#FF Versus XV
cecil2311413 · 7 months
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Early ffxv story boards from Roberto Ferrari in 2013. How much it has changed…
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nyactis-lucis-caelum · 8 months
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s-insomnia · 1 year
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edge-of-ultima · 9 months
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Can we talk about how Verum Rex hasn't even come out yet and they already need to nerf Aegis? Gladio + Ignis + Forcefield powers = OP! 🤣
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synergycode · 2 years
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maryse127 · 1 year
Me: *checks out Final Fantasy XV*
Me, a few months later: well that escalated quickly
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oveliagirlhaditright · 10 months
I saw an article about how one of the things Final Fantasy XVI had in common with some other FFs--to make it a FF (which is still a silly argument that we even need to have to me, but whatev)--is flower importance in the story. And that's certainly true. So I decided to make a post about that... And prepare for the longest post in the history of the world, because I may have gone overboard in screenshotting some of these. I also decided to include Kingdom Hearts here, since it's a Disney and Final Fantasy crossover (with its own story, of course).
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We'll never know how similar or not Final Fantasy Versus XIII and Final Fantasy XV's stories are or were to each other (after Tetsuya Nomura, director of Versus XIII, got kicked off the project and the game got a new director and became FFXV, and the story did at least slightly change)--even with Nomura now putting some of his Versus XIII ideas into Kingdom Hearts. It seems here, though, that even when it was Versus and Noctis and Stella, instead of Noctis and Luna, there was at least one flower scene with them. Perhaps this is the aforementioned Noctis and Luna flower crown scene (maybe originally it happened with Noctis and Stella, and that was then repurposed for Noctis and Luna). Like, for whatever reason, something upset Noctis' childhood friend here (the responsibilities her mother had to endure, perhaps, if this part of the story was still very much like XV's. Mayhap that hurt Stella to think about), and Noctis comforted her with the sylleblossom, and then we got the flower crown scene Luna alluded to in XV... or maybe it was something totally different from that with Noctis and Stella. Maybe sylleblossoms didn't even exist in Versus. Like I said, we might never know. But here, at least, was another couple (again: how similar they were to the later Noctis and Luna: who knows?) where flowers were at least important to them for a hot second.
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Kairi likes to pick flowers, as we see here and in a scene in the BbS credits (that I'd show, but picture limit is keeping from doing it [I'd show a lot more pictures for a lot of these girls, if it weren't for picture limit)].
She also has a flowery Keyblade, of course, surely because of her love for flowers:
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And I guess part of her Keyblade's design is that a king chess piece--which Sora's chess piece was the king one in KHIII, of course--is attached to a red string. And we all know about the red string of fate (I bring that up, because another common theme in all of this, is that all these gals with the flowers are part of a star-crossed lover pairing).
Kairi's heart is also in the shape of a flower in Re:Mind and Melody of Memory?
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Edit: Oops. I forgot Squall and Rinoa: Squall's promise to Rinoa that if she comes to Edea's orphanage--that is full of flowers outside, giving us our flower connection--that he'll be waiting for her, so she'll find him.
Also, I think Yeul gave Noel a flower in Lightning Returns for some reason? Though I don't remember why. I've only played Lightning Returns once--and only watched the cutscnenes once, in said playthrough--many years ago at this point. I really need to replay Lightning Returns again, as I actually love the Lightning Trilogy and found the gameplay in Lightning Returns very enjoyable. I also know that one of the Yeuls in FFXIII-2 loved flowers.
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obinya · 9 months
A Celebration of Noctis
Reality must be a world where 物 and 物 interact. But for 物 to act, they must negate themselves, cease to be 物. But to think of 物 as parts of some totality means that there are no more acting 物, that world becomes static, that Reality ceases to exist.
This is a fantasy based on Reality
Yes, as life approaches death we feel our ephemeral nature, as if in a Dream or Fantasy. Yet from that contradiction of being, the awareness of our absolute end, Reality flows. The spiral of life, death, and DREAMS.
A celebration of Noctis Lucis Caelum's Birthday using Dreams by The Cranberries.
The narrative is a reflection of Reality as the self-determination of Absolute Nothingness, as Absolutely Contradictory Self-Identity, Ever-changing.
Who was Noctis before? Who will he be? I reference iterations of the character, seemingly discontinuous - yet bearing the same Heart - in that way continuous. I also expand the "ground" or "space" so to speak to include "Final Fantasy". I’ve been inspired by Mr. Nishida’s logic ~ and the more obvious inspirations, like Mahayana.
How can that help us understand Noctis, his creators, or his players better?
Well, Reality, as a world of absolutely contradictory self-idenity must be a world of movement from the made to the making, the made to the maker.
In what world does FF15 not exist?
I appreciate this series, Final Fantasy 15, and Noctis.
物 is what 物 is where 物 is when 物 is
A world of the Versus epic means Nothing and Everything. What is the difference between understanding and knowing? Knowing nothing, we understand nothing?
物 is not what 物 is not where 物 is not when 物 is not
Again, I appreciate this series, Final Fantasy 15, and Noctis. What I experienced, though I may not understand it all, I know it. My perspective vs others.
物 is 物
物 is not 物
Therefore 物 is 物
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『ファイナルファンタジーXV』のストーリーはこれまでの『ファイナルファンタジーXIII 』とか『ファイナルファンタジー零式』のような 「ファブラノヴァクリスタリス」という世界を継承はしているんですけども. 基本的には神話が根付いていつつも かなり現代に寄った思想になっているので神話が表立ってない世界ですね. その中で人間関係が交差して FFらしい物語の展開になっていくかなと思います
The story of "FINAL FANTASY XV" like "FINAL FANTASY XIII" and "FINAL FANTASY TYPE-0" inherits the world of "Fabula Nova Crystalis" It's basically a world rooted in mythology, but because it's a very modern way of thinking, it's a world where mythology doesn't stand out. Human relationships intersect So, I think it will develop into a FF-like story. - Mr. Nomura on FF15
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This is why I ask what is FF15 without FFv13, FFv13 without FF, or FF without Koshinto and Mahayana?
The answer is still FF15. Noctis. This series. 物.
Happy Birthday Noctis~ Congratulations!!
To your Father, MoM, and everyone else.. well, what can I say, you guys are the best…
-Obin’ya Chizoret
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lunaetis · 2 years
❤️ but more in the sense that i've been enjoying your presence on my dash on both my blogs and just need an excuse to plot / write with you uwu esp your ff girls!!! i love them 😩😩😩
send ❤️ if you want to ship but are too shy to ask. || accepting
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[ BLUUUU AAAAH THIS MAKES ME SCREAM SO MUCH IN SO MANY WAYS. first of all, this means so SO MUCH to me bc you're one of the writers / mutuals who i admire greatly ! so i'm so so happy to know that you like my portrayal ! second of all, i would LOVE to plot a ship / connection / dynamic with you on both your blogs !! MYA IS WONDERFUL I LOVE EVERYTHING ABT HER. my tifa only had the pleasure to meet her briefly bUT I LOVE THEM & THEIR DYNAMIC ??? i absolutely adore seeing you & your writing on my dash !! YOUR SEPHIROTH IS ALSO DOWNRIGHT AMAZING. ( yes i stalk your headcanon posts whenever it pops on my dash. ) so plssss ??? i actually had been wanting to throw my stella ( from versus ) at your seph bc a lost star from a planet / world that is destroyed ( for xv world to be born ) meeting the one destined to become either a world's messiah or its destroyer ? PLS ??? ]
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lioma-gaming · 2 years
A personal take on what Final Fantasy XV might have been, is, and could be
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So, first of all: Yes, I bought it. Probably shouldn't have, seeing how I have yet to finish Elden Ring, but given it's low price, I figured there was not much to regret.
This is usually the point where I'd go: Boy, was I wrong. But I think FFXV isn't actually half bad, even more so if I look at where it has come from.
When I got my hands on the copy, I did remember there being lots of trailers for a game called "Final Fantasy Versus XIII" back in the PS3 era, but I did not make the connection. In fact, I was under the impression, that FF Versus XIII must have been released some long time ago. Now, that's where I was wrong. Very wrong.
You might be wondering: You're playing mostly JRPGs, how could you have missed FF Versus XII becoming FFXV? The short answer to that is: Because FFXIII was not good, and I had grown weary of the series as a whole at that time, so I had not been paying attention.
Anyway, turns out that Final Fantasy Versus XIII had been in development for about seven years before Square Enix decided that it was going nowhere, director Tetsuya Nomura (known for Kingdom Hearts) was replaced by Hajime Tabata (known for FF Type 0) and the title was rebooted as Final Fantasy XV. There were two main reasons for the production delay: The engine they intended to use was the one from FFXIII, and had been designed with hallways instead of open worlds in mind (duh!), and the PS3 had been at the end of its life, meaning that the target platform had to shift. One of these issues alone can hamper production drastically, as seen, for example, with The Last Guardian as well. On top of everything, Nomura was needed to direct Kingdom Hearts 3. With the kind of public pressure on Square Enix and the Final Fantasy series especially, I am honestly not surprised they sort-of pulled the plug on it.
Throwing away seven years of work would have been illogical, of course, especially with everything that had already been put together for the trailers. A lot of FF Versus XIII actually carried over into the final version of FFVX, such as the main cast, the magic system, the setting, and more. So much that I was confusing my memories of the FF Versus XIII trailers for trailers regarding FFXV. The main thing which did not carry over is the story, and fans are still wondering today how it would have played out.
The good thing about me not remembering FF Versus XIII at all, as well as all the time that has passed since, is, that I can now look at FFXV without any prejudices or expectations. I'd even like to regard it separate from other Final Fantasy titles, because it draws its inspiration much more from reality, and has this feeling of "chillin' with the bros" going for it - which I daresay makes it unique in its own way.
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Driving around and camping are integral parts of the gameplay loop aside from the usual fighting, and with all the unique animations, dialogues and skills of your party members, it takes a while to get old. I love when developers go the extra mile to add details, and these characters have a lot. Never mind that the boys look like some J-Pop boy band, each of them has a unique way of talking, fighting and walking, and hobbies as well. I especially love that Prompto's A.I. takes photos at random, which you can review at camp. And the English voice cast is simply brilliant.
The world, unfortunately, has not the same level of detail. As much as I love the architecture of Galdin Quay, I would have expected more houses and guests in the proximity. And the market in Lestallum only offers two to three kinds of wares if you look closely. I blame it on the technical restrictions and the rushed development, because the unpatched build has noticeable issues loading in elements and maintaining the frame rate as well. Apart from that, you'll also notice that the further you get into the game, the less interesting and smaller the levels get. So much, that the Royal Edition actually comes with an extended last level. Darksiders 2 was similar in how the first world was huge, the second a little less so, the third rather not, and the fourth (and last) not at all. If you ask me, the initial concept clearly exceeded the possibilities.
Perhaps, in an attempt to get the game out earlier (or simply to get more money out of fans), some parts were deliberately cut to be released as DLCs later. The story leaves great gaps as to what has happened to your party members that left them shaken. Those parts of the story are then found in the DLCs. But wait! If you fully intend to understand the story, you will need to see the movie as well, watch several (not entirely connected) anime episodes and play yet another DLC. And if you want the "good ending", you'll have to read a novel on top of all that. Like I've mentioned before: It's a mess.
What surprises me is that the story is actually consistent. It's as overly complicated as any other JRPG story (and unnecessarily tragic if you ask me), but it stays true to its motif of sacrifice and has surprisingly few plot holes given how thin it was spread across different media. If FFXV would have been published with all the extra content in such a way that you'd get the entire story as a whole, as well as all the (somewhat necessary) quality-of-life improvements and fixes from the start, I think FFXV could have been a much better game than what it turned out to be.
In the end, however, it is what it is. A rushed and cut production, and for that, well, it truly is not all that bad. And you know what? Having grabbed the Royal Edition at a bargain, I find little reason to complain.
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I'm new to FF and saw your post about Nomura disliking Noctis. It's a shame because Noctis is lovable character, wish his ending could be better though. So far, the best protagonists: Cloud Strife, Lightning Farron, and Noctis Lucis Caelum. Best boys (who broke my heart): Zack Fair, Nyx Ulric, Sazh Katzroy. Best girls: all ffvii girls (except scarlet) and Oerba Yun Fang. Best trash: Hojo, Luna, Bartholomew Estheim and his wife
Nomura has been on the Noctis hate train ever since Square Enix forcibly pulled Nomura from the Versus XIII/FFXV project. He has been bitter and mad from then on, to the point of being so petty that he created ‘Verum Rex’ in his KH3 bc he said fuck that shit Tabata made 😂😂 the fact that it translate to ‘true king’ with a replica of Noctis as the MC says as much.
As he should. I have so much bad memories on XV now.
You would hate me if I said I don’t even agree on Noctis being the best FF protagonist (forgive me) I’d easily replace him with Zidane, Terra or my homeboy Squall. And I know you would NOT hate me when I say Lunafreya fucking Fleuret is the worst ff character of all time. OF ALL TIME. Words cannot describe how much I detest that character.
Anyway so true! All FFVII girlies are best girlies! The remake series emphasizes it even more but having played Rebirth when it came out and bc I have a giant weakness for her since ‘06ish, Yuffie has always been a favorite. Rebirth made my girl cuter and more of a badass than ever. This trilogy has my whole heart.
Please don’t be afraid of coming off anon for any FF talk. (Unless me being a Kendrick Lamar type of hater towards Maryfreya Sue would bother you then I’d advice against it) I still love FF and I still am sorta hyperfixated on FFVII stuff bc of the trilogy. I’ve played the OG more than a decade ago but the remakes are amazing. You might also get word-vomited by me about Vincent Valentine. Ye be warned.
I hope you’ll like the other games too! Muah muah 🫶🏾
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mcalhenwrites · 3 months
Yoko Shimomura says she's working on the music for KH4, and the entire fandom starts reading so much into it. "Music is the last thing worked on, so that must mean KH4 is near completion!" Do... do any of you remember FF Versus XIII? "Somnus" for instance? Ten years later, it gets used in a game called Final Fantasy XV? And now we're hearing it in KH3 and Melody of Memory? And what sounds eerily similar to "Somnus Legatum" is in the KH4 trailer? Yeah, I don't think this means KH4 is coming out too soon.
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airyravenmaid · 6 years
Lightning: *taking off shirt* Whew. Etro, it is hot in here.
Noctis: Okay, but why are you taking off /my/ shirt, then?
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dawnblxde · 5 years
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eat-th3-god5 · 3 years
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“I can’t stay any longer...”
“Don’t worry about me. Live your own life.”
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thatrandombystander · 4 years
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Like. I legit can't believe Nomura is using Kingdom Hearts to revive Final Fantasy Versus XIII, and he isn't even being subtle about it AT ALL
Nomura the game was cancelled 7 years ago, you don't need to bring it back, it's ok
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