#Fallout tv
studioghibelli · 2 days
bloody knuckles | 18+
a cooper howard x reader
summary: a vengeful ghoul, a torrid past, two souls lost in the wasteland- a bond forged in survival is a bond that is forever unbreakable, and yours has stood the test of time. until your betrayal ruins it all.
warnings: brief canon typical violence, themes of guilt & betrayal, a lot of angst, maybe a slow burn? idk if it can count as that, a lot of smut, (face sitting, piv, unprotected sex, spitting, cannibalistic metaphors, one sir kink, etc.) obviously a lot of deviations from the original plot of the show, etc. (long word count: 6.6k)
note: i didn't spell check this or have anyone beta it or anything. any inconsistincies or errors are all mine. enjoy! xx
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The first time you had met him, he held a gun to your forehead and asked if you had seen a woman by the name of Barb. He remembered the way you looked, wide eyed like a doe in the headlights of a truck, your pretty blue jumpsuit stained with blood that neither of you were sure was yours.
He didn’t see you for another decade after that fateful meeting, and when he did, you looked the exact same.
This time, the second time he met you, he stared at you from across the streets of Filly, eyes low beneath the brim of his hat. When you walked up to him, he wondered aloud: What kind of moisturizer are they keepin’ down in them vaults? You had smiled at his comment, and offered to buy him dinner with a bag full of caps.
After that, another ten years passed.
Cooper wasn’t one hundred percent sure where you would go, but he knew each time, the years between dripped slow like molasses. He had met you on ten different occasions, and on those ten different occasions, you disappeared for a decade and came back to him looking the same. He wasn’t sure how you did it, but his curiosity fueled part of his survival, and each time he would ask you questions, they were all cleverly designed as off handed remarks or old Southern quips.
He watched you, like a predator stalking their prey, pupils blown black like stones of onyx. The Ghoul was always waiting, watching, listening with intent, perked ears ready for you to slip up and feed him slivers of the information he so desperately craved. Yet, despite his approaches, you gave him nothing, not even a dry bone that he could nibble at.
It was almost like you knew what he was trying to do.
After hunting you for so long, wondering where you would disappear away to, he had become consumed with the thought of knowing you to completion. He was viciously enamored with the idea of learning your secrets, and would look for years on end for you like a feral dog sniffing out carrion.
Cooper wanted to pick you apart, he wanted to take your organs out, feel your heart beating- he wanted to know you, inside and out, in the most macabre and consuming of ways. He wanted to bloody his knuckles with your viscera, feel it dripping down his throat like nectar. He wanted to know what you tasted like, what all of you tasted like, what your neck felt like beneath his teeth.
For Cooper Howard, you had become his guiding light in this Wasteland. When the nights grew lonelier, when the settling weight of reality crushed down on his chest and he began to wonder if he could ever find his family again, your eyes would flash into his mind. He would become ignited with desire, a desire he had not felt for many, many years.
A desire that, truth be told, scared him.
For many years you were his stars- the very light which guided him in an otherwise dark and uninspired world.
He had ten years to ruminate on the aforementioned facts, and the next time you saw him, everything was completely different.
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Today, the sun was beating down hotter than usual. The sand beneath the soles of your worn boots sizzled like the embers of a fire. In the distance, a swarm of vultures were cawing, picking apart the bones of those who did not make it.
It had been so long since you were inside your vault.
“You continue to fail us.” The council’s words were at the forefront of your mind, loud and clear. “Again and again we put our trust in you, and again and again, you fail. Your mission was clear. This go around, you’ve failed for the last time. Your crime befits the worst of all punishments: permanent banishment to the surface.”
It had been so long. So many decades had come, so many decades had passed. The years were convoluted, more theory than memory at this point. Who you were, who you used to be- none of it mattered.
None of it mattered, especially not now. You could hardly remember what the vault rations tasted like, you could hardly remember what the television static sounded like. But if there was one thing you could remember, it was your favorite movie.
“There’s an old Mexican eulogy. Feo feurte y formal. Means he was ugly, strong, and had dignity. Well, Joey… I’ll give you two out of three on that front.” You whispered the lines to yourself over and over again, twirling your imaginary gun and shooting at no one in particular.
With a heaving sigh, you leaned yourself up against an old, worn stack of car tires, looking out at the barren desert. The heat was radiating off of old sheets of metal and forgotten car hoods, useless puddles of radioactive water sizzling with diseases you had probably never heard of before.
For the first time in a long time, you felt completely helpless. The Ghoul was nowhere to be found, the Vaults had completely shut you out, and the only other people you had met on the Wasteland wanted to fuck, kill, or eat you.
“Feo feurte y formal.” You muttered, again and again, until you crashed beneath a barren tree, face first in the sand. You laid there until you felt your face burning red hot, pulling away to cough up whatever grains had managed to make their way into your mouth.
“Water.” You whispered, your fingers digging deep into the sand. You remembered a documentary you had watched, before all of this, that showed a man digging into the sand to hit water. Perhaps that’s what you could do. You began digging with what little strength remained of you, and soon tears began picking at your eyes the deeper you got, the realization that you would die in the barren wasteland heavy on your shoulders.
“Fuck.” You whined, grabbing a fistful of sand and chucking it. “Fuck!”
There were footsteps behind you, a familiarity to the sound of the boots they wore. You didn’t care. If they wanted to kill you, so be it. You would die anyway, your fate had already been signed and sealed.
You pulled your dirty hands out of the well you had made, fruitlessly at that, leaning your forehead against the trunk of the cracking tree.
“If you’ve come to rob me, I have nothing.” Your voice surprised you. Bitter, rough- completely different than your usual cadence. With each passing day, your vaultie lifestyle seeped from your bones, and you knew it was futile to nurse it back- it was gone for good, never to return.
“Well, well, well, what do we have here?”
That voice.
Your eyes fluttered shut, the golden warmth of familiarity draping over your body. For the first time in what felt like forever, you smiled.
“Cooper Howard.” You whispered, tracing a line with your nail down the chipping bark.
“It’s been a while, sugar. Turn around, give me somethin’ pretty to look at.”
A hoarse laugh escaped you, and you shook your head. A stray piece of hair fell from where you had it tied back, and you pushed it behind your ear, using all your might to stand back to your feet. Everything hurt, everything ached. You had never felt like this before, and it scared you.
“Not this time, I’m afraid.”
You turned around, meeting his gaze. His face stood unwavering, and a smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. A sly, arrogant, perfect smile.
“The fountain of youth dry up or somethin’, pumpkin?”
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It had been twenty years since the first bombs had dropped. And you, asleep in your metallic cocoon, were blissfully unaware of this. You were told by your boss, Barb, to take a pill and climb in to the bed, that your slumber would take you to the future, that you were special, and had a bright journey ahead of you.
Her smooth talking did wonders, and you had no qualms with her request.
As one of the up and coming employees of vault-tec, you had proven yourself as a worthy, intelligent, integral member for their plans.
The end of the world was an incredibly easy thing to profit from, and you were going to be sent every decade on a mission to see the effects of radiation, the way the surface dwellers mingled, and you were to report back any unusual finds.
Today was your first day out of the vaults. Your very first mission.
Bright eyed and full of hope, you stepped out of the vault with a pack of supplies and a shining smile. You had been jaded by the company you worked for, and with a mind sweetly rotted by their ideas and promises, you knew you would do anything for them, for their agenda.
It was on this trip you met him for the first time. Cooper Howard. Hollywood star, your favorite actor, and the crowning jewel of vault-tec commercials. How could you not recognize him? Despite wanting to run up to him and ask him your laundry list of questions, such as: Why aren’t you down in the vaults? What’s happening with your skin? Where’s Sugarfoot? You kept your lips sealed and followed the main rule of your mission: Give nothing away.
The air was hotter than anything you had ever felt before. It covered you like an unwanted blanket, and left you dampened in a sheen of your own sweat, dripping down your temples with every step you took.
In the distance, you heard the hustle and bustle of a settlement, the first you had ever seen, and with a newfound smile, made your way over.
It was dingy and crumbling, constructed by crates and boxes, various vendors lining the foul smelling streets. The stench of shit and burning food filled your nostrils, and the crowded lanes filled you with a sense of claustrophobia you had never experienced before. And for a Vaultie, well…. that was saying something!
“I got fried roach over here! Fried roach! Ma’am, may I interest you in some fried roach?”
“Dog meat! Come get your dog meat! Fresh off the grill!”
“We’ll give you caps for junk. Did you hear me folks? Caps for junk!”
You ignored the vendors trying to sell you things that you would never, ever, buy in a million years, attempting to ignore their calls and shouts. You kept note of everything on your pip-boy, trying your hardest to hide it from wandering eyes. In the distance you saw a parcel of land that wasn’t crowded, and quickly made your way over, happy to have some respite from the chaos.
Resting on a chair was a darkened figure, their face hidden by the brim of a low cowboy hat, worn and dusted. A pair of large hands, the backsides beginning to slowly pull apart to make way for rough, ugly patches of toughened flesh, were whittling the tip of a stick.
“Excuse me?” You called out softly, hesitant to step forward.
“Better go on and get out of here, girl.” His voice was low and familiar, and your stomach tightened at his tone.
“Um…. I just…. I have some questions I want to ask-” You stumbled over your words as you struggled to get your sleeve off of your pip-boy, wanting to document the man.
His eyes, beneath the brim of his hat, noticed the device around your wrist, and in record time he had you pressed to the ground with a gun to your forehead. In this position you saw his face, and your eyes widened with the realization of who it was.
“What… what are you- what are you turning in to?” You couldn’t stop the question from rumbling from your mouth, eyes wide with horror or awe, you weren’t quite sure. His gun to your forehead was an afterthought, your eyes entranced by his new appearance.
There he was. Cooper Howard. The silver tongued, gun slingin’ cowboy from your favorite films, now a victim to this haunting wasteland. His skin was slowly pulling apart, his upper lip scarred with the color of burnt umber. His beautiful eyes, those dark orbs of hazel, were becoming hollowed with sunken sockets, and his nostrils were chipping away. And yet, despite it all, he was still Cooper, not yet gone.
He ignored your question, speaking through bared teeth. “Have you seen a woman named Barb? Do you know where she is?”
Of course you did. She was your boss, she had been enclosed right beside your capsule, peacefully asleep with her darling Janey beside her. But you had signed your rights away, your life now belonging to Vault-Tec and the mission they had given you. You wanted to tell him, you really did. But you had a duty to your employer.
Despite your inner morals begging you to tell him the truth, you quickly shook your head. “N-no. I don’t know who that is.” You whispered, gulping thickly.
Cooper’s eyes flashed with an image of guilt, and he released you, pulling you up as he stood back on his feet. “I’m sorry. I’m…. losing my mind in this world. I didn’t mean you no harm, miss.” He dusted his hands off on his pants, scratching at the back of his neck.
He opened his mouth, offering you a branch of kindness. “You need some water, little lady?”
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"-No, no, no. That ain't no answer, princess. You know better than that." He was dangling the flask above your head, a shit eating grin stretched across his mouth.
The Ghoul towered over the space where your body had collapsed upon, your knees imprinting with the gravel and sand beneath you, prickling at your skin and leaving deep indents. You looked up at him, eyes pleading, as his gloved fingers grabbed ahold of your chin.
The position was almost erotic. Perhaps it was.
"Now, I'm gonna ask you one more time. Or else I'm going to pour all this water out and make you lap it up like a dog. Got it?"
You groaned in annoyance, nonetheless nodding.
"Damn, Coop. I thought we were friends."
"We are." He responded, a Cheshire cat smile illuminating his features. "I wouldn't give anyone else a chance as good as this one, little lady."
You scoffed out, a deep sigh rattling your body. "Fine. Fine!" You tossed your arms up in a final act of resignation,
"Good girl." He pat your cheek, crouching down to your level.
"Now, why are you aging all of the sudden?"
You stared into his sunken eyes, searching his irises for any sort of emotion. He remained steadfast, his fingers gripping tighter into your flesh.
"Need me to countdown for you?"
"God Dammit Howard, no, I don't need you to countdown for me. I'm not a child." You scoffed, chewing on the inside of your cheek. "Fine. I... no longer have access to the.... thing that made me stay young."
"Thanks for the detailed answer." Cooper scoffed, tilting the head of the water bottle towards the ground. A stream of water fell from the tip, and you cried out in annoyance.
"Fine! Fine, Coop! I got fired from my job as a researcher for the Vaults and they kicked me out and now I can't sleep in my pod for ten years anymore!" You shouted in one breath, causing Cooper to laugh in pleasure at your outburst.
"Alright, alright. Here you go." He handed you the bottle and you took it with both hands, chugging at that sweet, sweet water until you were sure you were going to drown.
He snatched it away from you, leaving you hanging.
"Who else is in the pods?"
"People important to Vault-Tec." You muttered. "But, I-I don't know where they keep everyone." You explained, blinking up at him through heavy lashes. "Honest." You lied straight through your teeth, and Cooper sighed, running a hand down the back of your head.
"Alright girl. Go on and get up." He grabbed your hand, helping you to your feet. He started walking, and you called out to him.
"Can I come with you?"
"Unless you want to just sit there and die!"
You chased after him, grabbing ahold of his harm. "You walk too fast, hey- stop it, you're walking too fast. Chill out for a second."
"Fuckin' vaulties." He grumbled, and you couldn't help but let out a breathless laugh.
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By the end of the night, you two had pitched a camp in an abandoned store, a fire crackling in the little room you had made yourselves comfortable in.
"Got some wrinkles now, you know." Cooper pointed at the corner of your eyes with his knife, whittling a stick he had found on the way in. A sense of familiarity rushed over you at the scene, and your meeting many moons ago filled your mind. You couldn't help but grin, before scoffing at his comment.
"I'm not elderly. I'm only-"
He cut you off. "Don't care how old you are, darlin'. Just tellin' you like it is." Cooper shot you a wink.
You took in a deep breath, sucking in your cheeks as you drew shapes into the dirt you were sat upon. "So... what have you been up to out here?"
The Ghoul scoffed. "Tryin' to make small talk?"
"Um... I don't know what else to do."
"We can sit in silence."
"Or..." He began, looking up at you with a smirk. Cooper dropped his knife and the piece of wood, shuffling towards you until your shoulders were touching.
Your breath hitched in the back of your throat, his ungloved fingertips tracing over the side of your eyes.
"Or what?" You asked quietly, barely able to take in a breath.
He had a devilish gleam in his eye, and you knew something was stirring around in those thoughts of his. He leaned forward, his forehead nearly pressing in to your own, and traced over every feature of your face.
"Or we could sit here and talk about all those damn wrinkles."
"Shut up!" You snapped, pushing him away. He laughed to himself, tickled he got you, and sighed out in contentment. You looked at him, and a smile broke out on your face.
"I'm just jokin'. You ain't even that old." He slapped his knee through his giggles, laying back on the ground with his arms behind his head.
You stared at him, scooting closer to his body as his eyes fluttered shut. For a few moments you weighed your possibilities, before damning them all to Hell and crawling into the alcove of his body.
He didn't stop you. He let you rest your head on his shoulder, and soon a limp arm fell across your waist. When you looked up he was glancing down at you, eyes heavy with the promise of sleep.
"It's good seein' you again."
You nodded. "Yeah."
"Yeah." He confirmed.
You stared up at the ceiling of the collapsing roof, a stream of moonlight beating through a wide crack. It seemed as though all of the stars were out tonight, silver and sparkling, like millions of diamonds stuck in the sky.
The sky was what you looked forward to the most each time you left the vault. You didn't have views like that down beneath the ground.
"Pretty, ain't it?"
You nodded.
Cooper nodded beside you, his fingers tracing shapes into your side. You felt his gaze upon your body, and when you turned to him, you realized how close you two were. If he had a nose, it would have been pressed right in to yours. The thought made you grin.
He looked at you as though you were an entirely new being, a new thing he had never laid eyes on. You shuddered when his hand grazed your cheek, finding a resting spot against your face as his warm thumb drew circles into your skin.
The Ghoul cleared his throat, his brow ridge furrowing as he tilted his head.
"What?" You asked quietly, blinking away your confusion.
"You're just... hmm." He tutted his tongue against the roof of his mouth, as though he were weighing out what he should say next. "You're just beautiful."
"Do y'all not get your ears checked down there? Damn."
"Sorry. I'm just... I- that was not what I was expecting you to say."
"I can be nice."
"There's a first for everything." You murmured.
"I love firsts." Cooper breathed out, his breath hot against your face. He smelled like aged leather and gunpowder, and it was intoxicating.
Your lips were so close, almost touching, and you swallowed a thick gulp that had lodged itself into your throat.
"I do, too." You whispered.
"Thanks for the confirmation-"
"Shut up." You closed the gap between your mouths, lips melting in to his own as you kissed him. It was a frenzied kiss that had been brewing for hundreds of years, a kiss that tethered your soul to his, a kiss that was more intimate than any sort of sex you had had within your lifetime.
A kiss shared between two creatures with an unspeakable, perhaps even unbreakable, bond.
Cooper held you close to him, dragging you on top of him until you were straddling his waist, one palm flat against your back while the other held your neck, holding you close to his face.
His tongue swirled against your own, a hungry grunt escaping from the back of your throat as he explored you, his tongue pushing so far in to your mouth that you wondered if he was trying to taste your heart.
"You're delicious." Cooper whispered into your mouth, his fingers knotting in to your hair and tugging you down until your cheeks were squished together, so close and tight together that you were worried your bones might break.
Cooper was a hungry man. He was starved. Ravenous for your body, your taste, your touch.
"Take this fuckin' thing off." He ordered, tugging at the zipper of your suit. You obeyed without hesitation, standing up to kick it off. "No underwear? Naughty."
"I let it breathe." You joked with a shrug of your shoulders, returning to sit on his lap.
"No, no. Here." He demanded, and you watched as his finger pointed to his face.
Your stomach erupted with butterflies as you blinked rapidly, your bottom lip catching between your teeth.
"Ain't got all century, princess. Hurry on up."
With a breathless laugh you climbed over him, slowly lowering yourself down until you were practically straddling his face like a saddle, your hands cupping the sides of his head as you positioned yourself.
A moan left you as his tongue licked a strip up your pussy, the tip of his muscle dipping in and out of your slick folds.
"All for me?" He hummed against you, his hands holding your ass, massaging your flesh with his calloused touch.
"Always." You whimpered, grinding yourself down upon his mouth.
Cooper pulled his tongue away from your lips, moving to focus on your clit. Oh, he had been waiting for this. He had been craving this. For what felt like millions of years, all Cooper wanted to know was what you tasted like. He wanted to pull you apart in the most intimate of ways, he wanted to dive deep within you, deeper than anyone else had ever dared to go before. If he could, he would take you to the height of pleasure, he would introduce you to pleasures only he knew of.
The Ghoul would have given you the world if you asked, and he knew how foolish he was for it, how stupid he was.
The one woman who had let his guard down, the one thing he let enter in to him after all these years in the middle of nothingness, in this wasteland of ash and bone.
Your cry of pleasure knocked him out of his thoughts, and he became aware of his motions, of his tongue lapping at your sweet cunt, soaking your taste up like a sponge. Your arousal was dripping on his cheeks, smearing across his chin. He would drown in you if you could, and he would die a happy, well fed man.
"Fuck, Coop."
The only person in the world he allowed to call him that anymore, the only person left alive who knew of who he was, what his mission was, what journey he had found himself on.
In you, he had found a companion, a confidant. He trusted you with his life.
Oh, if only he knew the secret you were harboring, the guilt that sometimes became so unbearable you felt as though you were suffocating. If he did, he probably wouldn't be doing this.
"C'mon girl, soak my face." He rubbed his face deeper between your thighs, lips sucking on your clit like a mad man.
You grinded yourself against him, head thrown back in pure euphoria. "Right there, right there, right there." You chanted his name like a song, a promise, a prayer. In this moment he was everything to you. You were both wrapped up in the same red spool of fate, and it had bound you together like tar and feather.
When your orgasm finally washed through you, he shoved his tongue deep within you, lapping up every drip of your cum. He moaned in to you, his fingers digging deeper into the cheeks of your ass as he brought you down further on to him, so tight he could hardly breathe.
"Fuckin'-" The rest of his words were muffled into your cunt, and you shakily pushed his head away, letting out a huff of air.
"Jesus." You fell down beside him, staring up at the sky once more. His hand fell to your thigh, his rippled flesh dragging up and down your soft, supple skin. It was an unorthodox dichotomy, but one you welcomed
He pressed a kiss to your bare shoulder, pulling you closer when he saw you shiver.
"You're the only person out here I give a flyin' fuck about." He confessed quietly, deeply, his voice barely audible.
"I know." You muttered, your cheek pressing into his own. He held you close, his touch warm and welcoming, foreign and new. Your own fingers traced shapes down his clothed chest.
It was an odd sort of intimacy that you had never expected from him, and in that moment you realized that beneath this monster, there was still a man. A man who was touch starved, a man who used to be a little boy who played outside on tire swings and kissed his mamma, a man who had a family, a man who had morals and dreams and laughed at dinner parties and smoked cigars. The Ghoul wasn't a ghoul at all.... he was still a man. He had always been a man.
It was a realization that had just overtaken you, a realization you had never pondered before.
You looked up at him, your hand resting on his scarred cheek. He placed his palm over your knuckles, and you stared at one another, an unusual feeling lingering in the air.
"Wanna fuck?" He finally spoke, and your stomach tensed at his words.
"Please." You breathed out, eyes fluttering shut.
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It was the fourth time you had met him.
It had been sixty years since the bombs had dropped. Or had it been Eighty? Perhaps even one hundred?
As you walked, your head spun. You weren't too sure how long you were asleep this time, everything felt different.
Once Bud, in his stupid little brain jar, had caught whiff that you had met the Cooper Howard, now turned in to a radioactive ghoul, he had changed your mission.
"Now, new order of business. He's your main priority. Find him, bring him to us. He'll be a valuable asset in divulging the secrets of the surface." You remember the cheerful voice beckoning you forth on your quest. You remember how constricted your chest felt when you got the news, how horrified you were.
It felt like a curse, like a demotion.
You had already been lying to the Ghoul about not knowing Barb. Now you had to hunt him? Abduct him?
Ha! As if you ever could. Cooper was always three steps ahead of everyone else. He was cool, collected, and could sweet talk (or shoot) his way out of any situation. You had watched him blow people’s limbs off, kill gangs of raiders, take down monsters- you had watched this man destroy, maim, kill.
Compared to him, you paled in comparison. He was a formidable foe, and a respected ally.
You knew you couldn’t follow through with the mission.
So you didn’t. And you didn't for sixty more years.
When you met the Ghoul this time, he was skinning some animal, plucking his teeth with a piece of bone. Every so often he would pinch something out of the carcass, tossing it in his mouth and swallowing.
"Is this what you do now? Eat animals raw?" You asked, walking towards him. You felt queasy at the scene, the plight of surface dwellers unknown to your very different, very sterile lifestyle.
"I knew you'd be showin' up soon." The Ghoul drawled out slowly, almost sweetly, eyeing you with a glimmer in his eye.
"Oh yeah?" You purred, your boots clicking against the hard ground.
"Could smell ya."
"What do I smell like?"
He sucked in a rush of air through his teeth, looking up from behind the brim of his hat with dark, distant eyes. "Sugar."
You smiled, stopping in front of him. "Is that so?"
"Mhm." Cooper dragged his tongue across his teeth as he looked up at you, a hungry tint coloring his eyes. He looked as though he wanted to devour you. A dribble of blood trickled down beside the corner of his lip, and you watched him scoop it up, pressing it to his tongue.
He shot you a wink, beckoning you forward with a finger, his gaze steadfast and unwavering.
The look he gave you was engrained into your mind as you parted ways, and while you slumbered in your metallic grave, the Ghoul visited your dreams, over and over, until you woke up ten years later with the sweet taste of his words on your tongue, and the sound of his voice ringing in your ears.
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It was eighty years since the first bombs had dropped, and your naked back was pressed against the dirt, hair tangled around the rocks and twigs that were scattered about. You had a fistful of mud from grasping at nothing, pleasure coursing through your body like alcohol at a party.
A drop of sweat was forming beside his brow, the languid sound of flesh on flesh filling the air. It trickled down his cheek, landing on your own.
"Fuckin' shit." His teeth bit down into your shoulder, fingertips digging into your thighs as he held you tight against him. "Can't believe we waited this long."
"Jesus Christ, Coop." You gasped, back arching off the ground. "Right there."
His cock, thick and long and perfect, was buried deep within you, your pussy tightening around his shaft with every thrust he made.
Coop pressed his forehead against your, his tongue pressing against your lips. You parted them, allowing access to your mouth. He happily obliged, his tongue mingling with your spit. He growled like an animal, pulling away to grab your face in his hands.
"Open." He snarled, lip raising as he watched you intently.
"Yes sir." You happily obeyed, your lips parting. You watched him purse his lips, a string of spit falling onto your tongue.
"Good girl. Good girl." He purred, holding up your thighs as he fucked himself in to you.
"For you." You whined, palms dragging down his chest.
"Yeah, that's right, darlin'. Just for me." The Ghoul was snarling through gritted teeth, his fingers imprinting deeply into your skin, nails nearly breaking skin.
Always for him. Of course it was. Of course you were.
It was the reason why you couldn't betray him to Bud. It was the reason why you couldn't shoot him, drag him down to the vault.
It was the reason why you had sought after him each time you left your pod. It was the reason why you crossed the wasteland just for the chance to see him.
Because you loved him.
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The night air was cold on your naked body, and your arms wrapped around your torso did little to ease the nipping pain.
The sky wasn't as starry as usual, a dark, barren canopy hanging above your head. The fire in front of you was dying, and the moon looked more gray than silver.
You knew what you must do. You knew what was required of you, a mission of your own.
It had been two years since you were kicked out of the vault. Two years since you felt as though your world was ending.
Now tonight might be the night it actually did.
You heard the clack of his boots against the ground, the heavy sigh that heaved off of him with each step he took. His hand brushed against your shoulder as he walked towards the fire, collapsing tot he ground in front of you.
"What a fuckin' day." The Ghoul groaned, tossing a skinned rabbit onto the dying flames. He dug through his bag and lit a match, tossing it onto the embers. A new flame sparked to life, illuminating his face with colors of peach and umber.
With a little nod you returned to your thoughts, blinking slowly.
"Clothes still dryin'?"
"Yeah. Takes forever."
"Tellin' me. Remember that time those dogs tried attackin' us, and we were both butt fuck naked?" He pondered the memory with a snigger, and you couldn't help but laugh, your stomach tumbling as your guilt grew heavier and heavier, twisting and gnawing at your intestines.
He dug through his pack, grabbing a spare vial and inhaling it deeply. "Want a hit?"
You blinked, considering it for a moment.
"I'm okay."
"That's alright, darlin'." He shot you a wink, tossing the empty contained behind his shoulder. "So," Cooper began, stretching out, "what've you been up to since I've been gone?"
"Oh, little bit of this, little bit of that."
"Sounds excitin'." His eyes were narrowed, and you knew he could smell that there was something off about you.
Your tongue dragged across your lower lip, and you took in a deep breath. "Coop, I gotta tell you somethin'."
He looked up from where he was picking his nails, clearing his throat with a furrowed brow. "Okay..."
"I- before all of this.... I-I knew your wife."
Cooper scoffed. "Uh, yeah. I put those two pieces together myself, darlin'."
"Pretty self explanatory. Vaultie appears and disappears, says she's on Vault-Tec business. Come on now, don't take me for a fool."
"I-... alright."
"Anythin' else, sugar?"
"What are you goin' to tell me this time that I supposedly don't know?" He laughed at his own joke, his eyes lit with the flames of the fire, burning a soul straight through you.
"I-" You couldn't stop the tears from welling in your eyes.
In one moment, a hundred years of guilt came crashing down, racking through your body and rocking your soul like plane turbulence. You gasped out quietly, and Cooper quickly rushed to your side.
"Breathe in, come on now." He patted your back gingerly, and your eyes widened in panic.
"Don't touch me! Please. You- after this... oh, God."
With an inquisitive look he pulled away, his palm barely lingering over your shoulder. You watched his jaw clench, lip pulling up with the hint of a scowl.
You turned to him, ripping the band-aid off. "I know where your family is."
His features fell, lips parting. For the first time in a long time, the Ghoul was unable to speak. Nothing came to mind as his brain short circuited with this information, his face soon wrinkling up with the realization that you had betrayed him.
"You-..." Cooper stumbled to his feet and you did the same, eyeing the gun that laid on the ground. He followed your gaze, spitting in your direction. "You fuckin' lyin' bitch. For how long?" He demanded, walking towards you.
"Don't make me-"
Cooper grabbed your shoulders, his nails digging into your bones. "For. How. Long?"
You closed your eyes, composing yourself best you could before you looked up at him. "One hundred years."
He tackled you to the ground, hands going straight for your neck as he cried out in pure rage. You kneed him against the stomach in defense, earning a gruff oof from the man.
"Tell me why I shouldn't fuckin' kill you right now!" He snarled through bared teeth, eyes nearly red and ears nearly steaming. You had never seen a man look so angry before, you had never seen him look like this... especially towards you.
"Because I love you! I love you, Cooper. Let go!" You choked out, thrashing beneath him.
"You love me?"
"Yes, you fucking baboon. Now get off of me!" You bundled your hand into a fist, landing it right into his jaw.
Cooper coughed, blood pooling at his mouth, and quickly hopped off of you. He stood, staring at you, watching the shadows of the evening dance across your bare body. There was once a time he would have thought the scene in front of him was delicious, there was once a time he would have pounced on you, taken you right on the ground, made you moan his name and orgasm all night long.
That was no more, and it would never be again.
"Tell me where they are." His voice was low, like a warning growl from a wolf.
"Vault thirty-one."
He gritted his teeth together, spitting a puddle of blood out onto the ground.
"I love you. Loved." He corrected himself quickly, eyeing you down, sizing you up. "That's why I won't kill you."
"Oh. Oh... thank you. I really didn't want it to come to that."
"Yeah, me neither." His voice was flat, defeated. Part of you wished he would kill you.
You watched him walk towards his backpack, slinging it across his shoulder. Cooper pointed towards you, eyes narrowing. "But mark my fuckin' words, girl- if I ever see you again, I will kill you."
"No." He held out his palm, grabbing his shotgun. "No more. No."
"I didn't want to keep it from you-"
"But you did, didn't you?"
And it was true. He was right. There was nothing you could do, no word you could speak, action you could partake in, that would make any of this better.
You watched Cooper walk away, the end of his coat swaying in the wind with each step he took. When you looked back up at the sky, you could have sworn you saw his eyes written throughout the stars, and you knew those eyes would haunt you, until the day you died.
And so you sat before the fire, watching the carcass of whatever he had hunted sizzling to a burnt ember, watching the last remnants of his presence in your life fade away, little by little, until it was nothing but dust.
You must have stayed in that spot for weeks. Ruminating, thinking, dreaming.
The sound of boots clicking behind you finally snapped you back in to reality.
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spabeppi · 2 days
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|| Vault Boy Ads
our vault boy in chaps and a neckerchief (softly sobbing)
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thighgrabtm · 13 hours
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angel-of-the-moons · 11 hours
Peaches and Cream
Pre-War!Cooper Howard x Curvy!Fem!Reader
TW/CW: Smut, NSFW, Oral (f! Receiving), reader's got some thick thighs and little bit of hair down there, overuse of pet names. (You can't tell me this man wouldn't call you a pet name at every available opportunity)
A/N: Remember that line in MK 11 where Kano goes "Aren't you a peach? I could eat a peach for hours."? I just got some body wash that smells exactly like those peach ring candies and this happened upon me like a bolt of Zeus hit me whilst in the shower today
Divider by @/saradika-graphics
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Being on the rebound after the messy divorce with Barb wasn't on Cooper's priority lists. Dating one of the animal trainers from one of his movies sets was certainly never an avenue he thought he'd pursue.
But when his horse got loose on set and she ignored him in favor of you? Oh, you got his attention all right... One thing led to another, and boy did the tabloids have a field day when pictures of the two of you kissing made it into circulation.
You were used to tabloids and reporters, working on movie sets. And now, dating America's favorite heart-throb cowboy? Oh, you bet your ass if you weren't used to it before you sure were, now.
You had fallen into a comfortable routine, often staying over at his place. To say Barb was prickly about how quickly he seemed to move on was... nice. She did however like how good you were with Janey, so that eased her annoyance with you some. So, she got used to seeing you around when Cooper would pick Janey up or when she dropped her off.
Today was one of those days, Cooper had run out to see his agent about something when Barb showed up to take Janey back again. You said stiff goodbyes and gave Janey a big hug, and once they were off, hopped in for a quick shower.
Your skin was still damp and your hair was still wrapped up in a towel when he got back, looking tired and annoyed.
Cooper kicked his shoes off by the front door, Roosevelt letting our short barks of excitement as his owner patted his head, before scampering back off to lay in his bed and gnaw his beef bone in content.
You just finished pouring a glass of sweet tea when Cooper's calloused hands circled your waist from behind, briefly giving your soft belly a squeeze before his fingers bunched in your dress as he kissed your neck. "Missed ya." He murmured.
"You were gone maybe, twenty minutes." You giggled, reaching up to brush his cheek with your hand as you slipped your drink, the ice cubes clinking loudly on the glass.
"Long enough. Didn't even get to kiss my baby goodbye when she got strapped into her Mama's car." He snorted, pressing his nose against your skin, breathing in the scent of the soaps you'd used.
"Damn, you smell good. Like a fuckin' peach."
"Oh?" You smirked as his hands began to roam, reaching down the front of your dress to grip the fat of your thighs in his palms, kneading softly. You bit your lip when he hummed an affirmation, his teeth grazing your skin on your shoulder.
"Mhhm... Good 'nuff to fuckin' eat." He drawled, his tone as thick and sweet as molasses; the timbre of his voice crawling through your pores.
"If you're hungry I can make dinner." You reply breathlessly, trying to interject your sense of humor.
"Nah, darlin'." Cooper growled, yaking you by the dress so you were flush tight against him; able to feel the growing outline of his cock as it filled out the crotch of his pants, "Not the kinda snack I want."
His breath hot on your ear, goosebumps on your skin; you barely had enough time to set your glass of tea down on the counter before he began tugging you to his bedroom; the towel on your head being unraveled and forgotten in the hall along the way.
The moment his door was kicked shut he turned you around and his mouth found yours like a homing missile--all teeth and tongue; dancing, twining, tugging and messy--knocking the air from your lungs as his hands blindly unbuttoned the top of your dress, groaning when the soft expanse of your bare breasts greeted his hands.
"No bra, darlin'?" Cooper rasped, pulling back from your mouth to grin.
"'s more comfortable." You barely mutter out before his lips are on you again, kissing you backwards until your knees hit the edge of the bed, knocking you back while he stayed standing.
His eyes lit up with a mischievous twinkle as he gave you that signature smirk of his coupled with the quirk of his brow. "Oh, you won't catch me complainin' babydoll... Not at all."
You huff and reach down, undoing the clasp to his belt, hastily trying to slide it free of the loops of his pants, but his hand stops you and you pout up at him impatiently.
"Easy now, baby." He said in a low and heavy tone, his accent emphasizing "baby" and making a shiver creep down to your toes.
He lifted his other hand to tug the buttons on his shirt free, plucking each one until his button-up was open more, revealing the white undershirt beneath.
"Now..." He growled softly as he began to sink to his knees, "Told ya I wanted a snack, darlin'... Now I'm gonna get one. Just lay back and relax."
Your heart sputtered a beat as Cooper pulled your thighs apart and just tugged your panties to the side; not even bothering to remove them before giving your damp folds an open-mouthed kiss, running his tongue along the length of your slit and drawing a shaky moan from you.
His hand trailed softly over your skin, brushing over the short mess of curls before using his thumb to pull the hood of your clit back; giving the sensitive nub a nip before chuckling.
"You're awful jumpy t'day, baby." He said, kissing that sweet little pearl a couple of times, stroking it with his fingers as you huff out a whine.
"Your fault..." You groaned, daring to look down at him.
Your eyes locked and he gives you a short wink, lowering his mouth again, this time dragging his tongue up your folds slowly before moving back down again as his thumb rolls your clit in opposite tune of his mouth.
Your head dropped back onto the bed and your voice seized in your throat, one hand bunching in the sheets while the other goes to grip at his immaculately slicked-back hair, tugging the strands free as you feel his tongue curl inside of you.
Cooper was good with his mouth; both on-screen and in the bedroom, this was never a debate.
His tongue was so skilled it had your legs all but jelly one night when he parked it at the local lookout; he'd lifted the cupholder separating your seats and tugged your hips over to him, leaning across the divider to eat you out right there in the front seat of his car. You barely had enough time to grasp that it was really happening before he ripped those sweet, sweet sounds he loved so much from you.
God, were you thankful that nobody had caught you two that night; "Cooper Howard caught in compromising position at Lover's Lane" you could just imagine the press salivating at that headline if they'd caught you.
You were happy he kept his antics on set confined to his trailer... but you had a feeling somebody walking by could probably hear what went on in there.
"Oh, fuck--Cooper!" You mewled, arching your back when he slid his long fingers inside of you, his lips wrapping firmly around your clit like a vacuum, writing obscene love-notes with his tongue, drawing more and more of your beautiful voice from inside of you.
Your toes curled and your hand tugged at his hair, making him groan and his eyes roll; his voice vibrating against you in a way that had you practically sobbing.
"Jus'--fuh--fuck." You moaned breathlessly, your heart pounding in your chest, your toes curling so hard you could feel your calves beginning to cramp.
"B-baby I'm--" You hiccuped; "'m gonna... gonna..."
All your words did was spur him on further, encouraging him to flatten his tongue in one long, slow drag until he could flick your clit again, his face and hand already soaked with your mess; his eyes dark and hungry like a wolf about to eat his lamb.
"That's it baby, c'mon, give it t' me." Cooper muttered against you before stroking your clit once again with his fingers, plunging his tongue and fingers inside of you in an alternating rhythm that had your brain feeling like it was turning to liquid sludge inside your skull as your climax hit you as if it were a runaway freight train.
Both of your hands gripped his hair tight, your thighs squeezing around his head, the flesh molding around his head wonderfully as he drank down your release, his hands going around your thighs to reach up and squeeze your belly while you rutted against his mouth; your voice babbling the sexiest things he could ever hope to hear from you.
When your orgasm finally died down and your legs dropped to hang over the edge of the bed, Cooper pulled back and grinned up at you, his face slick and shiny with your juices, his hair an absolute mess.
Fuck, he looked so good like that.
"You good, darlin'?" He asked you, his hands spreading over the squishy pouch of your tummy, his fingers tracing the stretch marks that lightly etched your skin.
"I... Y... yeah. Just need a breather." You pant, your eyelids heavy as you blinked up drunkenly at the ceiling.
"Good. He hummed, leaning down to kiss your throbbing clit, grinning at how your breathing stuttered and your body twitched as he did.
"Cause I can eat a peach for hours, babydoll."
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sweetghoulcy · 2 days
All I need is one singular crumb from anyone who worked on the fallout tv show to say something about ghoulcy. Like Anything At All thank you.
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dumdumdumsalot · 2 days
I dont support the lucy×ghoul ship cause I WANNA fuck that old man, she shouldnt get to😤
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frac · 13 hours
Two Good Friends
Cupid and Kitty
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Progress throughout the piece
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(plus quick Kitty face redesign)
I had a horrible week but I've been able to finish this piece to unwind. I've never used dialogue in any of my pieces so it looks pretty noobish. However, I am very pleased with how well my anatomy has improved especially when it comes to hands (they've always been a pain in my side). Here is some little lore to the piece: Cupid and Kitty are both around the same age but Kitty is 2 years older than Cupid however physically Kitty is older as he became a ghoul in his 60's. Also, Kitty looks more worn compared to Cupid due to Cupid's ghoulification being really slow compared to Kitty's which was a result of a nuclear bomb (he isn't pre-war). Last thing, Kitty really enjoys carbonated beverages.
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mx-pastelwriting · 1 day
𝘾𝙤𝙤𝙥𝙚𝙧 𝙃𝙤𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙙 | 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙂𝙝𝙤𝙪𝙡 𝙈𝙞𝙣𝙞 𝙂𝙞𝙛 𝙋𝙖𝙘𝙠 #14
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Cooper Howard in Fallout (2024) Actor Walton Goggins
♥ mx-pastelwriting does consent to their gifs being used. Do not claim as the maker of these gifs. ALL FREE TO USE (DO NOT CLAIM) REMEMBER TO CREDIT.
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boneskullravenriver · 18 hours
Y'all don't understand, I need season 2. I already miss cooper 😭😭🙏🙏
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nukaposting · 2 days
maximus reminds me of the boys in school who brought their ds to class and were never ever mean to me
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scout985 · 2 days
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quick lil poster for max
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Ella Purnell as Lucy MacLean - Every Single 'Okey-Dokey!' Fallout (2024)
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spader7 · 28 days
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it's ghoul hours
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redgitanako · 1 month
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I've got you under my skin
I've got you deep in the heart of me
So deep in my heart that you're really a part of me
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timlaughlin · 2 months
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#a man and his dog
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kippipies · 1 month
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based off of this
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