batfamscreaming · 4 months
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composeregg · 5 years
5hcs AUs : how about one in which Neku becomes Composer ? starting from "how did it happen ?" and then going wherever you want to take it
Send me an AU and I’ll give you 5+ HCs about it! (accepting)
Okay I’m getting to this first but rest assured the ask/essay about Hanekoma is gonna happen
SO twewy spoilers obvs lol, and also suicide tw
Also this got long it’s basically a bulletpoint fic OOPS
I have multiple fics where he becomes Composer!!! The series Feels More Like a Memory has a bunch of Composer Neku hijinks and more planned! Alternatives a 400 word one-shot Take Your Place Dear which is what this is gonna expand on!!
“How did it happen?” With the duel. Neku pulled the trigger. He didn’t mean to pull the trigger. He was going to lower the gun, but thoughts pound in his head, he’s tired, and the force of a Composer’s strongest Imprints hit him as he starts to drop his arm. He flinches. The gun goes off. And Josh does not stop it. Josh lets it hit him, lets Neku kill him, as he always intended.
He’s absolutely distraught over this. He didn’t mean to shoot, but there’s always a part of him that thinks “you wanted that. You wanted to do that. Him Imprinting me is just an excuse. I shot him and it’s my fault.”
He actually has to cope with becoming Composer first, though. It takes a toll, becoming connected to a city. Mentally, it exhausts him, becoming everywhere at once.
But he deals, and he brings his friends back to life. His Entry Fee was his friends, yes, but he won. The winner becomes Composer, he gets his fee back. Josh, in the canon, just gets to decide what to do with it in canon and doesn’t hold onto it.
So he has a meltdown, this autistic boy, breaks down and is overwhelmed and screams, but he manages to get it together enough to do that. And then he passes out for three days.
He manages to drag his ass to Hachiko, and he tries to keep it from his friends. Hanekoma says he shouldn’t go at all, he’s Composer after all now, that requires secrecy, isolation. That’s just how it’s done. But Neku insists, and goes, and keeps his Composer Title secret.
It works, kinda. Rhyme knows something is up, they can tell it instantly. They sense it, residual Noise instinct. Beat and Shiki don’t quite realize, but they know something is wrong with Neku. Eri is there too but she doesn’t know shit.
Rhyme asks, one day, about a month after the Game. Neku breaks down, and explains. The first Game week he’s overseen has just ended, no Players made it to the end of the week, and he s h a t t e r s. 
In front of Rhyme, and Shiki, and Beat. 
He breaks. He cries. He tells them everything, tells them about Josh, about what he did. What he doesn’t know if it was his own will or not. He’s so terrified that they’ll reject him, freak out because he’s still tied to the Game, and what if they’re afraid of getting dragged back in?
They all just fuckin pile on top of him and hug him and comfort him and give him all the love and affection he deserves, he needs.
“Neku, it’s okay. It’s not your fault. You said he was imprinting on you, you didn’t want to do it.”
The thing is.
Josh lingers.
His soul. It still exists. The code is strewn through Shibuya, but sometimes. It whispers.
Neku can feel the impulse, Josh’s thoughts and feelings, or at least what he would’ve felt, thought, and he doesn’t know if he’s imagining it or if it’s there.
He also never realized a city could be sentient, or that he’d never get to sleep again. It takes a bit to deal with that. But Shibuya loves him. She loved Josh, so much, even under the threat of Erasure she loved him, was sad for him, but accepted his choice for his replacement. But she. Holds onto him too.
Neku learns, and grows as a Composer. He’s so powerful, but he refuses to be recruited by the HG. He’s no Angel. He can shape the Game here, make it better, heal the broken cracks. Find himself in Shibuya, her power, his friends adding to his own power. He expands his world, pushes those horizons as far as they’ll go.
Decides to believe the that Joshua whispering in the back of his mind might be something more than just wishful thinking, when it shares facts about Josh he never knew. Little details, at first.
“Hey, you’ve got more friends than I’ve ever had.” Makes sense, he could extrapolate that.
“Oh, that game came out the year before I died.” Does not, especially not when it’s whatever pokemon game was just 3 or 4 years old at the time of the Long Game.
Another Josh visits from a different universe, and between the infuriating conversation and a breakdown, and finding out a lot.
Neku realizes. that these Notes, this Music strewn through Shibuya, the tune stuck in his head, is actually Joshua.
Long story short he finds a way to bring Josh back by reconstructing that Music into being a person, using Alt!Josh as a basis. 
And Joshua is alive again. He’s a living, breathing, human being. he sees the UG, but he has life. A second shot. 
Josh moves into the back of WildKat and gets to try being a normal boy! Who has friends!
Shiki throws something at him the first time she meets him, Beat threatens to wreck his shit if he ever pulls anything so fucked up ever again. But Neku wanted this. So they respect that choice. And grow to care about him
Neku is also big pissed at Hanekoma for the Taboo Noise thing. And gets Uzuki to be his Conductor. Josh may take that role from her later but that is unknown.
45 notes · View notes
actually all qs cuz I wanna get to know u :) boink!
I will be excluding the ones Ive done (:
1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans? Wine glasses/water bottles c:
3. bubblegum or cotton candy? Bubblegum! im not really a big fan of cotton candy tbh.
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups? for some reason, soda from plastic cups hit different 😞
7. earbuds or headphones? headphones in the winter, earbuds in the summer.
9. favorite smell in the summer? the smell of my oncoming de- the smell of flowers blooming.
11. what you have for breakfast on an average day? it depends, some mornings I skip breakfast all together, others i’ll have a light snack, or I just have some cereal or make an egg.
12. name of your favorite playlist? ‘Recently added’
13. lanyard or key ring? landyard so I can find my keys easily. I still lose it tho-
14. favorite non-chocolate candy? spicy or sour candies are dope a f.
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment? The first book I read that I actually enjoyed was twilight.
16. most comfortable position to sit in? with my legs w I d e open because I cant sit properly.
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes? my tan/floral converses.
18. ideal weather? cloudy, cold, and raining 😌.
19. sleeping position? on my stomach, leg raised to my abdomen while the other is in the open air, and hands underneath my pillow. the BEST.
21. obsession from childhood? picking my scabs-
22. role model? my mom and sisters.
24. favorite crystal? garnet. It’s also my birthstone! I have it as a gem for my class ring.
25. first song you remember hearing? “bidi bidi mom mom” by selena quintanilla.
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather? if it’s not scorching hot, go on walks.
27. favorite activity to do in cold weather? snuggle up in a blanket and watch movies.
28. five songs to describe you? ‘humble’ kendrick lamar, ‘cry baby’ melanie martinez, ‘stupid’ ashnikko, ‘paparazzi’ lady gaga, ‘or nah’ ty dollar $ign.
29. best way to bond with you? send me M E M E S-
30. places that you find sacred? my bed.
31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names? ripped jeans, boots, a crop top, and a jacket.
33. most used phrase in your phone? fuck.
34. advertisements you have stuck in your head? that empire carpet wash commercial.
36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing? DAT BOI.
37. suitcase or duffel bag? duffel bag.
38. lemonade or tea? how about both of them combined 😉.
39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie? I hate pie 🙊
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school? someone brought a gun and it fell out of their backpack during 2nd period.
41. last person you texted? @caws5749
42. jacket pockets or pants pockets? pants pockets. BUT THE DEEP ONES NOT THOSE SMALL FUCKING ONES.
43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket? hoodies or a bomber jacket.
44. favorite scent for soap? Lavender.
45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero? superhero!
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in? naked-
47. favorite type of cheese? queso fresco.
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be? mango.
49. what saying or quote do you live by? “im a bad bitch you cant kill me”
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have? anytime my friends and I joke around.
51. current stresses? school, personal issues, and my NEW JOB THATS RIGHT YALL YO GIRL EMPLOYED.
52. favorite font? calibri.
53. what is the current state of your hands? kinda rough but smooth.
54. what did you learn from your first job? that people fucking suck.
55. favorite fairy tale? little red riding hood.
56. favorite tradition? eating tamales during christmas time.
57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome? that im not perfect, my flaws are just as beautiful as my perfections, and that im just ug-
58. four talents you’re proud of having? im not talented aT ALL. uh...
59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be? ‘let’s fuck ‘em up’
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be? sasuke from naruto or mey-rin from kuroshitsuji.
61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.? “see you in a minute”
62. seven characters you relate to? natasha, cristina yang, dexter, ford, thor, scott lang, and tony.
63. five songs that would play in your club? ‘bodak yellow’, ‘man of the year’, ‘rockstar’, ‘bickenhead’, ‘slumber party’.
64. favorite website from your childhood? I forgot the name but it was that educational site with the orange robot and human.
65. any permanent scars? my entire body is riddled in scars no joke.
66. favorite flower(s)? hibiscus and roses.
67. good luck charms? my dog’s name tag.
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried? onions-
69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned? that cracking your joints won't give you arthritis.
70. left or right handed? im mixed handed but I do the majority of stuff with my right.
71. least favorite pattern? plaid.
72. worst subject? MATH FJSKSJKFSJS I HATE IT.
73. favorite weird flavor combo? have yall tried chocolate milk with chicken nuggets-
74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen? 8-9 because I tend to fight back and not admit there is something wrong going on 😬.
75. when did you lose your first tooth? 2nd grade I believe.
76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)? for some reason my love of tater tots has come back.
77. best plant to grow on a windowsill? uh cacti?
78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store? coffee from a gas station cus im not trying to die-
79. which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo? oh man, I look like shit in both of them. School id.
80. earth tones or jewel tones? earth tones!
81. fireflies or lightning bugs? ive never seen either 😔.
82. pc or console? i’ve own consoles for most of my life.
83. writing or drawing? writing. I cant draw very well.
84. podcasts or talk radio? podcasts! I listen to ‘last podcast on the left’.
84. barbie or polly pocket? barbies! did anyone make their barbies have sex or was it just me-?
85. fairy tales or mythology? mythology. yall don't know this but I have fallen into the greek mythology rabbit hole-
86. cookies or cupcakes? I fuck heavy with cupcakes TILL THIS DAY.
87. your greatest fear? to see those I love die.
88. your greatest wish? to be happy.
89. who would you put before everyone else? myself.
90. luckiest mistake? guessing on a question and getting it right 😎.
91. boxes or bags? i’ll go with boxes. it makes everything easier to stack and organize.
92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights? fairy lights are so pretty.
93. nicknames? clown by @caws5749, bottom by @domromanoff, and variations of my real name.
94. favorite season? fall/winter TIMEEEEE.
95. favorite app on your phone? mario kart. if anyone wants to be friends give me your friend code-
96. desktop background? it’s black with a colorful smoke cloud exploding.
97. how many phone numbers do you have memorized? mine and my oldest sister’s because she has had that same number since I was in the WOMB.
98. favorite historical era? I would say the WWII era since ive studied more about it than any other era.
UPDATE; this would've been done last night but my screen decided to just crash and not save anything I had done and my girl sent my ass to bed so I couldn't finish it but here ya go boink!
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mcraynelson-blog · 5 years
de trut
monde bradley <[email protected]>
12:34 (42 minutes ago)
to nelsonherder, cornelmonde
Countries where betting firms operate in Africa, click the url or link below
Betting of any nation is played by any one from any nation, pals is opened provided you are in that Nation, like am from ug and playing the sa one while my friend from Italy and playing the East Africa Sportpesa with over 100 dollars daily while Kenyans most play it with less than 2 dime a day.
Do you want to accept that you cant log into a tumblr interface if you wrote an email or password you have just written randomly that dont follow a sequence or just wanna follow, get a man was born once and will die once, once i told you i dont like this & this and you force me with this and that it piss me off, me i wanna be alone guys.
nelsonunderwood or upholsterynelson or vice versa check guys. Nairobi and many cities of Africa or SEA south East Asia are built as well using the money paypal send to your bank or M-pesa one week after you open it. They recruit young men who again after withdrawing that cash send to one recruited collector per group of people then send it to one number to build cities like Nairobi. With M-pesa line they own the company or the bank they will provide you with as long as you remit your weekly/daily target and its a oath and other tribes like luo, youruba, kisii followed suit as well as coasterians or masai and many more. PayPal should be noted not to send people money period.
Gadgets like missiles, some jets and other machines are made from a lofty high but from a gorge, inclination, dug big pool which is deep by sprinkling of saliva, sperms or sewerage water dude.
How to remove phone no or email address from your a/c as well you can write a yahoo a/c when signing up a Gmail a/c, Gmail cant send a notification to yahoo no-matter-what but when you write it, yahoo mail it takes so in recovery you are left only with password or phone no as recovery which you can remove and go to change password option then on another bar like word write your own thing by just pressing letter/numbers randomly which cant be read then you cut then copy paste on new password twice, if you sign out then turn off the computer when you turn it on, you or another fellow cant log into it again- its permanently dis-enabled dude. Click the links below fellows for full information
Russians are Fulani and most Fulani got kamba blood from mar so most Russians are kamba so they talk like not joking to separate themselves from kamba people. Nebuchadnezzar was Guyana blood, vineyard and worker parable to cement the truth and not enough he was dutch blooded- Netherlands, bro and Argentinian who saw the beauty of Ondingame as babylOnding and migrated to settle there and in Lazarus parable he was the rich-man dude. Get this straight fellows, dont be fooled guys. Most dutch women are guyanians, be warned people who hate progress of others but hidden as Daniel in the den of lion to remind you guys but on the outside like nebu used to visit Daniel they are good to peoples eye.
Another thing we people put mucus/period and shit on food and use the motor bike rider to like ambush you, only they cool down after you have eaten it, makes you wild dude but with them in Rusia got good food bro. As well as steeling all your staff and they claim you are good with their kids. Its sickening dude. As well as every mans eye is on your manhood, feel like you wanna strangle yourself, dont sleep the whole-night. The woman if they see you you are good looking they want to recruit you into being a thug of going to a foreign land and rob is when their hearts are settled.
Youtube in house tea or milk processing plants and the hindu got that for the illegal picked tea. Click the link below dude
The Nigro can conquer You via L-victoria as the drone can be a submarine and a speedboat at the same time that can even carry siren-gas during war time dude. You wont get women or eat things with our staff, even if we die or kill us is so well coz you will not be able to use us as your ladder to your destiny. In The crematorium it will be well with us bro. click the link below
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WwlSJpfIjbc Countries where betting firms operate in Africa, click the url or link below https://www.google.com/search?q=countries+where+betting+firms+operate+in+africa&oq=countries+where+betting+firms+operate+in+africa&aqs=chrome..69i57.11958j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8   https://www.sportsbettingdime.com/africa/ https://www.green-card.com/winner-statistics/
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eqPUJkOipGY Betting of any nation is played by any one from any nation, pals is opened provided you are in that Nation, like am from ug and playing the sa one while my friend from Italy and playing the East Africa Sportpesa with over 100 dollars daily while Kenyans most play it with less than 2 dime a day.
Do you want to accept that you cant log into a tumblr interface if you wrote an email or password you have just written randomly that dont follow a sequence or just wanna follow, get a man was born once and will die once, once i told you i dont like this & this and you force me with this and that it piss me off, me i wanna be alone guys.  Or do you just want to see me spending money
Read dude my tumblr posts at mcsleepynelson and ebarhurtnelson as well as mcbethnelson. A friend in USA and China has told me they are not making but selling my AE with other associates idea but the kikuyou are still playing dice with it. Come out and make it and present it if it is yours any tribe dude. How long is it guys of being in the cold, stop playing Baal bro, come out and showcase it dude period boy… Artificial liquor is water as sacrifice but you hurl urine or salive from near high into it, then boom the liquor you want like with Keroche breweries in KENYA.
I was just giving you an advice of where to sell your scrap car with super-normal profit not that i wanted to share your cash. Eat it alone dude, dont call 4 me piki piki drivers to lynch me liaising with the police. Dont need your pay, if its 1000 kg sell to the factory and make twice if you sold it to the local dealer. Broccoli is tasteless, both and click the link below 4 broccoli pictures as french beans Fb- fat booty
You defecate on your hand many people in the dark with the offering like groundnuts or chestnuts or coconuts, mango/avocado seeds, stones, leaves, logs, melons, onions, oranges in a partially deep pool or trench, inclination then you hurl the mafi unto the offering then boom machines like Ferrari/Lamborghini, planes, jet, tanker, guns and ammunition forms and many more dude. The the said machine is lifted using folk lifts bro, it makes even hospital equipment and kitchen ware as fridge, cookers, blender, stud, condom, soccer/basket ball, shoes or cloths, anything you ask the devil of bro.
Countries with Barclays, stanchart, chase bank branches, click the link below dude and find out the profitabilty per country
They also make money via the betting firms and selling of soccer cloth-lines and their TV like Dstv bro and find how many subscribers to it, its not expensive to the company once installed in that nation so they earn super-normal profits in huge populated nations bro. In the coin section the you close for like 5-10 seconds bro. I dont wanna go to the USA as Resident but maybe as a tourist later dude get my words bro, a country of lazy Negros who hide in the umbrella of a seduced woman by a rich-man to benefit bro unless reshuffling is done. The ice water protects the water from the seas from falling off the earths surface to reduce the land under sea/ocean. Infact dude after completion of making a hole on the earth crust you can put a camera on the end of the wire to lower it to capture the said illicit Rusians b4 they blow it out coz robs them their dignity and fellows when is at night in mars you will see many lights of the city as if you are up on a tall building or plane watching the city from above here on earth. Wacha ujinga Russians stop utter/dire stupidity.
Click the link above and below, Enlarge and read dude
Nitakuchapa, sasa umepata hauwezi hack all my longings like fb, tumblr etc
On the FB, Gmail, yahoo, interface you can write any name as surname or first name, it will not refuse but accept on the email column you can guess any email even random words like rfhfxdt56@gmail/yahoo.com and still it will accept without even opening the email a/c first, stop many words dude and make it a try fellows
My tumblr name is mcsleepynelson or ebarhurtnelson and you can follow all my friends and see all the pictures am seeing when you write a name like mrmonde on search tumblr bar after on the small box u have clicked untitled for any one, then you click the person tab to bring you all my friends dude.
How the two bus/lorry battery is connected on the link below the the + & - cathog you connect to the 250 volt side of the welding machine, check it out dude, 2 24 volts battery gives you 48 if connected when put in a welding machine gives you about that even a kettle, fridge or heater still uses.
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Countries where betting firms operate in Africa, click the url or link below https://www.google.com/search?q=countries+where+betting+firms+operate+in+africa&oq=countries+where+betting+firms+operate+in+africa&aqs=chrome..69i57.11958j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 https://www.sportsbettingdime.com/africa/ https://www.green-card.com/winner-statistics/ Betting of any nation is played by any one from any nation, pals is opened provided you are in that Nation, like am from ug and playing the sa one while my friend from Italy and playing the East Africa Sportpesa with over 100 dollars daily while Kenyans most play it with less than 2 dime a day. Do you want to accept that you cant log into a tumblr interface if you wrote an email or password you have just written randomly that dont follow a sequence or just wanna follow, get a man was born once and will die once, once i told you i dont like this & this and you force me with this and that it piss me off, me i wanna be alone guys. nelsonunderwood or upholsterynelson or vice versa check guys. Nairobi and many cities of Africa or SEA south East Asia are built as well using the money paypal send to your bank or M-pesa one week after you open it. They recruit young men who again after withdrawing that cash send to one recruited collector per group of people then send it to one number to build cities like Nairobi. With M-pesa line they own the company or the bank they will provide you with as long as you remit your weekly/daily target and its a oath and other tribes like luo, youruba, kisii followed suit as well as coasterians or masai and many more. PayPal should be noted not to send people money period. Gadgets like missiles, some jets and other machines are made from a lofty high but from a gorge, inclination, dug big pool which is deep by sprinkling of saliva, sperms or sewerage water dude. How to remove phone no or email address from your a/c as well you can write a yahoo a/c when signing up a Gmail a/c, Gmail cant send a notification to yahoo no-matter-what but when you write it, yahoo mail it takes so in recovery you are left only with password or phone no as recovery which you can remove and go to change password option then on another bar like word write your own thing by just pressing letter/numbers randomly which cant be read then you cut then copy paste on new password twice, if you sign out then turn off the computer when you turn it on, you or another fellow cant log into it again- its permanently dis-enabled dude. Click the links below fellows for full information https://techzillo.com/remove-phone-number-google-account/ <https://t.umblr.com/redirect?z=https%3A%2F%2Ftechzillo.com%2Fremove-phone-number-google-account%2F&t=NDQ2NjliYWQ1OTExMzk2YzAyMGMwMzc1ZDYxMzAzYzI2Mjk1MmQ3NCwyMDIyV20zOQ%3D%3D&b=t%3At4AbBHcvt82ef81SMCkxdQ&p=https%3A%2F%2Fnelsonmcbeth.tumblr.com%2Fpost%2F187327283766%2Fyep&m=1> https://www.google.com/search?q=how+to+change+a+new+password+on+a+gmail+account&oq=how+to+change+a+new+password+on+a+gmail+account&aqs=chrome..69i57j0.17310j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 <https://t.umblr.com/redirect?z=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2Fsearch%3Fq%3Dhow%2Bto%2Bchange%2Ba%2Bnew%2Bpassword%2Bon%2Ba%2Bgmail%2Baccount%26oq%3Dhow%2Bto%2Bchange%2Ba%2Bnew%2Bpassword%2Bon%2Ba%2Bgmail%2Baccount%26aqs%3Dc
1 note · View note
kansasnight-blog · 5 years
th trut
Countries where betting firms operate in Africa, click the url or link below
Betting of any nation is played by any one from any nation, pals is opened provided you are in that Nation, like am from ug and playing the sa one while my friend from Italy and playing the East Africa Sportpesa with over 100 dollars daily while Kenyans most play it with less than 2 dime a day.
Do you want to accept that you cant log into a tumblr interface if you wrote an email or password you have just written randomly that dont follow a sequence or just wanna follow, get a man was born once and will die once, once i told you i dont like this & this and you force me with this and that it piss me off, me i wanna be alone guys.
nelsonunderwood or upholsterynelson or vice versa check guys. Nairobi and many cities of Africa or SEA south East Asia are built as well using the money paypal send to your bank or M-pesa one week after you open it. They recruit young men who again after withdrawing that cash send to one recruited collector per group of people then send it to one number to build cities like Nairobi. With M-pesa line they own the company or the bank they will provide you with as long as you remit your weekly/daily target and its a oath and other tribes like luo, youruba, kisii followed suit as well as coasterians or masai and many more. PayPal should be noted not to send people money period.
Gadgets like missiles, some jets and other machines are made from a lofty high but from a gorge, inclination, dug big pool which is deep by sprinkling of saliva, sperms or sewerage water dude.
How to remove phone no or email address from your a/c as well you can write a yahoo a/c when signing up a Gmail a/c, Gmail cant send a notification to yahoo no-matter-what but when you write it, yahoo mail it takes so in recovery you are left only with password or phone no as recovery which you can remove and go to change password option then on another bar like word write your own thing by just pressing letter/numbers randomly which cant be read then you cut then copy paste on new password twice, if you sign out then turn off the computer when you turn it on, you or another fellow cant log into it again- its permanently dis-enabled dude. Click the links below fellows for full information
Russians are Fulani and most Fulani got kamba blood from mar so most Russians are kamba so they talk like not joking to separate themselves from kamba people. Nebuchadnezzar was Guyana blood, vineyard and worker parable to cement the truth and not enough he was dutch blooded- Netherlands, bro and Argentinian who saw the beauty of Ondingame as babylOnding and migrated to settle there and in Lazarus parable he was the rich-man dude. Get this straight fellows, dont be fooled guys. Most dutch women are guyanians, be warned people who hate progress of others but hidden as Daniel in the den of lion to remind you guys but on the outside like nebu used to visit Daniel they are good to peoples eye.
Another thing we people put mucus/period and shit on food and use the motor bike rider to like ambush you, only they cool down after you have eaten it, makes you wild dude but with them in Rusia got good food bro. As well as steeling all your staff and they claim you are good with their kids. Its sickening dude. As well as every mans eye is on your manhood, feel like you wanna strangle yourself, dont sleep the whole-night. The woman if they see you you are good looking they want to recruit you into being a thug of going to a foreign land and rob is when their hearts are settled.
Youtube in house tea or milk processing plants and the hindu got that for the illegal picked tea. Click the link below dude
The Nigro can conquer You via L-victoria as the drone can be a submarine and a speedboat at the same time that can even carry siren-gas during war time dude. You wont get women or eat things with our staff, even if we die or kill us is so well coz you will not be able to use us as your ladder to your destiny. In The crematorium it will be well with us bro. click the link below
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WwlSJpfIjbc Countries where betting firms operate in Africa, click the url or link below https://www.google.com/search?q=countries+where+betting+firms+operate+in+africa&oq=countries+where+betting+firms+operate+in+africa&aqs=chrome..69i57.11958j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8   https://www.sportsbettingdime.com/africa/ https://www.green-card.com/winner-statistics/
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eqPUJkOipGY Betting of any nation is played by any one from any nation, pals is opened provided you are in that Nation, like am from ug and playing the sa one while my friend from Italy and playing the East Africa Sportpesa with over 100 dollars daily while Kenyans most play it with less than 2 dime a day.
Do you want to accept that you cant log into a tumblr interface if you wrote an email or password you have just written randomly that dont follow a sequence or just wanna follow, get a man was born once and will die once, once i told you i dont like this & this and you force me with this and that it piss me off, me i wanna be alone guys.  Or do you just want to see me spending money
Read dude my tumblr posts at mcsleepynelson and ebarhurtnelson as well as mcbethnelson. A friend in USA and China has told me they are not making but selling my AE with other associates idea but the kikuyou are still playing dice with it. Come out and make it and present it if it is yours any tribe dude. How long is it guys of being in the cold, stop playing Baal bro, come out and showcase it dude period boy… Artificial liquor is water as sacrifice but you hurl urine or salive from near high into it, then boom the liquor you want like with Keroche breweries in KENYA.
I was just giving you an advice of where to sell your scrap car with super-normal profit not that i wanted to share your cash. Eat it alone dude, dont call 4 me piki piki drivers to lynch me liaising with the police. Dont need your pay, if its 1000 kg sell to the factory and make twice if you sold it to the local dealer. Broccoli is tasteless, both and click the link below 4 broccoli pictures as french beans Fb- fat booty
You defecate on your hand many people in the dark with the offering like groundnuts or chestnuts or coconuts, mango/avocado seeds, stones, leaves, logs, melons, onions, oranges in a partially deep pool or trench, inclination then you hurl the mafi unto the offering then boom machines like Ferrari/Lamborghini, planes, jet, tanker, guns and ammunition forms and many more dude. The the said machine is lifted using folk lifts bro, it makes even hospital equipment and kitchen ware as fridge, cookers, blender, stud, condom, soccer/basket ball, shoes or cloths, anything you ask the devil of bro.
Countries with Barclays, stanchart, chase bank branches, click the link below dude and find out the profitabilty per country
They also make money via the betting firms and selling of soccer cloth-lines and their TV like Dstv bro and find how many subscribers to it, its not expensive to the company once installed in that nation so they earn super-normal profits in huge populated nations bro. In the coin section the you close for like 5-10 seconds bro. I dont wanna go to the USA as Resident but maybe as a tourist later dude get my words bro, a country of lazy Negros who hide in the umbrella of a seduced woman by a rich-man to benefit bro unless reshuffling is done. The ice water protects the water from the seas from falling off the earths surface to reduce the land under sea/ocean. Infact dude after completion of making a hole on the earth crust you can put a camera on the end of the wire to lower it to capture the said illicit Rusians b4 they blow it out coz robs them their dignity and fellows when is at night in mars you will see many lights of the city as if you are up on a tall building or plane watching the city from above here on earth. Wacha ujinga Russians stop utter/dire stupidity.
Click the link above and below, Enlarge and read dude
Nitakuchapa, sasa umepata hauwezi hack all my longings like fb, tumblr etc
On the FB, Gmail, yahoo, interface you can write any name as surname or first name, it will not refuse but accept on the email column you can guess any email even random words like rfhfxdt56@gmail/yahoo.com and still it will accept without even opening the email a/c first, stop many words dude and make it a try fellows
My tumblr name is mcsleepynelson or ebarhurtnelson and you can follow all my friends and see all the pictures am seeing when you write a name like mrmonde on search tumblr bar after on the small box u have clicked untitled for any one, then you click the person tab to bring you all my friends dude.
How the two bus/lorry battery is connected on the link below the the + & - cathog you connect to the 250 volt side of the welding machine, check it out dude, 2 24 volts battery gives you 48 if connected when put in a welding machine gives you about that even a kettle, fridge or heater still uses.
And at the same time have another set to charge with the 100 volts given which you will replace once the 2 battery powering the welding machine falls in voltage as per you time which am advised by David amolo of ku & kb of Holland with his close white associates.
They dont eat as they want to save money and build the city like they have demolished downtown in ksm to the point of kids stealing things openly and wanting peoples food like near hotels wanting to put up a fight dude. Copper and brass wire i have collected 4 more than 2 months to them is a 1 day thing and as well wants to put up a fight, want free things and thinks life is easy, Aint that easy bro!! Have put an alt there, let them also try and pick them in one week to form 2 kg- they cant dude- worker and vineyard parable to cement the truth and a nation is in the brick of a fall its in that state. Brass plate like the bike tube nozzles. Tumblr/fb has now no phone number to sign the account and now dude what do you want with me as with struggling/cutting me with machete as snatching away my phone and try the email like [email protected], [email protected] on tumblr bar sign in if its taken, its not rocket science bro but simple. I have as well provided the pasward like 4 the yahoo above is ombuorading316 on my tumblr posts like upholsterynelson, underwoodnelson or my pals tumblr mrmonde- check it dude stop many words bro.
The engine got serial no sn, let the japan, uk, Germany come identify their cars if they are like crying person on the headlamp or black at the selling point- period they are not dude. To stop the mess bro.
Remove phone number as when you phone not in use during arrest or at night the phone company can renew your line to another line to reset your email to get into all your loggings using that email.  
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