hirocimacruiser · 2 years
DR30 Nissan Skyline RS Turbo series 2. Tekkamen plate is due to that being the Japanese nickname for this series. Translates to Iron Mask
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cars-are-life · 4 years
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1972 Datsun 521 FJ20 Pickup
Japanese Classic Car Show 2019
This truck is already looking great.
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strictlystaticcrew · 4 years
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@take_m.i.japan ・・・ . . . . . . . . . #DR30 #R30 #skyline #strictlystatic #tomica #トミカ #ssr #jdm #lowlife #fj20 #nissan #japan #carlifestyles https://www.instagram.com/p/CABGrXslZ_F/?igshid=9ik60wqpt323
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awesomecarmods · 3 years
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1969 Datsun 1600 SSS Coupe. Nissan FJ20 with Garrett GTX3582R turbo, ported FJ20 heads, RaceGlide C4 trans and R200 diff. 515hp @ 23psi. [ https://i.imgur.com/Cc9Hr0R.jpg ]
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saga4x4 · 7 years
#muroSAGA4X4 El #Mitsubishi #Pajero o #Montero en versiones #MonteroSport y Full #smallchassis y #longchassis entre 1982-91, 1992-98 son modelos que triunfaron en las trillas más duras del mundo. Incluyendo los Rallies más exigentes (el modelo ganó 12 validas del #ParisDakar entre 1985 y 2007). Pajero (se escribe en japonés #パジェロ, en referencia al mortal #Leopardo pajero, un felino o gato "pajero" o de gato de los pajonales), se le cambió el nombre a Montero (Pajero II) en países hispanos y en #USA, debido a que "pajero" en español es un término vulgar -"Pajuo" o "que se masturba que jode"-. En #Inglaterra se llama #Shogun. Su origen historico ha sido híbrido y remonta a 1948 en concepto. Mitsubishi tuvo junto con #Nissan mayor Estatus de mercadeo y contratos más numerosos y "urbanos" que #Toyota y sus primos filiales antes, durante y después de la 2da. guerra (todos comparten el mismo origen tecnológico desde 1936). Aunque el linaje de guerra y sobre resistencia se lo lleva Toyota por haber sido el principal proveedor de vehículos 4x4 para la guerra Coreana (Norte-Sur 50-53) siendo además éste segmento totalmente rural. Aunque hubo un #Jeep Toyota serie 20 luego llamado #fj20 tambien hubo en menos numero un #J20 Mitsubishi usando el mismo techo. Deriva luego en 1955 el #LandCruiser #fj25 (USA forzó la eliminación comercial de la palabra Jeep por una J) pero el Jeep Mitsubishi J26 anduvo sin mayores cambios hasta 1962. -Este es el verdadero abuelo del Pajero-. Su mejor edición es la versión Diesel 2.5 y ello se debe a que su principal mercado fue Europa y países no petroleros. Este micro video es en #Rusia donde al día de hoy es un vehículo #oldSchool_Saga4x4 Sígueme en www.saga4x4.com y pide tu manual al final de la página...
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gunmacity · 3 years
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강서타이마사지 전국 마사지 업체업소 정보검색 [ 건마시티 ] 확실하고 정확한 정보 알려드리겠습니다. 가격 = 3만원 ~ 20만원 ※ 지역 확인하세요 ^^ ※ #강서타이마사지 https://www.gunmacity.com 1인샵 강남1인샵 강남마사지 타이마사지 왁싱 아로마마사지 스웨디시 로미로미 건마 마사지 사이트 건마시티 https://gunmacity.com/shop?wr_1=%EC%84%9C%EC%9A%B8.%EA%B0%95%EC%84%9C&wr_2=%ed%83%80%ec%9d%b4%eb%a7%88%ec%82%ac%ec%a7%80&stx= 강서타이마사지 염창타이마사지 등촌타이마사지 화곡타이마사지 우장산타이마사지 가양타이마사지 발산타이마사지 공항타이마사지 방화타이마사지 https://www.instagram.com/p/CLf7EH-Fj20/?igshid=1fgrofk09fv6c
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ethanmartin0-blog · 5 years
Another one of our in-house project FJ20’s takes a step towards modern technology.
Another of our in-house venture FJ20's makes a stride towards present day innovation.
The wonderful admission has been setup with a Bosch drive-by-wire throttle body and runs a lot of stream coordinated Siemens Deka 2433cc injectors.
Many individuals are doing the change to OEM style DBW frameworks, so what are some the preferences, you may inquire?
To give some examples, the inactive speed control engine gets jettisoned, and the aggregate inert control of the electronic throttle body makes fresh virus begins and voyage control a reality.
The smoothness of DBW imply that rev restricting, support cut highlights and torque decrease/the board can be brought out without sending shockwaves through the motor as the electronic throttle body can be shut continuously as opposed to applying slices to start.
On the off chance that you've at any point completed a motor change, you most likely would have been glad to not worry about making up a custom throttle body link, DBW makes it an errand of the past.
Throttle blipping or rev coordinating on downshifts can likewise be customized to make your successive gearbox-prepared vehicle like computer generated experience.
Furthermore, while some trust DBW doesn't have indistinguishable responsive feel from a customary link style throttle body, the expansion in order capacity of present day ECU's methods the distinctions are close difficult to pick by the quickest pundits.
We race what we move and have every one of the parts accessible at the best costs with straightforward administration!
For More Info:- Turbocharger Kits
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ukclassiccars · 5 years
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eBay:: 1985 Nissan Skyline 2000RS DR30 FJ20 IRONMASK TEKKAMAN http://rssdata.net/QsyQkH
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hirocimacruiser · 2 years
B310 Datsun Sunny liftback with a twin weber fuelled FJ20 twincam
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awesomecarmods · 3 years
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1969 Datsun 1600 SSS. Nissan FJ20. Garrett GTX3582R turbo, CPC Billet intake, ported FJ20 heads, Race Glide C4 trans, 300ZX LSD. 515hp@23psi. [ https://i.redd.it/pajuzbdm3fe61.jpg ]
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saga4x4 · 7 years
#muroSAGA4X4 El #Mitsubishi #Pajero o #Montero en versiones #MonteroSport y Full #smallchassis y #longchassis entre 1982-91, 1992-98 son modelos que triunfaron en las trillas más duras del mundo. Incluyendo los Rallies más exigentes (el modelo ganó 12 validas del #ParisDakar entre 1985 y 2007). Pajero (se escribe en japonés #パジェロ, en referencia al mortal #Leopardo pajero, un felino o gato "pajero" o de gato de los pajonales), se le cambió el nombre a Montero (Pajero II) en países hispanos y en #USA, debido a que "pajero" en español es un término vulgar -"Pajuo" o "que se masturba que jode"-. En #Inglaterra se llama #Shogun. Su origen historico ha sido híbrido y remonta a 1948 en concepto. Mitsubishi tuvo junto con #Nissan mayor Estatus de mercadeo y contratos más numerosos y "urbanos" que #Toyota y sus primos filiales antes, durante y después de la 2da. guerra (todos comparten el mismo origen tecnológico desde 1936). Aunque el linaje de guerra y sobre resistencia se lo lleva Toyota por haber sido el principal proveedor de vehículos 4x4 para la guerra Coreana (Norte-Sur 50-53) siendo además éste segmento totalmente rural. Aunque hubo un #Jeep Toyota serie 20 luego llamado #fj20 tambien hubo en menos numero un #J20 Mitsubishi usando el mismo techo. Deriva luego en 1955 el #LandCruiser #fj25 (USA forzó la eliminación comercial de la palabra Jeep por una J) pero el Jeep Mitsubishi J26 anduvo sin mayores cambios hasta 1962. -Este es el verdadero abuelo del Pajero-. Su mejor edición es la versión Diesel 2.5 y ello se debe a que su principal mercado fue Europa y países no petroleros. Este micro video es en #Rusia donde al día de hoy es un vehículo #oldSchool_Saga4x4 En Venezuela se dió una particular versión de springs recto trasero de bajo costo hasta pasado incluso 2009... apodada Dakar en honor al modelo triunfador de los Rallies. Aunque es tremenda nave cuando pide y jode... lo hace con furia también. Sígueme en www.saga4x4.com y pide tu manual al final de la página...
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carguytimes · 6 years
【チューニング時代を築いた名車たち -1980年代-】ターボエンジン黎明期! 250km/hオーバーが現実に【スカイラインRSターボ × ソアラ】
ターボパワー炸裂! パワー系チューニングの台頭 SKYLINE RS TURBO【DR30】 × SOARER【MZ20】 70年代はL型エンジンを始めとして同じくの日産のA型、トヨタの18R-Gや2TG型など、NAメカチューン全盛期の時代だった。 メカチューンはレスポンスこそ鋭かったが、パワー的にはNAということもあって、トップチューナーが丹精込めてチューニングをしても小排気量車ならば150ps前後、L型の3.1L仕様でも300psに達するかどうか。つまりはリッターあたり100ps付近がチューニングにおけるハイエンドパワーであった。 そして80年代に入ると、ターボエンジンを搭載したクルマが続々と発売されることとなる。2LターボのFJ20を積むDR30スカイライン、後期型となる“鉄仮面”はノーマルで205ps。3Lターボの7Mを搭載するMZ20ソアラでは240psと、軒並み200psオーバーとなるベースマシンの登場だ。 NAエンジンとは比較にならないほど容易に、そして大幅なパワーアップできるということで、チューニング業界にも“ターボチューン旋風”が巻き起こる。 メカチューンでは当時「1psパワーアップするのに1万円」と例えられていた指標も、ターボエンジンとなると「1ps5000円」や「1ps3000円」などといったイメージで、パワーアップに対しての費用対効果もすこぶる高かった。当然パーツメーカーやショップだけでなく、ユーザーまでもがその魅力に引き込まれていった。 ターボチューン黎明期には様々なスクラップ&ビルドが繰り返され、その信頼性を徐々に高めていくこととなる。そうして得た300~500psという途方もないエンジンパワーは、ユーザーカーであっても最高速280km/hオーバー、ゼロヨン11秒台などといった、一世代前のレーシングカーを凌駕するほどのポテンシャルを身に付けた。 当時の血気盛んな若者は、愛車をこぞってチューニングし、街に繰り出せばシグナルグランプリ。高速に行けば超高速バトルといったシチュエーションで毎週のように大パワーに酔いしれた。 現在と比べれば、当時のターボチューンは可変バルタイもなく、高性能な電子デバイスが少なかったことや、点火系&エンジン制御系も万全ではなかったことから、ハイパワー化を目指すと「ドッカンターボ」となってしまう傾向にあったが、当時はそれで楽しかった。 あれから30年。現代の技術&パーツを盛り込んだ80’sマシン2台の勇姿をとくとご覧いただきたい。 チューニング時代を築いた名車たち -1980年代- MODEL YEAR 1981〜1990 SKYLINE RS TURBO【DR30】 Tuned by エスコート 最新モノのパーツを使いこなして上質な走りを手に入れる 当時からゼロヨンや最高速仕様のベース車として人気があったDR30スカイライン、通称“鉄仮面”。そんな素材をエスコートは「乗りやすくて速い」というマシンコンセプトでチューニング。 まず点火系だが、ダイレクトイグニッション化することで、ギクシャクしてしまうA/Fが落ち着き、4速や5速で街中をゆっくり走っていてもスムーズな挙動になるという。あわせてF-CON Vプロ制御や550ccの12ホールメインインジェクターなどをチョイスすることで、全域でのレスポンスアップだけでなくアイドリング時の不安定さも解消した。 ミッションには1、2速がダブルコーンシンクロとなるR32用を流用し、街乗りでのイージーさも向上。心臓部のFJ20エンジンはGT-SSタービンを使った350ps仕様だが、ピークパワーは狙わずあえてノーマルカムで回すことで、全域トルクフルに仕上げたという大人の仕様に仕上がっている。 搭載エンジンが4気筒ということでGT-Rという称号は与えられなかったがDR30だが、レースシーンではグループ5で大活躍。西部警察、大門軍団のエースカーに採用されたこともあって、その人気は国民的なものだった。 HKSのGT-SSタービンを使い、ブースト圧1.2キロ時に350psを発生するFJ20エンジン。80年代当時にはTO4Eタービンを使った400ps仕様というクルマも多く見たが、このクルマはパワーではなく、乗りやすさを重視した大人の仕様として製作されている。 このエンジンのポイントとも言える点火系の強化。ダイレクトイグニッション化することで、点火時のスパークを強力なものにしている。混合気へ確実な火炎核を提供することで、失火によるギクシャク感を完全に排除。スムーズな走りへとグレードアップさせている。コイルをマウントするのはエスコートオリジナルの「ダイレクトコイルプレート」だ。 無論、30年前の電子制御とは比べ物にならないほどのスペックとなったコンピューター。HKSのF-CON Vプロ制御によって、��め細やかな��ッティングが取られる。パワー&レスポンスはもちろん、シームレスでシルキーな加速感を得られるようになった。 当時の雰囲気を偲ばせるスクエアデザインのインパネ周り。追加メーターやEVCもシンプルに装着。これらアイテムをゴチャゴチャさせないで綺麗にレイアウトするのが、現在のインテリアの主流となっている。 乗車定員の快適性を保持しつつ、ボディ剛性を高める補強バーを装着。パワーアップだけでなく、剛性や制動系の強化なども含めた、トータルバランスを高めることで現行車と比べても遜色のない使い勝手となる。 MODEL YEAR 1986〜1991 SOARER【MZ20】 Tuned by マテリアルオートファクトリー チューン次第で300km/h超えも可能な高級グランドツーリング! ソアラと言えば、当時は国産高級スポーツカーの代名詞で、洗練されたボディデザインとラグジュアリーなインテリアで誰もが憧れたクルマだ。 この取材車両は当時にタイムスリップしたかのようなコンディションで、内装のバックスキンなども完璧な状態で維持されていた。 綺麗なだけではなく、フルチューンの7Mエンジンが搭載されているのもトピック。以前はT78タービンを使い700psもの大パワーを出せる仕様だったが、7Mエンジンを長く使っていくことを考えると600ps超えではエンジン本体へのリスクが大きい。 そこでタービンをTD05ツインに変更し、ピークパワーを600psに設定。ふだんはブースト圧1.3キロで500psまで抑えて使うことによって、エンジンへの負担を低減している。それでもピークパワーを落とした分は、しっかりとレスポンス側に振ることで、加速バトルでは不足の無い戦闘力を確保している。 ドアやフェンダーなどの建付けを見ても、チリひとつ狂っていないシャンとした出で立ちが美しいミントコンディションのMZ20ソアラ。見た目には低く構えた車高とBBS LMの19インチホイール、メイン100φのオリジナルマフラーに変更されている程度だが、中身はモンスターだ。 ツインターボから押し込まれる圧縮空気は、ワンオフのサージタンクを介して6連スロットルへと導かれる。各種パイピング類も強固にフィッティングされ、常用500psでもトラブルフリーの使い勝手を実現している。 以前はT78のシングルターボで仕様あったが、600~700psまで及ぶ出力は7Mエンジンにとってリスクの高まる領域。そこでTD05ツインに変更し、500~600psというパワーレンジにリメイクした。パワーと引き換えに得られた鋭いレスポンスがあるためストレスは感じられない。 バー式タコメーターとデジタルスピードメーターが当時のトヨタ車の象徴。バックスキンで覆われたインパネ周りや毛足の長いカーペット類による吸音もあって、走行中の室内音も静寂なものだ。 足元を飾るゴールドのBBS LMはF8J-19、R9J-19。いつでも全開で走れるようにタイヤは前後ネオバ(F225/30-19、R255/30-19)をチョイス。 MZ20ソアラをよく知っている人でも、ジックリ見ないとわからない5mmだけ叩き出したフェンダー。なぜ5mmかと言うと、純正のフェンダーモール装着へのこだわりを貫くため。このような細かな積み重ねが、目利きの走り屋をも唸らせるオーラとなるのだ。 関連記事 ●【チューニング時代を築いた名車たち -1960年代-】 ●【チューニング時代を築いた名車たち -1970年代-】 (web option編集部) あわせて読みたい * 【チューニング時代を築いた名車たち -1970年代-】市販車レースの興隆と共に改造が激化、メカチューン全盛期の到来【フェアレディZ × サバンナ】 * 【チューニング時代を築いた名車たち -1960年代-】モータリゼーションの発達と共に走り屋によるチューニングが幕を開ける【スカイラインS54B × ポルシェカレラ904GTS】 * 【ずんだ RX-7】エッセ純正リーフグリーンとエアロミックスで独自路線を突き進むFD3S * 【RE雨宮スーパーシャンテ13B NA】時空を超えて蘇った伝説のチューニングコンパクト! * 【SCOOT 26B(RE) × S30】L型エンジンを撤去して4ローターNAユニットを搭載したフェアレディZに試乗! http://dlvr.it/Qrzc9z
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us-planetarum-blog · 8 years
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Chapter 20
We were back to normal once again after the trip. I woke up early this time, very unusual for me. Ever since my birthday weird things have been happening. I still have three more hours before my class so I decided to watch television. Nothing really caught my interest except the news channel.
“Dozens of incinerated military bodies were found in an open lot area in downtown San Francisco. A local witness reported that there was a standoff between the armed men and two young boys. After numerous shots were fired, a massive blow destroyed the area, leaving a huge crater. No other locals were harmed.”
It was a disaster. Everything was burned, turned into ashes. The thing that caught my attention was that it was caused by only two young boys… I think I know who…
Mercury and Neptune, they are the only ones I know who can cause that kind of ruckus, let alone stand up against armed men. The news didn’t stop there. It looks like they did major damage in other places too and they are being hunted by the government.
As I look at them in the pictures and videos shown, they looked like they’ve matured a lot. Until the next one showing Mercury, laughing like a maniac in front of the camera. The guy hasn’t changed, still the classic Mercury I know… the one with the booming personality. Neptune on the other hand looked like he aged a hundredfold ever since I left them.
Remembering that I left them without warning makes my heart ache… I didn’t intend to leave them… Enough, I’m going to depress myself again.
Well at least I know they’re still doing fine. Sort of.
The news continued on to another report and the headline read:
“A girl that possesses inhumane powers strikes again.” 
Well this time it was Venus - she infiltrated another government facility with the full intention of being caught. She does that everytime to toy with people and escape again. What’s happening, why are they suddenly appearing in news?
I remembered the giant S on my wall yesterday after I came home. Saturn is also making his move. As much as I want to know what’s happening, I really don’t want to partake in any of this.
I cleared my mind and looked at the clock, two more hours… I decided to clean the house since Mom is still at work with my little sister and I’ll be left here all alone for three days. They didn’t even text me that they were going to leave.
My phone beeped, signalling me that I received a text message. I checked the inbox, it’s from Loki and he wants me to go to school early, I wonder why.
I guess I’ll clean the house next time. I went directly to the shower and took a bath. I can feel that there is really something going on with the Eximus children. Are the planets aligning soon?
I heard a car engine outside the house; I think I know who that is… It’s Loki, why is he even here? He sounded his horn three times so I quickly finished prepping myself up, grabbed my bag and went off.
They were all there except Drexel.
“Where is Drexel?” they didn’t answer. Something is weird…
“That’s what we’re going to ask you.” Loki said. “His mother said he didn’t go home after the trip. The worst part is, aside from Drex, several students are also missing right after the trip.”
I fell completely silent. “I don’t know, didn’t he text any of you?”
No one answered. We made our way to school, nobody was talking and it was completely silent. Is it a coincidence that the sudden disappearing of the students are connected with the sudden appearance of the Eximus? It must be.
School faculties and staffs were on high alert today, we went on our separate ways because we belong to different classes. I was walking down the hallway when I noticed the commotion in the principal’s office. I saw parents sobbing helplessly in front of the principal whose face was in pain, looking frustrated, with the inability to do anything. Apparently, she doesn’t have the answer to their questions. No one could really blame her for what has happened; I even salute her for being able to handle cases like this. It takes a strong person to even sit there and listen to how parents shout, cry and blame you for one incident that is even out of your control.
I glanced at the clock and it’s already three o’ clock. I’m pretty much late for my class but I decided to go anyway. It slipped my mind that my professor for today is Ms. Buitizon. Oh God, I’m going to face her again… I nervously entered the class but something very unusual happened…
She just looked at me when I entered and continued what she is saying in front of class. I made my way to my seat and I can see Jane’s eyes looking at me.
Stop staring at me like that, please.
Although, I really like the way she’s looking at me. Hah, me and my delusions again. Beside me is Drexel’s empty seat, it really makes me wonder where he is; did the aliens abduct him or what? Still, I hoped that he will arrive.
Hours passed by and still no sign of him. I scanned the whole room, this is the only time I noticed that some students in my class are also missing and then I focused my attention to Jane, who is currently sleeping. She’s really cute even when asleep.
Nothing else happened at school, it was awfully silent today. Ms. Buitizon finally ended the class with a reminder to take care of ourselves outside because of the spreading news.
“Hey.” Someone tapped me from behind…. It was Jane.
“Did you hear about the news?” She asked.
“Yeah, what about it?” I answered while fixing my things. Her astounding face is quite asking me if I don’t give a damn about the situation
“Are you not bothered about it?”
I let out a huge sigh. “A little, Drexel is also one of them.” I can see the worry in her face even though she doesn’t even know who Drexel is. The mood around us is starting to get depressing. I need to lighten it up… “Hey, are you going home already?” I asked her. “Yeah, I don’t have anything to do here at school anymore. Why?”
I don’t know where I’m getting my confidence by asking her these things but I think it’s going pretty well
 “There is a good movie in the theaters today, would you want to go with me?” I really do hope she say yes, I put my whole self-esteem on the line by asking her this.
She just looked at me and smiled, “Are you asking me on a date?” She jokingly said.
I went blank for a second, I even stuttered. “What? It didn’t even cross my mind! I just want to see if the movie is really good!” I nervously explained to her.
She just laughed, “Sure, let’s go!” If my heart only has a mouth, it would’ve screamed so loud. I was happy and nervous at the same time. We went our way to the theater with the help of Loki; it took me some time and a couple of beautiful puppy dog eyes before I was able to make him agree to take me there. I really wish that I had taken my car, of all the days why should it be now? Well it’s fine, as long as I’m with her and it looks like doesn’t even care either way.  
I really don’t know why we arrived longer than usual but it’s usually a thirty minute drive only. It took us an hour to get here. Jane even fell asleep during the drive. I was just kidding about a beautiful movie earlier; I just don’t want to go home yet
“So which movie is it?” She asked.
Oh shit, I really don’t know what to answer, I look like I’m really thinking hard but not really. “I forgot about the name, let’s just go there and see for ourselves.” Fortunately, she bought it.
We looked over the movies. Only one movie caught our attention because of the poster of the dog. It’s Hachimax. “Is this the movie you were saying?” She asked. I was hesitating to answer but oh well.
“Yeah, this is it!”
She looked at me with those excited eyes behind her big glasses. “You love dogs too?”
I think this is the part where I say yes… “Of course, who wouldn’t?”
I love dogs; they never fail to make me smile. They live up to the expectations of being man’s bestfriend. Seeing one always excites me although, I had one a couple of years ago. Because of my irresponsibility, I lost him. It really makes me feel lonely whenever I remember those days when I neglected him because of studies. I still can’t get over it.
We bought the tickets and apparently only one bucket of popcorn is available so we have to share. We sat at the back because that is where we can see clearly. The whole theater’s deserted and we noticed that we’re the only ones in there. I hope it will not make her feel awkward. A couple more minutes and the movie should start. It’s nine in the evening so I guess this is the last full show.
“Hey, are okay?” I didn’t realize that I was too silent all the way in here; I guess it started to bother her.
“No, I’m just getting worried about Drexel.” He’s not dropping any text message yet, where is he?
“Don’t worry; he’ll be fine I’m sure. Let’s just watch the movie for now.” She’s right. I gave her a smile, an indication that everything is alright. I didn’t realize that we were so close to each other, my heart started pounding and my hands became sweaty.
It’s my first time watching a movie with a girl in a dark theater so I pretty much don’t know what to do in this kind of situation. As for her, she’s doing fine I guess - she’s just sitting there eating popcorn and her eyes completely glued to the screen. She looks like a kid who’s excited for something. I was so focused at her that I didn’t notice that the movie has already started.
The movie was about a dog named Hachimax, a military-trained one that is so loyal to his owner. Eventually the owner left him and never returned. The younger brother of the original owner is trying his best to take care of Hachimax but because of Hachimax’s loyalty to its former owner, he refuses to trust other people.
At first it was fine but as it goes on, somehow I can feel the drama, it’s making my eyes teary. I grabbed the handkerchief in my pocket quickly so Jane won’t notice but unfortunately I was a second too late… She was already looking at me by the moment that I reached for my pocket.
“Wait, are you crying?” she bursts into laughter.
“What! The movie touched me!” Well that was unmanly to say.
She laughed even more. “Nothing, I’m just not used to see boys cry.” She continues to tease me.
“Just focus on the damn movie!” She just smiled at me. Again, with that smile of hers… I could never get enough of that.
“Yeah?” she focused her attention on me.
“Always smile for me okay?” She seemed surprised by what I said, I don’t know why but I just feel like saying it.
“Why should I?” she asked.
“Yours is the most beautiful smile that I have ever seen.” It came to the point where I couldn’t hear the movie anymore, I was totally focused on her and I don’t care about anything else, I don’t want this moment to end. She just laughed silently and faced the screen. I can’t really see her reaction because of how dark it is.
“Just watch the movie, Jupiter.” She said. I didn’t realize that despite of what is happening around us, I’m so lucky to have her at my side right now. I feel so calm and nervous at the same time when I am with her. She took control of my emotions like the moon rules the tide.
I didn’t care about the movie anymore, I literally spent the whole time glancing at her and everything she does. I really didn’t expect that of all the people that I can be with right now, it’s you that is on my side. I can imagine all of the arrows in this universe pointed in this moment no matter how simple it is.
I want to tell you everything I felt at this moment. I opened my mouth, almost said something but then the movie already ended. Almost. The rest of my life might have turned out differently if I had, but I didn’t.
“That movie is really beautiful” She said. I finally woke up from my deep thoughts.
“Yeah.” She looked at me.
“Thank you for inviting me, I enjoyed it.”
I just smiled at her. “Well, I’m glad that you did.”
We stayed for a while because I’m feeling sluggish. I looked at the time, thirty minutes then it’ll already be midnight.
“Come on, we should go now.” She said and we went out of the theater. There are no more cars and taxis on the road so we don’t have a choice but to walk home.
The moon is so beautiful, it amplifies the night sky making the evening as pleasant as it can be. We talked about a lot of things, about school, dreams and goals in life, her favorite bands of course.
We barely have anything in common, but I think that’s okay because sometimes things that are different fascinate you. It’s like it’s something that you’ve been missing your whole life. It completes you.
She suddenly stopped walking. “Hey, look at the stars!” she pointed up. What we saw was amazing. The stars are scattered all around the night sky. It’s beautiful but somehow it feels like it’s giving me a message… that something is wrong.
“They’re beautiful aren’t they?” She continued to look at the stars. Oh if only I could tell you how beautiful your eyes are… It seems like an endless universe, with so much to see but not enough time to ever fully capture the beauty.
We talked and talked like there is no tomorrow, we never ran out of something to talk about and we didn’t even notice that we’re already in front of her house. “Hey, thank you for tonight Jupiter.”
“Don’t mention it. Next time it will be a date!” I jokingly said.
“Hmmm, I’ll think about it.” We just laughed. I watched her make her way inside her house. Oh Jane, you don’t know how much you really mean to me.
I was about to enter my house until I noticed someone is calling. It’s from an unknown number but I decided to answer it anyway.
“Hello?” It was silent at first until someone shouted.
“Hey.” An empty and depressing voice but somehow it sounds familiar… It’s Neptune.
“What do you want N?”
“We need to talk.” I can hear rain in the background.
“I’m not interested.” I was about to hang the phone until he mentioned something.
“Mercury is dead.” Suddenly my mind went blank. How could something like that happen? Mercury is not that weak. I can feel a pain in my chest.
“What happened?”
“Mars killed him.” Rage overflowed into my veins just by hearing the name. I knew it, this is their doing… By the moment when I felt Saturn’s aura I knew something is very wrong.
“That’s not all…” he continued.
“What’s the other one?” I asked.
“Pluto.” It fully captured my attention. “What?!”
“Hold on, I need to get off the phone now, they’ve broken through.” The phone call ended and I’m left in the middle of the road wondering about Pluto. Just when I thought everything was perfect.
First, it was Drexel, then Mercury was killed and now Pluto. I really can’t do anything right now; I need to wait for Neptune to get here.
All of us are beginning to awake and the worst part is they’re beginning to fight each other. Someone suddenly called my attention.
“Hey!” I looked at the direction where I was called, it was Jane. “It’s already late to be having thoughts in the middle of the night! Go home.”
“Right, I’ll be going then. Goodnight!” I waved and made my way inside my house… Today was very fulfilling but I’m getting the feeling that normal days are approaching its end.
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therenegadestyle · 9 years
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The new project along side maintaining the 180. RS-X S12 Silvia resto/mod. Changed over the rear tail lights to MKIIs and fired rear hatch with lip.
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ukclassiccars · 6 years
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eBay:: 1985 Nissan Skyline 2000RS DR30 FJ20 IRONMASK TEKKAMAN http://rssdata.net/QrdHrW
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