#Fredbear's family diner Routine
ffdrplusbypurplerat · 4 months
Chapter 1, pages 1-9
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Let's goooooo 🐰
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purplerat111 · 3 months
I made my oc FNAF Walter✨ (from my webcomic "Fredbear's family diner routine")
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riahlynn101 · 8 months
Whumptober: FNAF - Day One: Drugging
(Starting off easy, light whump).
Trigger warnings: Non-Consensual drug use, implied/referenced death, children being harmed (implied).
Takes place in the FNAF movie universe.
Characters: Vanessa, Mike, William, with some mentions of the missing children and Garrett.
Note: I already know everything in this will be proven wrong when the movie comes out on the 27th, but I hope you all enjoy this anyway :D!!
Implied (future) Schmelly (Mike Schmidt x Vanessa Shelly) near the end.
The days following Garrett’s death were...hard. 
Michael could vaguely recall wandering the halls of his house, half-dazed, and on the rare chance he was forced to venture outside (back to school, to help out at the diner, or to help run errands), he stuck to the shadows, head bowed, and never, ever smiling. 
Harder still when his mother-breaking free from her catatonic state-decided she no longer wished to be a part of their family and fled in the middle of the day while everyone else was gone. She left just a single note dotted with water-stained marks. 
But life pushed on. If his mother’s absence hurt his father, he never said a word about it. And, after a couple of weeks, it was as if she’d never existed. All her possessions pushed to the back of their stuffy attic, just like….
The diner was closed down as well, which put a bit of a damper on his father’s usual jovial mood. It wasn’t due to lack of business, even with the incident, the towns folk routinely visited the little restaurant. There just wasn’t anything else to do (and the incident hadn’t happened to one of their children). 
Michael actually wasn’t quite sure what caused his father to shut down the location. He also never asked. He preferred not to speak anymore. Using his voice took too much energy, and there just wasn’t a reason to do so anymore. 
Besides his father, there was no one else that wanted to talk to him. 
His mother used to call him a chatterbox. Michael would follow her around the house prattling on and on about his newest drawing. He liked to point out the bright colors he used, the lines he painstakingly drew, and the backstory he came up with for the character while drawing. His mother rarely spared him a glance, moving about the house while doing chores. Michael’s father was much the same, though he would occasionally throw him a boon. (The red animatronic fox currently performing on the tiny stage to his right is proof enough of that). But Garrett….Garrett loved to listen to him talk. He would sit with Michael for hours on end, asking for more pictures. 
Michael hunches further over the table, a drawing pad in front of him. His father doesn’t trust him to stay home alone anymore, so he’s forced to come here after school. He hates it. The lights are too bright, the pizza tastes like cardboard, and everyone is way too loud. But saying anything about it means Michael has to talk to his father, and he has no energy left to argue. 
It’s the beginning of summer, so the restaurant is filled to the brim with families. He just barely got his usual booth. Thankfully, since it’s out of view of the animatronics’ performance, no one bothers him. 
The booth is closer to the hallway leading to the parts and service room than the stages. He prefers it only because people don’t wander over to him very often. Though, he hates sitting so close to the hallway. He always feels like he’s being watched.
Suddenly, a glass full of chocolate milkshake is placed down in front of him. Michael glances up at his father. “What?” He asks, remembering (just barely) to keep the sass out of his tone. He had been in the middle of drawing his millionth rendition of a warped-version of the Fredbear animatronic. 
(Sometimes he wonders where it is now. His father never brought it up, but it’s his life’s work. Surely he didn’t just throw it out. But then again…it was the thing that inadvertently caused Garrett’s death. Michael ignores the wave of guilt that crashes over him.)
His father laughs, ruffling Michael’s hair. “Sorry, didn’t know you were busy. Thought maybe you would like a milkshake, but if you really don’t want it…” He trails off, reaching for the glass. 
“No. I do want it,” Michael insists, grabbing the cup. “Sorry,” he mutters, bowing his head. 
His father tsks. “It’s been a hard couple of years, Mikey, but we’ve made it through. I promise it’ll get better. Much better.” His father pats his head and moves along. 
Michael gives a muted smile at his drawing pad. His father was never one for affection, and the last two years have felt like a decade, but maybe he’s right. Maybe things can get better. 
He continues drawing, occasionally stopping to take a drink of the milkshake. It’s one of his favorites and not something his father allows him to have very often. Though, through the chocolate he can taste something a little bitter. Michael thinks of not finishing it, but the allure of his favorite drink is too much to resist. Besides, he reasons, slurping it down, it’s probably nothing. 
He finishes up his drawing just as Freddy and the gang power-up for their umpteenth performance for the day. Michael yawns, feeling a wave of sudden tiredness pass over him. He looks around. The diner is less full now. Children are still crowded around the stage, but there’s less of them than before. There’s even less adults. The ones that remain sit on the opposite side of the diner chatting with their friends. 
Out of the corner of his eye, Michael sees something greenish-yellow move. He turns his head to look, but the room starts to spin. He rapidly blinks, hoping the action might help him wake up a little. 
It doesn’t. 
Michael slumps in his seat. His mouth feels strangely dry, and he has to fight to stay upright. “H-h-h…” he tries his best to get out. The words feel stuck in his throat, far beyond his reach. His tongue is suddenly too large for his mouth. 
Michael looks around, but no one seems to pay him any mind. The kids’ cheers cover up his pathetic calls for help. 
His eyes land on the opening to the hallway. Spring Bonnie-one of the original duo from Fredbear’s Family Diner-stands in the doorway. The rabbit, costume worn and frayed in some places, raises a comically large paw. It waves at Michael. 
In a last ditch effort to get help, he sticks his arm out. Distantly, he hears his sketchbook thud on the floor. No one even looks his way, too preoccupied in their own little worlds. Michael’s world tilts to the side, and then, all he knows is darkness. 
At eight-years-old, Vanessa knows two things for certain. 
One, if given the option, one should always choose strawberry milk over regular milk. 
And two, her twin brother is an idiot. 
Their parents allowed them the freedom to come to the restaurant unsupervised with the caveat that they remember the golden rule: don’t talk to strangers. A rule her brother evidently forgot the minute their parents were no longer in view, because all it took for her brother to break it was a large rabbit. In a way, it kind of reminds her of Bonnie. Both are bunnies with large ears and cute little noses, but that’s where the similarities end. While Bonnie is a blueish purple (depending on the light), the rabbit chatting with her brother is an ugly yellow. There are rips in the costume, and she briefly wonders where the restaurant had been hiding the hideous thing. 
She vaguely remembers another restaurant across town. But Spring Bonnie looked nothing like this rag-tag worn down thing. Besides, everyone knows the owner sold that restaurant after what happened to his son. 
“C’mon, ‘Ness,” her brother says, smiling brightly at her. He rejoins her at their booth, which holds all their prizes from the prize corner, their leftover Faztokens, and some of their plushies that they brought from home. On the opposite side of the restaurant, lurking in the shadows, the ugly-rabbit-thing waits for her brother. “We can eat all the pizza we could possibly want-”
“We can do that out here,” she interrupts, feeling a little uneasy. “Mom and dad left us with some money.”
“Yeah, but-but Spring Bonnie said there’s a surprise he wants to show us. Just us, ‘Ness, please.”
Vanessa shakes her head. “Mom said we shouldn’t talk to strangers, and I have a bad feeling about this. Please, maybe we should just go home.”
Her brother scoffs. “Goody-goody.” He stomps off back to that thing.
She puffs out her cheeks, frustrated with her stupid, dumb-dumb brother. “Fine!” She yells, though it’s hard to hear over the obnoxious kiddie music. Vanessa turns back to their table, tamping down her apprehension at the situation. 
She cleans up their table, stuffing their prizes and plushies into each of their backpacks. Vanessa ought to leave his stuff at the table, teach him a lesson, but she knows her brother. And if any of his plushies get stolen she’ll never hear the end of it. 
Slinging a backpack over each shoulder, Vanessa makes her way to one of the booths closer to the hallway. She slides onto the seat. It’s not ideal, but she can’t go home until her brother comes back. And she can’t go watch the performance, because she can’t stop worrying. 
Someone coughs. Well, less coughs and more sputters for air. 
Curiously, Vanessa peers over the table top. She sits on her knees, leaning over the table. “Hello…? I’m sorry, I didn’t realize this table was taken. I can move.”
The person-a boy, a little older than her-lays sprawled out on the plastic seat of the booth. He continues to gasp for air, fingers twitching and eyelids fluttering. 
Vanessa sits back, unsure of what to do. Her parents taught her what to do in case she caught on fire, what to do if someone tried to bribe her to get into their car, and a whole host of other things. Things that won’t help her now. Except…wait!
She hops to her feet. “Stay there, I’ll be right back!” Vanessa might not understand what’s happening, but she doesn’t need to. All she needs to do is find a phone.
William stuffs the Spring Bonnie costume into the trunk of his car. It would be a pain in the ass to scrub the fabric free of blood later, but he doesn’t have the luxury of time right now. Someone called the police already. He can hear the screeching sirens in the distance. Time for him to get gone. 
He heads back into the pizzeria once more. Stepping around overly-energetic children, and worried parents who can’t find their kids, William makes his way over to his son. 
While Michael might be the cause of his wife leaving and Garrett dying, he is still William’s son. Through and through he is an Afton, and it’s for that reason that Michael is coming with him. 
He reaches the tiny booth, nestled away from the others. Drugging Michael was only so he could more easily sneak the kids out of the main dining area. He would have hated for his son to be a witness. 
For all Michael’s faults, the boy is actually quite intelligent. Even if he didn’t immediately recognize William behind the mask, he’d eventually put the pieces together. 
It was better for everyone that Michael remained asleep. 
“Come along, Michael. Time to go-” He gazes upon his son. “M-Michael…?” William furrows his brows. His son twitches in his sleep, gasping for air. He gently soothes back Michael’s sweaty bangs off his face. His son’s skin burns under his hand. 
Uh, oh, that can’t be good.
Maybe the dosage he’d given Michael was higher than he thought. He only meant to knock him out for a couple of hours. He wheezes again, spittle starts to leak from the corner of his mouth. 
“No, no, this isn’t good. Michael, wake up now. I need you to wake up,” William murmurs, shaking him lightly. “I need you to breathe.”
Michael hardly responds, beyond a small twitch of his head and a quiet groan. 
Worry pools in his gut. 
The sirens sound closer now, and he needs to be long gone before they get here. He makes a split-second decision. 
“I’m sorry, Michael. But I promise, one day, we’ll meet again.” He places his son back onto the seat. Gently, he combs his fingers through his son’s dark curls. He slinks back into the shadows, opting to take the backdoor out of the pizzeria. 
Vanessa chews at her bottom lip, watching the paramedics hurry into the building. They look mildly confused at first, so she directs them to the booth where she found the sickly-looking boy. 
He’s still there, and she doesn’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing. The paramedics move him to the floor, one of them stays hunched over him. The other, an older woman with graying blonde hair, turns to Vanessa. 
“Hey, you were the one that called us, right?”
She nods. 
“You did a very brave thing. Is it alright if I ask you some questions?”
“Uh, huh.”
“Okay, thank you. Uh…do you know his,” she gestures over to the boy, “name?”
Vanessa shakes her head. “No, I just found him there. I think I’ve seen him around here, but I don’t…uh…I don’t remember his name.” She steps from foot to foot. An old worry suddenly overtakes her. “Um…Miss…I- my brother. I can’t find him.” 
The paramedic frowns. “Oh, well that’s not good. I’m sure if you ask one of the nice police officers here, they’ll be able to help you.” She points to one of two police officers milling around the pizzeria. Vanessa hadn’t noticed them come in. 
Tears prick the corners of her eyes, and it’s all she can do to fight back sobs. She doesn’t know why, but seeing the police there makes everything feel too real, too adult. Like her brother being gone is serious and not just a stupid decision she can hold over his head for years to come. 
“Oh, honey,” the paramedic says, rubbing her shoulder. “It’ll be okay. Some other kids apparently went missing today as well, so I’m sure they’re just having fun somewhere else.”
Vanessa sniffles, wiping her eyes. “Real-really…?”
“Yes. Will you be okay to go tell one of the officers about your brother?”
Hesitatingly, she nods. 
“Brave girl.” The paramedic gives her one last pat on the head, before turning back to the boy. 
Vanessa ventures over to the police, hope blooming in her chest. Her brother will be just fine. 
Later, after they all learn that the children weren’t, in fact, somewhere else having fun. Vanessa will cling to her mother’s dress, guilt gnawing at her. The what-ifs and has-beens running through her mind. In between snotty tears and quiet sniffles, she’ll spot a leather bound book - no larger than a notebook or diary. It will be laying all alone, forgotten, near the booth she had first found the boy in. Curious, Vanessa will grab it on their way out, tucking it into her backpack. For the next two decades, it will become her guide. The strange drawings and ramblings of the artist make her feel oddly vindicated - it makes her feel seen. 
It won’t be until Vanessa’s well into her twenties that she’ll meet the artist. It won’t be until even later that she’ll recognize the boy she saved all those years ago. 
And, without skipping a beat, Vanessa will think to herself:
Some things are just meant to be. 
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megalosaurusstudios · 5 months
I’m redesigning my FNAF AU in Gacha life 2, starting with my boy, Evan Afton/the Crying Child. The Transcript for the description and extras are below the image, but in short he’s a social and kind, but timid and sensitive non-verbal nerdy kid, who is also trans exploring, and survived the bite of 83.
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Evan Afton was born on July 23, 1975, as one of the afton twins to William and Clara afton, and he and his twin sister Elizabeth were also the younger siblings of Michael Afton. Evan Afton was born with Autism Spectrum Disorder, which was also shared with his brother, mother and aunt Mary, which led to him being non-verbal, mostly communicating via sign language, pantomiming and pointing, and at first could only produce whimpers, mumbling and babbling at first, which made it difficult at first for anybody to communicate with him. Despite this however, he was a rather social and kind boy, but was also rather timid and sensitive, often crying a lot when under high stress, feeling overwhelmed, something changing to his routine or environment, or when scared or bullied. He was also sometimes brave from time to time, but mostly kept to himself and tried to avoid confrontation, and was also what many could describe as a nerd, developing a special interest in Space and Sci-Fi, Comic Books about superheroes (especially Batman and Spider-Man) and also some things that other kids his age would consider way to childish for his age, more specifically the Fredbear and Friends cartoon, and Fredbear’s family diner, in addition to having many plushies and toys. His wild imagination also led him to hallucinate “imaginary friends” or “nightmares” at night, which took the distorted visage of the characters of his favorite show. He was nearly killed in a prank gone wrong on his birthday in 1983 by his older brother Michael, and although he thankfully survived, it heavily damaged him, leaving him with a disfigured face with a fake eye, some memories lost or fractured that had to be told back to him, and him using stilts to walk at first before he learned to walk again. After this, he became much more social and outgoing, and also learned to speak more thanks to his family and his friends, but was mostly the same as he was before the bite. Though he was unfortunately and tragically killed on June 15th, 1985 by his own father in what would be known as the “missing children’s incident”, which occurred on the birthday of his best friend, Cassidy Hirose, at Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza. He and Cassidy would possess his favorite character, Fredbear, aka Golden Freddy.
•Evan likes to play with the dolls of his sister, Elizabeth, often playing tea parties with his and her toys, and Liz often joins in on this. Due to the fact most of her friends and most people he gets along with the best are girls, he often thinks about if he’d be better off as a girl then a boy. This also led to him often putting on either his mom’s or sister’s clothes at home and “experimenting” to see if he likes being a girl. With the notable exception of his father, his mom, sister, close friends and even his brother support him on this, and help keep it a secret from others, and William at first until he discovered his youngest son’s habits in 1983 prior to the bite.
•Due to him being rather sensitive, being a nerd who’s into “dumb kiddy stuff”, being slightly chubby and unable to speak, Evan wasn’t very popular at school, though he’d often avoid any confrontation to avoid getting into trouble. His only friends outside of his families were Charlie Emily, Cassidy Hirose, Max and Mia Jones (the Plush Bunny kid and the Toy Girl) and Cindy Hirose (the Pigtail Girl). After the bite however, people didn’t want to mess with him out of respect due to how traumatic the bite incident was, though he would still haft to rely on Cassidy, Elizabeth and/or Cindy protecting him from any bullies. He’d also hang out with Elizabeth and her friend group, which also contained Mia and Charlie.
•Evan really doesn’t like his dad that much, cus William often ignored him and didn’t pay much attention to him, apart from the time he made the Ballora animatronic from a drawing Evan made of his mom, which he liked but didn’t understand why ballora looked so… revealing. He is most close with his caring but protective mom, and aspires to be just like her when he’s older, though it does cause him to be labeled a “mama’s boy”. He gets along very well with his twin sister, Elizabeth, often enjoying playing together with his sister, though he really doesn’t like when/doesn’t understand why Elizabeth makes fun of others and thinks of herself as the best and most pretty. And at first he and Michael (along with Michael’s friends) have a love/hate relationship, with Evan not really liking whenever Mike and his friends (who he considers as surrogate older siblings) tease and scare him for fun with there masks, but appreciates them for standing up for him as well, and whenever they have good natured fun that doesn’t involve him getting scared or teased for being a crybaby or a mama’s boy. After the bite, Michael and his friends were much more careful with Evan and were much, much more careful and kind to him, with Evan greatly appreciated. His best friend is definitely Cassidy, both cus they both love Sci-Fi and Space, and Cassidy often stands up for him and she often beats up anyone who messes with him or their friends, though Cassidy likes to playfully tease his nerdy tendencies, and eventually they developed crushes on each other and got into a cutesy relationship, often mimicking there parents and going on play dates. He gets along well with Charlie, Mia, Max and Cassidy’s sister Cindy, though he doesn’t really like Cindy teasing and making fun of him, and doesn’t really understand why Charlie idolizes Michael, and he and Max try to avoid playing with Charlie and Mia to avoid getting dirty with paint, stickers and/or mud. And he gets along well with Susie and Elizabeth’s friends, though they don’t want to openly be friends with him out of being teased for it, with the exception of Susie after the bite incident.
•the whole “Evan getting locked up in the parts and service room” thing from FNAF4 actually occurred when Charlie died in Christmas of 1982, where Charlie’s bullies locked him, Cassidy, Liz and Charlie’s older brother Sammy in the parts and service room to avoid them intervening with their prank on Charlie. Evan recorded them with a hidden recorder and later confronted the 3 bullies a few days after Charlie was reported dead, and ended up getting the bullies what they’d deserve, though he still feels guilty for Charlie’s death.
•he leads a “Fredbear and Freinds Fan Club” at school, where it’s only him, Liz, Susie, Mia, Jeremy and Fritz, and a few others. And he also has an original superhero he’s named called “the Blue Rattlesnake”, who’s a stand in for himself. He also became a big transformers fan, helped by the fact Cassidy gave him some of her Diaclone toys from Japan back in 1983, and also writes some transformers fanfics, in addition to fanfics of fredbear and freinds and his other favorite IPs. His favorite toy is Large Fredbear Plush toy he had since he was a baby.
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chrisgraves09 · 2 months
The Return to Freddy’s Rewritten: Chapter 5
>Chapter 5: Not So Golden Yourself
The first month following Lynda being released from the hospital marked a much happier time for Gron and his family. With her finally out of the hospital, the both of them are able to help each other out around the house and take care of their kids whenever they can. Weeks went by, each one better than the previous one, as the two of them continue to adjust with having Lynda back home and slowly returning to their regular daily routines. If they're going out, they opted to have Vincent come watch over them if he's not too busy with work. The boys immediately loved Vincent, even going as far as to start calling him "Uncle Vince" since he and Gron known each other ever since their childhood. While Gron still gets numerous nightmares about the incidents that happened months ago, he knows that everyone will always have his back.
Meanwhile, Goldie's ParaDiner is still growing to be the most popular animatronic restaurant in the world, even hosting special birthday events featuring 4 of the recently ordered Showbiz animatronics named Freddy Fazbear, Bonnie the Rabbit, Chica the Chicken, and Foxy the Pirate Fox. Having made sufficient profit from both new and existing customers, Mr. Fredbear suggested to his employees that they could create a TV Showbiz to further attract and market the diner even more called "Fredbear & Friends" that'll be about the diner's main animatronic characters and other animal friends, with the aim of providing entertainment and promotion of through the medium of a television programme.
On one typical day, Gron's currently on stage doing his performance act before their next big show with the Showbiz animatronics. Vincent is out in his suited Spring Bonnie suit delivering sliced pizzas to the guests seated in the Dining Room as they're entertained by Gron's act. Mr. Fredbear stepped out from his office and took in the busy, bustling atmosphere of the diner as he observed his employees and customers alike. One of the employees approached him while looking over the schedule routines.
"Hey, boss? Have you see Jeff lately? He's supposed to be performing as the character Fredbear for today's next show," the employee inquired as Mr. Fredbear looked at them.
"No, I haven't, Lisa," he shrugged in response. "Maybe he's ill and is currently at home?" Lisa just tilted her head and sighed for a short moment.
"If he was, then he would've called in sick today. It's not like him to just ignore his job," she responded back with a slight hint of worry about Jeff's unexpected absence.
"Hmm... I'll keep an eye out if he's shows up." Mr. Fredbear spoke back, "Thanks for bring this to my attention." Lisa nodded before walking off.
As Mr. Fredbear turns his head to look about the busy area, he soon spots the crappy made Fredbear costume peeking out from behind the door of Parts & Services, looking around slowly before starting to walk around without uttering a word.
"Hey, Jeff! Come over for a second," he called out to them.
The person in the Fredbear costume slowly approaches Mr. Fredbear without saying anything and moving quite weirdly before standing straight.
"Okay look, Jeff. I don't appreciate you coming in for your shift without notifying me or your co-workers first," Mr. Fredbear spoke in a fair but strict tone, clearly trying to set an obvious reminder for his employee to keep in mind for future events or occasions. "All employees should always notify their co-worker about their condition - be it illness or injury. Please remember that for next time, alright?"
The Fredbear costume's head silently nodded, acknowledging their boss's lecture and understanding their boss's instructions.
"Good. Now, our next show will begin in about an hour. So you have enough time to straighten yourself out if you're not feeling well," Mr. Fredbear continued, "Once I return to my office, I would like you to go into the Party Rooms to usher the kids playing in them out to the Dining Room once it's almost time."
The Fredbear costume saluted him before turning his head and walking away into the hallway.
While travelling to the first Party Room, the Fredbear costume peeked his head out to look for any children in the room. And with sheer luck, he soon observes a lone child sitting at a table and pondering some thoughts, wearing a faded red cap and a bright orange shirt. With delight, he soon starts to approach the child with his quiet footsteps. The child looks up just as they felt the presence of someone entering the room to see the Fredbear costume walk near them with a bright grin spreading across the child's face.
"Hello, Fredbear!" the child said brightly, their voice filling the Party Room. "Good to see you again!"
The Fredbear costume titled his head to the left in a confusing manner.
"You don't remember me? I'm Tyrone," he said before proceeding to give the Fredbear costume a small hug. The Fredbear costume remained silent as Tyrone hugs him, only tilting his head slightly. Once Tyrone broke away, he looked around for a bit confusingly.
"Hey Fredbear, where's Spring Bonnie?" he asked, signifying that Fredbear's presence alone should have meant that the rabbit should be with them as well. "Shouldn't he be with you?"
The Fredbear costume perked up and started dancing around animatedly before exiting the Party Room, gesturing to Tyrone to follow him.
"Oh! You know where he is?" Tyrone exclaimed excitingly, following the bear. "Lead the way, Mr. Bear!" Tyrone then followed the Fredbear costume to where he wanted him to follow before going up to an unknown door in an empty hallway.
"You sure Spring Bonnie's in here?" Tyrone looked at the Fredbear costume, feeling unsure if he should proceed with the yellow bear.
The Fredbear costume's answer, however, was simply to nod eagerly before grabbing hold of Tyrone's hand and leading him into the room, closing the door behind them.
Meanwhile, Brody and Charles were also in the diner too, playing in the ladder tower in the Play Room. Brody wasn't watching where he was going until he accidently bumps into another kid that's donning a koala hoodie.
"Oww...!" the kid groaned, rubbing his head before trying to get off the ground. Brody got up and offered his hand to help the kid, pulling him up in a upright posistion.
"Thanks, and I'm sorry for bumping into you," the kid said in a remorseful voice, "I love running around this amazing place so much that I tend to... never pay attention to where I'm going." Brody simply shook his head, telling the kid it's no worries.
"Hey, you seem pretty nice. My name is Billy! What's yours?"" he said with an innocent smile, extending his hand out for a handshake.
"He's Brody, my little brother," Charles spook up, walking towards them. "Yeah, he doesn't talk much. But we understand what he wants to say."
Billy was confused by what Charles means by this, "Did he lost his voice or something?" he asked before jumping suddenly at a hand touching his shoulder behind him.
"No Billy, he's just quiet and doesn't want to talk," the girl with short red hair and a black sweatshirt said, appearing right behind him.
"Oh, right. My bad," Billy replied while chuckling sheepishly. The girl then approaches Charles and Brody with a enthusiastic and cheeky smile.
"Hey there, I'm Cinder! And you must be Charles, I believe?" she greeted with a friendly demeanor, her freckles plastered on her cheeks, "I think I've seen you in class at school last week." Charles looked at Cinder for a few moments before blinking a couple times.
"Oh, y-yeah. I think we were in the same class," he replied with a slight hint of fluster.
Cinder chuckled cheekily in a playful mood, "Well, it's nice to meet you and Brody. You wanna play hide and seek with me and Billy?" she suggested, awaiting for their confirmination.
Brody jumped up and down excitedly at her suggestion while Charles nodded positively before speaking: "Sure we can!"
"Awesome!" Billy exclaimed, "I'll count, and you three hide!" As Billy turned his back and started counting to 10, Brody, Charles, and Cinder took off to find a suitable hiding spot.
Unbeknownst to them, the Fredbear costume was peeking out from the Play Room doorway silently listening.
Charles and Cinder giggled sneakingly as they both ran around the diner to find a hiding spot until Cinder paused her movements as she heard someone yelling.
"Huh? Who's that?" she spoke out loud, turning her head around to find the direction to where the noise was coming from.
Wandering away from Brody and Charles, she looks around the empty hallways until she sees a door open leading to an unknown room. Her eyes glanced at the doorway, observing the darkness that awaits her inside the room until she feels an invisible force pull her inside. She began to slowly trek deeper into the somewhat desolate room with her hands gripped around her chest from sudden fear.
"Hello... Billy?" she called out, her voice echoing in the darkness. "Uhh.. o-ok Billy. You can stop playing and come out..."
She put her arms out to feel her surroundings around the darkened room until she felt something slippery touch her hands. "Is this water...?"
A moment of calmness and quiet filled the room for Cinder, but then was disturbed by the door slamming shut, leaving Cinder inside the room with only a silhouette of a tall bear seen.
Somewhere else in the diner, Brody found a place to hide in a Party Room filled with the presence of children. He quietly hid himself under a table, snickering quietly before peeking out to see if anyone notices him. Looking around from underneath the table, he could see two feet belonging to that of a bear. They start moving towards the table where Brody is hiding under, stopping once they're close enough. Brody stayed quiet, covering his mouth with his grey scarf but unfortunately, the Fredbear costume lifted the tablecloth up, resulting in him being caught.
Upon being found, Brody slowly stood up to his feet from under the table and instantly wrapped his arms around the yellow bear, which seemed to reciprocate the gesture. The yellow bear, having brought Brody out of his hiding spot, began to dance around in front of the kid and gestured to Brody to follow him along. Brody, although initially hesitant, decides to take the yellow bear's hand and proceeds to follow him.
Meanwhile, Gron found himself in the diner's break room drinking a soda and engaging in a casual conversation with Vincent. Suddenly, his conversation with Vincent was abruptly disturbed as he began to hear the sudden presence of whispers in his ears, which continue to repeat themselves in his mind. All he could hear were faint whispers continuously announcing, "The Prophecy," over and over again. Feeling a sense of paranoia overcoming him, Gron then sat up from his seat and scanned his surroundings to find where the whispers were coming from.
"What's up, pal?" Vincent asked, looking curious at Gron's sudden reaction. Gron remained silent, not providing an answer to Vincent, as he can clearly hear the whispers getting louder and more overwhelming in his head until he began to hallucinate again and see a figure standing at the break room's doorway. The figure bears the same resemblance to the one Gron had seen prior to his previous nightmare, except its expression appears to have worsened from a cheerful one to a frowning variant. Gron's pupils start to shake as he trembles upon the hallucinated boy's presence, however Vincent is unaware of this and looks concerned for Gron.
"Hey Gron, are you alright?" he exclaimed with confusion. Gron still didn't answer as he freezes to the boy stares at him with his hollowed out eyes. Just then, the boy floated away from Gron's view and the doorway, suddenly prompting Gron to follow the apparition without any responses to Vincent's attempts at communication. Vincent felt increasingly worried with the sudden silence he witnessed with Gron, thus causing him to follow his friend's movements to observe what Gron's up to.
Gron continued to follow the apparition as the whispers were becoming increasingly louder and clearer to him, further exacerbating the rising paranoia the voice gave him that he was desperately attempting to try and fight off. The performer walked through the diner, starting his way from the busy Dining Area and passing through the hallways that were filled with several racing children. Soon enough, Gron followed the apparition to the unknown door just as the ghostly boy suddenly disappears, causing Gron to return to his senses.
"Huh? Where am I?" he spoke out, feeling out of touch before noticing he was standing in the dark room. Taking his surroundings carefully, he began searching the room for a potential light switch until he found one. Once he flipped the switch, he turned his head around to see a horrifying sight he didn't intend to see.
What lies before Gron was a pretty gruesome sight that made his breath catch instantly: his son Brody restrained with rope and duct tape stuck to his mouth, effectively silencing him in a disturbing manner. In the centre of the room were three animatronics with mangled human bodies stuffed into them. One animatronic was orange and white with fox-like ears, the second was grey with buck teeth, and the last one was light green with a black hat and purple bowtie.
"Brody!" he exclaimed as he approached him to attempt to untie the ropes.
"What happened?" Gron asked his son with a concerning tone. Brody attempted to shout out, but was unsuccessful and could only muffle due to the duct tape worsening the situation. Gron continued to untie the ropes that kept his son tied to the ground. However, Brody slowly looks up and sees an ominous figure approaching behind Gron, filling him with tension as he recognizes the silhouette of it: a yellow bear.
Brody then started to muffle loudly as he could to get his father's attention just as the yellow bear approached closer to Gron from behind.
"Son, what's wrong?" Gron asked quickly before turning around just as the Fredbear costume firmly grabbed him by the neck and began to choke him. Brody remained helplessly trapped in his current situation, unable to do anything but watch as the yellow bear proceeded to slowly and painfully choke his father. Then, the Fredbear costume slowly pulled out a bar of soap and firmly shoved it into Gron's stuck open mouth. Gron could only emit choking sounds due the bar of soap shoved into his mouth as he desperately tried to fight off the restraint he was currently placed under by the yellow bear. The Fredbear costume slightly tilted its head in curiosity before turning its attention to the two deactivated yellow animatronics.
Still firmly gripping on Gron, the yellow bear dragged the weakened man towards the yellow humanoid animatronic. The yellow bear took off the humanoid animatronic's head and then shoved Gron into the animatronic with immense force, causing Gron to be trapped within it and unable to get out. Gron continues to make choking sounds while the bar of soap seems to be stuck in his mouth, just as watches the yellow bear carry the animatronic's head and approaches him with it. Gron silently observed the situation with mounting horror as the yellow bear held the animatronic head up in the air and forcefully put it onto Gron. Silence fell as Gron looked around the vicinity with the animatronic's head on him until... a click was heard.
After it was heard, Gron quickly let out an loud agonising scream as the wires snapped, causing various sharp needles and knives inside the animatronic suit to plunge themselves into his skin, which continued to inflict more and more pain and suffering wounds upon him. Blood soon starts pouring out as the animatronic suit violently shakes with Gron's convulsing body getting stabbed by more and more knives. Brody, still tied down, watched helplessly as his father screamed from the agony the animatronic suit inflicted upon his body from head to foot. He could do nothing but muffle his cries of agony with his tears streaming down his face in a horrifying sight. The Fredbear costume just stood by with only a slight tilt, silently observing the situation.
Unbeknownst to the yellow bear, Vincent was standing at the doorway of the room. He remained still and silent as if he had been paralyzed with trauma, staring at the gruesome sight he had just witnessed involving his long time friend that is currently unfolding in front of him.
"G-Gron..." Vincent whispered out his words, leaving them hanging as he is unable to comprehend the horrible fate that's now a reality. He stared at the animatronic suit that houses Gron's bloodied body inside and then to the Fredbear costume with palpable rage in his eyes. Suddenly, he shook his head and turned his attention toward Brody who was still crying with the tape duct still stuck to his mouth. Vincent went over to Brody and quickly untied the ropes and removed the duct tape, freeing him.
"Go find your brother. I'll call your mom to pick you two up," he said to Brody with his voice starting to break. Brody quickly acknowledges the statement that was made, nodding his head as he broke into tears before running out of the room.
Brody ran into the Dining Area where Charles was currently at. Seeing his distraught younger brother, Charles had a look of concern sweep across his face as he spoke out.
"Brody? What's wrong?" he spoke out in a worried tone as Brody clinged onto him while being unable to control his emotions, crying onto his brother's shoulder. Brody's responses to Charles remained mostly incomprehensible sounds, with Charles attempting to interpret the words that were spoken out, only managing to hear the singular word: "dad."
End of Chapter 5
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megalo-fnaf-au · 5 months
I’m redesigning my FNAF AU in Gacha life 2, starting with my boy, Evan Afton/the Crying Child. The Transcript for the description and extras are below the image, but in short he’s a social and kind, but timid and sensitive non-verbal nerdy kid, who is also trans exploring, and survived the bite of 83.
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Evan Afton was born on July 23, 1975, as one of the afton twins to William and Clara afton, and he and his twin sister Elizabeth were also the younger siblings of Michael Afton. Evan Afton was born with Autism Spectrum Disorder, which was also shared with his brother, mother and aunt Mary, which led to him being non-verbal, mostly communicating via sign language, pantomiming and pointing, and at first could only produce whimpers, mumbling and babbling at first, which made it difficult at first for anybody to communicate with him. Despite this however, he was a rather social and kind boy, but was also rather timid and sensitive, often crying a lot when under high stress, feeling overwhelmed, something changing to his routine or environment, or when scared or bullied. He was also sometimes brave from time to time, but mostly kept to himself and tried to avoid confrontation, and was also what many could describe as a nerd, developing a special interest in Space and Sci-Fi, Comic Books about superheroes (especially Batman and Spider-Man) and also some things that other kids his age would consider way to childish for his age, more specifically the Fredbear and Friends cartoon, and Fredbear’s family diner, in addition to having many plushies and toys. His wild imagination also led him to hallucinate “imaginary friends” or “nightmares” at night, which took the distorted visage of the characters of his favorite show. He was nearly killed in a prank gone wrong on his birthday in 1983 by his older brother Michael, and although he thankfully survived, it heavily damaged him, leaving him with a disfigured face with a fake eye, some memories lost or fractured that had to be told back to him, and him using stilts to walk at first before he learned to walk again. After this, he became much more social and outgoing, and also learned to speak more thanks to his family and his friends, but was mostly the same as he was before the bite. Though he was unfortunately and tragically killed on June 15th, 1985 by his own father in what would be known as the “missing children’s incident”, which occurred on the birthday of his best friend, Cassidy Hirose, at Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza. He and Cassidy would possess his favorite character, Fredbear, aka Golden Freddy.
•Evan likes to play with the dolls of his sister, Elizabeth, often playing tea parties with his and her toys, and Liz often joins in on this. Due to the fact most of her friends and most people he gets along with the best are girls, he often thinks about if he’d be better off as a girl then a boy. This also led to him often putting on either his mom’s or sister’s clothes at home and “experimenting” to see if he likes being a girl. With the notable exception of his father, his mom, sister, close friends and even his brother support him on this, and help keep it a secret from others, and William at first until he discovered his youngest son’s habits in 1983 prior to the bite.
•Due to him being rather sensitive, being a nerd who’s into “dumb kiddy stuff”, being slightly chubby and unable to speak, Evan wasn’t very popular at school, though he’d often avoid any confrontation to avoid getting into trouble. His only friends outside of his families were Charlie Emily, Cassidy Hirose, Max and Mia Jones (the Plush Bunny kid and the Toy Girl) and Cindy Hirose (the Pigtail Girl). After the bite however, people didn’t want to mess with him out of respect due to how traumatic the bite incident was, though he would still haft to rely on Cassidy, Elizabeth and/or Cindy protecting him from any bullies. He’d also hang out with Elizabeth and her friend group, which also contained Mia and Charlie.
•Evan really doesn’t like his dad that much, cus William often ignored him and didn’t pay much attention to him, apart from the time he made the Ballora animatronic from a drawing Evan made of his mom, which he liked but didn’t understand why ballora looked so… revealing. He is most close with his caring but protective mom, and aspires to be just like her when he’s older, though it does cause him to be labeled a “mama’s boy”. He gets along very well with his twin sister, Elizabeth, often enjoying playing together with his sister, though he really doesn’t like when/doesn’t understand why Elizabeth makes fun of others and thinks of herself as the best and most pretty. And at first he and Michael (along with Michael’s friends) have a love/hate relationship, with Evan not really liking whenever Mike and his friends (who he considers as surrogate older siblings) tease and scare him for fun with there masks, but appreciates them for standing up for him as well, and whenever they have good natured fun that doesn’t involve him getting scared or teased for being a crybaby or a mama’s boy. After the bite, Michael and his friends were much more careful with Evan and were much, much more careful and kind to him, with Evan greatly appreciated. His best friend is definitely Cassidy, both cus they both love Sci-Fi and Space, and Cassidy often stands up for him and she often beats up anyone who messes with him or their friends, though Cassidy likes to playfully tease his nerdy tendencies, and eventually they developed crushes on each other and got into a cutesy relationship, often mimicking there parents and going on play dates. He gets along well with Charlie, Mia, Max and Cassidy’s sister Cindy, though he doesn’t really like Cindy teasing and making fun of him, and doesn’t really understand why Charlie idolizes Michael, and he and Max try to avoid playing with Charlie and Mia to avoid getting dirty with paint, stickers and/or mud. And he gets along well with Susie and Elizabeth’s friends, though they don’t want to openly be friends with him out of being teased for it, with the exception of Susie after the bite incident.
•the whole “Evan getting locked up in the parts and service room” thing from FNAF4 actually occurred when Charlie died in Christmas of 1982, where Charlie’s bullies locked him, Cassidy, Liz and Charlie’s older brother Sammy in the parts and service room to avoid them intervening with their prank on Charlie. Evan recorded them with a hidden recorder and later confronted the 3 bullies a few days after Charlie was reported dead, and ended up getting the bullies what they’d deserve, though he still feels guilty for Charlie’s death.
•he leads a “Fredbear and Freinds Fan Club” at school, where it’s only him, Liz, Susie, Mia, Jeremy and Fritz, and a few others. And he also has an original superhero he’s named called “the Blue Rattlesnake”, who’s a stand in for himself. He also became a big transformers fan, helped by the fact Cassidy gave him some of her Diaclone toys from Japan back in 1983, and also writes some transformers fanfics, in addition to fanfics of fredbear and freinds and his other favorite IPs. His favorite toy is Large Fredbear Plush toy he had since he was a baby.
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curseofbreadbear · 1 year
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feralreason asked: ❝ What did you think of my act? ❞ -- For Fritz because CONSIDER: This time they meet and William is not a heartless creep.
[Fredbear's Family Diner was one of Jeremy's favorite hotspots -- no matter how old he got, this place always found a way to entertain him. As of late, his interest had been piqued by the animatronic characters here; he wanted to know how they worked, especially after coming to the realization that certain performances weren't pre-programmed. There were a number of routines that were too "human" to be automated.]
[As such, when Jeremy was approached by Spring Bonnie that day, he considered it a mental victory. Nobody but a person, an employee, would be able to parade Spring Bonnie around offstage, right?]
[He beamed at the golden rabbit's query; what did he think of their act? Well -- being the avid fan he was -- he loved it, of course! Moreso now that his theory had been confirmed. He wondered if the man behind the rabbit would show him how everything worked?]
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❝ I thought it was great! Is it tough to dance when you wear a suit like that? You make it seem like it's nothing! ❞
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paigelts05 · 2 years
Bloodied Journals
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Link: https://www.deviantart.com/paigelts05/art/Bloody-journal-872430486
Renegade File Server: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30015366
Published: 13-03-2021 Completed: 27-03-2021
The bloodied journals are a collection of stories revolving around an investigator digging into the last and most recently closed Freddy's location. Ironically, these investigations wind up leading back to the oldest Freddy's location.
I think you can guess who these journals belong to.
Fredbear's family diner - animatronic seen through glass.
There isn't supposed to be anything left there, but I was able to film a bit through the window. It's taller than I remember, and a lot greener too. Despite the discolouration, it's certainly a spring lock suit.
This machine looks like that 'remade' one that only got out on stage a few times before the murders. It might be golden Freddy.
No, it's older than that. And it didn't brick my camera. If it were that, my camera would have shorted out. The head is different too.
Fredbear itself?
The head is the right shape.
I just need to get close and confirm my suspicions. Getting close won't be easy, but I know someone who should still have a copy of the keys. This place may have been shut down well over a decade ago, but I know that they don't care enough to change the locks. That also begs the question, why after the bite, was the animatronic moved back here. There was a perfectly good storage room at the other location where the bite took place. They could have just tossed it with its smaller in-progress counterpart.
I have a copy of the keys.
He didn't ask why. I don't think he wanted to ask, but I think he knew.
Upon further inspection of the video I took, I was able to analyse the suits shape and it's accessories. The bowtie and tophat are a dark colour - purple or black, the lighting makes it difficult to tell. The eyes are only a few pixels on screen, but that was expected. The video was taken through a window, so the animatronic was far away anyway. The head is wide, and has the old mechanism of connecting: two metal beams each side, as a part of a spring lock contraption.
- Suit is either broken, or is Fredbear.
- Discolouration due to being old and/or uncleaned blood.
There was a distinct stain around the mouth as well. I've reviewed the footage at least ten times, and I can tell that the stain is unlike any other on the animatronic, and is in just the right place for it to be that animatronic.
I packed a crowbar, pocket knife, a few pens, this journal, and my camera, and I'll be setting off tomorrow.
I need to know if this suit was the same one I think it is.
I have to make sure.
I've been able to see it up close. It is Fredbear. The old Fredbear. It was last in the location that got remodeled into the "and friends" that then got remodeled into Freddy's. Why did they move it several miles out here?
I have to get closer.
[The text is bearly legible]
It's haunted. It has to be.
The only one who could have posessed it is with me, and he wouldn't do this, so who is this ghost?
[There is a splotch of blood obscuring part of the page, but it seems to have been on the paper before the text was written, as the text is written in such a way that goes around the blood]
It's not posessed. I've tried talking to it. We've got nothing. It has to be a programmed hunter.
[The page has more blood, but this time, it covers up some of the writing. The next legible passage is written in blood. Presumably taken from this page.]
Fredbear pathing
Main room -> kitchen -> main room -> storage -> main room -> coridoor -> office -> coridoor -> main room -> bathrooms -> main room
Routine consistent, end = start
Reacts to noise
Reacts to visual
180 fov
Only patrols - never searches
[The next few pages are covered in blood. Wether anything was written there will likely remain a mystery. Yet, after the pages of blood, there is a page of writing before the next entry begins. Most of the text is obscured, however.]
Giant golden Bear
Metallic eyes
Rings of green
Must hide
I went back. I know it's stupid, but I went back again. I didn't get what I wanted last time, and I'm not giving up easily. He also wanted to know something, but didn't want to come with, so same situation as yesterday.
At least I know that it's Fredbear and know what it does now. I don't know how I escaped alive last time, but I won't let it see me this time.
I dismantled it. Given it was the only animatronic here and that it's programmed, I managed to observe it enough to catch it off guard. Preparation sure as hell makes a world of difference.
I filmed opening up the suit, but just in case, listing my findings here:
This suit is definitely Fredbear
Found dark scraps of hair in the head. Will send to be DNA tested.
Found red scraps of hair in the head.
Found scraps of flesh in the head. Will send to be DNA tested.
Found scraps of flesh in the torso. Will send to be DNA tested.
Taken springlock from neck area.
Conclusion: Fredbear wasn't cleaned as well as they said it was after my incident. Locations of flesh scraps in the torso lined up to the marking distribution on my arm.
Scraps of hair from the top of the head are likely from when it was last professionally worn. Hair in the mouth is from the bite. It was likely never cleaned after the bite.
Talking about the head. I don't know why, but something about it is compelling me to bring it with me.
[There seems to have been an attempt to scrawl out the next paragraph. Only the first few and last few lines are still legible]
That yellow head. Those metal eyes.
[There is a massive block of scrawled out text, taking up about half a page.]
I have to keep it.
I have to take it with me.
[The scrawling out ends]
No. I have to leave it behind. If they need it, they can send someone to get it. Whatever effect it's having on me... I don't want to know.
I have to get out. Even if the animatronic is disabled, I'm still suffering residual effects of ... that thing.
Scraps sent off for testing.
Discussed what happened to Fredbear with the former colleague who gave me the key.
- confirmed Fredbear was moved to the abandoned diner after the bite so they wouldn't have to deal with it.
- confused about how it was moving. Suspects someone expected me to investigate.
Talked about the possessive state regarding the Fredbear head.
- As I suspected, what I felt back there was likely the residual effects of the final few months I had to work at Freddy's.
- I've been advised to stay away from anything resembling a golden Bear.
- Further investigation into the Fredbear suit will be handled by someone else.
I wasn't planning on going back anyway.
Molten Freddy
A former colleague of mine has been dealing with a mangled looking Funtime Freddy - codenamed Molten Freddy - for the past three days. Apparently tonight was the "deciding night", as he put it.
I've been hunting down other non-fredbear related animatronic related incidents, and it's going decently ok.
I spoke too soon. I don't know where I am, or how long I've been out for, but on my way back from my previous Investigatory outing, a black van sped by and a robot made of mostly cables and a broken brown Funtime Freddy mask hopped out and grabbed me. I'm guessing that was Molten Freddy.
It's dark, but I can see enough to write, and I can see enough to be able to tell that this is the office of the old Fredbear's family diner.
The door is locked, and this room has no windows. I tried to pick the lock, but something is blocking the keyway, and it's not budging.
??/??/1998? Entry 2
It's been a while, but I don't know how long.
An animatronic bear made up of 90% cables and a brown Funtime Freddy mask unlocked the door and walked into the office. This must be Molten Freddy.
It's just standing ther
[A line of ink runs down the page, as if the notebook had been snatched out of the writers hand mid sentence. The passages continue on the next page, but the handwriting is shakier.]
It grabbed me and started tracing my visible scars, taking notes on where they were and the state they were in. "Healed", "abnormal", and "new" were some of the words mumbled whilst notes were took.
It also knew about my arm.
It knew exactly what scars were from the cleaning incident, and which ones weren't.
It even mentioned the incidents nickname.
When it spoke, it used a Funtime Freddy voice, saying "If you don't know who I am, it doesn't matter", and also telling me that it doesn't care about roles, but instead, wants to observe how possession has affected me.
Hearing the garbled voice of an upbeat animatronic say things that an animatronic should not be able to say was horrifying. I don't know what phrases were in the voice box of this busted up Funtime Freddy, but talking about possession, scars, and death?
This is Freddy's. Of course it has brutal murder in its vocabulary.
I don't know what this machine was made for, or if it has always been in this state. The mask looks broken, as if it had been shoved through a grinder and priced back together.
The body looks like it had just been through a shredder and dragged itself back out and didn't bother to put itself back together.
I knew this animatronic was going to be mangled, but this is something else.
Whilst this scrap pile was talking, she dropped some hints as to who she is. Something about having a husband who was angry that I lived, and something else about how she simply saw the "failure at your boss's location as an opportunity". When refering to her husband, who seemed to hold a high position in Afton robotics, which she name-dropped, she referred to herself using the phrase "as his wife" at many points when talking about her experiments and her plans for some "quick little tests" with me, so we know it's a woman.
This has got to be Williams wife. Hundred percent. He's the only person above my boss whose spouse was actually involved in the amalgamation that is Afton robotics and Fazbear Entertainment. I'd have never guessed she was dead through, and she's clearly been dead for years. They all talked as if she was still alive, but then again, the definition of living is pretty dubious and stretched regarding the higher ups of Afton Robotics.
So all I know about her is that she's a skilled electrical ghost and Williams wife.
And about the host, Molten Freddy, she says it's "temporary, but highly useful".
I don't think I want to know what her definition of useful is.
She knows that I'm posessed. She likely knows some of the side effects of my possession already.
The mouth of the animatronic is covered in blood, and it's teeth are incredibly thin, long, and sharp. I feel sorry for whoever she bit.
I wish she'd leave me alone. I can't stand the sight of the cables that make up the body of the animatronic. You just can't tell when one's going to lash out and hit you. And its face. So many razor sharp needle like teeth, and they're all covered in blood. Why does she have to get so close. I can still smell the blood now.
I don't want to sleep out of fear that she'll just come in and kill me, but I'm so tired.
??/??/1998? Entry 3.
I think I fell asleep. I don't remember falling asleep, but I remember waking up to a pain in my arm.
My arm was inside the jaw of that animatronic, being pressed down onto the bottom row of teeth. Even though I screamed really loud, I don't think anyone could have heard, and even if they did, who in thier right mind would fight a bear animatronic whose body is made up of a cable spaghetti, and has a mouth full of rasor sharp teeth!
After way too long, she took my arm out of that Funtime Freddy head and collected some of the blood. She also said something about testing "incompatibilities between electrical ghosts and remnant production".
She also wanted to know more about the possessive state regarding my interaction with the dismantled Fredbear.
I was initially shocked as to how she knew this, but then again, I don't think I would have noticed a mess of cables if it stayed properly hidden, and I was only focused on Fredbear, so Molten Freddy probably was watching me then.
Anyway, she'll be back soon with the Fredbear head.
[The handwriting gets shaker.]
She looks shocked that I'm still writing.
Confused that some kid was able to break my psyche in six years "better than what she achieved with conditioning him". I'm guessing him is my former colleague. I'm guessing his parents had her visit quite often.
[No matter what direction you look at the next few pages from, it's all illegible garbage. Pages and pages of the written depiction of robotic screeching. About half way through, there is a legible phrase. An apology, then saying something about continuing to help, even though the location is closed, and finally, a promise]
I'm sorry I couldn't help you catch him in time. The place may be closed, but he'll go back soon. It'll be easy for you to trap him in a corner, as long as you understand that the method you'll use to finally catch him will be different to your usual stalk and scare method. You will catch him, but the suits you possess will be destroyed first.
[The garbled writing begins again, and ends a few pages past here]
I don't remember writing anything past that she was coming back with the Fredbear head.
I just remember passing out as soon as I saw the head.
Anyway, apparently she put me in a cardboard box and delivered me - in person - to the police station in the middle of the night.
Another former colleague of mine, I'm just going to refer to him as the officer - who knows who will read this, and I don't want him to get hurt because of what we know - was there when she showed up.
From what he had to say, she just showed up, box held in a bunch of tendrils, scratching at the door with some other cable tendrils until she got his attention, and as soon as he got close to the door, Molten Freddy just dropped the box and dipped.
Anyway, I was only gone for 12 hours, but I've been asleep in some kind of trance for 12 hours since I was dropped off, so that's nice to know.
Anyway, I need to try and decipher what I wrote back there. It might help me solve a few things.
Withered Freddy
Deciphering has so far been unsuccessful. Everyone has told me to give it time and not look at it for a while, and perhaps it's for the best. Perhaps looking at it nonstop is what is making it indecipherable.
On the other hand, we've had some leads as to what's up with the vanishing corpses inside the suits. Apparently, whilst the ghosts in the withered and regular animatronics are the same, for everyone except Gerald, the suits were remade almost completely from scratch, only taking soma parts of the withered forms.
According to the officer, apparently the corpses were in the suits in January, but they weren't there when he went with a team to check it out properly. The tracker probably solved this, but sadly he's no longer around to help us.
My theory is that perhaps the corpses were left in the old suits, and the kids that the animatronics posess use some kind of ghost bs that I'm still working on understanding to pull in thier respective corpse. It may simply be them pulling in the corpse as an illusion due to how fresh the blood is, and due to being posessed myself it wouldn't be too hard for them to make the illusion seem like a physical item.
We just need to find where the corpses and the withered animatronics are.
We received a note from another of my former colleagues, the janitor. She said that her brother had a lot of research on the potential body dump locations. Sadly, most of this research was lost, as what he took with him to find that place was likely left there.
Me and the officer are going to be looking over the trackers research and will try and see if we can find what he found.
We've been looking at these notes all day, and to say we didn't know where to start is a massive understatement. We've tried everything, but can't find out what he was getting at.
It's late, gone midnight even, hence writing the date as the fifteenth instead of fourteenth. I haven't had any sleep, and I swear I've begun to hear things.
These things are getting clearer, and it almost sounds like the trackers voice. Well, ghosts exist, so he may well be trying to talk to us.
He can't seem to tell is anything directly, but various pointers on how to arrange the notes in a way that makes sense.
It seems the reason why we couldn't understand them is that the notes themselves were encoded so that certain parts had to be covered up in order for them to make proper sense. Makes sense when you realise what exactly he was up against.
We've got it! We may have spent all night talking to a ghost, but we have located the body dump. It's in an abandoned farm that was completely burned to the ground many years ago. No equipment is left, and nobody really owns the land anymore but no-one had brought it due to roumors of it being haunted, and the fire happened in the 1940's so nobody has really had the need to investigate there. It's also well out of the way - so much so that it was deemed too far away to consider back during the missing children incident of 87, so no wonder they got away with it. There's a ditch in the centre. That is where the bodies should be.
There's a lot of fields, forests, and country roads that we'll need to navigate, but we should be able to get there just fine.
Yesterday was spent preparing and making sure we got a decent night's sleep, as the worst way to face a potentially mega-haunted site is being sleep deprived.
The officer is driving, I'm just waiting to get there. This is well out of the way, and we're starting to second guess just going in a pair. That's just asking for danger if you ask me.
So many trees. We passed by the corn ages ago, but good grief it's a forest now.
Upon arival, one thing of note is indents in the grass. Tyre tracks. Three pairs seem to be a few years old, but one pair is recent.
I recognise that car.
Why is the gardener here.
Whilst it may be more efficient to split up, it is far too risky.
There seems to be the smell of old blood in the air. I think this is the place, but if he was already here, who knows why and who knows what could have happened.
We went towards the source of the smell, and guess who we found unconscious at the edge of the pit.
The gardener.
He doesn't seem to be injured, but we're pretty far away. Perhaps he just passed out. I don't know, but we can't just let him stay here.
I get the feeling this may be a trap.
After we got close, an animatronic clawed it's way out of the pit. This machine has no endoskeleton - at least none that can be seen , which with the amount of tears in the carpase should be a lot - but it is clearly the shell of the withered Freddy animatronic. I detect a familiar ghost within the suit. He seems apprehensive about us, but calm other than that.
One of his ears are missing too. Withered Freddy used to have two ears, I swear, but due to time, he must have lost the ear to the pit he crawled out of. Speaking of the pit, the stench of corpses is strong. I can only assume this place is a body dump.
Withered Freddy walked closer, and seemed to have a protective stance over the gardener.
This was strange.
Why would he protect him. Why would Withered Freddy protect an adult, especially the gardener.
Something about this whole situation is odd. I keep looking at the animatronic, and Withered Freddy seems to be held together by nothing at all. No endoskeleton. It's clearly posessed, and with no code, it should be able to see us clearly.
It spoke, and I swear I know this voice, but I can't pinpoint it, and I don't know what he said.
I asked withered Freddy if he could repeat himself.
He said something about not knowing what happened to him regarding the gardener being unconscious. One moment he's having a chat, and the next, the gardener is passed out on the floor.
He seems concerned. It's really strange to see withered Freddy show concern for a human. He was never like this when he initially used this suit, and wasn't like this ever during the years he was in the other Freddy suit, but for some reason, now of all times, he seems to be showing concern for a person he'd usually kill without hesitation.
I tried to approach the brown shell of a machine, but he seemed like he didn't want me getting closer.
He said "if you stay back, I'll stay back too."
Why would he, Withered Freddy, say he'd stay back? I don't know.
When the officer tried to approach, Withered Freddy seemed fine with it.
What's it about me that he seems apprehensive about.
The officer was able to confirm that the gardener is alive and just unconscious, but seems to have no new wounds. His arm that was bit the other day is wrapped in bandages, which are soaked by the way, so perhaps something ghost related occured that messed with his arm healing - I've definitely had things like that happen to me.
Now we knew the gardener was safe, I walked around in an arc in order to see what was in the pit without getting too close to the gardener.
It's a pit full of corpses and a few old animatronics.
I recognise the Chica, Bonnie, and Foxy. The only one that's missing is Golden Freddy, but that's likely the one that was "never loaded into the van" that I heard about back in 87.
Now we know where nine of the bodies out of the eleven victims are, the officer should be able to make more progress on the investigation.
As I was looking over the pit, Withered Freddy came up for a chat. It's odd, talking to the tattered shell of a bear animatronic who had tried to kill me many times, using that suit alone, but I for some unknown reason felt calm. Even though there was the six and a half foot tall carpace of the old Withered Freddy suit standing next to me.
He asked me if I remember his name.
His name was Ferdinand. I told him this, thinking that he had forgotten his own name, as ghosts tend to do, but he actually just wanted to make sure that someone remembered him.
Then he asked me about Gerald. He was using human names.
I asked what did he want to know.
Withered Freddy, no, Ferdinand, wanted to know how he treated me.
"You were literally there," I said, "he mentally broke me down so I'd agree to help you guys."
The animatronic's head nodded in a way that made him seem like a bobblehead. I almost thought the bear head was going to fly off.
"In 87," he replied, "he constantly told me that we'd never be found and would never escape unless we could catch and kill our killer. He was pretty harsh about it too. Sometimes, he'd single me out as being useless, and I now know he was grinding me down enough to make me want nothing more than to kill. Makes sense, now I look back."
I just nodded.
Perhaps that's why the gardener is unconscious. Perhaps that's explains that weird possessive state that happened to me around the Fredbear head.
I didn't realize I just said that our loud, but both me and withered Freddy seemed to have an apifiny? epiphany? I can't spell it, but a spark of inspiration.
I went back and was actually able to decide my scrawls from a few days ago. It explains a string of events. A route around the Freddy Fazbear's pizzeria from show stage, down the corridor, through the office, up, into the bathroom coridoor, then up into the safe room. The scrawls also state to repeat this for each animatronic to let all the ghosts be unintentionally freed, and after the fourth one, the ghost inside golden Freddy will take it from there and finally catch their killer.
I need to tell the Gardner about this, as perhaps he's seen the aftermath of something like this. It'd answer some questions, that's for sure.
I thanked withered Freddy for helping me with the decoding. He seemed shocked, as he said that he only said that Golden Freddy had tried to make us both subservient, but that fact was all I needed to realise in order to solve this puzzle.
Something is telling me to go towards the gardener. I knew that that'd be bad news, as my possessive state could kick in, and both of /us/ wouldn't be able to stop whatever that state wanted me to do.
But neither me nor /him/ were able to control my own body for a few seconds. The Gardner had luckily been moved, and /he/ managed to drain my energy enough to collapse before getting even a few steps, so we're back to normal.
Withered Freddy seemed concerned about us, but figured that this state was the same one that he went into that caused the Gardner to pass out.
A few minutes later, the officer came up to us. He had already looked into the pit, and had put the gardener safely in the car, and with the location pinpointed, he was ready to go home whenever.
Withered Freddy wanted to come too. He wanted to see an outside that wasn't a burned down farm full of corpses.
Withered Freddy even opened the torso of the suit to show us the body inside and said "if this place gets cleaned up before you send anyone else out here, at least you'll have one body recovered."
Mike replied (bullet pointed):
"It'll be a little bit more paperwork, but I can fill that out now"
Doesn't want his other colleagues seeing withered Freddy before we get to the station - not everyone is chill with ghosts, and he doesn't want to give anyone a heart attack.
"so you'll have to ride in the boot."
That whole talk was aimed at withered Freddy. Not me.
Withered Freddy replied "Sounds good by me" before jumping up and down. This is probably the first time in ten years that he's acted like a happy child.
We helped withered Freddy into the boot, and before we set off, Mike sorted out the paperwork for bringing back the evidence - it was pretty specialised paperwork as it was the Fazbear Entertainment case, and those suckers have thier own sets of guidelines when investigating, and randomly brining in evidence is one unique thing that we can only do on this case, because the alternative is launch a formal investigation which will get a bunch of people, including me and the officer, killed.
We made it back to the station without a hitch.
Shadow Freddy
The gardener woke up.
I gave him a few minutes as I know how it feels to be asked a bunch of questions as soon as you wake up from getting knocked out. Once he seemed awake enough, I decided to tell him about the scrawls that I made several days ago and what I deciphered them to mean.
We needed to know if these events were familiar to him.
I'll just paraphrase and transcribe what we said:
Me: "Do you recognise these event's?"
Gardener: "No? That pathing is unusual. I've never seen it before."
As he continued to read the deciphered garble that I wrote the other day, his tone changed.
Gardner: "Wait I recognise that end state. All the animatronics destoreyd in the bathroom hall, and a person dead in the spring Bonnie suit in the safe room. I've seen that state many times before."
We have a lead. We finally have a lead.
Gardener recognises the end state. Has never seen the run up to the end state, but he knows about the end state described in the scrawls.
What he said about what he had come across is pretty much just as what I transcribed said. I didn't even know about this "rite of closure" as he calls it, and I've been rummaging through these locations for who knows how long!
He guesses that it's because the souls hadn't properly moved on from the other locations, so they were able to move the suits at will, so the total end-state was unlikely to stay as it was for long.
Regardless, that brought up another topic: Shadow Freddy.
He says he saw a Shadow Freddy at some of these locations, and it acted different to how my dad would act, and I wasn't even the the local area he was in, so it had to be another Shadow Freddy, different to the one we know.
Each location seems to have its own Shadow Freddy.
And I'm the host of the one from mine.
I didn't want to push for more answers today. Not because I didn't think he'd be comfortable answering, but because I'm scared to know the answers.
How did everyone know what to do. Gerald seemed to make me write the instructions, but how did he know what should happen?
All the previous Shadow Freddy's have just been ghosts. No physical form/ human vessel, just either 1- a ghost or 2- a clump of remnant. Both of these types of spirit work for the instructions, but this would be impossible for me - a human - to pull off.
And as Shadow Freddy's host, what's going to happen to me?
I didn't sleep. I just decided to hide under my quilt and read all night.
Anything to take my mind of of our own world.
But I have to face reality eventually.
I needed to answer those questions sooner or later.
The gardener slept at the station, on the waiting room sofa. It seems he was too scared to go home, just in case he feels some kind of need to return to the body dump.
I couldn't wait any longer.
I asked "I think we know what's going to happen to you, but what's going to happen to me?"
He seemed confused and replied "well, nothing, I'd hope. You didn't do anything wrong."
I immediately replied " I know that! But - I'm Shadow Freddy's ... Host. Will I be doing what Shadow Freddy did, or
[The pages are tearstained. It seems more of the dialogue was said, but he can only write so fast, so a good chunk wasn't written down.]
From how soggy my journal is, I must have cried more than I thought. I also seem to have forgotten to write what else was said down. I don't remember the specifics any more. Shadow Freddy even came out to comfort me face to ghostly face, I was that scared. I mean, I'm still scared now, but least I asked.
Even if nobody has an answer to the question.
We know that Shadow Freddy does the luring. Golden Freddy seems to be the only one who knew in advance until Ferdinand learned about it yesterday.
I don't want to get anyone hurt. I don't want to have a part in any of this.
[The font seems to change, it's either posessed nonsense, or more likely, Russian cursive. Once translated, the text reads "Don't worry. I'll make sure you won't, and he'll make sure you're safe. I protected you from your fate, but his can't be avoided. And don't you dare worry about me disappearing on you. I'll be there for you after that just as I am now. Besides, my reason for existing as a ghost is to protect you."]
[The handwriting then returns to normal]
Спасибо папа
[Translation: thanks dad.]
Whilst I don't feel any better about this situation, I do feel a bit calmer knowing that I probably won't die and my dad's ghost won't suddenly disappear.
It is sad though that even with how much we've all tried to avoid having to follow suit with the other locations, I don't think this can be avoided.
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crownedeath · 2 years
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♔ –––– VANNY: a history ( copied from rewovenfate’s archive blog )
tws for divorce, familial abuse, drugs
MacKenzie Vanessa Holmes was born to a once-loving couple. Her mother had selected her first name, wanting to have her daughter be “ahead of the times”; her father instead gave her his late mother’s name as her middle name.
MacKenzie lived a rather quiet life with her parents until their divorce when she was a little girl. Her mother had fought for full custody, but unfortunately lost it after being exposed for attempting to blackmail her husband and young daughter several times during the year the court trial took place, on top of abusing medications. Thus, her father took her in, where MacKenzie learned of her father’s profession at long last: a deliveryman who worked with several restaurants, including Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza, to bring them supplies and ingredients from suppliers.
At this point in time, Fazbear Entertainment hadn’t been active in a long while, but her father had some merchandise from them thanks to failed deliveries in the past, along with a fondness for the band thanks to MacKenzie’s cousins. MacKenzie initially disregarded the plushes until she spotted an odd one, a Bonnie variant in gold. Her father sheepishly admitted that he used to go to Fredbear’s Family Diner as a child, although he also wondered how a plush of “Spring Bonnie” was in the shipment with the rebranded Fazbear Entertainment plushes. From then on, she kept the plush with her.
When she was 17, her mother called her, wanting to reconcile with her daughter; MacKenzie and her father decided to give her a chance, with MacKenzie making her mother promise not to abuse drugs before arriving. Her mother promised, claiming she hadn’t touched them in years.
Her mother lied.
Not only had she lied, but MacKenzie’s mother had arrived at the house addled and hallucinating —- while her father called for the hospital, her mother pointed at the Spring Bonnie plush and claimed that it was staring at her with “evil intent”. MacKenzie couldn’t even be angry with her mother, only feeling an empty pit where the red-hot fire of anger should have been.
While her mother was in the hospital, she asked her father about her name, about if she could change it. Her first name could be Vanessa, since she adored the stories her father told her about his mother, and her middle name would be Marcella – a name she’d seen and researched simply because it delighted her.
“I don’t want to be my mother’s child anymore. I want to be my own person.”
The next year, they changed it to allow her to legally be Vanessa Marcella Holmes – “Vanny” or “Nessa” for short. Alongside that, her mother’s comments about her plush spurred her to begin researching Fredbear’s Family Diner, as well as Fazbear Entertainment.
Her search led her to Fazbear’s Fright, where she took the job at a tender 20 years old. Unfortunately, after a week, the place burned down, and she couldn’t get close enough to get a good look at Springtrap or the suit. A saddening thought, but she had seen him in the cameras, and that was enough for her to keep pursuing this interest.
It wasn’t until several years later that her father had a new job: to help clean things up at a Fazbear Entertainment pizzeria that was…"unauthorized", to say the least. It’d been burned down, but Vanny insisted on going with her father to help him out.
It was there that she found the circuit boards, which were the main surviving artifacts of the animatronics within. With a budding interest in animatronics and information technology, Vanny took the boards home and experimented on them, finding they contained all of the patterns for the animatronics to function routinely.
In Scraptrap’s, she found what she would refer to as “Glitchtrap”. A piece of a soul turned into a program, although she didn’t know how, but it began to speak to her. She discarded his words for a while.
But only for a while.
Her father was killed in a car crash, and while she stood at the funeral, clutching the plush her father had practically given her, she remembered Glitchtrap.
“oh, you sure look bummed out, pal!” “My…my dad’s dead. I was at his funeral.” “terrible! a̸w̶f̶u̸l̴.̶ very terrible. say…what if i told you that you could b̴r̶i̷n̴g̸ ̷h̸i̷m̸ ̶b̶a̶c̷k̴?̴”
0 notes
Autistic Afton Headcanons Part 2
Evan Afton/Crying Child
This child is obviously autistic and nobody can convince me otherwise. I don’t even care if Scott Cawthon didn’t intend for this interpretation. It’s practically canon. I mean… Look at him???
He’s the only one in his family besides his father to get a formal diagnosis. Though his brother and sister are also neurodivergent, they were able to mask well enough to avoid being detected.
Poor little man’s got meltdowns for days. He’s at his limit constantly and even the smallest things can trigger him. Once he cried for an hour over spilling his juice.
Freddy’s Diner is sensory hell for him. He has somewhat sensitive hearing, so a building full of screaming children and live music performances was a recipe for overstimulation.
His special interest was the Fredbear and Friends TV show. Watching it was part of his routine. His comfort item is his toy Fredbear, which he takes with him everywhere.
William actually made the plush for his son, sewing it with his favorite cloth textures, making it slightly weighted, adding the walkie talkie, etc. It isn’t the same one you can get at any old prize corner.
He was also planning to make a sort of mini plush animatronic to replace the plush with so his son always had someone there for him…and so he could possess that robot when he died but that didn’t work out.
He’s very detail oriented and intelligent, slightly ahead of other kids his age. The only things keeping him from being a proper savant type like his father were his overactive empathy and intense anxiety.
He stims by stroking his hair or his plush with his fingers, rocking back and forth, bringing his hands to his mouth, etc. His bedspread was weighted to help him sleep, and he loves hugs.
He’s also got selective mutism, and seems to prefer written or typed communication when he is overwhelmed. This is evident by how he chooses to try and contact Micheal with visions of the words…
“IT’S ME.”
Elizabeth Afton
It’s no wonder she loves to do pretend! She learned to mask from a very early age, reveling in playing the part of “mommy and daddy’s precious little angel”. She was very spoiled, like, extremely.
Unfortunately, this level of emotional distancing from her social interactions with others meant she saw it all as a sort of “game”, and she always played to win. She had an older brother to outmatch, after all.
Imitating her father eventually taught Elizabeth to be a master manipulator, with two sides to her personality. Sweet and comforting, but also surprisingly cold, just like her favorite food: ice cream.
She had been known to kill small animals, asking her dad to make them robots for her to play with forever. Her little brother was scared of ever getting even a pet goldfish because “Lizzie might kill it”.
That all said, she isn’t even close to being a psychopathic murderer like her father. She just has a bad habit of distancing herself emotionally from others because she doesn’t want to feel too much empathy and start hurting herself.
She was very protective of her baby brother and even asked for a baby sister many many times. Having someone to look up to her made her feel like she was enough without all the pretending.
Micheal could go gag himself with a spoon, though. They were constantly one-upping each other. Oh, Mikey’s got a track meet at 3pm? Suddenly, Lizzie wants to start singing lessons at that time!
Her stims include mainly vocalizations, often singing. She also enjoys stimming with bright shiny things, like jewelry, beads, glitter, knives and all the dangerous metal parts in her father’s workshop!
Elizabeth was totally gonna touch Circus Baby anyway, and kept asking her dad for permission because she wanted him to see her do it to get his attention. William was well aware she’d do this too.
“Oh, Daddy, look at me, I’m gonna touch the thing you told me not to touch~! OWW! IT PRICKED MY FINGER! WAHHHH! DADDY IT HURTS!”
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fazfright-archive · 3 years
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*     HELLO ?  HELLO  ,  HELLO ?     //     @our-family​   :   “ It’s been a bad night here for me. ” (From Fredbear)     (     f.naf  series  starters  .     )
                OH  ,  GEE   .   .   .   ya  get  lugged  off  to  the  back  for  one  day  and  look  what  happens !  a  small  ,  sympathetic  laugh  leaves  spring  as  they  reach  up  to  readjust  the  bear’s  askew  hat  ,  wiping  at  a  glob  of  pink  frosting  smeared  across  his  cheek  with  their  free  hand  .  they're   half  tempted  to  smear  it  in  further──just  to  tease  the  big  guy  of  course !  but  ,  that  feels  a  lil’  too  mean  right  now  .     ❝     aw  ,  ‘m  sorry  ,  freds  .  ‘bunch  of  brawlers  today  ,  eh ?     ❞     if  the  soda  soaking  into  the  already  sticky  carpet  and  the  myriad  of  stains  discoloring  his   SILLY  OL  BEAR’S   usually  honey  -  hued  fur  are  any  indication  ,  staff  wasn’t  really  on  the  mark  with  things  today  ,  it  wasn’t  like  them  to  leave  the  diner’s  only  animatronics  in  such  a  mucky  state  afterhours   ;   and  they  can  imagine  why  ,  one  half  of  the  golden  duo  in  question  malfunctioning  during  pre  -  opening  routine  checks  must’ve  had  them  all  frazzled     (     SORRY  ,  FOLKS  .  SPRING  BONNIE’S  SICK  AND  CAN’T  MAKE  IT  TODAY──────  !     )     but  still  ,  that  was  no  excuse  to  leave  poor  fredbear  such  a  mess !
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                ❝     but  look  at  me  ,  this  hare  came  hoppin’  back  in  no  time  ,  now  let’s  get  ya  cleaned  up ──────     ❞
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ffdrplusbypurplerat · 4 months
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Hi! This blog is dedicated to a remake of my old webcomic called "Fredbear's family diner routine". Here I will publish new pages of the comic as they become available ✨
You can read the Russian version of the comic here
(Русская версия комикса публикуется в этой группе 👇🐰)
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purplerat111 · 5 months
My webcomic "Fredbear's Family Diner Routine" turns 2 years 🎉
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I was following the pack all swallowed in their coats
With scarves of red tied 'round their throats
To keep their little heads
From falling in the snow
And I turned 'round and there you go
And Michael, you would fall
And turn the white snow red as strawberries in the summertime
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rewovenfate-a · 2 years
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vanny: the family history
yes i am just going to toss everything from the old muse doc down here. let’s roll.
MacKenzie Vanessa Holmes was born to a once-loving couple. Her mother had selected her first name, wanting to have her daughter be "ahead of the times"; her father instead gave her his late mother's name as her middle name.
MacKenzie lived a rather quiet life with her parents until their divorce when she was a little girl. Her mother had fought for full custody, but unfortunately lost it after being exposed for attempting to blackmail her husband and young daughter several times during the year the court trial took place, on top of abusing medications. Thus, her father took her in, where MacKenzie learned of her father's profession at long last: a deliveryman who worked with several restaurants, including Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, to bring them supplies and ingredients from suppliers.
At this point in time, Fazbear Entertainment hadn't been active in a long while, but her father had some merchandise from them thanks to failed deliveries in the past, along with a fondness for the band thanks to MacKenzie's cousins. MacKenzie initially disregarded the plushes until she spotted an odd one, a Bonnie variant in gold. Her father sheepishly admitted that he used to go to Fredbear's Family Diner as a child, although he also wondered how a plush of "Spring Bonnie" was in the shipment with the rebranded Fazbear Entertainment plushes. From then on, she kept the plush with her.
When she was 17, her mother called her, wanting to reconcile with her daughter; MacKenzie and her father decided to give her a chance, with MacKenzie making her mother promise not to abuse drugs before arriving. Her mother promised, claiming she hadn't touched them in years.
Her mother lied.
Not only had she lied, but MacKenzie's mother had arrived at the house addled and hallucinating ---- while her father called for the hospital, her mother pointed at the Spring Bonnie plush and claimed that it was staring at her with "evil intent". MacKenzie couldn't even be angry with her mother, only feeling an empty pit where the red-hot fire of anger should have been.
While her mother was in the hospital, she asked her father about her name, about if she could change it. Her first name could be Vanessa, since she adored the stories her father told her about his mother, and her middle name would be Marcella -- a name she'd seen and researched simply because it delighted her.
"I don't want to be my mother's child anymore. I want to be my own person."
The next year, they changed it to allow her to legally be Vanessa Marcella Holmes -- "Vanny" or "Nessa" for short. Alongside that, her mother's comments about her plush spurred her to begin researching Fredbear's Family Diner, as well as Fazbear Entertainment.
Her search led her to Fazbear's Fright, where she took the job at a tender 20 years old. Unfortunately, after a week, the place burned down, and she couldn't get close enough to get a good look at Springtrap or the suit. A saddening thought, but she had seen him in the cameras, and that was enough for her to keep pursuing this interest.
It wasn't until several years later that her father had a new job: to help clean things up at a Fazbear Entertainment pizzeria that was…"unauthorized", to say the least. It'd been burned down, but Vanny insisted on going with her father to help him out.
It was there that she found the circuit boards, which were the main surviving artifacts of the animatronics within. With a budding interest in animatronics and information technology, Vanny took the boards home and experimented on them, finding they contained all of the patterns for the animatronics to function routinely.
In Scraptrap's, she found what she would refer to as "Glitchtrap". A piece of a soul turned into a program, although she didn't know how, but it began to speak to her. She discarded his words for a while.
But only for a while.
Her father was killed in a car crash, and while she stood at the funeral, clutching the plush her father had practically given her, she remembered Glitchtrap.
"Oh, you sure look bummed out, pal!" "My...my dad's dead. I was at his funeral." "Terrible! A̸w̶f̶u̸l̴.̶ Very terrible. Say...what if I told you that you could b̴r̶i̷n̴g̸ ̷h̸i̷m̸ ̶b̶a̶c̷k̴?̴"
0 notes
truthisgoldenau · 4 years
Character Bio: Frederick Fazbear Sr.
Born: July 24, 1957
Race: Mixed (Mom was white, dad was black)
Sexual Orientation: Bi
Tattoos: 2 dates, wedding anniversary and kid's birthday, on his right arm.
Personality: Early on, extremely outgoing and excitable, easy to get along with. Later, closed off and distracted.
Married: February 14, 1980 to Madeline Hartford.
Franklin Isaiah Fazbear was considered one of the luckiest people in Spring Valley. He struck oil. He successfully found gold (by accident, at that!). And he scored one of the prettiest young women to ever make her way to the small Colorado city, a socialite from back east named Eliza Ann Farnsworth.
They got married early, and money was never a problem. They were rich and practically famous. Franklin's oil business was booming.
Then they had a child. He would be their only one. Frederick Fazbear was a careful decision; both of them felt it was the natural next step in their relationship. They assumed it would be easy to raise a child.
They both realized rather quickly that it wasn't so easy as they imagined; being parents didn't come naturally to them and their relationship with this new piece of their family was politely... Detached.
It wasn't so much that they didn't love him; they very much did. They just had no idea how to go about showing it without feeling like they were bribing their child to love them.
Fred grew up aware of his parents lack of knowledge on how to parent; he often felt far more attached to the family cook than his parents and often found himself envious of the families where the parents put effort into their kids lives. Not that he didn't love his, but they sure didn't feel like parents.
He started getting the idea for what would later become Fredbear's and Freddy's while in high school. He had a friend (really, only the one) who convinced him to sneak out to this small family place out of town. Despite it being just the two of them, Fred found he loved the atmosphere the place had and wished he could come up with something like that.
He went to college aiming for a business degree. At the time he still hadn't mentioned to his parents that he might use the degree for something other than continuing the Fazbear Oil Company. He still didn't know if he was serious; but the more he thought about it the more he liked the idea.
It was during the first year of college that he met Madeline Hartford. She was a barista at this gimicky little cafe on campus that also advertised open mic nights for singers, comedians, and poets. He tried to ask her on a date immediately; she turned him down, but in amusement said she'd gladly be friends with him first.
After 3 months she finally let him ask her out on a date and he took her up on the offer.
Maddie did have to constantly remind him that he didn't need to buy her love. Fred had no end of access to his family's money, and he just kind of expected that the best thing to do was buy her nice things. Once Maddie talked him out of it, he was just... An incredibly hopeless romantic. And Maddie loved it.
He shared his idea with her about a family centered place and she loved it. She encouraged it and helped him start forming ideas for it. They'd stay up late talking about the kind of place it ought to be and what kind of things it should have.
He asked her to marry him in early 1979. She said yes. They both graduated from college in May, and spent a lot of time planning both their wedding and the future restaurant. Fred's parents were offering to pay for the wedding; and they had after a lot of long talks decided to fund the opening of Fred's dream restaurant. They were a little worried that the idea might fail; Fred promised if it did that he'd take over the family business instead as he'd always been somewhat destined to.
By the end of 1979, the animatronics for Fredbear's Family Diner, as Fred and Maddie had taken to calling it had been commissioned. It was a steep price that Fred's parents gladly paid off. Anything to help him get started.
Fred and Maddie's Valentine's Day wedding in 1980 was gorgeous and perfect. Fred had tried to convince Maddie to go big or go home (saying she deserved it) but it ended up being a rather small event. Maddie had a more notable guest list than Fred; he never seemed to mind.
They honeymooned in Paris, Maddie letting Fred spoil her on that end.
Once back in Spring Valley, the rest of the planning for Fredbear's got going full force.
Fredbear's Family Diner opened in January of 1981 with Fredbear and Spring Bonnie front and center. They were also able to be worn as suits, and Fred and the Fredbear's mechanic Henry Emily were usually the two to suit up. At least for the first six months- an accident with the springlocks meant the suits stopped being worn. Henry was able to keep them in good condition so that they could continue performing, and despite them being somewhat quarantined to the stage, everyone loved them.
Near the beginning of 1983, Fred's parents died in a freak plane accident.
The company was left to the Vice President; but a majority of the fortune was left to Fred with a note from his parents in his dad's will that if something were to happen to them, that the money was to be used to continue his dream. That his dad was proud of him and what he'd accomplished so far and that he hoped the Fazbear family luck would live on for him.
As sad as it was to lose both his parents at once, he knew it wouldn't do to be sad forever. And that if his dad had been proud of him despite never setting foot in his place, it was no time to mope around.
By the end of 1983, Fred had begun planning for a bigger, better place. With more animatronics, for more people to spend time in. Fredbear's Family Diner closed its doors just before New Year 1984 with the tease that soon something bigger was coming.
The planning for his new place, which he started calling Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, felt like it took forever. Ben Anderson, one of the employees from the diner who had worked the whole time in the kitchen, stuck with him and actually helped him plan a lot alongside Maddie.
Henry Emily decided to move back to Hurricane, Utah with his family. He'd enjoyed working at Fredbear's, but his and his wife's extended families were both still in Utah and he wanted his toddler twins to be able to get to know the family. Fred made him promise to stay in touch (it was a promise Henry never broke).
Planning for the new place was chaotic- Fred was often so excited about ideas he'd cut himself off mid sentence with new plans. They hit a small roadblock when the Spring Bonnie animatronic was heavily damaged during its move to storage- but Maddie convinced Fred that whoever they'd find as a new mechanic could fix it. With that and the designs he had for new animatronics, they plowed ahead.
In the middle of 1984 Fred started hiring for his second place. People who'd worked at Fredbear's rarely made the return (a few stopped by just to see the building). But it was well known throughout town that Fred had paid his employees ridiculously well and was a great boss.
Ben of course came back, Fred once again having him run the kitchen. Ben liked that job enough, at least.
Sometimes Maddie was convinced Fred hired certain people because they had sad stories. Fred had always been a talker, and half his interviews were somewhat sidetracked casual chats.
Like Damian, the kid who applied to work the prize counter, who Fred had told Maddie about as "this punk kid who lives in a trailer with his mom and aunt and three sisters. Poor kid sleeps on the couch, can you believe that?!"
Or Hailey, the high school student who'd told him she really wanted to run her own restaurant someday.
Maddie was always amused by how astounded he was at things like that but sometimes the rich kid Fred had been still came through. Unsurprisingly, they were still stupidly rich, even with all the money poured into this new place.
There were only two applications for mechanic- one from some guy who'd worked at a car dealership for 10 years named Scott something that Fred interviewed and complained about having the personality of a brick.
The other was Pierce Graves, and Fred wasn't sure about him at first because his application was very vague on whether or not he even knew how to fix things. Maddie remembered the name, having looked over a lot of applications from Fredbear's with him. Fred remembered they had only not interviewed him back then just out of curiosity because they'd already had Henry and two mechanics for two animatronics was a little much.
Anyone else would have taken one look at the 21 year old kid with a full sleeve of tattoos that he'd forgotten to hide, in a rival company's uniform, showing up late to an interview as a complete 3 strikes. Fred was not "anyone else". Fred was fascinated. And Pierce aced the easy routine maintenance stuff Fred had left on his new animatronics. So he hired him as soon as he got back around to it (he had a lot else going on can you blame him?).
With help from Pierce designing Foxy the Pirate, and the rest of the pieces falling into place, Freddy Fazbear's Pizza opened in December 1984. The crowd opening day was huge- Spring Valley had loved Fredbear's, and word of a bigger better place had gotten out.
Henry and his family even showed up to see the full extent of Freddy's.
It was a hit from day one- the different sets of animatronics performed on different days, they had a full arcade of as many games Fred could get, the food was great, and people kept coming back. Fred knew a lot of the regulars by name, and Maddie even often spent time at Freddy's.
Business got even better after Foxy the Pirate was introduced; it was a hit. Particularly with this little red headed kid who Fred wasn't so sure spoke English, and pretty soon Fred had become friends with the very shy Katherine O'Malley and her son Finn who had moved to Colorado from Ireland. They were almost constant fixtures at Freddy's, and Fred would always make sure to mention when new Foxy merch was going to show up at the prize counter. When the plushies started coming out, he offered to give Finn one since they were going to be a high ticket item, but Finn excitedly turned it down so he could win it himself.
(Later, Katherine would ask him to please thank the mechanic for helping her and Finn get the remainder of the tickets for the Foxy plush, as apparently they'd been close to getting enough when the mechanic had given them all the ones he hadn't needed to use. Fred did and Pierce just shrugged it off)
Discovering Pierce had powers similar to his own that he'd never tried to learn was an accident- but a good one. He'd been terrified of them, and Pierce was a little concerned he'd never learned how to use them. Pierce offered to help him learn so it'd be less of a startle reflex that could potentially backfire- Fred accepted on the condition that Pierce not mention it to anyone.
On his and Maddie's 7th wedding anniversary, she told him they were going to be parents. Fred was ecstatic- him and Maddie had both wanted kids, but he'd wanted to make sure Freddy's was running smoothly first, and they'd made a decision in mid '86 that it could be time to start seriously trying for kids, and finally here they were.
1987 was a good year for Freddy's at first. Business was still booming, the Spring Bonnie animatronic was getting closer to being show ready again, and Fred finally got the cheesy TV ads he wanted airing. The local news station even ran a whole half hour special about Freddy's that featured Fred and Pierce (by this point Pierce and Fred hardly needed to have full coherent conversations about what kind of show changes they needed, both kind of picking up what the other meant when it came to certain things. Pierce wasn't well liked by the other Freddy's employees, but Fred and him were close as hell and for the most part Fred kept Pierce from pissing people off at work more).
And the Fazbear baby turned out to be Fazbear babies- Fred and Maddie found out they were expecting twins. Fred didn't think he could be happier. A hell of a lot of planning went into the nursery for the boys, as they learned they'd be, as well as Fred getting Freddy's themed stuff made for both of them. They decided on names long before the twins were born- Frederick Jr and Franklin. Maddie didn't mind that both her husband kind of took over naming.
And then August 1987 happened, and just when Fred didn't think life could get any better, he had to tell his mechanic that Foxy was being decommissioned. The conversation didn't go well, and Fred would later agonize over how he should have handled it. And how he should have waited until he was less stressed and sleep deprived. He knew that his decisions and how he'd worded things basically ended the close friendship he had with Pierce, but he didn't know how badly he'd ruined it until...
November 13th, 1987.
The bite of '87.
That horrifying, wordless scream from Finnegan O'Malley.
The screams from the other kids, ones he saw on the ground clutching their heads in a pain that looked... Familiar.
He had no idea if Pierce orchestrated the bite, but he damn well knew that the other kids in pain- that was Pierce. That was that power. And he lashed out with everything he had to the point he scared himself. And in a moment of clarity he knew that he had to do something to save Finn, and used his power for that.
Pierce and Spring Bonnie disappeared.
6 kids in Spring Valley suddenly had new features that no one could explain. Doctors were uncertain if Finn would even survive, but he pulled through. The accident cost him his memory, they said.
Fred paid all of their hospital bills off. Told the O'Malleys if they ever needed anything, they could call him. Got questioned six ways to Sunday by cops just trying to figure out what had happened, if this was an accident or foul play. Tried not to think about the blood stains on the stage, found the ones in Parts and Services though. Stopped by the main stage on his way out again and noticed, for the first time, the loose board. Right where Foxy's foot path was. Saw the animatronic in his head fail to correct as it hit the uneven surface and fall.
The bite had been an accident, but the other 5 kids had not.
Freddy's officially closed by the end of the year. He kept his night guard on until he could move everything into storage, and kept getting told that the Toy animatronics and Foxy acted "weird". Too human. Confused. Had to play off that he didn't know why.
The Fazbear family moved across town, and for the first few years of the twins lives, Freddy's was only a fun fairy tale their father told them about to get them to go to sleep. Fred hated that he'd had to close, and he wanted so much to open it again.
So in 1990, he started planning the 3rd place.
Maddie said it was a bad idea, but that she would continue to support him.
Ben also had his doubts, but promised to still come back.
Everyone else he tried to bring back hung up on him. Jeremy was silent for a good minute on his phone call from Fred, and finally said he'd recommend another guard he knew. Jeremy had been in therapy since then, convinced the bite was his fault since he was supposed to make sure no one got hurt.
Fred reused the unconnected animatronics for the new place, but all of the existing ones were kept in the building anyways. For parts, he told the new mechanic (Fritz Smith, who was a somewhat nervous fellow). Not that Fred would let anyone touch the Toy animatronics to be used as parts.
Opening day for this third iteration of Freddy's was sad compared to the grandeur of the previous place. People knew about the bite and felt it in poor taste that another place was opening so soon.
It never quite hit the same level of popularity, and as business dwindled, Fred got more and more ... Not himself. Fritz oftentimes didn't have the expertise to work with the dozens of fixes that Pierce had made to the animatronics, either because there were no instructions on what exactly they did or just because they made no sense to anyone but Pierce. When Fritz would ask if Fred could please just call the guy up for clarity (Fritz was not from Spring Valley and had only just moved there so he didn't know about Pierce), Fred would just give him a look.
The turnover rate for employees was often high, the place understaffed, although it was still magical for his twin sons. Maddie is would often tell him, gently, that it might be better to close. Out of a stubborn sense of pride, Fred never did.
Then on August 8th of 1993, his kids were affected by another event. It was like '87 all over again, minus the bite, and Fred only caught a glimpse of his former mechanic in the back of the building before he made the better decision to check on his kids. It was a threat, he knew. Pierce could still find him and would do anything to get back at him.
At the hospital, Maddie pulled him aside and told him that she was furious. That this was the last straw, and if he ever reopened Freddy's again, she'd leave with the boys. He didn't doubt she would.
He paid off the bills for the other two kids affected, and Freddy's closed down, this time permanently.
Fred quietly paid off the entire property so that it wouldn't be demolished without his permission. He couldn't put the animatronics back in storage. He did put heavy locks on the doors and boarded up the place to try and discourage people from getting inside.
They moved again, this time to a somewhat cramped house where the twins would have to share a room. They didn't complain, excited to have a bunk bed at last.
Despite the setbacks, the Fazbear family still had enough money that Fred didn't need to go back to work immediately, and he tried to make things work smoothly as a family. For almost two years after the incident, the family was happy. Just after Fred finally found a job elsewhere (Ben managed to get him a job as a manager at some local place), some new tragedy happened.
Maddie called his work desperate, telling him that Frankie had quite suddenly and painfully lost his voice and they were at the ER, and could he please meet them there. He promised he would and left work in a hurry. Except he ended up driving home instead. Leaving Maddie a note.
'I'm sorry. Give me some time.'
And with some kind of determination, he headed to his former 3rd business.
The place was beginning to show signs of disrepair, plants growing through cracked cement. As he thought, the chain across the main door had been cut with bolt cutters and he knew without a doubt who had been there.
So he was going to leave a message.
He found the spare Freddy he'd had made for this place as a just in case. Set it up, made sure it could run properly. Considering he'd last even done small maintenance back in the early '80s, he didn't know for sure that what he was even doing was working. But it seemed to work enough.
Pierce had told him that things that affected an animatronic connected to someone affected the human in a similar way. It's how Pierce had found issues with the machines. Connect yourself to them, the problem spot on the machine will be a little bit of a painful spot. Then just work in that area and you could find the issue. Worked great with animatronics because they were very much oriented like humans.
Pierce had also taught him a trick. If you bound yourself to an animatronic and didn't let the bind affect you physically, you could essentially program it to do something that it normally might not be able to. It was less useful for repairs and more useful as a fun joke (Pierce had many times made it so some animatronic would not physically stop trying to find Fred for a hug, and in return as Fred had gotten better at it himself he'd sent animatronics to Pierce with notes like 'hello jackass' or 'you're shoe is untied').
This would not be a fun joke. If Pierce was going to send a message that his kids weren't safe, then he was going to make sure Pierce knew he wasn't going to just sit back and let the man intimidate him.
So he bound himself to the spare Freddy with one goal in mind. Keep Pierce away, by any means necessary. It was a strong order for this type of connection, one that kind of pushed the boundary of what it could do, and while Fred didn't gain any features from the bind, he watched with a morbid curiosity as the suit pieces shifted to a dark purple.
Shadow Freddy was now protecting all the animatronics from Pierce.
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