#Edel? Cannot accept nabateans
randomnameless · 2 years
i took it more as some Edel knows Byleth's part Nabatean, so she thought they would obviously side with Rhea and not with her, and she's grateful they picked her in the Holy Tomb
Oh, yep this is more in thoughts with what she meant in this line.
But if you couple it with her S support where's she's happy the Nabateans have been destroyed (the jp version of her S support!)...
She says this to a Billy who has blue hair again, a Billy who was part Nabatean and is not part Nabatean anymore...
So, what are we supposed to think?
Apparently, being Nabateans means you are not a human, and incapable of human feelings, less having any regards for human life (Edel's JP quote against the IO!).
In a way, in continues the general feeling you can get from Hubert's support with Billy that Billy's Nabatean heritage is something they should be ashamed of or something that cannot and will not be accepted in the post Tru Piss world.
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randomnameless · 3 years
There was a “joke” post that circulated about lords siding with a certain person (the result is... no one picks her path), and I didn’t want to reblog it with serious thoughts - and I was like, the second any Lord hears about certain ideas regarding another race, they’d bail out immediately.
While fantastic racism is still racism, the main issue depicted in the game (but hidden or not picked upon because framing is a thing) is coexistence.
... Right ?
Each time Edel harps about “creatures” it is because she thinks they are controlling Fodlan, or are just living here with humans :
“You are a child of the goddess. You must not be allowed power over the people”
“Should the one leading the people of the world be someone with humanity or a creature that can merely masquerade as a human at will?”
A redditer once put it in simple terms, but it feels like the “Separate but Equals” doctrine, with all its implications - creatures should not have power over humans, but humans are allowed to have power over them.
Creatures are not allowed to live near human settlments and are allowed to “retire” from the world, but banned from interacting with it.
So while I do not think CF!Edel is going to destroy Macuil, who is living in Sreng (unless she uses him as a pretense, she will send troops to free her Sreng allies from his evil yoke and forget to pull them back when the bird’s dead?), CF!Edel still has the ominous
“You could have had a peaceful life... Why did you have to come to Garreg Mach?”
when pitted against... Flayn.
If Flayn never came to Garreg Mach, she would have been allowed to live a peaceful life, but far from... humans? Humanity? Civilisation?
But this? This is what we are supposed to think!
Bar the, um, ludicrousness of thinking Flayn rules over humans, especially since the person thinking this is the leader of the country who gave the biggest middle finger to the Church, there is the Indech paralogue.
No matter how many twists or paperwork involved, the fact is the BE knows Edel will terminate Indech. Euphemisms like “It will be troublesome” cannot shake the feeling that since day 1, Edelgard, who said she wishes to obliterate Children of the Goddess because they are controlling the world, obliterates many things to get control of various countries, but not Children of the Goddess.
Dimitri and Claude must disappear for Fodlan to be united, thus to gain control over the world, but Rhea? Why is she on the hit-list, especially after having been driven away from Garreg Mach and not having any power over “the people” anymore?
Again, CF is very revealing about her views on Children of the Goddess, even if the lolcalisation team tried to smooth the angles :
In the localised version, against Rhea, during their final fight, she says :
So it's true. You don't value human life at all. Isn't that right, Immaculate One? 
But in the original, jp, version, she says this instead :
やはり、貴方が大事なのは人ではないのね。 “白きもの”……女神の眷属よ !
After the “Immaculate One”, Edel pauses and adds... Child/ren of the Goddess.
So it isn’t Rhea, the IO, who doesn’t “value human life at all”, nope. It’s something inherent to all “children of the goddess” (or other reading, Edel thinks CoG is an insult, which... doesn’t help her case.at.all.).
From a doylist POV, I can see why this only comes late in the game, and was hidden, in CF at least, because Billy has to be misguided, starting with “I hate children of the goddess because they abuse power”.
Then it becomes “I hate children of the Goddess because they have power over humans”.
The ultimate CF golden nugget, is “I hate children of the Goddess because they do not value human life”. Indech’s paralogue (meaning you recruited someone else from the usual BE member, hinting at a second PT?) heavily suggests “I hate children of the Goddess, even if they don’t have power over humans”.
So, both to fit with the theme Billy’s lied to in CF and because finding justifications to hide why you hate a different race/species is what is commonly done to hide your most hideous opinions, Edel couldn’t have started CF saying, overtly, “I hate Children of the Goddess, they’re not like us, look they don’t value human lives!” - Watsonian wise... if the game didn’t have big issues with framing, it would sound weird because, hm, Flayn was a member of their House and apparently managed to get along with several people, you do not bother to get along with people you don’t care about and/or value.
But in a way, isn’t it, just the same thing?
By hiding behind “I don’t mind them, just hidden from my eyes and without influence over the world”, it doesn’t remove the main issue, coexistence with Nabateans is impossible.
Let it be their physical or spiritual presence, their existence is outright rejected - as I pointed out in an earlier post, wanting to get rid of “crests” effectively means, wanting to get rid of Nabateans.
“They” are not like “us”. They do not value our lives (or being called a “Child of the Goddess” is an insult).
This is where the most beautiful redshit takes grow, from the “it isn’t racist to call them beast because they technically are “beasts”” - I am sure if I call you an evolved paramecia, even if it might be technically true, you will not feel honored - to the emmy worthy takes “Nabateans are responsibles for what happened to them, it’s their fault because they flaunted their superpowers”.
As an evil person said :
Everyone has something that is unacceptable within them. I certainly do, and I'd wager you do as well.
I wonder which is best, Professor... To cut away that which is unacceptable, or to find a way to accept it anyway...
Post CF, Nabateans are effectively cut away, since their existence was unacceptable. Let it be physically or condamned to a life in hiding.
For someone who cannot accept Nabateans, the most suitable ending is to remove her love interest’s nabatean blood, Billy can reject their blood, their life support and even their tacky hair!
i forgot the point i wanted to make  In the FE series, coexistence is always sought after, let it be between two different species, or two different nations, or even two different people and their visions. In FE16? No one gives a frick about this issue, even when it is the leitmotiv of the primary force in the game (save for the aforementionned evil person).
We can even say this game, with its hard-on for unification, gives a negative answer - there is no need to accept the unacceptable or to try to get along or to coexist with others, if others are part of you.
CF at least had the balls to drop the mic and go full “you should cut away the things you cannot accept”, while it can be foggy at first, it hits hard when the “things you cannot accept” are... a group of people.
Tl; Dr : When usual lords pick the “find a way to accept and get along with everyone”, Edel fully embraces the “cut away and destroy it”, even if this mindset leads to finishing Nemesis’s party and removing Nabateans from Fodlan. The game doesn’t challenge it though, and it’s a pity.
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randomnameless · 2 years
I try not to be that guy who's like "fiction affects reality" "it has a bad influence on people" cause I don't think that's necessarily true. Just because people liked the Joker or the GTA franchise doesn't mean that there's going to be a rise in mass shootings or anything like that. But at the same time, with the rhetoric these Edelstans are throwing, they're making it hard to believe that day by day, isn't it?
And then people will tell you playing video games makes children violent, because they can't make a difference between jumping on a mushroom in a fantasy life from jumping on a mushroom in real life.
I think it's just ultimately the nature of Discourse, people don't want to nerd about their VG characters, they try to write serious things about it, link it to serious themes and concepts
(basically me)
And there's nothing wrong with this!
But incorporating real-life smelly arguments to strengthen your fictional essay... especially since, in real life, those arguments are not acceptable ; you're not going to look smarter.
Still, what are we supposed to deduce from someone who honestly believes it's alright to kill every member of a minority who's been framed because my fave is charismatic - in a video game - ?
What are we supposed do take from someone who says it's alright to occupy other sovereign states because they used to be part of a bigger one actually led by a charismatic ruler who wants to go back to their land's glory days - in a video game - ?
Those are red flags, in the video game, where the player is supposed to nope out on this, and question the morality of the character. Like them, hate them, they are still this character, but with opinions.
However, nowadays, you cannot like a character who's not morally "acceptable" because it means you endorse what they say... so the character is perfectly good and alright.
Or should have, remember, early fandom pulled out the Teacher Theory because the alternative (canon) means a character might not be morally "clean".
But now that all of those are debunked, and the character starts to be accepted by fandom at large as a "morally not white" character, some try to use the "they're all war criminals" to diminish the impact, when some go further -
Ironically, the takes from those fans... endorse what the character says or was meant to represent, in a purely non filtered form. Because she said they are "cruel beasts", her word is absolute, so they believe and spread what she said, even when the game explains the contrary.
We're not on the "she's not an imperialist you're just a hater with ovaries" level anymore, we are crossing in the "she is an imperialist? Well those countries never existed to begin with so it's not really imperialism".
We're beyond the "she doesn't want to erase Nabateans, she just wants them gone from the world they can run away" to "maybe their genocide was deserved, because they ruled over humans and this race has always been oppressive and evil".
The first ones realise there are things you cannot justify so try to find roundabout ways to avoid them, maybe write Fics or something - but the new (at least on the dash?) ones fully embrace the fact that nothing will stop them from defending the fave, even justifying racism and imperialism.
Fiction doesn't affect reality, for a charismatic person has always been able to affect people around them - hopefully not anyone finds Edel charismatic enough to forget basic morals and rights.
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randomnameless · 2 years
That explains why there are so many articles from the so called "game journalists" declaring AM as the worst route or bad ending route. AM is essentially the golden route where only the bad guys die if you play it right. They cannot accept that because Edie is not bad and they drag AM to the mud as much as possible to cover up that common sense conclusion.
If AM is the story about Dimitri's journey and the personal connection he has to Edel, then Shambala and the lizards cannot fit in - so it is a true golden ending if the Nabatean subplot isn't resolved (granted, it is not resolved in the other endings too so...) ?
I'd have love to see reformed!Dimitri try to talk to Thales, or Myson or some Agarthans to tell them that revenge against the world is useless, and they don't have to nuke Fodlan to gain their revenge against Sothis and her children, they could all put the past behind them and try anew, maybe living on the surface together with humans and nabateans?
(and then it doesn't work, because if Dimitri can put tragedies behind him to focus on the present, some people are only focused on the past, without caring about the present or the future)
But yep, "game journalists" trying very hard to retcon the game because they don't want to confess they've been had by the marketing they participated in and how the main Dany-coloured heroine isn't, actually, a heroine... is sad to watch.
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randomnameless · 2 years
Since you raised the question, how do you think willy got his crest ?
kinky sword joke
I think it was a consensual act on Rhea's part, to lampshade the difference between how Wilhelm got his "crest" from Nemesis'n'Dudes.
If she did it to heal him - like she did with Jeralt - it would, somehow, make some sort of sense -
To Seiros the Warrior who appeared after the butchery of her family, the death of her human friend might not have been something she was willing to accept (she is a warrior now, she isn't Rhea anymore ! why people are still dying when she is supposed to be here to protect them?) and she saved him.
Wilhelm would have received his crest because he was saved by a Nabatean, when Riegan and pals received theirs after killing a Nabatean.
-> it would be even more interesting if Rhea opened the barn and broke a taboo to save a human, if Nabateans were forbidden to share their blood to save humans - because even if she didn't think of the consequences, now Willy got a crest, and his heirs will get Rhea's too.
So, by wanting to save some dude, Rhea "cursed" his family with her "blood".
Should she have saved him - even if it meant giving her powers to his family ?
It all depends on Wilhelm's character (who and what was he) but by doing this, she, imo, believed in a world with humans and nabateans living together.
Saving Willy means Wilhelm the human became someone important to Rhea the Nabatean, important enough to make Seiros the Warrior reconsider her initial point of view about humans.
If she did it to offer power and secure an alliance to fight against Nemesis -
Seiros trusts Wilhelm to do the right thing with her powers, for Fodlan and its people - but again, it is giving power, not only to Willy, but also to his descendants, who might not be as trustworthy. Did Rhea ignore those warnings because Willy was "special" or because she really needed his help ?
Trusting Willy too much led to Ionius and Edel, so again, it's the consequences of her previous actions and the main question "should she have trusted that human"?
Yes, but not with her powers because humans cannot be trusted with "powers" like theirs, or technology (like Agartha).
It would lead to those famous bans - oil is good and could help Faerghans be warm during winter, but what if Richard II suddenly wanted to weaponise it and create bombs, or if Ionius III started a war to put his hands on those oil deposits, claiming Faerghus has "weapons of mass destruction" ?
No matter what, I think Wilhelm got his crest because Rhea wanted it even with the accidental kinky sword joke theory and his situation is very different from the Elites.
Which hits even harder when the events of FE16 happen, because the humans who received their crests consensually and were trusted by the Nabateans... suddenly (or not so suddenly) rebel against them and wants them gone of Fodlan, when the humans who stole Nabatean blood and hunted their race to near extinction... actually help and support them.
Morale of the story : Children shouldn't be held accountable for the sins or the heroics of their parents.
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randomnameless · 3 years
I was wondering -
When Thales says this to Flamey, who is he refering to?
You are our greatest creation. We used the defiled beast's blood as the fuel to your flame, that you may burn even the gods. 
Who is the “defiled” beast?
In (google translated) japanese he mentions something about corruption, but the meaning is more or less similar?
He isn’t talking about Sothis, since Sothis isn’t a beast but the Fell Star. Is he talking about Rhea? But why would she be “defiled” if she is born as beast with her own powers.
Nemesis is a mere “thief” and he was the only source of Sothis blood they had on hand - so he cannot talk about him.
Or is Thales refering to a previous carrier of the Crest of Seiros? Humans and nabateans are both beasts, but given how the Crest of Seiros wasn’t passed on by eating a nabatean, like what happened with Dominic and pals, Thales would see anyone descending from a human who blood-bonded with a nabatean a “defiled” beast? They’d be even lower from a normal bestial non-agarthan human because those humans accepted to work with Nabateans?
Tl; Dr : To build Edel, Thales and pals diced Otto III and Ionius IV (or even Willy himself?) to extract the remnants of Rhea’s blood in their organism. And Rhea’s blood was used as “fuel” or a conductor to gain Sothis blood.
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randomnameless · 3 years
Not wanting to start anything, but I don't think Rhea was used for crest beasts experiments in SS/AM/VW. In CF the Empire still produces them, and she's not in jail. I don't know what happened to her, but maybe she was just in her jail for 5 years?
Well, that’s right, the Aghartans had to use something else than Rhea to get their crest beasts in CF and other stuff, iirc in CF when Dedue’n’pals transform in crest beasts, they’re normal demonic beasts or advanced demonic beasts?
Still, when Rhea is rescued in SS/VW, she immediatly goes (after a small infodump) in Lizard sleep mode for an entire month. Given how Nabateans sleep when they’re gravely injured (Flayn, Sothis, post-Shambala Rhea and apparently Macuil after we defeat him) Rhea wasn’t just sitting in her cell for 5 years, she sustained damages needing her to recover.
Claude accepts it, and is even willing to wait until she feels better to have an answer to all of his questions.
I can only suppose things, since the game never really tried to tell us what happened to Rhea, did the mole people extract something from her to turn Edel in the Hegemon we fight at the end of AM? Was Rhea used in some way to resurrect Nemesis? Did something happen to her to make her berserk in SS?
We will never know.
The thief in SS said Hubert thought bringing her to Shambala would be a good countermeasure against the Mole People, but in her state she cannot do a thing (and if Billy lost it’d have been giving premium material to Uncle Arundel and pals to make a new dagger or something). 
As friends pointed out, this line feels really weird, was Hubert daft enough to think post-jail Rhea could, in the state she was, fight against Uncle and his beasts, or did he ignore what state she was in? In his letter though, he confesses she’s not in good health so... Either the added thief adds an odd retcon (they planned to use her to fight but uh oh wait she’s dying) or Hubert really kept her, not as a countermeasure but as a bargaining chip to prevent Uncle Arry from nuking them all, and since there is no bargain to be held once Edel’s dead then they can send Rhea to Uncle Arry’s lair maybe she will kill him then die from her wounds, or something...
I’m pretty sure she wasn’t just chilling in her cell during 5 years. 
Maybe I’m imagining things, but Rhea a former (?) frontline fighter, who fought a war for more or less 90 years, punched a dude in the face wouldn’t need to Nabatean sleep for a month after 5 years of imprisonment. 
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randomnameless · 4 years
I was browsing a tag (i know i shouldn’t do that) and i read an old post nerding about ancient civilisations and parallels with FE16 which made me glee bcs i love to nerd about history 
But then i was disappointed 
Important Agarthans seem to have greek names (?) so they could be ancient greece, okay why not (the superiority complex over the rest of the world feels adequate but then idk if Socrates (Soloncrates?) would call actual humans beasts or not).
But then it was affirmed that Rhea, not the Nabateans, but Rhea, was Ancient Rome (Romea?). She 1) razed the Agarthans, 2) expanded the Church in the continent and 3) allied with Wilhelm of Adrestia and later Loog who represents the various germanic tribes.
Which made me raise an eyebrow.
1) I’ve already posted earlier about the Sothis/Agartha war but here it seems a bit odd to single out Rhea amidst her people for having rekt Agartha when it was, at most, a collective action of several Nabateans, regardless of the fact that Rhea may or not have participated in the first war.
Also, in FE16, the Nabateans gave their technology to Agarthans, who in turn developed it and turned against them. Ancient Rome was tsun-tsun with their greek neighbours, but it is now commonly accepted that the first romans tried to “copy” or at least were heavily inspired by Ancient Greece to build a national identity. I mean Virgil even wrote a poem to make a Trojan ancestor to what would later become the roman people, and that’s not talking about how the old Roman pantheon borrowed the Greek one but with aliases worse than Danved and Devdan...
In FE16, “Greece” actually borrowed/received their technology from “Rome” but tried to attack “Rome” and failed. “Rome” retaliated, destroyed “Greece” to the point where romans don’t even know what “Greece” was and can only make suppositions about its existence. 
This doesn’t match RL history.
2) Expanding the Church in the continent : this is actually speculation, but afaik, when Adrestia conquered the continent, its religion would have automatically been spread? Still, comparing the Church of Seiros to another religion starting with a C doesn’t really work.
Adrestia was founded by a dude who had been annointed by Seiros herself. The Church, or at least Seiros and her pals, already existed before the Empire. Constantine the Great was the first Emperor to convert to christianity, but he was not the founder of Rome! Christianity became a “state” religion after Constantine. Heck, Julian thought his uncle’s religion was lousy so he returned to a polytheist cult.
In FE16, the only schism between Adrestia (the Empire) and the Church happened after the Southern Church was expelled, giving a good 1000 years of church approved Empire.
Saying Romea expanded the reach of the church through out all of Fodlan isn’t wrong, iirc part of the mediation accepting the Kingdom’s existence is to allow the church to preach in the newly formed kingdom, but i’m not sure it could be tied to RL history, because in Fodlan, Wilhelm walked side by side with Jesus, and Jesus crowned him Emperor. Jesus won against Nemesis. Adrestia’s legitimacy/creation comes from Jesus.
So I don’t think it’s Rhea expanding the reach of the Church through Fodlan, but more Seiros is part of the Empire’s lore, she’s that actual saintly figure who defeated the strongest man ever so everywhere in the Empire tales of Seiros and her deeds are heard of, it makes sense to follow/buy her story. 
Also, if the “religion” the church of Seiros preaches is the rewritten history, people must have “converted” after the unification of Fodlan and yet, if Seirosism is the state religion, and the state is controlling Fodlan, can we say Romea expanded her religion through the continent, or Fodlan, after being conquered by Adrestia, automatically became Seirosist?
It would actually echo the bid to allow the Church to preach in the newly formed Faerghus, if Loog wanted to fig off Adrestia, he might even want to have a different religion than the one from the Empire he came from, hell, the Kingdom even returned to the former naming practices existing before Adrestia. 
The Church would have wanted to make sure that no matter what Loog was doing with his bunch of humans in the North, he would still believe crests are a gift from the goddess, they shouldn’t be misused and if you ever find Macuil don’t murder him to make weapons out of his body.
short story long story : it’s the story of the egg and the chicken, did Seirosism became the leading religion in the continent because Rhea actively preached around, or because it was Adrestia’s state religion? idk.
3) Rome “allied” (well, TC said Rome lorded and traded with germanic tribes until shit hit the fan) with germanic tribes. They could be traded with. But they were not roman citizens. I’m not that well versed in this part of the Roman Empire (even if some part of France was classified as Germania at that time! RIP Franche-Comté T-T). Thing is, Rome never asked for Germania’s help to defeat some enemy, hell, when barbarians invasions happened, it hit Germania first and then Rome.
This is where the Romea analogy falls. 
First of all, Wilhelm became Wilhelm of Adrestia thanks to Seiros who annointed/crowned him, without Seiros there is no Adrestia. (iirc in one of Seiros’ books it is said Seiros makes emperors out of men, and the tradition needs the archbishop to bear witness each time a new emperor is crowned, so i suppose Rhea crowned/proclamed/anointed/made Wilhelm an Emperor).
Rome never had that kind of influence (afaik?) on the various germanic tribes. 
Before Adrestia we had Enbarr and, I guess, several tribes. As I see it (it may be wrong!) Adrestia is made to mirror Rome, sort of. Wilhelm “of Adrestia” set out to conquer unify the world. Now, did Seiros told him to conquer the world or did he came to that conclusion alone, we will never know. And yet, in the time period we’re speaking of (antiquity?), there’s no “Germanic Empire”. Adrestia started as an unified state, not as several tribes. Adrestia thus cannot be likened to “germanic tribes”.
Second, Loog did not receive help from Rhea, but it’s implied (still it’s from the shadow library so i’m not holding it against the TC) he received help from Mole People. 
But from what we know, in the Vanilla game, Loog defeated the Emperor of Adrestia. It is during the aftermath that the Empire, House Charon and the Church negotiated and decided Loog could found his Kingdom. I do not see how Rhea “allied” with the guy, nor, again, what kind of germanic tribe he represents given how he actually got his independance from the Empire to create his own Kingdom.
Then we have another set of facts which are less about history and more about the game, but for the history ones : 
Romea cannot 4) enforce the will of the Church and Western branch rebelling mirrors Rome’s western’s provinces being unruly and Romea gradually losing grasp on Adrestia 5) The Church isn’t completely sacked but still remains in CF to mirror Rome’s “gradual” fall/out of powerlessness (for funsies 6) Edel and the Agarthans make Rome face what they did to Greece and represent the germanic tribes coming after Rome after they managed to free themselves from its influence)
4) Unless I’m mistaken, the most occidental border of the Empire was the Atlantic Ocean?  astérix is a product of french chauvinism 
Northern borders were more problematic, we had Hadrian’s Wall to keep Picts at bay and in the 3rd century the “Saxon Shore” to fend off against invaders coming by the sea. 
Of course around this time there was an important crisis that weakened the Empire, so it might explain why there was unrest everywhere. This crisis saw the birth of the Western Gallic Empire, but also of the Eastern Palmyrene Empire (everyone was happy when Diocletian unified the empire afterwards). After, let’s say, 300ish, the Empire, in general, had difficulties to deal with and keep its borders.
Back to FE, the western church rebelling is actually at odds with Rome, because when it comes to religious stuff, the eastern provinces were the most concerned/active, not the western ones (1st council of nicea was made because of the arian controversy (The Son and the Father are the same entity or not? Discuss) in the eastern provinces). 
Apparently, the Western Church rebels because they don’t like/follow the creed of the Central Church, but if we wanted to keep the Rome analogy, it should have been the Eastern church rebelling. From what we see, it is not because they follow another religion, but they have a difference in doctrine (but then it is muddled because mole people, otoh, it is never said that the western church thinks seiros is a hax or the goddess doesn’t exist, they want to claim lands on behalf of Saint Cichol which means they adhere, at least, to the main dogma about saints) and really don’t like Rhea for some reason. tbh i think some “germanic tribes” converted to arianism but they weren’t the theologists who theorised it
Central Church lost its grasp on Adrestia in 1065 (iirc?) when the southern branch was expelled. Idk if everything was fine and dandy before, but given how Rhea oversaw the construction of Garreg Mach after the WoH and tried to resurrect Sothis with the Chalice, I’d say she already said “peace i’m out” to Adrestia and would just be there for some ceremonies (crowning/being a witness for new emperors i suppose).
I’ve said it earlier, but Adrestia is not supposed to represent the “germanic tribes”, Adrestia is Rome. Adrestia having german names could also mean that the devs were lazy because Gaius Claudius isn’t a funky name, but the HRE was situated in western-central europe. Edel’s rebellion against the central church could mirror HRE and the Reformation, save for the fact that Edel dgaf about the goddess bcs humanity doesn’t need gods or something. So the analogy doesn’t really work...
5) Coming to which, CF!Church is not anything like Seirosism or, i suppose, the former Sothisism cult. Various bloggers already tore this take apart, but the “Church” in post CF-Fodlan seems to be less spiritual and more of an organisation which is overseen by the Emperor. 
I mean, if Edel says humans don’t need gods, what is the Church supposed to do? Fodlan has a cult? A religion? Faith? Faith in what? People are supposed to be free to chose what to believe in, but it is clear that “humans” don’t need gods, so what? You can believe in whatever you want, but not in Sothis because we don’t need her, and fig to the children of the Goddess or fig you if you’re still a follower of Seirosism? Rome still exists nowadays as a capital of a living country, I cannot affirm the Church exists, or if whatever the church of Seiros did is still maintained.
Also, “Rome” as in the Roman Empire (kind of) survived with the Byzantine Empire and the HRE. I don’t think offshoots of the Church of Seiros would be allowed to prosper in CF’s Fodlan.
6)  :)
I cannot remember if Romea’s people (well a civilisation cannot have brethrens it’s not a being!) were turned into various weapons by Socrates and Plato (if they had been blacksmiths i’d have been more interested in philosophy classes i swear) but as far as i know Edel’s Adrestia didn’t wage war against Romea because of her conquests or what she did to Soloncrates/Ancient Greece, nope or to free Adrestia from Romea (especially since Adrestia got rid of the church since 1065). Edel wants to conquer the world and change the “system” in place.
Bonus : About names, yes, the devs validated the “Adrestia is both rome and germany combined” which is as WTF as it seems, and yet, last Emperor from the HRE was named Francis II with his birth name being Franz Joseph Karl which is very far removed from, idk, Trajan being Marcus Ulpius Trajanus. I don’t think the devs thought a lot about names tbh, still, if Emperor Wilhelm might sound “german” and yet his second name Paul, is latin (paulus) so idk. Ionius was apparently a name used in Rome?
#FE16#wew that was long#semi-rant?#history of fodlan?#not going to pick everything apart of course#this post was made before the DCL and the Dev's interview#but i thought it was clear since the beginning that Adrestia was Rome#it fell apart and now it's a shell of itself like HRE#especially with the von switch#Romea#I'm not that knowledgeable on ancient roman history btw#or the roman empire through the ages#yes rome had trouble to deal with germanic tribes#but at one point rome even had trouble dealing with itself so#After Trajan Rome kind of fell apart and was never able to recover#i was bored to death by a class of the council of nicea and arianism so if i can use it for once in a fandom related post i will#now i know i'm hammering wilhelm/lycaon being emperors of the world#but lbr if seiros really wanted to rule she would have been able to who was going to challenge her?#she defeated nemesis she is the prophet#otoh when the church doctrine started to become wide-spread?#what was even the church of seiros during the war? Rhea cannot rewrite history if people are living in the same era#i mean more of this looks like a rant but i felt the Greece/Rome antagonism was misunderstood#jupiter is totally not zeus because we thought your pantheon looked cool so we wanted to copy it nope#nabateans were the more advanced ones who shared with aghartians not the inverse#and then i went on a wiki spree#pre imperial era#if we have to HC everything about Fodlan then i'd rather waste my time pondering about pre imperial Fodlan than anything else#i am very proud of soloncrates if you wonder
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