puppetdaily · 8 months
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Flub-a-Dub from Howdy Doody
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mariacallous · 4 months
On Sunday, Speaker of the House Mike Johnson went on television and mixed up Iran and Israel. “We passed the support for Iran many months ago,” he told Meet the Press, erroneously referring to an aid package for the Jewish state. Last night, the Fox News prime-time host Jesse Watters introduced South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem as hailing from South Carolina. I once joined a cable-news panel where one of the participants kept confusing then–Attorney General Jeff Sessions with Representative Pete Sessions of Texas. I don’t hold these errors against anyone, as they are some of the most common miscues made by people who talk for a living—and I’m sure my time will come.
Yesterday, President Joe Biden added another example to this list. In response to a question about Gaza, he referred to the Egyptian leader Abdel Fattah al-Sisi as the president of Mexico. The substance of Biden’s answer was perfectly cogent. The off-the-cuff response included geographic and policy details not just about Egypt, but about multiple Middle Eastern players that most Americans probably couldn’t even name. The president clearly knew whom and what he was talking about; he just slipped up the same way Johnson and so many others have. But the flub could not have come at a worse time. Because the press conference had been called to respond to Special Counsel Robert Hur’s report on Biden’s handling of classified documents, which dubbed the president an “elderly man with a poor memory,” the Mexico gaffe was immediately cast by critics as confirmation of Biden’s cognitive collapse.
But the truth is, mistakes like these are nothing new for Biden, who has been mixing up names and places for his entire political career. Back in 2008, he infamously introduced his running mate as “the next president of the United States, Barack America.” At the time, Biden’s well-known propensity for bizarre tangents, ahistorical riffs, and malapropisms compelled Slate to publish an entire column explaining “why Joe Biden’s gaffes don’t hurt him much.” The article included such gems as the time that then-Senator Biden told the journalist Katie Couric that “when the markets crashed in 1929, ‘Franklin Roosevelt got on the television and didn’t just talk about the princes of greed. He said, “Look, here’s what happened.”’” The only problem with this story, Slate laconically noted, was that “FDR wasn’t president then, nor did television exist.”
In other words, even a cursory history of Biden’s bungling shows that he is the same person he has always been, just older and slower—a gaffe-prone, middling public speaker with above-average emotional intelligence and an instinct for legislative horse-trading. This is why Biden’s signature moments as a politician have been not set-piece speeches, but off-the-cuff encounters, such as when he knelt to engage elderly Holocaust survivors in Israel so they would not have to stand, and when he befriended a security guard in an elevator at The New York Times on his way to a meeting with the paper’s editorial board, which declined to endorse him. And it’s why Biden’s key accomplishments—such as the landmark climate-change provisions of the Inflation Reduction Act, the country’s first gun-control bill in decades, and the expected expansion of the child tax credit—have come through Congress. The president’s strength is not orating, but legislating; not inspiring a crowd, but connecting with individuals.
That said, although Biden’s Mexico mistake might not be a demonstration of dementia, it is a warning sign of a different sort that his campaign would be wise to heed. Recently, the White House declined to have Biden participate in the traditional pre–Super Bowl interview this coming Sunday. The administration framed this decision as part of a broader strategy favoring nontraditional media, but it was reasonably seen as an attempt to shield the candidate from scrutiny. The president’s staff is understandably reluctant to put Biden front and center, knowing that his slower speed and inevitable gaffes—both real and fabricated—will feed the mental-acuity narrative. But in actuality, the bar for Biden has been set so laughably low that he can’t help but vault over it simply by showing up. By contrast, limiting his appearances ensures that the public mostly encounters the president through decontextualized social-media clips of his slipups.
As Slate observed in 2008, the frequency of Biden’s rhetorical miscues helped neutralize them in the eyes of the public. In 2024, Biden will have an assist from another source: Donald Trump. Among other recent lapses, the former president has called Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán “the leader of Turkey,” confused Nancy Pelosi and Nikki Haley, and repeatedly expressed the strange belief that he won the 2020 election. With an opponent prone to vastly worse feats of viscous verbosity, Biden can’t help but look better by comparison, especially if he starts playing offense instead of defense.
But none of this will happen by itself. If the president and his campaign want the headlines to be something other than “Yes, Biden Knows Who the President of Egypt Is,” they’ll have to start making news, not reacting to it.
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alexseanchai · 2 months
so on the one hand, Yuuko's massive nosebleed in ep 3 is an obvious example of the anime trope in which nosebleeds indicate sexual attraction and/or arousal, and the comically large volume of blood is equally obviously an indication of the strength of that attraction, exaggerated for effect
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on the other hand, there's no scientific basis for sexual arousal to relate to nosebleeds:
and I'm not sure how to estimate the volume of blood Yuuko is shown losing, but it's plenty enough that Yurio shouting for help (in the English dub) or asking Yuuko if she's sick (in the Japanese dub) is an entirely reasonable reaction:
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and after all, Yuuri and Yuuko would both be well aware of this anime trope, and there's no reason to think Yurio would be; it makes sense that neither Yuuko nor Yuuri would be concerned, but the fact Yurio is, and he's making no effort to pretend otherwise—Yurio, who until now has made such a point of growling at Victor and hurting Yuuri in order to not look like he cares about either—
and a week later, when Yuuko sees Yurio in what must be a costume from one of Victor's first two seasons as a junior, age thirteen to fifteen to Yuuko's eleven to thirteen at the time:
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ah, so someone told Yurio about the nosebleed-indicates-arousal trope
fascinating characterization all around
...speaking of nosebleeds:
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and I'll link to both these metas as soon as I find them again, which I'd appreciate assistance with since I'm blanking on who posted either:
one observed that Victor noticed Yuuri flubs his jumps when there's something on his mind, and that we don't hear Yuuri's thoughts for most of his free skate in ep 5, but we do see him screw up the last jump, and the final scene in the episode is Yuuri's love confession to Victor—which suggests Yuuri realized on the ice that he loves Victor, the mortal human he's been learning the past five months, even with all the ways Victor frustrated Yuuri earlier in ep 5
the other observed that Victor was wondering who Yuuri's defiance of his coach reminded Victor of, and he was surprised to realize it's himself, a thought he had only after Yuuri took his final pose—which suggests Victor was also surprised by Yuuri's final pose
connect those two dots and we get, Yuuri changed the final pose on impulse, same as he changed the final jump in ep 7 on impulse, because he realized on the ice he loves Victor
can't help but suspect, given the nosebleed and everything, that he's thinking of sexual as well as romantic love
(which yes also has the Watsonian explanation of he bounced his face off the boards, which might say something about Yuuri being ace or demi given Yuuko did not injure herself in ep 3 and was definitely banging at least one man as a teenager, but like)
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lunar-wandering · 1 year
not a day goes by that i don't think about the Kaitou Joker English Dub's absolutely ridiculous decisions. here's two of my favourites;
in the second episode, there's a joke where Hachi says "I'm here!" during a countdown, because, in Japanese, "Hachi" means "Eight". However, instead of leaving this as is (with the later explanation of Hachi being the eighth child in his family, which is also true), or having Hachi say something else to make a different joke, they instead decided to have the characters count down like; "Ten, Nine, Hachi, Seven-" without ANY explanation to it.
2. the dub implying that Joker swore still never leaves my brain. i know the likely reason behind it is that the VA actually DID swear, because they knew they were gonna flub the line, and added the swears in so that it wouldn't be used- 'cept, the producers must've either not bothered with a re-take, or just figured the line delivery on the flubbed one was better, and instead just silenced the parts where he swears, and left it in- the result making it INCREDIBLY OBVIOUS that there were words taken out. literally peak comedy. why did they decide to do this.
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randomthefox · 1 month
"Rub-a-dub-dub, don't be a flub!"
Not as bad as "rawr, that means I love you in dragon"
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Look, she's not actually saying ANYTHING in the Japanese version of the "rub a dub dub" part
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出ろ出ろ出ろ "dero dero dero" doesn't actually "mean" anything. It's like ふわふわ "fuwa fuwa". It's a Vibe not a literal expression. It's like, "effort noise" or how a character will say "doki doki" out loud with their mouth. It's like, an onomatopoeia but they're actually saying it with dialog. It's like, you ever watch Hamtaro? You know how the hamsters would just make noises? "kushi kushi" "badda badda" "hif hif"? Same thing. I'm not even exaggerating.
It's just gibberish. You can translate it to be whatever the fuck you want. A literal machine translation isn't actually accurate because it's losing nuance. In context she's just saying 出ろ出ろ出ろ "dero dero dero" as a verbalized sound effect for cleaning the lens. It's supposed to be cute and silly. What they decided to do with that in English communicates the same thing. I don't see what the big deal is. It's just as stupid and juvenile in Japanese as the "rub a dub dub" is in English.
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machinedramon · 2 months
ik ppl liked chilchuck calling laios cringe but I think that's a major translation flub, same with marcille calling ppl "noobs"
it's modern slang that is incredibly out of place with the tone of the setting and it really knocks me out of the fantasy.
like yeah The Joaks but I think the dub is the worse off for having those memey little lines thrown in
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freusan · 2 years
What anime do you think would be which Monogatari characters's favourite anime?
there's probably some official answers to this question but here's some I made up for fun: araragi watches a lot of stuff but when it comes to it, you can't beat a classic like doraemon hitagi is a huge jojo & evangelion fan hanekawa would only catch bits of anime and mostly read manga, but she'd watch detective conan and probably really resonate with 3-gatsu no lion (ha, they do have a crossover after all) black hanekawa would reveal hanekawa secretly reads doujins, but her favorites are all really vanilla, she claims to be studying kako would reveal hanekawa REALLY hates NTR kanbaru definitely likes yurikuma and utena but claims her favorite is bible black nadeko would be a huge card captor sakura and fruits basket fan hachikuji would answer "boku no pico" and when you ask her what that is she would say "oops I flubbed it, I meant boku no hero." she likes shin-chan shinobu likes sonny boy & chainsaw man (she keeps up to date with seasonals) sodachi is also really into evangelion, 3-gatsu no lion, haibane renmei, and serial experiments lain karen loves haikyuu and psycho-pass tsukihi likes mushishi and rakugo ononoki is a ghost in the shell enjoyer, but only because that's what kagenui has been watching kaiki enjoys akagi & secretly madoka magica gaen izuko knows everything about monogatari, but only gaen tooe understands all of monogatari tadatsuru liked the ghost stories dub better than the original oshino does not own a TV but he used to like great teacher onizuka ougi watches a lot of stuff but when it comes to it, you can't beat a classic like doraemon
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yrsonpurpose · 7 months
I assume that if a scene is otherwise perfect besides a line flub they’ll just fix it with adr. and obviously they didn’t do that for this scene because it was deleted. same with how the cornetto scene isn’t color corrected
true. but even with all the movie magic dubbing that line would've looked odd bc you can clearly see nick's mouth moving. there were 7+ takes but they chose to post the one with nick messing up it just makes me laugh akfkf
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dazecon · 10 months
Dumb Ways to Die! Kagerou Project Edition - https://www.twitch.tv/thefabhawk
Dubs and flubs: Ayano's Theory of Voice Acting - https://www.youtube.com/@dubs_and_flubs
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lil-kissy · 11 months
Princess Tutu arguably has one of the best opening lines ever to anything I've ever watched.
"Once upon a time there was a man who died..."
Like aight that sure is a way to kick things off and get your attention
Dub also has a Blooper reel which honestly I think more anime need to keep doing/ adding on to dvd releases.
love hearing all the mistakes, flubs or general goofing around behind the scenes.
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lampmanliveblogs · 2 years
So, in certain countries "Do you want to go out with me?" was translated to "Let's dress up and travel together!" As some people pointed out not exactly less gay sounding if the goal was censorship. Although I do wonder if someone might have flubbed translating the English idiom of "going out".
I once heard it said that we shouldn’t ascribe to malice that which can be explained by incompetence. And believe you me, some translators are, ah… that. Incompetent. Ask me about the Swedish dub of Steven Universe sometime. Actually, don’t, we’ll be here for hours.
Now, ”going out” is not exactly an obscure idiom, so someone whose job is literally translating stuff from one language to another screwing that up seems to strain credulity. Then again, I’ve seen some bad dubs with questionable translation work, so I might be willing to believe someone could screw up that badly.
If the intent was to censor The Gay though, then good luck. It’s gonna take some very creative editing to make that happen.
For those few that might be curious, I actually managed to find a clip from the Swedish dub of that scene HERE.
And it is… fine. Good enough. The soul of the scene is there and I don’t mind the voice acting.
Now, THIS horrid thing on the other hand? My poor boy, what did they do to you? I showed my sister that clip (she’s a huge fan of TOH). Ten seconds in and she tried to kick me in the stomach.
”Hejsan skurkar!” is how I’m beginning my next liveblog.
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magpiejay1234 · 1 month
I guess I can talk about the Takato/Juri relationship, but Konaka flip-flops with it, and given the later canon stories he wrote for Tamers timeline, I'm pretty sure he felt rather disappointed that he didn't default for the main guy/main girl ship with Takato/Ruki. Kind of shame really, considering how well the relationship is written.
Also, though Konaka put lots of thought to Ruki's character for the early part of Tamers, it seems some of the remaining resentment from Adventure 02's production left their mark, since he didn't realize her initial arc is kind of a speed-run of Ken's Kaiser storyline. This gets funnier since due to executive meddling, we insert Ryo to Ruki's story, just like how we did with Ken.
In the same vein, given Willis's later characterization in the 02 post-canon stuff, I wonder if there was some weird cross-pollination between his character, and Jiangliang's. Jiangliang's later characterization in the aforementioned post-canon Tamers works is quite different, so I suspect there has been some cross-pollination, but that didn't stick of course.
Of course, we may need to discuss about Guilmon. Its design was made way before Tamers, during Adventure 02 era, same as other main Digimon (of course, besides Impmon, rest of the partner Digimon are straight up Adventure era Digimon that didn't get much screentime, so Toei could reap the merch, and use old character reference artwork). However, in-canon its design is humorous, since it is literally an older-looking Agumon, but with Devilman wing ears, and Unit-01-like Berserk Mode. Of course, as others noted, it is indeed one of the edgy Virus-Types, used by the Adventure villains, and Ken's partner Wormmon. Considering Devilman inspiration for most Devil Man Digimon, this implies Takato reads Go Nagai's very erotic stuff, and outside of his friend circle, is actually an edgelord. He is truly the Digimon fanbase's collective manifestation.
Another thing, though the Dub is more explicit about this, Takato, and to a lesser extent, his friend group, are supposed to represent the cross-media aspect of Digimon, specifically the animé, and toy merch, similar to how Ruki represents the TCG, and Jiangliang represents the video game part. JesuOtaku's commentary would give you to wrong idea, as it is true that there are no explicit references to Adventure besides Hirokazu's shirt (and Cathode Tamer reference in the Japanese original), but it is pretty obvious that is what being referenced. The fact that they don't explicitly reference Adventure is a good thing, though, since otherwise the cast would be too savy about the upcoming events (and basically undo most of the plot before it occurs), but there would be big continuity flub with Ryo, bigger than the currently existing one. (Ryo was planned to be added to third series beforehand, but Konaka's statements imply he didn't initially know this, so this obscuring of Adventure references was likely not planned in advance.)
That said, if by random chance they gave the option of making a Tamers reboot to Atsuhiro Tomioka, I can immediately expect for him to make an entire season about these weird continuity flubs, and make Tamers gang too genre savy, only for them stumble into weirder stuff, turning Tamers from Evangelion for Kids to RahXephon for Kids. (Also Tomioka would probably give all the Devas their Ultimate/Mega forms to match Andiramon, just like how he expanded various antagonist Digimon lines in the Adventure reboot.)
Another thing to notice, which we briefly mentioned, is of course Guilmon's creation is directly reused by YGO GX for Neos cards' creation. I don't know how much of a popular trope this was in 2000s, the fans of the franchise bringing their OCs into their reality to become major parts of franchise in-universe, since both YGO, and Digimon utilize a lot of fan art contests for making new cards, obviously less so these days, due to legal complications.
Big difference, of course, Guilmon was designed as the protagonist partner Digimon way before Tamers was greenlit, whereas Neos, and its associated cards were designed in part to look like a fan's creation, with Neo-Spacians referencing DC's Super-Friends alongside various older animé, and Western Animations, and Neos predominantly referencing Ultraman in-universe, despite being conceptually, and visually based off Guyver.
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bluepoodle7 · 2 months
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#Illbleed #MyQuestionsAboutTheGame
I wish the creator of Illbleed was still alive.
I would ask him a ton of questions about this game like this and what promotion did Michel Waters get the invitation cards from?, what Eriko's true Id card age is?, & what was the Jp commercial?
Images not mine but links are there.
Illbleed Review for Dreamcast (2001) - Defunct Games
Nice☆Gay on X: "When you get into combat in Illbleed a heliport appears, if you press B quickly you'll escape the fight cuz Illbleed http://t.co/63FvP635XE" / X (twitter.com)
Where the IV drip was in the beta build but was removed with other characters in use.
SharkBloodRan on X: "Illbleed fact #8: in some Dreamcast Magazine scans from 2000 there are some screenshots of prerelease screenshots of specific levels more specifically Home run of death and a slightly different shot of the platforming area in revenge of queen worm #Illbleed #IllbleedSweep https://t.co/uU43bpNzNd" / X (twitter.com)
Panic Stretch 🏳️‍⚧️ on X: "continuing with illbleed. I've made it further through the first level. This game is certainly making MY heartrate go up too. XD I know where most of the traps are in this level and yet a lot of them have still gotten me. I'm a baby. XD #illbleed #Gameplay https://t.co/pZji7HoCaY" / X (twitter.com)
Some Illbleed gifs and cutscenes I found on X
Mikeke352🎮🏳️‍🌈 on X: "There's a surprisingly large amount of gifs out there for Illbleed considering it's such an old, obscure game. There aren't any really for D, Enemy zero, or D2. https://t.co/r7AUtF29yh" / X (twitter.com)
kinoposting on X: "@BruhmaneClapped ILLBLEED IS THE FUNNIEST GAME OF ALL TIME Sadly it's also janky and most people don't get passed the first level, like I doubt you will even play you gotta commit to that shit here's the full cutscene the gif is from https://t.co/Ivv3Krfd3Z" / X (twitter.com)
Diamond Feit 💎 ✨ ♥️ on X: "@Brelston toiletattack.gif #illbleed https://t.co/0pkdUmcVP0" / X (twitter.com)
Nice☆Gay on X: "Illbleed-Shower-Zombie.gif #LaqGif http://t.co/j0D1Efl74u" / X (twitter.com)
🪨 Geop! 🪨 on X: "Thinkin about Illbleed again https://t.co/3M0dJKRyR2" / X (twitter.com)
Obscure Video Games on X: "Illbleed (Sega - Dreamcast - 2001) https://t.co/988Dryaob8 https://t.co/Z5COcZb8su" / X (twitter.com)
SharkBloodRan on X: "Illbleed fact #5 Originally in the Japanese version of Illbleed there was going to be a full dub of the game in Japanese before later being subtitled with the english audio track, the only remnants of this audio is from the only September '01 build. #Illbleed #IllbleedSweep https://t.co/nmAncRBjQW" / X (twitter.com)
Rocky on X: "That part in IllBleed where the narrator flubs the reading but they keep the take in kills me. https://t.co/2CjmVahB8K" / X (twitter.com)
SurrealandCreepy on X: "One of the many traps in Illbleed. https://t.co/784Cpsmsai" / X (twitter.com)
Dracula Spelled Backwards on X: "#31SpookyFuckingGames Illbleed, a survival horror game on the Dreamcast that tracks things like adrenaline, heart rate, etc. You have to maintain it all so you don't die of fright while also avoiding traps/scares. Each stage is a different b-horror movie trope. https://t.co/d4k5O62EMn" / X (twitter.com)
Chris Jabberwocky on X: "#MDT5K is extremely happy to release our first episode of ILLBLEED - the wacky Dreamcast horror game, with special guest @EllynResident on commentary along with myself and @vanessasketch - will we finish it this time? We shall see 😆 #letsplay #retrogaming https://t.co/WMQh56Sr8N https://t.co/NEwaL1ZAxi" / X (twitter.com)
Illbleed - Stealing Hand (youtube.com)
Some cool Illbleed stickers I randomly found.
4x6 Illbleed Cuties Sticker Sheet - Etsy
FallenParty on X: "Eriko Christy - Illbleed #リョナ #ryona https://t.co/GUQm243CKT" / X (twitter.com)
Dreamcast - Illbleed - Character Related Sprites - The Spriters Resource (spriters-resource.com)
Mom on X: "Illbleed VR https://t.co/zb5ZHn34KX" / X (twitter.com)
Matt Bartlett VA🎙️ on X: "Thinking of making Illbleed 2 so me and @BoondockJoker can voice act in it. Thank you for your time. https://t.co/UNXeoiARju" / X (twitter.com)
SharkBloodRan on X: "3. in the E3 2000 build of Illbleed there is footage of an early version of Home Run of death shown off, one of the most interesting things about this version is that it has a fight with Rachel (the Giant worm) from the second level. https://t.co/tXFFEVKOtx" / X (twitter.com)
Captain OptiJams on X: "Wise Illbleed tree https://t.co/VSAQewNyFP" / X (twitter.com)
Zinny | Commissions Open on X: "@j0tpla Why the tree lookin like he's from Illbleed? https://t.co/yYDyHSXlBV" / X (twitter.com)
𝐋𝐨𝐰 𝐏𝐨𝐥𝐲 𝐃𝐞𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 on X: "𝘔𝘪𝘳𝘳𝘰𝘳 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘰𝘶𝘭 (Illbleed - Dreamcast, 2001) https://t.co/oOjNU1ZbZB" / X (twitter.com)
🧿w🧿 on X: "obscurevideogames: hitchpussy: Illbleed (2001) (Sega - Dreamcast) https://t.co/g6pg0ELVJl https://t.co/R48rTBeTlP" / X (twitter.com)
💉🫀🥩 on X: "ILLBLEED STRATEGY GUIDE (2001) https://t.co/K4HnLRHjhm" / X (twitter.com)
💉🫀🥩 on X: "ILLBLEED (DREAMCAST, 2001) https://t.co/bktDz0U20K" / X (twitter.com)
Callum/🦊/Calzum on X: "@stopskeletons bonus Russian bootleg illbleed for ya too https://t.co/xuyycmqEMO" / X (twitter.com)
John Andersen on X: "Of course they were giving away a Blue Stinger jacket and poster, but no Hassy? https://t.co/PQjsbTUQKf" / X (twitter.com)
Sean-Paul on X: "@JohnAndersen21 Hell yeah https://t.co/fmVB5wc20I https://t.co/SORT34UH5t" / X (twitter.com)
SharkBloodRan on X: "Illbleed Fact #9: This is another article discussing the switch between Climax Graphics to Crazy games during Illbleed's Development which was around the time when Sega dropped from Publishing the game. #Illbleed #IllbleedSweep https://t.co/uOcSraD13B" / X
SharkBloodRan on X: "Illbleed fact #4 in early builds of Illbleed there is footage of Kevin hanging around Homerun of death and usually sporting the "Randy" name on his health which could imply that Eriko and Kevin were originally the starting characters at the start #Illbleed #illbleedSweep https://t.co/CjDttdabzf" / X
SharkBloodRan on X: "#IllbleedSWEEP https://t.co/PqvLtuoXtw" / X
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lcpmon · 2 months
i fought for my life trying to get another clip of the german dub bc the only clip on yt was so bad i had to hear more. and it isnt even horrible in this scene. i think they just flubbed that one clip with poor and clunky direction
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runimanio · 4 months
2024 Game Clear #11 Mega Man ZX Advent
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This is largely the last mega man platformer that I hadn't played and beaten yet- there are some technically like maybe ill suffer through the DOS games sometimes and also if you count Mighty No. 9 as a mega man game then yeah I haven't played those yet but its pretty much just RPGs and oddities at this point. It also obviously the last game in the Zero/ZX collection that i had yet to clear which is significance because that collection is what started this misguided attempt to slowly playthrough every mega man game back in 2021 so to have that collection completely behind me now is kinda crazy.
I played through this twice doing a Ashe run and a Grey run respectively and while the changes are pretty minimum I am glad i did because I think I would've left with a little bit of a bad impression if i didn't replay it due to external stuff making me frustrated during the end game, cause me to play bad, making me even more frustrated! My Grey playthrough was much smoother, a good reminder that sometimes these games are better the second time after you know what your doing and man yeah this game rules.
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What an improvement from first game, in the first game it very much felt like the search action game design and the Mega Man game design were getting in each other ways and not really melding together well. It feels a lot better balanced here. I will say that I think the overall aesthetic™ is a little stronger in the first game but y'know that comes at the cost of getting across the map being a pain so it's a fair trade.
It's also kinda nice to have a subseries that deals in the X series terminology of Reploids, Mavericks, A-Trans etc without being super bleak at all times lol.
This story does feels like it was written more for Grey than Ashe, I didn't really understand why Ashe- the non amnesic was so desperate to learn her past when her intro seemed to set her up as someone chasing the future rather than the past, so it's a bit odd
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The voice acting pretty funny though I've been quoting Thetis's "I won't give up💅" to my friends a lot. looking through the folks involved it seems to be alot of Shenmue alumni or are only credited on this, one of the actors I looked at had credits on the original dub of Symphony of the Night, Shenmue, Baten Kaitos & X7 the forest gump of cheesy game dubs. But this honestly it isnt anywhere near the worst mega man voice acting out there, nobody audibly flubs their lines and like the best cheesy dubs there alot of line delivery that are pretty memorable im sure if i grew up with this game would live in my head like dubs such as Sonic adventure and Beyblade do. I mean even only playing this twice Atlas's "History of the world, History of the war" got stuck in my head just because it's odd rhymical delivery.
Also Zero and X's X7 actors are in this cast but not as model Z and X I just think that kinda funny.
Shame that we'll probably never return to this world in a meaningful way because I still have alot of questions about this world: What's Ciel up to? I'd love to learn more about the biometal holders, is Thomas teased plan related to Legends? since the other Biometal holders survived the crash does that mean Model Z is alive and other enemy control?, will we ever address Model A just being Axl? so many possibilities for the future of this story
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starryneitz · 6 months
Tumblr would've adored Flub-a-Dub in the 50s
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Real blorbo material right here
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