starheirxero · 5 months
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arc-misadventures · 2 years
Prank Wars AU: How does Cinder react to Adrian calling her Aunty, even though her and Jaune have only been dating a few weeks?
Prank War IV
Saphron: So, how did my brother land a hot babe like you?
Cinder:There’s not much of a story to tell.
Saphron: Seriously? Jaune, getting a girlfriend like you, and there isn’t one hell of a story to tell?
Cinder: You don’t think your brother can’t get a girl like me?
Saphron: Yes.
Cinder: Are the rest of your sisters like this to, Jaune too?
Saphron: Well… It’s, Jaune. So yeah.
Cinder: Well… That explains, Jaune’s self doubt issues.
Saphron: Quit looking for excuses, and tell me how you two got together!
Cinder: Very well. Jaune, and I got into a prank war. Just playing little pranks, and teasing one another. But, there was an unspoken rule that no pranks could be done if we hurt one another, or were too embarrassing.
Saphron: Bet, he got you good. We used to have little prank wars all the time. Jaune was… rather vindictive with some of his pranks…
Cinder: Oh, he was… Anyway, this was just between me, and Jaune. Then one day this team of students, Team CRDL got involved, and pulled a prank on me…
Saphron: What happened?
Cinder: I rather not talk about it. All I will say is that it was extremely humiliating. Everyone was pointing in laughing at me in a way that… broke me. I saw, Jaune among them, and I was terrified how he would act, but, he grabbed a blanket, and covered me up, and took me to the nurses office to gwt looked after. Called my team, and then when they came to check up on me, he left.
Saphron: Then what happened?
Cinder: Nothing. He did nothing because of what happened so, I tried to do something myself.
Saphron: Another prank?
Cinder: No, but he thought it was one.
Saphron: Oh ho ho ho~! You did something spicy didn’t you~?
Cinder: I wore a rather… skimpy maid uniform as a thank you for him helping me.
Saphron: Oh, I bet you looked good in it~!
Cinder: Well, we did make use of it later~! But, he ran when he first saw me in it. But, we managed to clear things out after that, went on a few dates, and here I am; Taking a mini vacation with him to visit his family.
Saphron: But, your happy though, you seem very happy.
Cinder: I’ve never been more happier in all my life before. Meeting, Jaune was the best thing to ever happen to me.
Saphron: That’s nice to hear. He seems really happy with you too. Take good care of him, or else.
Cinder: Don’t worry, I’ll keep good care of him.
Saphron: I’m serious; You hurt him, or you’re gonna regret it…
Cinder: N-Noted…
Saphron: Good! Well, I best get dinner ready. You mind watching, Adrian for a bit?
Cinder: What?! No! Nonono! I don’t think that’s a good idea!
Saphron: Oh relax, you’ll be fine! Adrian’s a little angel! Well, have fun!
Cinder: Uhh…?!
Adrian: …
Cinder: Hello…?
Adrian: Bwah~!
Cinder: …
Cinder: Oh you are so adorable~!
Jaune: Hey, Saph, Cindy, we’re back!
Saphron: Hey, Jaune! go check on your girlfriend, she’s in the living room watching, Adrian.
Terra: Is something wrong?
Saphron: No, everything is fine! Mostly…
Jaune: Okay…?
Terra: Is everything fine?
Saphron: Eh… Depends on how you look at it.
Jaune: Hey, Cindy! Is everything… Okay…?
Cinder: You are so precious! How can you be such a cute little angel! Yes you are! Yes you are~!
Adrian: Bha-hahaha~!
Jaune: Uhh… Everything alright, Cinder?
Cinder: Adry! Adry! Tell, Uncle Jaune what you called me!
Adrian: Aunty Cindy!
Cinder: you hear that, Jaune! He called me, Aunty Cindy! Oh that is so precious!
Jaune: Oh that is cute.
Cinder: Aunty Cindy~! Oh that is so cute~! He needs a sibling!
Jaune: Uhhh… You want, Terra to have another kid?
Cinder: Only if you, and Terra are willing to have another one!
Jaune: Uhh… W-What are you talking about?
Cinder: Don’t lie to me, Jaune! I recognize his adorable pout anywhere! Its the same as the one you have!
Jaune: …
Jaune: Saph!
Saphron: You’ll thank me for it!
Jaune: Haa… Okay! I am the father, just leave at that. Besides, I don’t think, Terra wants another one anyone.
Terra: If it means I get to sleep with you again I do!
Jaune: Wait, what?!
Cinder: Wait! I have a better idea~!
Jaune: Haa… And, that idea would be?
Cinder: Well, how about you give me a baby instead~?
Jaune: …
Saphron: Why don’t you have a threesome with, Terra! That way you can each have a kid!
Terra: I’m down for that!
Jaune: WHAT?!
Cinder: Oh, now doesn’t that sound fun; what do you say, are you up for it too, Daddy~?
Jaune: …
Jaune: Haa… I knew I would regret bringing you here…
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