#Elias Ogden
dr-gears-kin · 1 year
My name is Dr Charles Ogden Gears, and I am a fictionkin of Dr Gears, so I made this blog to express myself more than I can on my main
I use he/they/it pronouns + occasionally fae/faer (feel free to ask if you are unsure)
I am a minor, any inapropriate acts, asks or comments will be deleted and blocked
I will be writing a lot of posts from my perspective, as it is easier and more comfortable for me
Please do not repost any of my art, reblogging is perfectly fine, however
My kin tag is -⚙️
Please feel free to ask about something if you are curious
My ask box is open, however...
Radqueers of any kind
Anti kin
Anti system
Elias Shaw fans (I have had some unpleasant experiences with plenty of them, and while I know there are a lot of decent ones, please, if you support Elias Shaw, stay off this blog to keep it out of the algorithm of other more aggressive Shaw fans)
Wilbur soot fans/Stans/supporters, he abused someone, get over it, just because he is your comfort doesn't mean you should still support him.
Triggers/Do not mention:
Ask in DMs First please
Imagery of hospitals/illness
Images that may induce derealization
Existential crisis
Topics of organised/institutionalized religion
Enjoy my blog
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ashtoncarmichael · 2 years
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{ JUSTICE SMITH, 21, CIS MALE, HE/HIM } Is that ASHTON CARMICHAEL? A SENIOR originally from SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, they decided to come to Ogden College to study MECHANICAL ENGINEERING on an ACADEMIC scholarship. They’re THE NERD on campus, but even they could get blamed for Greer’s disappearance.
Basic Information
Full Name: Ashton Elias Carmichael lll 
Nickname(s): Ash
Age: 21
Date of Birth: June 20
Hometown: Savannah, Georgia
Current Location:
Ethnicity:  African-American                    Italian, French-Canadian
Nationality: American
Gender: Cismale
Pronouns: He/him
Orientation: Homosexual + Homoromantic 
Religion: Atheist
Occupation: Part-Time Tutor
Living Arrangements: Off Campus Apartment
Language(s) Spoken: English + French
 - Ashton was born to two parents who’d been unable to take care of him for reasons that his grandparents would never relate to him, even to this day. He and his two other siblings (brother and sister) have been living with them since. Ashton refers to both of them as if they are his actual parents.  - Ashton is the oldest of his 3 siblings. Both are twin girls who were born 3 years after him. They’ve all been with their grandparents since birth. - Ashton’s grandparents were retired college science professors and gigantic nerds who exposed Ashton and his siblings to the STEM world as such a young age.  - As a child, Ashton was always entering different competitions that put his intelligence to the test. He’s been winning first place trophies and medals ranging from his kindergarten plant project to competitions in college utilizing robots to accomplish whatever the competition requires. He’s also been attending many comic cons at younger ages, and will happily show individuals his cosplay pictures over the years.  - Always wants to be the smartest person in the room, he has since he was younger. He and his siblings (all who are in the STEM fields) have a big rivalry when it comes to competing against one another as they were in the same grades. Ashton’s sisters were able to skip to his current grade in High School. All of them have very similar personalities (when they are together its very noticeable).  - He breezed through high school, even while taking college credit courses and being active in the chemistry and engineering clubs. Never cared for popularity in high school, and it never bothered him that he didn’t attend several big events ( mostly because he was usually not asked). Rarely did he attend parties, and if hes not working outside of his apartment he is usually spending his nights playing video games or doing whatever work he needs for school. - Got a full academic scholarship, and even got his grad school paid for if he graduates with a certain GPA (which is what hes on track to do). Had the option to graduate early but his grandma is telling him he needs to have an actual college experience rather than choosing the path he’s on.
RANDOM POINTS OF INFO: - Makes the bulk of his money tutoring. He also is a twitch streamer that doesn’t make a TON of money - but it pays for his hulu, spotify, and netflix. Has never cared to do it full-time because he just enjoys the game. - He’s gay, and has known since middle school. Though doesn’t know how to act when hes being flirted with and is awful at initiating any kind of feelings because he gets nervous. His family grew up telling him to use logic rather than emotion - which has bled into the person that he is today. He struggles with relationships because of his way of sharing how he feels ( ex: he may shower someone with gifts but struggle at knowing the line between dating and being in a relationship.) He was abandoned by his parents and still has trauma from that, as his grandparents were pretty basic in their relationship. - Loves video games, comic books, history, d&d and doesn’t care to share with others. -  Is the kind of guy that will know random facts such as different marvel / dc / other comics debuting auditions to knowing about different worldly issues that took place in the 1960s.  - His dream job is working as a mechanical engineer in the medical field to build better technology to assist the elderly population. His grandparents are declining slowly in health, along with many of their friends he considers family so they have always been his inspiration. - Ashton is a nerd because of his own interests and his intelligence that expands across different topics and subjects. Not only is he big into academics, he’s also knowledgeable about a variety of things that many people wouldn’t know. He’s the type of person to provide facts and information, no matter how big or small they’ve seen. Ashton approaches encounters in his daily life from a logic stand-point rather than letting his emotions or the emotions of others impede what he believes in the best end-goal. He’s not only a nerd academically, but is the type of guy who is big into ‘nerd culture’ (as his siblings call it). Ashton is big into video games, sci-fi, history, etc. Ashton is also very knowledgeable of world-events, as again, he continues to expand his own knowledge about the world around him. He also spends a lot of his time researching whatever may pop into his mind, as hates not knowing information he finds relevant because it really gets under his skin. Ashton is practically a human encyclopedia who values academics and logistics the same way an athlete values sports and their own athletic prowess. When people think of nerds, they imagine the kid with glasses in the back of the room that keeps to themselves and allows people to take advantage of them - which Ashton is the complete opposite. He’s proud of the ‘nerd’ label and the value that comes from people seeing you at the top of the intelligence totem pole.
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sbknews · 2 years
Moreira fastest as Moto3 get first taste of Motegi
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The rookie heads the field, with Foggia and Sasaki on the chase as the lightweight class avoid the rain. MT Helmets - MSI's Diogo Moreira set the pace in FP1 for the Motul Grand Prix of Japan, putting in a 1:57.252 in the first 40-minute session around the Mobility Resort Motegi. Leopard Racing’s Dennis Foggia was second on Honda home turf, with Sterilgarda Husqvarna Max’s Ayumu Sasaki third and the quickest home hero as he looks to take another GP victory. World Championship leader Izan Guevara sits inside the top 14 cut-off for Q2 as it stands in P7, but fellow Autosolar GASGAS Aspar Team rider – and closest title rival – Sergio Garcia went 17th-quickest in FP1 and needs to find more on Saturday morning. Despite overnight rain and grey clouds hanging overhead, it was a dry for start to the Friday afternoon session for the lightweight class, allowing some solid running. There were five crashers: Taiyo Furusato (Honda Team Asia), Elia Bartolini (QJMotor Avintita Racing Team) and teammate Nicola Carraro, Scott Ogden (VisionTrack Racing Team) and Lorenzo Fellon (SIC58 Squadra Corse). Fellon headed to the Medical Centre and will be reviewed before FP2 after suffering pain in his foot. FP2 begins on Saturday morning at 9:00 (GMT +9), before qualifying begins at 12:35. FRIDAY: TOP 3 1 Diogo Moreira (MT Helmets - MSI) - KTM - 1'57.252 2 Dennis Foggia (Leopard Racing) - Honda - +0.195 3 Ayumu Sasaki (Sterilgarda Husqvarna Max) - Husqvarna - +0.241 For more Moto3 info checkout our dedicated Moto3 News page Or visit the official MotoGP website motogp.com Read the full article
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coliemoongaming · 4 years
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Her first kiss and boyfriend....despite him wearing a bag over his head. 
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shmegmilton · 4 years
What's your opinion on the nature of the relationship between Burr and William Paterson?
It was definitely inappropriate and weird. Definitely weird.
I think the relationship itself had a huge effect on Burr, in regards to his hypersexuality & lack of boundaries in regards to talking about his sex life as an adult, (politically, & with his own daughter.)

I’m not completely sold on it, but I understand why some people have the theory Burr was groomed by this dude, and if it personally makes them uncomfortable. For one, he was 11 years older than Burr, and he began correspondence around 1771-1772... when Burr was 15-16. We don’t have a lot of Burr’s replies to his letters, but Patterson would make jokes about masturbation, tease him about having “effeminate” hands & handwriting, & speak about his own sex life (as a 26-27 year old man).
From my own perspective, I had a similar relationship like this as a child (I was 14 & the dude, who I met at an anime convention, was 22), so I can empathize from Burr’s perspective. It’s easy to understand the psychology of why he was so attached. 

From 1758 until he went away to college (1770) Burr was raised by his aunt & uncle, Timothy Edwards II (b.1783) & Rhonda Ogden Edwards. 
Including himself, Burr grew up with no less than TEN CHILDREN in the same household. 

Sally Burr (biological sister)
Matthias Ogden (Rhonda’s little brother)
Aaron Ogden (Rhonda’s little brother)
Moses Ogden (Rhonda’s little brother)
Elias Ogden (Rhoda’s little brother)
Sarah Edwards Taylor (b.1761)
Edwards Edwards (b. 1763)
Phebe Edwards Farrarr (b. 1768)
William Edwards (b. 1770)

Burr was most definitely starved for attention (also evident by the instances where he would ‘act out’ & cause trouble, like running away), which is of course a contributing factor in leading children towards the “wrong” types of people because they’re the only ones who pay attention to them, but in this scenario I don’t think that’s quite it. I just think Patterson was weird.
They were both founding members of the Cliosophic Society (a debate/open discussion club at Princeton--which still exists today), and Patterson was put in place as a sort of ‘mentor’ to the incoming students, Burr included. So it puts how they met into a big more context.
After Princeton, Burr & Patterson wrote to each other pretty much until Patterson passed away in 1806, && the majority of their letters when they’re BOTH adults are pretty uneventful. It started out in very strange circumstances, but I believe that they had a even, healthy relationship. Fond enough that Burr wanted the letters included in his memoirs, at least.
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criticalrolo · 6 years
Put below the cut because this thing is LONG 
Davari, Elias, Braco, Tybr, Eniac, and Florian join the Grey Hawks and take out their first contract for a blue wyrmling that has been terrorizing a small village up in the Shattered Mountains. They work their way through the caverns searching for the children stolen by kobolds earlier in the week. Eventually they find the innermost chamber, where the children are trapped in a cage. They fight and kill the blue wyrmling and return the children to their parents before going back to Hywell.
 In Hywell, they are paid for fulfilling the contract and are invited to a banquet for the full initiation ceremony. In the meantime, half the party goes into town and meets Thea and arranges to have her identify the sword Eniac found in exchange for their "best secrets". The sword's name is Godsbane and while it is powerful, it has a dark history. The other half of the party meets Giselle, an elf woman who has a house on the outskirts of town, but who only lives there when she has business to conduct on behalf of the Enderon Empire. The party meets three blood hunters who work for the Grey Hawks named Rowan, Kilgrave, and Ayla. They mention that they've taken a contract to go after a beholder and they're going to have to travel far up north to find the entrance to the Underdark where the beholder lives.
 The next day, the party meets the other initiates, including a gnome wizard named Joyce. When the initiation ceremony starts, a cloud of darkness takes over the room, and when it clears, Joyce is gone and the other initiates from her party have been stabbed. Two skeleton minotaurs attack the room, and the party narrowly manages to kill them before the hall burns down. After healing the initiates, the Grey Hawks leader Mora tells them their new contract is to hunt down Joyce and her partner and bring them in.
 The party discovers Joyce and the other gnome found an entrance to a secret temple in a graveyard. After going through the portal found in the temple, they work their way through the different passages of the temple and find Joyce and the other gnome Emmeline in the treasury. When a wraith snake attacks them all, they find the portal out and appear back in the graveyard. The two gnomes try to escape, but the party kills Joyce and captures Emmeline. They bring her back to the main hall to give her to Mora.
 When they arrive, Mora is talking to Giselle, who seems very upset. Mora takes Emmeline to the jail while Giselle confronts the party about what they told Thea and their history with the Boiling Isles and Ergo Tinnitus. They tell her who they are and their relationship to Ergo. She tells them that she is a member of a group that calls themselves Enderon's Guardians, and that in the morning they will be escorted to Caer Leon where the rest of the Guardians meet so they can tell them everything they know about Ergo and any other information they have.
 The next morning, Mora introduces them to Clay, the tiefling ranger who will be escorting them to Caer Leon over the next five days. The first two days pass relatively uneventfully. They spot smoke in the distance and Elias speaks with the trees to ask them for information. The third day they are ambushed by an assassin after they set up camp. The assassin and his dire wolf are kille d, and when Florian speaks with his corpse they discover that Ergo is travelling between the continents and the Black Rose Trading Company is supplying his army with weapons. The next day they reach Shells Port, a small trading post on the coast, that has been nearly razed to the ground. After a young man named Garen directs them to safety, he informs them that Shells Port is currently occupied by a young red dragon that eats anyone trying to travel between the town and Caer Leon. As the party is discussing plans to reach Caer Leon anyway, the dragon lands a few houses away.
 Garen leaves through the back of the house to gather some archers while the rest of the party stay in the house in order to attack the dragon as soon as it gets close. Davari and Braco get in one shot at the dragon before it blasts them with fire and nearly annihilates the party. The fight with the dragon is nearly deadly, with multiple party members falling before being revived. Halfway through the fight, Tybr notices a black and red eye blink open in Godsbane's hilt, before it vanishes and a red haze overtakes Eniac's eyes. Finally, Davari manages to land the killing blow on the dragon before it burns down Shells Port entirely. Clay gathers up the remaining townspeople to lead them back to safety in Hywell and to tell people further up north what is happening along the coast. The rest of the party heads out to Caer Leon. They get a message from Lord Swift that Oceanside is also under siege by black dragons along the way. When they reach the gates of Caer Leon, Braco's familiar flies in as a seagull and discovers that the town is currently occupied by black dragonborn soldiers and guards wearing black and silver with the Rosenmond family crest on their capes. The party devises a plan to fake papers to get into the city as "prisoners", and then split up to go find Davari's father Rutherford and Ogden Fardepth.
 The party manages to bluff their way into the city, after hearing from one of the main guards about some sort of "event" going on at the Rosenmond Estate that night. Their goal in the city is to find Ogden Fardepth and plan to check the Sea Side Chateau, the main watchtower in the center of the city, and the Rosenmond Estate itself. Along the way, they find a family in hiding that explains why the whole city is on lockdown.  The city has been occupied for about a week and a half. A small fleet of dragonborn soliders arrived, and they were going to set up for a siege, before Lord Sidhal called for everyone to stand down, and half of the soldiers/guards essentially just let the advance party inside. They rounded up everyone who they thought might constitute a threat (basically anyone who put up a fight) and no one on the outside knows where they ended up. The party goes to look for Rutherford Rosenmond in the watchtower. They distract the guards by setting a house on fire, but end up having to kill the guards anyway. Rutherford has been kept locked away while Davari's aunt and uncle, Amelia and Reuben, have taken over Caer Leon. Guards have swarmed the tower, and the party manages to escape from the tower.
 As they are running, Eniac trips and stays behind as a distraction as the rest of the party hides in an alley. The guards overwhelm him, and he is taken away in chains to the east. The party (minus Eniac) sneak the long way around to the Rosenmond Estate, which is heavily guarded and has a steady stream of armed people making their way inside. Braco scouts out the area with his seagull familiar Luther, and discovers an attic full of medical supplies, books, and cages of small animals. Davari and Braco bluff their way into the house by pretending Braco is Davari's brother, and then Elias causes a distraction by Calling Lightning repeatedly on the other side of the house. While everyone rushes to see what's going on, Elias takes out the guards in the front of the house and the rest of the party makes it in. The guards have moved downstairs. The party goes down into the basement, and find themselves in a large arena with a sand pit and a large shadowy area in the back. Amelia and Reuben sit in the front. Various gladiators are brought in, all with completely blank expressions, except for one fire genasi sorcerer named Spark who seems to be a crowd favorite. Finally, a trap door opens in the shadowy area in the back, revealing a manticore and a blank-faced Eniac, who works with two other gladiators to bring it down. At the end of the event, the party hangs back to confront Amelia and Reuben. When Amelia sees that Davari (who she tried to have killed years ago) is approaching, she casts circle of death on the party. Everyone goes down, except Florian, who just manages to hear the two of them laugh before Reuben knocks him out.
 The party wakes up chained together in a dungeon cell underneath the fighting pits. Amelia walks up from a staircase that seems to descend even further beneath them and questions them about what they know regarding the Rosenmonds and the dragonborn invasion. When they don't answer, Amelia reveals that Eniac has already told her a lot, and lifts her enchantment on him. The party is led off to the fighting pits as that night's entertainment. They manage to defeat an undead Chimera, and when they are led back to their cell, they recognize the person in the cell next to them as Ogden Fardepth. He is pretending to be unconscious while the guards are watching them. While they wait for the guards to leave, they get acquainted with the people in the cell across from them: Spark the fire genasi sorcerer and a human monk named Kier. Spark and Kier tell them that Amelia is working on some sort of project in the lower levels, where they can hear machinery grinding. Ogden wakes up and they tell him that Giselle sent them to find him. Ogden explains that he doesn’t know where the rest of the Counsel is, but that if the party can make it out of the dungeon and get to the Boiling Isles, then they'll have an opportunity to take out Ergo Tinnitus while his army is spread out across the main continent. Ogden will coordinate retaking the city while they take care of Ergo at the source. First, they have to take care of whatever Amelia has been building in the basement, because her secret weapon could seriously change the course of the war. The party also decide to call themselves the Degenerates.
 The next night, the party manages to escape from their cells by charming the guards, and head deeper below the Rosenmond Estate to deal with Amelia's secret project. In the basement, they find a laboratory and a gnome named Noro working on something. The temperature has dropped significantly, and when they question Noro about what he is doing under the pretense of coming to check on his progress on Amelia's behalf, they discover that she has been building an enormous brass titan powered by an arcane core. The titan is almost finished, and with a few final touches it will be ready to release on the continent. The party breaks into the cold holding chamber, where the titan is stored to prevent it from overheating. Before Noro can stop them, they attack the sixty foot titan, and are nearly wiped out but just manage to destroy the arcane core and completely disable it.
 Noro finally figures out that they do not work for the Rosenmonds, and panics over what Amelia will do to him once she realizes he let them in to destroy her project. The party convinces him that he is better off travelling with them to the Boiling Isles instead of waiting to see what Amelia will do. To escape from the underground chamber, they pull off a dangerous rope climb up a rock vent leading to the ground, using Elias in his elk form as a weight at the top. Unfortunately, Noro slips and plummets to his death several hundred feet below. The party makes it to the docks and onto a ship before the guards they had evaded earlier reach them. As the boat sails away, a series of Call Lightning spells absolutely annihilates the docks behind them, leaving Amelia's fleet in ruin. The passage to the Boiling Isles proceeds relatively smoothly, until they realize that the water has turned to acid and their boat is being dissolved a few miles from the main island of Thazardune. After casting water walking, the party manages to escape the ship before taking any acid damage themselves and run the rest of the way to the island.
 Their approach to the island catches the attention of a patrolling group of red dragonborn guards, who ambush them from the cliffs above. Battling from below, the party manages to take them out and make their way up the cliffs at the same time. On solid ground, they kill the guards, except for one, who informs them that Ergo Tinnitus, the Scorched Lord, is in his palace waiting to attack the mainland with the last fleet to leave Thazardune. His palace turns out to be built into the side of a massive volcano known as the Crimson Summit. The party decides to try crossing the wasteland to reach the volcano instead of trying their luck in the city. As they walk through the twisted obsidian landscape, they realize that they can hear no sounds of life coming from anywhere. That night, they notice that the wind has stopped, the smoke clouds are still above them, and there is no motion or sound anywhere. As soon as they step outside of their alcove, they feel a strong psychic presence bearing down on them. Tybr and Florian instantly begin hallucinating some of the worst moments of their life, and run towards the blinking purple light they see in the distance. The rest of the party chases after them, but are ambushed by construct assassins that keep reanimating until their amethyst power sources are destroyed. The party follows Florian and Tybr's tracks until they find the purple light they vanished into. The party steps into the light.
 Tybr and Florian are trapped in a plane of dreams, until they manage to shake off the illusion. In his dream, Florian's necromancer father Jorian appears and offers him the chance to join him before he raises his zombie army. Florian stabs the image of his father, and wakes up. The party wakes up in a cage hanging over a river of lava. They manage to concoct a plan to escape involving various flying party members and bending the metal to free themselves. After they find a tunnel that leads upwards, they come across a trapped hallway with swinging blades and some kind of runes protecting them. Kier is "volunteered" to get across the hallway and break the sigils, which she barely manages to do, but the runes are destroyed and the party makes their way to a large laboratory further up in the volcano. There, Amelia Rosenmond appears from the shadows and in the middle of her gloating, Braco banishes her to another plane. When she reappears, the party one-shots her with their readied actions including a huge column of ice immediately before she can summon help. With that, they get to the throne room, where Ergo and Jorian are waiting for them. Ergo is an enormous red dragonborn, and has a crown of bone that juts out from his forehead. Jorian is kneeling in front of a circle of glyphs that he is attempting to activate. Florian figures out that the runes will cause an army of zombies to wake up all over the mainland, and everyone rushes forward to stop them before they can destroy the world. Ergo grows two skeletal wings and rushes the party, while Jorian attempts to finish the ritual. After a harrowing battle that leaves most of the party and Kier in single digit hit points, Spark banished back to the fire plane, and Jorian literally one round away from completing his ritual, Florian calls a lightning bolt through his father's heart and kills him. Davari lands a finishing blow on Ergo, and lets Eniac finish him off with a skull-splitting stab from Godsbane. The volcano around them is beginning to collapse, and the party escapes outside. In the harbor, they can see Thomas Swift's fleet coming in. They get passage home, and once they reach the mainland, they begin helping with the cleanup following Ergo's attempted take-over. The party splits for the next few years, going about their individual business attempting to reestablish their lives. They reunite at Tybr's funeral twenty years later, before splitting for the last time, all of them finding some sort of happy ending in the end.
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gramilano · 6 years
Dylan Tedaldi in a Frame by Frame workshop. Photo by Elias Djemil Matassov
Robert Lepage and Guillaume Côté’s new dance work Frame by Frame opens tonight, 1 June, at the Four Seasons Centre for the Performing Arts in Toronto.
Karen Kain, Artistic Director of The National Ballet of Canada, announced that Sadler’s Wells in London will co-produce Frame by Frame, a collaboration between theatre artist Lepage and Choreographic Associate and Principal Dancer Côté, and will tour to Sadler’s Wells in an upcoming season. The company last appeared at Sadler’s Wells in 2013 with Alexei Ratmansky’s Romeo and Juliet.
Frame by Frame is Lepage’s debut with the National Ballet and Côté’s second full-length ballet for the company, the first being Le Petit Prince created in 2016. Côté has been a Principal Dancer with the National Ballet since 2004 and a Choreographic Associate since 2013.
Artists of the Ballet in a Frame by Frame ​workshop. Photo by David Leclerc 01
Artists of the Ballet in a Frame by Frame ​workshop. Photo by David Leclerc
The work is a homage to pioneer Canadian filmmaker and animator Norman McLaren. It is a multidisciplinary work that follows the arc of his life and work, incorporating dance, film and theatre. Best-known for his Academy Award-winning film Neighbours (1952) and his groundbreaking dance film Pas de deux, McLaren’s experiments in animation, innovative use of sound, music and drawn-on-film techniques transformed cinema and animation.
The production incorporates and interweaves several different media, aiming to be both an evocation of and inquiry into the world and imagination of one of Canada’s most uncategorizable and accomplished, yet elusive, artists.
Harrison James and Jack Bertinshaw in rehearsal for Frame by Frame. Photo by David Leclerc
Jack Bertinshaw – Norman McLaren, Pioneering animator and filmmaker
Félix Paquet – Guy Glover, McLaren’s life partner
Dylan Tedaldi – Grant Munro, McLaren’s protégé, featured in many of McLaren’s films, including Neighbours
Tomas Schramek – John Grierson, Founder of the National Film Board of Canada and McLaren’s mentor
Wellesley Robertson – Oscar Peterson, Jazz pianist and composer whose music McLaren used in Begone Dull Care
Greta Hodgkinson – Evelyn Lambart, Animation pioneer and McLaren’s collaborator
Harrison James – Maurice Blackburn, Film composer and collaborator & Vincent Warren, Featured dancer in McLaren’s film Pas de deux, collaborator on McLaren’s film Narcissus
Skylar Campbell – Jean-Paul Ladouceur, Featured actor in Neighbours & René Jodoin, Fellow animator and McLaren’s collaborator
Alexandra MacDonald – Ludmilla Chiriaeff, Choreographer for McLaren’s film Pas de deux and founder of Les Grands Ballets Canadiens
Heather Ogden – Margaret Mercier, Celebrated actress and featured dancer in McLaren’s film Pas de deux
  Running Time 1h 50m with no interval
Frame by Frame is onstage June 1 – 10, 2018
Still from Leapfrog Tests by Norman McLaren courtesy of the National Film Board of Canada
Still from Leapfrog Tests by Norman McLaren courtesy of the National Film Board of Canada 01
  Robert Lepage and Guillaume Côté’s new dance work Frame by Frame to come to Sadler’s Wells Robert Lepage and Guillaume Côté's new dance work Frame by Frame opens tonight, 1 June, at the Four Seasons Centre for the Performing Arts in Toronto.
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conanaltatis · 4 years
Italy's Joseph Lasiri earns 2nd ONE Super Series win, beats Rocky Ogden in Singapore
Italy’s Joseph Lasiri earns 2nd ONE Super Series win, beats Rocky Ogden in Singapore
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Rocky Ogden, Elias Dolaptsis, Joseph Lasiri (©ONE Championship)
Joseph “The Hurricane” Lasiri, 29, of Milan, Italy was one of the winners at “ONE: Inside the Matrix IV.” It was the Moroccan-Italian martial artist’s second victory in ONE Championship‘s striking-only league ONE Super Series.
Training at Team Kick and Punch in Lombardia, Italy and Sitjaopho Muay Thai Gym in Hua Hin, Prachuap Khiri…
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topsportsasia · 4 years
Australia vs Italy: Rocky Ogden, Joseph Lasiri fight at 'ONE: Inside the Matrix 4' in Singapore
Australia vs Italy: Rocky Ogden, Joseph Lasiri fight at ‘ONE: Inside the Matrix 4’ in Singapore
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Rocky Ogden, Elias Dolaptsis, Joseph Lasiri (©ONE Championship)
Rocky Ogden, 21, of Redcliffe, Queensland, Australia fought Joseph “The Hurricane” Lasiri, 29, of Milan, Italy at “ONE: Inside the Matrix IV.” ONE Championship taped the combat sports event at the Singapore Indoor Stadium in Kallang, Singapore before airing it on November 20, 2020.
Ogden stands 168cm and trains at Boonchu Gym in…
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All Named Talos 1 Crew in Prey
Aaron Ingram Abigail Foy Aime Schmidt Akande Benin Alan Bianchi Alejandra Mata Alex Yu Alfred Rose Alice Aiken Alika James Allison Brady Alton Weber Anders Kline Andrew Grey Anna Goldcrest Annalise Gallegos Anong Lao April McGuire Argentino Pero Ari Liudnarht Ash Lasair Augusto Vera Austin Cool Bernard Griffith Beth Ino Bill Nixon-Greene Blaine Cooly Brandi Pester Brenda Cabrera Brittany LaValley Bruce Cobb Caleb Hawthorne Carin Buckley Carlos Popinga Carol Sikes Carolyn Wheeler Chloe Burgess Chris Wade Clarke Rafferty Clive Lawrence Conrad Birchman Cory Richard Collette May Schult Crispin Boyer Cynthia Dringus Daisy White Dan Billingsly Daniel Landon Danielle Sho Darcy Maddox David Branch David Simmonds Dayo Igwe Demetri Bowser Demian Linn Diane Washington Divya Naaz Don Davis Donald Hall Drew Springer Duncan Krassikoff Eddie Vass Edna Burton Edward Douglas Ekaterina Mulsaev Elias Black Elizabeth Bay Emily Carter Emma Beatty Emanuella DeSilva Enoch Kouneva Eric Berger Erica Teague Evan Avery Evelyn McCarthy Frank Jones Franklin Goode Franz Klinger Frederick Steele Galel Seif Garfield Langly Gary Snow Gennady Mironov Gerald Wildman Gregory Kepner Grete Mikkelson Gordon Bitz Guy Croal Guy Jameson Hadley Dalton Halden Graves Hans Keltsrup Harley Grainger Harvey Clausen Heather Bentz Helen Baker Combs Hendrik DeVrie Hope Ellis Hunter Hale Ian Rolston Ike Stewart Ivy Song Iris Stein Izumi Minami Jada Marks Janos Jozsef Jason Chang Jean Faure Jenni Garbentzoff Jennifer Lee Jenny King Jia Kyung Ho Jias Long Heng Jillian Quigg Joel Weeks John Haskins Johnny Brungen Jorgen Thorstein José Costa Josh Dalton Joshua Vanstry Jovan Graviovic Julien Howard Junior Bookman Kade Mason Kane Rosito Karisma Chouhan Keira Whitman Kelly Randolf Kevin Hague Kimberly Bomo Kristine Lloyd Lan Nguyen Lane Carpenter Laura McAvoy Laurel Davis Lawrence Baxter Leon Woods Lia Macy Lily Morris Lisa Larson Lizzy Colton Lloyd Thompson Lorenzo Calvino Lucia Jimenez Luka Golubkin Luther Glass Lyn Cloyer Marc Sellers Mariana Arias Marietta Kyrkos Martin Giroud Mary Page Mary Malinaro Mary Stevens Marco Simmons Mathias Kohl Matt Cothran Max Weigel-Goetz Maxine Ford Mickey Pitt Mike Turner Mike Devlin Mia Bayer Mischa Lazarev Miguel Lopez Mikhaila Ilyushin Mitsuko Tokaji Miyu Okabe Morgan Yu Nash Underwood Natasha Nikova Neil Warnes Nickie Tannar Nicole Hague Nicholas Stillwater Nils Kjaergaard Octavia Figgs Oliver Benoit Omar Bolivar Otto Louda Pablo Meyers Patricia Varma Patricia Wang Perry Fullbright Peter Coleman Phong Vu Price Broadway Quinten Purvis Ramon Ridley Randall Wood Randolf Hutchinson Rani Chaudhary Raya Leiruat Regina Sellers Riley Butler Rich Ivers Richard Coveney Rodney Poole Rodrigo Diaz Roger Meir Rory Manion Ruby Stone Sadie Hall Salman Kapoor Sanjay Puri Sarah Elezar Scott Parker Sam Hertz Skye Braxton Steve Folson Steven Mueller Spencer Ogden Stone Blanchard Sylvain Bellamy Talia Brooks Tamiko Hayashi Thaddeus York Thomas Lutz Thomas Tucker Tobias Frost Todd Matsuyama Tom Cooper Tina Snow Titus Cromwell Trevor Young Umi Isaka Veer Singh Vincent Schubel "Volunteers" Walter Dahl William Mitchell Yuri Kimura Zachary West
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sproutlight · 4 years
Market Forces and Higher Education
As part of a movement toward more open discussion of the challenges and opportunities for higher education, I’m going to post a few of the reflections I’m writing for class here throughout this semester.
Many believe that the marketplace has overtaken state government as the dominant external force shaping (and reshaping) American higher education, even for public colleges and universities. As noted earlier, government support is not keeping pace with educational expenditures. Thus in many ways, the market is having more bearing on higher education than government. (Eckel & King, 2004, p. 15)
The shift away from state government funding across the country has often necessitated a rise in tuition and fees for students (Eckel & King, 2004). This change in the dynamic of who is funding education has also led to universities pressing for increased independence, so as to make changes to better meet market pressures. Such changes may include adjusting academic programs to accommodate changing employer needs and potential students’ perceived needs; increasing the size of programs in fields like engineering and business; or increasing research in areas of demand. Potential students, tasked with paying for an increasing share of the cost, have also started to view education as a financial investment that should have a commensurate return (Hensley et al., 2013). Concerns about opportunity in an era of increasing income inequality (Gould, 2019) make the stakes of this investment higher. This change also ties into a re-emergence of viewing education as primarily fulfilling vocational and competency-based purposes (behaviorist perspective), rather than one of whole person growth (liberal arts and humanistic perspectives) or social improvement (critical perspective) (Elias & Merriam, 2005).
I find this shift concerning because it pushes universities to prioritize in ways that may short-change education and ultimately not serve students’ and societies’ better interests. Students can see how learning to code would lead to a job but complain about taking humanities courses that do not offer as clear an outcome. Yet experts such as Michelle Baker (2018), the Executive CEO of Mozilla, argued that in the light of how new technologies unmoored by ethical considerations have negatively impacted the world, ethical frameworks should be included as part of a new wholistic STEM education model. In international education, the shift to a market-based perception of education has also led to some students increasingly viewing study abroad as a consumer service that should include all of the amenities of home, and should allow them to avoid the discomforts that may be endemic to a particular location (Ogden, 2008). However, avoiding the discomforts of study abroad also often means avoiding the opportunity to grow, wherein the challenges of embodied immersion into another culture lead to greater understanding of self and others.
The shift toward a consumer mindset, even in states like North Dakota where higher education remains relatively well-funded at the state level, is a challenge. Universities around the country need to recruit students, balance academic freedom against economic demand, and create new systems of cooperation across campuses. As we face these changes, wrestling with the questions of what we think the purpose of education is, how to best reshape systems into serving those goals, and how to communicate the value of such systems to current and potential students is one that I am hoping to discuss more in my class this semester and across campus.
Baker, M. (2018, December 19). The way we teach STEM is out of date. Here’s how we can update it. World Economic Forum. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2018/12/hacking-the-stem-syllabus
Eckel, P. D., & King, J. E. (2004). An overview of higher education in the United States: Diversity, access and the role of the marketplace. American Council on Education.
Elias, J. L., & Merriam, S. B. (2005). Philosophical foundations of adult education. Krieger Publishing Co.
Gould, E. (2019, March 27). Decades of rising economic inequality in the U.S. Testimony before the U.S. House of Representatives Ways and Means Committee. Economic Policy Institute. https://www.epi.org/publication/decades-of-rising-economic-inequality-in-the-u-s-testimony-before-the-u-s-house-of-representatives-ways-and-means-committee/
Hensley, B., Galilee-Belfer, M., & Lee, J. J. (2013). What is the greater good? The discourse on public and private roles of higher education in the new economy. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 35(5), 553-567.
Ogden, A. (2008). The view from the veranda: Understanding today’s colonial student. Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, 15, 35-55.
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sbknews · 2 years
Muñoz shines in the wet on Friday
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The impressive newcomer showed off some wet weather prowess to top the timesheets on Day 1 at Assen. Day 1 at the Motul TT Assen belonged to rookie David Muñoz (BOE Motorsports) as he went quickest in a very wet FP1 before repeating the feat in an improved but wet FP2. Tatsuki Suzuki (Leopard Racing) took second, just under a tenth and a half back, with Ryusei Yamanaka (MT Helmets - MSI) third within another half a tenth. FP1 Muñoz was quickest from the off in a wet Moto3™ FP1, fastest for the vast majority of the session at the TT Circuit Assen and ending it quickest ahead of Deniz Öncü (Red Bull KTM Tech3). John McPhee (Sterilgarda Husqvarna Max) was just 0.086 seconds in further arrears again in third. Suzuki was fourth with a 1:52.963 and fifth went to Alberto Surra (Rivacold Snipers Team) on a 1:53.176. Despite the tricky conditions, Surra was the only rider to take a tumble, but his late highside at Madijk was on the milder end of the scale. Muñoz and McPhee were also seen having their moments as the rain seemed to get somewhat heavier in the closing stages, but they managed to stay upright. The World Championship-leading GASGAS Aspar Team duo were a little further back on the timesheet. German GP winner Izan Guevara was seventh on a 1:53.575 and Sergio Garcia, whose margin in the riders’ standings has been cut to seven points, was eighth on a 1:54.115. Jaume Masia (Red Bull KTM Ajo) took ninth on a 1:54.306, whilst Dennis Foggia (Leopard Racing) was 3.184 seconds off the pace in 18th. FP2 The conditions had improved and therefore so did the laptimes, with everyone quicker in the afternoon. Muñoz remained the rider to beat, with Suzuki moving up to second with some more impressive pace. Yamanaka leapt up the timesheets into third, just ahead of British rookie Scott Ogden as the VisionTrack rider shone in FP2. Andrea Migno (Rivacold Snipers Team) completed the top five. There was only one crasher in FP2, too, as Elia Bartolini (QJMotor Avintia Racing Team) took a tumble, rider ok. Provisional Q2 places FP2 is the same as the combined timesheets, so it's Muñoz, Suzuki, Yamanaka, Ogden and Migno leading the way. Next up is Carlos Tatay (CFMoto PrüstelGP), ahead of SIC58 Squadra Corse duo Lorenzo Fellon and Riccardo Rossi. Öncü, the only rider to have scored in every race so far in 2022, is ninth as Masia completed the top ten. McPhee, Guevara and Ortola are next up, with Garcia currently the last rider set to move through... but everything could still change on Saturday morning, especially as the weather remains changeable! Tune in for FP3 at 9:00 (GMT +2), before qualifying from 12:35. FRIDAY: TOP 3 1 David Muñoz (BOE Motorsports) - KTM - 1'52.406 2 Tatsuki Suzuki (Leopard Racing) - Honda - +0.181 3 Ryusei Yamanaka (MT Helmets - MSI) - KTM - +0.232 For more Moto3 info checkout our dedicated Moto3 News page Or visit the official MotoGP website motogp.com Read the full article
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coliemoongaming · 4 years
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Alisa invited out Elias since she had a plan of attack for having him as her boyfriend...and he showed up like this. 
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greysoncapitalgroup · 6 years
It’s official, the book I’m coauthoring is being released this morning! And I’m asking for a huge favor and your support to help us hit #1 Bestseller Status on Amazon!
As part of the release, we put together a special offer plus over $200 in bonuses. Plus, 100% of the book profits from the Amazon paperback and Kindle sales will go to an awesome charity, Chair The Hope (details below).
Resilience, Turning Your Setback Into a Comeback is such a powerful book, and I’m so proud to be a part of it. It is an honor to be counted among this all-star group that includes entrepreneurs, professionals, real estate syndicators, speakers, authors, NFL players and mentors, a 2x US memory champion, PGA tour mentor, and many more.
These stories include how Nathan Ogden turned a tragic accident that left him a quadriplegic into now a calling to encourage others to find their life’s passion and purpose; how Mike Coleman the founder of Integrity Music relied on his faith to overcome a life-threatening five-year health battle; how Producer and TV Host Lisa Haisha courageously found freedom, hope, and significance by taking risks and serving others; how 2x US Memory Champion Ron White used resilience in overcoming a very difficult time in his life, including being homeless,
that now allows him to impact and honor thousands of veterans; and so many other powerful stories about persistence, courage, and resilience in the face of challenges. These stories will inspire you and give you hope, ideas and strategies that will impact both your personal and business journey.
I’m asking for your help and support today. When you get your Kindle or paperback copy (or copies) today, you will be supporting all the amazing contributors by helping us achieve #1 status! And, most importantly, you will be continuing your commitment to becoming more resilient in all aspects of your life.
The preferred time to grab your copy is this morning, Tuesday, December 4th between 10am and 12pm CST (8am-10am PST)! If you missed that time frame, it’s okay. Still grab your copy(s) today.
You can order the Kindle version at a special price of only 3.97 and the paperback for 11.97.
Click Here to order today http://ResilienceBookLaunch.com
Plus you will also receive over $200 of amazing gifts (see below).
And 100% of the book profits from Amazon this week will go to the charity ChairTheHope.com, a non-profit founded and run by one of our coauthors that provides and delivers wheelchairs to people in need locally and around the world!
*And remember, after you buy, please send an email to [email protected] with your Amazon order number, book quantity, and your comments so we can send you over $200 worth of gifts as a special thank you! All of the coauthors and I will be updated on who buys, their comments, and also their review of the book. Thank you in advance!
Bonus gifts include:
– Lisa Haisha’s 365 Day Writing & Coaching Journal PDF
– Tom Ziglar, The Ziglar Family 7 Day Challenge that will empower your family to thrive by equipping you to experience a week of wins.
– Roy Smoothe, The Jim Rohn Smoothe Mixx Collection including lessons from Jim Rohn set to music
– Ron White, 2x US Memory Champion’s How to Memorize Everything ebook
– Howard Partridge’s training package reveals How to Create a Phenomenal Culture in Any Organization
– Chris Widener’s 52 Lessons for Extraordinary Leadership
– Kyle Wilson’s Interview Package featuring interviews with Darren Hardy, Brian Tracy, and Phil Collen of Def Leppard, Plus 6 eBooks
On behalf of me, our designated charity—Chair The Hope—and all the Resilience coauthors, Kyle Wilson, Lisa Haisha, Keith Elias, Steve Fitzhugh, Nick Bradley, Ron White, Dr. Thomas Black, Chris Widener, Carla Lee Martinez, Nathan Ogden, A.M. Williams, Adam Buttorf, Alpesh Parmar, Anna Kelley, Carl Wehmeyer, Chad Kneller, Chelsea Newman, Diana Hightower, Doug Kelley, EJ Sansone, Glen Mather, Greg Zlevor, Daniel Zlevor, Howard Pierpont, Jared Christian, Josh & Emily Houser, Julian Sado, Justin Brooks, Justin Richards, Matthew Hayden, Meredith Besse Maggio, Michael Blank, Mike Coleman, Nicholas J. Scalzo, Paul M. White, Sean C. Na, Tammy Thrasher Mitchell, and Tim Hubbard,
Everyone involved has put a lot of work and energy into making sure this book and the lessons inside it will make a positive difference and a ripple in the world. We are honored that you are taking the time to read and help start that ripple.
Thank you for your support!
PS – Click here to get your Kindle or Paperback copy http://ResilienceBookLaunch.com today and help us hit bestseller status. We hope to see your name on the book buyer and review list! Make sure to email [email protected] with your order number and qty so they can send you your gifts and let the authors know you purchased. This book makes great personal development reading for the whole book club!
PSS – Please leave a review after you buy your copy (and click Yes on other 5-star reviews to let others know they are helpful)! NOTE: To leave a review, you must buy a copy and be signed in on Amazon, otherwise your review will be removed from Amazon and will not count.
Kind Regards,
Justin Richards
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coliemoongaming · 4 years
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Even though I like Holly, I’m kinda hoping that Alisa and Elias get together! What do you guys think? And for Nikolai maybe he could be with Holly or Aiyanna (I’m kinda leaning towards Aiyanna but we’ll see. It’ll have to be with someone whose traits go better with his). 
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coliemoongaming · 4 years
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Yet again poor Alisa loses. Better luck next time kiddo. 
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