#Enanan Answers
enanan-writes · 2 months
oh, and what hani-senpai, mori-senpai, and haruhi read— "It appears as if hikaru is leading the relationship, but in actuality kaoru, being more mature spiritually, is the seme. and then the twins say, "it's true, so it's no use!! There's no point in changing our characters!!" (In case you're wondering, this is Ch.3, the manga).
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enanan-niigo-official · 2 months
Ena. I- wanted to ask. If I were to ask you for- a name suggestion. As in. What I could rename myself to. What you you suggest? Mizuki Suggested Mafuyu, and Kanade suggested a name starting with M.
Eh...now let's see here...are you looking for something similar to your current one Yuki , or like any suggestion?
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rui im sorry i made fun of you
- @nene-kusanagi-wxs
// she got catgirl-ified 😔
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Adyufgjjjgdsjkn tysm for the wallpapers <333 they're so so so cuteee
ehehe np, so glad you like them <33 saki is so fun to edit!!
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vandal-enanan · 5 months
32, 52, 37?
...I mean, there has to be reasons for everything, right...?
... I'd rather forget. maybe if someone would hear me out I'd forgive, but I don't know, maybe I'm just too damn dramatic or angry all the time. it's easier on everyone if I just shut up, apparently.
...my favorite color's orange...
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proseka-headcanons · 1 month
Mizuki is the friend who'll send you random questions/messages at like 3-4am. Usually it's 25ji who get their questions/messages, but she will occasionally send them to her other friends.
Some examples:
Mizuki: Enanan enanan enanan!! Would you still love me if I was worm? 🥺
Ena: ...just for that emoji, no. I'll feed you to first bird I see.
Mizuki: 😭😭😭
Mizuki: Ruiiiii
Mizuki: think you can do something to help push back my test? Pretty please?
Rui: hmmm, for a price.
Mizuki: I'll buy you soda candy for a month.
Mizuki: and throw in a platypus plush made with colors that'll remind you of your troupe.
Rui: make it 3 platypus plushies, each with one of their stage costumes and you got a deal.
Mizuki: DEAL!!
Mizuki: Aaaaaaaannn
An: Miiiizuuuukiiiiiii
Mizuki: what was the answer to number 3.? I got 2497.5? Somehow?
Mizuki:...you forgot to-
Mizuki: oh, I thought you forgot to do it entirely.
Mizuki: some times it feels like you care more for Tsukasa-senpai than us Mafuyu 🥺 what would your girlfriend say?
Mafuyu: she's fine with us being friends.
Kanade, sent at the same time: I'm fine with them being friends.
Mizuki:...next thing you know, you're going to be friends with lil bro-
Mafuyu: Akito? He's nice.
Mizuki: since when were you two friends?
Mafuyu: Oh, would you look at that. We gotta go. Bye.
*Mafuyu logs themself and Kanade out of Nightcord*
(an looks at her homework)
an: m. mizuki. this is history homework. how’d you get 2497.5
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pjsk-writin · 1 year
Alright! Requests are up again, and I don't mind listening to ur own request about requests!
Can we do a KanaEna fic where we see just how much Ena worries about her shut in gf and how sweetly she treats her, especially compared to how she treats literally anyone else?? You choose the scenario and plot, i just wanna see Ena bekng sweet to K!
ABBDBAJFJDJ YAYAYAYYAYA ME WHEN I GET TO WRITE SHIP FICS ‼️‼️ this was so fun omg omg omg I hope u like this !! <3
♤ SWEET TO YOU - Kanade Yoisaki x Ena Shinonome
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Kanade had noticed a very interesting pattern over the past couple of weeks.
"Did you eat yet? K, you need to eat properly! And don't even get me started on how dark your room is, you need sunlight!-"
Kanade let out a soft sigh, readjusting her headset as she stared into the camera, meeting Ena's concerned gaze on the other side of the screen.
"I'm fine, Ena." She mumbled softly, and Ena merely scoffed in response, "You always say that, but you passed out last night! K, I swear-"
She then paused, taking a deep breath before sighing, staring at the camera. "I'm going over there." "What?-"
Ena hung up, and Kanade sighed, sitting back in her seat. Her girlfriend was always sweet, but she had been growing increasingly concerned.
The minute she opened the door, Ena immediately gave her a hug, a bag in hand. She looked around the space before sighing, going to the kitchen. Kanade followed with a confused look.
"What are you doing?..." "Uh, cooking? You need proper nutrition, K, and I'm not letting you starve." Kanade felt a faint blush rise to her face. "...Oh. Thank you."
"Don't worry about it." Ena gave her a sweet smile, and started to make some food. She could've made anything really, and Kanade would've been satisfied.
Kanade was snapped out of her thoughts by the sound of a Nightcord call, and went to answer it. Mizuki was on the other end, tilting their head.
"Oh, hey K! I saw you and Ena were on call, you two okay?" Kanade nodded, tilting her phone to show Ena in the kitchen. "She came over."
"Ahhh, I see!" Mizuki had their signature grin, and Ena looked over at the phone before groaning, glancing at Kanade. "Whatever they're about to say, tell them to shut up-"
"Waaah, so mean, Enanan!" Mizuki snickered, a mischievous look on their face, "But fiiine, I guess I'll leave the girlfriends alone..." And with that, they hung up.
"I'm going to block them later, I swear-" Ena grumbled to herself, before looking at Kanade, her face immediately softening, "Hey, the food's almost done. You ready to eat?"
Kanade nodded, sitting at the countertop with a small smile. It was almost comical how much sweeter Ena was to her than others, but she certainly wasn't complaining <3
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vbs-akito · 8 months
Welcome to the official account of Akito Shinonome from Vivid Bad Squad. This blog will announce the dates for Vivid Bad Squad's events, new songs, and will answer your Vivid Bad Squad questions!
You can find us over on Youtube! As well
[ooc under cut]
welcome to the. third akito shinonome rp account. unfortunately. main is @shoujo--rei or @queer-prosekai. i got bullied by my headmates who also own their own rp blogs (@enanan-niigo and @aromantic-pianist) into making this account.
-Akito uses He/him for now. Mod is an Akito Shinonome fictive who uses she/him but u can call me Elias instead of Akito for the sake of simplicity.
-Ooc text will have \\ before it, and posts that are completely ooc will be tagged "arin speaks"
-This blog is okay with Akitoya, but seeing as the main Toya acc I'll be rping with will uhhh take a while until romantic akitoya will be a thing just. Keep that in mind
-okay with more angsty things but keep pedophilia sa and incest away from this blog please and thank you.
-uhhh you're going to see @enanan-niigo be excessively mean to me here. this is ok with me because paint's my sister. please don't get on paints ass for it. and do not be as mean to me as paint is pleaaaaase.
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0anonymousv · 1 year
It’s not a date.
Ena had to keep reminding herself of that. She had barely caught herself from asking Mizuki if it was one just a few minutes earlier.
Actually, she had almost asked originally, too. When Mizuki had proposed the outing in the first place.
Ena had perked up from her drawing tablet when she heard Mizuki unmuting themself and speaking. They’d all been working silently for over an hour now, it seemed like an odd time to suddenly say something.
Regardless, Ena unmuted herself anyway. “Amia? What is it?”
Their voice was as cutesy as ever. “I got these tickets for a special sale at a shop just beyond Vivid Street. You should come with me!”
“Tickets?” Ena couldn’t help but question. “Why would you need tickets for a sale? If you wanna go shopping with me, just say so.”
Mizuki laughs. “Like, vouchers! So we can get something free with a different purchase.”
“You mean a coupon?”
“Who cares! Are you in or not?”
Ena rolled her eyes behind the screen. “Sure, whatever. I don’t have any other plans…”
“Yaaayyy~!” Mizuki practically cheered on the other end, making Ena’s heart swell up. But she ignores it. She had gotten good at that. Until Mizuki kept talking. “I thought maybe we could go get food after, maybe just stroll around town a bit…”
That sounds like a date.
Ena opened her mouth, really, really wanting to ask if it was a date. As much as she didn’t want to admit it, she kind of hoped it was. At least Mizuki wouldn’t know that no matter what the answer was. Voice calls don’t give away the pink in her cheeks. Thankfully.
She was suddenly greeted by Kanade’s voice. “I hope you two have fun.”
And then Mafuyu’s. “Yeah.”
“What, you two don’t care about not being invited?” Ena said, trying to deflect her feelings onto them.
“Shopping isn’t really my thing… I understand why,” Kanade replied sort of weakly.
“See? I can be considerate, too, Enanan,” Mizuki snickered.
“I’m not doubting you!” Ena snapped back without a second thought. Whew. there. That was a more inconspicuous response.
“And I have cram school. I wouldn’t have really cared about going anyway…” Mafuyu spoke idly.
“We know you wouldn’t have.” Ena huffed. “Anyway. Amia, did you have a place to eat in mind?”
“Ummmm.” Mizuki seemed to be thinking for a second before mischief tainted their voice. “What about that new place by the school with all the sweets? I think L’il Bro mentioned it the other day~”
“Yeah, sure…” Ena shrugged, trying to sound nonchalant. But her heart pounded in her chest.
Even now, the next day, it still did. It was like it hadn’t stopped racing since the word “date” entered her mind. How stupid was that?
The two of them were waiting at the crossing. Mizuki rocked back and forth on their heels, which was impressive enough in those platforms. Ena glanced down at her sandals. Maybe she was underdressed. No, no I’m not. It’s not a date, remember? Mizuki just liked to dress up for everything.
“Light’s green!” Mizuki says cheerfully, suddenly grabbing Ena’s hand and pulling her across the street after them. Ena’s heart might explode out of her chest. There’s no screen to hide it this time, but Mizuki is looking ahead and not back at her - so, she’s still safe for now.
Shortly after, they reach the shop. It’s a quaint little place, but Ena remembers it having pretty nice clothes for decent prices. It had been on her radar for a while.
Mizuki pulls her inside excitedly. “Here! I’ll pick something out for you if you’ll grab me something~”
“What?? Okay- sure?” Ena watches Mizuki run off to a suspiciously gothic looking corner of the shop. Sighing, Ena starts going through the racks for something that seems… Mizuki.
Oh my god. Everything reminds me of them.
Ena, once again, feels a little like she might explode. This wasn’t fair. Mizuki shouldn’t be allowed to have such a death grip on her heart.
She finally settles on a cute sundress, and wanders over to the changing rooms to wait for Mizuki. It’s a short wait before they come bounding over, holding - oh my god. That’s gorgeous.
“Where did you find that??” Ena couldn’t help but nearly gasp, reaching out and taking the dress. “It’s stunning.”
“It reminded me of you. Stunning.” Mizuki winks, once again making Ena’s poor heart skip a beat. She just scoffs and looks away, though, still trying her best to play it off.
“Oh, sure. Here.” She pushes her own choice into Mizuki’s arms. “Go put that on while I change too.”
Mizuki just snickers, almost teasingly, as they go into one of the changing rooms. Ena heads into the other, looking at herself in the mirror and shutting the door. Wow. She felt like a mess, but at least she didn’t look like one. Other than the pretty obvious blush dusted across her cheeks.
I’m ruined. Mizuki is gonna make fun of me forever now.
Ena shakes her head to herself. She couldn’t be thinking like that. She was all over the place today. Pushing down all of those feelings, Ena changes into the dress and steps back out of the stall, where Mizuki is waiting.
They do a little spin as soon as Ena walks out. The sundress is twirly and almost fairytale, like a princess before she reaches the climax of the film.
Ena is a little bit speechless. Thankfully, or maybe unfortunately, Mizuki pipes up first. “You look so pretty in that!”
Her breath catches on itself. Immediately, as always, Ena deflects it. “Do I not look pretty all the time?” Shoot, that just sounds like I want this to be romantic. I don’t. I don’t! It’s not even a date!
“Of course you are~ but it looks especially good on you!” They grab her hands excitedly. “Let’s go try some other stuff on!”
Ena might die. This might be it for her, emotionally. It’s so over.
The two of them continue shopping for a while, ending up going to a couple other ones as well. Ena started to relax a little bit, successfully convincing herself - for the most part - that it wasn’t a date. Just two friends hanging out.
And then they went to that cafe.
Ena practically buries herself in her cheesecake, so instantly having returned to her mental back-and-forth of what the hangout meant. Meanwhile, Mizuki sits across the table, snacking on french fries with a satisfied smile.
She had to be overthinking this. So stupid.
Kind of out of nowhere, Mizuki’s phone starts ringing. They seem to have been expecting it, and take their phone out completely unbothered. “Ohh, my sister’s calling~ I’ll be right back!”
They get up and walk away, for some reason going outside. Ena eyes them leaving before sinking down in the seat. If it was a date, Mizuki probably wouldn’t run off to answer a call. But, again, who knows. She hasn’t felt this conflicted about something in months.
Ena is already finished with her cheesecake by the time Mizuki returns. “Ena!” Their cute voice speaks up from behind her.
“There you are.” Ena scoffs, turning around to look at them. “What took you-”
Mizuki is down on one knee, holding out a bouquet of pink and red flowers. They grin at Ena. “I was hoping this was a date, by the way. Unless you’d scratch me up like a kitty cat for that.”
Ena is dead.
She can feel her face being painted pink, much to her dismay. This is incredibly embarrassing.
“Y-You could’ve just said that!” Ena claims, taking the bouquet anyway and taking a deep breath of it. It smells lovely, and the whole thing was just beautiful. Was this their plan the whole time? Lure her somewhere they could - ask her out?
“It’s more fun to mess with you. Is that a yes? It’s a date?” Mizuki leans in towards Ena, smirking.
Ena recoils a little, making a face back at them. “Don’t get all in my space just because it is a date.”
“Relax~” Mizuki laughs, sitting down across the table again and resting their chin on their hands. “Does that make you my girlfriend?”
“Would you slow down?” Ena hisses, hiding her blushing face behind the bouquet. “I’m just processing this.”
Once again, Mizuki just giggles, going back to eating their fries. “I’ll be waitiiiiing.”
just a cute lil mizuena one shot i wrote like a month ago. check me on ao3 anonymousv i write sometimes
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sokai-asuki · 3 months
Goodbye World
(Clay found out he is not the only in Shibuya. Lance knows it and try to keep it a secret. Aaron knows, how? Don't ask—)
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
"Enanan, lil' bro, I think we found your lost brother."
"Mizuki, shut the fuck up."
"Hey, don't say that to her!" Ena said as she smack Akito, "Mizuki, shut it!"
"This is very a strange reunion I've seen so far..." Toya said.
Kanade agree with him, Kohane also agree but still stare at the scene before her, "Um, should we do something?"
"Normally, I would defend Aaron at any given moment but the guy with the gloves scare me." An said as she can't help but feel shiver down her spine.
"I think I get that now..." Haruka said.
"But um, should we do something?" Minori said.
"I don't want this place to mess up but, An is right..." Airi said.
"I don't really think, his that bad...."
"... Shizuku, he throw Lance away from his path..."
"But still–"
"Hm, Clay said something..." Suddenly Mafuyu's voice make everyone turn to the trio.
It just seems like normal, Clay looks like his scolding them, Lance looks like he doesn't care, Aaron seems so chill about it. Suddenly Lance open his mouth, he seems to say something that the kids couldn't hear.
"What do you think they're talking about?"
"Should we know?"
"I swear, if something gonna happens in this cafe, all of you paid for the fined–"
"When did you get here, Aaron?"
"..." Aaron was quiet for awhile and sigh, "The time you turn to stone."
It was silent he received, he didn't need to see Clay's expression. He knows Clay was tense over that and seems to have taken back by that answer, but he let Aaron continue his explanation.
"After you turn to stone, I knew you wouldn't lying about me being a leader. Well, I never thought you choose me honestly. I thought Macy would be perfect leader, with how much she's agree with you and always think good of you even after you have turn to a brainwash rock monster." Aaron said, "I want to think that's a dream, me being a leader was a dream, an illusion of mine. Until I have to be responsible and make strategy for the group. I thought, "Hey, maybe Clay was right, maybe I can do this–" until you came back as the Grey Knight."
Aaron took a deep breath, "I think that's the last straw I don't want it to come true. I visited my Sekai to let myself rest after fight. And it took a toll of me that I didn't have any gut or feeling to tell everyone what happened... Until, one of the kids," he glance over at An, "She comfort me, telling me it's okay for me to grieve over someone that are precious to me. And it takes awhile to get over it if the circumstances is not up for it yet. Just like that moment, I can feel and see the kid's eyes, she also have grieve once, she did but she never had the chance to do it..."
"...Almost as if, she have to move forward quickly to properly grieve someone..." Clay finished Aaron's word.
"Yeah. And just by that, I finally able to take some time and properly processing and grieving over you. How the Clay I know it's not here but the Grey Knight are, and yet," Aaron let out a chuckle, "You and Grey Knight are not so different with anger. I know you held back so many anger, you just don't know how to express it..."
Clay was quiet after hearing that statement. It's true, he never shows his anger. He is annoyed, yes. But never anger. Clay glance at Lance, who look away from his friend's gaze. Clay sigh exasperatedly but affectionately. His friends have really been the only family he could count as his other than Merlok...
"So, how did you came here?" Clay asked.
"Oh, when I try to get back to Knighton, my phone seems to be a bit glitching. So I made every solution to those, hit the play button twice o thrice time." Aaron explain.
Clay paused for a moment at that explanation....
After Ena had left, it was only Clay alone. Clay look around the Sekai, and started to walk around. Just as he did, he halt his walk when he noticed a silhouette far in front of him–
Wait, that's KAITO— Shit?!
Clay quickly pulled out his phone and open the Untitled file, he open the song and quickly to press the play button. Unnoticed to him, he tap twice.
Oh... That explain so much...
"Mr. Moorington? You're okay?"
He glances over his right to see Kanade beside him. The kids seem to also go over to their respective male member.
He smile calmly at Kanade, "I am fine, Kanade–"
"You're sure about that?" Aaron said.
Quickly shut his mouth when Clay turn to him.
"Mizuki," Mizuki turn to Clay, who said his name, "What places are you going to take me to now?"
"Eh? But the reason we came here–" Mizuki was about to say something until they notice the sign Clay give, he knows how to get back to his world.
"O-oh, yeah! There's other places as well! Hahaha!" Mizuki said, as they hold onto Ena's arm, "C'mon guys! We're gonna show Clay around right?"
"Wait what? Mizuki, what are you–"
"C'mon! We have to continue our journey around!"
"Oi, Mizuki!"
Mizuki already drag Ena out of the WEEKEND GARAGE. Kanade, Mafuyu and Clay look at those two girls get out of the cafe. Clay sigh, look back at the two girls that still with him, "Let's go after them."
Well, that was short answer. Clay turn back to Lance and Aaron, "Well, when we came back, training is in need, right?"
After he said that, all the N25 have got out of the cafe.
The groups that remaining in the cafe just processing what they have witnessed. Until An break the silence, "Aaron, your friend is scary."
"Haha, yeah, I know. As long as it not him without coffee... Believe me, you don't want to see him without his coffee..."
After the hangout end, Ena and Mizuki finally go back to their house. Clay going back to Kanade's house with Kanade and Mafuyu. Kanade said her housekeeper might come to her house but to her surprise, she see no shoes or any sign of her housekeeper.
Kanade was worry for a bit for this housekeeper of her until Mafuyu said she help with the chores of the house. Before Kanade could protest her friend's help, Clay also volunteer to help. There's no escaping Kanade, deal with it.
After they done the chores, they go back to Kanade's room and have a conversation about how to get Clay back home.
"So, you only need to go back to the Sekai and tap the Untitled song twice for you to go back?" Kanade said.
"Yes, it seems to be that way with how I get here and also my friends get here..." Clay said.
Kanade nodded in understanding and Mafuyu seems to have a thought.
"If you can get here, then can some of us get to your world then?" Mafuyu asked, genuinely curious.
That took Clay off guard and think if it's possible...
Then, the clock strike 1:00 a.m. ring. The Nightcord meeting is held. The girls have a discussion of the next song and also talk about other things, Clay is with them, so this is the first time he used the Nightcord with the girls.
Mizuki and Ena find out how Clay get here and how he can get back to his world. Mizuki suggested all of them go back to the Sekai and bid Clay their last goodbye on him for being here in Shibuya for like 24 hours.
All of them in Empty Sekai, they bid Clay a goodbye and also said he could come back later if he can. Clay said if he could and have time, just like always, he would do it when he have times...
Finally he tap the Untitled song twice, suddenly the bright yellow light surrounded him.
Clay open his eyes and look around, it's his room. It work.
Clay walk out from his room, go to the main room of the Fortrex.
He heard a lot of sound just as he get more closer to the door. Just before he could get in, the squirebots suddenly walk out of the main room in panic and fear. They keep saying help and there's a fire.
That gets Clay more concern about what happened while he was gone. Just as he was about to get in, what he saw just makes him wish he could stay in Shibuya for awhile.
"Rui! Let go of that robot!"
"Young man! I demand you to let go f the squirebot!"
"Rui... Is this really the impression you give when we're here..."
"Ah, it's alright lil fella, I just want to see what's behind that metal body of yours. Maybe I can improve something inside of you just like my other little fellas!"
"This is not "wonderhoi" or whatever that is! Leave that squirebot alone and don't think I forget what you said when you first look at Merlok's holographic!"
"Saki, please, pay attention to where are we right now..."
"Um... Guys.."
"Rui! We're here to found out how to get back! Who knows what Emu's brothers are planning when they found out Emu's gone!"
"Don't worry Tsukasa! My brothers can handle everything just fine! I'm sure of it!"
"Don't worry lil fella, just a check in and a bit of examination that's all!"
Suddenly everyone turn to to him at the doorway after Merlok said his name. Clay look at the 8 teenagers in the main room, along with one squirebot, Merlok, Ava and Robin...
Clay give a smile, "Macy, Axl, where do you think you're going?"
He knows they're here, Macy and Axl who are in the hallway notice Clay and try to tiptoe away from the chaos only to halt as they know Clay knows they're here.
And just like that, you can here the pink hair girl yelp after seeing Clay's smile.
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enashinonome · 2 months
2 9 23 enanan
2. favorite canon thing about this character? god. can i say everything? i feel like that's a copout, but it really is everything. the way that she cares so much about everything, her perseverance, her understated warmth. but also every one of her flaws, as they make me feel seen and understood ;-; i understand people who like to play with headcanons for her and stuff—i do the same—but her in her canon entirety is just perfect to me.
but i feel like that's a boring answer, so i'll say her art style. it's so colorful and honest, and just looking at it i can tell it was created by a girl who's trying her best.
9. could you be roommates with this character? definitely! on top of that, i think we could be good friends. admittedly, and quite embarrassingly, it's hard for me to separate myself from ena as we're sort of mashed together into one entity in my mind. but if i try hard enough to separate us, i can totally see us getting along and respecting each others' boundaries in a shared living space. our sleep schedules are also really poor, so there's no need to worry about any judgment about that sort of thing LOL. although i have been getting proper sleep as of late...but i don't think that'd get in the way of our good relationship as roommates ^_^
23. favorite picture of this character? when it comes to cards, i think it's obvious that i love her resonant town card and her sanrio collab card. the first for purely aesthetic reasons, as i love pink and other pastels and floaty, frilly fashion. it's a colorful, dreamy card, and it reminds me a lot of a mifuu oda painting!
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^ this is the best match i found, as the bubbles in the card resemble the cloud-like shapes in the painting, but a lot of oda's work uses vibrant pastel palettes much like the colors in ena's resonant town card.
i love ena's sanrio collab card because it's so...ena. it's girly, stylish, and there's pearls and other sparkly knickknacks lying about, and ena's putting on a cute face for the picture in the middle of it all. something about e4s and the need to curate a specific self-image. she can look cute all she wants, but the fact that her assigned sanrio character was kuromi tells us all we need to know about her personality. it it shows us her edge alongside her girly demeanor without needing to explicitly portray it... and kuromi's always been my favorite of the sanrio crew, as she was probably one of the first characters that's resonated with me. so that card means the world to me ♡
there's also a lot of fanart that i love, but if i tried to find and share them all, it'd take the entire day. so i'll just link some: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
that is DEFINITELY not all of it but it's a good amount ^_^ i love all ena fanart i think everyone everywhere should make more ena fanart...
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enanan-writes · 6 hours
Okay so, if you don't mind, could you write a seme Kaoru? For a sensei/student roleplay with Hikaru in a schoolgirl's uniform
I can do that yes :3
I'll do my best to have it out soon!
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so bored... Airi, any ideas to spice stuff up?
hm... oooh, we could talk about crushes~
... crushes, huh?
yeah!! let's go around the group, everyone has to say if they've got one, sound like fun?
hehe, sure. hm, do you?
... sure do!! Haruka?
oh? i don't think i have any romantic interest in anyone, no. Minori?
eh-?? eeek... yes, yes, i- i do like someone-!! a- a lot, a lot!!
ha, and it's obvious whooo~
speaking of obvious- Kamishiro, have anything to say?
hm? what is it you're talking about, Ena-san? my apologies, i haven't been paying attention properly~
oh, don't you play dumb!! you like someone, don't you??
... "like" is quite the vague term~
there you go again!! please, you're a lot of things, but you're not stupid!! go on, admit it, spillllllll!!
ah, Ena-chan, don't shake poor Rui-kun- what are the two of you arguing about now, anyways?
this little liar won't admit he likes y-
a- aha, alright, alright, you win. i mayyyyyy fancy someone here. just a wee bit. good chance it's in a queerplatonic way, mind you.
... ah? Rui-kun likes someone?
aha, does that bother you, Shizuku?
no, no, of course not!! why, they must be quite wonderful...
... that they are.
just kiss alrea-
AHEM- oops, pardon me, i seem to have suffered from a sudden coughing fit, did i interrupt you there, Nene, oh dear, what a shame, anyways... ah, what say you? anyone currently catching your eye, my dear friend?
... maybe.
... you're not getting any more than that.
awww~ oh, come to think of it, for someone determined to drag the truth out of me, you haven't answered the question yourself, have you, Enanan-san? you sly thing, did you think we wouldn't notice?
urgh...!! fine. i might like someone. maybe. i don't know. K?
... sorry to end on an anticlimactic note, but i don't, no... i don't feel like that towards anyone.
well, that's alright!! nothing wrong with that, right?
of course not, it's how i've usually been. it's perfectly fine, Yoisaki-san.
... agreed.
ah... thanks, all of you.
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mod enanan could i ask for some lovecore mizuena icons?
hiya anon, your icons are here!! i hope you like them <33
Tumblr media
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vandal-enanan · 7 months
// pinned post time yahoo.
edit: I DO NOT GET NOTIFS FOR ASKS OR MENTIONS!! if you send or answer an ask to/from this blog, please LIKE one of the posts so I get a notif and am prompted to check this blog because I have too many.
this is @2-kakimiko-1 and all my other rp sideblogs this is from the same au as @detective-akito-official I don't wanna tag anyone else
ena here is transmasc uses he/him and. as the url suggests, a vandal. a criminal. likes to spraypaint everything everywhere. yay 🎉
textpost tag is #enanan ♡♡
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jail-x-break-official · 8 months
Hi everybody! This is our official blog for our group jail×break <3 it's mostly run by me, Ena (or Enanan), but everyone in the group has access to this blog, and we differentiate our activity by emojis and/or text colors if necessary~
💧 - Shizuku or Ame, she/they
❄️ - Mafuyu or Yuki, he/they
🎨 - Ena or Enanan, they/he
🍡 - Airi or Kokoro, she/xe
[remainder of this post is ooc]
im @2-kakimiko-1 i run @junior-high-rui-official @junior-high-ena-official @riho-hasegawa-official I use he/it/they/my neos are here
edit: I DO NOT GET NOTIFS FOR ASKS OR MENTIONS!! if you send or answer an ask to/from this blog, please LIKE one of the posts so I get a notif and am prompted to check this blog because I have too many.
Hi. :33 I was enabled. this is my 4th rp blog. help.
so ummm this is for my unit shuffle au I thought these would be the most likely to have a blog given they're kind of internet based. theyre not really supposed to be adjacent to any certain group I didn't do that w my au I wanted to be different I guess. Obvs you can see they have stagenames like n25 but id like to clarify they dont try to hide their real names its more like nicknames for funny sillies. they're not all that different from mmj in that their main form of sharing things is via livestream but they compose their own music so I've kind of taken to calling them digital idols? im not even sure broski I'm hoping this blog will help me solidify their style a bit more (its a bit ironic both my fav units in my shuffle unit dont have an exact style pinned down😭) shizuku and airi make more appearances on the idol and dancing front at least more than mafuyu and ena do. uhhhh u wanna know how they got together though I do have that mostly clear cut but youre gonna have to pry and ask about it first.
shizuku is still bad at technology expect her to respond mostly for comedy relief but she will still have serious genuine stuff I prommy. ena will post the most he kind of functions as the manager being as versed in social media as he is. Shizuku is dyslexic and dysgeographic. Mafuyu and Ena are autistic.
shippy interaction is absolutely welcome! (shizuku, mafuyu and ena are omni, shizuku and ena have a preference for women and mafuyu has no preference, airi is a lesbian. shizuku is a demigirl, mafuyu and ena are transmasc, mafuyu is a demiboy and airi is transfem)
no weird shit they're minors and so am I
dni is basic dni
rp style time
plain text → speech
italics → actions
[bracketed italics] → thoughts
// double slash → ooc
also as stated above sometimes characters will be differentiated by text color but that won't be constant
edit: heehee :3 when mafuyu starts masking the emoji used will be 🏥 and the tag will be 🏥 asahina mafuyu. 🏥
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