#Emily used to be a gambler (sin to win anyone??) but now... im honestly unsure
hyperspacecola · 5 years
I think what pisses me off about Criminal Minds ending is that I won't get to see anymore of Tara, Luke and Matt, and yet I've been so attached to them. It frustrates me that they'll never get the attention and storyline they deserve cause all the writers care about is Reid
GOD DO I FEEL YOU THERE, dude. It’s cool Reid is getting a new love interest, but I honestly and really don’t care at this point. I could talk about the downfall of my love for Reid for hours, but basically, it boils down to: they spent too much time on him and I got bored. And the promise of Matt, Luke and Tara, like you said had potential! New storylines we haven’t seen before! But there has been so unbelievably little that it’s disappointing. Of course, Matt did have a bit of a storyline on Beyond Borders, but even there it was fairly lackluster. We know of Tara’s dad, her brother, and her ex-husband - but what really about HER? Besides cars, what are her interests? And for that matter, Luke and Matt’s? Are any of them artistically inclined? Does Matt take his kids mini-golfing (something I used to do with my dad)? What do they do when they’re not at work? I could tell you at least something about this about Spencer, Emily, Rossi, JJ - hell, even Derek. And Luke’s family background is small too - we know he was inspired to join the army by his dad, but (from what I remember) that’s all. Personally, I’ve always imagined he was raised by his grandmother. There’s just a lot to expand with them and you’re right, it’s frustrating there’s been so little. 
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