTavish expanded verse.
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" Congratulations.. Mrs...?"
"Just Miss. " " Congratulations Miss MacTavish. Now... Let see... Ah. I can see the baby moving around quite a bit here. " She paused. " Would you like to know the gender of the baby? " " Why not. "
" Let me move around a little bit there... hold still little bub.. Ah there we go, looks like you are having a boy!... OH." " What is it? is there something wrong? " " I can just see another leg around the other side... Miss MacTavish, I think you will need to buy extra set of baby gears. You are carrying twins".
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After the..unpleasant announcement, you decided you will forget all about Simon, move on with your life, and bring the babies up yourself. You got support. Your family, your friend Emma, you have a career. In the short time Johnny was staying with you, together with Emma, the three of you started to pack up the flat. You need to find a new place to move into before the little treasures comes into the world. Your current place is just a little two bedroom flat with a small living room and kitchen area, which is just not enough space for extra two babies. You are pretty sure the neighbours wouldn't be appreciating sound of screaming babies day and night. Soap surprised you one day when he hurried both you and Emma into the car, drove you out towards the suburb, not too far away from your current flat. Pulling up in front of a detached house with " Sold " sign, you look at him with confusion. "What are we doing here Johnny?"
" To look at the house." " With a sold sign on it? I thought we are looking for rentals." He smiled, said nothing. Jingling a key, he help you out of the car and head towards the house. It's a beautiful cottage which been looked after. Nice front yard area with a garage/workshop on the side. Emma whistled in awe as she walk through the front door. "Well, this is certainly a nice place, how many bedrooms?"
" Five." " Bit excessive isn't it?? We only need maximum of three, plus how are we going to afford the rent payment? Must cost a bit with the size of it." Johnny dropped the key in your hand. " You and Emma going to move in here. I bought the house. There should be enough space for you two to stay." Two of you just stared at him with wide eyes. HE BOUGHT THIS HOUSE FOR YOU?
" Wait.. what... Did you just say you bought the house? I can't accept this Johnny, Wh.." " You got TWO babies coming soon Mini, I want my niece and nephew have a good environment to grow up in. Plus, It's time for me to set up a base here in London, SAS and SpecGru pays me well enough." You threw yourself onto Johnny and cried. Those damn hormones again. How lucky are you to have a big brother that look out for you, beyond what he needs to do.
He insisted the two of you don't need to pay any rent, just take care of the utility bills will be enough.
" Think of it as being caretakers of my house." he winked at Emma, and dropped into more serious tone. " Also as thank you for taking care of my sister. You been a loyal friend to her."
You look around the nursery. Most of the things are in place now, waiting for the second cot to be delivered. Johnny helped you to assemble most of the stuff before he left for another mission few weeks ago. All you and Emma need to do is slowly unpack rest of the smaller stuff that is still in the boxes. Your mother is also planning to come down a week before your due date. Everything is going smoothly. Standing up, you felt a bit of pain on your upper side of belly. Rubbing it slightly you murmur to the babies to tell them to behave. Taking a step forward, you felt the room starting to spin and vision going blurry.
Last thing you heard before you faint was Emma screaming your name.
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Johnny is the best big bro you can ask for.
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alakeeffectgirl · 11 months
cruisequarries PART TWO
PART ONE What did we get up to yesterday? 2018? Okay. I will put everything behind a spoiler cut again (there are more pictures/a video today).
Actually, let's rewind just a little, for some Fallout premiere pictures just because.
Paris, July 12th:
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London, July 13th:
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Seoul, July 16th (according to the designer's website, the hanbok Heather is wearing was designed as a wedding dress, mmhmm)...
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I love this picture because they're making those faces at Chris. Here's the bit of Tom making Heather cry in Tokyo:
I highly recommend listening to Tom & Chris commentary track on Fallout, which starts with McQ introducing himself as the writer/director and then Tom introducing himself - as McQ's friend. After the Fallout press tour wraps up, work starts in earnest on Top Gun: Maverick, which Tom and McQ have been discussing - idly, on McQ's part - for years now. "Our relationship is one long conversation about movies," indeed.
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While TGM is filming, pre-production is also happening on MI:DR, which McQ has signed on to direct. (These two are usually juggling at least two projects at a time, and really it's probably more like five projects at a time.)
In January of 2019, they're all back in LA so Tom and McQ can pick up some awards.
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The McQuarries also go to a premiere and look fantastic (I love McQ's suit):
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Tom and McQ go to Ukraine to scout Dead Reckoning locations later in 2019, meet President Zelenskyy, and McQ gets to put his arm around Tom for once instead of their usual other way around.
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OH NO I ALMOST FORGOT - at the end of 2019, Tom took the whole McQ clan with him to Las Vegas to see Lady Gaga and ask her to write the TGM song. [cries in 'that's his family']
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Production ramps up on DR - and then unfortunately, as we all know, COVID. Most of the cast and crew were in Venice when everything shut down, but Tom hadn't arrived yet.
Production resumes in Rome in October (their production struggles/trying to keep everyone employed/Tom rightfully yelling at people to follow protocols because a lot of jobs depend on them is all well documented), and then moves to Venice. Heather and the dogs are also part of this traveling band.
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This isn't six feet apart, dudes...
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Production breaks for the holidays, and resumes in Abi Dhabi for the airport/desert sequences, and also one of my favorite pictures of Tom and Heather, just for her expression.
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Train sequence filming in Yorkshire in April of 2021, that's Heather in the blue coat:
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DR production then breaks for a bit over the summer so Tom can take all his friends to Wimbledon, go to several car things, and make McQ watch football (the soccer version).
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DR filming resumes in the fall/winter. Heather goes with to South Africa and they rent out what is basically an adults-only hotel (and save it from having to close!), for part of their stay. I love this picture because Gypsy looks so long-suffering:
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OKAY IT'S 2022 NOW, time for the Top Gun: Maverick premiere tour to start - finally! (Do any of these people SLEEP? No. I think it's well-documented that Tom Cruise does not sleep, which is part of what makes him Tom Cruise, but also this means he calls McQ at two in the morning to talk about movies. There's a podcast somewhere where McQ says he thinks Tom might sleep "between the 2:05 email and the 2:40 email", or something along those lines.) (After getting back from South Africa, there was a bunch of test screening stuff for TGM, which is why there are those parking garage pictures. Wouldn't the movie be done, you'd think, since it was supposed to be out in 2020? COVID gave them a reason to tinker with it even more.) The San Diego premiere on the USS MIdway (all the McQs were there, but there aren't any good pictures):
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Then Tom went to Mexico, and McQ went home to London for a few days before Tom returned, and they went to the Royal Windsor horse show together.
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THEN EVERYONE WENT TO CANNES. Sorry I have just a shitty screencap with a watermark here but alas tumblr only lets you put one video per post. Tom and McQ stopped to get their picture taken en route to the actual photocall and Tom made Heather come back and be in the pictures with them. There is video here.
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Cannes, of course, was amazing. I have garbage homemade gifs but they're too big for tumblr (also they're garbage) but all the Cannes red carpet footage is available on YouTube, here and here. (Worth it for Heather, tbh.)
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They went straight from Cannes - on Tom's helicopter - back to London for the Royal premiere. Where the McQuarries looked amazing and McQ wore his McQ shoes.
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And the after party, because heaven forbid they not all ride in the same car:
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And then the McQuarries got a slight break, while Tom went to do more TGM press. But he was back in London by the end of June, and they went on what can only be described as a string of dates. First, they went to the Rolling Stones concert at Hyde Park.
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McQ was on Tom's other side, but he's only visible in video (the Daily Mail might be garbage but they do come through with the media).
Then Tom and Heather went to The Eagles show at Hyde Park:
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And they all went to see Adele - also at Hyde Park. (The woman in the pink sweater is Tom's CAA agent Maha Dakhil Jackson - I found the picture where you can see Heather over Tom's shoulder.)
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Then for Tom's birthday, they went to the F1 British Grand Prix (with some other TGM folks, but they aren't three steps behind Tom like the McQuarries are).
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Oh no, we're not done. Tom takes Heather to Wimbledon, where she holds his sunglasses (not visible in this picture).
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McQ did not go with, as he was recording a Light the Fuse podcast - which he surprise-dialled in a bunch of DR folks - and his final surprise was Tom. Who was still at Wimbledon with Heather. McQ calls Heather to get Tom, and Heather plays dumb and is like, "oh I don't know where he is, did you try calling him?" and Chris says he already told the podcast guys that they were together. So Tom does his segment from the car he's in with Heather, and his part is only supposed to be like ten minutes but he talks for about forty-five and this includes telling the world they basically all live together. Then they went out to dinner!
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And the next day they all went to Wimbledon with Maha and her husband.
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I'm stopping here because this is already SO LONG and 2023 is going to be wild just by itself! PART THREE
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videostak · 3 months
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to the person in london march 1965 who renting instruments for a garage rock band, ur paper somehow ended up in a thrift store in cali
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scotianostra · 10 months
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Happy Birthday to the bubbly bonnie Ashley Jensen born in Annan on August 11th 1969.
Raised single handedly by her mother Margaret, Ashley knew from an early age she wanted to be an actress. She grew up glued to British sitcoms, especially Some Mothers Do ‘Ave ‘Em with Michael Crawford as Frank Spencer. And after her mum saved up for her to attend the National Youth Theatre in London, the 16-year-old returned home determined to pursue a career on the stage.
Ashley went on to study drama at Queen Margaret University in Edinburgh before fulfilling her dream by landing roles treading the boards in London. From theatre she moved into TV, ealy roles included wee parts in City Lights and Rab C Nesbit , and a 1991 film called Tickets for the Zoo, which was set in my hometown Edinburgh, she the started racking up credits in popular dramas such as The Bill, Casualty, Clocking Off and EastEnders. Other Scottsih roles were in Taggart and Rebus.
It was her part as Ricky Gervais’ hapless sidekick in the popular Extras that was to be Ashley’s breakthrough role, though. As well as making her a household name in Britain it also gave her the opportunity to appear alongside Hollywood heavyweights such as Kate Winslet, Samuel L Jackson and Orlando Bloom, all of whom made guest appearances. The part also brought official recognition when she was named both best actress and best newcomer at the 2005 British Comedy awards - accolades which she celebrated in typical low-key fashion with a cod sandwich from a roadside chip van.
Ashley saw fame in the US follow playing the straight-talking Christina in the sitcom Ugly Betty, leading her to relocate to LA and renting a house in the Hollywood Hills. While the role was originally meant to be American, the casting agents fell in love with her Scottish accent and it stayed.
Ashley may be a star in the US now but her feet are firmly on the ground I found this quote from her “Even now I think I might never work again. I’m still a bit like that. I probably always will be, “This from one of her best friends who has a chippy in Annan speaks volumes "She has her head screwed on and won’t be changed by the star treatment.” Recalling a visit to her LA home soon after Ashley relocated, he says: “We were holding hands and jumping up and down. She was shouting, 'Can you believe it? What am I doing here?’.” Ashley’s acting career has seen in her in many shows, my faves include, Catastrophe with fellow Scot Mark Bonnar, Trust Me, with Jodie Whittaker, which was set in Edinburgh, and again with Ricky Gervais in Afterlife, as well as the comedy drama Agatha Raisin, where she plays the title role, a cotswolds-based PR guru turned amateur sleuth.
Tragedy struck for Ashley in 2017 when she discovered her husband, Terence Beesley body at the wheel of his car in the garage at their Somerset home. The couple, who met in 1999 while they were both involved in a London theatre production of King Lear, were married for ten years. A verdict of suicide was later ruled on at the coroners court.
As well as her work as an actress Ashley has narrated a couple of shows recently, Inside The Balmoral: Scotland's Finest Hotel, about the hotel that takes pride of place at number I Princes Street and The Airport: Back in the Skies about London Heathrow.
Ashley was last on our screens in the fantastic two part drama Mayflies, I am looking forward to seeing how she is in the new series of Shetland, taking over as the lead role after Dougie Henshall left.
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hezekiahwakely · 4 months
More detailed notes before the next episode drops. I should see if I can put my silly powers of trivia to work and help edit the wiki.
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Transcribed below the cut:
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TMAGP#002 - Making Adjustments 1/23/24
Sam asking lots of questions 👁️
- What DOES DPHW stand for?
Incident - CAT3RBC1567-23092022-18012024 Transformation (full) -/- dysmorphic [video call]
Listed in transcript as a "case file"
- Accessed by FR3-d1?
Daria and therapist
Ink5oul on Instagram (they/them) -Dubstep -London studio -Livestreaming -Floral serpent tattoo on arm & neck
Daria's paintbrush design -Floral patterns -Unknown, glittering symbols -Started on forearm, then spread across body as she made more + more alterations.
Caught by roommate Sarah.
Gwen + Alice conversation - Breakroom CCTV
Gwen thinks Lena is planning lay-offs, overheard her on phone saying they're "expanding external operations."
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TMAGP#002 Notes con. 1/23/24
Alice thinks it more likely she'll "hire another Sam."
Alice barely speaks to Lena
Gwen desperate for respect, thinks Lena views them as disposable.
Alice's Phone Conversation
28th is payday
Brother, Luke, is in band: Dredgerman.
- Sam knows him
Sam researching the Institute!
Alice trying to dissuade him from getting caught up in this.
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TMAGP#003 - Putting Down Roots 1/28/24
Computers Malfunctioning
.jmj error (!)
Colin doesn't trust/believe in central IT.
- Doesn't like Alice humanizing the PCs.
Colin believes he's the only one who knows the most about the system.
- Believes it's malfunctioning on purpose.
Alice flirts w/Freddie lol
- Also thinks Robert Englund would have made a better Jack from The Shining.
- Horror fan?
Incident - CAT2C8175-03042009-22012024 Infection (full body) -/- arboreal [journal entry] (written by guest writer Graeme Patrick)
Seems to be a police evidence record/email? Gleaned by FR3-d1.
- Case: 1201/19 -Serial #: 72003210 -Collector: Special Constable Caroline Jennings 2911 -Routing to: South-East Evidence Storage - Lewisham
First journal entry dated 07/12/09... eight months ahead of this record (03/04/09)
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TMAGP#003 Notes con. 1/28/24
Dr. Samuel Webber
- Killed wife, Maddie -> cheated/possibly married w/Gerald Andrews
- Isolated and unappreciated by those around him (in his mind). Lonely driving someone into the arms of Corruption?
Aspects: bombed out church, jasmine, time distortion/separate dimension (isolated), dead whispers, infection, forgiveness/guilt free, love, blooming
- Allotment - (British English) A plot of land rented for individual gardening/farming.
- Lock-up - (British English) A rentable garage (storage locker).
Alice gives correct categorization for this Incident (infection: arboreal)
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TMAGP#003 Notes con. 1/28/24
According to Alice, Sam has "wobbly... little stick legs" and "noodle arms." He is also a "cute wimp."
She wants Sam to go behind Colin's back (stirring the pot?) to IT
He says no and avoids getting involved in the following arguement. [sic]
He can stand up to Alice (wonder what their breakup was like).
Alice is a lot more nasty toxic and resentful than she lets on.
- How much does Gwen actually have to do with the upper class?
Does Alice also want to know what's up w/the PCs?
They're all coffee drinkers
workin' the night shift
Gwen has a party on the 27th (27/01/2024) w/old friend who made partner at a law firm. She feels envious.
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hoperays-song · 8 months
i loved the headcanons!! perhaps you have anymore emo Marcus headcanons?🖤💀
Of course! Punk/Alt Marcus lives absolutely rent free in my brain. Hope you enjoy! -<3 Gooseless
Marcus started getting into punk and alt stuff by skateboarding when he was in around year 7 to year 8, mainly to piss off his parents.
He consistently dyed his hair different colors, typically red and purple.
Due to his participation in numerous, numerous protests (pretty much every single one in the city), Marcus was arrested a fair bit in secondary school and university for disturbing the peace.
Marcus pierced his own ears when he was 12 and gave himself his first tattoo when he was 17.
His playlist is still made up of older British punk bands (and yes, that is the only thing allowed to play in the garage besides Johnny's music).
He thought about learning the drums but kept forgetting to actually commit to learning so he didn't.
Marcus still has a ton of mixtapes that his late wife gave him as gifts when they were dating.
The leather jacket Johnny wears was Marcus's old jacket that he wore under his battle vest a lot (Johnny now occasionally wears his own vest over it and Marcus is so proud).
He was in an unofficial boxing club in Uni which was wear he learned to box for the first time and quickly became one of the best boxers there.
Marcus still wears very subtle black eyeliner some days, especially after Johnny started wearing makeup and consistently has his nails painted, claiming it's to hide grease stains from customers (no one believes him, especially since he'll change it from the usual black to teal whenever Johnny's performing).
When he was wearing boots (and still does this to this day), Marcus wears yellow and purple shoe laces, with the purple being in support of Johnny and his late wife.
If you google certain protests in the 80s and 90s in London, there's a good chance you will see Marcus in those photos.
He chose to start going by Marcus in year 9 because he thought it sounded cooler than his legal name and eventually got it changed when he was older.
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twopoppies · 1 year
I’m 100% sure they have lots of property we don’t know about. Harry has many vintage cars in LA, yes he could rent out a garage or warehouse, but having a home base seems more likely, since they have to be there quite often for work anyway. I’ve also always thought that apart from London and LA, they also have a place close to home, like in Doncaster/Holmes Chapel, or even somewhere in between like Sheffield or Manchester.
Yeah, agreed. I’m sure they have numerous properties. Some we know about, some we don’t. I try not to focus on any of the ones that aren’t widely known because HL deserve their privacy and fans can be so invasive.
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candacepandace · 5 months
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Javier, Germ, and Nardo have been best friends since high school when they started their band. Corporate Kleptos played all the backyard punk gigs and swore to each other that they wouldn't quit. They have their eyes set on making it big time.
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Nardo is actually crashing at Javier and London's place for a few days. He says he just needs to dodge his landlord for a bit until he can make rent. They have a show coming up this weekend so he should be good after that.
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London is busy cleaning up after everyone. Meanwhile, in the garage, her husband brags to his best friend about his latest conquest.
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kwyw · 1 year
The way Taylor never went out with Toe this much in London for the 6 years of her living there. It's giving Taylor the petty queen we love. 😄
Toe and his team, I'm gathering, got on Taylor's bad side. Not good. Karma is a relaxing thought for Tay... he should know.
Who is next on the NYC friend dinner date? 🤔
Martha? Gigi? Antoni? Selena? This is fun. 😁
Supposedly living in London, if you ask me. I sure as hell don’t believe it for a second.
But publicly, yes, that was the narrative. Even though there was zero proof like there is with NYC.
Like, for me, it’s the fact that she spent like $50 million in renovations to convert one of her Tribeca units into a garage for privacy… in *2018* yet there’s no proof she’s even done anything other than rent in London. Tabloids claiming they were buying houses don’t count for me.
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Planning to Hire A Garage For Rent In London? We can help you. Our self-storage units are available to any of our car storage clients who would like the convenience of their vehicle and surplus household items stored in one central location or who would like items ancillary to their vehicles (soft top, cleaning materials) to be readily available.
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wambold · 1 year
Water, water everywhere... or not.
I'm feeling a bit like a (rich) 16th century Londoner, timing my water use. The kitchen tap is broken -- it won't stop running and fiddling the valves under the sink has no effect. The only way to stop a steady stream is to shut off *all* the house water. Time to wash the dishes... step outside and turn the valve. Fill up the kettle, use the restrooms -- the water is on. All done... step outside and turn the valve. Bath time... put on shoes, step outside, turn the value... But it's still luxurious. I can turn the valve whenever I want. I don't have to wait until my next water day.
When's it going to be fixed? No idea. I reported it Thursday night on the property management website. I phoned the next day and they "called a technician". I bugged them that afternoon -- "tell us if you don't hear from the technician in 24 hours". ding. Saturday, 24 hours and a few minutes later , I called and left them a message. It's now Sunday afternoon. This is not the first time this company has been slow with repairs.
The icing on the cake is that when we using the big garage door to get to the valve, the door got stuck and then the opener belt snapped. *BANG* as the door dropped to the ground. It's a good thing we don't park the cars inside. I filed another ticket. We've rented this 1950s house for 15 years so occasional repairs are to be expected.
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notwiselybuttoowell · 2 years
Social housing residents on a London estate feel they are being “gagged” in discussions about the future of the place where they live, as the council prepares one of the capital’s controversial “infill” plans, which cover green spaces with homes.
Residents on the Dodson and Amigo estate in Elephant and Castle say they have been asked to sign documents promising not to speak to other residents or journalists, in exchange for taking part in meetings about new homes planned for their estates.
They showed the Guardian a document that also warned they could not campaign against the new homes if they were part of the discussions.
The council, however, argues that the documents only mean residents need permission to speak, in order to keep the discussions fair and civil.
The row is one of many heated debates on council estates across London over “infill housing” – where councils build new homes on existing estates.
The housing crisis in London is acute. About 8% of households are overcrowded, with 35% of children in social housing living in overcrowded conditions.
Southwark alone has more than 16,000 people on its social housing waiting list and aims to build 11,000 homes for social rent by 2043. The picture is similar in every borough, with thousands of families and individuals desperate to find safe and affordable places to live.
Meanwhile councils lose housing every year under right to buy policies, putting them in an impossible position. Private developers are failing to build enough social or affordable homes even when building on large sites once owned by councils.
Building on land they already own is a vital solution for councils looking for space for new homes. To this end officers have scoured estates looking for “unused” patches of land, old garages, car parks – and, to the distress of residents – green spaces, play areas and communal gardens.
This “infill” housing has been heralded as a tool in getting families out of bed and breakfasts and into safe homes.
The women, families and community leaders in some of the poorest parts of the capital who resist it have sometimes been labelled Nimbys.
But those living in flats without gardens in dense and polluted corners of London say it is wrong to take precious communal green spaces away.
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scotianostra · 2 years
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Happy Birthday to the bubbly  bonnie Ashley Jensen born in Annan on August 11th 1969.
Raised single handedly by her mother Margaret, Ashley knew from an early age she wanted to be an actress. She grew up glued to British sitcoms, especially Some Mothers Do ‘Ave ‘Em with Michael Crawford as Frank Spencer. And after her mum saved up for her to attend the National Youth Theatre in London, the 16-year-old returned home determined to pursue a career on the stage.
Ashley went on to study drama at Queen Margaret University in Edinburgh before fulfilling her dream by landing roles treading the boards in London. From theatre she moved into TV,  ealy roles included wee parts in City Lights and Rab C Nesbit , and a 1991 film called  Tickets for the Zoo, which was set in my hometown Edinburgh, she the started racking up credits in popular dramas such as The Bill, Casualty, Clocking Off and EastEnders. Other Scottsih roles were in Taggart and Rebus. 
It was her part as Ricky Gervais’ hapless sidekick in the popular Extras that was to be Ashley’s breakthrough role, though. As well as making her a household name in Britain it also gave her the opportunity to appear alongside Hollywood heavyweights such as Kate Winslet, Samuel L Jackson and Orlando Bloom, all of whom made guest appearances. The part also brought official recognition when she was named both best actress and best newcomer at the 2005 British Comedy awards - accolades which she celebrated in typical low-key fashion with a cod sandwich from a roadside chip van.
Ashley saw fame in the US follow playing the straight-talking Christina in the sitcom Ugly Betty, leading her to relocate to LA and renting a house in the Hollywood Hills. While the role was originally meant to be American, the casting agents fell in love with her Scottish accent and it stayed.
Ashley may be a star in the US now but her feet are firmly on the ground I found this quote from her “Even now I think I might never work again. I’m still a bit like that. I probably always will be, “This from one of her best friends who has a chippy in Annan speaks volumes  "She has her head screwed on and won’t be changed by the star treatment.” Recalling a visit to her LA home soon after Ashley relocated, he says: “We were holding hands and jumping up and down. She was shouting, 'Can you believe it? What am I doing here?’.”  Ashley’s acting career has seen in her in many shows, my faves include, Catastrophe with fellow Scot  Mark Bonnar, Trust Me, with Jodie Whittaker, which was set in Edinburgh, and again with  Ricky Gervais in Afterlife, as well as the comedy drama  Agatha Raisin, where she plays the title role, a cotswolds-based PR guru turned amateur sleuth.
Tragedy struck for Ashley in 2017 when she discovered her husband,  Terence Beesley body at the wheel of his car in the garage at their Somerset home. The couple, who met in 1999 while they were both involved in a London theatre production of King Lear, were married for ten years. A verdict of suicide was later ruled on at the coroners court.
As well as her work as an actress Ashley has narrated a couple of shows recently,  Inside The Balmoral: Scotland's Finest Hotel, about the hotel that takes pride of place at number I Princes Street and  The Airport: Back in the Skies about London Heathrow. 
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molsons112000 · 17 days
So again, Oklahoma City bombing, how did he have a license to get the Van? Or was it a small truck to put the fertilizer in to blow up? And then all the car bombings. They got a license to get the car and then let's see the terrorist in London. They got a license to get the car to run over people. So how are these people allowed to have vehicles? .. If the people selling the cars can't do what we do in financial services, making sure that the people are not criminals and drilling down.Then we need to take away all the cars and just go to public transportation bicycles and walking... So I don't know how the ship bags that I see driving around even have a f****** car.I mean, it's ridiculous.All these people, killing people with cars and blowing things up like oh yeah, the world trade center, they rent it.What avan and blew up in the parking garage... So if people selling cars don't have high criteria for who's buying their fucking vehicles then we need to get rid of all car manufacturing... Either the auto industry is into solving the fucking problem of people using their vehicles as weapons of terror are we get rid of the industry but something has to get...
Like Saudi Arabia, originally they ban women from driving. So women should understand this. They were banned from driving and they were least likely to do the terrorist act. So Hey, getting the bad guys out of driving. Because now all the women are buying cars. Losing the scumbags, it's a good thing like scumbag. You make me use a horn burn in hell.
We need to start taking away the privilege and never give it back...
Do you know I can give you from prostitution to buying drugs?They put a lot of white people in jail that went into minority neighborhoods.They profiled them.They saw a white guy in the minority neighborhood.They pulled them over and they busted them for either buying drugs or lets see prostituition... No a black guy got profile as well.Eddie Murphy, how do you think they pulled him over?He was in a neighborhood known for known prostitutes, and he was driving around in a luxury car and they're like.Why is this luxury car in this neighborhood?That is known for prostitution... So the cops Hold over the car Because they were profiling....
So I can give you all these times like me at the airport.I paid cash for a ticket.They said I met a profile and they walk me to the game and stood with me... I don't get minorities White people to be profiled all the time.But when you do it's a bad thing fuck you....
According to a BMJ analysis, between 1970 and 2019, there were 25 vehicle-based terrorist attacks in the United States that resulted in 1,715 injuries and 808 fatalities. This figure does not include the September 11 attacks. 
Trauma Surgery & Acute Care Open
an analysis of vehicle-based terrorist events
Results There were 257 recorded terror attacks that involved some type of vehicle between 1970 and 2019. The attacks resulted in 808 fatalities and 1715 injuries when excluding the September 11 attacks. 76 events occurred at the West Bank and Gaza Strip, 25 in the USA, 16 in Israel, and 14 in the UK. Of the 257 terror incidents, 71% (183) occurred within the last 6-year span of inquiry.
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United States Department of Justice (.gov)
https://portal.cops.usdoj.gov › ...PDF
Drive-By Shootings
by K Dedel · Cited by 1 — Drive-by shootings are but one aspect of the larger set of problems related to gang and gun violence. This guide is limited to addressing the particular harms ...
Missing: total ‎| Show results with: total
Capital B News
Drive-By Shootings: The Mass Casualty Crime No One Is ...
Jul 5, 2022 — There have been more than 700 drive-by mass shootings since 2012, most of them involving an assault-style weapon
According to Statista, there were 44,086 robberies involving a handgun in the United States in 2022. The FBI's Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program defines robbery as taking or attempting to take something of value from someone by force, threat of force, or violence, or by putting the victim in fear. 
Number of robberies in the U.S. 2022, by weapon - Statista
Feb 13, 2024 — There were 44,086 robberies with a handgun in the United States in 2022. A further 11,797 robberies were perpetrated with a knife or other ...
Crime/Law Enforcement Stats (Uniform Crime Reporting ...
FBI — Robbery
In 2022, the District of Columbia had the highest robbery rate in the United States, with 357.5 robberies per 100,000 people, while Wyoming had the lowest, with 7.9 robberies per 100,000 people. Other states with high robbery rates include Maryland, California, New Mexico, Nevada, Alaska, Illinois, and Tennessee. 
https://gitnux.org › vehicle-homici...
Must-Know Vehicle Homicide Statistics [Latest Report]
An estimated 9,967 vehicular homicides occurred in the United States in 2014, accounting for 31% of total traffic fatalities. In 2019, men were
In 2022, there were 2,431 bank robberies in the United States, according to Statista. California had the most bank robberies in 2022, with 172, followed by Colorado with 155. 
Robbery: number by location U.S. 2022 - Statista
Feb 13, 2024 — Characteristic, Restaurant, Hotel/Motel/Etc., Park/Playground, Bank/Savings and Loan, Number of robberies, 3,818, 3,068, 2,646, 2,431,
Justin Wingerter on X: "States with the most bank robberies in 2022 ...
Feb 7, 2024 — States with the most bank robberies in 2022, according to FBI data released Monday: 1) California: 172 2) Colorado: 155 California's population is six times larger than Colorado's.
Bank robberies are often considered low-risk crimes because bank employees are trained to comply with a robber's demands. However, 80% of the stolen money is never recovered. Banks have increased their defenses against bank robberies, making it more difficult for robbers to get away. 
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Featured snippet from the web
Number of robberies in the United States in 2022, by location
CharacteristicNumber of robberiesRestaurant3,818Hotel/Motel/Etc.3,068Park/Playground2,646Bank/Savings and Loan2,4319 more rows
Feb 13, 2024
https://www.statista.com › statistics
Robbery: number by location U.S. 2022 - Statista
So what is the department of motor vehicles doing around the united states working with the auto industry to prevent these people from ever driving again.... Because to do these criminal offenses they have to have a vehicle... So somebody's gotta be the driver....
So how are they getting these vehicles and like uhauls...
U.S. Department of State (.gov)
https://www.state.gov › 1993-worl...
1993 World Trade Center Bombing
Feb 21, 2019 — On February 26, 1993, a bomb exploded in a parking garage of the World Trade Center (WTC) in New York City. This event was the first ...
So for the oklahoma city bombing and used a rented rider truck....
On the morning of April 19, 1995, an ex-Army soldier and security guard named Timothy McVeigh parked a rented Ryder truck in front of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in downtown Oklahoma City.
https://www.fbi.gov › famous-cases
Oklahoma City Bombing - FBI
So i'm wondering how these people are able to get these vehicles to perpetrate these crimes.... Isn't U-haul and writer truck in all these rental operations? Making sure they're doing their due diligence. And car dealers are making sure they're doing their diligence before. They sell a car or rent a car to individuals. And isn't the department of motor vehicles supposed to be doing their job and screening people highly related to being able to drive a car...
So why are all these excriminals able to purchase vehicles?????
The boys in the hood the drive by shootings they're getting vehicle....
How are all these bad people Vehicles to commit all these crimes.....
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