normalize having interests.
guys. i swear. apparently, society decided its "shameful" or "childish" to actually care about things. especially if those things bring you comfort or joy.
you shouldn't have to be ashamed about your interests as long as they don't hurt anyone. you find a certain game or topic cool? you know a lot about the lore of this show, or a bunch of facts about a certain animal?
awesome. cause i wanna know. tell me about the things you care about.
special interests, hyperfixations, or just things you love and put a lot of time into.
cause if society is gonna shame us for having interests, i'm gonna shame them right back for telling us not to.
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jonahmagnus · 8 months
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Homestuck's fixed guys
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khaotunq · 1 year
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Seduction 101, according to Ayan: Step 41/?: Hiding in a confined space together is something that can be so personal, actually.
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imperaptorfuriosa · 8 months
i love it in hoffstrahm fics when they have sex Immediately after the glass coffin. dick so crazy they are doing it on the dirty cement floor of a jigsaw workshop. strahm so whipped that he still puts out even after a failed murder attempt. the cops are on their way, but let's just bang real quick to solidify the fact that we are insane4insane.
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henrysglock · 6 months
Let's Do This Again: Henry Creel, At His Core, Was Never A "Psychopath"...Now Updated For TFS.
Here's my original post about filmed show Henry, but now let's look at TFS Henry.
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GM: Grandiose-Manipulative, DI: Daring-Impulsive, CU: Callous-Unemotional Source
Conduct disorder: Generally characterized by aggression towards others/destruction of property, lying, theft, and limited prosocial emotions. GM: Superficial charm, glibness, suave behavior. Megalomania and narcissism. Lying. DI: Fearlessness, impulsivity, recklessness, lack of responsibility. Risk taking behaviors. CU: Lack of remorse, empathy, sympathy, or compassion. Shallow emotional affect.
He's the equivalent of a shaking chihuahua the entire play. He's anxiety personified. He's constantly afraid (unless being controlled). He's got ZERO superficial charm. In fact, he's almost painfully awkward. He apologizes of his own free will, even for things that weren't his fault. He regularly expresses compassion, empathy, and sympathy. He cares about Patty's safety in particular, but the rest of the students as well, telling them to stay away from him in case they're hurt.
He's a really, really good kid.
I never want to see another post about him being born evil. I never want to see that being equated to ASPD. I never want to see Henry being armchair diagnosed with something he doesn't have just because there's a villain tied to him.
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mearcatsreturns · 7 months
fellas (gender neutral), I do not know how to write things that don't have humor in them. catch me trying to write a gothic urban fantasy/dark academia thing and I keep putting in jokes. what is this going to be
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nervousmonolith · 2 months
my maths teacher is genuinely so fucking dogshit at teaching I am concerned by the fact she is still employed
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theonlyadawong · 10 days
the real villain of re7 is the nuclear family
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b1adie · 11 months
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buzzcutmase · 1 year
Why the meltdown over that TikTok. I have taken pics in a guy bathroom I wasn’t serious with. 🤣
i don’t necessarily get the fuss either, was it weird seeing his bathroom in her tiktok? sure. does it mean anything? no, bc girlie is actually just embarrassing for feeling the need to keep herself relevant by posting the video from there now that she’s most likely gone back to america, based on her social media activity, and is doing everything she can to be “subtle” about where she’s been. also think of the fact that she literally made the effort to take her gifted shit with her just to film herself for brands in an expensive looking bathroom for social media when we all know she will come home to a fucking bunk bed in her new jersey house. i wouldn’t give it much attention because that’s what she wants so this is the first and last thing i’ll say about this. it’s not a soft launch, not a confirmation she’s still here since i’m sure this was filmed sometime last week and it does not mean anything more than her being sad for doing what she’s doing and wanting attention because if she wouldn’t have known what this would cause she would’ve just filmed infront of a blank wall like she usually does.
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masculinepeacock · 2 months
it’s fucking illegal that you can’t live in someone else’s ribs
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cheolism · 10 months
Ik this is just me bitching but I genuinely wish ppl would use critical thinking before they got onto their respective platforms with thousands of followers. Yes, certain members got extremely short lines during ima!!!! But if you listen to the song, you’ll notice most everyone got short lines. The song has long instrumentals that fill in space that would otherwise have singing. It’s not like Super where it’s constant action and constant singing. It relies on the guitar and bass and piano and synths to fill in gaps of emotion that would otherwise have singing. It’s not going to have tons of singing!!! Your boy has gotten killing parts since the group debuted; you’ll be fine with him not singing a lot in this song.
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powderblueblood · 4 months
Most I've done is weed so I'm curious. What's it like if you don't mind me asking?
Can only speak to my experience my friend but my top three feelings off a bit are: incredibly personable (annoying as fuck but you couldn’t say it to me) and tense in the face, I feel very zippy and very awake
I also find it impossible to mask when I’m high so I don’t do it much unless I’m in very familiar company or it’s stim city baby
I’ll be so real with you too, if I’ve done a few I also always feel like I’m about to take a shite. Can’t explain.
Would not be my drug of choice at the end of the day because it just makes me feel real dicey after a few bumps and I do have the fear in me because of fentanyl and all that (test your fucking drugs, kids! I’m so serious get them fentanyl test strips and use them, harm reduction is PARAMOUNT)
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ttaibhse · 1 year
it’s so so funny to have a mutual kindly and faithfully like all your supernatural posts and then one day be like btw i know nothing about supernatural
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ilostyou · 1 year
"idk what i'm gonna tell your father. i take you out one time and look what happens"
"...you saved me! and you saved them"
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not-heavenly · 9 months
being mormon just means being 10th cousins with any other mormon
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