#Everyone jokes “wow you were almost born on a leap day” even though there wasn’t a leap day in the year j was born
finntheehumaneater · 3 months
my birthday is in six days!!!! Eee!!!
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be-the-creature-fan · 4 years
AIN'T NO TIME LIKE 1969 by: be-the-creatue-fan. (Its a long one)
Chapter 1
Its was a quiet day at the Tortuga, ever since self quarantine started things were very quiet in the creature world. The Wild Kratts team were trying to keep busy, Chris and Martin were trading creature power discs again, Koki was making sure there was no Villain activity, Jimmy was playing his video games and Aviva was working on her inventions.
"It's Done!" Aviva said with excitement.
"What is?" asked everyone else.
"The Time Trampoline! Its finally been restored to its former glory."
Chris's face lit up with a tear in his eye, finally after over a year of waiting, the time trampoline was finished.
"So, Chris are you ready to test it out?" Martin asked.
"You don't have to ask me twice! So, Aviva how far back can this time machine go?"
"Well lucky for you Bros, this baby can go all the way back to the Jurracic Time Period!"
"For real!?" The Brothers said.
"Do you know what this means Chris?!" "We can finally see your fossil collection come to life!!!"
Chris was so excited he couldn't speak.
"Well what are you guys waiting for? You guys can visit them right now!"
So the Kratt brothers got ready to go back in time to see the dinosaurs, but little did they know that trouble was lurking close by.
"Uug Finally she finished her time trampoline thingy" Zach said as he walked towards his invisibility cloak. "It's finally time to defeat those Wild Rats once and for all!
Chapter 2
"Are you guys all set" Koki asked
"Ha! I was born ready!" Chris said as he climbed on the trampoline.
Once both Brothers were on the trampoline the countdown started, not just for the Wild Kratts team but for Zach as well.
"5.....4.....3.....2.....1....ze-" just before the team could say zero, Zach came out of nowhere and pushed Martin off the trampoline and destroyed one part of it as Chris made it into the time connection. Martin could only watch in horror as the time connection started to close right behind Chris. As Chris saw the time connection close up, he knew that he had to travel to a time period more recent then what he originally planned or he would be toast. So without thinking Chris threw the other smaller time trampoline just right infront of him and narrowly avoided his ultimate doom.
June 20th 1969 (9:52pm) Warren NJ
Chris found himself in a tree with the trampoline just under him. As Chris jumped on to the trampoline he couldn't help but feel that where ever he was at felt familiar in a way but he still didn't know where or when he was at, so he just packed up the trampoline and started to wander the streets. After walking for about an hour Chris began to feel tried and hungry and the feeling of being lost and alone didn't help. Just then, as he was walking near an alley way he felt a large tug on his arm and with one swift move he found himself on the ground being beaten up by a small gang of thieves. He could feel them snatch the time trampoline away as they ran away. Chris continued to lie on the cement motionless until he found the courage to get up and keep walking. He was still in shock and didn't know how badly he was hurt, and couldn't tell if he was sweating or losing blood but as he kept walking, everything kept becoming more and more familiar. Chris finally found himself infront of his childhood home and because of the pain and exhaustion he had felt, he clasped in the front yard only hidden by a bush.
Chapter 3
"CHRIS!" Martin screamed as he gased up at the time connection which had just closed. "Zach! Look what you have done now!" Martin looked at Zach with a murderous intent in his eyes. In a split second Martin leaped towards Zach and proceeded to put him in a choke hold. The rest of the Wild Kratts gang had to pry Martin off of Zach. But before Zach could escape, Aviva used the robotic arms to keep a hold on Zach.
"So Zach, What in the Creature World was that all about?!?!" Martin angrily asked.
"I don't have to say if I don't want too." Zach responded with a smirk on his face.
"Listen here you little sh-"
"MARTIN, LANGUAGE!!!" Koki said to quickly interrupt Martin.
"Dang, Martin. Sombody please remind me never to mess with Chris." Jimmy said in a kind of joking manner.
"Yes Martin?"
"Shut up."
After a moment of awkward silence.....
"Oh Martin I was able to pick up a signal coming from the other trampoline." said Koki.
"Really? Where at do you know if Chris made it?"
"Well there was activity after the trampoline made it so he was able to escape the closing of the time connection, however I cant pinpoint where he is at but I know when."
"Well when was it?"
(Back with Chris in 1969.....)
It was 8:00 on the 21st day of June and it was a beautiful first day of summer. Linda Kratt who was 8 months pregnant with her 4th kid decided to sit on the porch outside and relax in the summer breeze. That when she noticed something on her front yard. As she walked closer to it thinking that it was probably a possum or a raccoon, to her suprize it was a man who's face was very swollen. At first she thought about calling the authorities, but saw that he had probably had gone through enough and probably needed a proper place to heal back up. So using a little bit of ingenuity she used her eldest son's wagon to put the man in and she pulled the wagon inside and she put him on the couch to rest up.
Chapter 4
Chris finally started to come around and the first thing he noticed was the kid who was staring back at him.
"Martin?" Chris said in a quiet raspy voice.
"Martin! what did I tell you don't disturb the nice young man!" Linda sternly told Martin as she shooed him away. "I'm so sorry about that I hope he didn't wake you."
"Oh, no he didn't wake me Mom" Chris said still a little dazed.
"Mom?" Linda said confused.
"Oh! I meant Mamm sorry."
"Oh that's alright dear, say you look familiar, do I know you from somewhere?"
"Um no I don't think so" Chris stuttered as he tried to get up. "I would like to thank you for your hospitality but I need to be on my way" as Chris stood up he became very light headed and he stumbled as he tried to walk, almost falling again for the 2nd time.
"Oh no I insist you must stay here and rest" she brought Chris back to the couch and it didn't take long for him to fall back asleep.
Linda then tried calling her husband Bill Kratt at his work but there was no answer. A few hour later Chris woke up again and started walking towards the kitchen to get something to drink but he would struggle with trying to stay awake. His head was pounding and he would black out at times but eventually he made it into the kitchen and got himself a glass of water. As he was walking back to the couch, Bill came back from work.
"What the hell are you doing in my house!!!" Bill shouted as he ran towards Chris and tackled him.
Chris was to weak to respond and passed out in fear.
"Bill! Get off of him he's hurt!" Linda screamed.
"Linda you and the kids stay back!" I'll teach him a lesson not to enter the house of Bill Kratt!"
It wasn't easy but eventually Linda calmed Bill down and explained him the whole situation. Chris once again woke up on the couch but this time it late at night.
He could hear Bill and Linda taking in the room next to his.
"I don't trust him Linda, he seems like someone who goes out looking for trouble"
"Well, what makes you say that Bill?"
"You saw how badly beaten up he is, he was probably looking for it. I'm just glad that no son of mine will ever end up like him."
"Bill, what's the real reason why you don't like him?"
"I guess I'm just worried about you,the kids and the baby. when I saw him in our house I thought something terrible happened."
"Oh I'm so sorry Honey, I tried calling your work phone but there was no answer.
"Its ok Love, I'm just glad you're ok."
Chapter 5
(Back in Present day.....)
Martin couldn't sleep that night. All he could think about was how would Chris ever return home. Aviva and Koki spent the whole day trying to figure out a way to fix the time trampoline as quickly and efficiently as possible, Jimmy was keeping a guard on Zach, and Martin was mostly trying to figure out where Chris could be. It was very odd though, Martin started recalling a moment shortly before Chris was born when a man came and visited his house for some reason that he couldn't remember, he didn't know why he was recalling this memory or why it came to mind just then but he tried to not pay attention to it and continued on with his day.
"How's the Time Trampoline Aviva?"
"Well, its coming along, luckily Zach wasn't strong enough to break the main part of the trampoline but its gonna take a while to fix it well enough to get Chris back."
"How long would that be?"
"About 2 weeks"
"2 weeks?! How would we know if he's even still alive in 2 weeks?"
"Ha! Wow most of my plan worked better than expected" Zach yelled out loud.
Martin didn't take that very well and the team had to restrain him as well before there was any bloodshed.
For the next few days The whole Wild Kratts team did their part to fix the time trampoline.
(Back in 1969.....)
Chris continued to slowly get better and even helped Linda out with some of the chores when she was to tired to do them.
"So when is the baby due?" Chris asked even though he knew the answer
"In about another month or so. But sometimes, I wish it would come sooner then later. It's not easy having to be pregnant and also have 3 other little ones, but I love my children and wouldn't want it any other way."
Just then Martin ran up to his Mom.
"Mommy can I go outside?"
"Sure Honey" just make sure when you go outside where stay in the front yard where I can see you."
"Yes Mommy I will. Come on Heidi!" Then a Saint Bernard puppy ran out of Martin's room and went outside with him.
Chris really missed Heidi and was very happy to see her, but he had to contain his excitement in order to not act suspicious.
"Heh, Heidi that's a cute name for a dog"
(Back in present day)
"Martin are you alright?" asked Jimmy
"What's wrong?"
Martin glances at Jimmy with tears in his eyes.
"I let Chris down Jimmy, I'm a terrible brother, I was supposed to protect him, and I failed."
"Martin this is not your fault. We're going find him and get him back."
"Well, if he's not dead by then!" Zach blurted out.
(Dead silence)
Chapter 6
(Back in 1969.....)
Its been one week since Chris went back in time. Chris was still recovering from his injuries but has since gain the trust of Bill.
"So um Chris that your name, right?"
"Um yes sir."
"Where are you from Chris?"
"Oh um I travel a lot but I grew up here and I was supposed to um meet my brother at a um a bus station I waited for a while and so I thought he might of been talking about the other one that's not to far away from here but as I was walking over there I got mugged and the next thing I know it, I wake up on the couch."
Chris knew he couldn't tell the truth, he knew that every action he does could affect the outcome of the future, even his own. All of a sudden Chris had a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach.
"Linda what is it?!"
"Bill! We have to go to the hospital, it's the baby, something's wrong!"
Chris sinking feeling turned into a pain and then into agony. He felt like throwing up, he wanted to scream, the pain was starting to become unbearable, he didn't know what to do.
"Chris are you ok?"
"Ok, Chris I'm going to take you both to the hospital."
"NO JUST TAKE YOUR WIFE! I'll be fine just take your wife and I'll be fine, ok?"
"Alright, let's go Linda"
A few hours pass the pain was still there.
"Where's Mommy and Daddy?"
Chris looked up to see Martin stareing back at him.
Chris didn't know what to say, he was in so much pain. He didn't know if he would survive. He looked back at Martin.
"Mom and Dad are at the hospital, But don't worry, they're going to be ok."
After saying those words, the pain started to go away.
"Martin, I need you to remember something."
"What is it?"
"When your older, you are going to feel like you have to protect your siblings from danger, and that's good, but sometimes when you can't, don't feel like it's your fault, ok?"
(Back in Present day....)
"Oh my gosh I know where Chis is!"
"Martin it's 4:00 in the morning, where do you possibly think he's at?"
"He's at my house, in 1969, I remember him, but I don't know how, but he possibly can be the same man."
"Unless he's currently changing the past and adding new memories, that would explain why you keep having these new memories from your past!"
After a lot of thought Aviva just released something.
"This isn't good"
"What is it Aviva?"
"If Chris keeps talking or interacts with your family, this could jeopardize our past and present day selves. The Wild Kratts team might not even exist."
"Well there isn't any time to waste!" Koki piped up.
"Koki is right let's get to work."
Chapter 7
(Back in 1969.....)
After a while Linda and Bill came back from the hospital
"How's the baby?" Chris asked
"The baby is fine, thankfully"
"That's good"
"Chris, I would like to thank you for watching the kids for us, I hope there wasn't any trouble."
"Oh no there was no trouble at all"
"Are you sure we don't know you from somewhere?"
"Ummmm not that I'm aware of? But you guys have been so kind to like if I was your own son *cough*"
"I just hope your brother isn't worried about you"
"Oh I'm sure he's not that worried about me."
(Present day)
"Martin, CALM DOWN! We need about a few more days until we're done fixing it."
"Look were trying to do the best we can, but time travel is complicated stuff"
"I know, I know, but I'm just worried about him. I just want to protect him, I want to know if he's safe."
"I think I've got it!"
"What is it Koki?"
"I fix the time trampoline just enough to get Chris back!"
"I took a few short cuts and was able to allow the time trampoline to go back to the year 1969, which we know is the same time where Chris ended up in history. We just need to make sure we have a connection to the other trampoline for the time connection to open which might take about 6 or 7 hours to complete and 2 to 3 hours to locate the signal from the other trampoline."
(A few hours later)
"Alright I was able to track down the other time trampoline and it tells me that it was last used on June 20th 1969. However the time trampoline can only go back as far as July 4th 1969, Chris would most likely still be stuck in the past but it would still be a risky thing to do, considering that every action he make could affect our Present."
"If it's the best we can do so be it!" Martin said
"Ok let's go then"
So Martin went on the time trampoline as the rest of the team stayed behind to make sure absolutely nothing goes wrong. So Martin went through the time connection and went back to Warren NJ July 4th 1969 (9:00)
To Martin's surprise he landed in a junkyard.
"Hey Martin can you hear us?"
"Yea loud and clear, it's a good thing that my Creature Pod still works."
"Listen, you only have 1 hour to find Chris and get back here or else the time connection will close again and it might take a longer time to get you guys back to Present Day."
"Wait today is the 4th of July, right?"
"Yeah why?"
"Oh man I was afraid of that"
"For as long as I remember, my family would drive a half an hour to go watch the fireworks near the beach. If they had already left there's no way I can make it back in an hour."
Chapter 8
"Well, what if they didn't leave yet? Shouldn't it still be still light out?"
The sun was still out but was quickly setting.
"The sun is starting to set, I don't know where I am or how far away I am from where Chris is!"
"Martin, there's no time to lose! You only have one hour to find Chris before the time connection closes"
"I know, I know..... (sigh)"
So after a while of finding a way out of the junkyard he finally made his way onto the street. Martin looked at his watch. (9:05)
As Martin continued to roam the streets his surroundings became more and more familiar. A lot of memories began to flood his mind, some good and some bad. Martin eventually found himself infront of his old school that he, his sisters and Chris would walk to and from. Martin looked at his watch again (9:15). It was a 20 minute walk from his childhood home, if he was going to make it, he would have to make a run for it.
(With Chris 9:00)
Chris found himself looking out the window, something he did often as a kid. It has been just over 2 weeks since he got trapped in 1969, a lot have happened during those weeks. Chris figured that Martin would be here by now, the situation was probably worse than he thought. What if he never returns home.
"Oh um... yes Linda?"
"Is everything alright?"
"(sigh) yea...I just. I've been waiting for my brother for over 2 weeks but I've heard nothing. What if he thinks I'm, um kidnapped or um dead? I'm just worried about him not being able to find me.
"Oh Chris you have been such a wonderful guest, and you can stay for as long as you need to until we can find your brother. What's his name, anyways?"
"Mar....vin, Marvin"
"Well I'm sure we'll find your brother Marvin soon"
"Thanks Mo....Mamm I really appreciate it"
"Linda are you and the kids about ready to go?"
"Almost Bill, I'll be ready in a bit. Chris are you sure you don't want to come with us to the fireworks show?"
"Actually yes I'll go with you guys ot might take a little bit of time to get ready"
"Great, just make sure you're ready by 9:30"
"Ok" Chris said as he looked at a nearby clock. (9:05) "that should be more than enough time to get ready"
(Back with Martin 9:20)
Martin's lungs started to burn after a minute and a half of running but he didn't stop him but after 5 minutes of running it was more than he could take, he was at the half way mark between the school and his house but his lungs felt like they were on fire. Martin slowed to a stop to catch his breath, but the words "Martin there is no time to lose" echoed in his head, he had to keep going. So after a quick break he trudge on.
Chapter 9
(With Chris)
"Ok I'm ready to go"
"Oh good, is everybody ready to go?"
"Um Mommy?" Little Martin said
"Yes Sweetie....Oh Good Heavens!"
While nobody was looking Martin decided to try to pour himself a glass of grape juice and accidentally spilled it all over the floor.
Linda rushed over to where the mess was grabbed a mop and started to clean the mess up as quickly as she could.
"Linda you are in no shape to clean this up" Bill said as he went to where Linda was. "Here, let me clean it up Dear."
"No Bill I got this! I can do this"
"But Linda you know what the doctor said, you need to take it easy during this last month."
After pausing for a while Linda gave the mop to Bill.
After Bill cleaned up the mess and was able to get situated once again, a faint knock was heard at the door.
"I'll get it!" Linda said as she speed walked towards the door.
(With Martin 1 minute before)
Martin could see the house in his sights, but was still very far away maybe even to far away.
"Come on Martin you have to get over there, but how?" Martin said to himself as he started to scan the area.
Alas, Martin finds what seems to be a scooter. "I hope who ever this belongs to won't mind me using it" he rode the scooter until he makes it infront of the house. As he walked up the steps to the door Martin felt a rush of relief as he made it just in time.
Linda opened the door and once Martin and her made eye contact she was utterly speechless.
Martin, also being very weirded out, barely able to collect his thoughts said "Good evening um Mamm, I've been looking for my brother have you se-
"MARTIN!" Chris yelled out as he ran and embraced him.
"Chris I'm so glad you're ok!"
Bill comes to see whose at the door and when he also saw Martin he too had become speechless. Little Martin confused by all of the silence from his parents goes up and introduces himself
"Hi my name is Martin,what's your name?"
"My name is Mar-"
"MARVIN!" Chris blurted out
"Yea Marvin..."
Martin looks at his clock, it was 9:33.
"Oh look at the time! Me and Chris have to go we were supposed to meet with a couple of friends two weeks ago but ever since Chris got lost we spent our time searching for him but we best be on our way."
"I would love to thank you for your hospitality Mr and Mrs. Kratt and I hope we can visit you in the future " Chris said as they headed out the door.
"Bye Chris! I hope you can visit us soon"
"Sooner than you think" Chris thought to himself.
As soon as they were out of sight Martin and Chris had the opportunity to tell there sides of what happened with them.
"Why didn't you tell them my name was something cooler?" Martin asked
"What name would be cooler?"
"Anything but Marvin"
They both laugh and after a while they were able to make it past the halfway point. Martin looked at his watch again and it was 9:45
"Come on Chris we need to pick up the pace if were going to make it to the time trampoline on time" when Martin looked up Chris was nowhere in sight "Chris?"
"Martin.....help me"
The same pain that Chris felt a week ago was back however it felt 10× worse he tried to breathe but it was like he was getting stabbed in the lungs. He became numb and weak, Chris looked up at Martin with terror in his eyes he knew what was going on.
"Martin I'm dying"
Chapter 10
"Chris......Chris........come one stay with me buddy..........Chris!"
Martin knew time was limited, so he lifted Chris and carried him on his back. He could feel Chris struggling to breathe, he didn't know how his brother who seemed healthy just a few minutes ago, to just trying to hang on to life.
"Come on Chris we're almost there just hang on"
They finally made it to the time trampoline. It was 9:55, Chris wasn't looking so well. Martin started to jump on the trampoline with Chris on he back, which made it a lot longer to get through the time connection.
"Martin, Chris, thank goodness your back" Aviva said with excitement.
"Aviva you have to help Chris! I don't know what wrong he was fine when earlier, but when we were on our way here he all of a sudden....."
Martin broke into tears
"Don't worry Martin, we will find out what's going on"
Chris was laying almost motionless barely able to comprehend what was going on around him. He couldn't feel anything as both Aviva and Koki hooked him up with tubes.
"His heart rate is very irregular, I don't know if he's going to make it"
A new memory popped into Martin's head.
"Wait, I think I know what's going on"
"What is it MK?"
"Both past and Present Chris are connected..." (to be continued...) tumblr won't let me finish.
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pockpop · 5 years
one bad night | bang chan
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summary; after being stood up twice, you seriously didn’t believe your night could get worse. but a chance meeting with chan, who had an equally bad night, made it not so bad after all.
genre; single dad! chan, hispanic!reader, fluffy
warnings; cursing
a/n; this took so long! why? because writers block is hell and I refused to put out something unsatisfying. trust me I lost count on how many times I rewrote this but! I hope you like this anon❀.(*´◡`*)❀.
• •
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“his grandmother died? really y/n? i’m pretty sure i saw the old bat yelling at her cats the other day!”
the two of you sat on your couch, the umbrella academy long forgotten as it played muted on the tv. your apartment smelled like chicken and weak air freshener that woojin used to try and get out the smell of the spicy hot sauce you drowned his burrito in, much to his dismay.
 “oh come on woojin! don’t be like that he said he was sorry and even asked me to come out to dinner again!” you threw your freshly shaven legs on his lap, knowing how much he hated when you did that.
woojin rolled his eyes at you and threw your legs off his thighs making you groan in annoyance, “why can’t you just go out with that cute guy that comes in the restaurant like all the time?”
it was your turn to roll your eyes then,”hell no.”
“don’t you use that tone with me,” woojin chastised, mushing the side of your head softly,”its not my fault you won’t just talk to him!”
“woojin! it’s not even that simple! he comes in every day, every day at the same time, gives me the same smile and then that’s it. the most words we’ve exchanged is ‘hello’, how are you? will that be all?’ “you took a harsh bite out of your burrito before slumping down on the sofa cushion. “and sometimes he’ll bring his cute little daughter in and he’s all sweet with her! ugh i bet his baby mama is like a model or something,” you further complained in between chews, taking another bite into your food.
“i know, you freeze up every time he comes in but babe are you sure you want to get involved with someone that has a child? you barely can take care of yourself.” woojin commented, picking at the leftover black beans on his plate.
raising your eyebrow, you leaned away from him,“what’s that supposed to mean? and i love kids woo,”
“you’ve been living off take-out for the past two weeks and only have this home made burrito because i screamed at you to make it.”
“so?” you croaked,”i only agreed because i have to start saving, my mom and abuelita are visiting soon and i want to be able to do stuff for them okay?” woojin grinned at you sweetly,”you’re so annoying. if you don’t talk to him though, by tomorrow, i will. you need some dick in your life.”
“listen compa, i don’t need dick okay? i’ve survived this long without it.”
“yeah, yeah but don’t you remember when you were drunk the other day and you touched my-”
“okay woojin! i’ll talk to him! stop trying to expose me. but tonight i have a date, a fine one at that and you’re supposed to be here helping me get ready! not patronizing my choices.”  woojin smiled and ruffled your hair, “you’re lucky i love you.”
why in the hell was woojin always right?
your leg trembled uncontrollably, the bare skin of your thighs not even noticing the cold metal of the bench you occupied.
‘I can’t believe that prick stood me up, again!’ you groaned snatching out your ponytail and let your hair fall in thick tresses. the smoothly brushed ponytail you had worked on for hours, laying your edges so perfectly only for the cute look to all go to waste.
you wanted to cry and scream but only a string of curses fell from your lips as you covered your face. you had sat in that restaurant, with all those eyes on you, pitying you and it was humiliating.
gripping locks of your hair, you didn’t even hear the approaching footsteps but it was the voice that made you look up.
“are you okay miss?”
your heart almost leaped out of your chest at the sight of chan standing there eyeing you oddly. oh god, him? of all people? you wanted to crawl and hide in your skin but you just stared up at him in dumb shock cause damn he looked good.
 the man stood just a few feet from you, dressed like he just came from a fancy dinner himself. the top buttons of his black silk shirt were undone, his dress pants fitting his legs just right and a very expensive pair of boots on. 
but those eyes, those dark almond eyes were staring at you with concern made you shift in your spot. it was obvious in his gaze he recognized you but he made no comment to point it out, instead he looked to be waiting for your answer.
“uh yeah I’m just fine.”
you were surprised when chan cracked a smile, a dimple adorning his cheek. “I think I’ve been around enough to know when someone says they’re fine, they really aren’t.” 
he took a glance around the semi empty park. the only people really out for the evening were couples and friends on the way to a night out. adjusting the jacket in his grasp, he sat down beside you, leaving enough space between you so it wasn’t too uncomfortable.
“I haven’t had the best night either if I’m going to be honest but,”he looked you up and down, “it seems yours had been worse.”
“wow thanks,”you replied sinking down on the bench but chan chuckled and leaned back on the bench, tilted his head back to look at the sky.
“we’re sorta strangers, and if you want we can pretend this conversation never happened when i see you again so just tell me, distract me from my own shit.”
you stared at him for a moment, but thinking ‘what the hell’, you started ranting.
“i’ve been talking this guy for like three weeks now okay? and now he’s stood me up not once, but twice!” you exclaimed but then rubbed your cheeks in despair and whispered,”oh god woojin is going to have a field day with this.” 
chan shook his head in disbelief,“wow what an asshole.”
“right?!” you groaned again and leaned back on the bench as well, taking in the way the stars were actually out for once.
“well that makes my night sound like a cakewalk.” chan said after a beat of silence and you turned to face him, to give him the attention he gave you.
“tell me compa, what happened to you tonight?”
“I was having my first date since my daughter was born and well my daughter called in the middle of the dinner, just normal ‘where are you’ stuff and the moment my date realized I had a daughter she made up some shit reason to bail.”
you gasped, “did she even finish her food?”
the blond shook his head and you scoffed, “ wow,what a bitch.”
“yeah but I guess I should’ve told her a while ago. it’s just hard to try and date when you’re a single dad you know?” you watched as tried to smile through it but the smile failed to reach his eyes. 
you huffed and glanced up at the sky, taking in the fact the stars could actually be seen in that part of the city.“I feel you dude, well kind of since I’m not a single dad but yeah I get you.” you both laughed and he looked over to you.
“does this mean you’ll be giving me discounts when i come in now? since we are this acquainted?” 
you rolled your eyes and pushed his shoulder, smiling at the laugh that escaped his lips,”don’t push it,specials are tuesdays and thursdays.”
he nodded reluctantly,”fine, i see how it is. it’s really gotta be like that huh?”
your pursed your lips,”i’m going through a tough time right now buddy, give me a break okay?”
he didn’t push it but instead moved your conversation to other things. you talked about what you were going to school for and how you already planned the dream company you were going to work at in a years time, he told you more about his daughter and her knack for scaring off baby sitters,even for the ripe age of three, which was why tonight had been a really anticipated date for him. you talked on and on for what felt like forever, becoming further acquainted and laughing over stories and dumb jokes. 
you really wondered why you didn’t try and make conversation with him sooner but with his phone going off, it was due time for the conversation to end. chan gave you a shy smile as he locked his phone, not even answering his baby sitter’s call.
“it was nice telling you my problems y/n, but now I must leave to attend to my three year old who is probably driving her babysitter nuts.” chan said rising from the bench, you nodded and sat up a little.
“yeah you do that, I think I’m going to sit here and continue to mope a bit. see you at the usual time at everyone’s favorite eatery”you stated with a little laugh.
chan bit his lip as if he wanted to say something else but instead he gave you a closed lipped smile and waved as he walked off.
bringing your knees to your chest, you leaned your chin on them. though you had planned to mope, you didn’t honestly feel so bad about your night. you ended up having good conversation and you wondered if you would ever meet him again like that, or hell date him yourself.
with a deep sigh, you moved to stand up from the bench knowing that woojin was waiting for you to tell him about your night when you caught sight of chan jogging back to you. you smirked at the sight of his blond locks falling from its style, making him look really cute.
“you forget something?” you asked as he stopped a few paces from you.
“oh yeah yeah I did, your number.”
your eyes widened a bit, “really?”
“I already just talked myself into doing this, I probably won’t ask again out of sheer embarrassment.” he admitted, the pink tint to his cheeks so different from the assertive and humorous chan you met earlier.
smiling, you rocked on your heels for a second, “wow chan you’re cute,”you mumbled but took his phone out of his grasp and put your number in it.
handing it back to him, his fingers brushed yours softly and the contact made you shiver. “I guess I will be seeing you then.” he said slowly backing away and you nodded,”oh and trust me I won’t leave in the middle of dinner just because your daughter calls, I’ll finish my food first.”
chan laughed, a carefree and goofy sound that made your heart flutter. “duly noted and I won’t stand you up twice, but three times just for emphasis.”
“ha so cute!” you yelled at him and he flashed you one more smile before jogging off again. you rocked on your heels again and caught yourself smiling so wide.
so, maybe being stood up isn’t so bad after all.
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angeltriestoblog · 4 years
I went from reluctant leader to ACTM officer!
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Kind of a late update but after what seemed like an endless discernment period and an unforgivably rigorous application process (on my part), I’m officially the Ateneo Association for Communications Technology Management’s Associate Vice President for Documentations! And yes, I’m aware that’s a mouthful so from this point on, I am referring to myself as ACTM’s AVP for Docs.
I honestly did not see this coming though: Freshman Angel stuck out like a sore thumb in her home org. In addition to finding all upperclassmen intimidating as I do with anyone born at least a day before me, I felt like I was just… not feeling it most of the time. All I lacked was a button that read “I really wish I weren’t here right now!” pinned to my shirt. It was only when I was a sophomore, familiar with the organization’s events and able to see them up close that I realized that I didn’t remember going through most of them myself. Although I’m pretty sure I was present because it was mandatory for all new members, I don’t recall going to a general assembly, being briefed on the different departments within the org, and especially being taught what our core competency was. I was very content with doing the bare minimum as a Docs Head: going to meetings to take minutes and do registration, nagging at the project heads and point people to submit the necessary requirements for post-documentations, and smiling shyly and saying “I’m ok!” when people asked me how I was.
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Although I was much more active in my second year, I never realized I wanted to increase my level of involvement until I went to LEAP, the three-day leadership training seminar in Zambales I raved about in my first semester recap blog post. It was there when I noticed the home aspect that ACTM prides itself on: everybody—regardless of batch and predetermined social circle—bonding in more ways than one, both with and without the influence of alcohol, just having a great time and joking around like they’ve been friends forever. I saw just how much ACTM was investing in me to help me realize that maybe I could be an officer too. Maybe I could contribute to the great culture that makes us so much of a family. But of course, that thought quickly found its way to the backburner the minute we boarded the bus back to Manila.
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I never really saw myself as leader material after several failed stints in my old school: I was the secretary who forgot to ask the teacher to sign the attendance sheet, or the vice president that ran out of the classroom first during earthquake drills when I was supposed to be last in line to check if all appliances were off. (In my defense, it was an act of self-preservation.) I didn’t realize it then while I was busy wreaking havoc in every homeroom class I found myself in but when I finally grew up, for the lack of a better term, I came to the conclusion that being put in charge of a group of people would only bring disastrous consequences and I didn’t want anyone involved in that.
Fast forward to several months later: I had an individual consultation with my boss Chelsea, the previous holder of my current position, to help with her plans in running for vice president of our department. Somewhere along the way, she tapped me to fill her shoes—a request that was met with a high-pitched “WEH?” that probably shocked everyone on the third floor of MVP that day. I had been diligently doing my work for two years, she said, just as long as she has so I knew enough about the processes. Back then, I was very preoccupied with two other extracurricular commitments and had plans of joining three more the next school year. My goals and ambitions were all over the place and I guess it reflected in the way I skirted around the topic because she just patted my knee (throwback to the time when physical contact was still acceptable) and told me to think about it. Real hard.
I guess this lockdown period also served as the time for discernment I needed: I weighed the pros and cons, made the necessary trade-offs, and got the insights of those I trusted, mostly by pestering them with uppercase keyboard smashes. I’d think I had a final decision one day then wake up the next, completely changing my stance. It’s not like I didn’t want to serve—I guess I just wasn’t giving myself permission to believe I could. I can’t really pinpoint when it happened but one day, my brain went: “What the heck. What could possibly go wrong?”
After making the decision to run, I felt at peace, no longer overthinking about every single thinking that could possibly go wrong, just eager for the day application season would formally start. Well, that is until I received the actual notification from the Ateneo ACTM page that said a Facebook group for all AVP aspirants had been made. I tossed my laptop aside and started yelling, much to the dismay of my mother who was on the receiving end of all this panic. Over the next few days, I would watch the electoral talk that followed, a webinar of sorts that basically gave a rundown of the process we would have to go through should we want to take on the challenge. 
One of my requirements was a long-ass form complete with questions about myself, my leadership skills, the department, and the organization. I remember looking through the platforms of the Executive Board applicants during the first wave of elections and saying to myself, “Wow, I hope I don’t have to fill up something that long. I would cry my ass off!” only to find out that I would have to submit almost an exact replica of that and truly enough, cry my ass off. While Noelle, our EVP, was glossing over everything, I took these pictures on my laptop’s photo booth to express my frustration and sent them to my friend Julia, who was also watching via Zoom. I was actually very paranoid that I had my video on during the call and would end up exposing my contorted facial expressions to all 70 people watching the livestream. Thankfully, the universe was merciful enough to be on my side at the time.
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Believe me, I wanted to get started with the work the minute the virtual meeting ended: I felt like I needed to so everything wouldn’t pile up and paralyze me on the day of the deadline. But even early on, I was already pretty overwhelmed and I couldn’t bring myself to do anything. So I lay down on my bed for the rest of the night and played Ribs by Lorde on repeat. It was an effective coping mechanism then but I instantly regret it the next day once I realized just how much time I had wasted doing nothing when there was so much to be accomplished.
I answered the introspective questions pretty quickly: thanks to my sense of self-awareness, I was able to identify my strengths and weaknesses well. What I really struggled with was the platform. I couldn’t generate any original ideas that I felt could solve the problems I spotted—I had wondered if I could just copy paste Chelsea’s platform and add comments such as “Same” or “RT” on the side and call it a day. Thankfully, this is what individual consultations were for. I contacted Elise, a co-Docs Head from the previous school year, and Gella, my boss back in freshman year and both were kind enough to bounce ideas off me and give me reassurance that the working drafts I had in my mind were actually worth executing. With their insight (and a lot of ice cream), I was able to finish my application form days before I expected to.
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I also wrapped up shooting my platform presentation ahead of schedule. I couldn’t find any decent background at home besides this one cabinet but I failed to notice that part of its door was actually faded until I was already done filming. In an attempt to hide it in a way that still appeared on-brand, I slapped some star and cloud stickers on the video and claimed that it matched my own name. The only obstacle I had to overcome was practicing for my panels.
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The fact that my question and answer session with the Executive Board was to held be online instead of in-person given our circumstances was supposed to comfort me somehow. But either way, not knowing which answers were going to be expected of me gave me a great deal of anxiety. To stave off this irrational fear, I prepared a Quizlet with 27 potential questions or points for clarification on one side, and my response on the other, which I rehearsed with just the right amount of uh’s and um’s interspersed to make it look as spontaneous as possible. Maybe my greatest sacrifice though was boycotting any TV shows or movies until I was done presenting because even the most mindless programming could take away precious brain cells needed to retain more important information.
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On the day of my actual interview, I was feeling pretty confident. I had gone the extra mile by preparing an hour early and recording videos of myself answering my imaginary questions on my laptop camera. This way, I felt like I was simulating the actual experience. But not even this form of planning could have prepared me for the real deal. I wish I could tell you more about how it went but I was so nervous that I blacked out. I vaguely remember puckering my lips and flashing a peace sign every time I didn’t know the answer to something and had to respond with, “I will look into that if I ever get the position.” I also remember that not a single one out of the 27 questions I had committed to memory was asked.
As expected, I was the most relieved when it was over, I didn’t even feel embarrassed until much later on. I got out of my smart casual attire, slipped into some pajamas, watched a movie, and finished the tub of Coffee Crumble waiting in the freezer as a reward. Two days later, I had received a message from Chelsea asking if she could call me. My friend Iverson had said that results are announced to all applicants via phone call before being released to the public at night. It’s not a clear indicator that I was the one they chose, which was horrifying because who wants to be rejected over the phone? My younger self hated Joe Jonas and what he did to Taylor Swift for precisely this reason!
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Thankfully, I was only met with good news. Chelsea had told me that I had been chosen by the Executive Board and I was ACTM’s new AVP for Docs. I hadn’t eaten breakfast at the time despite the fact that it was 10 minutes to noon at the time so it took a while for my nutrient-deprived brain to generate the appropriate reaction. The joy kicked in eventually: I jumped up and down and yelled I’M SO HAPPY so many times once the call ended that the words have started to lose meaning.
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Since then, I’ve spent my time familiarizing myself with my roles and responsibilities while getting to know everyone else on the team. I’ve had a video call via Google Meets with the people in my department where we leveled off, got to know one another better, and set our goals for the year as we watched Chelsea eat pasta. Very wholesome! EC Wars was also pretty fun: all eight departments of the organization were head-to-head in different challenges. It kinda reminded me of high school intramurals but with less broken friendships. We had to auction one another a la Unsubtle Syota Searching, make a Tiktok introducing our department, its relevance and the roles of each member (which officially launched my career as the org’s official Kris Aquino impersonator), and had a chaotic game of Bring Me through Facebook Messenger. Yes, it’s possible but not if you’re a PLDT subscriber! I also got put in a group with other members of the EC for an activity where we had to make an IMC campaign for a chosen advocacy. As the Mind Readers (named as such because of the multiple instances we sent the exact same message at the same time), we were assigned to tackle sustainable fashion and I have to say that our finished product was, as Dani Rosales herself would call it, “hot”.
This week, we’re on to the more serious stuff: revising internal procedures, refining platform points, etc etc. The fear caused by my self-doubt is further compounded by our current situation, which is keeping us from performing our tasks the way we envisioned we would. But I am a hundred percent confident that since I’m with the right people and we’re all doing the very best we can, it’s going to be one crazy fulfilling year ahead for all of us. I’m endlessly grateful to ACTM for taking a chance on me! Shoutout, of course, to: (1) Chelsea for serving as the final push I needed to decide that serving this organization is what I wanted to do; (2) all my friends who told me I had nothing to worry about while I was being neurotic and who were the first to congratulate me and say that they told me so; and (3) my parents who listened to my rants even if they were 90% org-related jargon.
Wishing you all love and light,
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