#Executive Coach
pwrn51 · 4 months
Navigating the Journey of Life Transitions
  Betsy recently interviewed Dennis J.Volpe, a retired US Navy Commander and United States Naval Academy graduate with a Master of Science in Leadership Development from the Naval Postgraduate School, and a Columbia University-certified Executive Coach. Dennis, who works as a Principal Consultant and Executive Coach at the Leadership Research Institute, is also the author of the internationally…
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milagivens · 2 years
Mila Givens is the CEO of Millenium DPM and an executive coach with Fortune Practice Management.
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namusawant · 17 hours
Boost Your Confidence With A Certified Executive Coach
Embark on a transformative journey with TranceForMission's certified executive coach, where your potential knows no bounds. Our seasoned coaches bring a wealth of experience from diverse industries, offering insights into the complicated workings of complex challenges. With their guidance, you'll craft intelligent strategies, handlemlessly, and engage stakeholders effectively. Imagine a future where you lead with confidence, make informed decisions, and inspire those around you. It's within reach with TranceForMission. Our certified executive coach is your trusted ally on the path to unparalleled success. Are you ready to maximize your performance, unlock your full potential, and shape a brighter future? The journey begins now with TranceForMission.
Visit Now : https://tranceformission.com/executive-coaching/
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kajmasterclass · 2 months
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O Poder da Mentoria de Carreira: Como Encontrar e Aproveitar ao Máximo
A mentoria de carreira é um recurso valioso e muitas vezes subestimado para o desenvolvimento profissional. Ao ser orientado por alguém com mais experiência e conhecimento, você pode acelerar seu crescimento, evitar erros comuns e alcançar seus objetivos de carreira com mais eficiência. Neste artigo, exploraremos o que é mentoria de carreira, como encontrar um mentor e como aproveitar ao máximo essa relação, além de discutir sua importância e os benefícios que pode trazer para sua trajetória profissional.
O que é Mentoria de Carreira?
A mentoria de carreira é um processo no qual um profissional experiente e bem-sucedido (o mentor) oferece orientação, conselhos e suporte a alguém que está buscando desenvolver suas habilidades e avançar em sua carreira (o mentorado). Essa relação é baseada em confiança, comunicação aberta e compromisso mútuo.
Como Encontrar um Mentor
Encontrar o mentor certo pode ser um desafio, mas existem algumas estratégias que podem ajudar:
Networking: Participe de eventos da sua área de atuação, workshops, conferências e grupos profissionais. Essas oportunidades são ótimas para conhecer pessoas influentes e estabelecer conexões que possam levar a uma relação de mentoria.
Plataformas Online: Existem plataformas dedicadas a conectar mentores e mentorados, como o LinkedIn e outras redes profissionais. Utilize essas plataformas para buscar por profissionais que tenham o perfil que você procura.
Busque Internamente: Dentro da sua empresa ou organização, pode haver profissionais mais experientes dispostos a oferecer mentoria. Não tenha receio de abordá-los e propor uma relação de mentoria.
Seja Proativo: Demonstre interesse genuíno, mostre o que você pode oferecer em troca e esteja aberto a aprender e crescer com a mentoria.
Benefícios da Mentoria de Carreira
A mentoria de carreira oferece uma série de benefícios tanto para o mentorado quanto para o mentor:
Aprendizado Acelerado: Ao receber orientação de alguém mais experiente, você pode aprender lições valiosas de forma mais rápida e eficiente.
Networking: Através do seu mentor, você pode expandir sua rede de contatos e ter acesso a novas oportunidades profissionais.
Desenvolvimento de Habilidades: Seja em habilidades técnicas ou soft skills, um mentor pode ajudá-lo a desenvolver as competências necessárias para alcançar seus objetivos.
Feedback Construtivo: Receber feedback honesto e construtivo é essencial para o crescimento profissional. Um mentor pode oferecer insights valiosos para melhorar seu desempenho.
Como Aproveitar ao Máximo a Mentoria de Carreira
Para aproveitar ao máximo sua relação de mentoria, é importante seguir algumas práticas:
Estabeleça Metas Claras: Defina objetivos claros e específicos que você deseja alcançar com a mentoria e compartilhe essas metas com seu mentor.
Seja Aberto e Receptivo: Esteja aberto a receber feedback, novas ideias e diferentes perspectivas. A mentoria é uma oportunidade de crescimento e aprendizado mútuo.
Mantenha o Compromisso: Respeite o tempo e os compromissos estabelecidos com seu mentor. Mostre dedicação e empenho na relação de mentoria.
Agradeça e Reconheça: Demonstre gratidão pelo tempo e esforço dedicados pelo seu mentor. Reconheça as contribuições e aprendizados que você está obtendo.
Em resumo, a mentoria de carreira é uma ferramenta poderosa para o desenvolvimento profissional. Ao encontrar o mentor certo, estabelecer uma relação de confiança e compromisso, e aproveitar ao máximo os benefícios dessa relação, você pode acelerar seu crescimento e alcançar seus objetivos de carreira com mais eficiência e sucesso.
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thecoachingdirectory · 4 months
Need support to increase your capability, make purposeful change, and move toward the good life? Chris Gildersleeve PCC of Set to Change, an executive coach can help you. As a coach, he created an environment for people to be comfortable with the discomfort associated with identifying the best path forward for them and building the capability to make the changes they need. Reach out and connect with him today!
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selfdiscoverymedia · 4 months
BB24-06. Alex Dumas on Set Backs=Forward
Building your business with Sara Troy and her guest Alex Dumas, on air February 6th In 2015, I experienced the ‘worst’ year of my life with the decline of my mother’s health and eventual passing, the loss of my job, and the collapse of my financial services business. These rough times landed me in a role the following year and introduced me to the profession that I love and changed my life:…
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originbluy · 4 months
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3 Reasons Why You Should Hire An Executive Coach
The climb to the top can be exhilarating, but navigating the complex landscape of executive leadership can also feel isolating and challenging. That's where an executive coach comes in. These experienced professionals act as trusted partners, helping you unlock your full potential and achieve your goals. Here are just 3 compelling reasons why investing in an executive coach might be the best decision you make:
1. Supercharge Your Performance:
Sharpen Your Skills: Whether it's communication, decision-making, or conflict resolution, an executive coach can identify your strengths and weaknesses, develop personalized strategies to address them, and help you hone your leadership skills to razor sharpness.
Break Through Barriers: Feeling stuck or plateauing? A coach can help you identify limiting beliefs and unconscious biases that might be holding you back. By working through these roadblocks, you can unlock new levels of creativity and effectiveness.
Maximize Your Energy: The executive life can be demanding. Your coach can provide tools and techniques to manage stress, improve work-life balance, and boost your overall well-being, ensuring you have the energy and resilience to perform at your best.
2. Gain Unbiased Perspective and Insights:
Blind Spots Be Gone: No leader is perfect, and everyone has blind spots. An objective coach can provide honest feedback and highlight areas for improvement that you might miss. This valuable external perspective can be game-changing for your personal and professional growth.
Challenge Your Assumptions: Are you stuck in a rut? Your coach can help you see situations from different angles, challenge your assumptions, and spark new ideas. This fresh perspective can lead to innovative solutions and better decision-making.
Confidentiality and Support: The executive chair can be a lonely place. Your coach provides a safe, confidential space where you can voice your concerns, anxieties, and aspirations without judgment. This level of support and understanding can be invaluable for maintaining mental clarity and emotional well-being.
3. Achieve Your Goals and Aspirations:
Define Your Vision: A coach helps you clarify your long-term goals and aspirations. By aligning your values with your actions, you create a roadmap for success that provides motivation and direction.
Develop Actionable Strategies: Goals without plans are just dreams. Your coach helps you break down your aspirations into actionable steps, set realistic milestones, and create a framework for achieving your desired outcomes.
Accountability Partner: Staying on track can be tough. Your coach provides ongoing accountability, checking in with you regularly to ensure you're making progress and offering support and encouragement along the way.
These are just a few of the many benefits of investing in an executive coach. If you're looking to accelerate your growth, gain valuable insights, and achieve your full potential, partnering with a skilled coach can be a powerful and transformative experience.
Remember, your success is not just about climbing the ladder; it's about building a fulfilling and impactful career. An executive coach can be your trusted guide on this journey, helping you reach the summit and beyond.
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Attention! C-Suites: Reach New Career Heights with Leadership Coaching
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soniamcdonald · 5 months
Reasons That Make Sonia McDonald Different From Other Motivational Speakers!
There are so many inspirational speakers out there.So, what makes Sonia McDonald different from others? Sonia McDonald stands out among the plenty of inspirational speaker Australia for several compelling reasons. Let's delve into these aspects in a more relatable and human tone:
Motivating Women Leaders
Sonia McDonald has a unique knack for inspiring and empowering women leaders. She understands that just giving motivational talks is not enough to inspire women, and that is why her motivational approach goes beyond it. She connects with the women in need, who better understand women’s thoughts than women themselves, and so she genuinely tries to approach them positively and motivate them through workshops and coaching.
Keynote Speaker
Sonia McDonald isn't just a keynote speaker Australia, she's a captivating storyteller and a true master of the keynote address. If you genuinely want to get motivated and get ahead in the professional world, she’s the one to help with your goals. She has her ways to engage the audience and leaves a long-lasting effect on women especially.
Experienced Professional
Sonia McDonald’s credibility as a speaker and coach is grounded in her extensive professional experience. It's not like she’s just sharing the textbook knowledge, she is sharing ways that work actually in the real world. Her insights will add depth and authenticity, making the advice more genuine and valuable.
Tried and Tested Ways
Sonia McDonald doesn't rely on untested theories or generic advice. She has tried-and-tested ways, she doesn’t just talk and talk. She moves forward more practically, providing actionable strategies and more.
Executive Coach
What sets Sonia McDonald apart is her role as an executive coach. She not only inspires, but she has plenty of ideas and challenges to engage women and help them achieve their goals. Her ways are not like one size fits all, but are more personalized, according to your needs.
Guidance and Tools
Beyond inspiration, Sonia McDonald equips her audience with tangible tools and guidance. She doesn't just motivate you alone, she also provides practical tools and strategies that work wonders for your needs. This approach of hers can change your thoughts and make you a true leader.
Sonia McDonald isn't just another speaker. She is a motivational speaker, guide, and coach if that’s what you need to achieve height in your field of work, or life. She’s a unique blend of experience, wisdom and authenticity.
For more details, visit https://soniamcdonald.com.au/
Original source: https://bit.ly/4aFt74n
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a-brighter-life · 5 months
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Have you ever wondered why feedback often carries a negative undertone? The art of giving and receiving feedback effectively can be a game changer! It's such an incredible opportunity for growth if done well! If you have ever been at the receiving end of such eye-opening, game changing feedback, I'm eager to hear your story! Do share your experience in the comments below! www.abrighterlife.in
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elmerllovett · 6 months
Boost your company's performance with personalized corporate coaching in Fort Lauderdale, FL. Work with a seasoned mentor to develop your skills, gain exclusive insights, and enhance your leadership abilities. Make data-driven decisions and achieve unprecedented growth for your business. Start your journey now!
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businesscoachuk · 6 months
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Are you looking for a business coach in London? You should visit Shereen Hoban. She is a professional coach. Her role is to support ambitious individuals in creative industries to thrive, reach their leadership potential, launch their businesses, to forge sustainable success. She finds harmony with talent, values, visions and goals.
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kamariarichmondmedia · 8 months
The Stroke Diva Fabulous Show with Carol Metz Murray, Speaker, Author, Executive Coach, and Founder of the Naken Leadership Institute Movement
Recently, I had the privilege of chatting with Carol Metz Murray, the founder of the Naked Leadership Institute Movement. Carol’s dynamic approach to leadership and life is truly remarkable. Her passion and wisdom shine through in every word she speaks. Listen to our interview, where Carol shares her empowering insights on leadership and so much more. Get ready to be inspired and empowered! Link…
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kajmasterclass · 2 months
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reperspectivecoaching · 8 months
Elevate Your Life and Career with RePerspective Coaching in Singapore
Singapore, a thriving hub of opportunities and innovation, is a place where individuals aspire to reach their highest potential in both their personal and professional lives. Amidst the bustling city-state, RePerspective Coaching stands as a guiding light, offering transformative coaching in Singapore. In this blog, we'll explore the profound impact of coaching on individuals and businesses and how RePerspective Coaching can empower you to elevate your life and career.
The Power of Coaching
Coaching is a collaborative and goal-oriented partnership between a coach and a client, aimed at unlocking an individual's potential and facilitating their personal and professional growth. It is a dynamic process that empowers individuals to set and achieve meaningful goals, overcome obstacles, and gain valuable insights into themselves and their aspirations.
Here are some key areas where coaching can make a significant impact:
1. Personal Development: Coaching helps individuals gain clarity about their values, strengths, and passions. It enables them to build self-confidence, enhance self-awareness, and develop a sense of purpose.
2. Career Advancement: Whether you're aiming for a promotion, exploring a career change, or starting a new business venture, coaching can provide you with the strategies, skills, and confidence needed to succeed.
3. Leadership Growth: Effective leadership is crucial in both professional and personal contexts. Coaching helps leaders refine their leadership style, improve communication, and inspire their teams to achieve greatness.
4. Work-Life Balance: Achieving a healthy work-life balance is essential for overall well-being. Coaches guide individuals in managing their time, setting priorities, and finding harmony between their personal and professional lives.
5. Goal Achievement: Coaches assist individuals in setting SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-Bound) goals, creating action plans, and holding them accountable to achieve their desired outcomes.
RePerspective Coaching: Transforming Lives and Careers
RePerspective Coaching, based in Singapore, is a trusted partner on your journey of self-discovery and growth. Here's how their coaching services can elevate your life and career:
1. Personalized Approach: RePerspective Coaching understands that each individual is unique, and they tailor their coaching programs to address your specific needs and objectives. Whether you seek personal development, career guidance, or leadership enhancement, they provide customized solutions.
2. Experienced Coaches: The team at RePerspective Coaching consists of experienced and certified coaches who are committed to your success. Their diverse backgrounds and expertise ensure that you receive the guidance and support necessary to achieve your goals.
3. Clarity and Insight: Through insightful questioning and active listening, RePerspective Coaching helps you gain clarity about your life's direction, values, and aspirations. This clarity serves as a foundation for setting meaningful goals.
4. Goal Achievement: Setting goals is one thing; achieving them is another. RePerspective Coaching provides you with the tools and strategies to turn your aspirations into reality. They offer continuous support and accountability to keep you on track.
5. Holistic Development: RePerspective Coaching takes a holistic approach to coaching, recognizing that personal and professional growth are interconnected. They empower you to lead a more balanced and fulfilling life.
In the dynamic and fast-paced environment of Singapore, personal and professional growth is essential for success and fulfillment. RePerspective Coaching, with its dedicated team of experienced coaches, offers transformative executive coach services that empower individuals and organizations to thrive. Whether you're seeking personal development, career advancement, or leadership growth, RePerspective Coaching can help you gain clarity, set and achieve meaningful goals, and elevate your life and career.
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