#February 15 for a Vendor Booth!
ultrainfinitepit · 4 months
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I will be at @sjmade-blog's Friend Fest this weekend! Friend Fest will be February 24-25 11AM to 5PM PST. Located at South Hall (435 S. Market Street, San Jose), it is an all ages, indoor venue with free admission. There will be lots of door giveaways and fun activities as well as a ton of vendors! More details including about parking is available on the SJMade website.
I will have a few special deals for Friend Fest:
My usual discounted convention prices for all items.
A big box of pick-your-own seconds pins.
Free collar chain with purchase of any two standard grade pins.
Free postcard with every purchase.
And last but not least, I am running a stamp rally with @royarach and Dream Vale Studios! If you spend $15 at each of our booths you will get a gift bag with a gift from each of us. You'll find a random pin and postcard from me in each bag.
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Here are some of the pins I'm planning to bring; along with these I'll have stickers, prints, keychains, patches, and sticker books!
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If you're in the area I hope to see you there!
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downtoearthmarkets · 4 months
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Millions of people will shower their beloved with gifts and flowers next Wednesday, February 14th. But you might want to hold the red roses, as a survey by the National Confectioners Association shows that a whopping 94% of us would prefer to receive chocolate and other sweet treats on Valentine’s Day. It’s no surprise that chocolate has become synonymous with this holiday, because it’s not only delicious, it also possesses health-promoting, mood-boosting and euphoria-inducing qualities.
Chocolate has been enjoyed on this continent for thousands of years, dating to as far back as 1500 BCE. It was first consumed in ancient Mesoamerica, or present-day Mexico, by the Olmec who formed the earliest major civilization in the region. These indigenous people discovered they could transform beans from the Theobroma cacao tree into chocolate through fermentation, roasting and grinding. The unsweetened chocolatey drinks, gruels and other concoctions they produced during this process were used in ceremonial rituals and medicinal treatments.
Despite advances in manufacturing and refinement, modern day chocolate production remains very similar and still employs many of the same basic elements as it did back then. And, while there are now several different varieties to enjoy–with a brand-new one bursting onto the scene as recently as 2017 with the introduction of ruby chocolate–the three main types of chocolate are as follows: 1. Milk Chocolate Milk chocolate is by far the most popular kind of chocolate, with close to half of Americans (49%) expressing partiality for its smooth sweetness and silky texture. Classic milk chocolate is made by combining cocoa mass (a dark paste made up of cocoa solids and cocoa butter) with sugar and milk, and often contains soy lecithin to prevent ingredient separation. According to the FDA definition, milk chocolate must contain at least 10% chocolate liquor and 12% milk.
If you’re looking to indulge your Valentine in the creaminess of a milk chocolate but without the dairy or carbon footprint of commercial chocolate, slowcocoa craft chocolate has just the bar for you! Their Original 57% Zorzal Milk Chocolate is 100% vegan and made with only four organic ingredients -- cacao, cane sugar, soymilk and cacao butter. Beyond its delicious soy milkiness, this bar packs a surprisingly nuanced set of flavors thanks to fine-quality Dominican cacao sourced directly from smallholder farms in the Zorzal Reserve. Named for the rare songbird Bicknell’s thrush (zorzal in Spanish), Zorzal Reserve is an organic co-op that is a pioneer in sustainable agroforesty and cacao harvesting in the Dominican Republic.
2. Dark Chocolate Dark chocolate has surged in popularity in recent years thanks to widespread coverage of its health benefits, including high levels of minerals and antioxidants. Most high-quality dark chocolate contains no dairy and is typically made from only two ingredients – cocoa mass and sugar. According to the FDA definition, dark chocolate must contain at least 15% cocoa mass, but usually contains closer to about 50% which lends it its darker hue. The bittersweet and semi-sweet chocolates commonly used for baking are dark chocolates, usually with a lower percentage of cocoa mass. Dark chocolate with a higher percentage of cocoa mass will often list what percent of the bar comes from cocoa bean vs. sugar or other flavorings on its packaging, with a typical range between 55 and 85%.
Down to Earth’s baked goods vendors incorporate dark chocolate in many of their scrumptious products. Delight your Valentine with a box filled with breakfast pastries such as chocolate chip scones from The Sconery NYC, chocolate croissants from Wave Hill Breads and Orwashers chocolate rugelach. Plus, a visit to Luxx Chocolat is not to be missed, so be sure to stop by their booth next time they’re in the market! This award-winning Master Chocolatier uses fine category, couverture dark chocolate to create exquisite collections of artisan chocolates and gourmet confections featuring locally sourced ingredients.
3. White Chocolate Unlike its brown counterparts, white chocolate is made from cocoa butter but contains no cocoa solids and is often flavored with vanilla. Per the FDA standard, white chocolate must contain a minimum of 20% cocoa butter and 14% milk solids with a maximum of 55% sugar.  
Slowcocoa’s Almost Heaven White Chocolate contains high-quality, organic cacao butter sourced from Camino Verde, Ecuador that carries many of the complex flavors and health benefits that give darker chocolate its chocolatey prowess. This creamy white bar is made from only three simple ingredients – cacao butter, cane sugar and soymilk. If you prefer a more oaty-type of goodness, be sure to try their Cloud of Oats White Chocolate Bar that contains gluten-free oats in lieu of soymilk. All slowcocoa products are vegan, gluten-free, certified kosher, handcrafted and hand-wrapped with love in the Bronx using only 100% compostable materials.
Now that we’ve provided a little background on what makes chocolate so very special, we hope you have fun this weekend shopping in the market for all things sweet and heart-shaped. And we wish you and your favorite someone a happy and delectable Valentine’s Day!
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February 3
Today was long, exhausting, disappointing, and full of small treasures.
Worked another booth today. It was 40 minutes away in a gas guzzling truck from the 80/90s that screams when it turns (if it turns). The event was full of vendors, was well advertised, but only about 15-20 people/groups came through. Sold 2 things today.
But! I bought 2 plants, 2 small crochetted stuffed animals, and eas gifted a 3D printed T-rex. Maybe I'll edit later to post social media for them, but I'm far too tired now (or include in a new post).
I also got to have dinner with my 2nd set of parents today (unofficial adopted/extended family/network thing). We spent a lit of time catching up, I got to know them better, and we spent a fair bit if time talking about mental illness, what eating disorder recovery is like, and the trans experience. Definitely, definitely more work to be done. But I believe they are starting to enter the stage of "trans people aren't harming anyone, sometimes some kids need to experiment and phases are okay, and some people change to find their happiness." So bare minimum acceptance, but it's definitely progress! 🤞
I will have a lot, a lot of catching up to do tomorrow! In chores (laundry, dishes), hobbies (gotta keep my plants alive!), and schoolwork (6 chapters to read, 5 pages of respondes to write, and a 2 page analysis report to write. And working on my term paper if I have time), and my social life! (I have to text my long distance best friend and I owe my close distance best friend some gaming hours)
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ripthemiclive · 1 year
Rip The Mic Live Femcee Showcase Live in Houston, TX Wednesday February 15 Showtime 9:00pm-2:00am Bar 2200 (2200 Southwest Fwy) Hosted by Mr. Impress + Myss Lovie Co-Host: HTown Phats | Jones Da General | Semaj The Consultant ▬▬▬▬▬ Female Artist Only! Welcoming All Female Artist and Talent to perform their original music and creative works. For more info 701.502.2346 ▬▬▬▬▬ $10 Admission (Online/At Door) Drink Specials All Night Hookahs Available Food Menu Available Tables/Booths Available Free Parking Available Vendors Welcomed ▬▬▬▬▬ Follow Rip The Mic Live www.ripthemiclive.com www.facebook.com/ripthemiclive www.instagram.com/ripthemiclive www.twitter.com/ripthemiclive ▬▬▬▬▬ #RipTheMic #RipTheMicLive #ImpressEntertainment
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costumecollege · 1 year
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Costume College 2023 is now accepting Marketplace Vendor Applications! Calling all Vendors who sell patterns, trim, accessories, jewelry, and/or books that would appeal to the attendees of Costume College!!! The application to set up a booth at Costume College 2023 is now available. Applications closes February 15, 2023. For information on how to apply, see our website at www.costumecollege.net . . .
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starlightrows · 3 years
Something Sweet
Chapter 1 - Spring Festival Funnel Cakes
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Series Masterlist
Pairing: Modern!Paz Vizsla x fem!reader
Word Count: 2.9k
Warnings: None!
Summary: Spring has sprung and business is booming and the community is celebrating with a weekend long festival... that you get to spend attending a vendors booth next to the handsome baker from down the street
The depths of winter in a place where it snows is not the ideal time to be moving your whole life and business. But you didn’t have much of a choice, you had already gotten the business license taken care of, the storefront purchased, and suppliers lined up. And with the lease on your apartment being up, it’s now or never. So with a small moving truck full of your belongings all packed up, you set off towards the city to finally chase your dream of opening a flower shop.
Your new apartment is nice, a bit smaller than your previous one but that comes with living alone in the city on a tight budget. But still it’s a one bedroom and it’s enough for just you. The storefront is beautiful. It’s located downtown in what you had assumed was a historic district of the city, but somehow is not classified as such. The buildings are lovely red brick exterior with large open windows for passers by to peek in, with quaint awnings over every door. Your store is located on the corner, with plenty of space to set up floral displays and hang potted plants in the windows. Come spring time this is going to be amazing, and beautiful and everything you dreamed of. You just hoped that others would think so too and come shop there.
By the time mid February rolls around there is still snow in the mountains, and the occasional rain and snow storm that blows through the area but it’s not as bad as when you first moved. Your apartment is coming along nicely, and your store is looking pretty good as well. You’re hoping to open by March 1st, but that’s still two and half weeks away. You’ve got plenty of time to finish painting, assembling shelves, figuring out how to want to arrange your displays, and set up the black board you’re planning to use to decorate the wall behind the checkout counter. You thought it might be fun to use chalk paint to decorate it for the various seasons, write specials, and do holiday countdowns.
You’re a little frustrated with yourself that you weren’t able to get everything in order to be open this weekend. Valentine’s Day is the prime time of the year for a flower and botanical shop. But spring is coming and that means birthdays, weddings, prom season, graduations, date nights, Mother’s Day and spring decorating! But for today it’s just you, a pair of worn overalls and a sweater, and a little can of paint for detailing the floor boards inside the shop. No flowers or valentines dates for you this year. You did see that there was a nice looking bakery a little ways down the street, maybe you could pick up a little treat for after dinner or some nice bread for making fancy toast.
Just the thought of it makes your mouth water, and your tummy rumble. Maybe you could make it an afternoon snack instead. You cap the lid to the paint bucket, and wash off your hands in the sink in the back. It’s not actively snowing but it is freezing outside, so you pull your jacket on over your sweater and lock the shop up behind you. You steal a quick glance at it, admiring how well it’s coming along, before you tuck your hands into your pockets and make your way down the street to the bakery.
It’s getting on in the afternoon, and the bakery isn’t very busy at the moment. But you’ve seen the lines in the morning when the bread is fresh out of the ovens, hopefully there will be something left for you.
You pull the door to the bakery open and step inside, glancing up at the sound of the tinkling bell that alerts the man behind the counter to your presence. He’s probably the tallest, broadest, burliest man you’ve ever seen; and then he smiles at you. It’s a smile that takes up his whole face, and lights up his eyes.
“Hey, welcome in” his voice is deep and sweet. You can literally feel your heart skip a beat and you almost forget why you came in here.
“Hi, I was hoping you might have some pastries or baguettes” you say, approaching the counter. He seems to blank out for a second, because he doesn’t answer you immediately.
“Uh- no sorry no pastries. But I do have a couple of French baguettes left,” he says. You’re a little disappointed about the pastries, perhaps you needed to come in earlier in the day. He pulls a baguette from the bread counter and offers it to you in a long parchment bag.
While he rings up your bread, you take the time to look around at his displays and other breads. “What’s your specialty?” You find yourself asking, thoroughly impressed with the wide variety he has to offer.
“I’m really proud of my ciabatta rolls,” he says earnestly “but I’ve been working on a new roasted tomato and herb crusted bread that excited about,”
You smile at his enthusiasm, it’s great to see people who are passionate about their craft. “I’ll have to come back and try it when you’ve got it figured out,”
You thank the kind man, and step back out into the cold to make your way back to your shop. Instantly you regret not asking for his name, but then again he just works down the street you’ll find out eventually.
February passed by in an overcast and sometimes snowy daze. You are able to meet your deadline and open your new store on March 1st. It’s finally a little sunnier on your opening weekend and just that simple fact has people outside and milling about. People are anxious to usher in spring, and there is no better way to brighten up the tail end of winter than by having fresh flowers, lush green house plants and aesthetically pleasing succulents around to decorate your space. Your entire store front is practically picked bare by the end of your first day! Good thing you get fresh deliveries every day, and have a fully stocked back room to replace all your wares for tomorrow.
Business slows down just a touch, but you’ve still got steady foot traffic for most of the day all through the spring. The weather is warming up, and the days are getting longer. Prom season is coming up and you’ve already pre cutting ribbon and bulk ordering corsage boxes. Graduations will be coming up soon too, you make sure to mark on your calendar when the local schools ceremonies are so you can have bouquets and lei ready in time.
One warm afternoon in April it’s a little slow and you’ve already swept the store, washed the windows inside and out, and potted 15 new plants in the back; so you take a well deserved break by standing behind the counter and reading a book. The bell on the door chimes and you look up to see a woman wearing jeans and a polo shirt with the city logo embroidered on the chest.
“Hi my name is Jennifer I’m with the city’s Parks and Recreation department,” she introduces herself and offers her hand to shake. You smile and accept her hand, giving your name as well.
“I’m stopping by all the local businesses to give you this” she hands you a flyer “the city’s annual spring festival is coming up at the end of May. Traditionally we bring in food trucks and invite arts and crafts vendors from the area to come sell their pieces and get some exposure, in the last couple years we’ve been expanding it to other local businesses too. There’s more information on the website to sign up to get you a booth if you’re interested. I think having a plants and flowers booth would be perfect for the spring festival”
She stays to chat about the festival for a couple minutes describing how fun it is to see all the local artists showing their craft, children getting their faces painted, live music, picnicking, and coming together as a community to celebrate the change in seasons.
“This city really comes alive at community events,” she tells you “Free concerts in the park in the summer, cultural learning events, fun runs, around the holidays we have a big Christmas tree lighting ceremony and winter carnival, don’t even get me started on how much this city goes all out for Halloween!”
Jennifir leaves after another couple minutes of excited chatter about the various events put on by the city, and continues on down the street to invite your business neighbors to attend the festival as vendors too. The whole interaction leaves you thrilled at the opportunity to advertise your business, make some more money for the shop, and be part of the community! Your long forgotten book is tucked away in favor of pulling out your laptop to register yourself with the city planning committee to participate in the festival.
The next few weeks you work extra hard to get through prom season, and put in more hours than usual to get everything prepared for graduations as well. The days tick by in May. Mother’s Day is an amazing weekend, you put up a temporary photo shoot wall for mom’s, daughters, grandmothers, or really anyone to come in and take a picture with a flower wall backdrop. Another amazing success full of happy smiling people!
Finally the weekend of the festival arrives, people from the city have been cleaning up the park and working their tails off to get everything perfect for the event. A massive stage is erected in the park, the usual parking lots are lined with enclosed pop up tents for the vendors selling hot foods, extra trash cans are placed everywhere, and early Saturday morning the local businesses are arriving with their SUV’s and vans full of goods to set up their tables.
You are among that crowd. Busily working to get your table set up under a pop up tent for shade, your flowers and potted plants ready for display, making sure you have enough cash for making change in transactions, and cardboard boxes to help people carry their new plant babies home with them.
All around you other local businesses are setting up their booths too. You recognize a few of them that you’ve visited already, but you’re looking forward to seeing more of them. Beside you, you absolutely recognize the tall, broad, and exceptionally handsome man that owns the bakery down the street from you. Spending the whole weekend stuck next to eye candy, and artisan bread… even if you didn’t sell a single flower this weekend at least you’d have a good view.
The morning is warming up, people will be arriving soon, your coffee long since gone. You steal a glance over at the man carefully arranging his bread displays. He glances over at you too, and grins at catching you staring.
“Morning,” he says cheekily
“Good morning,” you reply, going a bit warm in the cheeks.
“Flower booth for a spring festival? I think you’re in the running for making the most profit this weekend,” he jokes looking at your pretty flower displays and cute potted plants. You laughed a little and eyed his selection of breads hungrily
“I dunno, people don’t want to carry around a heavy plant all day. But they do want to snack on some delicious bread,”
He laughs, and extends a hand to introduce himself. “I’m Paz by the way,”
You shake his large hand and tell him your name as well. It’s a firm handshake, worn hands and strong forearms presumably from kneading bread dough. The thought makes your tummy flutter, and your heartbeat quicken.
And so it begins. The two of you pull up chairs at the edges of your pop up tents, and spend the whole day laughing, talking, interacting with customers and making sales. At the end of the first day, he sends you home with a loaf of bread with Asiago cheese baked into the top, and you gift him a pretty green succulent and promise him they are almost impossible to screw up taking care of.
The second day of the festival is much the same, except this time he brings you a breakfast sandwich he prepared ahead of time.
“If you wouldn’t mind, I need a taste tester. I’ve been thinking about expanding my menu to add breakfast sandwiches,” he tells you with a shy smile. You gladly accept the sandwich and have to control yourself not to make embarrassing noises when you taste it.
“You made this from scratch?” You ask, taking another bite
“Well I made the bun,” he says, unwrapping his own homemade breakfast sandwich
“If you start selling this, I promise you’ll put places like Starbucks out of business,” you tell him “honestly, I’m gonna have to start coming down there every morning before I open,”
In his head, Paz thinks that would be an absolute dream to have you come see him everyday. But that’s not the kind of thing you tell someone you met 24 hours ago, so he settles for something else instead
“How far is your shop? Maybe you can have your breakfast delivered,”
“You didn’t know?” You ask “I just opened my shop on the far corner of the street your bakery is on. I actually came in to try your bread a couple months ago,”
Paz is a little embarrassed, he knew a business moved in down there but had no idea it was your flower shop. “No way! I remember you coming in to the bakery, but I had no idea you worked down the street,”
“To be fair the store wasn’t open yet, and I somehow managed to forget to introduce myself,” you tell him.
Just like the day before, the two of you spend the day laughing and chatting in between greeting customers and promoting your respective businesses.
In the early afternoon a man with shaggy dark hair, sun glasses, tattoos and a very cute little boy wearing a green bucket hat came over and started making conversation with Paz. He glanced over at you.
“Have you met Din yet?” Paz asks you “He owns the tattoo parlor across from the bakery,”
You smile and shake his hand, you see his little boy eyeing your selection of plants. “Do you want to pick one out buddy?” You ask the little boy, he nods enthusiastically and chooses a little pot with the beginnings of a strawberry plant in it.
“Shorty and I were just gonna go grab some funnel cake before we head home for nap, I just stopped by to see if you wanted some,” Din says
“Yeah, that would be great!” Paz says.
Din turns to you, and extends the same offer. You politely decline, claiming there’s no way you’d ever finish one on your own.
“You can split one with me,” Paz beams. Din nods and leads his son off into the crowd to acquire the sweet treats.
“I can’t believe you haven’t met everyone yet,” Paz says “We all get together on Tuesday nights after hours for beers,”
“Who is we exactly?” You ask, sitting back down in the folding chair the festival committee had generously provided.
“Most of the shop owners on our street, and a couple of others from around the corner. They actually convinced me to move out here and start my business a couple years ago,”
“I had no idea there was such a community amongst the business owners around here,” you admit.
“You’ve gotta come meet everyone next week,” he insists “You’ll fit right in!”
Your heart warms at the sentiment. One of your big fears moving to the city was not knowing anyone and struggling to find a new group of friends. This could be promising!
Din and his son make their way back and come sit behind the tables with you and Paz. You and Paz do split the funnel cake, and have a grand time chatting with Din and his little boy.
“You’re telling me you’ve been in business for three months and haven’t been dragged into the group? You’ve gotta start coming to Tuesday night drinks,” Din laughs
“So I’ve been told. I think you boys have convinced me, I’ll be there on Tuesday,” you laugh. Paz and Din give a little cheer.
“Everyone will be so excited to meet you! But until then I think the little stinker needs to get home for a nap,” Din says scoops up his sleepy son who’s been dozing in his dad’s lap for the last 15 minutes “I’ll see you Tuesday,”
Din gives a one handed wave and disappears back into the crowd.
The remainder of the afternoon is a bit slower, the last remaining festival
“I’ll come down and pick you up so you don’t have to show up on your own,” Paz offers “Besides I need to check out your shop!”
“Awe! Thank you, that would be great!” You reply, a subtle warmth blooming in your cheeks at the thought of him coming to visit your shop.
Your heart does somersaults in your chest. He’s so sweet and kind. And he’s inviting you to be part of his friend group. That has to be a good sign, right?
Taglist: @maybege @gallowsjoker @simping-for-clones @mxndoscyarika @hayley-the-comet
AN: This whole story, but this chapter specifically is very special to me. The city this story takes place in is based off of the two cities I have lived in, in my life. I grew up going to festival that takes place in late spring, that’s really important to the town I was born and grew up in... and the new city that I moved to as an adult is known for its public markets on Saturday’s where local vendors sell their flowers and their baked goods. I am just days away from moving back to my home city (temporarily) and due to covid I didn’t have the opportunity to attend the public market the last two years in a row. I don’t know if I’ll get to participate in the spring festival in my hometown this year.
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nwbeerguide · 4 years
Hopwired Festival 2020 hosted by West Craft at the Croatian Cultural Centre
Hopwired Festival 2020 begins February 29 2020 at the Croatian Cultural Center in Vancouver, Canada. Entry starts at 1:00pm.
Featuring local, national, and international craft beer and third-wave coffee. Hopwired encourages partnership between craft beer and coffee roasters to make beverages that are fruity, flowery, tangy, spicey, nutty, chocolatey, sweet, sour, soft, mild, and strong.
We have selected some of our favourite breweries and roasters to team up with each-other and bring you some of their best offerings. Patrons at the event will be able to taste the beer, and also the coffee that’s been used in that beer alongside their partner brewery.
Hopwired is focused on coffee. We also offer food trucks, donuts, and water by Element H20 to give your palate a break so that you can be nourished and enjoy your day.
Expect live interviews and tastings with brewers and roasters hosted by Aaron from CASCADIAN.BEER. With over 15 years in the broadcast industry in three countries, Aaron’s podcast stands out from the others and recently ranked as high as #2 in Apple Podcasts for craft beer. His background includes interviewing Paul Hadfield of Spinnakers, Canada's first brewpub in Victoria, to small up and coming breweries like Steel & Oak, Dageraad, and Propolis. Aaron recently interviewed industry leaders of a national scale like Charlie Papazian and other leaders in the Brewers Association.
We end the night with a special presentation from the Vancouver Coffee Snob. His unique style of writing has been called 'bold', 'unique' and 'worse than my 5 year old’s best efforts". He vehemently denies that his writing is bold and unique. Expect a coffee fueled energy award show that can only be described as bold and unique.fe
Start browsing the list of coffee and beer vendors at www.hopwiredfest.ca starting in December 2019
Early-bird General Admission Tickets go on sale Saturday, August 24th 2019 at 9:30am PST. Early-bird General Admission Tickets are $45 (plus taxes and fees) and permit event entry at 1:00pm PST and dismissal at 5:45pm PST with no later than 5:30pm PST with last drink served.
All event tickets includes all-inclusive beer, served at 4oz per serving, and all-inclusive coffee. All-inclusivity of beer is subject to change, based on current liquor serving rules and regulations by the Ministry of the Attorney General and the regional liquor inspectors.
On January 7th, the tickets increase to $65 (includes taxes and fees).
Due to our limited tickets and the media traction we have received in the past and the scope of our unique event, we recommend you buy immediately as we are expected to sell out of tickets very quickly.
The festival makes no guarantee that any particular beer or brewery or coffee or coffee roaster will be pouring or available the entire festival. Some beers and coffees will sell out faster than others. Your ticket does not guarantee any specific beer nor does it guarantee any specific coffee. Tickets and tokens will not be refunded. All beers and coffees pouring will be available to General Admission Ticket Holders Entrance starting at 1:00pm PST until they sell out and/or by event day's end. Each beer vendor booth and each coffee vendor booth reserve the right to hold back beers and coffee.
The festival makes no guarantee that the liquor license permits all-inclusive drinking. 
Hopwired, Hopwired's Vendors and Sponsors, West Craft and the Croatian Cultural Center hold no responsibility if any patron gets burned from hot liquid or steam. Please use discretion with hot beverages.
Designated drivers ("Coffee Only") tickets receive special wrist bands with access to water and coffee provided by the festival's water sponsor Element H20 and it's coffee vendors. We ask all attendees to plan ahead, drink responsibly and arrange a safe ride home. There is a skytrain nearby. Please DO NOT DRINK AND DRIVE.
This event is 19+ only - no minors allowed. Two pieces of ID will be required for entry. Please bring your universe ticket with you to the event for entry. Serving it Right Rules apply. Any person appearing intoxicated will not be allowed entry to the festival. We reserve the right to have security remove unruly and/or intoxicated persons from the festival at our discretion.
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Paws at the Park March 9 - Apply by Friday, February 15 for a Vendor Booth!
Dogs of all paw sizes are invited to participate in the Paws at the Park event on Saturday, March 9 from 9:00 am to noon at Vila Borba Park, 17001 Amadora Dr. The free event includes little dog races, a dog fashion show, a best trick contest, and more. http://www.chinohills.org/CivicAlerts.aspx?aid=1956
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lattlyjanoh26 · 5 years
Paws at the Park March 9 - Apply by Friday, February 15 for a Vendor Booth!
Dogs of all paw sizes are invited to participate in the Paws at the Park event on Saturday, March 9 from 9:00 am to noon at Vila Borba Park, 17001 Amadora Dr. The free event includes little dog races, a dog fashion show, a best trick contest, and more. http://www.chinohills.org/CivicAlerts.aspx?aid=1956
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hgorjano6 · 5 years
Paws at the Park March 9 - Apply by Friday, February 15 for a Vendor Booth!
Dogs of all paw sizes are invited to participate in the Paws at the Park event on Saturday, March 9 from 9:00 am to noon at Vila Borba Park, 17001 Amadora Dr. The free event includes little dog races, a dog fashion show, a best trick contest, and more. http://www.chinohills.org/CivicAlerts.aspx?aid=1956
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losenjano993 · 5 years
Paws at the Park March 9 - Apply by Friday, February 15 for a Vendor Booth!
Dogs of all paw sizes are invited to participate in the Paws at the Park event on Saturday, March 9 from 9:00 am to noon at Vila Borba Park, 17001 Amadora Dr. The free event includes little dog races, a dog fashion show, a best trick contest, and more. http://www.chinohills.org/CivicAlerts.aspx?aid=1956
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grapjano26 · 5 years
Paws at the Park March 9 - Apply by Friday, February 15 for a Vendor Booth!
Dogs of all paw sizes are invited to participate in the Paws at the Park event on Saturday, March 9 from 9:00 am to noon at Vila Borba Park, 17001 Amadora Dr. The free event includes little dog races, a dog fashion show, a best trick contest, and more. http://www.chinohills.org/CivicAlerts.aspx?aid=1956
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ruthhays052 · 5 years
Paws at the Park March 9 - Apply by Friday, February 15 for a Vendor Booth!
Dogs of all paw sizes are invited to participate in the Paws at the Park event on Saturday, March 9 from 9:00 am to noon at Vila Borba Park, 17001 Amadora Dr. The free event includes little dog races, a dog fashion show, a best trick contest, and more. http://www.chinohills.org/CivicAlerts.aspx?aid=1956
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hhfjanot26 · 5 years
Paws at the Park March 9 - Apply by Friday, February 15 for a Vendor Booth!
Dogs of all paw sizes are invited to participate in the Paws at the Park event on Saturday, March 9 from 9:00 am to noon at Vila Borba Park, 17001 Amadora Dr. The free event includes little dog races, a dog fashion show, a best trick contest, and more. http://www.chinohills.org/CivicAlerts.aspx?aid=1956
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hantljano26 · 5 years
Paws at the Park March 9 - Apply by Friday, February 15 for a Vendor Booth!
Dogs of all paw sizes are invited to participate in the Paws at the Park event on Saturday, March 9 from 9:00 am to noon at Vila Borba Park, 17001 Amadora Dr. The free event includes little dog races, a dog fashion show, a best trick contest, and more. http://www.chinohills.org/CivicAlerts.aspx?aid=1956
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sorejano9 · 5 years
Paws at the Park March 9 - Apply by Friday, February 15 for a Vendor Booth!
Dogs of all paw sizes are invited to participate in the Paws at the Park event on Saturday, March 9 from 9:00 am to noon at Vila Borba Park, 17001 Amadora Dr. The free event includes little dog races, a dog fashion show, a best trick contest, and more. http://www.chinohills.org/CivicAlerts.aspx?aid=1956
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