#FO4 is bad
electricwarlock · 1 year
Sole Survivor: My wife is dead my son is missing I've eaten nothing but dog food for 3 weeks and I'm dying of radiation poisoning
NexusMods 4K Improved MacCready:
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bongosinferno · 2 months
A devastating and confusing thing about the Fallout setting, when you explore the pre-war aspects, is what the creators think about pre-war America. In the first games we only get hints of the pre-war world, but they seem to be some sort of wild fascist nation invading Canada. In Fallout 1, the first thing we're introduced to of the pre-war society is seeing a soldier shoot civilians and laughing.
Now, for the first 2 games and New Vegas we don't really know much. What we know is that there's a fascist military group known as the enclave who were a sort of US deep state even before the war, and that the government teamed up with corporate interests to preform vaguely MKULTRA-ish experiments with the Vaults. Basically, the government was an extreme version of the 50s American jingoism and McCarthyism.
This is well and dandy, I guess issues come up more when we get to the later games, especially 4, where it seems like none of this extreme plotting and societal civil unrest which would exist is seen. The society as presented in 4 also seems quite progressive, gay people are featured in the opening, and none of the baggage of say, civil rights not existing are included. Now on a baseline, I don't want settings to be more conservative, homophobic and sexist etc., but it becomes a very confusing setting when it's displayed both as this jingoist extreme thing with fascist tendencies aswell as a progressive place where everyone is seemingly equal. If you're focusing on the 50s as your setting, and American nationalism in the 50s, then you can't have McCarthyism spoofs and anti-communism as a societal paranoia norm while also general equality is the norm without misunderstanding why McCarthyism and nationalist jingoism is bad. A massive harm done in anti-communist paranoia is how it degrades and vilifies any progressive movements (women's rights, civil rights, homosexuality) as being morally un-American and therefore connected to communism. To ignore this just makes any critique of MacCarthyism and jingoism weird!
Basically, pre-war America in Fallout 4 becomes this both sides thing where America is both pure and equal and white fences in every instance that we see as the player (the intro), while also supposedly being this dystopic MacCarthyist hellscape that's broadcasting gladly about their war crimes in Canada, and wants to root out communism. I guess the only fix for this issue without getting into the fine print like they had to do is just not to focus too much on the pre-war world.
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somethingaboutmint · 1 year
(Deacon voice) bad news guys the supposed milf i recruited into the railroad is infact a teen mom
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doctorsiren · 4 months
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I think my art journey from 2021 to now can best be visualized by how I’ve drawn Nick Valentine
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stoat-party · 6 months
Obviously it has ethical implications but I do love the idea of X6 hanging around post-Institute and dropping Danse’s shutdown code in the middle of conversations. As a power play.
Like, oh that’s an excellent point, sir, but what if instead you went night night for awhile?
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leavingautumn13 · 1 year
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people who don't know them sometimes jump to conclusions about diamond city's detective duo.
closeups under the cut
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ftcatv · 8 months
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2 | NEON from @falloutober prompts i swear im not gonna make all these prompts about nick
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plasma-packin-mama · 6 months
Ok I'm gonna talk about the vanity fair article. I don't know how much of it is the journalist not knowing anything anything about fallout and how much of it is.......... Bad news for the show. Probably more of the former than the latter. So we should probly take some of this with a grain of salt. Also don't take anything I say here too seriously bc obviously I haven't seen the damn show I'm just chatting shit.
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Oh good. the female lead is naive and doe eyed.
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Ok this is good. This is an actual intelligent point about ethics. This is better than "these r the fiends they're evil because... They're.... They're eveil :) drugs." It's not revolutionary or anything, the bar is low, but it's good to see that we're at least on this level of using our brains.
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It.... Yeah. Okay. Whatever sure.
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1. Boneyard who?
Im not saying there can't be multiple settlements where LA used to be but. Could we really not just go somewhere new?? Or see how Boneyard is doing when the show takes place?
2. Girl why is it called Philly. As a Philadelphia bitch I got excited. Fucked up.
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GOOD. VERY GOOD. I don't wanna see bastardized versions of existing characters bro if I see ANYONE from fo4 I'm gonna start throwing rocks. This is the best possible setup.
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Oh no.
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why are die hard new vegas fans so angry- like- we all agree that new vegas is written very well.
we all know this. i dont think anybody whos a fallout 4 fan thinks new vegas is trash. even if its not your cup of tea, we all know its well written because obsidian knows what theyre doing.
but fo4 fans are just vibing. we all know its not a *good* game by any means, but its something that makes us happy. i havent personally met anybody who's like "this game is a masterpiece and the best fallout game in the series"- im sure at least one person probably thinks that but i havent personally met em' so like, what about this is deserving a "oh you like fo4? play new vegas. play something good for once" or "you have awful taste" like who hurt you? whats got you so bitter?
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jcwdrawskinda · 1 year
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Guess who has two thumbs and is bad at puns! It's me
Also I wanna hear your puns in the tags plz, I know y'all are better at them than me
But shout out to this guy who gave me my favorite gun so far! I love him, I am devastated I can't romance him, and the first time he changed costumes as my companion I questioned my sanity.
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rad-roche · 1 year
happy valentines!
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raytoroapologist · 4 days
getting mad at a 7 year old video essay for misinterpreting a character i love and also for displaying a fundamental misunderstanding of that character's politics and place in the world
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slocumjoe · 1 year
I know a lot of people like the "all synths are autistic" thing and i understand, but the idea that they intentionally made Danse like that is so fucking funny to me, and the idea that X6-88 just ended up like that is even fucking funnier
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crassinova · 9 months
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mintsalsa · 9 months
relationship hcs — maccready
a/n: please someone get homeboy therapy ...
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(nsfw below cut!)
★ ! sfw
maccready falls for you fast and hard
it's like going down a slope, when you begin to lose your footing and trip over your own feet in the process
he's been through a lot in his rather short life, things a lot of people didn't even get to experience
and while he's definitely everything but weak-willed, his past tends to catch up with him on particularly cold nights
when he learns of your story, he immediately feels a strange pull towards you
you can relate to each other so well, both having lost your spouses and having set out into the unforgiving wasteland to save your children
maccready is hesitant to open up at first - he's not used to expressing his emotions anymore
he's suspicious, too, a little bit
some lone vault survivor genuinely interested in him, his life, his feelings? weird
and after all, he's just a gun for hire anyways ... right?
but whenever you smile at him from across the campfire when he talks about duncan or the way your fingers seem to burn their marks into the sleeves of his coat when he finally mentions lucy lights a fire in the pit of his stomach
he admires the way you carry yourself and how there's always a quick-witted response stuck to the back of your throat
and, even though he won't admit it, he feels inspired by you - by your willingness to help people, to make the commonwealth a better place
for a long while there's so much awkward flirting between the two of you
you love cracking jokes and talking smack about the people in the upper stands of diamond city together
and, even though you reciprocate his teasing, maccready can't quite convince himself that you could feel the same about him
he goes through many sleepless nights, with you sleeping just a couple feet away from him, his thoughts somersaulting around in his head
you finally kiss him on a cloudless night under the stars, when he jokes about how that one trader in bunker hill assumed you two were married
you swear you can feel his brain short circuit
as much as he's grown used to the action of the battlefield, what he enjoys most is just sitting with you around some candles in sanctuary reading grognak the barbarian, an ashtray and a couple bottles of wine in between the two of you
he always holds you impossibly close at night (sometimes the nightmares still come back)
maccready can't wait for you to meet duncan - and to finally have the perfect little family he's always looked for
★ ! nsfw
he's an eager lover for sure, sometimes that makes him a little hasty
definitely more on the sub side as well
he loves you so much and wants nothing more than to be close to you - to feel your skin against his and your lips on his own
dare i say he's a bit desperate?
while he has some experience he's still exploring his own tastes, and most of the time he's open to trying new things if you suggest them
one thing i think is a thing with him is gunplay - the paradox of it can really get him going
he doesn't have a ton of stamina but he absolutely makes up for it in enthusiasm
he just can't believe he gets to be with you, and when you're alone his hands are all over your face, your body, in your hair, almost like he fears you could go up in smoke any second
afterwards you'll curl into each other, and he holds you so, so tight in the most loving embrace
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twinkliker3000 · 1 year
seeing the pacify perk work on gen 2 synths makes me wonder if theyre capable of feeling fear
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