#Feel free to tag some posts as romantic tho as long as it doesn't include Hyun-Su ships they're huge discomforts
sweethome-thoughts · 2 years
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More onion headlines bc they really are the funniest thing to do on earth
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11x13kyle · 9 months
hi feel free to ignore this if you ain't taking asks about this topic anymore. but i feel the need to rant. I saw a post that went something like "If you like one sided kyman you are still a kyman shipper" and I'm like huh???? like.... yes I headcanon Cartman has some fucked up crush on Kyle. no, that doesn't mean I'm rooting for them to get together romantically??? and I'm sure as fuck not comfortable with seeing kyman fanart and fics for personal reasons I do not wish to delve into
but yeah curious to hear your take on this. hope you are having a great summer tho
i’ve seen this take many times and it always pisses me off because it reflects a larger issue to me which is that it feels like many people only know how to analyze media through a “shipping” lens and nothing else. this isn’t to say shipping isn’t fun, it totally is, but it’s frustrating because it means that if you want to talk about other nuanced relationship dynamics there’s an assumption that you’re shipping by default and not just like. observing patterns.
so like with the one-sided kyman/cartman crush thing — i feel like there is a lot in the show that leads me to believe that cartman has some kind of fucked up crush on/obsession with kyle. at the same time, kyman makes me viscerally upset and uncomfortable to see and i have all the tags that feature it filtered for my own peace of mind. and i have been told by people that these two things are contradictory because it’s “still shipping” which makes exactly zero sense to me. the way i see it, shipping is inherently a two way street and has to involve attraction on either side, and it also involves me (the viewer/reader/etc.) enjoying the act of imagining them together. shipping to me does not include looking at a character’s behavior and going “huh. that character seems to have a weird thing for the other character. fucked up!”
and fandom aside, let’s put this in a real life context for a second so i can really just emphasize how silly this take is: imagine some guy has a crush on you and you hate him, absolutely despise him, but you know that he has a crush nonetheless. you tell your friend the objective fact that he has a crush on you and your friend replies “EW! i can’t believe you want to date him!! oh god that’s disgusting, what’s wrong with you???” even though you never even hinted at reciprocating. this would be really odd, right? we all know that one person being attracted to another person doesn’t equal a relationship in reality, why can’t that translate to how we view media? shipping isn’t the be all end all of analysis!
sorry this got long, it will happen again and again. and i am having a great summer, i hope you are too!!!! :]
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theintrovertbean · 1 year
Tumblr now officially hates me, so I have to post this again AGAIN. I wonder who's tiddies I have to suck for my posts to show up in the tags.
Sorry for posting everything twice, but that's the only way @yourguyrai can simp for me.
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Hello there 👀
I think it's pretty much canon that Nadia has like zero experience with romantic relationships. Not sure about sexual relationships, tho, but MC definitely isn't her first.
I tried to take on a more realistic approach, which means that it's not all sweet and cuddly, but instead, it includes some issues that could happen to anyone. Sexual incompatibility is a dealbreaker for many people, but I think Nadia and MC could make it work due to the wonderful love they share. (But please, correct me if I'm wrong at any point.)
I like this request a lot, and it is very inspiring! Thank you, and I hope you'll enjoy it!
Also, your MC seems very interesting and I'd love to learn more about her! I really wonder how her background would connect her to The Arcana's storyline.
Nadia with an MC who has low libido
Nadia is undeniably horny for MC, but she noticed that their sex drives might not be the same very early into their relationship. Still, she wanted to make sure, so she and MC had a conversation about it.
The Countess is a very understanding woman, and she takes the news calmly. MC's low libido is not a surprise to her. She asks MC if there are any things that she shouldn't do, if there are some things that might make them uncomfortable, etc. They needed to set some boundaries, and Nadia was okay with it. Boundaries are necessary for every relationship anyway.
At first, Nadia struggles a little. She knows that a low libido doesn't mean no sex, but she still feels nervous and frustrated. Nadia would never pressure MC into anything, and she is afraid that MC would agree to have sex only because of her and not because they want it, which would be no fun. The fear of rejection would also generate some anxiety in our favorite Countess, and that's a no no.
Nadia would feel insecure at some point, which led to another conversation. I must emphasize that Nadia is an insecure woman. She is aware of her outer beauty, but inside, she is someone who has gone through a lot. Her first marriage failed, and throughout her entire life, she felt like she was never enough. That does horrible things to a person.
Nadia needs reassurance to make this relationship work. She needs MC to tell her that they love her, they're attracted to her, and that none of this is because of her. Nadia needs to know that she is enough.
They would also have to find other ways to be intimate. Of course, sex isn't the only way, but with a libido as high as Nadia's, it can be very important to some, and that's valid. During the evenings, when they are both free, maybe they could read together or create something artistic.
Cuddles. There would be lots of cuddles and sweet kisses.
Eventually, it is not really that big of a deal for them. Nadia is a busy Countess, and a busy Countess is a tired Countess. Many times, she would be too exhausted to even think about sex, so it is nice that MC would not shake her awake in the middle of the night for a quickie.
If MC initiated having sex once in a while, Nadia would be over the moon. I imagine their sex would be a slow, passionate lovemaking rather than a quick fuck. Nadia would definitely want to savor the moment.
Also, Nadia would masturbate a lot. Even the sight of MC is enough to turn her on, and she would much rather take care of herself than pressure MC into anything. Needless to say, she thinks about MC whenever she touches herself, moaning their name as she comes.
In the end, no matter what happens, there is never any pressure. They'd find a way. I just know it. As long as both Nadia and MC love each other the same way, their relationship will work out.
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